195 6 REA CAS SENS WATER PLAN EXHIBIT Aspen-21 ASPEN000660 ASPEN000661 BEFORT ~ ON --; SUPPLY FOR CITY OF ASPE}T. COLORADO ** ....... ... MA.YOR A. E. Robinson OOUNCIL Ed Gordier Michael Garrish Fred Glidden \'l es Thorpe _ CITx CLEP.K Ethel H. Frost CITY ATTORNEY Clinton B. Stewart ,.. .******* PREPABED BY DALE H. BEA Consulting Engineer August 1956 -l I SUPPLYAN O T REAT M E N T DALE H. REA CONSULTING ENGINEER i E COLLECTION AN D TREA TMEN T o..TI C N, RE S E R VO I R S AND CA M S RTS. eUIL.D I NGS AND B RIDGE S APPRA I SALS AND REPORT S D E SIGNS AND SPECIFICATIO N S 2200 W . CHENANGO LITTLETON. COLORADO SUPERVISION OF CO N STRUCTIO N LAND SUBDIVISION AND DEVELOPM ENT TEL . PYRAMID 4-3546 August 17. 1956 !r'he Honorable MB3'or and Oi t~ Council Aspen. Colorado Dear Sirs : Transmitted herewith is my repor'!; on the development of a co.m:plate water system for the City of AS") en , Colore,(lo. A greater amount of engineering c.ate. and illustra tive material ha s been included in this report than is normally required, becauso the system is not new o1'med by the Oi ty, and 'because it is so coapletely ina dequate, and because there is more than one source of supply. I b~sh to acknowledge the valuable help and suggestions of Mayor A. E. Robinson, City Attorney Clinton:B. Stewart, and of Mr. Fred Hindy, O, mElT of the Aspen i-tater Compan;v, all of whom have been cooperative and contributed materially to the repor t. ! wish also to acknowleo~e the help and confidenc$ placed in mo by the mSDlbern of the i nvestigating committee, the Planning COllUllissi on, and '.;he City Council of Aspen, Colorado. Z;!v.~~ DHB./bW nale H. Rea ASPEN000662 ._. 1 --j !I ! "FAG}!: .... . t· - ~.,-~-, J. :> .CHAl'T'!.;:H 1 . -r.TAT-:7·:) ~,< .L!,~ t.'I.';'"jv,,·:·";;v"r;:P1"· ,.) .l"'."._V-'~·_'_"'11L.... 1. P"Y(;:JJ.t.tio:-,_ L'.. ~.;'-\tc:x' CO!·i:~~·':U[,~)'~:i.(.1n" 8 10 3. Ejt(:'~"'l[:,t;: r-~t;·(;tlirC'!l1ei--it.:) 13 L 2. E){.ts~,i{. . ~~ ~~nd Projeoted 1:J8t.er SUPI>l:r & Q:('.:)lrth~ :Ul '. ;-i:1.!:;htc: S111'faGr~ Su)ply t/Htr~r • ;! 1" 1.- "I Unttpr,:,T'(;und SupplY' Ecll:1.hil:i.'"'lot If! .0 < ,T'UEIFIG.ATIOn n·tr,s()lvcti H:tnej'~18 I? "fJiT}~n 1. 2:.. < h.: 0.l'[--,'.Jnic H:1tter Su.:·:p€:!:ded So lidG to r;:I'C~:.t:nlent .. VEt-Gr' 20 ,- 21 22 1"<"1 r.L i Ci-LJ>'fEP..T.V l;-.'AfI?ER DI::'Tr:J~BUTIOH L £x1_8ting D:lstr-Jbution System PT'(;Gf,U1"Q Hnqui:cem8nts" Fi:t~rj 1)C:i~~nd8 .\ Boof3"t·nr P'ti.l:Jping c , - Hr..St.Sl' P~:\n of D:Lntriblltion SyetBY,{ AL'rEmlNri: PUNS OF COi{STRUCTIO:I 1 GBner;;]... 2 ~ r:-(~ ·;,it!.l Pl:1n of DeYelopment. t' 3. h.. J~'1tf:·.'jrIt:dif.d',8 OP~'~Eh 'l·I:·:~\ .nlLl Pl)T,,,·XJ.!l.r~. 3~ Distribution <;!i~:~:,:;-:r' T1."'2at:rlC:nt>~ P8:c~-:m.ln01 ~ 0'L0 2f..J <)1) c., -'l .. .)( 34 311 ,,~ ,-/ }~AIR1~lSAFCL 1.. 2., it ~ Fl:JDQ of COl1fitx"uetion Ult,~>l.J t.e Pliln oJ: COllstrrwt:'Lon" ?7 27 t:~:Tst<))ll. 36 36 ~)6 . -17 ASPEN000663 GHAPTi~rr VI I 1 t 2~ 3 d 4 c. CHf,l"i')~F: . G;:~n'3r'Rl 3D 1,a!.1 L~:'·lr.r He\;'\;\n.'IJf~. h~f Bnte of \';,st,E;r- .. 9_1[:.r]i.nf·~ Fe0'H ~ 38 39 VIII ,. Fmnf(;~~ ]3;:;:0::1. If}Bl.H': ~ L 2, Hf:iL RC\i'f:.~nUB 3. APPENDIX ltTJu 41 • , • l:l:/or tJ.~:;~tif)n ~ OS'I'LIl~G i • OF PLfNS 59 CO~/!,3. 68 or ER A'rInG ·1 71: 85 APPENDIX TlcBLE 1 2 :3 It 5 6 7 IS .9 10 ,n 12 13 ,'. '. HIi'll 88 Jm. P}. CtE ChewtcDl In:.1:ts1.fJ of 1'![.:1:.0X" Estimated Ct)st,a Rovemw £'x'v;;', 0,-'0 11111 Le,y Plll11ping COb t;s ." Plru'1. Tv" • Operuting Costs P18'l ·1 Ope:rLti:,irlE: Costs Pl:m II Operating C{;sts Phn III Operatinci G~)fJi:,s Pl''''1 TV'" (;.ompB~dtiv8 ~::.9ter Hf'.tes ... HenidcD_t:i::'.l FIat Hn-r,8 Schodules - AnmJn.l Bas:1.s, :L;;'~}~, ~"l-:" 1.. r: ~ ,,'; {:,rh~ j .~ ,-,'..;[l,~".~~_-..E.-v l \<.:'"l'~' .. ~ )j2 69 70 -.... . -. Ccr;I'tj~:!,Jlt.:tVB \..~FltGr 22 33 .. 4 '(l 72 73 80 H<\t.oG . UOl:}]nerclnl ('t_ HGsidtc:nti,:':..l me;-(.ct'ed l/o~t,.p-, 1 ,(,' "q:::' .l -"1:'--'1 __ " . . .•..,o•..:-L',<_ .... u Cb:"c:~g RG<;!C-!.!H~ B.~88d en _l'.!:'H:JenGg Pl"en(~nt Hates ~ )-~,:-',"'rp!.·,.·L·'." TJE~oA ·"'-·~-'('··lr ..- -l)l~,·,n'-"·'(·d R"t(·,,, '_~J ..... ~~~ ._'. <..- B- '--,"" ...·v.. Ol~ ~.I. J").c"'[_ -.1.1..-, _ ""1.1 .... "';; J.G .-".'~ l-'~-'1',---"so< Ne1; ReTten128 ." 1Jsiug Inc:':'63S6G Hntc-s based on 'CIcH;ed R,lt0~::1: ,,~ t" e • ,;-'" ,,_ ~ __ .'(. "./: ~ r... •• r·o (·,t) ,<, < ~ 'lC·C"I~ lL~p£I.:: dun I... OJ.. 'i'..J'.JU:> UV ~ ;)0110. J.l.h:> ne " f 63 A::;~)en ~ B P:co," 81; .' 86 /I. RGC.8pl tU.J.~1 tJon - Hl~t. Rf:\-'\~ln\C ... Bond HBP2.Y)::BUt 81 1)2 <-~ Surplus ~ 87 ASPEN000664 j I TITLE 1 ? .3 it Pl.:Jr~ I ... Hunter' Creek ;:';;ytrt.srn (f.h:·(!vit~T) Pl.sn II - CHstle ...n~i.rrJO(l C:l'8(!k ~)Y8tem (Gravl ty-) Plan III· .. CnntlG Cre0k S~n·rt.c:[! (Pu:rnping) Pl~ul IV.· Holtrlne Pr~l."l·: BJver S:y-st,enl (Pmnp:i.ng) ----.-. fJ9 90 91 92 LIST OF F'IGUHE3 .. ........... ............... -~ ~.,.,..... FIouns KG, 1 2 /\spcn Population. ClJ:CV(;S Af:ipen l-ioDn Dally PH' C~,pita Consumption 9 12 " Hi ASPEN000665 lliTRODUCTION This report was authorized by the l.J:ayor and City Council of Aspen, Colorado on Tuesday, JuJ;v 17, 1956. present 11 The purpose of thia report is to method of suppJ;ving water to the City of Aspen with a budget based upon revenue ,dthout a mill levy. A study has been made, of the water requirements, wter supply, water treatment, distribution, operation and maintenance, revenue and finance of a complete Hater suppJ;v $,Ystem. The study oovers the period from 1957 to 1977 at ,~hich time it is ., estimated that the City of Aspen nill have a population of 3,500 vith 'an estimated transiant po~lation of 5,999~eople at its peak. Analyses of four distinct plans have been prepared for the devel-' oplllent, treating, conveying, and distribution of the water supply for the City of Aspen. The four plans are built around the four possible sources of suppJ;v _>bieh are as follo1JS1 Maroon Greek (3) (1) Hunter Creek (2)" Castle"; Castle Creek, and (4) Roaring Fork River. Each of the fOur plans have their respective advantages and disadvantages which w.Ul be evaluated within the report. The City of Aapen is situated in Pitkin County, Colorado; near the junction of Hunter Creek and Castle Creek with the RoIlX'ing Fork Rival.'. Aspen is in the County seat of Pitkin County, located 280 miles west of Denver, and 41 miles south~rest of Glenwood Springs, on state Highway,N1lIJlber 82. altitude of Aspen is approximateJ;v 7,850 feet above sea level. was incorporated on April 18, 1881, having II The The City , Mayor and four City Councilman. The City has a very interesting history ,its existence beginning with metal mining, principalJ;v silver, ahortJ;v after the strike in Leadville, Colorado. Its increase in population to 10,000 people in 1800 and deoline - 1 - ASPEN000666 I to 915 peopl~ in 1950 "~s principally due to the increase and later declirie I , of the silver mining industry. In recent years ftspen has become a leading tourist center in the swnmer, with a $250,000 •.00 health center and numerous 'cultural attractions in Art and Music. Perhaps the most outstanding attraction in Aspen is. its excellent skiing conditions and largest ski-to" in the world., The transit ski pOpulation probably exceeds the summer tourist population. The Chamber of Commerce est:lJna.tes there are a minimum of 1,500 rental beds .in Aspen and that the transit population reaches as high as 2,500 people. The City has recent17 voted a $300,000.00 bond issue for the insta1l-. ation of a modern sewage collection system and sewags treatment plant. The City has also recently acquired the hydro-electric. po>rar ganarating station serving the aren, and which was former17 private17 o;med. The original water system was constructed in IB86 by the Castle Creek Water Company. In 1894 the Castle Creek i-later Company of Heat Virginia purchased the water company and the Midland Power Company. company held a franchise to serve domestic 1-1 £101>8 that occur' b the Creek. A ,.,ater pLmt investment should 'not be made on Hu.'lter· Creek ,3 the earls' rights on Hunter Creek, probably necessitating the purchase of the land with the water rights. liIry one of Plans I, II, and IV, are entirely feasible and there ",auld be no hesitation on recommending any one of them should the other two not exist. It is unusual that II City would ha.ve three excellent sources from - 5 - ASPEN000670 whioh to choose. The ratings of each Plan are separated only b.r a narrow margin, which could 3asily be overcome by difficulties in settle~ ment of ownership of the Na1;er system, acquisition of water rights, or delays in proceeding with the project. Delays will greatly inorease the cost of,oonstruction as prices of labor and material are oontinually rising. The City of ' Aspen, Colorado should purchase the water system from the Aspen City Water Company at a reasonable price, compatible with what was paid'for the system, and '1hat value it has to the City'; such that the , price paid for the system, any required water rights, and the total cost to the City for construction eto., The Ci~/ should build a ~.nll con~letely not exceed $660,000.00. modern water treatment plant, financed by revenuo'from the sale 'of vater. The City should raise the flat water rates approximately one third, and lower their metered rates to be ~ompatible' with the flst rates, and all water Bold outside the City Limits should be at least 20% higher in rate than within the City limits.· One mill should. be levied for the purpose of acoUlllUlating funds to extend mains from ,.1Mch additional revenue will be derived. All Commer<)1.al and multi-family dwellings should be metered, and all new single family residences should be required to install meters. Plan No. I should be adopted, provided the Aspen City' Water Company will provide 2 second feet of priority No. 90 and 7.5 second feet of priority No. 205, and all rights to the entire water systell\, suoh that the tota.l oost of the completed plant lrlil not exceed $660,000.00 If Plait No. I as outlined is not aoceptable to the Aspen City Ivater Company within a reasonable time, then Plan No. IV should be adopted, with the provision that it receive legal approval for the availability - 6 - ASPEN000671 of water rights on the Roaring Fork River. Plan No. II should only be considered i f Plans No. I and IV· are not available, and Plan No. III should be discarded. The $660,000.00 Bond Issue mRY be reduced initially by not replaoing all of the old distribution system at one time, or by agreement ,·rlth the State Board of Health to delete the clarifier until a later date, or by reducing the size of the covered storage reservoir. The 5% None of these are recommended. oontingency fund may or may not be required. interest rate used may be 4 or 4 or The 4~· 4~ depending on. Bond market. The .improved ,yater system ,dll probably reduce the fire 10aurllUce rate. The rapid gro,.th of 1\spen by annexation ,dll be 3ssured if : power and water !lervice, and their rates, are increased outside the city and are used to reduce the mill levy within the city limits • . 