EFILED Document DATE FILED: MayCourt 21, 2010 CO Garfield County District 9th 5:42 JD PM CASE NUMBER: 2009CW145 Filing Date: May 21 2010 3:42PM MDT Filing ID: 31254204 Review Clerk: Jessica Lodders ALPERSTEIN COVELL, 12c, A A A Alan Martellaro, Division Engineer May 21, 2010 Page 2 reasonable diligence in development of these water rights. Finally, at any time the City of Aspen seeks to make this water right absolute, we understand it will be required to identify those speci?c uses at that time. Thus, we believe that ?all beneficial uses? as originally decreed for these water rights is properly included in the attached diligence decree. 2. The applicant should submit supplemental information on the topographic map showing the service boundaries for the City of Aspen for all the intended uses and the Sections, Township and Range identified. A topographic map showing Aspen?s current service areas, which may be amended from time to time, is attached as Exhibit to the proposed decree submitted herewith. 3. The claim for diligence is thin and should be supplemented with additional information. . . . The applicant must also demonstrate a continuing and legitimate need and the ability to develop the remaining conditional portion of the water rights. As discussed above in response to your concern additional information supporting the claim for diligence is contained in the attached proposed decree. Specifically, paragraph 11 explains work done towards development of these particular water rights and the need and ability of the City to develop the same. Please feel free to contact me if we can provide any additional information. Sincerely yours, - Andrea L.-Benson - alb/m cc: Phil Overeynder Counsel of Record (Via LexisNexis File Serve) FilesMspen?tMC CC Reservoirs Diligence 2009\mattellaro 052110.wpd-