, TO: MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF Ji.)lI.RECTORS o Cololl'ad9 Ri7ea- Water Conse:naticm Diat~i4:t. The FiIrst Relu!er Meet!. of ~0 Boarci of Dbectol's of Tb0 CoAolr&do Rive? Water COlll1ll0ll'Vation Dis~rict fo~ ! 959 wilt b~ held in the Diet!'ilCt OHicaG o Rooms U... !4~ Fi!l"S3t Naticw &nk Builciing o GlenVlooci Sprillgsl1 Col!.ora.~oo TucedmYII 3zu:1l.1&:ry ~OthD 1959. n0 lI'Do0ting vim eonvan@ a~ 10;00 A. M. Yom aX's lf0spact o fulAy u1i.'lecl to (Attend. A t . ~~1iBt5 ~lS'@~4111:iI e>~'\711.G0~ ~Q ~@ ~Rl1@ 0($mallnO @10a@Ii"mrum~ ~g8 ~l!.ntMlS'@ OQ8l AIln pcsllll@limlB a@!.j1l1l@!ft@CiJ.~@m )il>rf@@'iYan@~rmi\G!li'fs [e)0 ll!m5~~ im iTh'\7e ®1r wQ,~@l? l?@O®mlI?©@O !m Wsn0 ~m_o@lJi) ~IDO~ ~Ull. l3@!lUOL?~R Q~@&IJ!I ~e ItJB©@~&lfi;j(3l?O ~ennGVo &0~~1l1l~&\f3 ~@o~ft(\;~ .I?&lS'~o (]~~O{l)Bl\ C@1l.1llill~ ~rl'O~g>o ~m N@E'~ F@l?b:" ~o ©iMGO @a Jj)en~ am@l J7~1Jn~i@&Io (Qll:?BlID@'1 Jham@(tfi@1lno g~~ ~® R@@illnoo@lo 1?l.i'®.DGl©~o '\:l.PCSQ~ ®S! ¢Pi'IZ.l~ THE UNCOMPAHGRE VALLEY FillAis have been made by the Tri-CouDty Water Couel"vancy District in the Office of the State Engineer foJ' the Ridgway Reuervoir at tlIle confluence of Dallac Creek and the Un~ompah8re Rfi vel"" and for the llama HOI"D Re.ervoil' on Cow Creek o which stream oDlers the Uncompahgl"e from the east between the Ridgway Reservoir and the diver.ion worlts of the Moutroue and Delta Canal. Water stored in tlneae re.ervoira will irrigate approximately 16" 000 acre. of Dew land, principally on Log Hill Mesa" south of Montroso o and will provide aupplemental water for the entire Un~ompah8l'e ProJecto DOW served by the water of that streamo and by water diverted iDto the valley by meaa of the GwwitJOD Twmelo Supplsm.ental water will a180 be provided foJ' laDda now irrigated from Dallas and Cow Creeks In pendiq adjudication proceedings in Water District No. 680 &be Tri· CoUDty District has filed statements of claim for these two rGgervoir. o whorein it seeks coDClltional decl"ees the ref01'11 and bas pl'e.ented eviden@e in support of these statements. 0 FiliDgs havo beeD uaade by the CimalL"l'ola Ditch Company in the Office of the State Ell8ineer for the Silv~1' Jack Reservoir OD BiS Cimarron Creek above the point of diver.ion of the exiatimg Cimarron Ditch Company" which servos Bostwick Park and allo two other al'0&8 0 Shlua Pal"k and Kilmikill Heights. Water stored in thil2l reservoir will be ueed fiDr the irrigation of approximately 1. 000 acres of new land and wU1 provide a supplemental aupply for 6 0 000 acres of land presently but inadequately irrigated in these three areao. !D pencliDg adjudicatiOD pl"oceecliDgs in Water District Noo 6~, the Cimarron Ditch Compacy haG med a statement of claim £01" water for this project and has submitted evideD@e in suppon there~f. U conditional decrees are entered for water for &beae re.ervoirs ill the Uncompahgre and Cimarron VaUeV5D the result will be to make lmpoaaible tile diversion of any water fl'Om these atreama into the Rio Graue 839m. Such trail; DbaaiD diYeraioDS have beeD aDd are beiDg proposed. GUNNISON COUNTY The Upper GUDDIBOll Baaia Project" fol" which fillnsa have beeD made ill the Office of the State Engineer/) included theee proposed development. in GwmlSOD County: The CurecaDti Unit. the Tomicbi Unit. the Coehetopa UDit; the Ohio Creek UDit. and the East River Unit. -z- THE CURECAN"Jrll UNll1" 0 no 'E1lllio no ~~~w;;illllw ~@ CMl?elh~~oo Imw ~@ BUi'@tM! ®£ RG~R&~~Aclill &m~ mnb>m!~@~ Bllul1@)U5lID ~@ SS(f;UO~t.m1S7 @f ttlln0 fum~Wi\~W ®~ r£llilG pll'@j0CC~o ~@ «ft@ ~ ~$ S~®l?{l$e PlS'@~ OO(l)" 000 f@IS' immg~ttn@lla eif ~@aneQrm~~a®llil g,if ~@) Canti'@ro~! t1!!ll!~ filiil f~o~nll \f@&Ll' A~6~o me ~CSI ~\I1l?@~rog~ Pt/'@~e@tt to ~ol!lfi~Im@@lo prr~!l!!Qli"!D.'Wo 00 0 lln@ll!Illo aWGR' Q~@l?agl3 &Mlr& p@WE9i' ~0Iiily ~e Dimt~tr:~() 08 & ~rst ®fI rums UPPGm ©imllllliilliocml PE'@)j@~o ~® Cv.n'lln!li\!ill@~ ~17 ~(9 mtr:D.IlllIl'®,»G@~o fi@(J@ Bll'l?nllUQlS~nW wottGl1? wW b@ m p~6}ll mmr§l@ p«1>oofilID1@ ~ ~~ g®llil@wifID$ ~ir@(§@~\llIl'<9Q: u» nlli>llo WaB®rr nm]p:II&lm~@~ !tin ~@00 8'@o@1S'w©irw (§2.lrnl ~@ tt@ O\Yl,~nW ~Q @1@mDml@!.o @li @tG m!3t1ira o~a!A .. <8lGlCGl1@CJ8 {£@ ~~ U!iU~®m.~)]G pIi'@~@@(t ~lI'@U\~ ~Q ~iD@m 'il'wilm@Ro n~Q" ~@ ~1A~@!1l\ @m ~EB c!)~lS@8m a~owQ R@O@lS"\?®lilS' wUll lIDe l?GillA@'VGl<§1.; o~ ~oftGl?o wDi1fi~ Uil@W muolt @l@ ~nm® MOOD ~ lI'Gll@oQ€l@l ®l:? 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RG:l®GH?~@~l5'o Fl1Wll~ ~@)~@~@~ ~GloQZS''\7obo C©@1lB@~@~ M@Q~o Dia~ C®~t3~@~ ©3tQl!lllo PQOO ClS'@eb: ~&I&\no llAo 1M R@oQli'\J'@)~r?o Qrcll E~Ii"Bcme@2; P~@G ~~nD Clffi(j ~o S~~Th>o ~dn ~IiiBRo 'V{aa0Ii" io {k® fg)e im~@Wll@l.~@ t!ID @l~ ~ll!llSeo ZS'@G0lJQ7@At?of) ~gr~~ ~0 o~a"arn1~ U'\I!.Iiil ... ©t!!1 po~n@cfiQo !illiil~ ~0 (i)~@lS'@~ VJa~0Ii"o a@tJo~(9r? WQt~jf wMfu ~e <§l!l?O@~ o%l5'@e,m C),lihU i~Gl ~8'i~m~lS'l\~o wAIDl lID@ @tromlW017@Cll! 12l1IDt§! ~rsi~~@@l ~@ ~G l!mml@O 8@ 1ID® !lflS'liffSn~~@ lID1/' I!ll\@QIiilO @~ gl'lll~ ~~no wllll1l~ g@l?m iID~ttl @1! &2I@Umm~o @~@0~ @jl.o ~@fu@~@~ Moo~@'Wo lOM ~@l? ~ft@ brfitaGl o ~@ U~~@Ii' oI),BwM®cll f§)W Ofufi@ ~l?dI~ 811l@l Aao ~m~c> ({)K 'E'aWll@l.? Rii~e1f azm,g~ mW@lSOp B1Jil.@l. @@Il8'\7«)Wo (SCID SJl8@ ll[',~o iBi\ @le OThm@ tClS00k laB\oiro ~lluiida ll!.$1e ~@ fu>@ i!?l'i'iB~a ~@ ~@'~OL? @f{ 'lfI:lWl1@I? PSll.8'k !\l@O€llS'w@!lS'o wlluii~ ~f Bn@!~ M@QU Q@ ~O&~I) Wg~8" ~W ftD@ ~@ll.@no@@l1rl?@m afu~ R.@oo1i'W@at? a~ mtSGl~ 1!'fu@ t!!Gm&iil~O ®i1 ~e 1fJlIll~©mF5~1S'G 1?l?@~e@jG~ &liil~ ~Q ~~@i~~l\~ '\\rllS'JP@{J@ im tIDIri4!)fllW allil®'WGlo 'Ellil@ lim o~m Ao ~@@~il1!\~m bll @m!la~n Umt. Ewid.QmI~@ 00 @!.@ l?€ltron"e~o fw~ Ii' ~»l:I@lil) @llaima "l1"llil@ 0 n1J1) O\l&p~@~ cf ~D FIi'O©@@@lilID~O M'X70 12l&Q,~eMQliilS llmo ~C0m omlh>w~@~ llJJ@@IiIl ~l1.®o~@1 f04f ~(g fiJH.iil~ Fi~!.ii\filB /i,lfGl ~@iail~ fl'>a'~~lP0@l ~'iY ~® go~lf@r?0@o (§lg wl'2li@'m o ©@m)?ll@Un-eeallla~ Olill Auguet !O~o alb Gunm!eolmo ~o tleGltifw ¢\D to r4me JP'lE"@SeD~ s~a~uG of ~e Cv.l?el~4lImlti P&'@$@~~. 0 WATER DXS'!"RKC'X' No. 40. TliM~I?@l 8E"el rill@ oGijv.d.!\!!m~iolll\ PlEunwlixng 1m Waftta&' Didll"i(6~ Nc. 4rOo 'll"lm@ SWl'dln FOl?k. PX'®jca@~ is lc~~e«t in ~~ V @fica c!!n@it.'l.llo of ~~@ Ci"Qwf@I?d Wa~el? Ccnaa@li"~©W 1D!s~ll"ie~ @nat!: ~m~ l/Us~l?i@~ Fil?