7- ASPEN000672 I. 1. "TATER REQUIREMENTS Population and Projected Gro>rth To provide a Hater system for a City, the present population and grol;th trends must 1:;e examined so that the system will adequately serve the future growth. Figure 1 shows the past populations of Aspen and the projected or ast:lm.ated popul?!tion. M;:my factors affect grOllater Consumption Water consumption for any collll1n1llity varies during the year as well as during the day, and !IIa11Y factors affect the rates. Some of the factors that affect water conswnption arel a• b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Growth in population Water for lawns and gardens Per capita domestic conswnption Delivery pressure Cost Quality Types of industry or business Sewer fs.cilit-ies Climate and rainfall The use of meters Figure 2 shows the estimated daily' per capita conswnption for metered and un-metered water use in Aspen. As a comparison Denver and Durango per capita consumptions are also platted. The reason for . main . the greater consumption for Aspen is the large ratiO of tourist and • visitors per permanent residents. The metered curve as plotted not only' indicates . the conservation that may be gained by the use of meters but also :j.ncluded is an anticipated saving of water by the following: ._ a. Loss in the system due to high static pressures. The new lines will be sized so. as to give adequate pressures with less pressure drop in the mains • .... b. _ Loss in system due to leakage and breaks in old mains. c. Loss due to shallow mains and services - requiring continuous flow in freezing weather to keep the mains from freezing. The natl mains and services should have adequate cover to prevent freezing. To estimate the consumption for Aspen as set forth in Figure 2 the known monthly' use of water in other cities of the region were " taken and adjusted to fit Aspen. assumed. at ,0 The visitors and tourist use wa.s gallons per visitor per day. This consumption of the visitors and tourist were added to tha permanent per .capita consumption. - 10 .: ASPEN000675 PRESElVT ESTIMATED AVERAGE DAILY WATER DEMANDS Month Domestia Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July 80 85 90 95 100 105 Aug. 105 100 95 90 80 Irrigation Tourist Total 40 180 320 375 340 160 30 60 70 70 30 15 30 70 70 30 15 140 155 160 165 295 455 555 515 290 140 95 no Sept. Oet. Nov. Dea. 5 no 30 256 Yearly Average <::.----- FUTURE ESTIMATED AVERAGE DAILY WATER DEMANDS (METRRED) ... Jan. Feb. . Mar. ftpril May June July Aug. Sept. Oet. Nov. Dec. 70 75 80 85 90 95 60 70 70 30 15 30 70 70 30 15 5 30 30 . 125 230 260 240 110 20 100 95 90 85 80 75 130 li5 . 150 145 230 ,{ 355 430 405 < , ., , . ,. ip , ~ ~1 230 120 85 105 Yearly Average 210 ESTIMATED DEMANDS OF VISITORS AND TOURISTS Month Jan. Feb. Mar. Estimated Tourist Population 1956 Aspen Population 1956 2,000 2,500 2,500 1,000 500 1,000 2,500 2,500 1,000 April May June July Aug. Sep. Oat. 500 Nov. 200 Dea.. 1,000 *Rounded aiito nearest 5 g/a/d 1,750 " " " " h II " " " " . Ratio Tourists* to Perm. Pop. gJ%Q ,0 gla d per Visitor 1.14 1.42 1.42 .57 .28 .• 57 1.42 1.42· .57 .28, 60 70 70 )0 15 )0 70 70 30 15 .57 )0 .n " Added @ 5 - n .; / ASPEN000676 ..mqug-eamv..g .. . URQINQTW .691.1.. . .-.. . . . .-.: . . . 7.:r . . . . ?an..1:111:21.rrl. -. H. . . An.01Ital"ff nun?.4 3 mafer1.. 5rdDe?. I "-1.151le Jun?' OCT. . Nov. Ni 5' PREPARED BY- DALE H. REX ULTIHG Chm: UMFHON u- . v.1 1? . .r +40 210 h30' 3 ... j-·l~_-;-:j;I:;.!.'tfl 1',','€,:CaC;E (k.ily Domalld 605 560 5. Ik,dImm Irw t,sntaneoU8 R~r I.:.e flO\';B rmd J.430 of PJ.~.H·} ,~110H1) tllG tl"eat)ll(mt facilHies to sent t:trn.8 at' les.nt one mill:ton ~811ons pro\f~8ion~ "dth futU:NJ 1120 bEl desir;ned for the f.iaX- should be pr~o·~"idud Gf StOY.'8gG of [ulother million gallons of storli80 b.;:~f'ore tho desiea populatJ.on is :reaolwd. It should ,,180 bEl pointed out th?-t the be c'm,,;~ully BSUr-e0J u~1d_ .oonsldered. lOC1:ri;:tf>11 of tJiEi fJt.6rl)ge should It should be hiGh enol1.[;h to give "dequnte :Lf pOBsible or feasible to be 1']otJ.ted on the oppoBit.e PI'Co> .si6.(~ .-J : i' I / .. .. -j _0' . .-! ", , l ~ t··· ...'· \ I .... 13 I I I ASPEN000678 .. . ._ _ . Ex::i.st1.n:'t r:ttBr =_SUl)-;)lv ..... l._ _c_.~ ---:.~~ ~.~ '_1 ,_ •• 6" dtnmeter in 3,950 feet, ,lith a 8t2'~j.C he::;d of apprw::Lmdely ~OO feet. flume approximately 10,[;00 fe.Gt in lC!neth" 1'11(-;} S2111e flume is <'11so The fllln18 E'n:pties into t"':~tO 1-wodGn storage rest-));"voirs HJ. th pacit;y of 5e .• 900 D. t.otal" C~.... gallOllf-l eanh, forn tot1ll of 117,000 gnllol1S, After . I ." ASPEN000679 -----conduit )-.0 tOh'l1. ;;h01m in the appendix A is a table ))",01'6(,8. r;lvinr~ the City of Aspen ¥JeteX' 1'1116 tablB s110"'8 "'&.t.er right.s on Hunter CY'8eK, Sor:J8 of these \>ff!.ter :('le}j:~3 l~"l'oon Creek.,. l::";t'"e oHn8d py the Ci t.y, somo ot-,ned by the inent lUl(l.t"r its private mmel'"hip. Tltle to ED. of t.heso H&.ter right,] Dh01(td be _1iwest",d iri the City if they C8.n ho flcquired at a 1'(l<160n3.b10 Ho~ever} " the dates of decrees "....-' .• -->.,-''',- •• ,---.-~-.• ,•• --''' •. ~- •• "'_""''"' .-.~~-.-- . on .somo of t.he ..4"'.1\lU!21(!Br~. to'· th8 on Hunter Creeh .. 15 "1 ASPEN000680 ~Pr:tc'l':t >;~Y' D-;~~ ~~.,~ ...... ... ~.'~ ~ . .;~~.~-~,"" -.,~ 2. J. !J3/0') 22'71> 2OJ.~ /. 400 ,-' 6/10/06 ')/3/1':; o~f • tJ ])(11·,1':: ....... _ ~~ .~,~" -~- (hm0.r ~ ... · . . .T _ _ "-~-".'".'---<~ c;I/11 /1() ....., 2.00 S/l1/M 13.00 ~ n/27/(1G. 20S II • Decree ...''j1fl ' .. ,~'} (,.,.~ 5:0 L to of A~)f).; -'J·:)"£';.{l-l,~. on ... .. );111')' .''1' .~.... 4/?~/20 ''1~r " ~.) /",'lD 5~59 h.31 /\t3p(·~n 1,•. 12t.e-~' Fr:i,t~~ Cl'8Ck t.tik011. by the U. f Tr'crri:'G3 l!:. 1I , .- 1;;.00 ",- Ii ,study of \.he flo: recorda on Huntor Hin~ Othcrn /) ~ D·. U0/')1"' (;-.)f .!:' , ./ Fritz Benedict Co* Dened:tct. .s, just above pl-iorHy No. 2(6 ditch rimGhes a 10'.; of 1; cub:lc fent pOl' "¥mter ('.oYJ.suropt.im:::.~ A complete RllaJ.:)rsis 0+ t.he flc'HI l'Gt:oids :lndicatGs , , ,. "'./' . , { /'; r '.. ./ ,~ • • _J Creek':t'G ,lill 'be m'C8SSI>I'y- for the]'J to ])u.l'r:hc:so priority No. 90 of ' - " , - ••• 2 sscond f8~)t. flJ1rl to 7~:; feet.. --seeo~ld ----~ ~ -.--~-~"'---- ........-" . . . :'-~. ".y",~- -"", <1.pprox5.m:rtcly half of pr:1.ori ty No f 205 j E1lto)Jn-ting If the City oHncd 0f18-1).J.lf of pr'iorii.:.y .no. 205 &nci. a.ll of rn:-J.or:1:t,y Uo" 90 it. Houlrl have to pro-re.l:.e hall' of Hny &V;-J.il ... · feet ,,;onId hnve 1:.0 be I'ipUt Hlwh that tho City couJ.c'i only call 2.7;; ASPEN000681 ~.--- lio. 1363 in tllFJ ";·;-atGX' dJr:b."icd:, for- 60 cub:l.e feo~ . 1'1,:;:(' r-e:;ond or irrJ.G'2.<"' .. .. ~ 107,.1 £loH recorda on Gnstle Cree;}~ ind:1.l~ctG- thB."(. double the f\).turo rE'.quj.rements ofth0 Clty. th·~ ·su:-J}:,1.;T :i.s more than It j.s undOl'stood t.t«/c the ,,,:-,.:Ii: .. ·; Tho wat~r :righta on the Rocu'.ing Fork Hivo!' cOl1sict.:inc; of:,· foot "lith pdm-ity F().• 1.1. (1-hich , .. ;: ,'-.:- .. ~'. I ~:"'):5G-eord . ' ,. l./. :,: ///. I /~:; )i\'lY be abandoned) 1\111 6 second feet - ,'~ \~lth priority No. 1.;34: ~.r:e ~i: 'Dnf.ii~ient 8.mOu.nt. J but, not, of early enough " \ springs total:!ng 5 ,"'Gond feot Hith priority !lo. I. Hnd No. 50 "'hich !\lsy be t.ributc!1';! to the Roaring Fork, and if t.hoy Gr,j st:lll vrrUd, they would be· even more v-nlunhlo than the Cnstle Creek ;:·m.te:r if' lwed aD tho City f s probHhly ha~~ 3. gre;;:~t.o:c rtm . . ofT pOl' HerB - 17 l~h::"!n nll,'t county in Colorado ~ Aspen ~ ASPEN000682 Ui;·tJt~.· of -the 1dll bE:, 0 l-Il"~nte~< Cre,?:lc CP~)x·()"j)n~.tf;}y "~}['Dk :i.·lln~0 of tho dCE:'p 1.J;:i.tE;rr1h(~d, so that lOt·: flo1;·,a in th(,sO stJ. . c:J:rns pt'oportioned to tlH} Br8(i. of, i>hG "\!.\:d:et'8ht:cd. Of COU1."SO, r;wy l'CHCh near: flood prop0r'G:lOD.S :L1 ~~,~lY ono of t/lle \-:at.B;csl1ods bGOHU.S(~~ i:~not;f~d_1G' t.htl.t OC(:,ur on :~he8e 1,1£/("':"-:l'8h80.8 ylld(;h range i'ro'ji"! abou"i:. 1,000 to lh,oOO feet ::')1 "levation. Bl!ppli8B'1 the x'i€htfJ Ill.i_:;;( bG pu.rc.h~:sed Ot 1 condf;l;med for Git~r .n.SG, h~ y~!.S~~ f?:~~~!1~~~~A0~p.,!:z: . 1'h.o llndsr'[:;round supply' ohould. not. be 0011BiderGd. as n t::onrce of tmpp):Y· fo't, tho Git.:r of fd?P:2!1 bOGO.U:38 of the a\r.?.ilnhilit~r of Slll"f~1(:e l·ra.ter~ Dndcrgl.'lound ·.;~:"-tRi' in nc-¥er as r81:i.Dblt~ as svrf'.;1Cf-) ~i·:at8r 2.nCt t-lv2f ~!nt,(';l" t.3blc lllRY' d.rop in tho \-;0110 durin£; pc:-r-iodi-c of drought. such t.hat. pi.l.i'!p .. ~ ing fe,c:tlit:'LeR Tlm~r nHv-e to be replaced. 1:1e11 supplies cost more to Pmnping su-t'f,acG suppli0f3 ~ A Hell ~HIP?ly \·[ould p:;,'obE:hl:r bo r(-;'mo'~cl:y- roquiX'(: addi tionr.:l c:ol10cd:.:l_on pipeline ,\nd t1",:(nsr!1:lssion B8C[;'.use of iihe Hbun(.t:~no-e of s.\~r£'rH)'G 1,/,Qt.8T' __ i t \<:r~~S l:1.n(~ J.ocat.od find i .t\?:l t thl>.:t. a d(/('Hi.lerl stu.dy 0.1.' gr-onlld. 1'rater 'h 3!3 Unnt"fcessary ;].:3 ~xr;('r:i-E;;lCe has pr'bven trw.t. no f ASPEN000683 I i .1 :l.ts rn..sdne~ ciep-(, to yield ii continuouf3 f10H at a SJilfl.ll futm"G ~cll • The Hunt(;X' Crt.':c.k ... S1J.OpJ.'{ l. _ < <. 8tO::'3(;0 2'eso:r'voir, }h:mt.er (;)''',,): Gould be fhnd bicarbonates i8 kn01m e.G "Cltrhonate hm'dness" nnd that due to ot.her compounds is t.BrAed IINon-Carbonate h~l'q.nE;solf ~ 1!Jw8ssive hardness in 1-mter used for domestic lind indtlstrial purpODes 1v very ob;jeotloTIHblc. It is responsible for a great >l8.St<'l of soap in H"shing pnd lactrldcJ operations, and for boner scalo :111 stefl!TI It, interferes" Hl.th the manufacture of indust.rial t~rt:Lfieis.l i00 f~.nd many other prOCGBSGS ~ Public HCRlth agencios he.v(, found :l t, necessary to p18cc 1'(,'fJtl'ictioml 011 public 1o'B.tm' Buppli"s lil1'.iting the concenh-atiQl1 (>i' cc!'tsin componndG in Hntex' co:nsidnl'od to bo dnngel'ous to i:lw publfc h(w.lth or. - 20 - ASPEN000685 2. of I1ttlo or il.o siCfiii'iC211ce to thoso in chl1rgc of' :9u.bl:tc Tho organisms encou.ntered in. 6urface ii'icC:.tions llS h~[.:t€'r \·Wt0J." Hl.l.pply ;-;hich are sigrl"ii'1.c2.nt in fbllo-;-nl ~' BDot0X':i.a P:cotdzon lTung:.'i. }iJJtigeri\ l, 19~~8 Sponscs l{ooted Jiquat.tc Vcgetrctlon GrustlJ.C8a BgC'+'t~r:ta liUty .9i'f0C':t y:~t(il" in BiE.H'..;/" lSlJ"3~ but -Gnu Inr::c;ct LnrYf-lo :iJupoX'te:nt ·is tl.)[)t ASPEN000686 l:r,;cr;;[J;, :~D . II }~1R: ,"J:B}l~ *GnliUP :c i lKrr;jIo.Iiji J.O Golor (Cobil.H $c,',lo) Lead (Pb) Fluoddc (f') Al"-acnic (/\0) SeJ.eniul'l (Se) Cllror,l1.lliTI (Cr+6) J'~GROUP II: Coppe>.'-( CU) !,lAHQ:)N :F'O~:\1( cnl~;:':l'~ C"'''''' ,.t1.!~;·,h CHEE;:~ .. nIVF;g .~.-~- 5.0 20~-O Chloride el) Stllf~1. t.::: (Sot~) Phc'r!ol Tot.al SoUds ... ~--~", LO 2.5 ,.0 0 ~. O ,'PH PP}1 PPH 0 0 0 0.1 0 P?N HD 0.05 PPi~ 0 liD 0 HD 0 0 0 0 0 1~ Zinc(Zn) -~~ l-,~ O~O~ O.. O~ 0 o,c,> PPH 'I'r cW'8 Of3 Nith En PPH 0 0.3 vi th En PPH 0 1'1'11 2.0 125 J:1nng::.r~e80 (r:m)' lbgncsj~urn (Hg) . . . . -...<---- 0.1 3.0 Iron (Fe) HOHiJNG l~i'~[;m~;'<--- PI'H 20 FOll'"D BIIJJ'l'EH PPH FPH PPH 2')'0 250 CeOSl ,00 0 0 12.0 O~2 0 0 6.0 0 0 75.0 PP~4 ND PP;'~ NIl PPH PPH 28.0 32.0 PPN 0 o 3.0 ND un ........,--.-..... ~= .. 3~2 (j 0 }-J8.0 1m ND·j· Groue:> III: plTT,t.-iEiG of Coll) Tot.al H.aX'drv~:.'is Total· !,lkalinit.y Phen()19h t.hdein PJ.kaUni t.y 14h 81 GW)U? IV: Sorj'iuf,i"Vlil ) PH! 0 Nlt:cDt.e (i"JC 3 --) GaleiufiI (Ca) (hS PPH ppJ.) ND· 22 .. 0 CHG01) Spec ii':tc Conduut.nncB - 1-aCJ:'Ol!1hoH hB.o .)} Allo,mble L:i.mi t. lID 116 30Lr 3D 152.0 85.0 o IJD 125.0 22ft IlD-Not DfitGnnii1ec\ .." 22 - ASPEN000687 J. ~:,\~,f:,u{~r!rJ(~d. ~',o11dr.1 ........... ~- -.:-... --~,.- ........ ,-~-,-~-.-..~~ . from excessive c(Jn<:!cntl'ations of othei objectj,orwble mJ,nerals. pounclj:nrr tho 1ir.'.l-t.c.P in stor,o:o..ge out, Such storQg\~ ;).130 01"" sed:iJllent.at:ton h2S:Ult3 for n period of in effectj:ve :in reduc:l.ne hRrrufnl bactoriri in tho ,;ater nnd D.ccoroJng to its capacity insure an ample supply durinG Detention of lJ:lter in stor'f}ge b.')sius is J hO':"Rv0r, fF.rvorablo to to fit the site chosEn E'Jld be es large HS :i~) D()SfjtblB~ t~he 1\ ruln:'urn.m capa..- c1.t,y of tlt least ~ 5 ~t1}lll(rn eapuclt.y ~'!Ol!ld g:t"\:e 8. clF.:tention -Limo of nbcut 2} da:rs E;t.l10Yl million gu.llonn is dE.:;iJ:8d tHl.d more if p'()f.nd.hle ~ - 23 - ASPEN000688 Tl1~:" D(~cond i'O:(11l To_ floc.. step in puxli.f:lontion . (.Che floc nttrnc-Lu or collect.:;; the .finG part.icles both nicell= i'Jill not. be oVArloade(t, fUld the chemtcal olflr:tfkuy,ion also re~loV'es fJill'18 If softening is required, the process mey be O):'8ra'CGd in con,jul/otlon 1-:.i:t,h ,tho chemicn,l olllrii':cc,Tlion by the addition of the cherdcalu reqnJ.red to soften the V,3.ter ~ '·!B.tcr:.. rvty be GOften8d vi th ch8:::dcals and dlfferent, prOCesses.. be used t.o sortc'n p,SP&l1 Fater, dlff(H~el1t· tyJ)f3'5 of The use of sodn .... Rsh ruld/or ~ime m-2,Y The addition of th8 cll<>.l.~ Equal prHssures throughout t.he distribution "[Jystt;m viII be main .... tllined bf)st by locatinf: t;118 elevated BJOl_~ago t,mk and/or pwnping plant nncl- treat-mont nlant on tho 0p1'08i to slcJo8 of to'-m. 