,vmmr/c Ell/ma Rail/2 To Sludem Comm" (raw ,7 UNF Detective Unil File pager- Year:2016 Incident Na.:6000015 140 University of North Florida PD General Offense I Incident Report Incident Information Dayna/m". Wednesday 1/20/2013 11:45 barman/hm:human/Ia Wednesday 1/20/2016 17:45 1 DR ApI/Lal l: BLDG 55 mega." UNF JACKSONVILLE hm FLORIDA Zl'p 3222-1 res. Day/Darr/Timz neat," Run/rived Wednesday 1/20/2016 11:45 angle/n NOT APPLICABLE Drug 7371a NOT APPLICABLE Ila/01pm, 1 Almha/Kvlulel' UNKNOWN (OR MIA) night/m UNKNOWN (OR Ila/mam No ml" uphy Wmfla Nu Dialing #D/Snwl'r Offense lfl' InL'l em: #1 Slam/I'M; 999 some NA um em 9999 Allow/CM: Commll #1 Type: COMPLAINANT Nam lyre/r Ta: Home I'Irm ll I-Imrle gnaw/IFerr/lemma,m am-- If Plate Unlverslt of North Florida Rm WHITE Ill/ml, -- ex Female Dan - Tu Virllm: Age: 19 mtness/Cumplainant #2 mm: SUBJECT Namz. WILSON JORDAN REED Add/err -KERNAN BLVD Apt/L016 2013 A enam- H1 Cily JACKSONVILLE em. FLORIDA 32222 Tn: Grain/mlCall mm (407- amp/m nun/n ATT Ewan--@unfledu I: ram/7 NO Plan!anI/lp/ny/Srhn/lL university of North Floriad Rag WHITE enrich,>> NOT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN eet- Male Dos 3/19/1994 Age: 21 eraIlalnIllp Tn Vitlm)' ADDITIONAL INFURMATIDN 0n1l20/2016 at a roxirnately 1745 UFD responded to the area ni lot #7 and met the complainant advised that earlier on this date she was at the Osprey Fountains nemng into an elevator that time Jordan R. Wilsen (N00826399) also get into the elevator going to the 2nd Iioor. 9 stated that Wilson then introduced himselito her. At that time the elevator stepped on the 2nd IIoor an lust as Wilsan was stepping Oul he stated; UNF pagan; DaIEPIl'Illzd F. J. MackeSy, Police Chief manna/2m: UNF "The next time you Fuck over one of my friends you better watch out." Wilson then left the elevator. then went to the Women's Center later in the day to report the incident. Back round: claims to have been a victim of a sexual assault that occured on 9t18/2015. Mwaited until 10l17t2015 to notify someone at the Women's Center. was able to identify suspect as being an acquaintance._ has wanted to handle this "10! en Internally through the College's Student Conduct. stated that Wilson is a friend of the alleged suspect but has never engaged Wilson in conversation unl ay. Further investigation: Wilson was detained on this date after being identified by . Wilson was mirandized prior to being interviewed. Wilson admitted to getting into the elevator a same time a the Osprey Fountains. Wilson also admitted to telling?"she better watch out". Wilson state cou dn't recail exactly what he said but does not remember using profanity. Wilson stated he has never had any previous contact with Wilson was advised not to have further contact with -. This incident was video recorded. Ctearanee Status: RE CRT LOS Ctearance Code: Date case was cleared: 112 01201 6 Number of Cases Cleared CRIME ANALYSIS Aggravated Assault/Murder: 0T APPLICAB LE ?gpe of Weapon: NOT APPLICABLE Forced Entry: NOT APPUCABLE Structure Occupancy Code: NOT APPLICABLE Number of Premises Entered: Location Tnve: SchooltUniversity (Inside School Walls) Incident Occurred inside this Location Incident Occurred in the Parking Lotat this Location: No of Vehicies Recovered: Number of Arrested: School Name: OF NORTH FLORIDA (UNF) SchooiNuntber 9000 MISCELLANEOUS: Is O?ense Reinted to Domestic Violence: NO tfyes. were Chitdren under 18 Present: 0 if No is it Domestic Related: 0 Is there additional information inciuded on a continuation report: NO Are there other Pertinent Reports: In your opinion is there signi?cant reason to beh?eve that the crime can be solved by a patroifotiow-np investigation? 0 Neighborhood Canvass Conducted: NO Case Information Card Left With: if)" Other (Name Address). Address: Apt/Lot ii: Sub-Sector: fps- Ceit Phone Provider ATT E?niai? City Taz: Home Phone it Bus. Phone it Ext. Celt Phone Is Vagrant? Investigative Time: Hours: 2 Minutes: 0 Cost Amount: $96.48 Detective Catied To the Scene: #0 NA: I Notified: Evidence Technician Catted to the Scene: #0 NA: I: Assigned By Reporting O?'icets: J.J.JANASKI ID #1 131 1D #0 1/20/2016 21 :33 Approving SupervisorD.PRlC ID #987 UNF Page2 of3 Date Printed: 1/20/2016 F. . Mackesy, Police Chief 2016-6000015 UNF Division: OTHER AGENCIES Unit: UNF POLICE UNF Page3 of3 F. J. Mackesy, Police Chief 2016?6000015 UNF