@~@C~O ~t!l> ps~i~iolm ~@ DiB~riw WGl Dis~l.i'i@~ fOl? s»u® ~a~l? @~ CIS'W9}~ C!S'(Dek fOl? 3. p>I?C@GG4tiIlllgS ~e FlrWitSl\&M M~0a PIN:llje@~o vW ~@ omlmmit{t~. a~ @W~@lln@~ ®GllJl!lPQl~iBng ~~ ~llmim O~~Gl'" mel'l!l~ UppeE" GumilioOMl &ow PF~.v0©~o i~ oTJnowJlldi llD0 Iill~t@til1 ~(£o iII ©c1bl~~iQuR de@;lr~can" II ~o AC/!$ '1. 'ir1im1() wftU m.nkf ~@ cl1Q~~<%lGl @@mp~ all'0 CFJ~Gll'@~t> DG g>@qQll@O~CIl@ ~'SY ~@ JOim~ll'ics~o @!\)lM~m.n~~i(c)1I!l w@li'k ®ml ~(§) C\ll!?@«;:n8I.ISA @a(liJ pr42laQ@Qll~iolil 'X'&Wll~&' Pe.&-k PIl'@Ji0@~ @f 'WtJ)~k Olm ttIln@ will! Q4lE"~@ ~~ @;@!li}oU~\\.l\to ~lmnili"e PIf(l)j(tH£~. @ua ctini~@!llcs@ Si!iil~ca ~0 ~a~Jr nll!l of JR.@O€ll.i'~@!ll' is d.lAimGd ao a po~ o~ ~e Q\\?)t!li'@@ @$l ~QllPpllw lIoE' ~@ ~bG VJppOl? lGa~OOlll\ BaGlfum PrO,DIill@e o ~G;w@® pariieapmailmM plS'@je~~f!J @,l\"1! Ac~a~ed in ~ao &lf~~o ~e Pa@mUi.s. o Sm!~ Fell'1&: a!m~ Flft!li~~ltMi M~om. Pa@m:&s nQ Wl.\~ISITf ©(!l)m!9~w.@~iiCl!>litlo 5mAruln FOll"lk. Ao &P~ZS'®2cs1lai~B ~~ ~@xam%Ii'1ll@UG1Al fB~llJ@o am@ ilfi\~o~&(JmtS!Q)Im w@2?k cnn ~c WM~RQlfa~ M®om l?l?@jip~o 1I(J)~ @!e Pa@wa!. PB'@)jQ@~ ~'i7~ ~@@!!tl 0o(iQ\S)ltiG@e@o 6l\tm~ ~@~e i!C0li' SlllIl~a1iu ~afj'k oimall FmJ!~~lii1(\ft M98l£1 1Rl&'VGl ©@GlID a~ ~@ manW p@oon o @Ui~ @~ mml'j7 ~B'alIDC!l1liMl8Mll~m~Di) @fi~@ll"l3i@Im8 '\:llYlilm~ ©@W1@l ~mr@cs~ @8' i~0WQl!Gl ~M1lll ~hGeG wef£~~ ri~~e 0 THE ROARING FORK AND FRYliNG PAN BASINS Two partidpatill8 proje@te and one tnDsmoWltain cliversion projea affect Wm 61"080 The two pai"ti~ipatiDg projeetG are the West Divide ana tile Basalto The traumoumaim cU.wers!oM\ is to be accompUsbed by the FryiDa PaDoArkan8afl PlMJecto In addition!) the cout:ruc .. tiOD of th~ Asberoft Re8ervoil' on CaQUe Ci'eek o or aD a~coptable sub.Utute therefor!) forme a pari of the proposed dewe!opment on the RoariDs Forko A conciitioDal de~ro8 to the West Divide P:roJe~t hau been eDterecl by the Diot!"ict Court of Gal"fie1d County in Water Diutrict Noo 380 the priority dlate beiDl April ZZI) 1951. Funds have been made avaiRable to the Bureau o! RedamatioD for the continuation of detailed .tucUea alhci investigation of the West Diwide ProJe~t pnp&ratozoy to tbe .ubmis.ion to the CODgl"e.s of the repon whieh is requirod to be ~de thereon by Public Law 4850 These inve.etigatioD8 are beiDg madei the Colorado Water ConsoRation Board and the District are parti«:ipatiDg ami i1$118ticl then-ein; &U1ld it appeal's certain that that work win CODsti .. tute the diligence required to ccmtbme the conditional cle~ree. in full iOJ"f:e aad eaea and to keop it firm uoW actual eOIll.~I'U~tion work il commoD~e4o It should be AOtedo in p8SfJiDg" that tine conditioua! decree to tile Wellt Divide Project wW protect &be Cryetal RiveI' and'ite tribu· taries alaiact any tl'ansmo~iD diversioD. which may be foreseen at this time 0 The statu. of watol" rights fol' the Basalt and Frying Pan Projects has been the subjtil<1:t of consideration by the BoarQ of Directors to .ada an eatent that further rapol"t thereon wouAd be pointless Howevero theee facts Ghould be brouglllt to the atieDtion of the Board at tbie time for auda Bc:tioD ass the Board may consider advisable: 0 Firat" it appearQ that RelioDa 4 and 1 of tlte Bureau of Re .. (;1amaticD DOW pialllo at 10&$t tQDmtivelyo to justify the Ruedi Re.ervoir aa a paL," of the Frying Pan PIroje~t OD the basis of power geDemtion . and providing mulilidpal and industrial water &!oneo If tlu«:h i8 donG o irrigation of the Came CreGk aDd Sopria Cre&lk ~n'eas would be 1'."'ed out o aDd the•• laIml!! \;1Qwd lfGmam unde\'l'e1oPQ:do We £eel that ahe Board 8hould make QOWD ~o tine Bureau of· Reclama\tioa alto to the Colorado Wa~el' COll1eel'vatiolll Board its poli@y illl the maUelr of il'rigaticm benefits in the Roaring FOl'lt VaUey from the Ruedi Rele~woiro C Se~ondo we .bowd see 9:c It tha~ the COJlstl"UQ:tiOD of the Aeh@i'iCtft Re9Gnoir ill effededD if (;JUg (':onlltNdioD is found to be feaaib!eo -s . Sll1lE'W~ W@li'!~ ~ll'A ~@ AollB@~@~ ReG~l:?'!?@ir llimo ~(%1E1l ~@mm~n0~G@1) @aGJE'@otr wi1!.li llil@ Eilo@! bn @!le Oftri~Gl (('l)& ~G StSa~~ ETQ)BR!'JU@@l? illB ~@ mle41E' £~\rul?(f; gEild Wl1WIlll ~El tmm~ plrQwide@ ~'iY ~@.l 8ro~mtS0 0 Th@8'@ io lmQ) ~@I!ll~Iill!J a«ijn.luili~&\~n@mI pZ?c~@e@irmB fum W4n,(SI198' D~otSl?ll@tl: Woo 3l® a1ll!.~ a mmp emltti (I~~@miM'~~ ~nn@I?@il.iil. @nt!ll Aol]M;:1?@~ R@o@"cnlr ilSl Gft~~~salo &1lil1ll1 i~ llMlln!eJ s}]n~Wl@ 1§l~ (!:a>m.m\!lIi1l@@~ Wiil~ll ~$ foooi~AE!~ o~i~~@ !i'@oe:zrwQJ:nx' i® oon!€lw~@i ~\> ®f @Ue Aoll1l@l?@irtS ~E' o~fulc> d~~~l?Xl:ill\m@@o io ~~ ~~1l~ lU~@ll' ~&mmo l§@ml~lf@WGl!'Ol1~r::l @WQU' ~!i'&InOXlZM~~itm h cMvel?an@JW ~1illfi~ mffs~ <;W@~~GLi'rm C@!~1fa@!@ @!@well@JP>~m imlg aM @H'i~!~l1o El!i'Q m@otS !»l?QOOo im'iV@ll'V@ ~s Ol\?Jco~~1lR@~ lH[cm@o~~k@ Pll'@.~(9@\> @tr ~le W.ni1:@Ii" Ue01l"S A~Q@d~~ii.@mi) wllun~Xl.\ im'Sllaud Dio~g>a~ fum ~'O 0 ~ Dio(ti'iI.@~ lC@uR'~ 4J)fJ. EI'A~ll@ C~W!i\~ ~~@@l @cm~U~a@mmll ~@ ~0 MC~ll~n~ml Soom;ji;'~m W&~@X? UClelI?6 AB8@l@IDrti@mo ~ml@ @!®je@% Qm@l E~$R@ co All"Uxno08 101lt~TJi\o C@li!l~~ft@~l1 ¢1tG~l?@~® ~@ ~ ®m slIDd f£@ ~@ h@ CM~ PU'@~G@a (!)fC Ccll.@lS'B~ Riw@if' ~rutl?Q m.m&~@1l mG~o nISI io W3.~@lS' ~ll!lmG8''(7&M@lQl DiCl~8'ii@~ WQ!!~ &llg@ ~0m@@lD "Jrl'sufto Alill U»goi~frn lbllLW7G lZMD-:5 we~ lliloGIlll A~~~o t~ filh~ i~o llPll'il!JK 11.!m ~~ ~m\ @U@ SQ!\JPlg~lmM~ C@w.~o DiGl~ll"i~(t llilao ~R &)FJ~~~lS' n~o elOOWGll5' ~Q @iJBtl: of ~Gl M@~8"~~ll)\aOIID Aelo@@mM@lID o Ccll.@g>~~oo S~n?i~1il Q!I!l(lll A,r,l'f®lW.1) e~d ilia f&(t) dQ)@!oli.@l'iII @t ~@ ~~ Clif€ ~~o fcmR@1r idl1:\€:1 SQJl]p)g>@m@ ~~ mllil ~~ n-eql!108S0c£ ~@ lS0\7@&'0~ ~e ll~w~R' ~®m~ ~Eili~ d@wi0~ ~c @o1!llw~ilL ~e lOilll~rn~ C@m~ @f! 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R0GlSIS'wci:s- ao e ~lS'~ @f fbllae Bll1!!\ll'@3@~(llm1i~ ~o ~~ 1800&'¢i1 @1lllf 1&'G@OImD.m~~&@rm fuOO0 ~0 mn@1@Bwi1l.&lli>P.eRllw t®e ~OOli"~ g@E' ~~ p1n~(!)oe of 4tQ)~ m~f£wan @gW'.l~ma~o!m WClS'lk Olla m~ m ~©mlml(l!j(§fd~na w~ @!~ llE'@lm MtI'»~ir0 ReOta1S'W@ili" SlM P@W@lS' l?na~o Ud®g> ~e @l<&l~~6!