'rhe djfference in .incurr-od by- the f10tf of "atm' floom tho trer;tme_nt, plr;nt to the (,levclted storagH tl1l1k, the h,ad being higher at tho treatment phnt (n-wnning pl.tU1t) ~ In the e\Tent. of fire nnd other- pSl1k ciemHnd8.~ flo;., of the, point of UBf) .to be charged in 1-rill be both from the. storage and treat.ment i~n~v gi'l/c:n areD. .. '.rlw X'Hte is Some of· the itt=.mli::' in t..:luded in the ra.tings nre: DCPD:ctJncnt, t.118 type of i'~.r'8 htH30U on ten "Hater to " pl;m>~ • 1.tGms~, nd8quacy of the Fire i'ightin; (=Jqu:i?1r18nt, the r.oequaey of tho "twto:(' supply a."'1d distribution s:rstem, find t.ho s1zf3 nnd sp2cing of firo hydrnnts, Tho proposQd constnJction. ,,~ill undoubtedly fj'i.V0 ijspGn better 1'1r0 ... 28 ... ASPEN000693 feet, 20](J n~;cJ7)lo j • •- • BOOE;tE.':r rUf:loir!(, ~~. _ _""""_-,...i';~#-~ pressure in cs!'tnin HX"(:;{1S cont:Ln. uottHly or duri11r; pf:nk ccnsu:f<1pt'lm1. I._spen ts so located tha.t Ht t.he present. time booster pumping io not nec(::ssary" In tho futuro if SO)l;e of the high,,"' gl>onnd &J'01uJd th8 pl'GSent toun is d8VGlopod> booster- pmnping to servo this arE:), could be I'Gquired .. pl~'in ~ C~"l8t, Iron p:lpn ycar3 or- more. eUJ 1 t :La nwnulactu:ced. today hafJ This dons not tne;.Ul D. thrJt. tlv.:: pipe[-t should l:1..fo of b(~ ~O ,J.nst£llled - 29 - ASPEN000694 enQ; l~e~, h. ASPEN000695 LOC!'!'ItT )plO }!op".tn~; 4t;~7 P,,lL 'tl~:::Xtc;lH "ht33 F.H" hrl~O P.fL, . ll~~;O 1\1-1~ h~5<;' F 01·;, C,~,J).tsr & S:Ul E>Gl'(-:cL t: :Urr- fY('f't',~- t {} J>JJ_t;)"~_ (.'0 .':- St-c-eC't . l~·bixl S~ i'J:qX:ll::\. St't Coopn' ,:';)T':!Jl,?: St~ CCJo:-JeJ."' ·Stl'c;e t .. hOD r'C(/.t I~~:"J.:r::~ng Pori-'· niv(;y· .. p~s~t~ :;1j 13·3.,i4 6Cl p.D~l~ (.10 p~.'3~it "hP t~ "!l ~~ 'f t- • '-' •. '- ~ i'J'(l!rl ASPEN000696 ----- PLAU III ?Lt,N IV ..... ~~,........,., (1) ?. Soft.crd.ng Pequtred Eo No !-lo Uo 4; Pl2.::1 as pl'8sented IV:D c"!J.E." vatcd stor~lr;e O;)i)Of.-dt.G t11C treatwent :91:j.nt.~· (2) 5 It- -Yes Ext..:r'[! ;foar·lJr 1t.lQri{ (1) Jil (2) ).3 llo (2) No Yes Yes .l!),:.d,.l!i... cn;:·,tl.(!8 rc"iquj 1',-;;:1 J{o j~ddltion:)"l \-dd~c:c r·j.ch"i.;'"J \1'Ould }vrvn to be [,c:qULf'6:d befol'(~" ]';0., I CJJ.~.d ly-:' ":lsL:,.d. P1..-.'jj j 11an;<8 ·~):::'f.~!:j(::ltc=.:cJ cO'.tJ.d h~;: H~od-L:':'~~:,c1 but the C:(l~:t of- thG dlstribu"t,lon f1~:r8t~;1!i ~!(jnld r)(::. in(;r'C{l~_:h;d if" th::-_~ 01r?vn1,nd Btorngn is pl,:·_(:\:d op;::oai t,(: tbG tT"G~l t,{;i~-::nt pl~n.t. ASPEN000697 . () u t:: CJ l,~.:•. ~ (:1 c( , (:-1·0 C) (} 0 {.'\J (") 0 () C; n q C.' ~.l ~.J .\,,1 , .. ';:::J'" (".. (\, (\J C,!';:; i:' G', l'-- C;, .... ., (-..j I"~ , (.J c.:;c:ono OOO<:,)Ci C. r-', G' (\j (oJ ' ..D C· ,"-_I r', () ~") u:'.t (] (") Cl n o {:.. ............... <, ,"~. ('-- (""I\',D 0. CO ('-J {""" 0 0 C) 0 ' " 0 () (-,j C" ,..-f ,.-{ ('"1 c>""! 1'-' (.) I [./ 0 .... 01 0 0 0 0 Co 0 0 C: 0 , C> r--. 0:) \.~""\ 0', (.', CD -:;J o<. t'-~ "~ ('>'~I -..::0 N '" ,." 0<. ~I (Y'", tf"\ U\~ ~)- -"1 C~) 0 .,9, 0 0 ::.--, 0 C) 0 0 0 0 r--t (\J (\j .....C') 0'\ C. .... r, <\ (:J r---- (:'\ . ..0 .N d ~'i ~ <'- '. " .!'-- 01 0 C· G"\ ...:.1 C) 0 0 e' 0 .C; V) V) ~,j- {c:'- N G) J< ,J" ~" [,' () (-J '~" ~, ',u," ..tl> ".: rJ .~ J•• It.l t.~ 'r: -!,.) <{~: -'.} l:: ",:: ::,.{ rl 0 '..-1 ('j I, ,4 ('J '0 ?-l ~I 0 "" ·r! ,J,-:" V) "{ ," I ',9 i., II ~I .r! .'''; -G "--\ ,:.::; ·,1 .,~ r! f, () «(, Cl ICl C) lel t ' ·,-1 +;! <;' ~:< r'-j ~.~ (I ,.,: 0 .:2> {.t} c ,'-") ~') ~., :;OJ 0 r-l .p 'r! ·,-1 d +, b1 w, ~) (.J ,,: " r~'o ~'-~ " ..() -) r, ,~, ) ('·.lI·,.-1 " .. .~1 ,. ,< ,j I' '. ;., 'f~ t: U ~l "(.) -!-" no' t.; f) ;J "N rI " P. [--I ·,-1 [-{ r:1 0 ,,4 'i~ 0 <.1 1:.) '0.)" .,.;C ' , " ·d ., )::' r:: ,., \'.Q., "S) "~, •t·n.'; ':1 C'l N f; '(-:,', <> :.? () i.'.~ ~;-j Ci 'f.) fj H '---:J .::i +' ~' " u .""' 'i"K v, 1~ \ r: () " .}:> (;1 ~ ~-! .." , C) -i-:' Cl r! r' .;:! l'!i r:: r'~ ~-~ ~--. (,J ~'l '('; '" .'':: :',:i ~: Q) t-,{ ~( t, : t; ,,, rI U 'l,j f-l·,l 0 .r! c., f-:~ (:' .-.--: ('oj rI ,-(~ § rI () +' Th () '7..1, 1';, J., e.:) 4·{ ~~, c· <"~, " " <,~I ?c .:.) ~l) 'i' ~.r-, +~ D Q (.{ I:) r: 9 0 C, +;0- (.iJ g rI "., r'" ,r< (.~. C tIl 'I ..:~ '"0 (~i G; p, \,' 'rl ....:.r '" -l-'). .p b.0 ." ·~i --,-' {',I 0 r:l H '. ri,', '(~ ~ '0 r~} ',-~ " "'.":"' Ie t:) ,., r:-~ '.-'J (,~ ,,c> i-rJ '0 ,~ e, t· ..', 0 <~ .5. ,r, 'n ,"( ... ;- '< .,_J " S',. /'-i0 ..(~ +j-l .;J (--'- ;t r,~ ':,-1 ,' 0 . , .., J 0) C) c, ~. -l~ I Jj ,£1 Q'; 01 '" H" ~(1 ," 0 i ....~ t1~ N 0 '~I Ii , h i ASPEN000698 enco in cost ~eplacem(Jnt of th:l.n b0t~J00n of t.he ,"~ork the Jr~t.in i'>ZT'v:1.ce required :l1iC~ t~le sE:rvicG ma:L'1 .. r;;;;ins J although it in beliG'!ed tlwt f.t5Y1llAlCh sbonld be done ns :tn posstblG jniti.'llly 1'nJcaUse of the sF.:vings in COf,t~ \';hcn the s;rtcH:' as proposGd ftppronches ita cJ.8Gign c[-ipE'.eity:.- Hh:tch is est:ilL18.ted :;o;:L t.\ (, 20 :--!cers J exte-i1sions should be m2.do: The 'treatm~nt 'the t.r;U1Giriss:10l"l condutt initiall,y ~.;:tJ.l h0 deEd.gued for t.his cnothc:c one ):u11ion g!!llon storfi.eO r-8!3f;:rVO).1' f:Lrst 2nd t.h8J:l incj·(:.:~s:lnf~ ASPEN000699 1·(t)Y'111HJ. P09:;J·~~ .... Pl:'_'j:;;;~ t:l.Jl:l G::~ '-, PC:t;.!::: }):qll.:l J:-';:;; Xil:-'llrll 1-Y8~:J.JlTUm nuquirt~--(t PJ.£'J'l-L l'iI3.::{ • LnI,·,:':ty lr~:::t.n.n ~ F:tro' StOl"f!.E0 .G(~'·,('/-,'ncJ. :'J.:l····:.T~cl '~r~i~~t;T-~' )\::1::r:-'.if2 £;t:w.;U;~"··"· rU!Uu.1.~f;d c:.~,:-) , 'U,' 2),- TC;,'\;j _...",o'c"f· 1 '{50 :L;~i) :~·~~Of) 1~ :.:,~; fl n .; I. ,)' L - iJODO 1 ~ ~!~; ,-, J.. f...\.-" 1, r~:J ... ~,.~,._~ ·~~·I.[OJD 6COO .._+1> (. 1~ [: rj 1,.De 2. r','L " '2 ~ 82 (J ",l.' () ~, .- ~ .I.• t;) :t, E;9 .. L'j ~ "':Of' eh 1.25 1,·, ~)6 2 <- ~!.ll 2 ~ ~~~h 3f3G ., cO" {l-';{~ t;T~" ·'·''<'nIrJT ? <.~; ,';h 1,00 .J ~ .. / " 2-G Ii ,:;c .. ,)6 ~96 1.00 2 ,00 " ,00 2" 000 " J: )~ '''''',f ", '-' <» I" L50 <, ,,;, '"'';':;;''' ASPEN000700 1~ PHVJD:tn!~ ___ _~_ r~~< .~ Plnnt:. ~"., __ ,._'''-' Pl;m IV plm:pinr: rc"qu:lx'ed, set thH rate of filtratloYls, backi:w3h fil ters, pte., and maintain tho equipment.", 'rhe major cost for opo:r::.r';:,.JrIC the pl.9nt l1ilJ, be lab<)1< and Irhe operat. inf} cos-c chcm:L(!Hl$~ of tn(-'. ,,;~.:r:tOU3 gyst.emH ASPEN000701 plete 11&'Gel' sYDtom, In the B\Unr«En" dur:cug peal: dmQ?.nd 11$1'iodo,. olK'rl).t.ion of tho' plant. will h,NG to DO on fl ~~4-hoUl' bc:5is, bllt dnring the uinter the pIc:nt may be opEorated for- approxir.18.tel.y J.6 h()\L]'; fo):' the p00k Beasons, OJ! less, 8.ccorel- The operatol'f! should be ablo 1>:1 run tlw plant, l:na\«l t ..:;ps, res.ci ro.et.ers, fInd perfoTlii all normal IMiutcnanco dutires. 1'ho billing of tho CtH"itomerg 'ehml1d be m(!.dt~ in conjtll1ction 'V-ilth ASPEN000702 }arL )__ t; 'r:/, t~~~l!:;: n.t' ,,'flT.8X' gi::)'ie:ee.l -Gw::.'.:.t.:'Lon of' ·Lh~:-. pCtfp10 be:(~t;f':Lti!1g 1:'r'on t,11B :tr"!)r"o,\renont.G 8Xl(;OJ,"<1"" .c. mill lev,}"'. .1 ASPEN000703 , 'Jccordinr< to theh~ [lct\1Il.1 lU;8 and be',uefi t. u flat. !'ato systel"1l i8 nOll . conversion. to , frwtfn."[~ J it iI'.l. ma:r Dffect:., ttnd , To have the systEm' p!.ly for' bsom~8:~ of t.he high ('!ost. of be desir.'able foX' trw present. to cont.inu.o the flat rate ,system for si.ngle fmdJ.y chml1inga. fill oommerchl "nil ASPEN000704 1?/:lJ/S3 FJ r.,·t~ [);:les 1:f'l~:tr·:£!t,:lorl S:; J.(:.;3 niF)-~ 1,' Jncoru::: .fl'Or:l· FJ.1Yl E:'idr(~.rr'~ Gf;rv1.~e.G -etc. r~.:tt'::; l '':lI/t·). r../,J ","-' r', (:1~607. aL! 2}J;.n:?G~ 93 ~~ J ~;7e. 03 ;: ~-::. )~~?: .39 :.~(. J 2.5 '7 ~ J.g ?C;.,[:G3 .. ~;~.j 2 /)~:9 ~ c:) ? ~ (,~)9 • c·~) ~;J~;,CC3.:;:) ASPEN000705 Y1l"'e l~jBt)":t (; t hSG7(.'lOe·O~~ DO c ~~6 19~~~) ~;}3 J )F,O ~ 00 GD,}!) 1951 1952 1953 :;Ti'!J ?YJ~ cu [;O,-5~;7e. 15'1;9 1954 ~~ l!1::~71s-2?(J~CO ls3 . ~~6 U.W J.l:~ ~ S~';'lD 44.oli 1,6h;) ,;:ho,cC! 51~),!_G If 7h6/)JO~oO ;;2u92 2'7.01, 3hJ:o 3:; ~ 92 LO ,". ASPEN000706 Ii 2:1{O.,oo II " , 3 ~ 3'10;, 00:) .00 ' 1961 If 3,£l30}OOQ,Oc) It 1:,c;(.0,000,00 It 4,2<;0;000,00 If h,52J,OO 1966 t)'l50~OQC"OO " ltjeo,ooo,QO " h,9S 0 .00 " 5,210.Dfl 196iJ S, ):)10, 000. 00 1969 " fJ 1970 5, 9C/)} O{)o. ();) 1)71 " JS'(2 " G,no.oo " 6,360.00 " I97it " 6,820. co " ? ,050.('0 " (:-J:cbu(l P'81;-(:S::,~_~'(i V) l'U,r~t,i0*-. ..4::;peu·il) 8., Ii ~/I.,lo of t,hn 8,:.;nj.t~,Lion d:iflt-.:--'·it:t; tiE.:': Ci-t,y of IG0~) (, ASPEN000707 1212:: 13.2.2 - M. -..- 1'32?} H13 Erf: 21:; - . 2., ?ux-r. .. . ?512.2 (1.) int-2?} ..J (LEE, all. .E. Lib: 1.42232 (.23: q: WV- ?Jhe I. in? 1-3-3. Add 1! a ?Juan'- $131 .a - . - -. . 2:22.201: 12:22:21.3 2.2-2 mam}. on 2.22.: 1532.2'Efl . 22331:: 32122.2}. 2:22:22: 1:212 .2.-: 2. 1121:0225}. LU- . tic-.9. 2r: 22.2 {31:22: ?um-2&3 the: -. "3:522:22 2'1 ?1 252:2 2. '3 1-2.4 52-232 :5 hi? 1 her-?2 2?42 011:2?? r- 1" ?rm uwv" 1 l? 23.11:: c?l-wu 15.12.64 JLI L2 LI ding: 1'le .. u-?.22 2.-.-.- 3.9; .21.ng {Him-?211314: tgj?xjc-r 45.12.": 35:21}- .Liifzif?" Li?: 7T. {nil-.1 :2 {gh?itf?n 2.22.121 22:22:):1223. 12.12522 2-3 52.322122?? 1,322;- 2; 32.2-25 2.2 citmtion 270.22 (2122;320:221 ?23.22. 222:2?: 2.133322?. 2:113. L: recgzirrsa. ?2.23 .. 2.2: the (223521;, 13232161 '12 .2. 2.2.3- 22:0 ?226: 2312.232023ng 2:20:22: 5222.1 22.12.332, 12.3.2 i' a. 2mm.- -21 22:12:: 22:22:23. will 2365;111:5312? .221 5522?; 'Lo 22': F: 02.22122:2'22) 5}}.2uchL32. .103? hangbd}. 0} :52. .. .. . 2 apex-2:22. -L. 22-522 Luv.- unbl?? 222 .22. 2.22.25221.2%; .2221. new .L (3 SI CF). . . -r.1 - 3.13 1.21.2: from .22. 2:222: 222.2111 71.25.2122} 3.12. E: 22:12:22.1: in 322.132.222.31}: '1 - ?1.34!sz 1-11 [will-?51 . .. I . ?n 111 ?31f: 33:31.0 $.11 1117221 whi?h '1 ?1:329; 11 (11137501311151: (A. Hamid ranuli in am ovaraii H?vin??b a? 1% 15 101:1111- tua? a straigh . - . 14" 1 . 11 .13. lmmep rate 01 Late;auu may b3 ?huru 1:3, ?wyaghic was <3c3t11111 Lia: 12:21111 i?lrtein ?2131;3-31-a 1;;1 get up 59 ihwt 1he eni'r: hang gamma gynent achedui? 1H w: -jrct?m? 13:? the aegiau peria.IH. 331:.? a" gun a Reusp?gu1ntumn 03 rgvenum Hug ??nm h99??3?ii ?my uhm $ucuf?u?.u? bon? is sue gre canoainc? in {ff'zhi? wihw' . \:;'nt·-::.,:x> f:i.l ::,neb it} 1):1 B t ..r:i~ c t UiD0C 1:'J.:2 19;~1 Rf:(:(((:d OD. Jrun td:,:r C:('~'(?i':7 F'lc~,! Roc(n~cl Oil J{-:},nt0r ':':coek, J/)~2 FJ!,'y~)" }{(~cord Oil thmt0-r C·}~f;el'~ J 1',' E'lCQr'd on "Y 1-. _ ;,unv81' Grc0l:::,~ 1".r;5 , .' ASPEN000710 , .~ OapaC1\y ;." '.' '. '·-J'i11l1g I!\lI!Ib!! . J'ame' of 0all!Il' or Ruel'V0Y sQ. Side D1 tell ". . , " :: 1967' . Ar1ian Dl tOhi 2. :', 19678 Arl1aJl Ditch De. t. of . §01l%'O,,!.;?~~~ . .'. lllue Creek a ~r1'11 o! Roaring Fork Ii. 4/9/56 6/15/19 ' ·~s1.de Ditch ,'. . 19092 'B,utWAs D1 tch " '~".' . 7 lOS s\j.W II M.A. & N.Y. MagnifiCo, Aspen, 0010. • J'. &. :So Porter, Rev Castle. 0010. 19630 1\ 11. 14 Oookburn, Carbondale, Colo. 19341 27 11S !SSW .00668 10 7S S9W • E. & G. M. Woods, Glenwood Springs" 001.19942 .015 10 7S 89W " J. Ril ton ,sa 86w » 6/1/52 1l/11/rj+ 10/24~ 1/22/54 9/1~ 9/16/5Z i,. 1 W Sprlllgs. Roar1~ tr1b. 5/1/00 R . 98 87W 9S SSV : '-, &. • " 19346 . 19345 Wu, Ga.emtood Springs, Colo 19653 Washington, D.O", 19567 J .G. & G.B .. llradlq, • J. S1everl. Oarbondale. 0010. 11 T.M. HeOlure. & M.S. Purgi8, OarbQndal.e 19121 A.S. & RoB. ~. Woody Creek, Colo 19105 • 19104 19328 , JI N. 6 . lOS s4w 5 lOS s4w • • 4 98 s~ A.W. & R.M. Cook, Woody 4 9S s5V • M ~ Fork River .a • RUllter Creak: . •7 5/ 12/20 . 5/ 1/00 Dl7 Woody Creek a . trib ot Roaring B1ver•. 7asSl( 0.011,5 ...•. ~ ~. :r1sh Comm, Denver, Olllo 3. 0 Crystal River II lm4, C~lo. Game • • l, .,' Jet/ta Ditch u. II _ Dry Wood,}" Oreak: a tr1 b. o! Roarixi& For~ B1vor ' , , H1s~on DUch 8}W 11S SSW "y,r ",' 19101 SS 2S "6/5/52 ; ',."'~,. 6/1/12 11 , 24 ,', S/OS/55 • ..• . '1'\,' i. ,·"-:~~9: '!'rib. of C:ystal lUver 10/301(52 9/7/50 2nd hlarg. CO.t tonwood.. Ipr1llgs 2 &,3 aJld. Ditch " lS W• •1s Cre~ '-. • 9/20/55 {t·::~t~f.~,}~u~'.~eAnn Res; '"' 11 2/17/56 ' .:. ':. :B. Ar1ian, Oarbondale, 0010 Creak: !rib's. of 3 Hi. S/l/I¥) ..:' • 1.00 . -',2.;' '. { 7S 6/15/55 11,/6/53 !