mm: SEMWMEM ARREST Suble?i: Case Raga-or: Siam County City/?fmsh?g 0n (amt Mwe?) Le?allcn Census-{Gm Sada Grid Can Seams Wham Activity Vehicia Trawting Grams Smear Mamas Othar 39433233 Makfve (Diner Mo?vas Ramr? Manama 6-1-2016 #5323 mm a! 0 RT DETROIT PGLICE SEPARTMENT Ragnar-t No. Gaga No. Repar? ?33m: mam-ma 1' Pants 1 of 2 CGDE 29?? EXECUTKW SEA-R634 WARRANT 3- Um ?Erma 1f 1 41 2&6 25:13:92 mew (Wear 82 - WAYME Emmi! 234335 JEFFREY 234385 . JEFFREY 99 Data Wee: Van?erd By By 1442018 1:05:83 Date: Appmwad 232157 - HARRES, REY Magma} By 134.33 3 333m; Cannecuag Cases Assist Agent}; Simmer: {men mm: mm 3w - SEARCH WARRANT NW2 gag}; Gimmes: Ream owe a! magmas 939::an BETH-OFF POLICE. EMT SECTIQN Noti?ed NO FGRCED USED {ix-#1 NIKITA EMITH 33F 33 249497? 135 QF 134-88 MARIJUANA {Uu31519218} 3? EXEC UTEGN GF MAR-GONG BEARCH WARRANT ENS {301353. 2MB. Cw OF CODE 29?? LOGATION T0 EXCEUTE SEARCH WARRANT. ENTRY TEAM PRESENCE ANS PURPOSE AND N0 FROM ENSHJE ENTRY WAS MADE INTO THE LGCATEQM. A VICIOUS GRAY PITBULL AT THE FRONT AT WHICH TIME HES. FIRED H33 ?339? THK {13638. ENTRY TEAM THE LOCATIQN WHICH TIME SAME GHARGED 13.121 WEEK) FRQM H13 DEPARTKGENT ISSUED HAMDGUH AT THE JXLL SHOTS AND THE ANIMAL. A BLACK DEG FRQNE THE M-GRRIEQM 3 FRQM H13 EMT 9.923. PAL-EL 5333, Ff??i? SHEET WHER Ski-0T3 meg m3 WE magma. 153$}. A WTEULL AMMAL. WTEE THE Han-3&2 W?z? SAFE, {lg-3W SEWTH 5% WEE mama; PKG. 134$ 1.331133 WW: mm Ph?fi?i} m: 3-53? amaz? B?i?w WYEE 315:5 ma? QMBEET. 3&3? gamma} 333$ aemw WWEWW. WW ??53 Mg?) T23 . a 3W3 mm mmama, ?3 we! mamgm gig. gg?? ?g aammgg mam? mam swam mm? ammamg?z ?f??WEi} mm macaw amw my, W?mmgm. gama mam; 3mm m2} awammg my? 33mg a?aaw a-a?asmga amass imma- 1 1-2 amt?? {swim (?mm 4: ~12 $532 W'sasgsas? 12 mags gamma; Emma-$432355 =2 :2 3mm mam: my: emerges-2%? 1 1% 3mm; 59%? 6mm mama} 1 3% 3mm gasws ?mm gym? .w my wag"? mite-gm; #3 WE. gym"? {?gmm mm g?mu?g meg-$3 53:5 gwwm?? 353?? 53am DET000001 i"rm?eed For 4_ i DEWQET PQLEESE mam? Rapmt N0. 1-5-61 1 510200,?: Report ?ata: Class-3 No. 183~114026? Qf?atwa 3:33:31}: 9953 - POLICE UEPARTMEN 7 Pas 2 G?mga Mc'?wm 9953'?- .. ASE-ESTERCE rm cm mm 25 RESIDENSEJHQME (?mama Carnaleied? $53 - No. Warn. Enigma C?m? Against Hatm?dag (30 . NQHE 3333} Envy mined Q?mse F119 Class E39603 .. .. Domestic W?enm N9 Type Sammy GENERAL Toads de Lacs: Cada Using Adiw?ty Armsme A1: SMITH. NIKETA Armstam Number A1 ?1503 ?197?! Mace of Hirer: Nam-6 3MITH, NEKITA TREANA JimFEMALE am News}: Rama 5 5mm Ezhn?city . UNKNOWN om Comm; mamas 13433 Susggx HI. 5' 3" Occupa?mGrada 0332 WI. 1 35 Empicyan?Sthm Cesar Emp?oyar mamas Phana Hair Colm- Emsieyer CSZ Wera tha Hm? Style Rags. County Emmi Mamas Hair Length Rea. Caunlry Fatwa: Haw Ready}: Status . ?ggmg??f OF THE CGMMUNITY, 0R TOWN WHERE THE FENEE OGCURREED magmas? Swim Team - Jami-m ?1pr (Ema: Mi?rz? maxim-3E Siam mm: No. gaggm ?r?sam 9%3 - Eggsmammw MW- 3? - mam WW Fm me?iw M. Wm Ema $35k ?m?dg FEW {3n mm Wm #?t?rmis 58mm ?aw Em mm. {:maim gag ., wag?gg??gg Ewaw {3f Wmaas tam 5mm. Ciaamm? me {3n G?aww Wm; Eiwwi 395:: fiemw Egg Jum?fe gamma ?a?am Mam} E?m?w Mu}? F?fm?izf . 3%ng DET000002 6-1-2016 ?if? STATE OF MICHIGAN Page: 1 of 2 SEARCH wsxamm OF TC) THE SHERIFF 0R my pews-z mama car-*- my. J. Affian?, having subscribed and swam to an Af?davit far Search Warrant, and 3 having undar oath axammad affiam I am gatis?ad that prebabfss (2211138 exists: THEREFQRE IN THE NAME OF OF WE STA: MICHHEAN, I (SQMMAMD VCJU SEARCH HIE FLASH: ?E?he mare premises and curti?aga of 1 mum 0f wags Imam am m9 mam Mia 03" tha stmat, described as a 'f . awry. brown brim sin-53:3 famiiy dwa?fng; wim-a mack Pick-fwd. is lac-area in ma City of Detmit, the of Wayne and the 312123 of Michigan Aim ta be; 3:9amhad is the; 3m; 25-30 yaa': 19mm wands, dark with shim hair. Nata: seams afian shame: as different wife-r might be mas-em during the time of execuzim. And to seize. tabuf-a't-a and make reium, awarding the law the following property, or it?ms: All centrolfed substancas. mamas, safe ("1&pr box kaym an vemmes used ta stem or transport Hisgai Hamming, an alactmnic page-r?fbezepars, Communirsatmn aquipment and 3H numbars stared/received tharein, an assets and property realm-ted to hermetic cramming, computers, computer equipment, backs and regards used In connection with ?law? narw?ca traf?cking, a-H equipment and supplies usad in the manufacture, dalivery, s-ara use 91? conthed substa?ces1 21H ?rearms, video/surveillance equipment 1153c! to pretest that trade and In cannec?cn with the above- described activities; items: mm prams ownership. accupancy. pegs-833mm 0r contra! of the premiws. THE FOLLOWING CTS f0 BY AFFIANT 1N SUPPORT 0F THE ISSUANCE THIS WARRANT. The Af?a-nt. is a sworn mamhar 0f the Detroit Poiicze Maj-w momma Unit and is working a aontmliad substan-aa irwestigatf-an relative; is the above described Iocaticm. Th?) af??mt has been wcrking in {his capaaity for approx. 