(;llm ~ OOB' S1Bil>lS'@m~ Comri ifill ~G 1'a~138!g ~Blg~D w~ @@m\8~1i'1E~i@1m ~@lS'k ~lJil 4:@fillElllO\S @1! @~j?Gl cll:li'nWllIl$p @1i~8m!mB of rl~~ of W~WO 1!e ~1?Gf@wo l ~~ @ClmeJtt~~iiorm Art, &IIllC~@2? pgwt iJll ~e li'@,@8'\5 ~Ci'4!'l it1m~ ~~n@ Di\7l\4A~ pa"@j@@~o wllim~ mill1 ~~ a CiUo@tt\ooi@m @tr wm ~iU~@ ~@ ~a.t~lf @~ )p~DM)i7 ClS'ca~D mll1l ougt&ss(t Gl~l'f ceonQ~!i'\n~iollt\ 'l!!1@l'fk @lill \'1!1nai@ln forma9 m pmri oi! ~e Ea!i@ Divi~e Pl'cj@@~o nGll?®m Wei ~19 ll"ceJQs~@b THE COLORADO RltVER BASRW PROPER nGl fcD.Jl.cw~ p$~i~Jm~!DI P!f'@~~~(:Jo l®~~e~ Un ~e Col@~<§lo BaClfumo 2.E'@ E'n&meci illl PubU~ lAw NoD 43$)g P~1S"8ll1lml.mD 'll"li"@mM(i\lomln@o RB\'g)~i~ EalS'o EcgR(;) D!md@ mlmd BllQl~G:l~tiasD A ~1?iGf ~ep@5t 91t1cuM!. bo ma<&e ~ia1iu lS'@GlP@~ g~ ~lb(['i 'IWag®lf lS'i~GJ ir@ll tamm @~ ~O@ Pi'o'»®~G 0 ll. 0 ~e Pa.lf@ulUl l?i'@~@@~o 'J1"nM~ Micll~@ PSn'k Wa~ell" ComiIDlalS'c> wt&lli"l@Y D!fJ~i'i~~ U0 oTa>tailiile~ a ~ollildi~icHll d(S OK ~e l?rAE'C~llJ1 PIi'®.De@~o lronll@w~ ~e f)igm8a~ @f ~e BJl1l!w@ melllltic!!led All~iPWIDfdollllf) ahllMi as jum@l"f g(O @aGl d.~@lS'ale n@ ~lfollS'mmm@~ l!@I? n9lm RlIt\ fiD@all Weali' Ac)'ll.o &m.W. Am ~@W oJ! ~@ M!.©f> ~~ ~Gi1~@Ii' rri~f>o im! o&ille1f' G.lSeaw n-eqQ!i1S'@ ~wm a~f>@~oIID ~yy ~e ~oal?~ olI DilS'o@~Q1S'()o i~ is b®lliew0d wiGe IIDO~ ~o ~~0mp~ a~ ~io ~ca ~g lmm~0 ~GI !illIlaGogi(g)1lIl ®f ~Q p&"!om.~ lS'k folS' R®Q@lroo>irr lIm ~e m@an~im@D d€ll~GE'min~~ ~y ~ Ule Pai'D~ P&"{!l)jG©& FedelfaP. CQl\ll&"Q:o n@ 4j!\119t:Jti9ID of ~e pIi'OpSlf plS'iol?iiW ~~® fOl? Q:!lne WilJJliamo Fon>1lt R000Ir'Woirr E.l?~@m~ wll11J. \!:om~ lIDefol'GlI f&e lOiQ~Ii'iet ~malS'f> Ccwm~ fog' d\9tte8'minna~~lm W~G~ ~f P&lfllt Wa~eIr C@m0err~amev 1!)no~ri@~o wigfu @n~ AG8ill.o~mL@e Qf ~e Collon'~~(lI 1R.i'U~g> Wag;GJg> COllll"G&"wa~i(l)rA\ lOAgglfli.ca o qwlRn B~ ~~ tim@ pn-eoGlIflt @\ca e~7foD8 ~ongQ~iollfl Mm~ ~@ p>X'i~lS'i%>7 nemcma P7fCl>~e@~o fie§) ocmlS'@(!) of ollllP>pllW oft w~ttel? l!@E' Wo Pll"@j(ii)~~ will! 1'ts>e 'ii."8'01l!lbl!@9@Uh@ CFecak m~ ifm (tn-i~u~ri@oo WO~~E' ~nn be imjp)o~d~td in @U® Ha~n'l\t Reo@i'Woin- 11 Q~ ~o ~Q~elf9 ~tP>B~~~E' wi~ ~e ~E'e@a gncw oit TIrcmTSllca@omoo Cr?eek olind iQo ~r?~u~r?i@ OQlljp)p)J.gDiQlIlaO ~~ W~aQ1? of ~e 1'!'oub2l.~ocxxw C1"talSk l£on' ~~ blS'iga~llol1A oK ~@0S llmllllMo ow&o imI OOXIlltS X'(I'.u.}pe@~90 @lie me Gllm.oWl~ be @olla6i@lcalS'~~ BC7ImGwllID~ &0 01lM~ proje~o The pRan cg W~ Die~ll'ic& ~I!ll plS'cm~ 0Dgilml3~g>illlla gelfl:7i<§QQ io new sr~li' C*le Middlle Pai"k Watt@i' Couelrve.ntc:l" Dioa1S'i@g foi" ~3 pU!Jl013@ of pU'\3" IPJIlriBug ~ 1!PlS'Opelf map OD~ ~aa¢@mQII!1!: foU' tha 'Z'lS'olllbJJ.@GODW Pmjli'g@eG~g0 ~tm~ @1£ (jll'n!lll~ COw:i\typ g')lMlE'Sl!@ll'o a~ iml WJ'a,~ ~Q 'lI!YilUl lil1ca 0 o~a~@m0~ Wa~~8' DiGlttli"B~ W®o §I!) willl1 dOllllElo ~ MiQl~(:) i(3 l?o ~Jli@1d! ~W lai~ Mwd!4!W Crrcaek m Wm~~if Db~ri~ ~oo ~@o A&l ~ &1~o nl% afu@ ow,@@ of ~IS S~ge JEllilgirnl@@Zi' &~ a~\Adi~tl:iCl>1ID. ~g>o@e6~~oD ng lio Un ~G OOXllll.@ t)~a8~tlJ ~ij ~@ ~&"@ail§>ne[lomca :Pi'@jQ@~D 1.Mll~ ~e O&mGl p~@@all\l1i"Q/i.) taln'~ p)lQlI!l§l@d i8ll ~o m:a.B110 ruw®lS' Dicj@@~ llils('§ 10eelll!. fiRed ixn ~IS ollll,pRW ia l\c@a~elli\ m Wa~e1" DioBll"h:g No .. 5~o m!m4i ~~ Diott&"i@(t Cc~w of Eagn~ Cowmtw llaae j\!FiGdR.g~ioml im ru'iBm~ <::lV&~~i' dis~l5'!@~o We a~­ j~~!@!\Mo>m prt'IQ)<1:Glleamgo ~8'ta alID@ R@~ Cll~ l?lS'@~Q@~o @@m&'ntSlIlh@0 SM©l1\ ~&'~@Gl~ ilm~o n WageIi' Boalf~ prt'opoGJe& ~@ div@l5'~ @ace wa~e2? of rulne Pilllley' lUw@:Oo tlCO w~ ao @Aat of tllnca Ea~lle RiWQl5' m_ @oll"e Cll"Qe P20e TuWl~llo BM ~~ i'tal!nnM is ~~ ~An~ JlI@@~ foX' Jtllxoo~G;le~io1l\ Ko7&' tl:1lne PinGW io ~o prliWQm:; taO allt~ EmgD.G;l RiwI?5M Riweg' fI?@m tCi08'@ ~lmWOlmo Tln@ ~1i"S P~~i' U!Iil§.S is mcsRIm~ltsd iBa ~@ 119~~o @f Felbmati"yo 1l~®X' 13M of JDim~~ R~~c~ aad @~le @,~ ~@ Cll!ao .. 12. - atocke as meana of conveyance of the water to the power pAanto The Allu::e Resorvoir would be an ODGtream etructul'O delignad to impowad the water of the Colorado River itselfo and alGO water released from GreeD Mountam Reservoir for the generation of power at the GreeD MoUDtaiD power planto Xt i" not indULGed in either Public Law Noo 485 or the Cliff. Divide a.,pon; iaowever" if cODotruetedo it will eerve 8 most uaeful purpose in the aae .. reguBation of the water of the Colorado Rivel'o Fcr exampleo power releases at Green Mountain Reservoil'o made ~uri.g the nOD-irrigating eeasoBo paeil Gown the Coloa-ad.o lUve!' mild Dene culy to provide water for holdover storage ill Glen Cal!ll'on Reaervoil'o These releases are Dot ulable iD Coloradoo If the Azure RefIJervoir were conatructede wa.ter relea3sd for power gODe!'atioD at GreeD MOWlUiD in the l1lon il'rigating !leason could be l"8otoredo aDd made available for downstream uae0 wUbiD the atateo co YAMPA.WHlTE BASIN The pmn-tif;ipatiq projects in tho Yampa~White B"aiD specifiwly DUned in Public Law 485 include only the Savery-Pot Hook and Yellow Ja~oto Howevol'o the expla_UoD fol' the omiemioD 0' other pl'oJe.sts o ~l!cb ao JUDipero i~ founei in the fact that the Yampa-White recOmrailUUAnCe repoi"t of the Bureau of RechunatioD was not completed &lntill Februaryo 19510 whereas Public Law 485 Wa,8 appll'oved in Aprilo 19560 Tbe pall'ticipatmg pl'ojJada which arc a«:twlUy ill~luded within the Yampa,..WhltG 81"ea are: Weszoelo o Hayden MeD8 0 Great Northerno JUDipel'o Two Dar" Yellow Jacketo all'! Fist Topso ~ stamlJ of water rigb~8 for theoe projects" without reference to theb: inclusion in or OWIUlioD fl'om Publl.it; UW 4850 is as foUowa; 10 .!eUow Ja~ket PJ:oJeeto The source of supply of water for the Yellow Jadtet Pl'oject iG the White River and Milk Croeko the lat&eao being a tributal"Y of the Yampa River The project p1&a compl'e ... heDee a &tolrage resenoir am an enml"gemeJ3t of an exietiog Datul'ai Jake OD White Rivero Water stor@m @ltD O~1?e&m if~{;HBMo i@ g@ f!})® @~iw@rl'Q~o l!>W memlID~ @~ @!le 'iN @ooeillo ~~o ~O 118lIDW:3 ~@ ~G:l ilS'8'i~~~@@,1) ll:Wi!l!l! l'J@m~ agM~ WeQ~ @£ S15eBmboo(3 S~1S'im80o ft@ Dil.fJ~~i~@~Il!:W mU ~@ ~~e ~1! Mrl'o EAlli@S~ ~@ @fJwbRiol'i! l?i$rm~8 gOr? llrulQ FOll!.r? ~1!Mi1ti@8 l!)i~@llno W~~ O~~ )?)rl'Co ~~e~g are G@7mllmG!ii\~~@lo n~ it) ~~cdl ~c fiJl@ 8 o&lgam0~ (j)~ ~l1&imm ~n'G!lii\ fu,; &he 'W !S'H38@Ro Plr@je~(')9 al!M!l. i~ ie lll.l\g«l) ~1l.mlim.