~:-t 311, 3/19/56 S/27/5') ' 61h :So Vagneur, Woody Oreek. 0010. ~ring 1l/9/j3 ~':~":~ 9S 15.686.340 Snowmass Creek, a t:tib of Roar14:: J'ork Bivar Spring <:;;:.':'''l9lO5 '. J.'.-" . '... 23 10/13/55 ,Spring ',';-,+ bJDber . 3/23/56 .,'.;, \~'" ;;(19567; :8radley-llreiner Lab a '~~r;i;~ ~'J~1c_;:. :I. and.2 . :'1';~',/~J2a ,>~"eVer s Spring & Pipeline .. . . ,JU1!ii" or lJaJII ~~~~ :hying Piul River lfammerio.h Pipe Line ~~;}},) ~\ '~~~r: '.::~.~ 2.0 6/1/96 Location of Readgate au. Ft. '-'rib. ot S. Fork .19341- Cockburn D1 ~h ". 3 .- , Par Sea • CUbiO • W" 3 /.11. D1~cht Extell8ion .,. l.l!.· blargement .,. 1 19630 is claimed 4/9/56 +l qolD! Oven Reael'Voir . 19664 .. lUke Spr1ng . T or Yood Creek a vib of Roaring lork B. ...:'" '19669 J'iliD4!i Supply F\. Date tel' which water J'o" " • • II i . " .. " JI'. A. :Benedict. AlIPen, 0010 H • • 3.0 It II 4 • 19103 n 19102 " -19101 Creek; \I 0010. '19094 19093 • '.,' ASPEN000711 Date of lil1lli Capacity Date for Cubic Ft. which water of ou. Ft. iB olaimed per Seo. 9/ 8/5 2 5/ 1/ 00 0.925 ft • 0.275 • M 1.0 7/f/52 9/1/45 6/13/5 2 4/U/52 • 3/ 1/39 (2) 'iUlD6 'hal!!! ", Dq Woody Cre.k U'ib. of Rouil]f; l'ork River 19039 II Oooktu D1 toh .' 19088 :Pond Diioh 19Q69 Eahion Rea. No. 1 Enl. 19050 Springa. trib Roaring Zancanil1e. Spring No.1, Ditch. . ., '" Ooul ter Creak '0 Fork Riv. • 2,~ 19035 . Roaring '. , .... .,. PumP Fork Crystal Spring Trib., Roaring ani Pipelina Jork lUvn 1,973,490 Location of Readgatl or DI\I!I ~ !!!e.. ~ ~ 96 8511 6th A.'II. & R.M. CoolI;, \f.oo'~ Creek, Colo Owner &. Addrssa , • n 19089 • • 31 6s 12 7S 19088 87W " N. C. El1svorih, Carbondale. 0010. B T. & A. Zanoanilla, Carbondale, Colo. 76 T. '" O. Zancall111a, Carbondale. Colo • • 5/26/52 4/15/49 0.02 28 Trail Creek irib to Crystal R. 2/1/52 6/1/il. 3.50 25 lOS 8gw lest Snowmass Cr. 12/24/51 7/1(47 10.0 9 68 sGw .0023 28 6s 59W 28 lOS S9W 10 95 85W 1 8S 90W New Multa Trine. &. SBlart Ditch Co .. '. 19090 M. & L. D1er, Carbondale, Colo. 19069 1~9 19035 :', , ,. ,. . . _'., :a~a"r 18963' LOB t Lakl Di toh l8934' SD.WIIle.se:ral1 B Di t oh ~~26' J Mill Spring + 2' .' . Spring 12/12/51 6/1/45 O. Orlosk1, Marble, Color 18963 II R.M. & R.ll. Perry, Carbondale, Colo • 18934 • T.'II. &. B.N. Walker, Glenwood Spr1n£8, 18926 . ' . -189.25 '3 MUISpril]f; I 1 N • II .! •• -.,;- '-: Cerise Guloh, trib of Roaring Fork R. 12/3/51 . f?"-lS90J~homplonDit~h * 2 ") ' . .' . -" . . . !-,~, .\:~-.' to lIeY ···.·.Ha1\aTr1M. a,. Smart Ditch . ilo~.'-'-'*'.. . ,--~ . -' . '18897 .. KiJ.i1tl.Spring &. ;DUch.. 1,2 ' .... -<.' ~',: -ii. But'fa10Ditchl. 4,5.6. "7 . .-' '- ... '-';- :....(-. ;~r. . l'i:p.l1~ _ SSW Colo~6am8 &. F1eh Oomm, Denver, Colo • 18897 Spri~ U/19/51 8/20/50 22 lOS SSW Joe Manh, Carbondalil', Colo .. 18896 Oas tle Oreek 10/15/51 6/25/92 1.0 1.0 2.0 23 lOS 85Y • H. L. Stein, Aspen, 0010. 18880 10/15/518/1/82 2.0 22 as 85W • H-.l.. lluffe.lo Creek 10/3/51 8/28(90 3~12 32 8S 87W If E. J. Love, Oarbondale, Colo. Frying Pan River 10/1/51 8/1143 0.39 7 9s 86v '1 Oreak MoCutchen Guloh ' yt:-. Cr., '1'111 )(aroon , - I IT: -. . $,. ...~~9Dee.n. - -".-. - , jish -.:~" P~~ . -' ~:!,,~,~,t~;<:~l"""k" Deane, ASpen, E. V. HendriCks, Basalt, 0010. 0010. " 8/28/FJ1 0.125 29 6s S8lI 9/17/51 8/24/51 0.• 25 21 lOS S9W • 9/11/5x 9/1/50 )~O 22 +08 8SW n E,X•• H. O. &. J .M. Bopki1l8, Glenwood Springll, Cole. R.A.. &. L.G. Dee.IIiI, .A.ullctn, 0010 n sl'1/82. 1.0 II • ft n . -:).8S43;.Hop~8PUlllp· & Pipelino :-:::-:. ': -" & L. G. 18879 18863 . 18861 ,~~ f.• ,.. ,' . lSs60'Me~(o!len PipeUu "£. 18903 SS 1,2.3, . -'-'. i· . 10 River 'l8S61Hen diickl Fhh Pond &. ,~ _ S11t, 0010. 1.0 of * 18913 7/'J/J/51 V1Uov J~ 18925 U/21/51 Crystal --.- ~::: 11/21/51 8/23/51 " ~~ f -,; 2.0 .':',:, .. ,.. ;::,. 'Rockford Ditoh 2nd El1l.. . 18896 Unnued tribe of lIo; ThOIllPBOn Cr. 3/1/44 0010. Roaring Fork V1110w "', ' CroOk WillOw Creak Riv. H. H. McCutohen, Carbondale, Colo. 18860 • .. :".~ ASPEN000712 ,',' m l'11,~ Data li!IIIIlIer 'Ja.me 'of CaDal or,Reservoir .i~/Olu':I,sten80n Ditch I c'~llIe." Ditch t 1 Filing SourCe of SUpPg 18820 1S1l9 Ceiise Di iQh if 1 , lUll1 1/fT67 SS 86W Dry Creek 6/1/19 1.75 34 9S ttY Ifoo~ 7/15/51 2.0 19,30, 24 &! stw 22 8S 8gw j Cerise &'Arba~ Ditch Roar1n~ Fork Riy. Crystal Riy., Trib at Colo. River. It Oollinl Creek, Trib Hamilton Ditch 8/20/50 8.23 5/1/13 1.25 8S S7W 5/18/95 9.30 88 136\11 6/26/51 1.0 of Colo. River 8/20/51 9/27/50 Spring 7/19/51 " 6/5/51 5/ 1/51 4/10/12 1faldSpri~ & P)lIlIp & Hershenat Spring & Pipeline 18733 Andreatta Spri~ 18732 Certse Springs 1/fT31 :Box Car Springs 10. 1/fT30Tuclter 18728" Creek at Roaring Fork,B. 8/27/51 , Pipeline 1/fT35 Springs No. 1,2.&3 1.2,3, a.4 18716 , > ,. S5If 13 8& 8SW 0.10 4 7S S9W 0.015 10 7& S9W 35 78 8!)W D • 6/1./~' • N N It " 5/1/15 1.0 35 7S S9W It " 7/ 1/ 20 1.0 20 68 89W II 9/1/29 B'avey Ditch Roaring Fork RiT Gran&e Waste Water Ditch Fhh Ponds Wade Wahl' Rearing Pondti 9S 6/1/50 """20 68 0.10 17 68 3/30/51 1.00 36 76 4/4/51 2.00 4 ss 2.00 " No. Springs No. 1,2,3,4,5,&6 Inter-Comm Nat. & 10 6/1/51 Nat. Spring Springs. 18718 • • Grange Spring 18713' Grange & Ceriae Ditch 1S6~ J. V. Rose Waste Water Ditch Waste Water 4/23/'51 5/1/42 1.00 18653 18641 Crystal River Pipeline 3/19/51 7/1/49 10.00 10 3/9/51 7/ 27/50 30 .00 13 Holden D1 toh .Spr1ll& 5/ 28/51 18715 & Range ~ ,Owner & Addreas 6th D.E. &: .i..P. Chrishnson. Snotlllla88, Colo.18S33 ! II S. Natal, " 188)1 F. & E. lleard. ::Basalt, Colo. Woo~ 15830 Creek, Colo. Joe Kantz. Carbondale, Colo 18829 F. & I. :Beard, :Basalt, 0010. 18820 M.Ceria. & i.D. Arbatl;y Basalt, Colo 18813 Dry Creek, a irib 18SlS ' Roaktord Di tch, lat Enl. " lluI 9 Thompson Creek ,,, 0"11 !!2.. !!m.. 15.26 ~-' 1SS29' No, 'Side Thompson Diich lst, Enlargement Lo4at10tl at Headgate 10/3/50 9/5/51 'Snowmalls'Creek 2 at Capao1ty Date !orCubio Ft. 'which water or Cu. Ft. h olaimed Pel' seo. Roaring Fork RiT. CasUe Creek: • 'fI~ 89W It It • 0010. ~e &: &: F. Cer188, Fish Comm, Danver, 0010 18818 :Sen ',VagnellZ', Woody Creek, Colo. 18810 C17etal River Cap, Carbondale, colol 18767 J.T. fher81a, d.V. Jr., R.A. & R.W., llerBh.nzi, Glenwood Spring., Colo. 18735 J.J. 1873.3 & D.M. Cerise, :Basalt, Colo. • I 18732 18731 P. ~er8h.nBi Jr & !.W. &'B.M. Walker :Basal t, Colo. 18730 It p. :Bel'Bhenzi Jr, Glenwood Springs" Col. 18729 • N.O. & M.A. RaV81, Oarbondale, Colo. 87'11 K. J. Grange, :Basalt, 0010. • It • 3 J.3. Darph1ne, M. Cer1ae 16 J. V. Roso, Glenwood SprlllgB, Colo &: K.J. Grange Glenwood Ilpr1ngs, Colo. • Dolo. Game &: 11th Comm, ntnvel'. Colo. M. & II. Mu,U ••upen. 0010. 1871,3 ' 18662 18653 18641 ASPEN000713 (~) , Date of :riling , Capac1ty' Date tor Oubio F~. whioh water, or Cu. Ft. is c1aim$i Por Sea. ' Shin-Mlain &. MaroH Ditch Maroon Creek 2/23/5,1. 8/12/92 2l.0 MoC.~.e p,Uch ~Tlj. FallOreek 2/19/51 3/ 19/ 17 Rued! Creek 2/7/51 6/1/93 McKinneY' .Ditoh Bholl1 Guloh 2/7/51. 7/ 16/5 0 1l1a D1 toll Crystal River , " lUlllg Juii'llel". .--";. 1l\1li8 of Oanal or R8IIe:rvo11' '". -- ,; 18621' • .i ..,186,18 ":,,~i611;"~'1gEov-D1toh (:mnl of) ,-' c," ~~i~ '185~ ~r.c~ed location of the Hea~te ot the 2nd Enl of ' Illa Dhoh 2nd ,Enl. 18589 -MoX1nn;y '1f'9~ ''fvaiitr 1S5S? '~~- ; .:- ',1: , . "{ " .~ & Up.line Pipel1~ Dt teh E. Spirit Creek ,'Co::'," :c185;4,,' ~1i'tIlOPonds :f ",tl55~8 !<.' :?8528 " III Wash Wa:til' Ditch' O~~DHOh' Her8dfth Knl. Eva~ D1 toll # 2 ,L- . ~_...i ." ,",.- 18521, Evan~ : . . . -;,.. -' Waste Wa..r filing' , ~f<';:;';:18553, N~iod",pondS '," l! Owner 22 lOS 85W 6th A. Stain, L.A. Aspen, 0010 5~28 98 S7W 4.'25 ss 84W ~.33 105 8811 ~,- . 4/28/49 2.00 8, Addrellll & M. & T. Marolt, S.B. tuttle, SnowmasB. Colo. " ls627 18618 R.R., J.R. & A! Sharp, Carbondale, Col0.ls617 J. NoXinney, Carbondale, 0010 18616 J'red K. & D.J. Holgate & Gua Daren &. V. Cube, Carbondale, 0010. 18589 V.D.& K. Dougherty, Oarbondale, Colo. 18589 lOS ,SSW James McKinny. Carbondale, 0010 18594 G.B. & D.B.'Ga.mmer, Glenwood Springe 0 0 10. L. Manne, L.R. Light & J. B. :rutU., Snowmass, Colo. SS SSW R " ': 1/12/51 4/13/10 1.00 78 88\11 7/1/47 1.41 9S s6w 11/30/50 0.10 5 78 SSW !S9W • 8/21/50 1 75 1/5/51 2/19/14 5 78 '8SW 1/5/51 2/19/14 5 78' 8SW Snowmass er.ek 1/5/51 7/29/50 14 9S s6Y (Pond) i'riadl Pfeifer. 12/2l/50 9/11/50 7 lOS s4w • M R '4 98 88\11 II lOS 3411' • r.~ ,~.;:".yrl,S,70 ·~}~.~,~r~Ond8~.Di tqh ': Range. 5/ 1 5/'46 Spring i'~ '-·~"~·'·lSm,. Av!.' spring Diieh ",,:,', !l!l?. • • ;.-. ;'--. . -1, 8515 , ~er.:': SJ>ring .,',~,' ft • , ;t;~@l ~;,:~,::::.~ ",c' 7/17/51 Springs Peaks Springs 1, 2, Iaght& Light •• L·..... " Springs 3, /0 4, '" . Seo,' n , 18594 ' ,_ " a '~ pocatlon of Headgato , or J)aJlI " , , ·~·r :', ._. Souroe of Supply ; I Springs " liettle Creek 12/13/50 12/6/50 Hunter Creek 12/8/50 8/5/50 1.00 4.0 • • • • '. ft M. ATi, Glenwood 8prillg8, 0010. A • 18575 18574 18572 18571 H. Pabet. Oarbondale, 0010. 111570 Mike MagnifiCO, Aspen, Colo. II It L. :m. Meredith, Oarbondale, 0010. M , J. Lameq &. J. 'O'rruty, AIIpen & Grand Juno 1;1 on. Colo. , ',-. D1tch G.B. & D.B. Gammer, Glenwood Springs, 0010. 't 1 , · .• ,.-f' Unnamed ~r1b.of " 4th EIll. &. Ext. A~ Canal,;, ' Hnnter Oroek 12/8/50 8/~50 RoariZl& Fork Mnr ' 11/30/50 3/19/50 Spring 11/27/50 9/ 12/50 '. • • 12.0 22 6s J. V. ROlle & J.li'., Gregory. Glenwo'od 0.063 20 78 J,.F. 8. :S.')? Smith, Oarbondale. 0010. 18527· Springs, 0010. ' ~.' • CanlJdale Guloh , 11/20/50 10/30/49 4.0 34 11/15/50 7/1/47 10.0 9 Ben Grannett1. Carbondale, Colo. a 18494 J • V. Rose & J.J'. Gregory, Glenwood Spr,ings. Colo. ASPEN000714 • ,< ."I:. f .: · -". ,"'- '-:t " :·~~·::/:'~!,m~;:··!,\", .;' '.: .". ;" : ~,.¥e.)ai,.: lfu.;il)f:Caliiil. ;-. i ' '1,' ::,;.:._< . ~ '. ;-. _". -, - ,:}" . ':.-; - :~~-;:;'!.'-~:;::.<. '," . l'11PW n/l;/50 1910 ~1b. to Snov=aas Cr.ek 11/14/50 5/10/08 • ;,;., ':'isll82R1j:;iiw. i2Di'tOh . ~:J.' . ' >. . <~."~:~.-:-~'~J.:,._';. ..~ · '".' ..... ,, '," _":.- ::\'::.~., ... _. . . ,~.:. ':..• -; ":,f' -..... ... -. - .Dftch " ,'. ·,·l84t4\l!~ :\,. "-f·~:.:~>~··_ ..: ",::;,'-;.1.: ...:.":'-': .- .' . >. ~i~.. ~~,;,<:,~?':·:~;P~l~.'·'\ • . '. '. . '·: ... :,;'<'·l$)Q3:·)rairen Oreek DUoh , ,;i :;. ' ;.~~:,,;}~~~'~_;,::.>~-·:t··.. . ._" .: .. ' '. :": ::,,~.~;: 18)02 '41.~ .SlIIith DHch ., 3 ~;.'.:·_~o._.>'-'~~ ~.:._.'._:'.,.-:.~.··:_-.:>~..:,:~:,,: - " c,-f,:': lS},O;' Sm1!h D,Uch I' 2 !,<·~,;~:"cl.l~,~ i , • ' 8/6/50 .. ---.- , • ft 1 98 4.2 9 !jt Owur " Addr8ae 6~ \lUll DareZl, Carbondale, 0010. I. 9S sGW " 12 ,6/16/50 Wheelbarrow Gu.lch +1 0'.133 H Spring Gulch ~ 11 " 1900 13482 ,J •. D. :Bright, Sno_a8a, 0010. 18414 ,J. V. Rose, Glenwood Springs, 0010. 18360 :: '~; C~8tai 81J1f • i6 9S 75iIT " J.P. & H.M. Burns, Glenwood. Springs, 001.1S333 20' lOS s41t " J. A. SmUh 'Jr, Aspen, • 11 • " • " 2.60 " " 3.00 " 0.96 33 78 ~ lO'S sa, ssw " " ." River oorP, Carbondale, 0010. .18340 .. 18]03 Col0.···~ • " n • ,J.D. Ceriee, :Basalt, 0010. 78 .1' '>, •. 78 . 89'11 ,.12 ....:·-i· . 0.20 18483 Carbondale",Oo10. .' ;33 6/17/50 .._.... ·.:f~~PUch Mi. Sopr18 Hereford Ranch 00 •• 7/')./19, W' t·'/:,;,.;;'i~s,tJ":s:, GzoeonDUch Enl & Ext . . . ' :.l. .. _... ": :"':..;.~.>::~r;"<: .. 12 7/ 2 6/50 Tr1 b.to Roaring ]'ork Ml'el' DUch 6/6/50 . 8/15/5 0 Warren (hoeak _ :-.. ~:.,:,;':'~,_;~".,~~~', 1:a:!-'"~~ih~1toh t ~;';~;:~,>_~;~-;"::.:": 8.0 Range -~~.:-, *' ~~~: 'k:~~.. ~@~ ;;;:'i~~c;V'~.f',Gr~n ~. 4/2150 8/21/50 . Springs '_'<_:'_' .:i._-~'::'~- .. (~~,_~:'_~ ""'~' ,>'.-."':'. . <0.:. . -.: . >.18J3J .:;JlUi'IJD Sprillg8 1,2,3 & J.; ~. 9/15/~·. 9/29/50 - f·~);~· \' 'l~40"k~i~rlngB" ~. &; :2 . Pel' S.o., 8/2S/49 . ' ·····~i,1i36Q>Rolie}.i~on·D!.tch (2nd Jnl)' Roar1llg J'01'lt/lii.,.. ,9/6/50 :-> Oapao1'q 9ubic Ft. · LoCl).UOZl cxr:Read&ate 01' Dali . or au. Ft. · . .·.1~ "·:.Bi~ rih·oh. (Jacobll Ditch) "';}~:;.<~'.:5E" :;, .'. . ',. , whioh wa tel' is olaimed Date of oi"',aeservoil' . Source ,of §Uppll ~. .. :. '. w&ta'D1tcA",'t'{ SO. ihcmpson Cr. ··1iir.~-;, ' ... " Dato for ~g302 1830'1' " . SSW • " • " 18299 n it 1S298 • n 18300 " .~.., .A. & :S.H. WilBon, Carbondale, 0010. I I ' . " ..ft . . 