6 years. Suhacrf'bad 3mm bamm rm and issued wafer my hand this day of January 2016,. - jaw awmy f? 4?5 . a )Mg/L/gz magma Amway 3?5 {Siycai'ii?a?th Way?a (Sam-12y Fmawamm mm 23mm: {Ema Waym age-mi}; mem DET000003 6-1-2016 3mm m: MICHIGAN pagaz mg '1 AFFIBAVIT GOUHW WAYNE 3-3 The: Amara}: 9.63. J. is a mamber a? the: Betrcit {so?cez Department, currentiy 3331mm it; the; Majm Vimatchm Unit workmg in caniumtioa with a cre?ibte- and reiiabia 530! #3083 regarding tha safe 9% Mega! narcotiss fm-rr: rm; abava (stew-sumac! marten. informatim {mm #3003 . ma S?izuraoi narceticsrnamatias praaee?s. Erma-mm smmoos has bean wed by Ina crew membiearss {if the new: Poiice Name-tics; vai?i?? {m a: least 15 mcaaians, which resalte? in at was? :35 arrastg far Vim-mien a? Comraziad Substa?ca Act and other maimed offanms? Af?ant ??ds {ha SEA. ta be; cradibie amt! fEa'fiabiE}. On Af?ant may: wim 80i#3303 {a farmuiam a man to attempt to make: a co'nfroiied pu-rchaae {if Narca?cs from the: targat imam-n. The wag searched fur mama}: and drugs with - none being f?U?d and issued a sum of U. S. currency with which to attempt {a make the purchase. M?ant absawed the go diractiy to the: target Eoc-atisn, stay a Shim ?rms, and than return direc?y t0 affian-t, T119 80! then turned over a quamit'y (sf 5113;36ch Marijuana. which the: in-dicatad was purchawci {mm the 3mm adagcribed salt-er. The was again 333%:th far monay and drugs with non-?3 being found. Af?ant camede the; guspacted Marijuana to the Narcotic $ectlan Ware 3 preiimmary test proved positive f0? [ha press-mm at Marijuana. Af?am then sealed {he Marijuana Erzm 1. 53mg traf?ckers maintain address banks and [or talephona numbers In books, papers, at devices that re?ect tha ldantity, addresses, pagar numbeds), email address. teiaphme ?umber-3, an" ether fdentif?ymg Inf?rma?on for thalr nriminai agsmciates In the ?drug traffiakfng organization, aver: if said items am Encode. That drug zraf?'tkam tam car cause ta be taken phatagraphs sin-afar videw of thammlvas, their asmciatas, thalr drug summed-s or 255m derive-d {mm the} safe af aon-trguad what-amass. That thaw traf?ckers Lima-fly maintain "mam mum-graphs and err In their posxasslm?r. Af?ant has abs-awed this tyraa activtty cm name-mus prior measicns In ?119 warm 9? prim investigatians. Executing .sa'amh warrants; based or; aimiiar activity in past Invaatigatlung has fad ma seizure. 0f narcotim, ff?raarma, aurrency and amt-3r Indicate: af ?armtim trafficking {mm facatiana when: the activity was man. Whe-mfare, Af?ant?s e-xperianca Gambia-ad wk}: abaamatlmm m? the a?tivR-y 5;;in Af?a?i ?lm-habia gauge} :43 ?23me that the; afaovaw-Iistzad Hams win Ea mun-:1 3% the iwaticm am! 3:395:13 rarmw amm? The: af?am has pa?i?i?aiiazi is: was? 1 marm?? raid-.3. fr: {ha avam?a?mmg mama'?iy 9% them ra-ida magaf fir-33mg mm f?umd. {53% 2:3 gamma: ma wiiafs whim? ce?dumi?g mega} narm?s mas and Af?a?i is} ramma {Mm waapazsn& Wharzafamg ?f?mi has; gam?ya?ia {233543 ?aiiaw gm: 2m z?gfg? 535%? am ?amg MS 1:23 fauna at 1 ma?a wag: as? gamma: ?maim am {ism my: 2% gim?a mm $53 imam {has mm? m?mm??w am; mm ?a?sm mg 23% Maw ma?a; my $33 $35: ?13% 3M5 /~gj?fgf 5% 1/7: jww?? x24? fly? ?ayAggi??am'gm?mw?g ?s??mf?y a? Emma ?aw-i? ?wga?umm ?f?m 3mm: {Ema Way-5w Swag Waym DET000004 6-1-2016 m: . c0 (35? WNW 33 h?f?fby certify anti minim that by vime af?ihe within Search Warrant to me directed, I have astublished For {ha and ahait?fs there-in named 51% the [?aw tl'wmin de?cribed. (I) and that I have, such gmda and chattels bezf'ure {ha wart described :13 . Ma?ik ?dd. ?7?1 b?f-f $670 7 79% f} Hf ff?ffg?f'f? 37295 @4525 ?aw mam-$- :3 gm; m: (if? Ham: '3 DET000005 4-20 . 6 1" E?mg?gla Fame: (Wm? firm \f Eru?i?f?i?i? @3333: 331-1233 REQUEST SUBSTANCES QNL LAMIQEEW 332: M31353 353-53735 g. .52 3.3 FEEQLJES 1?30 33: 7 3033233310333333333 3323313 1.33213 3333. 33:33: 3313:3333 - $2313 131W . 333333313333 (AFTACH 3.333 32333 :33 3 {3 A . . 3133373? QEFENQANY. (RECQFAEJ TGINQACA FE . 