PAT BROWN INSTITUTE/LATINO DECISIONS Latino Los Angeles Poll – FINAL TOPLINES 10/24/16 1. What do you think is the most important problem facing Hispanics/Latinos here in Los Angeles today? [Open ended, Pre-code to list, RESPONDENT MAY SELECT ONE OR TWO – RECORD ORDER OF MENTION IF TWO] Unemployment/jobs/economy Education/schools Crime/violence/gangs Affordable housing/rent Discrimination/race relations Police brutality/corruption Government corruption Cost of living Gas prices/energy prices Smog/environment/pollution Water/drought Immigration issues Health care Labor/workers rights Public transportation Border Issues Terrorism Something else Don’t know 25 13 10 9 22 5 3 10 1 1 1 25 7 5 2 4 1 8 8 2. In November, there will be elections for President, Congress, other offices in California, and ballot measures. How likely are you to vote in that election- are you almost certain to vote, will you probably vote, are the chances 50-50, or don’t you think you will vote? Absolutely certain Probably 50 – 50 Will not vote Don’t Know 71 16 8 4 1 3. How closely have you been following news about the 2016 presidential election? Have you been following the election [ROTATE RESPONSE OPTIONS 1-4] Very closely Somewhat closely Not too closely Not closely at all Don’t Know N=1,500 Latino registered voters, +/- 2.5%, release date Nov 3, 2016 46 41 10 2 1 1 PAT BROWN INSTITUTE/LATINO DECISIONS Latino Los Angeles Poll – FINAL TOPLINES 10/24/16 [ROTATE NAMES] 4. Now I am going to read you a list of people and I’d like you to rate that person using a feeling thermometer where 0 degrees means very unfavorable and 100 degrees is very favorable. The 50 degree mark would be neither favorable nor unfavorable. You can choose any number between 0 and 100.. If we come to a person whose name you don’t recognize, you don’t need to rate that person. Just tell me and we’ll move on to the next one. If we come to a person whose name you don’t recognize, you don’t need to rate that person. Just tell me and we’ll move on to the next one. A. President Barack Obama B. Hilary Clinton C. Donald Trump D. U.S. Senate candidate Loretta Sanchez E. U.S. Senate candidate Kamala Harris F. Mayor Eric Garcetti G. Governor Jerry Brown 0-25 11 15 66 10 11 9 13 26-50 10 12 11 21 21 22 20 51-75 18 20 9 25 19 23 25 76-100 60 50 11 26 19 31 33 DK 1 2 3 18 30 16 10 5. People are very busy these days and do not have a lot of time, but have you ever had the opportunity to do any of the following things? And if you’ve never had the time to do any of these things, you can tell me that as well. First, have you ever… A. Communicated with an elected official? B. Attended a public meeting or hearing of a government agency? C. Talked to friends or family about an issue involving government? D. Attended a political protest, march, or rally? E. Volunteered to work in a political campaign? F. Given money to a political campaign? G. Signed a letter or petition about a social or political issue? H. Posted a message on Facebook or other social media about a social or political issue? I. Attended a PTA meeting or other volunteer group at your child’s school? J. Attended a community or neighborhood meeting? Yes No Refused 70 70 Don’t know 1 1 29 29 75 24 1 * 28 21 28 47 71 78 71 52 1 1 1 1 * * * * 41 58 1 * 50 49 1 * 47 53 0 * N=1,500 Latino registered voters, +/- 2.5%, release date Nov 3, 2016 * * 2 PAT BROWN INSTITUTE/LATINO DECISIONS Latino Los Angeles Poll – FINAL TOPLINES 10/24/16 6. As you may know, election law requires counties like Los Angeles to translate ballots and other voting materials into Spanish and other languages. Thinking about your own experience, have you ever used any of the following types of bilingual assistance to vote? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY] Bilingual election documents mailed to my home Bilingual election documents at the polls Bilingual election workers have helped me Have never used bilingual assistance Don’t Know 27 25 24 52 3 7. If the election for President were held today, would you be voting for (ROTATE ORDER) Hillary Clinton, the Democrat, or Donald Trump, the Republican? (IF UNDECIDED, ASK:) Well, if the election for President were held today and you had to decide right now, to which candidate would you lean (ROTATE) Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? Clinton Trump Und, lean Clinton Und, lean Trump Neither (Vol) Other Don’t Know TOTAL CLINTON TOTAL TRUMP UNDECIDED 66 13 7 3 7 1 3 73 16 11 8. If the November election for Senate were held today, would you be voting for (ROTATE ORDER) Kamala Harris, or Loretta Sanchez? – (IF UNDECIDED, ASK:) Well, if the election for Senator were held today and you had to decide right now, would you lean (ROTATE) Kamala Harris or Loretta Sanchez? Loretta Sanchez Kamala Harris Und, lean Sanchez Und, lean Harris Neither (Vol) Don’t Know TOTAL SANCHEZ TOTAL HARRIS UNDECIDED N=1,500 Latino registered voters, +/- 2.5%, release date Nov 3, 2016 42 21 8 6 6 17 50 27 23 3 PAT BROWN INSTITUTE/LATINO DECISIONS Latino Los Angeles Poll – FINAL TOPLINES 10/24/16 Next, I’m going to ask for your opinions on a number of different policy issues. 