18284 • 'l.rib. ~o Snowmass Creak . 6/26/50': 5/10/0,$ :Bill Creek 0,' 6/10/5 .. 10/30/49 2.130 ')4' 6/6/50 6/10/86 3.00 6 ·."10sS4W ~ HUnter 'Creek ' 86'11 Ml. Sopris Hereford llanch 00., Oar'bandale, Colo. 18272 R.O. Sewell. Carbondah, Oola. 18263 R Ai DurOllX, ASpen, Colo. ;'-;;":"lS25)'''-lfa.BhiPel8rSOn DHch Exi i'l(~:[~L;it,';:<~~~k':' •,". ~~~kfi"'~: . I/.oar11lg :rork Riv. .. ~~:hlc;h6pdllEla 8: Dl toh Ba.lIn Gulch "'- _- ~. '. -'. ... '.' 13 Springs in ~rj\:: .,.:~;8'200,; lf~re~ch Springs " l8201 ... . :- -: ':.", ':<.~ ~~ ~z#:>~_,>_· ~~·;~t -.~-~.---:_ '~.-~~:~ r;~< ':;-;'-'.' '!'/ ", c""{";' " ~8d.. '" 1f~.l!8'G-ulch 8, )llch Springs A ' . "!I!.c8pr~·"DUClh ,''-'" ;".,:,. . ~.j'·~"_f---.: .':- ",,,.~, ..'-i_{~~:._...,.. __:._._ . ,ijiA39'''.';~':;ilIthyili8 Pan Ditoh t"-:/;;";"'/;,~Or "JqOAISpring' ~~>~:;;:3Z.?\~r':,, ,'. , . "-'f ,hying Pan Riyal' ;$pi1ng :. '."' '. " . .-. a ",\;'c 34 7S8Bw '11 9s .g6w • Ben ~rannIlU1.. Oarbondale, 0010. 15185 III C. & li'. O. Red!llond. Snowmass, Colo. 18144 8/23/49'''""(;/1/36 !l.gS IS SS s31f • C. 'Crowley, :Basalt, 0010. 18139 '6/28/49:'5/16/43 tl.71 30' 78 S7'II ft o. lSl0S " 11 " 0'.0018 · R W. ~0118. Carbondale, 0010. 18107 .. ,." . ASPEN000715 '(.6} . Date ot ~; ........ '. m1llg , [ - .• lhDill. ...... - :: ~ lame of Canal or II.811WTOir 179tr1 " ~ 1!"cU.ot Spring8' & Pipeline Spring . . " .," . '. ".;. ·];1977 .~d!Ie"'"J';; !ylerSpringll &, 17918 111S7S ., "17871 .. • -, &, Pipeline ~'I.. .11}~ ~ 34 7S 89W 6th C. Walck, Glenwood Spr'1DE:8, Colo • 6 lOS 84'1 • 17971 It 10/18/48 9/6/4$ 0.50 ]2 7S SS." J. C0l'7e11, Glenwood .Springs, Colo. 17949 6/1/44 0.033 33 58 S9W H.If. & E • .". :Burgin, l't. McPherson,.. 17818 Hoaring Fork Riv. 4/2/4a 2/26/48 8/23/46 16.5 2 lOS S5'f{ S. Va&naur & A.Dur01lll:, J.apen, 0010. 17871 7/22/47 6/15/47 Hay 1928 0.917 16 '65 S9W R.L, & A.M. Leah, 7.77 13 as IflW J.DoBsigny. O.Garba&, I.B. Whitileael, P. C8ris., 0, Druor. &0 A.DrPl81, Glenwood Spr1Dgs, Colo. 11760 ~. 17141 Sapris Oreek 5/14/41 . • . ...... ',. . ,;~ .:d:'.. .....: .. \.:<.: - Spring U/1/45 0.02604 17 7S ssw • • 3/17/47 2.00 • • I R 3/19/47 2/25/47 6/3 0/45 2/18/41 1/19/47 7 lIranche! ot Tuk Oreek 2/14/41 1904 II Roar1DE: Jork lU:v.' 2/14/47 16.50 34 9S. 851f Sno_as Oreek 1/4/47 8/23/46 6/4/46 . 6.00 9 lOS s6v 9/9/46 4.00 51 lOS 86v lOS 6.30 31 31 5/3/86 . 2.23 Spring 1918 E. :r.a.r10r Creek &priDE: & 0'NeU1 Ores Pou Creek 17133 F.T. & I.H. McLaughlin. BaWl, Colo. 11729 R. & I. Pozzatti & E.J. Oarbondal., Colo. S. Vagneur, Yoo~ n.R. & J.B. lerry, 17126 Creek, Colo. 17725 Brown, Aspen, Colo. 11715 11714 8SW • J. W. MUiford, Glenwood Springs. Colo. 11692 31 78 S7W 3.00 29 liS 851f 6.00 . 21 98 S51f 2.00 28 9S 351f Spr! ng 1922 2.50 29 98 S5l1 It Spr1DE: 1918 2.00 " • 'I Spring 1890 • , J. V. Ro.e, GlenWood Springs, Colo. 7S . 8/4/46 10/21/46 8/1S/86 " • II ... 11742 11113 • '~ O. M. H1TUP; BaWl, Colo. J. Lameq &: J. Urruty, .upen. Colo. 10/8/46 ~',~ 11746 N • "', n A. Gramek, Carbondale, 0010. s4l1 . Roaring Jork Riv. ..~ " 001.11792 C.H. Gavin & II i.lIIOw!; ,hiteD... 6/30 / 06 Gl.~oo~ Springs, II • " l.A. Benedict, Aspen. Colo. Cryetal River COl'p, Carbondale, Col,. f;;··::.~.:: -.~ / ' -' ':"~:I« ~:. Owner &, Addr... ssw . DoadiWDUch ~. Range .7& • LeahDUch '3/3/49· 1/23/49 12/1/~ 9/15/46 ~, 30 1!urgin.SpriDE: .& Pipeline . ': "Vagnaur-DurClU% DUell :rUing LoCation of Headgate or Il!IIII . 3.00 . 0017011 Springe 1719~ -:-' ", :no 11/26/4a 10/28/4$ PiPel1ne ~ ., . Souroe of SS>Pl,z ...;~ ' ... + " Capao! tJ' OUbic which watar or Cu. Ft. Per Sec. ill 0 la1l111!! Date for 9/26/46 Spring 1890 3.00 • " . • • B. C. Wiese, A'J)8n, Colo, • • R M n R. Christopher, Aspen, 0010. II 17686 • 11 R. 17691 • II 17680 .11 • ASPEN000716 DaM oi Fil1p& 0apa.01ty . Cubic 1i •. x.ocaUan o! He~aw . or .DaIII which vawzo or Cu., li. " 111 claimed Per seC. ' ~. !l!£. ~'a 9/2 6/46 9/3/46 0.04 11 8S' '/17/46 9/3146 0.50 7 lOS 84w 9/16/46 g/16/41 15.00 10 Date taJt 176rg . ",'17611 Roaring Fork Ri? HarrlaPtiOh .~ :"~!::·V:·:,,·::.· , Cl:7at!ll: ,RiTer Fish Propll " , R8ia1111ng' Ponda & Sprill&B Alwlde4 , J088ph~Mants ~: t. . .:'::i~ . Ditch•• 1,2,3 ",'" ~'-' • J •. J.fB.mz DUch • J. Manh DUch I 2 Str!w~r.r Oreek J. Hants'D1~ SItUt ereek "c,"._ warten Or,. . I 1 -"~ __ ., . f 2 . . : ': ' , ;',..:' , . , ,:1114J' ',;f~ii. RaJi&n CTeek .\/;':s" - .;. -: . -\ . .-_-:~~.~,~S;n...•. , ~~l: -""" - - S~a. - 2n4 bl.G;;'ne Reeervou . . -~. . -..•. .. 6th H. Deel'haJll81', J.I&l'edi ill, 0010. 17679 " }.. G. Harris, Aspen. 0010. 17671 • Colo. Game &. J'.ilh oomm, llenver, Colo. 17670 Jos.pn Nantl, Aspen, Colo • 17660 a " 29 lOS 8411' Apr 1935 3.00 • • • Sp-ing 1890 0.11 20 loa 8411' Underilow (Spring) 6/3/46 9/5/~ 0.013 5 Orooksi & L1ttle Line Creeks. 5/20/46 10/10/45 . 9,215,532 22 Elk Creek 2/21/46 10/18/45 0.82 24 • • " • • • • • • • " • • •• 17659 17641 C.W. H1l1er, Carbondale, Colo. « 17630 17595 9S 8rw • • • I S9W A • . 2/4/46 6/3 0/45 0.50 12 7S 1/21/46 10/9/45 0,01 5 7S' .S7W N H. !r.' Sqnirel, Qarbondale.Colo. ~i 0.009 • " • C. W. Miller, Carbondale, Colo. 2.00 18 Sa' 84'1 10,ru,049 23 611 87'11 • J. 11'. )fcNUll1, Oarbol1fia1•• CQlo. I 5/~1\4 ~; 7/17/44 Creek 8/21/43 1,1(~/42 L08t Trail Creek 6/4f43 5/1S(§3 20.0 25 us ssw • W.C, Pany .Is G.C" :1'81'17. Carbond,a1e Colo. . l'ederal Oreek 6/15/42 9/t5/41 0.013 7 7S 86w • U,S. Forest Servioe, Denver, Colo. W. OoUlter Creek 3/19/42' 6/10/1S 19 6s 8'f1Il " Park Ditch ... Res&l'?oir Co., Gle~ood 8prl~. Colorado \ . " I < 36 frifr! , , f .-,•• ..'. . 17418 N.:!. Jackman, IU.chUa, ianaall - , :' Rocq :Ford Creek lil. Coulter - 17580 .J. V. Rose. Glamrood'Sprtntl.' 001•• . 17594 .'.'-:' IDol!"--r ./ , . 17145 " 170S:O '." ~. :':\-- ~.:.' ~.1 :.. 2.00 '. Geld PaIl Pttwer'D1t.ah 80 ~)c;;>~'<;X;ti~~:~ _"',1>I~'.,pl1e ;":/:':":' .. " ..: 19l5 . '::,; ,)'ll01l': .:Vbli,' SpringsRtia .. ~:'>; .\. . ltq s~~~1t'~~~~~;::~: · .. :.: " ":~' >,;170~ .,,, " 108 8411' 7/25/46 • r, :+1!fT8,!qtd.:~'8 DOllie P1peli~ tr~~'-: '; - -.- ~;;;;:«, ",cl~ .... 20 ~i~,::'~~~~ir~?:" oiJ'.WSpl1.ns &' PipeUne ;~:;:~0-.-:::. ':.; ..._~t-'·{~ ~.v~~.,~' .~>~:~_~>.;.:J 3...,~:C;'''~', -..~.<,,~.>~.' .. 2.00 *) ~;'~,il·;;:::,:,;:: ~f. ..- Spring 1900 ~, ':"\.~ ~Z~ .. ",1f~~~ D'ollll Pipeline . ~;,;./:"11&~ : 0Z000li:ed , Ql'eek Reservoir ."- s4" . .' - . ': or. . ,. .. t .. .lIO ... .. ASPEN000717 ,, ' , UNPUBLISHED RtW""' L/ .L 'SUBJECT. 10 Rf.'IlSIDIi , 'D aily Gilg~ "H' ' 1<' t 0f ... ----.. r7---.-U .../f-- ....... re yelg ht,Ill J:. ee t , :'in d D"lscnarge. . In , ~ecnn d~ Fce) -.- .. --.-.. ---_.---.-----------_._ .... -... --- -Crock n-lOo-n, 1 Tn!, Y 1"" - ~1r ___ , (J.:??_pe.f2___ r __ CC?,(cJ ___ ----______________________ for ~ the Year Ending September 30,,19 __..i::! UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ;C-15/ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER RESOURCES BRANCH Gage Read to ________________________ ~,~f~e - a Dl>Y hy _________________________________ _ Washington _____ .. ____ File ~umber { k . ______ • _ Dhiiricl ___________ . ______ .. ______ ~ Used rating ll\hle datcd7.:i'1'::~( __ ~:?~I..!. /.~...,bht:. __.:J_Q ____ . 2·/6"-52 Cage heights u3cd to' If! hundredths Lela it a j t II J~/y/ ~ .. J~.! Jo t-b3:-bet~ ' C t. t! 'j J' I· -, 'li , ~ •:; ! g- il-, I I I ,• 0' \1 ] I ~ ~ ~ Q~ ~ I I Q ·5 'I :i r:; :! ~.. 'J\:\j: £ ;It)',: ~ ;::I , . ' ;1 ::: 0 z § ", l·;: ~ . :,t'\): ,",1 '\., ~ - ~ 0: I i' i, "' {i, , , , ' I 1 ! •~ I i ~ ~ I, , :, ASPEN000718 UNPUBLISHED RECORU ~-19ri-u. J"" [m SUBJECT. IO REVISIOfj Daily Gag~ Height, ill Feet, and Discharge, in Second-Fed. or ... .... ___ ... _......... ~:;:11~::.:':......... . ~ar ......... _...... __ lt~P'!l1' I I .c;1·\ ;'t . ",",. ,'cnt '.".; "~"" . . .. ..... . Aspen,.Colo. Dr i!li;.~l liil\t;l. ASPEN000722 ,-, ) ,>;: ' • .' . ..; - " CIU _OF ASPEN WATER DEems . , Water ~ >; Oau•• !o, " nec._ Entarod. --30Sa -'8-25-36 ,.~ -- -. ,-', .; t ... S1 Johnson 1/3 lilast Aspen 01 ty Orig 287 3062 !J-25-36 S1 Johnson First 280 - 132 - 5-11-89 Aspen Ditch Orig Date of 4 Adj. Pr1ori~y Ifo. App. 1-10-26 O1'ig 8-25-36 -' -" No. Ditch 3082 . ,.::'" Ditch Ofe 422 7-12-80 2.0 4 2,0 5-1l~S9 Wheeler Ditch Orig 40 9-1-82 44 494 -6-25-92 Midland 1'11lll111 Orig 141 5-11-89 207 49~ 6-25-92 1.0 100.0 ,- 1'11llll11 O1'ig 9& 10-16-85 1368 3082 - <$0025-36 Hunter Creek '" Pipeline r1~8 Orig 203 6-10-86 234 15. 0 37~ Castle Creek Flume Ditch 98& 10-16-85 136a 60.0 Or1g 141 5-11-89 207 100.0 Or1g 143 to 324 6-22-92 208 68.4 65 ;'.:.:'.' 60.0 ." Conso11da~ed . Midland ~$ L n UIIIe With the Di toh Naste1 Ditch & [Naroon Di toh Cons. The . ~:". ;, .. '132 - 5-ll-89 ~ter ~oarlng Page .tohn P. Roaglttnd &0 00. ofA~ 9/2'71 Fork , CasUe Cruk Ill'. City of Aspen 9/2f}J, ~r. Ct ty of Aspen Ill'. .i, Creek C/\ eUe I Olaimant SUPPll -Purpo.e past1e Creek 435 l)~ ~ouro. of ,,i 6.0 5-1-32 - :Book & Creek -P1p'Hne Or1g 15.0 ASpen Ditch First 3.0 ~rill8i In. :aoariD<; Fork Irr. ,bastle Irr. Crllek - Ia. &0 Domu.Aspen - f ,I & John - 9/ 259 Hoaglund & &0 Domn.Aspen lee" Water 00. Ill'. &0 Domes.Caatle Creek Water Co. ~nnter Creek ill'. I 2/376 ~n3 Midland Water &0 Power 00, Castle Creek ! 2/376 Water Co•• - Roari~ Light 4/3 1 Fork, Water &0 Power Co. . 9/ 201 i ~aB tl1f-Craek , I Power & Dom. Mt. Utit1ties Oorp. raroon Creek POlter & Dom. Mt.' Utili ties Oorp. r~~8r"~,~ek Noil. forXll' ~ring 11'1.'. 8, Dom. .12/4; Utilities Corp l2/4ft Aspen tee & Water 00. 3/376 ~It. \ . . . . . ;=" 1.' t,I ~) ....! . , •< ~ "yr." };'-~)~~" -- ',. ~. .' ' . . . ~I ..... ~p.: . ,'. .-'. . r'::' <~. ". :-' .... ASPEN000723 \ I 62 2. C',""",+l" v v Cy·.-;"·,q',< _ v ..... ·,.,.~.-..Lu·> (D"'l,,)J.--Jf') V .... P; ~......,. '. L! '.,~ r .. d ""~'; • 1< 0> . . . ~ ~ i ~ t <' . . . 61: 66 " -59- 1 , ! , .'; ASPEN000724 · Fun J 1-11.Ti!TJI~R Gl~~~;E:";' ~~Y,~~'rl~q (n ~)J; VI'YI \ ~, .. ,-.-••• ,......-,..,...., _~.< .• .... ' .. <.r_·~~.~_.-<.~ _____ .. ,~.,._ .• _,,.., f~ I~ II c DIVJ.:J~E:;IO~.r J;AH J.-HD ·Jt-:TI_;~T:: 1~ ntu-yc(,:)~ G:ccs!': ·1:;:i..v6rDic,(t (.:1) (b) (c) (NOll) G.hfw!uc·l Con-c:col rJ)(:Y8 i"(.\'t.,ak,-:!~ Cons C:euct. Pil_Ln(~ hn.d l~'_oc:k Bm.··riu~(' . . [.lIn:! e;; (Lt.e Li'lQ :_er,~.,::h R,'iGl~ (d) In f:t-E~;:e nt.:cucT"--ll'T! COHD"lrXl "(I:-J.) Grj.",(, 1 • i.:,r·,'J.F~ Bltd.ce and. overfloH hp;~ss (b) f]():cG(-:!'lG ,,"Sid ?~irgh2cl1 1'1113n0 (0) i.lOa f.:1e't r-o 2i:li COrtc-rf"te '01 TIO (<1) i,:;oO '- f~Gt ';;G';~ ·2h~ CO;!(;l~ot;~ ~1;i;8 to ropJ.nec l1 HI. 'rIm (" ) (b) (e) (el) (8) (f) lrrIIr;ro~:: Jnl(~t- - GAI,jJ..111 EAF~'rH Gt.X'llnt.ure S1!:D:n{"]~1IA1IIOJ:.T ~ld flmn6 EA3IH Drain out.lot : ¥- Outlet 5cloct:tve dr-a;r off c.:u.t amI f.'ill earth restwvolr Piping to fIps)] tniJ:(il' or Inter pJ.(mt Influent contr'oller- tlO flttBh ,1liixer 01' filter plant IV. Flash nd.xoY' r ~!.:ping fl.'enY! flr. sh m:lJCGt' t.o olaX'if:Lo!' Sluo.go dr~!.;..r off (b:~f::~ln 01a1"':l1"181" Sofi~en01" Inflnsnt L8J).ndc:t'Gr V. " FILTRATION B1JJ:LDIKG (3) Filter beck imd all equipment (b) Ghloriut,tor. (c) Lin\e J t"o alul1l, oarbon i'ecder.9 (d) ".Yard Pi}1i"ag (e) '1-1oteril1f{ d.8V5.C{~H VI" O~~T:: I'[fLLJOH (VJ~l{)H CLltAH ':iA'fEH 8TOtr.GE: RESERVOIl.1 (EL~ B2)'O) (8.) Pip:Lng rr~lm .FJ.lto:c huilding to re.servoir (11) Depth ind10&to.l' (c) Influent ;':tnLl offluerrt. p:i.p5J.(g Cd.) Provt5ions for f\1.t;l1X'C reserv-o:.lr vn. tf}Ul NS}1I:3nION (n) (b) (c) (d) (G) cONTJurr i!;lCCO £"80t of 1.4 11 steel pipe JSO foot c:f'cck crosnine; ,"(, foot 01"',0: 01:.: croo'td.nE[. lh n p:een.':":Ul'C' reducd.l"10: Y,11ve H.O$.i~j.ng Fo~e:~·u croc-si.DG 1 -60- ASPEN000725 FLiH I. . VITI~ IJTSCl:?I D1J 'TIO?Y .r~;):SrEn· (n) J)intx·ih!~t.i()n rlrd.n:3 (11) nt::r/L-,::ef:!:mf"~l·i::. of I~:.(:Lot.ing SC'J:\\rj,C0 !';:LuG : .. " ASPEN000726 J, J)I~:·;;I~·.'J1Cn Df,:~f; t})J) JT'J.'h1~1~ 1. C",;tl(\ e1'(>;::' (OJd) (rt) .r! c1dit,~.C~l;·:l :'i,:j~~1rj (~:I r}. pJllJt::.', end.: cr:t bbinrr ~ (~)) 1· c nn.:,F(-: -1pt~··l-(1 I'j]":.\("" ~'r"l i·"""<.;'~l l ....>(~l,. 2. '. __ i-~~<,~:(}~' C.:'(;<~:j~ ·(O.')~~,.i·j-·- t(U.it:l();·!.~'_l ~.:;,,1."':I::-fiuld, .'