277 3:33:33. 3.333333: - (3 ME: MI IFILE NUMEER: T0 MBQRA FGNY SECTION Br?r?: LAS EW: 33333 3.33 333.133er333333 33 LA 3L3: 3333373333 3332333313133 I 33333: Wu 33333433 r33: HERGIN 3363313 3.33333 33; 3:33;: 7333': PRELLMINARY ANALYS .. . . . . DRUG ANALYSIS 3313 31.33: 34/355 3333333 rAc} 3u31333: 33333.3 3333333331213 . 3:333 33333330. ref/W ?3??3?333 DRUG ANALYSIS 33133333 133333333: I AATICLE3U31 r333: 'ngjk/W7m 33333 33333333. . 33333 3 3333113 333 33333; 33-3333 3-33 333.333 333-1333 3.33 33333333 f? 33 .- i 333333.333 :1 .- E3 3333333333- - 33 133%; 33333333. Fm; gap: 94? $33-$53? 33135243 133 33333333 333: 333-333 3 333333 333333333 3333333333333 A: 33333333333333 3333 3333 3333333333 3:333 3333. 333333333333m 3333 WE g??gg?m 333333333333 33333? .. ?33 . 333333333 3333333 333 3333333 .333! LW- 333%.? 333% .3 3333 mg 333.433.}; 3? i3 3333 33333333333 33333 {33 . - $333 3 333333 3333 33333333333 33 33333333 3 E3EE AE Egg?? EEN E-EEN EE 5533 - 333 333333 6-1-2016 3? A EEWEE i Waist. 33.3.3333 ?hm? (333%; EQ EST F0 LA BORMOR 3 ER VICE: I SUESTANCES 93 I I . Human: f: 3 i/cwzx?/CJ 27am REG-u?srmav: Emma-u raw m3: ?gg??w?f mw (A macs: (mm; mm cm can. Maria Mia's .3 t-L/Wmamm/K. DEFEHUAN r; mamas gran mug TO warm r5 MIL v97; - -- A6 #466? ?rmer/k" ?Ewingmca ARTICLE MW @1sz Twang ?enuesraz}: war/Ma {mm whim. WW3 avimama rim mumaen: sum mm: Mgr? g, a. may: REQUES rain: ANALYSIS rc} calms maamram 35:;sz 533v: Recmvemf ma - "mfg?? I - - . . rim: Gama LAB GR EVIDENCE 73mm: I ma PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS gag? gvzm?mtza ma]: . mama magi-muggy 3390'? my HELD r537: mama smug-mm HEM: :3 sum-mg: 'C?fi' - - man-mg ma camag mazrm Fem rmuzw gm?? wwgmuawg mcaz-ecgusw? :?cmmugwg 3?mgmama mg 3 I 3&3 IWI 5?3. 1 I- -i gm? rag? mag Egg?: mm mm mgr: . . . g?gmg gm ?ma?a mai??g? 34' #?mg ~1 . a . I. ggzg?? I {3 ngg? - i . iggmg gm 1: 3 3 3% E, my? Eggs AEgg gag?! . - ?g ?g egg {34$ gg? Egggimi??g?g?? ?Egg gm; 3g W??ggi? gm" 6-1-2016 . 94? 231$ 33%? 36% ?E?W?g?mg .. I?wm :9 ?wm 'Mumgg a; @del?rt?gif {Date Piatoam?mup Command 1? Disirlct I (tar Special Event Damn Name Log IGIZDEG- 4 MAJOR. VIOLATORS CREW 2979 1 OPE Miteage Fuel Lave! Irmar Video Mic #1 Mic #2 32?? mm mm} #2 we" i?fgj??fg?g??g Sg?ggm Fir-G C3333 0? Put? On [Duty Operatianai Synced 83:110th NA NA 1; - Minguisher 05983;?) . - Yes No Yes Me: Yes No Time. NA mee' NW Gal Change M'ileaGe Gal ??69 Mime .. spa-Gm. ?Baa (Mileage? We! at fili'up"? "Off Duty NotGd Ciean? Inflated? OLD YES . . T. TICKET GGCAP 4 . . .. PRINT MEMBER RANK 8 APEX SIG ATURE BADGE . ON DUTY OFF DUTY HDURS MOV PARK PEI) MISCIENV 1. ISGT Roy Harris . ?ix/G 216 1200 .2000 a . 2. P. 0 William MorriGon M?j 1200 2800 8 3. Sadie Howe? Hg :6 3599 1200 2000 4. O. Bashawn Gaines g; ?mm 1160 1200 2000 8 5- 0 Ryan Paul ?g .. 1056 1200 2000 8 6 P. IO Jeffery If #3743 1200 2000 8 7* 8. PO. 9. PC). 10'. PO. PO. . RECAP or: Acwm . . . . - Member #1 Weapon Ammo - Member #2 Weapon Ammo 1g Member #3 Weapon Ammo 15; Member #4 Weapon Ammo 1Q Magazine 1 1g Magazine? 15 Magazine 1 Magazine 1 lg Magazine 2 Magazine 2. 15 Magazine 2 15 Mag azinG _2 1'5 1g . 1Q 15 Member #8 10 and 11 Weapon L5 Member #5 Weapon Ammo 3.3% Member #6 Waapon Ammo 15 Member #7 Weapon Ammo 1: Ammo ii Magazine: 1 15- Magazine 1 3% Magazine 1 .5 Magazine 1 15 Magazine 2 Magazina 2 Magazine 2 Magazine's 2 . Pailce Runs 9 Missing Regions "iaken 9 .1662 0 Fawn}! Arrests 2 Missing Persons Recoverad 0 0 Drops Submitted for Appmvai 0 Misdemeamr Arrests 0 Detainees @4303 0 Persons Interviewed 0 Juvenilas Beta-mad Cameyed 0 LIP-004 8 Detainees Asaignecl 0 ?rdi?ance Campiaints 0 Sims? Commences '0 '3 Iaterrogated 0 Traf?s 3:993. 0 Traf?c Crash Rams 0 DEF-006 0 Submitiad 0 ?Feta; MGEGG 0 _Guns__Con?scaiGG 0 5? Summisor Runs 0% TGG Pema?as {3 9 . Runs 2 (Jim: airman {2423?th WGQEG a? Namath @521:er QPEJGGS 8 ?me Spank Black Batty Gama: Gummy 9 G?icri?; inspec?ens Aug Ga EerGtithGG {3 TimG Spent cm 8uwee?iiance '3 MLCC Wrifs?ugns Gums Rmevered Carmina {Japioweat 9 OPE-668 8 cm Visa E?f?f?-Em??i 0 A, Ruins CGGEGG Pemrehemion I [$9659 0 Entries Entered iqta MAS 0w? '3 I 5:53:95: ??o?hums {Ji?m?gt?g I {nsztEgG'?iG?G Submitfad 0 Rama; Ham Spare:- in Tmmiag 0 . 8 Gther PMS or Reports {Iii/?j; y" If? (Lit? ?l?m?m {f w? 8mg.- g. fgg?- GAGE (3F mm 95mm GGVG I DET000008 -201 6 TWP. LUNCH mama mm an an. . TIME cm 7.5-. gee Detroit Police Department Activity Log 114w: eh PR I - I has amp. 