9. Last year, the Supreme Court issued a ruling that same-sex couples could legally marry. Do you agree or disagree with that decision? Do you [AGREE/DISAGREE] strongly or somewhat? Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know 41 25 9 17 8 10. Some people believe that the federal government should give immigrants living in the U.S. without legal authorization a chance to remain here permanently with legal status and eventually become U.S. citizens. Others believe that those living without legal authorization should have to return to their countries of origin. Which view is closer to yours? Given a chance to remain here Should return to their countries Don’t know 81 14 5 11. Which comes closest to your view on abortion: Abortion should always be legal, or should be legal most of the time, or should be made illegal except in cases of rape, incest and to save the mother’s life, or abortion should be made illegal without any exception? Always be legal Legal most of the time Made illegal except in cases of rape, incest and to save the mother’s life Made illegal without any exception Don’t know 29 21 33 11 6 12. Some people believe that California should increase funding for the high-speed rail system linking Southern California, the Central Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area. Others believe that the high-speed rail system is a waste of taxpayer dollars. Which of these perspectives comes closest to your view of California’s proposed high-speed rail system? Increase funding for high-speed rail High-speed rail is a waste of tax dollars Don’t know N=1,500 Latino registered voters, +/- 2.5%, release date Nov 3, 2016 49 34 17 4 PAT BROWN INSTITUTE/LATINO DECISIONS Latino Los Angeles Poll – FINAL TOPLINES 10/24/16 13. Proposition 64 in California’s 2016 ballot will make legal the recreational use of marijuana. Do you favor or oppose Prop 64? Do you [FAVOR/OPPOSE] strongly or somewhat? Strongly favor Somewhat favor Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Don’t know 26 27 11 31 5 14. Proposition 58 in California’s 2016 ballot allows more bilingual education programs in the schools by eliminating the requirement that English learners must be taught only in English. Do you favor or oppose Prop 58? Do you [FAVOR/OPPOSE] strongly or somewhat? Strongly favor Somewhat favor Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Don’t know 34 28 15 16 7 15. In November, Los Angeles county voters like yourself will consider Measure A, which authorizes an annual parcel tax to fund local parks, beaches and open spaces. Do you favor or oppose Prop A? Do you [FAVOR/OPPOSE] strongly or somewhat? Strongly favor Somewhat favor Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Don’t know 30 34 13 13 11 16. The County ballot will also include Measure M, which will fund mass transportation and improve roads through a half-cent sales tax and continue the existing half-cent traffic relief tax. Do you favor or oppose Prop M? Do you [FAVOR/OPPOSE] strongly or somewhat? Strongly favor Somewhat favor Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Don’t know N=1,500 Latino registered voters, +/- 2.5%, release date Nov 3, 2016 35 36 11 9 9 5 PAT BROWN INSTITUTE/LATINO DECISIONS Latino Los Angeles Poll – FINAL TOPLINES 10/24/16 17. In general, which of the following statements do you agree with more— (1) I’d rather pay higher taxes and have a state government that provides more services, or (2) I’d rather pay lower taxes and have a state government that provides fewer services? Higher taxes and more services Lower taxes and less services Don’t know 56 32 12 18. In recent years have you experienced any kind of discrimination in the greater Los Angeles area because you are [Hispanic/Latino] or have you not experienced any discrimination? [IF EXPERIENCED DISCRIMINATION] In what situations have you experienced discrimination? [DO NOT READ LIST] [ACCEPT UP TO THREE ANSWERS] EXPERIENCED NO DISCRIMINATION JOBS/PROMOTIONS EDUCATION HOUSING DEALING WITH GOVT AGENCY DEALING WITH A BUSINESS OR RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT FROM YOUR NEIGHBORS FROM STRANGERS IN A PUBLIC PLACE SOME OTHER WAY (SPECIFY) 53 19 10 8 9 8 5 14 5 19. People have different ideas about the government in the United States. Please tell me how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statement: “People like me don’t have any say in what the government does.” Do you [AGREE/DISAGREE] strongly or somewhat? Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know 20 31 20 24 5 20. How much of the time do you trust the government to do what is right – just about always, most of the time, some of the time or never? Just about always Most of the time Some of the time Never Don’t know N=1,500 Latino registered voters, +/- 2.5%, release date Nov 3, 2016 8 27 53 10 2 6 PAT BROWN INSTITUTE/LATINO DECISIONS Latino Los Angeles Poll – FINAL TOPLINES 10/24/16 21. How would you describe your views on most matters having to do with politics? Do you generally think of yourself as very liberal, somewhat liberal, moderate or middle of the road, or somewhat conservative, or very conservative? Very liberal Somewhat liberal Moderate Somewhat conservative Very conservative Don’t know 14 26 33 16 6 5 22. Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, an independent, or something else? Republican Democrat Independent Other party Don’t know Refused 12 61 18 3 4 1 23. [IF Q22 = 1 OR 2] Do you consider yourself to be a strong [INSERT ANSWER TO Q22] or not so strong? Strong partisan 56 Not so strong partisan 39 Don’t know 4 Refused * 24. For information about public affairs and politics, would you say you rely more heavily on Spanish-language media or on English-language media? English more Spanish more Both equally (bilingual) Don’t know N=1,500 Latino registered voters, +/- 2.5%, release date Nov 3, 2016 53 21 25 1 7 PAT BROWN INSTITUTE/LATINO DECISIONS Latino Los Angeles Poll – FINAL TOPLINES 10/24/16 25. Just thinking about news and information about the election, which one source would you say you get most of your information from? Is it from [ROTATE: Television, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, or the Internet]? [ALLOW ONLY ONE RESPONSE – Follow up if necessary: “If you had to pick one source…”] Television Radio Newspapers and Magazines Internet (general) Internet: Facebook Multiple sources, no single source None of these / Other Don’t know 43 5 8 25 7 10 1 1 26. How often would you say you use the Internet to look up information? Would you say [Rotate font/back] many times per day, about once a day, a couple of times each week, less than once a week, don’t use the Internet that much, or don’t use the Internet at all Many times per day Once a day Couple of times each week Less than once a week Don’t use the Internet much Don’t use the Internet at all Don’t know 44 16 14 5 5 15 1 27. With what religious tradition, if any, do you most closely identify with? Stop me when I get to the correct one. Catholic Assemblies of God Southern Baptist Pentecostal Other Protestant Latter Day Saints (LDS) Jehovah’s Witness Jewish Muslim Don’t identify with any religious tradition Other _______________________________________ Don’t know N=1,500 Latino registered voters, +/- 2.5%, release date Nov 3, 2016 62 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 * 13 10 3 8 PAT BROWN INSTITUTE/LATINO DECISIONS Latino Los Angeles Poll – FINAL TOPLINES 10/24/16 28. Would you say you attend religious services more than once a week, about once a week, about once a month, about once every few months, almost never, or do you never attend any religious services? [IF PERSON SAYS “I’M NOT RELIGIOUS” OR “I’M AN ATHEIST”, CHECK NEVER] Never Almost never About once every few months About once a month About once a week More often than once a week Don’t know 12 16 14 15 29 11 3 29. Over the past few months did anyone from a campaign, a political party, or community organization ask you to vote, or register to vote? Yes No Don’t know N=1,500 Latino registered voters, +/- 2.5%, release date Nov 3, 2016 42 55 3 9 PAT BROWN INSTITUTE/LATINO DECISIONS Latino Los Angeles Poll – FINAL TOPLINES 10/24/16 D1. [Hispanics/Latinos] have their roots in many different countries in Latin America. To what country do you or your family trace your ancestry? [OPEN-ENDED WITH LIST OF ALL COUNTRIES] Mexico 56 El Salvador 7 Spain 5 Guatemala 3 Puerto Rico 3 Colombia 2 Cuba 2 Peru 2 Argentina 1 Bolivia 1 Chile 1 Costa Rica 1 Dominican Republic 1 Ecuador 1 Honduras 1 Nicaragua 1 Panama * Paraguay * Uruguay * Venezuela * United States / America Other country 2 None 2 Don’t know 1 Refused 2 7 D2. Were you born in the United States, Puerto Rico, or in another country? United States Another country Puerto Rico Don’t know Refused 58 38 3 * * D3. [IF D2 =2] What year did you become a U.S. Citizen 19__ __. N=1,500 Latino registered voters, +/- 2.5%, release date Nov 3, 2016 10 PAT BROWN INSTITUTE/LATINO DECISIONS Latino Los Angeles Poll – FINAL TOPLINES 10/24/16 D4. What is the highest level of education you completed? Again, just stop me when I read the correct category. Grades 1-8 Some High School High School Graduate Some College/Tech School College Graduate Post-graduate Don’t know Refused 15 5 18 25 24 10 * 1 D5. Do you currently own your own home, rent, or live with someone else who owns or rents? Own 46 Rent 39 Live with someone else Something else 1 Don’t know * Refused 2 12 D6. In what year were you born? Recode to Age 19 __ __ 18 – 29 30 – 49 50 – 64 65 plus 25 35 20 20 D7. And finally, what was your total combined household income in 2015 before taxes. This question is completely confidential and just used to help classify the responses, but it is very important for our research to make sure we have a representative sample of all different households. Just stop me when I read the correct category. Less than $20,000 17 $20,000 to $29,999 12 $30,000 to $39,999 9 $40,000 to $49,999 6 $50,000 to $59,999 9 $60,000 to $79,999 12 $80,000 to $99,999 9 $100,000 to $150,000 More than $150,000 3 Don’t know 6 Refused 8 8 N=1,500 Latino registered voters, +/- 2.5%, release date Nov 3, 2016 11 PAT BROWN INSTITUTE/LATINO DECISIONS Latino Los Angeles Poll – FINAL TOPLINES 10/24/16 D8. [ DO NOT ASK] Gender N=1,500 Latino registered voters, +/- 2.5%, release date Nov 3, 2016 Male Female 49 51 12