. '--.~ ','- .. ;. '~-' '_6 p:1:1:1.o:-(, 8,nd er·3.Lh111g , COi'!DUITS 1. en F;[i.i;: (a) (b) 2 I> III. - 11:~VI\)\~(j :1.n.t~;:{j:- :;In).C:f· r~nd -t:.J.'£u-:h ;:~sck$ (h) II. .t C1'~~f~ ~.~ (010.) Gr'i -J:, t!''-.-·.p J i'Jlu:l(;(;: ::;})(.{ cnr8::·.flo::i }"J.Y""Tli.1E;[) I:h:rcc'!lt: ~.ird. pt. rsh:?_ll i'1W,1e « '--',~ ) -it).,:; ..."'.~\:l) r(II:",.'- o{-' _" ""'_~' ~_ (.'1) (b) (0 ) (d) Uri t . ;" _:Hl"'OGh C3:'ti{;};: ,=,.C:lI ~.v .Y' . . .LtjU . . . . . . .-:",~"".('? . . '-'_~ ·r--I~)':::", .1 .... \ " , .... (C,ld) ove:cflOt-; flume Ih),cCJ ;CE,(:t ~;ood L:U:t:··ne 1~ 800 ;i.'ect r~8tal pipe .!(/[;:<); cluj.::!:~ ;::;;:1:"l SCr(:ml~~ 1.U1:-i. p{]r$h~!11 EtRTH Sf;Dl}·u-}ITPPI01'T BA3IH AT rt~ Bl'{D (<1) Inlet, st:t. .llCt,\n'C (b) Dre5_n otJ:t.l€d:. (c) Gcrt,lGt, ole(;. t:~'J"e dray; off (d) CU.t F'J1U. .f:1.11 8P,;:'th x'(lGervoir>:; l'r::n(Y'.-r- y,Jllg Gx:lGt:~n{!. !.~escy·..r(jJ 1"' .. (f:) Pi.pin:;,: to fls~h l:ti:.·':E.>l'" ox·· filter pl':?~-lt.'I> IV. CLn~}:)~lI~~~.,.SOYT'E[rC;.R fL. .. D16h (n) Pl.:::~~:l. i7(i.xc::.~~ (b) ?}pin~~~ i'T . .iHi f1t.:-:1::. f1i}~eX' tc) CID_:r:L f:'J (;1.) (c) Slndge dr-m'l off drD.iu (d) Cl~~X'i5:ic-x-::->:;ti.'tJ(::ller. (e) In.tJ:Qent Lmmderer (f) no~ Gctbon:.~tif)n Ch21Ttber " . v~ FI1TF,:.A'I'IOiJ BUII)D~En (a) F1.:ttcr bE'el;] ;md all equ1.p;ll8n't (b) Chlod.nn&0l' (0) Li.Y!I'?J., t'\,:o nluPi$ cBt'oon fE~e0J3r;5 (d) :·;ctc.ri:lg Di=.n::i_ee3 (G) h':'lCfl F;::t.Dl"' p:).inp nnd hand}.!.):' (:i') Lx'c\ PipinG 'VJ~" o:n~ }"!ILI,IOn G!ir~L(ii{ Cr;s.~R EAll:n 3'llOH,\Gt I(L';,~)ERVOIR t·rrJ~ [D-SO) (t:.) P l~Jing f:roN ttl t.~r ouiltiinrr. fo :(,2Gervo:i'f' (b) do,-)ptb indic!lt(lI' (0) ii-;i'J.1.h~D)(' r:..nd 0fflucnt pipln[s (d) Pr'oyiS:lOPI:i for .future rcscl'Y·(J~li-' VII, C(lJ-IDFI11 (a) :3 ~I):':O feet of IOH tlt-eel r,d.psl:tue t.o Eopkina &. 7th Stt'8et. (b) Cp.:rt:.le CX'('ck C:!-',-}S,<;;:i-tlg 'rn},;'~S/If)3IC)0T ASPEN000727 pun II (CfJ:l';'I;:U;,T)) VIno DJ:_:TK(FUTYCm ~~y;~'l:}~;'; . (i1) [11:: ~- c:thl.lt:L(>:l I!;,~:~Lns (h) P.E:plDc(·-·!~:(:r2t, of FxJr.t.:tng [;e:::·viC8 r;~d.n·s " " ASPEN000728 . (rr) C(r~·jC'r~i.:.c t':rf;:lch. otrLoff oX' sheet p.'ru.nG (b) C\i'(ler::=~t.o ov~:rf'lc',J 'f,cu' (c) S] u.l(~e [St.tc ~~.nd t~~g~)h ):""P.cJ,:~: (d.) Jnt~jke st):'lJ.ctuf'e II, COl/WIT (n) Ch".1.t trrp (b) Slu1.ce GIrt:."} ~'lnd Ove:-cfIoT>?' by . . .p,fil;c~ (c) :":re.hE.Il fh,:u,; (d) Condlti t to ~i;:;'diHJ[:'!nt~.tJicn b2.BJ.:1 III. rIVE HtLLIQU GA T. .1!J~·r L~j~(i'll (n.) JnJ.r':t. f;trttcturn (b) iJio3in (JunO'G (0) Outlet selnc1.·,j:V8 d!'pv off ~. (d) Cl"~' 8nd n.D. F.2:ct.h llm"'l','(JJ.r ( e) Pip:lJ1£ tc flrwh r~:tXF;r or filter pJ.,T:.n-t (.t) Influent contl'ol1Cl' tv flush l!l::b:~r OX' IV" CIJ/,RIFIEHuS01?'rENER ELc 7?19 (p) }?lt~sh Hixnt' (b) Pi1:,ine fro!;: 1'128h rrd. xE'X' to Clnx·:i..fior (c) ~rhldr,;e Dr;n;~()iT (h~ain. (d) Cl&r:lf:ter~~~;oft(::ner ( e) In.f11.1f;'i( t l;Junder-{-:r (f) nc-cv:rbonr.:..t.ion chembcr. V. nLTRATIW BUILDIlIC; (H) Ii':i.J:ter beds and all 6QUJ.'r.mK:nt . (b) Chlorinator (c) Lirn(~, t\~o rrlur:l J carbon fc.cde:!'s. (d) YrJ,yd piping (Ei) Heter-in;!, DGvices VI e CLEAH~-.lEJ.L I~~L. 790~ ·(a) P:tptng from flJter b":lildj. ng to clf;:.:':t,';.vol1 (b) Clf1(;l'\-roll d:"":in (c)' Dept.h i.l'!.dicator (ct) Clo~:..r"'Tell conex'ete GovE;::(',:;:;d VIr a PUHPINO ~~'.TA'J!IOn HS FL~ T)·j~ (n) U!ld(H'f~rOu,n2L Gon!:Tete YHult (b) .Pnm:;13, nlut.{n:'fJ ~ st,:~rtc:.r8 ( (;) fin~-r,o tank (d) PUlf!poeontrol VIII.. (',q\1.ipnH~n"t-, C(:?iDllIT (n) ~l6H St.enll"J~)r.. line from f:i.lter plt~nii to t{y.-rn4 (ll) III" :)teel j"ipG1ine from to,Jn to elevated t.'.lllk. (c) 2 Hirt oontrol from p·"lmptng t~ttd:,i()n 1..0 ~IE!v(1t(,d tonk. IrRt,HSNr~~~~I(rJ t.1. ASPEN000729 '11'1 (' l~\./J.l.L' "",,,,,WI'1]T.;') I ',]_1 ,',,; '~. _. •. J IX~ m~!~ JffLLIOH (J/·.1lrn F;I;~-:VCTF;D r~TOEflGE TJ~H;\ HS EL, fnso (~{) Ur)'k~:(";rOUi\d C00-'~Y'etc b.0..<.:dn (b) Tnflv1.:~\.'lt nnd (Jf.flur~nt td.p1.n;!. (r.:) P:;:'Gv}.Elioi1:J fer' i\:.tlH'e 1'e;':iel~\n)i~'8 .. x. DlSTHIDUTIOfJ ::;Y;;·'l'j~>1 (1). Distr-lbutivu Fi::drw (2) J-leplaccTf!e:nt oi' . 0):i.13 >Lng serv:tc(~ lfl~d.rw" ,'. ASPEN000730 I I I i PUll IV . r ~ F'C (r (1) (G (d. n. ;~.'~r:,JJ.n )';!\:j !).;-;'; n~T,~ r;';r;; .~:.:THl1C7tn-E'~:3 eFT l:~i:)hHJ]JG J?OHK J:I!d 7976 Gr:nrl'c1.:J: t~"r.';J-:~h (;\d:,of.'S' or' Shf:8't p:llini~ Uo~!(~reto t:rl.:{~;x'f'IO"!-: ~.<(:rLc C~L··11_G0 :3': -t,e .'.:.:1:] t~'n.oh ::'!i,ckg irt·;:·~:.1~o td;~-ne-;x~l"'e CC1'Y;)UI'l' «3.) Gl~:Lt -cr':l:) (h) SJuico ge.t{:: H:!1(} ove);~fl()p hY ....pRHH (c) r)[!2'3h~;,11 flur·:(~ (d) CUH,luit. to ~..;edimcnt.~)t5 on b&[·d.n III. .li'T v r.: ?Ill,I0:~ o:'iJ-In!'l El~P.T'H S~~DIEi:;~{Tf.'~CI01J 'nA~nH EJ;. 7973 (3) In:lc'~ :--1·t,2.'":J(;t,,--~:;:,o (h) :0r-:t:6 (!i.tt:tt~>c.. «(;) Outlet. sel!'){;tive dX'{1 F .. ·off (0) (>,' tan] filj· ,",:rth r',sE'rvoi.r (c) Pi?in.3 io fJQ.f1}) rn.:Lxer or filtpX' plant (f) Influent. contl~oller to fl.9t1h mixer (Jr' fiIter pl"int~ IV. CL.'RH'I""!l-SO:"TftE]l n. '1')5. 0 (n) F'}tish H:i;.;:OII (11) Pi~)ins fr(n~ fIs sh :'t'j ::C-X' -e.o G1;))'i.ftnr (c) (:;lu(;-f;(.) cl:(·e.~·'",~of:r dt'2in (d) Gl ;~~.rJ_S'J. sr-softr;':I1G:C (e) Influent In.~J.rv:lGl~0:t' (f) H0~·(~.q):,hontlt:tt)n ch~mbl?-r v. FIL'!:P t1TI01'r BlJ-rL!,)I1~r1 (n) Filt.er- 1)2':1.f:I .:;:,710. <:tIl equipment (li) Chlor-Jn:~ti!)n (0) LiJl!e 5 t't10 .').1wTI, c9rboD 'feeders (d) Yard ::>ip:Lng (e) Hf:)tering .D8v1.ces in: CLE.Uf:'ELI, ~(3) !J1.~:.j.llg EL~ 791.).5 frcu filte:r."' bu:tlding to clef;}'-",:.,,:ll (b) c1.em1:·ll111 cL~3:iD. (0) ,J.(~ptl} t~ld:l.e::.t()r· (d) c} GOX' viCE ""nul'et.c cQve.c'ed VIr. VTIL PUI-tPI1TG STNrION \.::8 .EL" 79h5 (n) HndC:'rg:ro'tLl'1d C0nCr(~to vmJlt (b) Pi..rt.i~)f:::, mot.cl'g, start.ers .( c) 0ln'[;;:>: "btnk (d) P1JYlp contrfJl equipment, TRMVSI~IS.sIOH CO:-rDUIT (3.) 16 it Steel ripelin~ f:r'C'lJil f11t(;.:c pJ:\~~L to t.OUD (11) ',lu!1 Steel t-.ri~~elinc i'l'O'.n to\';fl to t;:J.(nr:.~tGd tr'11\\. (c) 2 t,-11."t; cO!lt~r.~ol f)'CI!! pumpine ~t~d:S(}d t.o nlc1n~t~d tnn1c .'j ! I I ASPEN000731 o;n~ iTCLLTOT{ 0;. LT/fT ·r:I.J:~!t.'J\F-D [llfOHI:Of T!Jrt~ (~1) lh H{r'r'f';.r'onn.d G(~rH:T(~-i~(I. b~~~..dn (b) Iuf.Luf.nt ~,:.nr~ I·.ffll:ent- ·p::.pLlg ((!) f ' :'ov:i.1):Lonu for J'ut"tt.:c(-; rcne'I"vo:lr:. x<> l)Jf)l'i~Ir:;IJI'IG;:J S:Y.'·;~tC:f (e..) lt1Ft.:(':~butj.Ol~ ;'-;clns (b) .n:eplnC;{:;lnent of fy,i st:i.ng Se'::''Vice t-ininfj <- ASPEN000732 1 I I , OPERATl1Kj COSTS I i 'fH1LlD EO. l~ OpeNl.tin5; Costs - .. - Plon I 6 Operating Costs 7 Opo'aUng Costs --~. 70 Pian II . 71 Plan III 72 0}1erating ecs t8 --- P18.n IV 73 ., , I I ; ,j .•. 1 ASPEN000733 888888888888888888888 , • • 0' • ~ Ot~000Goor)000n0000()OOC (,", r-. c' J ~::-'.- i.'>J U·, () r-! .~ c) ,.::' (~I 0'\ '.~) {,,~ r\.i C·; (''',....:-.1 ••~j ~,' r , " C.:' ..... ) ,-I \.:"; ·w,", \-1-, '~;i t,· ('"- ... C.\~ !"- C·j C ..; C/_' ~~'_, ("i, t"-' )"-1 C' C· () C) ,-I t, ., .-. '-. . , C'\! C, ..", P"' ("\ '-I.) 'tr. (Y\ (\.1 r-l l:) ~ r;:, v-.. ....... ,<) _.::1 N 'tf, (Y, 1----1 \' .. 0'\ .....:J l:-\ ).(.... \,(, f--!'l.':>"·) C:, ':).0 'U, C-.r 0 ~ ~~.~ r{ (\1 (\j (>'\ ...::I"...-!.: ·Lf\i.(\ NNNNNN~NNNN~r'M~~n~n~n '-').... ('-.... "D".o ,-.\_::-t o (\J N V\ .... h: '-D '-0 •. ~) .:...1 N ~~ ~ r, l..f\ '0 !'- r~J C" 0 rl ('I (''11'''\ r->\ (,-, (~-\ ..->'" 0'\ C', 0-'.~ _::( (J\ 0 r-I ('.j r! r--- \J'I 0 ~.~, .... P\ (,-.. ~; ~ c'" f"\ ~ ...:j-lI\ "-0 'l) r-_-.:r _-:-j' ~':J...:J ~c _:1.....:j"'::; I,> t H[ :Co <, ~J I 1--=-1. ,t, ,,~ ~~ 0 0 Z f'" r"l Pl ""'" (J) H U) OJ t [oj . .u-. ~' H , •t n·1 , q 1;-. r~ ~~l '-< ~, (0 \f\ r-t C1'-. L'\ f~-l (;') CD '-.0 co) d • . -" - 0', U'\ ~::I v:"} c· r~ r..J M ~~~ln~~~m~~~0~~~00~~~~ ~'j" to _ " , ~ • .. " ~ " ~ • • .~ • ~ \.r, (\! 0 ('_-~ H\ ("j i'\ C'J r-'~ {_) c." \"'- ..."~) i..r, ~<:, r--.. (.':1 I.::' 0-... .::; ~ () l::~ U\ (\! (") L~J 'w\ (\j Cl OJ (") QJ H\ C'"'o; \.J\ 1'\ ('\) r"; l:;" ,--l (\J (-,-.,~:i t.t\ ("\! r--l c~ C) {'- '0 \!' 1"- C.:l tj, I.-,~ ,----i r-l N P\+_-"l {-I r-l ,-I (\1 N (\j (\.I 0-\ (>..I C'J- ('J (\J (,\J N ('-1 ,~\ (0"\ ("1"\ \.f". ('..I () r, PI P, ~-m~OrlN~~~~~0~Orl~~\~~0~ H\ l/\ \ f\ 'D \D V) -..[) \...0 '0 '-0 .....r) \..() \.(J t-- (,- r-- r-~ r- t--- t-- (.~ 0 ... (:-\ Ct"\ G-, (1'-, (h C-... 0'... U ... ( ..... (r... C; .... (]-... 0, 0, (J~ (f, C-... (I ... C'\ 0, rlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrl~rlrlrl i I •j • ASPEN000734 I I ! I HfJn~.:ZI;·:',; ~cr !\hU 1,11>< 6 12 1 000 ;; 62(, ,CO :;; J2:;92H.OO t (() (S 300 %00 12 ..,200~OO j~i~: ~ O() 651~ . uo 13 ~ 16;} ~ O~) 19~? J.2 ;. J fCC; ~ C~; 3;;O~OO 6'(6 9 0) lJ,hoG~oO 1960 12, GO:) ~ (J'J .it6, flO 'TO? ~ C() l~J .,6b 7. C0 12,(;00,08 360,00 720.00 1.3"g8u . OO 13 ,,00-),00 37S,O(J 7i10, CD lu,12J .. (jO 13,20C.'00 35'() ,(J') {"fO. GO J.1I, 360. 00 J..3,hoo.oo hC5~OO '"f9!l ~ (;~ Ih:5~.·i9. OJ 13,,600.00' )~.2Q * CJO C16.00 JI....!:J ":..:.:;U .• ' 13.,EOG~00 ty; .co 834.00 1:'; :05?, 00 14,000.00 i!)o ~ JD 859,00 15:309 .. 00 1)1,200.00 h(.S.on E7C.OO 1~~Sh3.00 li),hoo.oo LBo.oo 61.:1[,00 1~. 19'10 1l~,60o~GO LI~iS * 00 912.00 16, eX'7 •C>O 1971 1); , 800,0') 510.()O 93J.G0 16 ;21~3. Or) 1972 15 ,,000. G~) S2S: *oa S'S2.U0 16,1((7, OG 197.3 15J20~~O() 5!.!o#OQ S'[;.S. (}) 16 ~ '{el,. 00 15:hoD"O'J 555fOCJ j\~l~ (]J 16!<939 ~OO :t[.~ ,600 .. 00 5'n,OO 1,OC'O~OO 17,170.00 J-,S j 8eL; ~ O~) :;B5 . (lQ 1,01<;.00 17,LioO,QO 16} OGe) , :)0 6CJ<) , 00 1,0:!0,·('0 '17 or,IV _ J 6-'0 .• .l ... ·6 ....Tn);.,',: .... ....,-.....,. --~ -~ O:':-.?JTrNO C>Y]';' '---' --.~ ... ~ ,~ F'IJIH II _., ---.-.-----,---~ .... -,--.-.,-, ~ -EXTHA CHL'·f. CO~~T 1957 lY;:rn Ttl,·!tN G.::: ItlfD Lt;HO~ - ...... .,'t· l:~; [JOG ~ 00 1958 rEM, hUJi[ nTIllI~'JO ........... ,._- ..,.....- l\i'm CEJDiiTHi~ ~'300.00 .. C;0c:C.cn 12,200, G'O 3l'"OO 1959 1~, ,1.00. CO' 1960 -----.~.-,. '"~.- ~ -~.~-.--- FJ)Jr'I~; Ifi1Ii-I'='" TOTtI, 1jr~i)fj~''iC}~ .. ..- """'.- ~-- ... IIi' SOFT·· I';:-DJ-iG IS PIUC';ICGD ____ ,~,.,_~J_ ... ______ _.. ~.~~ ~j ;i;2, 000,0:) ;~;ll, 928.00 651t.oO 2,000,00 15,169.00 3,120,00 330.00 6'(6.00 2,00~),OO :1.5,!'()(' •0;) 3,230.00 12,()OO.OO 34~.OO 702.00 2,000.0<} 1;:',847.00 3,360.00 1961 12 ,1)00. oe) 360.00 728.00 2,000.00 15,888.00 3,460.00 1962 13,000.00 375.00 74[':00 2,000.00 J.6, 123,00 3,5'70.00 1963 13,200,00 390,00 77(l.CO 2,0()0.OO )(),J60.00 3,6()0.00 i964 13,hoo.oo 1+05.00 '194.00 2 ,O;V) .00 16.1 SYC) 00 ),790.00 1965 14,600.00] 420.00 616.00 2,O!X),OJ l6:e?6.0o ·3,900.00 J.9£:6 13,800.00 h3S.W 834.00 2,000.00 17,069.00 J,9S0.00 1967 lL,ooo.oo h50.00 859.00 2,000.00 17,30;;,00 h,lOO.OO 1968 Ih,200.00 M5.o0 878.00 2,000.00 1'1 Sh3 .00 4;190.00 1969 11),1100.00 ),80.00 89}+.OO 2,000.00 17,771:.00 h,270. 00 1970 14,600.00 1!95~oo 912.00 2,000,00 18;OQ7~CO 4,360.00 1971 1L,eoo,oo )10.(10 933.00 ?, (X~o. 00 1G,2h3.00 4,1!50.00 1972 15,000,0:) 52j ~ ~)O 952.CO ,: j 080. OD IG,!.m ,00 11,550.00 19'13 1<),200.00 5LO.OO 966 t 99 2~()OO~OO 1iJ,706,Oo h,620.00 1971; 15,1!00.00 5S5 . 00 9ah.oo 2,000.00 18,939,00 4, '100.00 1975 15,600,0:1 5?o.()o 1,000.00 2,000.00 19,J70.00 h,780.00 19'(6 15,800.00 585~OO 1,015.00 2,000.00 19,ho:).oo hV3M.oo 197'1 16,000.00 Goo.oo 1, 'J30. 00 2,000.00 19,630.00 U,920.00 I 3,000,00 ASPEN000736 f~)fl'f:A CH1~H GCS'£ IF SOl" .. r.cr.:-JJJIG IS Itl\In·i.l:::~:it.:;-CE ,.1~JE:~ ~~~~~~;_ ::~l'~~I~ {':- BI1J~l1,:",J .' __" r__ ~_'_' ~r~ C'!-; l~~\J:Cl.IJfj .. _"' .... '~n....... '_~"~o-· :~ 6~{LOO PIH'-:PTHG ••.. ~ .. 'rCHj~,lt . pnPG'l'IG1~D ,=,............... ,~"'-~ ~ ,J<" 2,190.00 $15,118,00 (~. -~<-~ 3JOOQ~00 l~~;;cnJ .. OG ,:'of· YD,OO 12~2;~O.:OG Jl5"oo 65h.,co ~~j290,,00 lSJh5')~OCl '),120.00 1959 12~hGD~OJ 330,,08 6'16. on 2;1370,,00 15,776.00 3,230.00 1960 1~~~6c:) ..b'(',() 3hr;.OQ 702~OO "t:!' L,c.o 00 16,107.0:1 .3~36() . 1961 12"COO~()O 360.0;) "(28.00 2,550,,00 16,5313.00 3,460.00 1962 13,OCiO.OO 376.00 }h8.00 2,620~OO 16,743.00 3:570.00 1963 13,20ci.OO 390.00 '170.00 2,700,00 17,060.00 3,680.00 l.3;hoo.oo h05.00 'l9h.oo· 2760,CO 17;379.0'0 3,790.00 1965 13,GoO.Oo h20.00 B16 .. 