'l we on 3.3. I TIME or; am. I new 5.3.677 Time 0N. lat-41110;. I FROM TO TYPE ACTIVITY 3269""331: 1200 M6 Settlarreecrewonduty .. 1220 Sgt. Harris at the base updating the Daily Detail in MAS ?12-40 MA Sgt. Harris; crew at the briefing on executing a search warrant ?l 305 SW 18468 Sussex, Sgt. Harrie 6 crew executed e. search Warreht at this location resulting in the following cenfiecetlone: 1- zip lock sandwich bag of marijuana, 1- zip lock of marijuana, let# N024561111, 5~ lotto packs of marijuana 81 3- knotted sandwich begs of marijuana, we N02468211, 1~ digital scale, 16011401. 1- spent 129a shell casing, 16011402, 1~ spent 12 93 shell casing, 1- spenl 12ga shell casing16011404, 1~ spent 1293 shell seeing, 16011405, 1- spent 12ge? shell casing, ETtt 16011406, 1- spent .40 cal ehetl casing, 160114-07, 1= spent .40 cal shell casing, 16011408, spent .40?eel shell casing, 1~ spent ehell seeing, 160114010, 1- spent shell (seeing, 160114011, 2? Ml State Disbursement Letters with the name of Nikita Smith, 160114012 6 1.. 2007 Pent tan plt# 160114013. The following arrest was made for Nikita Smith 6/1036 DOB 3~1 0-77 of 18488 Suesex. While executing a search warrant at this location, Officer Marries-n encountered at large Pit Bull (Dog. number 1) at the front door that charged. towards him at which time he fired shot frern hie DPD issued 129a Benet-11 shot gun striking the dog in sheet area, the eeme clog then charged at PO. Geihee et whteh time he fired 7? ehete from hie eew .403el deg (1) in the chest 6: eicte eree fatally wetmdieg deg it? 1. 13,0. Merrieen then encountered deg-1t 2, end fired 3? ehete from hie 000 .40 Get. 133.03. Get-nee elee tired. 1~ ehet tram hte sew .40 eel e1 deg (e 6: Fiat}. Paul time: 51101 1mm hie 60W .40 eel. Fetelty weendieg degree 2. ?320. Pee-t then (were 3, th the et which time he ?retl 6? ehete trem hie 1.2ge ehet gee fetetiy weertetng deg 4 3. All ehete met: effect er: elt three siege. Severe! the street ehett were net (lee 1e the deterte ire thie ?the fetlewirrg nettfieetiehe were Sgt. Mixer}, we 3? 73-1, te Certtrel Center, ?ts/meme 1? an em 65, ttqmietcteCentretEDeelt, bee 610, the 1214 PCT egt. Meteehikewelti, me 1166 te Meter Vteletere Urstt, entree-1 Serttrel cede 13, the tt-ege tree?: the 150% MA reg eet Here 3. es. Hewett tee. Sretth the fer ?tete fete 14% Stew memeere went te the 00:3 te 15415 6-1-2016 MA NI Sgt. Herrte 6: crew et the 000; htiettng en egeag?tjw warrant delta Detroit Police Department Activity Log Harris crew executed a search warrant at the; .. I location reeulti mg in the fellowing oenfiecetioee: numerous SW ?g empty eendwich bege 1 23 $70 (30 me 1601140207 2 Mr Antheny wee issued 193 16 fer FEW-IDFJ released at the scene 1730 . MA .391 Harrie Swrewena cede-9330 1800" MA 5E Harrie crew ended code 9330 1830 MA. gig Sgt. Heme? returned to the base 1-835 MA 5% Crew members went to PPU to process evidence 8: pap-er 1945 MA Crew returned te the base 2000 MA Sgt. Heme crew off dty MA MA . NI MA MD 6-1-2016 DET000010 I HUN PULILJI: - 110%? DESTRUCTIQN 0F ANIMAL AND ATTEMPT (DQA) REPGFET 6. 331.133 (T11 13131 compie?3d by a monmwotved Supervisor) page Page -- Ez?? . {8438 811336;: Ea?tem {313163 {if 0331111911139 Tim-a Omurrenca Lacatim of Incident {355mm 3113:1339?, Witi?am 628 013136151126: Vinlamm 4 1'1 IS - .30 39} 14111121519111: 11111133 13511111131111 ""11-13111113313' ""111531115111 . . . . . . . 5:313? 51111111113 wands in wands in prim [7309mm smnd-111333111113? 111113321335? mart-1133!? Lag . 1? n.1im . . Last?mlifim?m Flam03121231111 . Gaines. 8111:1111va i160 Orgm?Crima Major Vi?latom 8 8 I 38 2 1 Invoivnd Badge Command Assigr'xman: #13? roundg ofmunds #13? ?ve 1! 0f ?ve Hawmany .. . .. .. - ?red? striking munda 111 roundsin target primary secoMary {his mismhai? . .. magazina?? magni?es? {mt Wmm? 1.8310113! 51133011 Data? Animai Commit-11mm No N1: H0 Yea-1- Yes Yes No Pitbufl the dogs 1131131.: 62311111111151 Any Any injuries: Any 1111111913393? Noli?satiws 111111113! - Michigan Type of Animal Wherawaa animal 3301-11111? Proparty md?zam? (1.1312111 in made?usta?rn Contra; Humane: Society dastmyeci?? 