®@1 ~oe 1M!'?o El!.U!@~Oo daoo o tl!lm@@ tllalD W&\6:~lS l2le ~lS'@p@13(2f3 ~@ @~ Trihitll p>g>@).DE3@~ io llc@@g@<§I. fuID ~ ~Ii'~01S'.\lIl palS'~ cg M@gfm,t ~o~ aJ0~ a~Q~ ~@ ~~ S~~@ cg Wy@~o S1.a!t@ ltiweI? ~ iw ~m\~~li'!GC:J pmw!@l® @n@ wag@Ii' OUl\»~W f@~ ~~~ jp)Cl:?~OliA of @U«9 p~jGl@ ~IDi@lln i8 1l@~~6111ll im C ~1?li~ ~@o ~o ~!3 pi'ojJe~ ~@mJ?Ii'siln@II\!I!o ~e p~ lHto(Q)k Reo@~@iIi' @m Snol1:~lf C3'@~l~o a1i1~ a ~Bml wllmi@lln ~W @olmwey tlln@ Qg@)r?®@l W<'3~GlI? Im~ ~1S'e~g l1llml!? W,\lt!:Olr of fdne um@ S~0 ruw@8' Sllli\~ l1~o t~i~1!~1dea ~@ @l~ ~Qrit®iUtSe.lcm ~~ ~iW@J ll.&1~ooo .~@ D~Q~rl~ ~U'®~aIi'a.~\!)lfY a@ fWW8 io liil@W ~@ilIDI ~~ ~@(\,)O&;~81f ~Jl\gillMl@~~ ~~Ii'~ ~ ~I» ~ g~Bem~liil.fg £o~ ~@ Srlwe~oPo~ ~e~~ Arm ~o OUA@(il) o~ ®le SbtCll Elli\~M@g>o H@@!t Prro .. ~ ellnoWl lli>~ ~iV'~~@~ fl>"Qlm n ~r?A~mrolfW og ~~ og:r®cum a~ ~ poi1li1~ ilm BTh\@ S~~~ @~ W'S!@~o "E'l5nieJ wfilill ~0~1l!li1!."@ @fg)&litm!~ a P®Irmitt h~."; ~. tllW3 ai«l)\8I?@€'l fn-@m ~ Wy~~! S)~a~e El!l\fSilme@rt' ~G off!@!a~!B off Reg!oD ~ ()f ~ E\mF@&m @& JR.e~ama~oih h2.'i.'7~@@6e@'him~fJ &lI?@ ,ara~fE ~ im MI!)M&~ CC~yo !lQ\ Wa~eIi' 2Oiog1SA@~ N@o ~@~Ha iFlrl'@@Gl(sl~~Q} ~~\7® rm~ ~G0nn @~Il1l.~gm€l@.\1) m~ ~@ lfoi!amQ6~ @R @J~ Di@~1Sli&~o ~@) $€I~~lllID~@r? Slo R~~~o fiG mo~ a~ o~8o .. xmlGmt>; It@R' ~e ptf@jlQ@8 ~nR l@~ fiRo@l il2'l @l@ ~~@O @-[ f!,fue ~ooa® EEl1gimleel? !IDlY ~~ cOO~eo a OU1~@mol218 @f ~im ~m j§)@ Wle@l iro 8l1uc M©&% C@~ JOAo c> g&?i~ ~omito alm@l (SIm€llmml@® W B1nW>~W ~f ~e Q~tscam@JmfS gf ~@.inm ~illilllilQ 6lt!!l1IDmM~o~ to ~ C~i!lllSt @lQ) Si~,~el" ~o Jl9$90 ,~ 14 .. , ~ . : I i 40 "VwmiPQ7r PlfO~.h Tnn@ Wal!.~@E' mllp~l1.'$! gOB' ~o prr@j@~ ;'0 Yampm ruwerr aMild itQ eIPi~~~lf'i@£l a~ow@ tb0 eitt?&3 oE tl\n~ JT~P€Hf lOamo -ahilS'@)m.m&'>~enW ~~@o @!OlQ) O~2S'\la f@0go WaeCSl1" GJgC1f@~ @a0&'@m ~i!Jm fij)@ t!iwe~~~ blW XlmGl&BlIO OlS a ACllBS ewmal\ tIln&"Oi\Il.p ~o~~ ©o~ ~~ @as U~ S~~e llimlta fum ~ wicsimliG:w ~g A~0oi&/I ~@ ~Ii'®j9~ ~ ~~JP>Ii'®llutElml~13 lA Ii'@oIi'®gWn*iEilE5 ll'GJGJ@ll'WOP.llo @LQ 0 A!@lID$ f41n~ ll!~0 of ~e ~CllTl'\7e1Yaga&@ ~o a~~rr~~@llw s\~o ~@«» ~~lfOO @f llamld. iBn ccno~@@ 'Will1ll ~Q GGI?~@~ ~i~ b~lS'i~&~oga wa~@g>o D.lQ\\!! \!!)o'WclID@l Con®2S'~i!>Ir@mmat@llw 6~o @OO tnuG Eill.ilmg Dn!Dlk&'i@~ i8 ~ ~ l!lIlIl&~ &1iMl @a@ JYwmip@lf 1?!?@j@~~o l!)iGltI?i@~ Woo 46; aM @!Illfftliltta@l m ~ca elm~illMMu?li!illg ~@I?k lP>E'®~E'a'" ilm ~e Offn~lf~ of said otk&tll9D'1@mt ~f @llQmo. ~~ Cll'aig o elm SIi)~em\h)eE' 8 0 lSl$90 M\19 .. AS - .• .. • . SUOOESl'KO lTE~ Qi: ~iiEm~ p~~.ooi! OOUlRA'OO WATER FOLler fol':' the State of Color8d~ 't1hicn v i f ef'J'ec'\Jumted g m.ll 'f~sl.ll\\' in t'ha mrud..r.imn eool:JlSlnat1oll1l and the sud that shall ISW1jY mwdc:i.~1.1.ty m11i~~.tioJ)j end of H,l:"\ \"mtell:' ~eu1tm:a1 oh~ aq~it&blyin ~dh w~te~ ~esourc~a msn):. of i ow potem1~t1? for th~ o~~ d0~~lop= iilf~:ra:;<4m:3li1~ '1-11 thout discx>ir.il..natiol?l or laf.?:~.9 m@~ OX" eqlrltable,9 of the oth®rS) 'l:'iJl and 1i1Cl:ustx'iaJl. ere'! such I'llUmd:pality or industrial O'l!' p..p'neultural tll"sa bs th®;V :t~~OUTCIZl!:lD UPOiil v!abl'(,elfill by OO@ the rJ.c:;:hta o Coloo'ad@o metminp' that portion of the State 't-lbicl1 lias within the natul"ru. Wl'ain~go b@~ of the Colorao@ Rive? and all of its trlbutaFies v haTeby and p1"@}Wses thttt the state of Coloj,"~do ad~pt th:al ~d©pt~.9 fol10'ldl'l~ tT~'OO2? pol1cyo benaficid useo by storage D of the '!t1&teT of any na'G'lU"'al s1".:Nlarn rat tho Stat~ of Colorarlo o YiiUst pl'ov:tde and Maintain adequ81~ sto:r~~ f.sci1i"" . tiel» ~1it~ adeq\lJ.a.~ a~a or intereot requirinp, Additional water for heneficial purposes p active and holdover ca:p~~it1es to utili~a!) W t'M shall be required by lal-r to develop "raters naturally available to it.!) ,I 11 including surf.ace now and unde~und same to beneficial use by means of wells~ otherwise" before appropriating. or divert natural now wuters water resources. and put the storar,e fac1lities g or attenrptin~ to appropriate and from other natural dr:dnav.e basins in the State of Colorado for such purposes o nIo The State of Colorado g acting throup,h the Colorado t..rater Conservation Board must promptly' inaugurate and carry into effect a plan for the ellminatioD, so far as p~s1eal1y s1ble a or the DODCDbenef'ic1al consumptive use or and econom1cal.J.y poe.,. ~Tater by willows!) cottomTcods g salt cedars and other pbreatophytes frO'll stream beds g sources or supply' and adjacent areas, to the end that the tremendous amount or water now being consumed and wasted bY' such plants ~T1l1 be salvaged and put to beneficial useJ and should recommend the adoption of a similar plan by the other Upper Colorano Fiver Rasin States o The stAte of Colorado, actinp: throum its Govemor, the Colorado Water ConservA.tion Board» GenerRl. Assemh17 and officials II'IU9t collaborate fulJ.;v with the United States Bureau of Reclalll8tioD and with Western Colorado public aganc:les ·and private interests to accom... ,. pUsh" 8S speed1lJr as poSsible, the actual construct1oD of the Cureeanti Project and aU feasible part1 c:i.pating proje ets in the natural drainage basin of the Colorado River in Colorado" under the provisions of the ColOi"ado River Storap,e Project and Participating Projects Act$) Publio Law 48So There must be imposed, by the General Assemhly', a limitation or morAtorlm upon transmountain diversions from the Colorado Pi VElX" \ IQ1i" an;v or i~ tributaries in Colorado, which t·r1ll be le~all.y' binding upon the State of Colorado and all public or private interests thereint) ff1l' a -panod ending not earlier than the year 1982 D the total limi t&~ tion upon sucll transmauntain diversions to be not more than 20% of the water of the stream apportioned to the State by th0 1922 and 1948 Compacts, and nu..l or at any time in the future available for beneficial use therein o pbysicd~ and lagal.ly Such limi tatton or JOOxoatorium 1'iiUst further provide that no l'1p:hts to the use of 'tmtar for future transmoW1tain diversions from the Colora~.o River or any of i'G8 tribu.. taries in Colorado may be aequiren, durinff or after the l1'IOratolI"i'W'il period o which win ever be sanior or in any w~ superior tD ri"hts acquired for in",bas:I.n beneficial use during or prior to said pariod. o Such lindt.At:i.on or moratorium must be effectuated by intel"c. state COiii.pQet between Coloracio and one or more c:K Um seven Colorad@ River Basin Statas 9 ratified And confirmed by the leP.1alative hodies of the s1p,natory etates~ and by the ConP,ress or the United Statas o r;\-' ": ,- .. i:· . , " S'l'A'.t'EMENT OF OBJEcTIVEs ~~,' . . ~ ... , .