V6 Cornar ,f PM. Mon 535313, 133.90 #31 MW HUNTER CREEK RESERVOIR AND FIRST ENLARGEMENT, BEING WITHIN PROPERTY OWNED 8V TOP OF ASPEN, LOCATED IN LOT No?s 3 AND 4 OF P.E. 640 AND LOT No?s 5 AND 7 OF H.E, I46, ALL IN SECTION 4, I0 R. 84M, OF THE 6Ih F.M. TIRE SITUATED ENTIRELV 57?4r7 AREA - 2A5 ACRES STORAGE 247,5 AF. AXIS 0F 2 PROPOSED DAM Law 4 HIGH Mm?? LINE if?fu 52-74 IMAP CREEK RISERVOIR AND a IRRIGATION DIVISION N0 5 I ATER NO. 38 REFERRED TO TRUE MERIDIAN I SCALE I INCH 100 FEET Ice :24175554?4 [Orrgmal highvwalen TABLE I STATEMENT ?Total 1 Capacny KNOW ALI. MEN BY THESE ThaI Ihe undersIgned Top Area 0! Aspen, IncI, Claimam, whose posI 0 address Is Hex I730, Aspen, Square Acre Colorado, has caused to be lucaIed Ihe Hunter Creek Reservom and Feet Enlargemern as hereinaher? memIGned, has made these Severa? slaIemenIS the same In compliance wim Ihe Iaws of (he The accompanying map \he IocaIIcm consIrucIed and a parl of I 0! Colorado . and enlargemem, 32000 0 62200 I ISBIOO a 9 0 I 2 3 MaXImum heIgm of lhe dam vaH be 23 IeeI. 4 274000 5 M1000 I7. 6 7 a 9 SECOND: The I 5] mm 0! survey DI the hIgh waler? Ime the reservoIr Is IceaIed al poInI I on the Iraverse Irom whence the Easi Comer? oI I euIsoo 4,1 Semlon 5, Township Io South, Range ea Wesx eI the am PM. ?Bear?s Norm I 735000 57' WesI 1459.06 1eet. 752350 74?s . I TabIe I givea Ihe area square and me caDdc'Ity Ir. eere IeeI, Ior each Inc! In rdepkh oI the reservoxr and enIargemen rom mo I bouom ol the on tube ax Ihe upper? and hereof, up Ia and Indudmg vhe hIgh . 747.0 waIer IIne. Tame I also Ives me orIgraI my water use am: omgmaI eepeeny I oI Humer Creek Reservonx 25 I0 769700 757050 I2 I 3 821750 14 839100 Is ammo 16 ae7Ioo I7 9I near 18 935I00 247,5 Te enIargemem Is IrrIgaIIon, pIs- FOURTH: The men capacixy oI saId reservozr and? ,2u7.5 acre Ier WhIch cIa? yean Pecr?ea?onai and an olher beneiic:aI ugr?poses. The source of suppIy Ior sen; reservozr Is I?Iumer Creek. We 0! Humer Creek I 3768 IeeI. Da'e of Consirucfmn January I889. Original capacny 0! Hunter Creek Reservoir 27 acre feeI Reserve] The esIImaIed Cost Is Work was Comn?enccd by survey on (he day 0! AugusI, on me my EnIurgemenI. SEVENTH: I966. sI Enlargemem requi ,5 borrow moyeriaI EIGHTH: CIaImanvs signamre 5190? TOP OF ASPEN, (NC. Attest?W/?gi dig-w? Se? 3W T?omas ET STATE OF COLORADO) RAVERSE Bearing 57'5905'5 S77907IE seamen: 537?5le seon?ooIE 370:?sz NI o?ze?w sezwelw sewosrw $21 SI 523?45'w seenovw NI 9? 1 I 01w semuzIw 559%;st COUNTY OF PITKIN the? engineer oi Ihe Hunter Creek Rsser?v, and FirsI Enlargement; A he survey o'r the same and the mac) mereoi were made by him, or under hIs supervIsion ?and Insxruc?ons, and That such survey Is apcuraIer represented; up?on Ibis map; IhaI he has read me staxemems Ihereon and Ihat Ihe same are of his own knowledge. Denni? M. {Sean ProI. EngIneer Sub5cribed and sworn l0 bcior?e me [4 (his {2 Aday oI I A.D., I9 627, My commission expn?es? (Scan Notary pub Accepl?d (or (Hing in the CI 0! \he saw Engmeer 0! Colorado on \he day 9' AEEBRUAR $07?