DOERINGSFELD, AMUEDO AND IVEY 424 DENVERHILTON 31.06.. 1515 CLEVELAND PLACE 0 DENVER. COLORADO 80202 . - TEL. 534-7187 W. W. JR. . PETROLEUM. ANO CURTIS amusoo . . ENGINEERING . JOHH B. - DEVELOPMENT January'Q, 1968 ,Mr. Dale H. Rea Consulting Engineer 2200 West Chenango Littleton, Colorado 80l20 9: Re: City of ASpen, Colorado Damsite and Reservoir Studies. Dear Mr. Rea: This letter confirms our conference of January 8, 1968 relative to the costs involved in geological feasibility studies for the Castle Creek and Maroon Creek Reservoirs. The study of both sites will be considered as one project in the following proposal. woman a The objectives of engineering geological investigations are, l} to determine the feasibility of damsites of the locations 'given on Plans 22~7~37 (Castle Creek) and 22w7?38 (Maroon Creek), 2) to recommend alternate sites if necessary, and 3) to estimate the availability of construction materials. This will be a feasibility study and will be based on surface investigations only. In order to fulfill these objectives the following program is .proposed. . . .A. Office Studies and Map Preparation 1. Stereoscopic aerial photography at the nominal - scale 1" 1000? (preferably two sets)a which are to be provided by you, will be studied in .the damsite and reservoir areas. Particular . attention will be given to zones of structural 0. ?Reports, Maps and Coaferences 1. Ias necessary. 'Mr. Da1e H. Rea 2 II Jahuary 9, 1968 weakness wh1ch cou1d affect the abutment areas . .or cause undes1rab1e dra1nage from the reservo1r, and to potent1a1 source areas for construction mater1a1s. Pre11m1nary geo1og1ca1 maps W111 be prepared ?us1ng topograph1c base maps furn1shed by you These pre11m1nary maps W111 be used for f1e1d . 1nvest1gat1ons .Conferences W111 be he1d w1tb your personne1 I I B. F1e1d Stud1es E1e1d exam1nat1ons w111 be made of the s1tes -u51ng the maps (A. 2. above) prepared 1n the off1_ce. S1gn1f1cant geo1eg1c features W111 be noted on the f1e1d maps and 1ocat1ons w111 be 1nd1cated in which subsurface 1nformat1on W111 be requ1red ??Ifor f1na1 engineer1ng desjgn. As f1e1d work progresses, you w111be 1nformed 1f supp1ementa1 sha11ow subsurface 1nvest1gat1ons, requ1r1ng the use of mechan1zed equ1pment sach as back hoes or bu11dozers, N111 be benef1c1a1. A f1na1 geo1og1ca1 feas1b111ty report W111 be wr1tten and w111-1nc1ude maps and other 111ustra?. tions wh1ch w111 best portray ex1st1ng cond1t1ens. Recommendat1ons w111 be made for add 1t10na1 work necessary to final desjgn. -The bas1c geo1og1ca1 maps cover1ng each area W111 be at sca1es no sma11er than 1: 12, 000 1000 and w111 be at 1arger sca1es if more deta11ed topographic maps are ava11ab1e pr1or to comp1et1bn of the f1na1 report. y? . Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal; do not .hesitate to cali if we can be of further service gmw?h a. Moe Dale H. Rea a $33 I 'January 9, 1968 3..fConferences be held between you, or your 'appointed representative, in Denver or in the - fieid when necessary and beneficiai to the project. D. Charges I. The fixed charge for the above work, inciuding travei and-1iving expenses, but not inciudiog any supplementai subsurface investigations or work resuitihg in a change in scope or objectives as stated above, is $3424.00. 5 It is assumed that the owner wii] render a decision in time for aeriai photography and geologicai field work to be accompiished in 1968. The charges quoted above are subject to the compiete? 'work'being done in 1968. If the work is postponed until a iater time, we wijl be pleased to submit revised costs. or owner.. Yours very traly,_ll RND IVEY: I John 3: .ve . - a? Jblzib . .., ..