11131105312501? {Faciitty} damage? circumStancas) Circumstances} Noti?ed? Noti?ed?? {as . . . Nikita Smith 18483 Sussex mar Warner?s Mama: (If knawn} Hams} Address Phone Number: 1111136?? Knmm) 11:13 {Use addr?snal 3h ?1313 if 1113033 sary} 011 January 14 2916. at appmxizn'ateiy 1.3-: OS [mum Sergeant Ray 11:11:13, badge 3 216 assigned. V?oiamm Section, was the uf?cer' in charge {steaming :1 31.111311 11313th 13 383 Sussex Upen n'rrivai 1.11 this {052111011 cruv members 31111011112611 13111131511613 arid purpnse without a msponw at which time famed entry was made lhmug? the: M1111: R101- 31 which time Of?cer Marrisan 09:01:11:de a 13:33 Pit Bail Dog that charged towards him in mi attempt to attack. Of?cer Murmur: than. ?red 0111: 51101 from his 55111-111 8121:1311 [2 gauge 5111111 31m 3:11:11 number M459338. 3111111113 the dug in me aim: 11m. Officer Merriam: proceeded In 1:112:11: the premises when the same dug charged a: 01111:: Jainas wha ?red 7 shots From his 0913 $311.39 cal 33:51.11 111111111131 1111.141137- 11112111.: wounding 1113 11113 01113311031501: then a second dog 511 the: 13111111110111 that $313311 {11111111115 him at which paint 053113131: Man-ism: ?red 3 5.11013 {111111 Eris [39381111311 40 on} 54:11:11 number 081cm Gama: that} 11:13 1 311411 1111111 i3 E3130 51mm 51.311238 62 0mm: Paul ?red E- aha: his 33%} 311111111 3&3! 4031115161111] member 111115131 wcum?ng the 3513111111 dag: Paul later mcounmmd a him-1 ($03111 :31: 2335311111111 Khai charged 10111111133 him a! which 31191111111: Fred 5- 391613 Pram his DFD 1111131111113} 12 Gauge 511131 31:12 seriai number 113348528 Fatally wounding the third I113. 33139311: 33113 2111211134 #1111" 111115 {33:11:11} 3: which 131121111135: 11233011111111 10111:: scene 31:11- mmwed :11} 11111311 (fags Fran: 21% 1113111119115. :11 canvass was mt mac-115d became 1113' neidmi 0133115113.?! ?rmidz a?'lha: 11011115. This ?111: idea: was 11111331111111 rm vid?? 1131:11th Raid 92112 is mt 81111133333 with a camera and 2:12: 3231111163: has 3 mm 11113113115113 camera "he fh?uw?ng af?ce? was 31333111 at 1116: 30111113: Jeffery ?131,131: Ha?hawn Gaining. badge 168, Sadie badge :11! easgigmd Ma?a: Via) [21111131 5111;111:111. 33131331113113 111211131111: f'nirowing 13111216311013: 31331341111 ?11m. 17:21:33: . 33111332311 11: 127 {11111111113321.3033 31.113235: 11211331. E31333 9 m. wgs?gm? 121% ?with 9:17:21: 1111:: {11mm b31131: Sa-? :05. 331132133 11: M3311: Viu?ama Sect?m 533511111131: ?11" Fume: 1.331%: 5111.1 :13: 111.3 111131231131} Qf?cm ?1:112:11: 63211311311311 11111211 :33 3311211111 12111131.: M33133. 51211113 31%} $131335: Services. 364. Ym?rziag 111131.331 333192. Zu? ?mgmga 31113311333 01113.3: may 2123111113 3:33:51: 12311:} 3111:1131 ?351.: :3 3:11:11; 3.11 13131113111; 13:11:31. .12" (31:11.33: is) 5111:: 4.1111331? 11: 11313511 1:351 311%? 111711.211 3331113131311: 3112110: 1'11 jmu?y 1111113111: {11.3 131111 112.5213 13311111 30131311351145 1:31:33 img-gm'i 1-13mgw1133'_ WEE: - a! .- -.. 3313451313: 1311:1333. 11:1 1111333331133 1131-11133. ?33123? 511-.- 33 gig ?wi?g 1? zafi??m? F?puiy if 3111:? E'E?rgam?a?. (T 1111:1123 - W?agmy 61119? {$131131 313331233 1 [331000011 ?313 a unmun PULIGE: m] DESTRUCTIGN OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) 2' 0f *3 be compieted by a Supervimr) P396 9392:05 - 13483 Sussexx Eastern Data of Goaurrenca Time of {Beaurmnw of Engicimr Gastric: .. . .. Major 9.0. Kym; Pan! 1056 Orgnf??me Viaiamors Ema? striking warm in wands in prim [301Marga primary gammaw far this - - magazma? maga?ms? mamber?? Last insmc?m . {a?f'?iga??mm??am?i? . .. . My. EFFICFR at?? . i-inwive? nzmihar (RanmastiFirat) Badge Command Assignment rountis Icy-If- rim-(midis it of live 0f [Mam 346w many A . mad? striking mums: In munds In prim- fa {1 I targa-t primary Mammary thia mamber . - - - magazfna? magazines? Lag! Wagon magma . 13%.le ?m?nn BateAnimal Cantml 2?:me No No . Yer; ?$63 Yes No Pit bull the dogs yam canvass ?my Any iniurieg Any Minasmw No??calio?s Animai "Michigan Type a? Ammak Where was animal a some? Properly- ta cit?mns 7" (List at? in maria? {List an in Contra? Humana Socials: dastmyavd? disposed (Faeiliiy) damage? circumstances) circumstanwa) Noti?ed? No??ad? as Nikita Smith - 18488 Sussex. mar Ownm?a Name: (If mam} Home Address Number: kmwn) . .. . . (U33 additmnai $113435 if necessary} Ja mmry 14, 2.01.6, at rippmximamiy 13:05 hours. 