~ WES TERll COWlUDO J1v~ll . "< It is the et1%"l1e~t de~ire ',and', ~heintent of. 'Western Colorado (th~t part of the State Of' C~lorado 10Q.te~~' ~ th~ ,tha natlll"~l drainage, basin ot the Colorado R.1.ver) that W$ste~ 'C010rado be ~rm1tt.d to devEllop aiS, intended under the 1922 Colorado River Compact, the 1948 Upper Colorado River Coap&c'f), and the Colorado ru.ve~ Storage. Projeot;and Part1c1tJatbg , . , ~ Projects (Public Law 485). ,Ii 18 tUrther .the desire of. . . L"ld the .... 1ntent , Western Colorado that, the' minerQ], d~PoSitl!l ~d,asIlOQiated':1il(iU8trias, . and , the necessary cities - and towns for'~e support . ot the',s_~, be given . ~ ~ opportuniq to develop in'keeping with the best interest of the Sta:te of COlorado and the, nation. '- •. ~ Tn ord.r to aecQlIplieh th~ abOve objectives and to haVe a con- .iatent a."1d equi teble state -water develO,PDent eseentl~ PoliCY thilt· oan be Supported 'that the support eJ:id ..guidanceot the ' . Governor, the Stat, Water Board and state Aeenc1es be 1n :full acc~rd ldth br the entire ,state it .18 . ' ; ' the pn.ral overall ~.pplicat1on. Of th(, prinoipal of water ,use recited ,in S.ctio~ 13 (b) of: the Water Concserv&ncy. District Act adopted by th8 1937Color~Q ~neral Assembly' andthe:t\il'fil~nt' of 'the '8.~~atement granting, • .' state approval of the • . ' I - I ~ . • Pr,yin.:'" "Ark:ansaa Projeot as ·jbe$QII1e relates to the use' of water' 1h~8~tem'and,~~t.mColorado. Seotion l3(b)()f the Water Con.erv:a."lcy District, Act:: "'ldthe' 'stateDient of stat., approval of " . ' . : . ' the hy1ngpml - Arkansas ~ot1ect is ',:cIuote'd, in ~tJ a~roilowsl , . c. .. " >, " . .-.:. .~ , .. I. .,.\ 1,1 . , .,: , ':.' , ~ • '.: .' .' ':" " :.:. ~._". ' \ ••• ' ." ;" ' I , , . . ' • .. ''. .' :. :' • ' '.' .: " , :'''~ , S,gtio~ 13' (b) anT works Of ~, l " , Water ........ . ., .. ' r.. . ~ , ' , \ I . 1~' " : " ' ' , " , "" .• ,t" .' ConservN12Y Distriot Ac'~ ~ "that PlaM:'d':~t1 de~1lOed for· the eXportation .. 'faoUltiss ' . . ' ot water £'roa the na,tural baSin ottha Colorado lUwrand ita , ' trIbutaries in Oolorado, by any 'district created u..'ldet' thiil Jot, shall be .ubj~ot' to the prOvisi~n~ ot the ColorlidoRiverOom-- pact and the Boulder Canyon. . Proj~ot Act, as amended; that 8111 ,' " . . .. , suoh wrks or facilltiiis ,sball'bedesigned, oon9'~oted and operated in, suoh a menner ,that the present appro:prlations',ot water, and in additIon thereto,:prospeotiveuses otwater for,' irrilatlon and other benerioialoonsumptlvO-use purPoBas, including consumptive uses tor dOlllliletio, mining and industrial pJrPO"', wi~in " the na~~ 'b,.sinof the' Colorado ru.~r 'in the State ot Colorado, ~ ,whioh'W'ater,ls elQ)Orted; will n~t be iapdred nor inores.edin cost at, thee~ns8 ,of, the vater uleta within t~ aaid natural basin; end that the ,facUities " and other tllle8nS . . ~ tor the aooomplishaent of said PlU'wse shall be inoorporated' in, 'and ,.dee part ot,' anY project plans tor ths exportat~on'or water ~om ' ••d.d n.turtU 'basin b, Colorado. n,' Sta1tam'Qt of §tateapprptal o£ the !'r:y!D.iEI!l..: Arka.l1S8!f ll'ojlOt -' "Nothing hersin oo~tain&d' ehall be d~eDled, ~~ cOl'lstru.,d , as a prece(lent tor Federal projeots not hereto£Ol;"oButhorized Ul'ltll adeQ.uate survey! have been llade and the necessary' dat~ ar.availal)le so thQts' general tilloQstion or'aJ)pc)r:tlonmen~ of ' the vaterl,of the Oolorado River, allocated ,tor consumptive'use in the State ot ,0001orado, , under the upper Ooloi'ad() Mver Basin ." .' ~'~ ~" \" . I:)" ; . .... ". ":." " ' . .. ,. , " "r .. ., ~ .' j". ' ,', -;;-.. ' . , " " . '. ; '. ..... : /" ~""": . :. ~'-. ;.-" \. 'f> . ;, , '~'" made compaet,ma.,v be - .. as . betveen eastem.Colo;raqo ~ d1stingtilsbedtzoom and w$stern CQlol"ado, . ' atteJPl't to execute such :State polley by 'aj:>iecemeal or' ,sfn~iesof: partial .~loo8tions) ~any. of whioh'may . 'selolouely interfere with aooll'1pletce, over-all State progr8lli," , : , ; ' I, '. , ' ' .. : '._ ' . .... ',.: '.' "1" ", .. \. " ,' " • . ~I :" .'" T' ...... J ~.: • "",~~,'~ "~,..:., "' , . :. :.~.. ; . " ".:.', .' ' ,~ ,. .. .' ... .:~.~.:... , '. " , ' " .-".:: .... , , : " i ( ~. '" .,'.: " , '';>' , .' \' , " ".-' •• l.'. . , , ,,' AGENDA for T.hird Regular M~eting of 1959 ; BOARD OF· DIRECTORS COLORADO RIVER WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT July 2;10 1959 1 0 COD8ideration aDd approval of the following Minutes: Minutes in transcript form of March ~lo 1959. opet:ia! meetiQ! of the Board of Directorso Minutes of Second Regular 1959 meeting of the Board of Directo!"a on April 210 19590 MinuteD of combilled meeting of Policy and ReView Committe~ and Exe~tive Committee" held inDenver~ ColoradoD on April 30" 19590 . :.~ Minutes of Executive Committee meeting on JWle 10 0 19590 20 ConBideration of CombiQed Report of COWlSel8.Dd Secretary-Engineer. «a» StatemoQt of Secretary-Engineer on Wator fOi" Oil Shale and Baaalt Project Reports. «b~ Statement of COWlSel and Secretary-Engineer relative to construction levy for calendar year 1960. 30 Summation of Treasureroe repons for April, May and Juno o 19590 40 Consideration of tentative budget for the District for ealcDdar year 1960. 50 Resolution for Levy for 1959 to support the 1960 budget. 60 Report of committee considering proposed revision of By .. Lawo 7 C~:-1"e8pond0Dce 0 0 of interest. 