11/2/16 Dear Board Members, Community Members, Employees and Physicians: For more than 25 years, Delray Medical Center and St. Mary’s Medical Center, in partnership with the Health Care District of Palm Beach County, have operated in a systematic approach to ensure comprehensive trauma care for the county. Both of our hospitals are state-designated Level 1 trauma centers, which is the highest level of care available. Our outcomes are notable and many patients have benefited from the combined expertise of our centers. We continue to make significant investments in our hospitals and trauma services. To that end, we want to alert you to a development that could change the availability of this imperative service in the event that you or a loved one experiences a traumatic incident. Just last week, JFK Medical Center submitted a Letter of Intent to the Department of Health (DOH) announcing their plans to open a Level 2, adult only trauma center. This action threatens the entire care system in our county being delivered by Delray Medical Center and St. Mary’s Medical Center. It also goes against the recently adopted 5-year plan approved and submitted to the DOH by the Health Care District of Palm Beach County; an independent taxing district voted on and developed by the citizens of the county that oversees trauma care. Their plan states that there is no need for any other trauma centers in the area. How a surplus of trauma centers will affect the citizens of Palm Beach County:  Level 1 trauma care could potentially cease to exist in Palm Beach County. There are approximately 3,000 trauma activations in Palm Beach County each year and they are split almost evenly between Delray Medical Center and St. Mary’s Medical Center. JFK entering the system will likely result in no facility having enough trauma cases to maintain level 1 status and would potentially impact quality outcomes by diluting the activations at each center.  JFK Medical Center is only planning to offer adult trauma services. This means when an event occurs where an entire family needs trauma care, children will be separated from their parents being treated at JFK and will have to be taken to either Delray Medical Center or St. Mary’s Medical Center.  Costs will go up: http://www.tampabay.com/news/health/how-hca-turned-trauma-into-amoney-maker/2169280  There will be a lack of qualified trauma surgeons to cover an excess center and decreased trauma center staff proficiency. No one plans on needing trauma care. But as the over 64,000 Palm Beach County trauma patients who have been served by our hospitals over the last 25 years would attest, it’s a matter of life, or death. We appreciate your support to help protect this lifesaving service. Mark Bryan, CEO Delray Medical Center Gabrielle Finley-Hazle, CEO St. Mary’s Medical Center and The Palm Beach Children’s Hospital