1. Sergeant Roy Sul ifs. axsigned In Main: Sectigm. was {he af?rm in charge m? ex muting a armmh at ?3483 5:691ng Upon arrival In this fixation. crew mam beam annomed pregame am] puspose wizhuut a ream use at Ma?a time Famed was mania the: front iovr whit: h. {ime Smear Marxism: mmunteml g1- hugs Pit Buil Dag shat charged mwamls {aim in an attempt to attack Of?c er Marxism than ?lm} one shat From his dgpa rtmem 35mm Benctli gauge shat gun swa? number striking the dag in {km chest area. Of?cer Merriam pmcceeted to clear the pmises hen {he saith?: dog charged at Of?ce Kahuna he rim? shots than: his 83; At) ml Mia! number 1134687 family woun?ing the? deg, Offictr Merriam than enccuntcm! a sewnd dog in the: bathmem that chargr GWai?dS him at which pom! Of?c m? Momma ?red 3? 5mm Emmi. his DWI) issued .40 cal atria} number Dm??f Gaiacs than ?red 1- shot from is [395 issued ca} G?icer . Paui fired i? shat {mm hi5 ?325qu 389W .40ch sariai number ?31315 UE family wounding the swarm! dugg Gf??cer Paw later mammal-mi :1 thir? dug in the manta: {?at charged towards him a: wirith pain: he ?red 3- $52013 f'wm his ?71913 appwva? Gang 9th gm: serial ?21m?? wounding the tifzini dag. exam: Ham?s mti?ed Animal (39:15:63 3: which point they mwadtxi in the scene and mama all chm-e (mgr: {mm the. pmmism canvass was nu: cumduase? became this 116 $5222?! magma! Ett?id? the Image. ??sis insi?szz'tt was mt swim an vidm Mama the Raid Var; is mt muippe? with a camera {raid aim Scent car has a ma Furzczioai-ag camera. he {ni?trwing a?em wart: mam: a! the 5353113?. ?gtffery Wawmniakg badge N43, Bashawn (Mints, {wager 1163. 55311139 New?, badg? 3599, at?! ass?gm? Majar Visiamm S?cziun wanna: Harris ma?a tits?: ?13; iewi?g mii?m?om: - 3%ng M?xa?, My 3-33 I am?gzmi ta:- Cgmmun?aaz?am Wright} mag; Sm 9mg Mugged-?91m ?f'wea?ih Fm?m: (Emmy Mamh?mmk?g ma?a Su? ?35, mig?a? 2% Via?gim?g- Sciatica ?vaiuaziu?- Bf {kg-mi: i aim: ska ?m?i'vw Qi?fmm WW En mmggiim? wiih {Estes Mam ?3u?isg Mariam! Sam ?E?mm??g mmziw magmas an a?'imx may 3mm 3 amiss? twig} Mg?gz? am: ?gs prising imm?nm ?ames ?fuimg?? Mam mm mg? may Wm hyagamm we rm is: ?wgm?fgy. E?ge?iem that: this; ma?a: MM: $35 cam?em? Mg" - QM 5; I {373:3 ii?ti?gmi?i? Kg ?Efe?gf/yg . M3 33? 5:3; Ant 9" {mm "eg?fg'?mam?m gfg? Kg Mimi f?e?uzy F?ff?emk?, fha?eta- . . . iN?i??a-aubg 1 2 ?-Emm-T mu 3:3. PARTM 311? 332.3331? RT gamer? P-GLICE 3393333331? C2333 Na. 1831130236 Rapist-i No. 333111433331 #33903 Date: Subiwd: (2.333 Rm 31331:: County 033333 Or: [am 33mm} 1.0531533 (:32 Wauy?w C4333 Grid (3311 Scarce Vehida Ac?vify Vehidi) ?framing (tn-.1233 Sireai Means Omar Mia-am Mafim Omar 3333333- 33993 Narrative ?2 3313363355 29?? OF SEARCH WARRANT VER mam? MW 1311212313 2: 62 EMW RWHQ 01333! 82 WAYHE mm 3343435 JEFFREY 333303- JEFFREY 93 3313 ?1.333815 3:32:02 PM Veri?ed 234mg . 3193,3303 Ami. 39.33133 By 131412335 1:35:03} PM 913?? 3'9ng 23215?? . FEE-Y 33mm 3 13333 EUESEX 03:1an C3363 Assisi 53933? 318933333 ARREET ?3006 Tat-?3533? 3?55?? SW SEARCH WARRANT NW2 3. {1.332 Cl3armca Ream Data 03 {Emiranw 3133339 DETEGET PGLICE DEPARTMENT NARCOTICS SECTIGN Noti?ed NO FORGED {tr-#1 NIKETA TRIANA BEE 33 135 OF 1848.8 SUSSEX FOG-SC MARIJUANA 5* EXECZUTION OF NA-RCOTEG EEARCH MVE CODE OF MVS (302% 2979 AEGVE T0 EXC NARC GTIC SEARCH WARRANT. ENTRY TEAM PRESENCE ANG WWH FROM ENSIEE ENTRY WAS MADE INTO THE LOCAYIQN. P13, MGRRIEQM ENCGUNTERED A WCIGUS PITBULL AT THE FRONT EDGE ATWHICH TIME HE HIS DEPT LES-GEE) EHQTGUN ETEIHING THE DOG. ENTRY TEAM THE LG-CATIGN AT TIME THE SAME GHARGED FAG GAMES, 33.0, GMNEE FIRED FRQM 14-1-3 13.31.1133 HANUQUN AT THE 333.3 TGGK EFFECT AMMAL. warm-1.33 ELAIEK CHARGEE AT 3333}. 3H3 MORRISQN 3 HIS IEE-UEE 3113311333633, Fi?; EAUL 3343 ?3.33; (33333133 FIRES GEE F3033 ?33331? HMBGUNE, ALL. SHQTE 73633 33133133?? EH3 33133531., 9.333. 3 336123313 WHWE 3333331233.!? if? THE $333 3 733333, EHETE WEEK 335333?? THE AFTER 33-333 W33 3.3533, CREW :3 331% ?33 $333333?? 3.3? 3333332333333 WE EELQW $333333 1:53.333! THE EWCEEM STEVE 333333 5333333333 ?33 33?3?? EARESE 334% 333% {3333373 33333333333333 E?E?f?i TEE 33E 533633-33. 3333' 333332333 WEE 333.533 3.33333 33 2?3 3633?? 33333333, 33333333 ?33? 3:33am 3333333333 33323 3333333 WEE ?33333 3?33 3333 3333333333? 133333333333. 33- I 3333?? 3-33 33%?333333 33333 3333333. 3333333 {33333333 333323 3333 ?3?33 3423333333 3 333 333% ?3333?? 3 33:33 32333? 33333333333333, 3 23:. 3333333333333 {3333' 33333333}, 3333333 333 33.333?? 33333333333? 3 {33 333333 333333 3333?? 33333333333, 3 333333333 3333 3333333333333 33333333333333. 333333333333; 353333 3233323333 33333 33333, 333333. 33333: 33333333 33333 3333333333333 3333? 3W3 @3333 33333-333 (333333333 33333333333333 33333333333333 3 33 3333333. 333333 33333333 {333333333} 3333333333333 1 13 3:33.333 333333? 