80 BiU. paid by President and Se«:retary sub.equant to June 10 0 1959. and uuapprovectio 90 Current bill. 0 • .Jlll 7 -1959 July 6~ 1959 TO: BOAR.D·OF DlRECTORS o Color~do Ri~er \Vater COD8t1rvatioa Dictri@to GeDtlamen: Th~ Third ReJUla1l' Meatiq of the BoaI'd of Dire~or. of Thll Colorado RiYer Water CODaenation Dietri~t for 1959 will be held in the District Offices" Roome 11 014" First National Bank BuUdiD80 G1CDWood Springlio Co!ol'acio" Oft Tuesdayo July ~l.tG 19590 Th~ m00tuag will convene at 10:00 A. M. You auoe re.p0ct- fuUy urged to QttenG.,. ,'. Oeo of the principal items on the agenda 0 whid! will be fumebed you by mail as eCOD as. it i" completed" will be 4:on.idel'ati@D of a budget fOI"~ Dietri~t operations ill caleM.s\r 10&2' 19600 Weare submittmg herewi~ for your advcnce cODaJicieratioD a teDo tativo Pl'oposcd budget fOi" that year. Slll~el'ely L your. o c7£.b.\j?~ ~ ~m.Jp Po SMITHo Secretary",EDgiccelf 0 ESTIMATED CASH BALANCE CLOSE OF 1959 and ESTIMATED FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR 1960 BUDGET Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1959 in checking Bank savings account ••••••••••••••• Petty Cash on hand Jan. 19 1959 ••• ~ Current Tax collections 1-lM59 to 6-30..S9 ••..•............•.....•• Delinquent taxes collected 1-1~59 to $24,926,,21 0 $41,04.3059 6-30-59 •••••.•••••.•••..•••••••• 961£ .. 86 Other tayos remitted by Co. Treas., 1-1-59 to 6-30-59 •••••••••••••• Interest on taxes 1-1-59 to 6-30-59 359.09 90,,49 Iess Co. Tress.. Com. & Tax Refunds Interest an investment ' I-I-59 to 6~30-S9 ••• O •• · • • • • • • • • • O •••••• d. Est~Ated 47,642.)6 394,,16 572,962,,7l levy co1IectionS'7-la 59 to 12-31-~9 ...•....•....••.••••••••• Est. Investment interest 7-1-59 to 12-31-59 889,21&7.12 LESSJ \ , Actual Disbursements 1-1-59 to 6-30-59 Est. Disbursements 7-1-59 to 12-31-59 ESTIMATED CASH ON HAND Jan .. 1, 1960 .,," 69,878.)0 $19,)68082 Using the se.me valuation and mill levy as that used tor 1959 Budget tor the estimated Budget for 1960, using 97% estimated collectible, will give us tor 1960 budget' purposes the estimated tax revenue of ••••••••••••••••••••••• 36.3,102 .. 98 ESTIMATED FUNDS AVAlLA!3IE FOR 1960 BUDGE'!' .................... ,," $82,471C!)80 19$9 ESTIMATED EXPENSE and SUGGESTED 1960 BUDGEf Accounts .... Directors' Salaries & Fees Directors' Eypense •.. ~ ......... Total Directors 0 Fees & E-xpo 6,2'13~3? 6.500~OO 226 ..63 J,I')750~OO 550~OO Ij,500~OO 7,500~OO 1s500 q OO -800- -00 2!978~31 (9 .700 00 I.tOOO~OO 950.;29 S,505~51 9$794~49 1 2000 .. 00 15j).300~OO 16.0100~OO 6,000.00 6~OOO~OO 2D300~OO 2,1l3~28 129000~OO 12,OOO~OO 333 61 700.00 8lS 061 . $11,1)7.96 ·250.;00 $10,996 .. 95 1~065067 3,141035 3,000;;00 $ 205~OO 21~63 ... 0 "" Suggested 1960 Budget $·),500.00 3!OOO .. OO 6,500,,00 1,500,,00 1,500.00 1,,500 .. 00 lbOOO"oo 3,000 .. 00 . 6OO~oo l!OOOoOO 16,100,,00 700 .. 00 ----800 000 - -. -·8902b -- - 322,lS4.9l ·900,,00 $21,900.00 - 165,,67 - 254 .. 91 22,;00.00 14,641.. 35 18,000000 3 g 3S8,,6S 18~OOO .. OO .·909.;09 11,500.. 00 ·2;0000 3.1290091 4,~200,;OO 4~200.00 4 050G1!4 15Jt040~91 .- -'- 19;,091 '? 35 22,hSO,?OO 4 11 500 .. 00 22,150 00 . 400~OO . 400~OO 1~500~00 liSOO~OO 31658067 7,058~61 19500~OO l~500~OO 52256..61 8,656~61 $1,597~94 .400 00 1 9 500 0 00 1,500000 ll2 42108O $14,,621080 $15 2606 ..61 $5,,728&31 $82=471 .. 80 2S1069~2L. If886~12 ·)66 .. )3 . j . 6OO~OO ·600~OO l~OOO .. OO 4;300~OO 4"OOO~OO h9)89~24 h,OOO~OO 0 . 250~00 ·250.,00 400~OO $ 4,928~43 $ GRAND TOTALS •••• e ................ $25 18170)2 $4hz06Oa78 t69 z878 .. 30 • 1j,5OO900 1»,00 0 00 0 1;5OO~OO IBOOO~OO Contributions to Other· Agencies State POlic,y Expense ............ 784006 Colorado Basin Expense •••• ~ ••• o 187051 Emerr,ena,y & Contingent AcctQ ••• 1a1)8 ..67 Total Miscellaneous ••••••••• 0 & 2,lJO~24 . 3iOOO~OO 3,OOO~OO Engineering & Survey- Payrolls •• Stream Gaging Be Snow Surveys ••• Engr .. Travel, Sup. & E~B.e • eo Total Surveys & Investigations j $ 3,500 .. 00 1,713~20 331~OO Q .......... E~se $ 3,295.00 1959 11')286 .. 80 269 .. 00 49071 Secretary-Engineer .•••• Office Halp O General Office Equipo & Expense Employe~Os SOcial Sec~ty .AcctQ County Treas.. CommisSions 8nd Total General Oftice $ 1,700.00 1 2600 0 00 3,300 .. 00 1,OOO~OO Sa~ar.r, ::a • $ 1,s9S.00 39750~OO 6 ,0 • • • Budget . 150 .. 00 g Tax RefundCSl ••••••••••• Est"Total 1959 Expense 1~378,,37 00 G~neral Eat .. Expense 7-1-59 to 12-31-59 -2,9fj,,37 Counsel Reta1ne~ •••••••••••• Per Diem Court Fees ••.••••••• ~ Special Counsel Fees " •••••• ~." Legal Printing •••••••••••• ~.~~ Counsel Travel Eypenoe o..... o~ .. Counsel Telephone Account • ~ ~.o Misel~ Legal Eypense ••••••••• Total Counsel & Legal Expanse Est. Bal .. 19,9 Budget Actual Expo 1-1-59 to 6-30-59 ·715094 1,312~49 22500 .. 00 $ 3g3580~5 12,OOO~OO 4,400,,00 4,OOO~OO 800,,00 1)2100,,00 : 250~"()O 0 0 -- - 1,&l597 .. 94 · ; JUL 10 J959 1rll@l?Gl is t;i@:m~ 11'00 lli1@8'€l'Q11i@:l D ~~tlI.~ of l?@riOGG nWl@l &ll1lmoIll@e@l ~",ll.n't1e ~lf ~o Ji)!(;~ll'i@o ~11a ~Zi'@!7J~CJo@ A~ @lQ Ap!?ai1 8li'@\\ApiKllt) ~tt lOlolt~ ~rm.@ MOOD ., Bl?®Wlfil aIr@ oVlrwe~ia!D &llil.d ~ilUl W!!ldOtlA@~@@'illW ful~ ~i(J«:U6GJ@@l ~~ ~&lG @1ifl'@(Sa:@~Qo mGGltin(ig Oml JhnAw 2;Am~o 'ifial\1lJill~" C@n~I1'll@l,@o GiRelia'W@@d SprfilIDegIDo i7lll fto llll~tl'@l!l>y @1@Q1l3~tGr&l 8ID ~e J!i'l!.m©@ wllB~~@ ~e JP>ao1im~!p&n @[lIi~GI @f ~ lO11t3~~i@a ito ~o ~@ mnill.il&:li~@do All1l m(iH!)~iZlll~9 8j.Ql@©lllBll o ollnaM 1§>(j) ~ell.@l at o&id ~W ~Q @@l j§)W 1lil@1l.@ &t filln@ OS @ltil'i@@; ~e la~l::'l.ll"@ of lOu1t@@g@l?Oo l?@BI!!lnO~ ~t ~mlf D)?)G:l~it:!.ll lillllQo~ilQlB JPll?@wide@lo OmlY JP'lll'O~@fi> aliM~ a,p~8'0pl?&~ge lP>~~a 1B~Ii'@\ WiC)~ l~oo @nnXll ~ BIlMi lihO~ :!ml@li'e 0 U!&lll 11 ~ @lS' iC)ff tlhe l8\1&)&l?@l Qif m~ ~llilli~lla ~llil@ GaEllMil ~iAn .IlJ)ill'@~~@n' ~~ lIDe ollam&R fr&<2l llnen~o 8B:\€ll. !1J~U t@ p>fi>iol? lDiIi'e~giC)8'El \ll)@ ~@ll@8l? iliil ~<9 cillfi~e ~@ S@e1S'@t~lfWo @l? otl:Q~® ~@ i~@m6 @tr iQ)! fu>tll,oiliil@oO ~@ ~~ ~@Ill\oifJ!tal'f@1lall"d iQ)fi L Com.miUe~. He IJhrd!D at aU tp.DM'SJ" keep am.d mccul'ate end COJi"lil"eet r@llm @i't1@!"ID ~C?) Q&\@ im~61t9)@t 'tll1~@ID @a~ ~GCill lIDW may @UQ ~®mP.tav@ ColMmn@Q@o m.@~i@1lll Or? 21'@8@ll,1Ul~iI!j)Iia off ~@ ~ra ~~ml'1l>m@ci 'i;:?li.~ ~!ln~ J.§l@Oa~~Q)liil Dietl?2.cgt D allfl@l. ill amlcl\ w1'2lem o® &lii'.1li f@lt' ~@ of @lr llBim l'eJ-W 00 ~@mo MlihO~o oei@ S@@l?eWX17 ellnoB.R U E'J&!
