DALE: REA- a. CONSULTING ENGINEER APPRAISALS AND REWRTS WA an west? TREATMENT ?spears, swamps mm amass .. DESIGNS ma spacincmons IRRIGATION. RESERVOIRS AND 220? W. SUPERVISION 0F CONSTRUCTION some COLLECTION AND TREATMENT WON: COLORADO 80120 I use ma DEVELGFMENT 794.3445 ne7wams January 12, l968 Leon wuri, City Administrator City Hall - a P900 BOX Aspen, Colorado 8l6ll Dear Wurl: in accordance with the reqoest of your letter of January 3, i968, we have prepared cost data for the engineering aerial and. a . . geological work in the eight items of our letter and outline of . . .?ay 5; 1967. In securing these prices it was found necessary to - revise this outiine somewhat and the revised outline with cost estimates therefore are enclosed herewith. The fhnal report may differ somewhat from the Outline but all contents of the Outline will be covered in the report. The full data transmitted herewith are two?copies each of the following: 1 cu 1. Outline and cost for a full preliminary engineering and geological report for Castle_?reek and Creek Reservoirs. - -2. *Proposai with cost for a preliminary Geological Report -for Castle Creek and Maroon-Creek'Reservoirs from Doeringsfield, Amuedo-and lvey, Geologists. 3.. with cost for aerial mappingtf the Castle Creek and haroon Creek Reservoirs from Merrick and 80., Consulting Engineers. . 4. Brochure (one copy) of Doeringsfield, Amuedo and lvey. . have checked them out with Tipton a Kelmback and also a ?enver Geoiogy firm and find them tops with considerable, experience on earth dams. The report as presented should firmwup'the location, capacity and cost of the two reservoirs. It will also Show how much water is needed, where it will be used and the cost of treating and transmitting the water to the areas of use, Methods of Financing the total construction costs will be also presented* in . . . a" pawma 5% It is difficult to separate this work so that only certain portions of the work be done. However, if this is the case, please advise which items you wait done and i try to come up with a firm preposai. . . i The foiiowing are some suggestions for doing part of the work. The "?costs are apprOximate and would have to be refigured for a firm proposal: Suggested Aiternate No. I DATA BOTH DAMS Added geoiogicai and engineering work caused 600.00 by absence of 200 contour map . IV. Aerial Photography and stereo prints - for two dams (no contour map) . . . . 680.00 Suggested Alternate No. 2 Iii. Geoiogicai Date Both Dams 3,724.00 iv. Aeriei Surveying and Mapping 2,710.00 Engineering cost for added fieid trip both dams 2h0.00 . Suggested Aiternate No. 3 Hydrologic Date . Geological Date both dams 372hioo Aerial Suryeying and Mapping both dams 2,710.00 Vi. Water Soppiy - - 1,080.00 -. $8,074.00 It not be possible to do the eeriei photography untii the snow is off the.ground except smeii patches under trees. The geoiogicei work cannot be started Until the eeriai phOtography is finished. ,Aii or portions of the other items?cen be started at once. believe it is Important to start Items ii and at once, with the map ofga? introduced at the next District Cautt hearing in Gienwood Satings. if additiona} information is required, please advise. q. . Sincerely yours, xfC'Z/f #Kz?zt 0818 H. Rea, Consulting Engineer DHR/erc' Enclosures, nap-l ??ffgme 1 h- 1-: ll. 1. 3. e. OF ENGINEERING AND GEOLOGICAL REPORT THE CASTLE CREEK ND CREEK RESERVOIRS 6 WATER RIGHTS I City's Hater Rights including Reservoirs water Rights in No. 38 Reservoir Filings in District No. 38 Adverse Water Rights and water Calls Replacement Storage Mater Managemen? on Colorado Rlver. Total Cost . 629.00 DATA - Precipitation and Runoff on Castle and ?aroon Creeks Stream Flow on Castle and Maroon Creeks Available data on stream flow in Pan and Roaring Fork to relate to Castle Creeks Elood Studkes 4 . Sedimentation Qualities Total Cost . 560.00 Ill. GEOLOGICAL DATA 1; Prelimin?ry Geological Report from Doeringsfeid, . Amuedo and Ivey in accordance with their attached hereto and made a part hereof 3,420.00 2. Engineering consultation, instructions, and prints for report as required of the Engineer to complete a.report. 300.00 ?3 Total Cost xv. AND MAPPING 2. ?Aerial Photography by ?erriek and 00., in accordance with their Proposal attached . hereto and made a part hereof 2,490.00 2. Censuitatione, instructions and prints for reports as required by Engineer to complete reports. . 100.00 3; Field trip to orient ?errick and 80., on I areas to be photographed 3 120.00 -- w; Total Cost 2,710.00 - V. OATA ON AND DAM Use cantour map to scaie 200? and 5' contours to shew foilowing:-s ReServoir (a1 (6) Egg (3) I (C) .5- Ar?a~capacity and high water_contour of reservoir Preliminary land ownership Proposed materia? areas for construction ?arth fill or earth and backfil} Spillway Ogtlet Headworks gross sections of dam for quantities VI. HATER SUPPLY I. 3.. Double the scale of parts of six U.S.G.S. quadrangle maps to Show the service area in which water from Castle Creek and ?aroon Creek reservoirs be used. This area will extend from the reservoirs to Aspen, Snowmass and mouth of Brush Creek. Tabulate areas, populations and water consumption for the service area. Layout of water system For servige area Fiiter ?1ant? Storage Resefvcirs and Pumping Stations (6) Pipelines-and tunnels Total Cost 8h0.00 Total Cost 1,080.00 .11. VII. CONSTRUCTION COSTS Cost of Construction of'Reservoirs Clearing reservoir, dam and borrow Construction of Dow Constructioo of Construction of Outlet Roadworks 2. Cost of Construction of water System in Phases? Transmissioo canais, pioelines, tonnels, siphons,etc. Reservoirs and Pumping stations (C) Filter Plants Total Costs FINANCING l. Projected Growrh and Assessed Eyaiuations Revenue (3) Mi}! Levy Tap Fees Ilr Sale of Water Methods of Financing Federal Aid. Bond Issuos Total Costs 3' . . - . 1 wwu-nmw ?mn- Juar??t-u?KII-Ihu?Mt .1 . .. 800.00 n00.00 Vll.l "v11RIGHTS DATA AERIAL SURVEYING A00 0000100 DATA 00 RESERVOIR: 000 0003 WATER SUPPLY 510000100 coxsraucrtow COSTS n. . . In- . II?U?wwl? u. - .. 620.00 560.00 3,724.00 2,710;00 8k0.00 1,000.00 #00.00 . 800.00 10,730.00 an.