3333333 {3333333} 33333331333333 3 33 3331333 3333?? 3333333 $333333333 33333333333333 ?t ?53 {333333 333333? 333333 {3333333333 3333333333333333-3333 333333 333333 {3333333333 33333333 3333333 3 233 33?. 33333?? 3333333 333%333 33333333333333 3 33 $333. 33333 4333333 33333333.; 3.33333? 333333-33 3 33 333 333333 33.33333 {33333333} 33333333' 3 33 333, 333333 33333333 {3333* 3333.; 333333333333333 3 3?33 333.333 333333 3333333333 33333333?? I 3? 3 33333333333333 3333 33.3? - 33333 333 3333333333? {33333} 3333333 33333333 3333 33?? 3333333: 333333333 33333 3333333333 3333333333 33333333 {333333333 333 333333 DET000013 6-1-2016 3:13:33, warm: 33 9:31:33 FtJ-r' F?tur?rl?d' 15m: my - 1.13 P33 1 mez,? $333 Detroit Police Department Activity Log ?wtiai Event.? new; Hams: ?339 Fran-aware? Etc-mimetic! i mama? ca: M43533: Nagy-c3333 CREW 293?? 3513 ram 3'3: $33532 if imam amaga ?233: ?33.33: an 3331136 '3 $381311}? Ig'mpac??g WM 53331335: 3333 Mia: 853: HA . M233 #1 3.33:: if? $3315ch 3?33?? ?3mm 133-5331 We 33$ $1.153 Law? may a Fins $.me .. . whim- 5333:: 33333.33 in?rm?? YES Mom: 0:34:33: 4w amass 03: ?31.35: a $1 was; nu ?3336 {Wagga} u- 33531- Mmumr 09%: ?(12133 3 333:3 mm 2609 203539 2606]- 2305-- 2300 2-0-00 am am 120%} ?12033 1 28333 1200 1.200 $26-0- $333333 5 21 8- 6281 3599 1.66} 1056 3?43- .. ?31m gamma mm: (3 mm AFFIX Wiiliam M33 31:33:} Sadie: Hawaii" 3433333 82133133333 (Samm- i? 52:338. Ryan Paw} $333333 J-e?ary 3m -: 1:33.313. (W AG aspen $39311 3 mama 3333323333 3 Magazim Mamma- 1 Magma-:33 3311:? 1 ?mrm mgamm 34mm?: w?agscm 3351mm Mmrhar 3t?? 333mm? AW Hwaaim 1 33333333333! #33 Wampum Mm 333952323323 1 . -: ?$$mwmm$$ $3323"; i 33'333333mm3a mama; 3?5? 333 $33 5 $3.33; g" 6?1 -2016 . 233% ff gig; fa?- rw? ?333? 533$ $3333 333332333 133' 3.3333333 $333333}: ?ll? Dell-"pit Police Department Activity Log mama ?mm ripper/{m I trims on 1.9. mip pl?: 5.0.: mm on :m TIME m; up: 5' . ?r moat MREVED 'rprm. ??735? ?gg my .. $39: Harms; 3??ng duhSgt. Harris at the hemp updating three Dally Detail in MAS . Sgt. Harris crew at the; page brie?ng on pmcutfng 3 I240 MA search warrant 18488 Sussex. Sgt. Harrip crew executed a spa-rah warrant at this lac-atlpn in the cpnfiscelions: 1? zip lock bag pf marijuana 1? zip lock pf marijuana. lsfafz? 94024581111, 5* lotto packs of marijuana 3? knalle-d sandwich brags of marijuana, ls?l? N02458211, 1? digital scale, EH: 18011401, 1? span: 129.21 shell casing, 1601?l40.2, 1n spent 12 93 shall Gaping. 3pm 1293 shall pasing?l6011t10.4, spent 1293 shall casing, 160114615, 1- spent 129.9 shell casing, Em lw spent .40 cal shell caslng, 16011.40], l- ppem .40 cal shell caslng, Em ?16011408, spent .4063! shall paging, 16011439] lu A?oal phell Gaping, 180114010, 1? spent .4068! shall casing, 160114011. 2? Ml Ste-ate Disbursement batters with thee: name pf Nikita Smith, 1861 140.12 a 2007 Pant tan pill: 1601 ??40.23. The arrest wag for VCCS-G: Nikita 349?? pl 18488 Spam. Whilp axecullng a march warrant at this lppal'lpn, . Giff-pear a: largp Pit Bull (02:39 number 1) 1335 SW ?g at {hp that charged {awardp him al wh?ch time:- he: ?rpd 1? aha: l?mm hip 1293: Seawall? slap-t gun ?lming this? aim fr: chap: areal thpi pamp than aha-rpm pt W23. pi whisk?: limp he ?red Shela flap-m his papal ps?klpp {2339 if) in the chppi side amp Fatally Wpazns?mg dag l; 1. them app. 9% 2, art-pl limp 3~ piss; 8&er .46 pal. Rim. Gla?mp al?pp lira-dag pp. pap; pad 1? ms {mm app pal. Maggy . prpp?pg app? $3323; mpg-3 ppg? 3, lg?: "r 2% ppm-imp: pg {imp hp; 55* his; - pup fpip??y app 3. pg? pm??p mp p??ppi pp 35% Elma pl 3% ppm? ark-ml; pm 13% {pp tip-?3 zppai?pp. mp ppm: ma?a: Sp: wimp, pail; 5% Hprp?pi?p Egg-gm Em; ip mg ml? amp?? mp Sm ?535 maps? V?plpipgp {Jig-?g. Aap?mp? Swim? 1:3? mmwp? gm {pap pg: Ham?p mg. Sam-pp am pm: . E. pwma?g?pp 1 59m 3 ?311;pr m?p?tppm pap-$25 p7: imp 373%? papa? ?16 WE Hag-?pip Ea arm? at mp EEK: p?p?pg pp '5 ppamh i ?37 I . warrant ?Qt-u-u . pf} 6?1-2 ?43% i m, {p (tantra-l (Samar, aff?i?Detmit Police- partment Activity Log . 11 I I Sgt. Ham'g acmw mac-mien: a search warr?mt at this - lmz?siian manning in tha caniigcatimns: numarou i 1 805 SW Mg ampi'y sandwich bags, 15001402011 ssmoza, Mr. Art-many wag famed CREME: U315athe scam .. 