e~tA&'W0E!IlltKiffi\6.ile&" o~Rl1 ~Q) C)@I?cve as om n@lris@l? &ru1 llila'IJO ~@ ~i~)l@ IOSGmi":©r.m{\!lllES Qtr1r@~~li.V'@o @f o}]nmll! ~@ a.~Pi'O'iY@@ ~y ARTlrCLE VltX SE~TION Xnn A "" NC?l~@t::3Gli~f c> elI @!l@ EXECU'JfltVll!; COiMMXT'JfEEo rulc& eooEU@mi~l!lnll.W ~c OOI?l?17 ~1I1l~ 21l1(t'R @l!~e@o l1')iO~li'ii~~D 00 @Ql!mrona:n@@l ~o ~o Ro ~o ll~SJlD i~ iD TiilC3ll'Q~ @'@~RaI?@~ ~® ami EE@~m~ii~e ComtlBnl\~~@ e>f ooi@!. @lE:! DA!J~I?i©~o foi'o ~i'dai' m®lrG @~fi~a@l!il~RlT goo~a ~ca ~)lllI?~(lO ~~W@I?6 JP>Ii'@!!Ji@QlUlt 4hii@ ~e~ll'<1lt~Ii'V Ulca ilm lli>@ !lllfSl@@ooal?)7 B@a!f~11 ~e me~@i'1!J o~ ~~(ilI? ll'i.\~o A~o ~lliI&~ ~@I?Q ~® ~l!'@aS@<2l wllBii@o Imr onA «2.» "El!n@ 1?l?Goli.@O&\~ tli!.Q~ @1l' «!Q)D oliilnM Gsumli.I?mOIID \'QJ@o ~l?@ ~I?li<£2 «qll» 8l?@lmh Meoa O!illO mmoXi.lllTvcal? @It @l! IOlfu&\M fIDG «@» «fD OEbO mIDGllmI'19>eg> @ll ID>>>.00 Q~@ 1Q>oll~ Cl(lJmIID~iQOo ~liil® ~@©I!ll~\7@ ~@~~@@ D~nlilll2l0 ~@lk~@~o (S)@ lll?@mll ~o m@Wil~~H?o @~ @le JIDool?@l @~ lDlli.~@@~@li'O DAQ~2?i~g fl?gm, (iJollo@((Q~ 1Q)iI?Q©~@U'o l1lJiZ @:lQ WI1lJ @ir @no ~l1nlID©®o MI(lJill!Q~ &:.lin@). lROID~ ~@mmQ;i€lG 0 ~fuo E~@<£\\!l~liV'e «:«llm.mm!~Gle o@ll1l?om ~@ m@~@I?g 1Qlli.QgI?A~ f1f'@m @g ~@ lID~8g>~ armoUR llilo oono@~'" of l!)l\l:i'G2l~~@got3 @l1 @i1o ~lSn1lll@ orm~ S\~~ l!)il?@Ci:~@Ii'O @~ @:IQ ~ml.~ ~~l1'li.<;:lll.Ql. C9m~15!OQ 0 .' IllMU be fmed~ bom time t@ timeo by motion BQ)ai-~cf DiX00«:tOll'GI 0 Oll' ll"®solhntiollll a@@~@@ by li1110 COmp0M&tiOft 8@ M@c! elilaRn ]b0 ~i@l smittl M@lIlllllIDoll'o The E~~C1ll1rciIlr0 Commi~ee ehall! h&..,~ ~e fon1l.owiB1l~ powen'C!J &17lliZl1 ~\lliieeD ~Oowit: spq:cilfic&Ul1' SDj@illlQu:Jl upon G&iL~ll"" Erave?imga maimemamca and mm? gammper 9331;391:2098 mambem off the Exem?iva Cammeea the Semecammyo Engimeen-a ?e and $11111 maker 632? amino p?gvees @f the Diaitrica?. mo Fare @?mp@zmati@m cuff members m? {the Exe?mt321ve Gam?moe #3 much @Qmpema?imm mam ham been ?xed pmv?wo?v by me ?amed Diregmmo T9 (calm ?pegiall mea?imgga @f the magma @9115 Di. rcacammo ?Eb dir?ci: Elbe Secre?awyofamg?mew and Agitoraey Em: mm Dig??ic? 8? per?gm (numb de?es mad Emceicmo as may" be? de?r?acac?l mammary far the cam-37113113 @111 {the 1??qu megs ma a??aim {the Dim-mo um?ill mm mam mama}? <98 spaciz?l 912 {the Emmi-d @if Dim?i??m7 'Zm me?imga we Executive Stammcaeeo Mee?imga? (she Exe?u?iva Cammi?ttee ahmll? be at 5mm Emmet: and (at: and): $738608 80 email be daee?mimed by Elm Pmsidem m? by the Ezzegm?wg chmmi?acaeo A meetizmg the Exeguawe Cozmmea man be (milled 1393 be beam at: the waf?e the Emu-51d: upon reqmm?: Tuna members} the @zz' . The Swm?zamy 53ml Atw?mey Em? the Diaammo SESTEON 8 a: Na?iee of Meetings Emacmemca CommiE?em Nm 11300 81mg?; Begum written; ngtisa by main mt mac-388mm (93' am Emcm?ive @mm?t?ee sham tom gimme Piem??le?lz That a awaiting Dam Emecmgivca may be 539%! at: any {aims wish 11300 @0223 ?33 hangs written mama warm?! ii? (tab a??'mcambem Exogm?ve sham be pmaem?o 82111 membom (Ema Eamm?ives @amm?mee 0MB. 051531123 923? the: mimteo 0:35:61 mene??mg. 9O ., '. • if SEc'X"nON cP ., "lriln@ ) I' ) MiIm\y\~@o @f )M~ta~iIla~o ~g EEO@Wl~i'i1Q C@~1moeo Se~Il'ca&Bl?W @~ ~@ ~roIi'. DEFINITIONS Wh~liL ueed hereillbo the following words o tennl and phl"a8e8 8haU haV(I) the fonlowinS mcaDilllg D ~Oowit: 1. The term tiThe Colorado River VI ater Couel'vation Dis., triet ActO! shaAl meaD Chapte~ ZZO of the Session Lawa of Colorado for the year 19370 beiDS DOW Ch&ptelt" 1490 Article 8 0 Colorac!o Revi&.latd Statuteo foi' 19530 as amended. Zo The term "Diatl'i(!:tlD shall maalfl The Colol1'ado Rivel" Watei' COWlQlll"owatioD Digtl'i~o 3. Tbe term "Ex@cu.tive Committ"e" ulmU m~a!ll the Exe~"o iive Committee established by aeUolll of tbe Board oi Dil'f.letol's ·a~ its regular meetmlo held January A0 0 19560 provision iol' ¢hel continued for the continued exiateDcQlI wh~reof iG h01'ein madeo ARTICLE lli ., BOARD OF DIRECTORS. SECTION 1 Nmnbell' c Powers • Duties 0 The llumba1l' of DiI'OllctOlfs o their appointml3nt o and their powel'GI and duties beiDg spccifiully provided illl dle Colorado River Wattl!' CODserwtioD Disti'ic:t Ado the pl"ovif3ioDIil of said Act are horeby made It. paR of til.fAa By .. L&wo; aDd t1\. following pr~risioDID hOl"eof are supplee> memarv to ~aid provisions. SECl'ION ~ co VaU~aDlCiGU8 on the Beard of Directors 0 ProvieioD ill mm.de in Chapter 149 8 .. 4 0 Colorado Revised Statutes 19530 for thl! em.etelM:e of vacsn~iG9Sl upon the Board of Directol'f'J o 0 '" 1 ... and the filling of such vacancies by the County Commissioners of the ~oun~ie6 from which liIaid memb4lrre are appointedo !all order to iacilio tate the fiUiag of acy lJuda W\ POW EllS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORSo Tb~ Bcal'd of Dire@tol"§ elmaU UVflI ell of the powel'. granted Colorado River Wattlr COIl?f3@I'WetioD District Act. Aft. TICLE ltV '" OFFICERS. SECTION 1 '" Deaign.tioD. The offie.I'B of ~0 D18~Jri QuallificatioEn am ellectioll! of Officers. AU oUicers o eave oDlW the ti"e~au.l'er alAe! $eeretal'7o .hall be mambCI'8 of tb~ Board of Dbeetol"s. Said oifieel"8 suU be eleded by ~e B01lrd of Directors 8IWuaUyo at the regulaa' January nwetiDg of said 18~rd ill e&du yearo as fna«:h meetings &!"$ pl"eo~t-ibed in the Coloe> redo Ri~er Water COIlleervation Dish'i~~ A@t. SECTION 3 • Tea-m of offiee of Offi©ere. EadA oEf!©ei"o eave only the &Jeli:lletal'f snd treasurer. sbaU .onQ for a term. of ODe year o ADd llhall held bi~ offiee ulmtil biB SDCCOllBlor .baRn Dye been el~~ted and qualified. Tine tel'mm of offill:8 of the Se~l"~o gry mlmd treasurer lull be fixed" from time to time!) by tbe BCAl'd of Dii"e~t~'80 by mctiolll or resolutiOG. ARTICLE V SECTION 1 c> co DUTIES OF OFFiCERS. President? 'l"e Pre.ideat lball be the chief exe©utive offi~er of the Dis '" t:rid and of the Board of Di!"ec>:toI'El He lhall pl"eside at. all meetings of the BM:rd aDd of the ExeiJ!utiv GetOl"1i or of the ~euti". Committee o or hie ill8bl1l1ty to &ct. SECTliON 3 • Secretary. «_» 'nlta SeCClleta1!J eoU bo tba Qcs:UVC/I ~x@~utivc heAd of tho Dlstriet a&rld its buoineGs &Dd activlticu.8 but shalll Dot b. a member of the BOi\i7G of DiI'0Cl:toro. He shall bave charge of aod·iin.lthority oyer the office of the Di6Jtl'i~e: asad of alA employ••• ~be1*eof. He shall! df}'Wote bio entire time to the bUDbacIB8 aDd affaire of ella Dltatrid .. Q «b» He .ball o at ali timetl ll keep an &lCteUll"ate aM correect 1"8~ol"cl of th~ funa of the Di8tl"iet~ ilaeluding thf) amoultts and. 0001"(1;0. of aU I"e~eip~.o aDd amounts aDd puurposo. of ali die bursemeoteo He ehall ~a\1.e &D aucllt of the book. of the Di.", f&rii~t to be made &DIluaUy within thirty day. after the cAo.o of 0 business of each yeaE', Off at suc:b other timee &\8 the Boazrd may d1Z'~et by motiolll or rezclutioD. He IlhaU .igD aU warrantol' ~haek'D or other iD8trwn13ntu di~bul'dDg ~e funds of tht't Di ... ~rieto' «c» keep & i'e~ont of all! proc••cliftS. of dle Bcan of DAI'4!fS:toJ'&o Gull havo eu"lociy of the ew of the Diatll"i~to anel eMU ~ttellt the ailuturea of the Preeident or Vi~e"'Pl"eaid.