0D 2,870.00 1'1,706,00 3,~OO;OD 196fl IJ,800~60 43)000 831.;.00 2,920.00 l'( ,989.00 3,980.00 1967 14.,000,00 450.00 a59.00 2,990.00 18,299,00 4,100.00 ]).;,200.00 L165,00 1378,00 3,090,00 18,633.00 4,190.0:) 14,400.00 400.00 89h.oo 3,11[0.00 16,914.00 4,270.00 liJ$(,OJ"OO . h9:; () 0:> 912.0J 3,200.00 19;207'000 4,360.00 . 11!, t;O'J .00 ~)l.O" 00 933QCO 3,2'70,0(> IS',Sl.3.00 4,h50.00 19'72 1;; ,000.0:) :~?'5 .00 <:;<)2.00 3.~330.-00 19,1)07.00. hI5:;O.OO 1973 .1~~!>~:Oo(.oO ~;I;O •. OO 966,,00 3:390,,00 20,096.00 4,620.00 J$,noootoo 5:;5 ~ GO 984,00 3 ,LI60. 00 20,399.CO h,70 Q,00 15 s·6DO .. OO 57;),00 1,000.00 3,510.00 20,600.0;; 4,780.00 19'(6 155'5001<00 ~)610cO~) 21,2hO.oO 4,920. IX) IS'57 <11 ,~I <>' 'i' oo , 1970 197:~ t j i , 1 .J ASPEN000737 -- .. ---------..(r/;BV~ 8 1F1 1,,' .. -~,~-~.,.---.~.~- OJ 'En/~tJYG .. ~ ,~"-, ___ __ ~_~~ [1 (;e' 1;1 ..... ~~"",_ ",..0.1.1. ~._.,, __ ~ " p-r.dt.;' i,',r ... _ , . - - . . . .•• ~, ~ __ .~ IV AO--' . . . . l't!~J.HTr~?f!\ FCE YF,/iR 15;5'1 l ~T".,<:',V .......-" . Lf.HOj?, ....,"""'"-~~~-~~~ ",~l .. ,-'-"", 12,000.00 CIH')-:IClJB BILLD!G_ "l? 3C{}(oOO Y'n~!iPTJ{(1 .,.,._~~,~.'c,=-'~, . . . . '-"'>O ........... ,.<L~00.OO 16,999.00 1965 .13,600.00 h20.00 816.00 2,470.00 17,306.00 1966 13,800.00 ).(».00 BJh.oo 2s S20.00 l? sa)'.oo 1967 14,000.00 4:5°,00 859.00 2,<)80.00 1'(.889.00 1968 Ih,200.00 h65.00 8'18,00 2,660.00 18,203.00 1969 14,hOo.oo 480.00 8911.00 2, no.OO 18,h84.00 1)'70 111,600.00 495.00 912~OO 2 ;760.00 ].8,767.00 1971 11.,800,00 510.00 933.00 2;620,00 19 1 063,00 1972 15,000.00 525.00 9.')2 "o~) 2 j 8?OoOO 19,347.00 1973 15,200,00 540,OCJ 966~oo 2,920~OO 19,626.00 1'Xi4 lS,hoo.oo 555.00 9nh.oo 2,930 .. 00 19,919.00 1915 15,600.00 570.00 1,000.OD 3,O.30~OO 20,200.0;) 1976 15;800.00 585.00 1,015.00 3,070.00 20,4'(0.00 15'77 16,000,00 60..,),00 1,030,00 3,110,00 20,740.00 1958 12,200.00 315.00 1959 )2,400.00 . 330000 1960 12,600.00 1961 lJo S()fte~ing .' " HGqU:i.t'i)d . -73- I I ASPEN000738 9 C01\lPU:P~:,-tj.VO ~:ccpt for munfclpal hydrants, large uscrs, or vlhere lISC requires the InstiJlliltion of a meter. The charge Indicated oovers the first outlet or fi>:ture In each unit, AddItIonal fi>:tufas'are to be charged at the speci fl~d rate therefor. ·TYPE OF IJSE QI'lell1ns Hous~~esicle_nce, or Apartment Pef unit of 4 rooms or less 1.65 Per un i t of 5 rooms 1.75 per l~o Per unit of 6 ropms 1.85 per Ho. Pel', unIt of 7 rooms ,. 1.95 per 1·10, For each addltional room, add 0 .. 10 per 1-\0, For each additional sink, ,lavatory or faucet, ildd 0030 per .l10. First \'later closet or urinal (self closing), 0.55 per 1-\0. 'Each additional vlater closet or urinal 0."30 per Ho. FI rst bath tub or sho:ler 0.55 per flo, Euch addi tion,,} shovler or tub 0,30 pCI' /'\0. Automat I c' vlash i ng mach} nc 0,80 per Ho. CHARGES SHO\olN ARE BAS I S FOR BIll. i fiG O!JE 1'\OIHH OR FRAOrlON THEREOF !'UIWiUM ~H!\I,GE - SEiI-soiiI\Ll.iSE---Less thell 12 months continuous usc Net mlnl~um charge per customer for usc, four (4) consecutive . m~nths or less ~oo.o~~~ooc~ooooc $ !5oDO '5,consecutlvc months ••• " ••• , \8.00 6 consecutive months " , •• ,... 2!.00 9 conse~utive months " , $30,00 7 consecutive months ~OOOODODD 2/}000 10 consecutive months 33.00 8 consccut i ve months ......... 27.00 11 consecut i VB months 00' 36.00 ' All minImums are'for months or fractions thereof 0 ... DELAYED PilYI1UIT PENilTL Y BIlls payable mDnthly In advance. Ten (10) pel'cent IVill be added to all bills under this schedule jf not paid within tIVelvc (12) day~ after sama are due. .,.-- Filed in, accordance \"i th I. & S. Docket flo. 328, Hay 28, 1951. Decl slon liD. 38733 of Juno 3, 1952, ASPEN000740 , '.,. . ,,~.- --. ------------ .- .' > " j-.' :" ,- ',.r· . - .. :;- - . .... . ' . 1, .Dorncstl'c V,1t01' - Commcrcla! Use APPLf C!Ill{ LlTV --AppTica'l;re vii thIn the defIned terrItory of the CorporatLonln and nfJar CIty of Aspen, Colorado .. '.' I\VAILMILiTY , . --:--rhes0rates arc avai [able to ,1l1 cemmercial users cif 1'liltcI',· inc1~ding . residences whet'c morc than 2 rooms are avaIlable 'for rent, (l):cept for . mUnIcipal hydrants, large u.sers, or whore usc requires tbe lnstallatiofl'ofoi. meter. The charge indicated covers the first outlet 01' fixture I'n eacIICunlt.· Additional. fIxtures arc to be charged at the speciflcd ratc the~ofor. RATES '--'BakerY, for each over .,0 . Barbei' or Beauty shop •. First cha! r, includes I'latel' for 11ash basin and . 1,1i nciO\,s ' . 'Each aclditio nalchalr, includes\ater for . .. additional basIn . .... ,'" o B!lliard'or Pool parlol'; FIrst Table . Each addl tion'"l tabYe ," Boardi'ng House or LodSI n9 HOlIS(! (Reildences·whero:more' :.'.- ;.'-' than two ,r'oom~ 1;1 re ava! I ail I e fo~ rent), 8 rooms or lQs~ 2.DO.per mo,', . ',. ,,"':' .. ' '" ,9.10. per ma'; .. Each 'aeld] tIona I room Qver 8' ' l,15 per mo. Bott I e \-Ial>her . . ".:.-' .~ . I ,110 pe r (no, Car 11ash .flack :0::::1.45 per mo. '. c.lub .Room, Towern, Cocktai 1 Gar .2,00 per mo, -!.. ',C I cane liS ,Dye I n9 or ScourIng Horks, .- -,'-~; , ':. ··.·1:070· per mo. Court House '1 ,45 permo." ....... Dent Is ts .. off i ce ":0.30 per mo;., <,' Da 1ry CO~IS, per head "h' I ,Ir, pe' r mo D1 shi'laster ;- .. -, -.:( . " ,1. '. rf5 per 'mo, . "'. .• FJ~llng StatIon (without carstor~ge) ,.. ;" 1.70 per mo.' Garage, ·publ!e ),lf5 pe r mo •.. . :. Hall, pub 11 c . - ~ '". a .30 pel' m~, H::''13ses, each per InO. Hosp 1 ta I, 14 rooms, per room . OelS per moo Hotels, 25 rooms or less,'per room '" <'"0.10 'pH mo. Above 2.5 rooms - per add it i on __ , . '.", . : . .' , '" -.: ," : - '~. ' '.- .' .... -. : ,; "," ASPEN000744 ---- u (,.} "I (;.I 1I I (',J ::/ ~E:. (,J .r-l" r-'l C' .... 1. 'U\ ~ tlj (.: r, () {".I~) n ~;1 C.l C) -....1 ..::)' f-! .. :'J (\! p'\ r\! d V-1 t:1 ,,~ 6 (:), ("', .() ",c..) , '" t;\j " d t:).-, ( j CI 0'0 . 8. 8 (\1 \f\ ,4 f:;.! '" . o co o t··r ",:.,J o Co r'~ (\I " .......-. ~ o . C".' () t!\ .-1 ~:::lh\ 0..) ~ · , •. f 0 () r~{ (J . 0', rl C'J o o o Co t "t.n IX) () "":'-rC _:::-J 0 ~-I '0(; .":"1 '-0 .. _J co t ~ ....:::.·0::1 ..-::j i-I ri t (~) (> v' " ! 00.) 0 CO~~j ........ {J:} <'J ('0 CD 0 r--... (',J t t t>, t (..J .....<'" I ... :;f CoJ ~::;. N 'U'\--.... r·{ () (.) Or-..C.' ~ ... t"'! r:{ ".--' (,'oJ . oo ~._! 000 000 f ...-.:J (,,1 , 8 V) \l)' () ~ , ~ '.() 0\"'0 (Y\ 'If\ c) ...-, ~~) !.rJ o c~ Q ' ............ 0, ~:,). .~ to f:) C)..,. j-10 011\ ..-~~ ........... ....--.. ,........ , ..... r -.. .--......'~" r·i (\1 fY\ _--=:t H\"'O r;- (.0 "---,..----- '--,,"-~''----' ... ~., ........... ~-- .. . I J ASPEN000745 I "I '. C) f-! ~: ,;, ~! ).].~ (" ~~~. /~~ { <'}- (1,°1 I.", ~ r?~il ?iJ t~\ r-·· 'if\ OJ I .~l ~ r-, C, ,>I 0 ((I ,-I i.i i I t;,; " f~j t01 ,~ '.., to ,,:, .::;Ell .c:::. 'iI\, l"i )i', (. r' ro.j (\1 <:1 C 0 c) c) u"; '0 \.0 {,.:-.\ C" ,~; Cl" <"\ V:' 0 () 1(\ I , C.i 0 0 I U, !-~; rl C-l C: \(\ \{\ 0 (\j 'tX\ 1-· ("I ~., 0, C'J IY\ 'lJ\ 0 '!) 0 'f\· () rl () r1 'LA 1£\ ,,-, rl N 0 8 . n (.) , 0 w\ < ~~J ,--J <'\ ~, 0 'U\ Cj (L ;~ \n (".:) U\ ,-I rl (\! ...:..:1 r- _=r ~-\J '''' It, ,'J (\J t- t'- U\ (0 , 0 (\} . 0 'LA () 0 8 0 '-0 0', OJ J.'.:"~ I-I f" 0 .~ d 0 (~ Q) [- 'Iri ~, • N ill f:~ 0 p,~ P tii;~ f,u ••• .1 Zi ,-, 1-; C) ~ ['OJ ~11 ~, --< ~~ ,;:~. "\ ('J ~, Wi H, Zl '''' .,"'- I 8iC';<) I 1"< (:.1 (%) 0 If.I "I fll r·- r::~ ...,,-.: &~ t-< ::';; ml ;":1 >.~. f" < to.:) It\ 111 [-I f--q C.., 1. \ 0 <]) H ,-'1 tel ,.::..:; V\ {i-:- I..:] ~{.J _"3 0 0 0' (d t~j"I ~l ("J I c ·6')- \._\ - ~?.::j . t~ f ""0,1 po, 0 ~. r':':j 0 0 -{D· (l ~l 0 ,-I 0 ,--OJ c-l ~)i b.j q c:; () .f.i)- , 1- , ~~ N 'U\ f~i j . C:'l C.> <.'-,j c. ::j() 1 ''';; )J", p" (;.I d} 0 'i\ !':il to, rJ ~~ l '" I p, d 'u\ CO, )$\ rl ...-1 'D rl \"f) [- N '-r- V) c'\. " (A I-I d ", -·0 " -::j _::S N 0 'D -"I (~ cO wi !oj c,, f< Q .,:. U> 't.<\ d '.' * " \J\."-" F-{ r-: 'tl\ '-oJ '0 ,'- rl N 'LA o ~ ~ '<..-- ,-I < r--! '0' , G'\ n" ,-I ,4 N • _-:I cO \.0 ..if,,"- 0.-..0 Or-iO 'Ll\ 0 .~ ''l 0 t'J ,V 'u\ '"" V) 0 (!} c~ <;1 (,.... CJ ~ 0 I~~' t~) , (S t~~i 0 0 ~, [6 t:'; 0 0 0 0, Cl-, 0 0 ,-i .<1 e~ -, ~~' "" 8 ~t S1 ,., i., P. ~-~ (1,1 P. . · p, rl ),."\ '''' ..G p i·, "' ;1, c-i < ..-I c.~ d 01 '~J C23 8 Cl 6\ v\ (" 8<'< 'LA f'i c' rl r' 6 i-< .oJ OJ cD i'-< 0 - tQ 2-~ '" $ '0 " t,) trJ '" '.," (\I (,j M -d I" ,~ (1' N I" '1-1; · :S ·S '0 (" '" ~ 0 C) \1\ < N '>0 -"1 /., ill .;,,:, t~ 0 CO l,d ,c 0 (;) 1-:' r., OJ C') ,) .p VJ (") - 195'6 r(63· 1:;::;7 ()u... 1?58 '''j/ 1959 CHI-linE IJ'O'I'tL frJ.'f' ... ,,~~"~-.,.- ~; ;~!!.~ on .. --~ t;, t..' --.~--~~~,~- .33,S72~OD ... - ,-<~.->..-- ~. torr trO'L!/iL ('j~-:O~'~:1 !jL1C" B1~-v r::·TIi:::: ............ ,., Tt:? -.-.. .. ngvr:~·:.'1] i.e; rFT~ E(~lJ:C\i)U):T!'J' L!~-i;'f \~ ~:; i ?ri}':;~j',:'~'1' nJ~'lE:) ~---""---~' ~~~~- Sl"j~{T"·;:Ci:: ... ~,,~-.~.~.,,--.'- T, Irtp· t~xnJVI. L:i;;.::t p,-;,;,1n;;gf)::: '-~'I,Y ....... •.•-... -,,-....<-~,-- ~ :; "'~"'",,..,~- S;1~o{) eell h {i'lQ " lJ ..... " L'~V)~'~t~~;·~ CBI?;1-::; Jfi::n. ,~-.=,."'>.- ,. ',! ........ -.~-~ hi;, 2~1\, O.} ':) T(fCjjJ~ UH()~;') :-:::-·:-:-:~tIGT:~ F;!.~Vr-; ru::~ _~,_. (, ron !-;L:Gi ~.,,~.r_ •. _.'.~_ .•. :3 ;. ~;co ~ 00 ~, ""-~.---,-,-,>~""" k? ,7;~!i, (J.) ~~ 46 }1{.53;. (}:) lr ,:(:;') rVJ 'u, .).,''-'' 3,S50 . o~.) 50 ;o~)8~ 00 3$6oo~oo 52; (~~2 ~oo ~-' fm " S·OJt;;:6 .. 00 3 .5\)) -,de) .. U"0 54,1)16.00 9J.) " " ;;3 /rI0. C:l 3 J '70~) ~ CD 56;, 7''lO,O() 5S.f33~;\'OO 3;'150,(;0 59,oe2.o0 9~;J.~ ~ 972 II 57 ,-0,30 \.00 3,800,_00 61$-336.00 Iv3'.) " 59.7!;O.O:j 3j()50~o() 63,lj"cl) ,00 1068 (l 61,9hh.o:) 3,900.00 65, i}!IU,OO n05 " 64,1i.;8.00 .3 ,9:~(~. 00 6D,093~OJ Ehh 11 66,.3'52.00 u,OfX),OC 70,)52,00 1l[J2 " " 68,S56 .. 00 1.,,0<)0,00 '72,606,00 70, '760~OO 11, .I.·,,,L "'V' 0,) 7hf860~{)O l?'.)li It 72,96h,oO 1-1,1':;0,0:) '77 t 114 ,00 1970 1297 >I 75,2;~6.00 h~~oo . O() 79 J 1126 ~ 0;) Wll 1335 1I Tl J 4"0 .J', .. ~,' l,d 4,2)D.OO 81,6eu.oo 1373 " ?9,63is,Ol) 11,})J.CQ 83,93h.C0 J.1>12 Ii 81,096.00 4J3:~O.OO £6,~'46.00 1h50- ... 5h,100~00 I.; ,!;OJ. OD BO J~'~OO .00 19'15 :U.~63 " 86,.30h,OO h,hSO,!}O 90;r5h.oO 1976 1526 " 88, ;;OfJ. 00 L;'s0,) ,(0 lS6L~ Ii 90 ~ '712 ~ (:0 h,5:;O.OO 1963 15.:20 }.')'13 " r " 9".-' j 008,00 9:~:< ::.:62 ~ 00 ASPEN000748 U~:~-H~ i .. J!;(i[U:·:f.[;·C.I) n ........... VrE.f)" Ht'. !.li·'D on I !3'llY:'I 11,r; P.l;''c·POSI')) ? fi frj~S...... •. _ •.•. , _"A . ....-.=.... ,.... .... _"""' .• .. ... _ _ _ , ..... ...,_._ •• ~".~~._~., ~_.'._~ _~. ..~.~._ _~ ~~ ~~ ,><~,,_., _.~.~ ~_ .......,.,.~_._~ NEttl 1~r0~.1~~~ ~1.)PE~U\rrI1IG ~~ . P~:~~-~'--[',-~,,-.~ (; t,. 50,ooc\.oC) 0/ 15 . . .JJ.B,OO 15 : 39:; ~ 0;) 68,].01.00 197~ 90,'154.00 20 ,6GO ,eXl 7o,O'fh.OO 19'76 93,OOB.OO 20,960.00 '12,0[,5,00 21,21.0.00 7h,022.00 1977 ASPEN000749 I I l IYF EtiDIX "E" F'IIMHCr. TITLE PAm: 11. Repa;yI;10n'b of $660,000.00 Bond Issue <_ 86 ,' 1 ;>, Recapitnlntion ~- Hw1:". Revenue Bond Hepayment - SUT'pllts 87 ASPEN000750 n~TAY]';!:::'IT OF P){(l,:c:rPJ;,:L' YEAE '-'~.....-=.-.~'-'--'"">"-""'--.'''~-' 1957 .;~. 1953 r~' y ·0 OF }~f. Lf !·~G;~ D'!!X'~C_~~~=~T PH}}TCJPI-J.! •• __ __ ~"" _.~...,..--oc-",_, ".~ ~_._...,~, e· G60;.oOO~OJ '.' -..... ........>--.-~-~. -~---..~. Hr- . TO'fW, I~··jT!j:.imST ii';') 'J!I:": ......-.-., ,..-~~~-" ,:. 'il 29J?OO~OO ~~~£~:~~E~~:f.=. '{' {~9~ 700cOO rn '15 G;}O 00 6~.~ 3 fOGO 0,) Ii 2~);'I 70c} ~OO of, .J ....... , 9} O(iO .-Gel 6hh,OOD.OO " 29.J3g>~OC :j[l,3!;O.Oc) 11 :; OOCi 00 633 1 000.00 " " " 20,91::0.00 3G$?35 .. o0 2U,Lf!S.oo ho,hG5.00 27'$91~5'~oo hl,9h~~,oo >' t 1> 7QO .J ,,~'- 1961 12, Q:::O 00 621,000,(1:) 1962 lit, or)o. 00 607,000;00 1963 16,000,00 .'791,000·°9 " 27 ,3i5.00 h3,31) .00 1?64 IG,OOO.oo 573,000,00 " 26$595 . 00 hL,!)S'5.00 23,()~)0.oo 550,000.00· . 'U 25~'1B5"Ou i![l, 7E:> 00 26,000.00 52h,oOO.oo· II 24,750J:o 50,750.00 196? 29,060.00 h95,00O.00 " 23.580.00 52,580.00 1?68 32;;000£00 h63.000000 n 22,275~OO 5h,2'(5.0D 35,000.00 h28,000.00 20,1135.00 55,835.00 J.970 39,000.00 389,000.00 19:26o~oo 58,260.00 19'il h3,OGO.00 3)j6 ,000 ,OD " " " 1'7,505.00 6()j~o5.00 ]S72 4'1,000.00 29$',000,00 It 15,570.00 62,5'70.00 1973 51,OClO.00 2hG,00o.00 " 1-3;; h~S 0':1 6j!,h:;5.. 