1800 MA gig - Sgt. Harrig 81 craw ?351de ma?a 9330- 1830 1 Sgt. Harm ra'tumad to the ham 1335 MA Craw mambem want. to to pracess avidence papar i 19:35 MA $.31 Crew rammed t0 mg base 1 2900 MA g5:- Sgt. Harris 8: crew eff city 6-1-2016 DET000016 1L rffm?wy v. was; cams.) 5.5. mm?mm-?ma-w- hair-um: Mu?, -. . ?Midnight Lag?; ??ki??znz'JJ. DET000017 -1-2016 23-2 I II .LMW- em I VAI Mask ID Number: 3/6: Defamea I II) LI II Shem: W..- . 83:33:33?: A D??amaa Infmma?m -- I 333Haw yum #21va IL: any Western Afris etamea IIJIECIICEI if 5AA, {I?m data, country and 3mm.- I 351.133 1. a! Issum and 5? ??3?qu . Initial Ch I I Arresting {If?cer - Canveyfng Smear - Lama?? MAL. I?m and?rat Amma- Ur! PenmnA I II EMA Ammaga Manama LIA 038/090 mo CdmpIe-Ied: No Initiaied by: Custoc?a! of Dafaine?: Amos 3! Price: mm; . by?" .. m: .. N03363: I?acmn 2 I Fugitive: Warrants ID Dam UNA an ma? MCI YAA DNA Rammed? I: Page; MWQI (IMAM-I by: I ?ew mm Imaa mammaCQUAIM If I me Ida: I -- 15; I 333333 33I33I I I I IA 53 33? $333: in $333 :3 Am; @3ng I HAWW mm; Arm" I murw. ?3333 I 333317333 ?33333 {23:33 Ema: 3331933336 IA 3533?} 3mm i 33%; A33 I I I 353"; 5- ?mm 53.33?} 33333 {333.3 I I333 I I I Am: emf-333333 I I33 =33 A3333 I I . I {33% {355% A 33f Am?g?mmg I 3mm? . I Q?gjg?: 33:3 I Wig?? Tang. ASE 5. 334 35sz - I I 55:? 33 m?gw (Am w- .3. maww Kiosk 11:) Number: 1? Detainee Input Sheet Dam Milztary Time: Rama-n Fer-?11123633 ?mg-a??w Fran} aid ?38: 1 Ea I . ??sp-gas??nn Far 35: - mf'?aisam I Gaze! Mizi?my Elma: (E: M000 member wagging finaE a! detainee; in ?.43 and ma time of rala- 3a {mm f. lib}: Egg? 0 . 217% .. U?i?m this; page cm}: whan {sewed capmm the: mesa ?Eng haldwvarmms aw rm: cable is Em captured on paga E. 2} Add?tiami 35.31393 that are: rm! abie has be capmmd an page; Dataiime r? Lasf Mame 1 A 9 Ram Sax Firm Mama I MEddEa Name: Ad itionaE A: .3533: mm {fem} Mfas?a: diEEonaE muse-5: Sectim 2 (CG-minuad) Hate-13;" Fugitiva Warrantg GNLY Page 0? {Mia ?rm E-mfdaf??iarmnm Agangy Cancefgd mm MEEiEnry Time Bond" g' Gleam-d Cfazzmd Amount {Jiaccvered msmvered QCA Eli-{m 8 .. 30mm?ifjm .. l?fm??fij ww?m?? ?vw ?gig?? 3% ?if? Keglster Ot?Action Page].of3 Register of Action 36TH. DISTRICT COURT ISTATE OF MICHIGEN I I36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICTI REGISTER OF ACTIONS I 031519218 D01 OMII I CASE NO: 1 STATUS: CLSD 05/11/16 I I I. I I JUDGE OF RECORD: 0., JUDGE: 0., PM35273 DETROIT CTN: TON: 18488 SUSSEX SID: DETROIT MI 48235 ENTRY DATE: Girls/16 DOB: SEX: RACE: VEH TR: VEHICLE TYPE: VEH MAKE: VIN: OFFENSE DATE: VPN: CDL: PAPER PLETE: Ol/ld/l? 105 PM VIOLATION OF MARIJUANA CODE JAIL SENTENCE: VEH TMMOB START DATE: OFFICER: JEFFREY 0349049 . PROSECUTOR: VICTIMKDESC: 18488 SUSSEX IVENUE: DETROIT COUNT 1 939.1 ARRAIGNNENT DATE: 01/15/l6 PLEA: PLEA FINDINGS: DISM BY DISPOSITION DATE: 05X11f16 SENTENCING DATE: FINE COST ST.COST CON MISC. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PROBATION: OF OATS: PLER DATE: 03/16f16 REST 0.00 TOT FINE TOT DUE 0.00 0.00 VEH FORFEITURE: 6?1-2016 DET000020 http://j i8.3 Glhdistricto 001T. 0:23 . . 5f20l2016 Register 01" Action Page 2. of 3 BOND HISTORY: 100.00 PERSONAL EOND CONTINUED DATE ACTIONS, JUDGNENTS, CAGE NOTES INITIALS . 01/14/15 . 1 ORIGINAL CHARGE VMO - . 430 SCHEDULED EOR ARRAIGNNENT 011515 900A G., 430 01/15/16 FILING DATE 011515 - 430 ARRAIGNNENT HELD ALL COUNTS 041 A., 041 STOOD MUTE AND PLEA OR NOT GUILTY ENTERED ET COURT 041 SCHEDULED EOR 012916 835A G., Pw35273 041 PERSONAL 041 BOND SET - 100.00 041 VIDEO RECORDING . 041 1 PRETRIAL CUSTODY VMO 041 01/29/15 1 HELD VMU 051 JDG G._r I 051 PLEAD NOT GUILTY 051 SCHEDULED EOE TRIAL 031616 835A C.r O51 NOTICE TO APPEAR REQUESTED ALL PARTIES . VMO 051 BOND CONTINUED . 051 NAME: . CASE NO: U31519216 PAGE 2 DATE ACTIONS, JUDGEENTS, CARE INITIALS COURT REPORTER: CI PREEADERI CSR #8061 051 CNEVELS 051 1 NOTICE TO 051 02/01/16 1 NOTICE TO APPEAR GENERATED VMO 051 03/16/16 6-1-2016 DET000021 is. 3 6'1'11di3111011001111.01? .1 5/20/20 1 6 Register Of Action Page 3 Of 3 .1 MISCELLANEOUS ACTION VMO 051 JDG FORDSDEBORAH 0., 051 PLEAD NOT GUILTY 051' SCHEDULED FOR TRIAL 051116 835A Pe35273 051 NOTICE TO APPEAR REQUESTED ALL PARTIES I VMO 051 . IADJR REE QEEIQER.QN SICK LISTLLUMR 111111111_m11111 111-11111_11 03/17/16 1 NOTICE TO APPEAR GENERATED VMO 051 05/11/16 1 PROCEEDIRD HELD VMO I 051 JDG 0., P-35273 051 DISMISSED BY PARTY 051 N0 DPD OFFICER APPEARED CASE DISMISSED . 051 CEEPELS . 051 COURT REPORTER: S. DAVIS CSMR #6609 - . 051 CASE-CLOSED - 051 END OE REGISTER-OE ACTIONS 05/20/16 11:02 Return to Search 6-1- 16 . I DET000022 11111332]? 13. 3 01111;. 01* .. 5/2 0120 16