~t UpOD sill mstnmaota and other dOl!:umeDts lIignelli by sucth offi~er. He su.AD. give notl.i~e of regular aDa IIpeeial mecatiDIII of the Board of Dire~tol'. &8 requil'ed by theae a,oIA"eli 01' by theConorado Rivor Water CCDlJenaUcm Die", TbQ Seeretary g~an trie~A~to «41» In addiUoD to tM powerC3 and duties b.orein specif!«:ally Se~l'ct.ryo he .ull do and per .. I'l1quil'ed of him by lUte Board of Directore liven to and impoaed upon tbe form any aDd anI 01' by the a~t8 Exe~utive Committ~eo «e) The offi~e of 8eer.oetall'J1l by motion or resolution of tUl0 BeaIrd of Direetol"so may be eombiced wn~1a the position of cDgmeor of alld ic&" th0 Diotriet; amid if am! when eo 4!ombi~ed. said Secl'ctal1f eMU have the title IISe(!;:l'etll!"J''''EDgiDser.'' SECTION 4 "" Tr.aasUft'fUro The, Treasurer euU be the CU1l8~odiaa -af ~o {u.s of the Die o trh::to to whataocver purpose Staid fucu "ball b~ d«t..,o~ed. He shall keep lIaid f~GdG in a baDk or bankS! tQ bf3 deaiguted by the Board of Director. by m@tioml or 1'~801utioD. Bofol'(,) CDDtering upon the ~uti~. of hiG offieo ll the 'Jl'1i"e Me>il!!mS 0 «(S)>> Ollile m@m1'al@Ir G~All be ID®ltl!~ted l1ll@m ~G mEUi~e8'13 of! ~0 B@@'I/'@, GtE 1l)i1?@@~@1r@ @~ ~® Difil~I?i@t i!l?@m G~'8IlMlio S~{{O Emg!0 aIW. J?iWlQI. CCU!mti@fBo SEC'lIt01NJ ~ C> App@iild\~0lit\'s'~1md d{1}s!g~~ll@lln @R m9m\'e>Q&"D @fL ~e ~@@~~iw(S) ComEni~e®o JEa@li\ mem1l»®i' ott f0W ~llP.e Di2i"@if:~@Z?1i ~.nn0 EZ0~VAtiiwGl ~llt~E:llQ IDbnllll ~~ csUG.l@ttca@l ii"cm ~@ @owm~i~(}) lSi'@m wLnida ~Mll aeli''\?@8J as Gna@h. EX0 @U\~!we C@Jmmi~~eCll m@11lmMlI'o Appcp.~m@lm~ &lm~ s@lle~ftiQln @1I l.M.emR:Peli'8 Ez®@aaMw@ Com.mfiiWG sellD. ~® mm@~ tat ®Is goegWlall' JauCl,l?V Bool?@l @H Dill"8~~@iI"6 RBi\. e~~ if@V"llro mmQ~~il~B 0 oiL &me ett ~® ~(llIr?m @II k@lmmemil»eE' @II ~@ Ene@Ql1~iiv® Commi~g@~ QllID&Jill 00Ir~0 f@T? 0 W@&lI"o @l1." \!l~iin M.0 ®~@@~S@@n' ®Palmllll BllnwC1l b@@lm &K!l~fU91S0~ al.lID(§'l @2Iil@ Q\@@igr;ID,1t@@.I.o Th@ (!!@mp~H,§ttioli!.l g@ 1'iI>(9 ~i\!ll ~C) lU~€&,D @& ~e Ene@1\Il~w@ C@m o ml\~~® moon]! b@ imGl@o i4"cm ~§.moo ~o ~imeo by 8h"Ml)~i@!lh or: l1G£)@n\Y1UcrolID O@!c!»~6@ ~ ~tn@ Boo~@i m®m\!})®rr@ QJt£ G1L DiE'0CG~01l'£J 0 ComperralO~~iolID eo lYme@ ellMlU fJ8n<9l. ~e E~@Q;:~~ive C@~~~C:® ~tQ1 ~d~~n(l)!lil ~@ @I~ilS' ~~man ~n"@~?'\9Rni!!l\go ~Fi\i80p@Ii'~&ti@~ 8m@!, m&~lID~IdMIm@0 @~enna(8@ ~-v!rl®1l1i ~wmv plm<1:@s @f ~e ~Il/.i~ b@m ~(i)i~ ll'@E1}9lfZl@fth7@ 1l'0Bidalill~0 ClID. D~®tlrit!!t ~®im\(9@6'J 0 ~4!l EXQ~~~V'@ C@mmi~ee s»nnlli MW~ ~® Jr@n1!@wn~ WA»WQn'Q ~ril'I@!. @1J,\l~n@~v ~@"'wn~: «8» "If@ cli@ li.\ll'i\~ ~Gl?!@i'm E5qad!l a©te ~Iffi@ ~llidIruBI3 00 Iltlnnw \§;:c 9]p@CGil!Ac§snnW @m\j)@lime@1 Qll~~ eal1«ll En(i)~\&~ilwQl pl'lcve vou peuas of m.embelr& of tine EX0~U~ivesWl.ar On" $p(M:~i&l meClttinl of the 18om.rd of. Din"e~~olf@ «e» To the Distd OF DI!RECTORSo Reg\!l"'l? DM.l tri@~ is ~o be maintame~o AU meGtiDgs of tl}a~ B~n'd of Dil?e~~oi"s() ~0guRllr Ol? ape@iall p ehaU be held &t said offilSe. l?71owidQd: That 8DV 8pe@i&\R meetbng may be held at &1mV proper &M appropriate pn&~e wbi~ln may b0 dosignated by the Boai"~ of Direeto:ra6 Tin(l) City of GleDWood im bereby desigldt~u.i ae tllne SpriDg~D pRa~e SECTION 4 .. Nctiee of Mceticgso Not less than 6 aDd not mo~e thaD 15 dsys prior to tine date of allAY regular 01" special meetiDlo the Seereta:y shall give written notice bV mail to each member of the Board of Directors that sum meeting will be bqtRd" whi~ notice uball state tJae houl' of th~ eonvcmDi tbereofo and IJl!laru!. be direded to eada Director at biG address liB the same sball then appear Un th~ offi~e of the Seerebu".,. Such :motico mlmU bzriefly au.te the Mems of busimuass to be lI!oDliderecio 0 SECTION 5 c> Quorum. A quorWD of the BOQrd of Dire«:toi"O sall (:oDeiet of 11 majority of ~c members thereof o Less thaD a q"cru.m QUU Mve powor and oi"ity to adjo"rlll any r<9l"la1" 01" .pa~ial meeticg At wbi~b les8 than a quol'\lm .baU be pl'tuJant o and to fi: tine tim., end pll5t!:e of the boRdiag of aD acijouriled meetmg thel'eofo . ."th.. AR TllCLE no vm c> SEAL Seal of the Dnsti'i~~ shall COillfJist of ~o ~olle;e=tl"i«: drdes witb lttl\! word "SEAL" aDd the name of the Dimtrill::t withia Geld cir«:Aes. m&.D@l?li~ Th®@ 600 0 0100 ,ueiglllled ~o the Fgoyliml/3p;,u1\o A~lt(i';lJhlS~G pX'«"J).D@~to arm~~PHiLip Po SMITH" Seclretazy-Eniineer. THE COLORADO RIVER WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Glenwood SpriD88 11 Colorado July 151) 1959 Gentlemen: On Tueadayo July ~llto 1959 0 at ~:OO oOclock P~ M •• at the offiee of The Coloraclo River Water Conservation District, at Rooms 11-14. Firat NaUoDal BaDlt BuUdil1lo Gleawood SprinlfJ o Coloradoo there will be available for distribution to the press and news media copiel of the OperatillS Principles and Stipulation connected with the Frying Pan-Arkanaaa-Basalt ProJ eets o and probably copies of the pertinent provisioDs of the FincliD&& of Fact signed by the Honorable Co Ho Dal'row o Judge of the Dist.!'i~t Court at Cilenwood Sps-iDa', Colorado, relative to water rightD fol' these two project8. Certain imponant matters concerDinl the Frying Pan-Arkansas Project which probably are not completely clarified in thele docwneDta will be explained by the Board of Director. for the Districts who will be convened in their Third Regular Board Meeting for 1959 at that time. Membo!'8 of the Board of Directors anel the staff of the Diatrict will be prepared to answer any questioDs that may be 8ubmitted. Yours very!~ / ' ~v.~ PHILIP Po SMITH, PPS:ebw Secretary-Engineero