00 19?4 5,° Vl. "r COl .' ...... 193,000,00 !I 11,160.00 66,160.00 59~OJO~OO 131j,000.00 8,'j685 .. ()O 67 ,6e;~. 00 1976 65,000.00 69,000.09 6,030.00 71,030.00 197'1 69,000.00 " " " /) ~ 00. 72,105.C:O < ,)J 1,)" 0 <) " 1 (',J -:.1'~ < .. 86 .. ASPEN000751 'fOJ II J,"'"_:?,Cf:·::"J J-U~P t':\1,:El"J'j! ...... _ . .... __ ___ • ... __ ·"",_ YE/iH' ........ ..• ~ _~ ~ _~L""._ Sl!HPLUS •• ""-'">--.-,,,_."""'''' 1957 1958 1960 f~' '1" [~ 36,1303.00 103 .. 00 3[\,7L,o.00 J.!oo.oo 11 0 ,66.3,00 1,72<),00 1,2 ,5h~l.CO 1962 hlt,593.00 116,»0.00 1961.1 1966 196fl 43,315.00 1.1\"65.00 ),11'(0.00 50,532,00 1',607,00 52,)63. 00 50,750.00 5h,)07. 00 52,530.00 '1,'127.00 56)~27 ,00 1,952.00 58,250.oa 55,835.00 1970 60,219.00 58,260.00 1971 62,16'/.00 60,505.00 1972 61:,12'/.00 62,570.00 19'15 66,150.00 6).i, i:S5. 00 68~lOl~OO 66,160.00 1,9hLOO 1975 ,/o,O'(i!.oo 67 .• 685.00 2,389.00 1976 '(2 fOliO. 00 71, oJo. C'A) 1,018.00 1?77 '74,022.00 ·xDul':i:n~~; COlw-tl"nc.tiotl. int.e!~ost p~;_:~,m18nt. bO~:l'o"Jed 1,662.00 1,917.00 on .- Bond IssuCt ASPEN000752 APPENDIX ffF" DRAWINGS DRAImfG NUMBER -TITLE PAGE 1 PLAN I - Runter Creek System (Gravity) 89 2 PLAN II - Castle-Maroon Creek System (Gravity) 90 3 PLAN In - Castle Creek System (Pumping) 91 4 PLAl'l IV - ROARnrG FORK RIVER (Pumping) SYST~! 92 .. . 'I· 00 ASPEN000753 .' \ .'pel ,,--"--~~,-,.~'.'C::'O:..-_~~_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 SCALE /"'- ;i i !. . , I·' ASPEN000754 PLAN · L e.G) e. '"' '" !3lue.- E ~ I'~+ /n q rJl<. ....' fl f'~ : in d 'j;. t. 5'1~'tew" .~;. Red- Wi'lte..- .. -..,. O(\C. fransm.!'SIDf\Ajllier +reO trn& 0+ G"'een.O""h i bc>hDl"\ re: I?lq/.J.Q .~"I'" ()+ 0+ ,/lin .{laa i \ I +Ie..'; IYHl~{\':; D,d e ~ 10. +in:; . W~~ E/.8i: gtJ ~~~v ~e.e) ~:~~I :\,~ \ I;:'ji.! c.l... /0" (!.I ~ gu J UI.,'U ICC6 r r~ ;::-r. e..I. d!'O(J /:-r. f." t. I.. 3ft:(.i OC ;:;., 1/-" (!,;:-. 1<)((,' (.:y . ., \ I~ SCALE " .. --_.. -- ....... PRfPAREO BY DALE H, REA COH,ULTlHG EKGIHEfR h~l/Ised //-26 -57 W/&/'; 8-1-;5b T.DS. A,:,:'''/1;{;i 1 If:-_.J ASPEN000755 .;.... I • [ ; ! .-.' ; i. I I \ I' i :'. i I, I '. I ._L..- o P , •••• I \. "" l ..L_J..-~ :00 1000 z'):J') • . . . : : ' - - - - -_ _ --'- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~__..________l SCALE .. . I i i i! . ,i . J ",' I' I '.. \, . .!. . . ( j.. .. ...' i . _. .,- .. \.. ' ... ' ASPEN000756 Capsoit7 (3) Ifli::"g :':"::':':,'h):" lj)3~'9 D?t6 of lliing v:'l!ch we.tar Cubic rt. or Cu. Ft. LoaatiDn of neadgat0 or ~ itl c:i~_irwd .P1$1" ~ _~. 1E2.~ R.':D.'?;IJ 9/5/51 10/3/50 9 sa 65\1 6/1/19 34 95 l).!.I.ttJ io~ ~~:" ··of l)?-.r:::..l iJ:-'~ 5e<):.,~~ J()~ Sid.il ~h':::!PDOn. D!.tcll :U:t =;llSX.G~:!.;;::'.t E~~U'l.r!,)l:..J~ !}ry Crcsk, a t~·ib oJ: ">3"'''5 F""k R. 8/27/51 7/15/51 2.0 8/20/50 8.23 5/1/13 1.25 E'E:!2.!!. 22 83 z-rw 13~2.0 • M~C0ris6 & 2~D~ ~ba~ :Bfl~:'!.lt~ Colo & f. Cert&BI lZZ19 illv"' T-1' ib ut Co!a .. I,D ~lvGr,," Collin~ C~eekJ 0:1.' C,lo. ,Rh'~ 1:!-,'j':')7 riling .9~..;~~ s. lIa.i.iul, Hcoody C!'13ck, Colo .. 9.30 (;'r:nr~[:l PI.! lSS1.!$ Trio 3/2.0/51 < 9/27/50 , 15$10 13 '.'(0.'1d. qJ::'i~g ~ ~:12? <1 rt?~:::':11) 7/1S/51 5/1/51 0.10 6/5/51 4/10/12 0.015 ,4 10 73 39\1 78 691/ 18757 J.V. Therai~l J~V. Jr 01 R.A~ ]O::ra.hll:lld. f G-le.m;:,oti Spd..n.gg. 6/1/51 6/1/50 & R~~~ Calo~ 35 6/1/59' 5/1/15 1.0 35 7/1/2.0, 1.0 20 p~ bz~eh~nzl :Btd;<:~l :fo .. Sp.:ir.gl1 ITQ. 1)..2.-3,4,5 i &6 I!'.tcr-Co.rr.:::. Hat. Sp:!'ings. l:rn,; G:;::-;-:';-,,:; fl?.llto. 'i.:.;1t.s:r i~ 'f \ rL.. h P,J~h; Jr & T.W. & 5.M~ «a1k2r 1-5"130 Colo" 20 9/1/29 l:::Y2~ t, 0.10 17 1.00 36 6s 59\/ N.O. & M.. A. Havey, OUl'b:md.,:;.lG) Oclo~ 1013 Ditch. lia.to \1?tOl' .' 4/4/':51 2.00 8S '1S/'16 871/ o 2.00 3 1}/23/'51 5/1/42 1.00 16 3/19/51 7/1/49 10.00 10 3M51 7/ 27/50 }O,oo 13 J.s: Ih.::--pbil"!'"l). n. C!1r;.~<1: ::2 Z ..S ~ Gl'a~ge G1Clcu-ood. Sp;:l!l/;!l~ Col-.)" 18713· 18'6&:COlo. . M" & (}--JilQ fL & .F1eb COrn!. DQ:D.\·u·, Cololl He..?¢l~g .hgp~n,· Cq.ia. ls653 1S011 ASPEN000757 C3.:t: r ..c1ty I'·, \ -i I I':i:)l~[~ f::-;;;;::'T~ !~c~;?'t'a :Oi~c1 Z:.J:~ . . Fall Oroak . "lft.ich Fili.7\5, is 2/23/5.1. 6/12/92 21.0 2/19/51 3/ 19/17 51,28 95 2/7/51 6/1,19) . .~. ~.:?5 ss 2/7/'5l Rh.on;:1 Guloh Cuole st.:; . L~oa~i~ ol n~aq€~t0 0:: :G::-.!:J 0:;;" Ou. st" :Per 530.. "1 ~ !'Dl- R.~}l§a f!i !\tt-n of \'r.~"~tl:i.~ o1ailj~-4 7/16/5 0 22 . ''''. '6;33 9 les 6ia 85',/ Z:·3t.~2, ~3 0: thij ~d i.E--592 ~:'l~ :2:11 of ..' Di ';'::'0. 2:::.1 ,Bnl-l 2 .. 00 1/18/'5l 5/15/46' 0.05 4/13/10 1.00 'i:,1,:.,tl:i:y ;?saks Spl~iLgn 1, 29 4~ & P!.palin.J. 3,. i. . lf~ol LJ.Eht a Li6ht Dltc~ 1~5TJ·. J;rl 2~):'!~ ;'S;:;-7C; ¥;<.lk.~l" 'lo;:uel." Dltc:h \\;.} 7/17/51. , . 4/2SJl~9 .... -22 55 ~R to' • Sf}"l }I lOS e3'J 7S g[j'if Or;ak DitcA 1/12/51 111M 5 9S 86:1 1/S/51 11/30/50 06clO 5 78 SG'J j,'!"Gd I .. & D.J .. Hole,;:.t~ &: Gila Daren & V. OO1"i£o, O'!u'-----!12.ned. lJ:rib# of " fJl'ee1: Lith I:n1. & }'.zt" bt}::i~Oll Roaring Fo~k lUY01~ Can.:ll Spril'..g 1$\3'+ \ I G;".;';:,illt3~ti J-1.YJlinD POT4d2 4 - " 11/30/50 ~/19/50 12.0. 22 11/27/50 9/ 12/50 , 0.063 20 11/20/50 10/30/49 4.0 1 & 2& Canud..ale G-ult:h 4.0 8/5/50 B:1llitOl" 13512 8/5/50 4 11/15/50 7/1/~7 6s 1:811 . J .. LWfo:Oq & .r .. UrI'Uty-, A.S}JZll & Jwction, Oo:tiv. J • V~ Ro M & J .. ]I ~ G!"eg1::y, G-ltJnuf)',~d S?l'in&\j~ 9 J.:1 ~ 78 SSW 63 0;)\1 Ol:"a~ 1&312 Oolo~ f:. E~ If q &".:.1. tn, C;':i,:bor:&.h, Colo .. le501 ---' J ~ V. Roes & Sp::;,:ings~ J~:r" Gl<1!gQl';y t .G16:.i~-ood. 0010 30 ASPEN000758 Cnpaci ty Date for t..fhich \fa tel' or Cu... ;i'ilbe; J..n clatmod. }ler 11/15/50 1910 ;Q T",d'o~ yu.bio l,'t. nato of yUille rt. n,l.!{c~:" S~at 8.0 ","!, .... SUCl'iru...~efJ 1l/14/'YJ 5/ 10/ 03 C~;)Dk • 8/25/49 . 9/23/50 . ROO:ing lIo~k'Jll,•. 9/6/50' lOS .33 83 :~tot Sop-rio R'3rei'ord 6/6/5 0 . Rnnr:.n 00<).1 lzltS3 Cariond&le, 0010& ,J~D. C3ri~D, 7S 75 ,12 0.20 Ii~ 184t2 Banctlt) CQlo o ,B:t!gbt, Sn.o~tn:e.!3Gt Colo • 18414 ·il. V~ E.ol$~l Glan<.."'Ood b':9rl1:gu. Cob. 18]50 .~~J .. D~ 9/i5/50 4/2/50 8/21/'YJ 9 1331,0 Bt:..:n.~::; S,:-in,S6 V> 1~2,3 & 8/15/5 0 . 8/6/50 Pi;.::~Lt::O' 0.133 7/ 26/50 ~5. 0 .. to Roaring For:;;: ru.yel~ " • .. 16 96 20 108 84;1 7;,i1! 13302 ,.: 7/1/19·. 6/l7/'YJ 0.20 1530C 2.60 ·u If.~.l~o:c 2:i.Hcc t:' :1 Wil~un D!t~~ ~ 2 SpZ'i~ , Gu1cll. Hay 1900 " ~:::-ib~ to Sna\;JI1.5.S3 Oreuk • 3.00 0.96 " 6/26/50 .. 5/10/0.$ , . .,A~ & :B~rr. C£.;:boT~alQ~ 33 . 7S Ii ... - _. CI J 9 Ht .. Sopria Ero"3i"l~d fu;.nc~ Co. J C8.l'1m.ndnla C<):L-Jq . R .. O.. Sa'l'O'all, Ce1'oocl.s.l{f~ 001:)... lfi130n, ~. Ii - Colo .. II .~il j Eill C~.. ;:.ek 6/10/5 0 Ditch 10/30/ 1f9 6/6/50 . 6/10/86 :i~'.R::' ?-3ti!lreO}1 Bitcr. E1:t .. ~ :E~'.1. 1- ltJ2C!) ~\'S-U~:;'~!1 G;;~c1:J.' Sp:"1z.zu !{ V;::c . '_""'i,.)d,. . v1..':..lch !'Jp::-b..gn . If"'.::.!;! Sr-.;:-kg :n1~~ ~ 13 Sp~lLsa lfaJ.Jre~e- ill Oclo:h a Ulll4 Eol):m lli.tcll lS:,3S·· O"ciik{ l'qibg """ Di:"~ 13:0M !i;].",. 34 85 3.00 6 lOS 6/1/'YJ 8/14/48 11 3/10/'YJ 7/ 1/43 5 . 3/1/03 5 . $8',1 84:: 1.. DUl'ou..-.:, 1>." d Ccri~~, F.~l~oll ~_0P;)~ H. 16253 Co-lo1 Ro'!lGJ.~ Caiu1 :E.,R; 13'>~~ 13263 >-0illits- C?-roouinl~, Ool~~ 10201 t· lZ2()O tbid16.i G-clch 10/3 0/ 49 i 2.80 5.00 :Ben C·ran..'1e·G,ti 1 Carbot4.ialo r ColGt .. 13185 Z C.. & F 40 .. Rec.mond, S:10\t,'!U"t8Z, Coio" J.u44 Bolli" \hUch. 9/8/491336 2.0 ,Pl"ying 1'B.!l' Jlly.,. 8/~3/49""'611/36 11.25' ~?rt"g. to DHci1 .'~pr;:l>g6/2i/49' 5/i6/43 ' .. Ji ." 0.71 0.0018 . Co CrowloYt 3acrUt. 0010" 30 ' .. C.. ~1 .. Lyone-, Carbonc.ale, Colo .. ' ..... 13J.39 13108 ASPEN000759 (~) Sili:tl6 :S'7'~lt(::r Filing 3}3/49 1/25/49 78 891/ 12rt!4S 9/15/ 46 lOS 8'+\1 D?.t'J of ~i~:-.o.Jl 0' C":"':·J, (.Z' R:-a~;:;<\"(ih~ !}OW\!D 01 S'I."::7:I'Ply 5;;a9Y' T~'" ;Zylez. Spr Ingu &: ?:p!2.:Li:"~ • !(oaring Fo,'k Ri". Cap:.1.c1ty G-ubio .:rt. or Ct:" Ft. Data fot' uhic!l. \..'at~r 10: C""'i!:l6~ pl)::'~ soe .. Location. of Readge.to cr 10/18/~g 9/6/4S 0 .. 50 12 76 17949 4/2/43 6/1/44 33 53 lIZ'{S 2/26/!f8 8/23/46 2 lOS 85\1 7/'&/47 6/15/47 16 '!is 89,r 5/14/47 l-my 1925 13 8S 17 78 11/1/45 0.02604 3/17/47 2.00 4.27 30 2.50 12 otXaill S?l'ing to PipellL.3 .sp~·ing & OIB~1l1 Cl';):!;: 2/25/41 ?or.,i D:l';;C;:,1;2 2: Pc:,n,d. C1Y Po~~t Di tee YPF J,.~ '0 lOS 10/21}46. S/lS/86 10/8/46 • K~R .. \lhittla3l)y~ P (, C6ristl, 0(' Drm:c.y, & GlaW!ood. gPl·i.L..g~s Oolfi .. 51 8/4/46 B~ing Fo~k P~v. J"DossigJ;}', O.. Go!'oaz, & :L l'ozzatti &. E.J • .& ')\R. Sorry, CarboD.d3.1t!,~ Col~", ,'01'' Riv. o 2/14/47 ~l'i~911 2. I-!Cl~3t:.lhlin Ditch 0 17871 " ~Tf;:;3 177:5 ' 30 117;3 Roar!.u" , ~ 3.00 6/3 0 / 0 6 6/30/115 'a5~.t"",oDit"Jl 1'iling ill 1l/26}b,il 10/23/43 3/ 19}lf7 '177~5 Dz;n ~~ F.p.:~ fee. Spring 1915 2.00 Spring 1890 ).00 0 • u • • • 0 « ASPEN000760 Cap...'l.clty . :iJat9 at !t~ .. rto LooatLo~ Datu :lCl.' Cubio ,:h:leh'l:::-.!;t.3l' or i3.(na~ ~~~ ~. 0.04 11 F..?!':L'is Dl"i::.::h R~J.·lug :'c,r'1: Riv~ fJj17/1}(, 9/3/45 Cr_'l-'!t.:L1. 3.i,;·~:r ?lsz. ?.!'v.l:.1 & .3.~:;-n).~::::z l'o:c.d.3 t:. S:yringu ~?l"in&e 9/16jiY3 s/16/41 eu... :Ft~ Ol~ ]1:;'i~ ~E. 2:',,2.' P""'.~.Ji:: 1.!;:;u:c-:l~3. 78 ?1::)o1.i1:;O 8; ?l,::!t" G;;J.J..i P8.11 ;:~l;()l" :uitc.h & Pi?:i:"'"L':.(:I .r,;1i>-)::'~-a ·17659 17641 C':'~~~<}::!J~ :2.1k Cr::::ol.: tl. 5 G~~ot-:--:1~1 & L;t"ttlt.) J...-inz- ;~y{j0{) ot Zeddgato n.:r.rJ 0.013 ! 6/10/1S g-(d Park Dit_ch" & 1':,)301''1011'' 00 .. , Glauvood· .. ,. Spric~~~ ~ulo~~d¢ ....-.. ' ASPEN000761 UNITED STATES Or THE INTERIOR DEPART~,~Et"':T fOIO :-"\:;>,I;cr 1'15/ WATER RE.50URC".:S DhAI-:CH G:,~(; Read to ~ ... _. f , , ,:.,; . [.. ~;(,\'1_. :. IJi,.,i.t . GEOLCGiCAL SURVEY 1':><·u J~tint~ l.!h!c '-!..tl·:;:~.~i :;£;,1 <;:>#'1:;~f' j~~-'~- G~::~' i:d;;h. u.'t'd !o~"'~""'lId,," 11I!r,o:irtdt;·... f~..sJ..~b- b<'1-,r=_~_._~ ' - .:~ ASPEN000763 ~:;."- :J.'iPJ311SHED RECORD ,1- ;'"J:!_ :(: r'crl. :.."j :;;;;':!1f4,-:;0, ;!; ; '~':'!.~" ;:'-"'l.~~PJEGT TO ~tV[SIO'a !l~:l:t~r.. U~!Ti::S STATES 1]53 xc: G=:qL:)',iC;.·,L :--,'.",- ~;U:--NC'( V./-.T'+i': Rt';(;,Jn-.;c. ·f:il':"\\,lr. C .. g,·11.<:!1!<; " .. (.,; 1-, . . 'ZltJ . r;~~;. ;., ""'.:i72 ".,c,~ "'/'3; ____ W:.,r:;:~"·r. :r.~:-~~"'~<'7"-"'':':"--::--::--;~-"':~''''''';'' ltl,;J\:Jr<,<.!I;:~ l-:-,-_.,;!-~,:":-,..,....,,.l~':": .......... ';_'_' .' 11:;', ... _._ -' O'Lh-';i.,;;--h:~_;:;vl'!_ l TJ;~:;-id. U ."J lTED STATES OF THE INTERlOR Cll! :";l;!'i..-H ( DEPARTr,~;E:'lT SURVEY l.,,',) ... ei:~rl J:'~;~f! Glr,:-: "".-;/{). t.-,lJ!t· n,-·: .. :::·,~",u, J.:.~>:c;; 1.-:.2 6'::.s--1- .. t.,~.~ 4.-._--=-tH--,--c,-:=-"-;'·~ lil!!.(r,'J~;l;-; ~;.o..;-.-'''':",->-,,''-t---. .. l h - Fr.... ;..f-. .../J.1. 0 3 / 10 Sf 7.5 .430. ..........333. " {:.~1fb.O~.. . . 93fo ~2~?> 4/7-;LO ...... /3·0. /0 ASPEN000765 ~U~Pl!BLlSH£D RECORD iie';,' .-:SUBJE,T TO REV\S\Qt\ ',' , .J~_'.). + --, L~ !iTED ST{·.T:=.s Cf:[J:'•.~(T ";ic~:~'I' ,~:;:- -:'!~" li-nE:R10i\ , (':" L ~ \', 'I ;:i.1-;"';-J r . .. J::.': .' Ct·~;"':X::;·-::}.~ ~~,Ui:'Y~::Y' 'A"~:-:-r::o.: FC';'0'}f'- _,,_ ..., ::;,,',~ te " C.',:;~'ht,;;!\,r,_~l<;e:': hI,;;.!;:.,!!:· ... !.' ,,, ~I..,.~~--~-------=.....,.. . ,h--,. _' ' •• ASPEN000766 1 ( ! f ! I i / l-~~u£.. - E-.f ).;:::,_.:\ (" 1"5 ,1 ,'.It} ..~!.G·td / 1.) .• _~,-, ,/'_f"!: /·)-':"11.1'::' ~. .<:<:~)/,~~:0. J} '"/ tr: -:: : c, . -I j ,-' ~;:.f~~ ~-; {!~: ~r':"::i: '>~'-:: /' ,1._\ "I: " £.s-r-iA'r~ r~~ (;.-~.,>..j ...... ." 12"·;· Ie (! .I I If .1 ;-.' i '~"':_; .- I 1- ~ I "'- j[ I ,·-'1 Ii ,j. I t. ~'. ;::-,1 • I J I I ',' > , . .', -- '. \\' "; .-1.- , '\ '" -- ASPEN000767 L·~_ / !. " ! . L_::,i,,:, ~-_, -..,.. , '- .' '·l \ ,/'i \ : --;'.,' , s :;;,'J.,:, i- :. " \ t '\ i [:-1 , :...,·,d \ , ". 'i ,-;,;/, (j·n,,,.:" /t,LL.'D .......-. \. , \ '.: \ \ , i I I ! I ASPEN000768 j ,--::-' i ., j·t _:J.i. ..r ." I rl-· I i i l~,\; ~ -j l, ~ :"<' .~ '<_.: "'•.'" ,; I~" ":.I _:> G\: . ,j C2-..,1-' .•' ! .,;.S ;. (~L I: I ' i ), 1- \ , N,··,,", fie" i.-, ., ,,;,; 'h' i ,j '. ' ..• ! , ' ,.. -::: _, - .5._~11·,;,/~.l.-, ,\; .... . \ L'~,.," , .t: " ~ __ rl /I'.J . \ /./.1.(1/, ;~t " :7 /. It "~', -.", .