{mag-{Ed/ . I of? 2 DALE H. REA pi. WATER mp magnum .1 comunmo ENGINEER 3903's cos 220? W. CHE-WW $33; SEWAGE COLLECTION Am) mam-1m - COLORADO 30320 - LAND sunomsmu AND DEVELOPMERT j? TEL. 794-34? TEL. 79-4-3546 ?arch 3, 1969 Nr. Leon_Wur1, City Administrator City of Aspen P.0. Box .. ~~Ho Aspen, Colorado 81611 . Dear Mr. Wuri: Thank you for your iettor of.Fobruary 20, 1968. The information you furnished is quite hel?fui in arriving at the information you require for the projection of a Capitai Water improvement program for Aspen. . . i will first analyze the report For the two earth storage dams, disregarding, for tho_time being, any joint effort with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the Colorado River Water Conservation District. - I. Preliminary Report Phase I n? 1. water Rights 620.00 2. Hydrologic Information . . . . Stream gaging $480 no Hydroiogio doto' $560 l,0h0.003? 3. Geological Data 3,724.00 Aerial Survey and Mapping . 2,710.00 ab 5. Data on Reservoir and Dam 8h0.00 6. Water Supply with Map a Report l,080.00 7. Construction Costs 800.00 8; Financing . h00.00 11,214.00 . . work On Castle Creek finished Ena?goid for Work on Maroon Creek to be done 1969 ($2h0 outstanding) Hydrologio data finished oxoopt Maroon Creek to be dono in i969 ($160 outstanding) now Water supply with mapping conpiete and paid for. Comments on the above roport information is as follows: i water Rig?ts may be done at any.timo: Items No. 3, and 5 go together. items No. 7 and 8 go togethor and may be dOno at anytime, but tho construction oost of the two dams may have to bo revised after items no. 3, and 5 have boon completed. We would recommend the entire prelihinary report be started in 1969 and cempleted in 1969 or 1970. . ?lo Final Report - Phase ii? This_final report may be completed on both dams at the same time or at separate times. There will be some savings in field ?nvestigations if the two dams are investigated at the same time. Should the Castle Creek Dem look Tike a joint project, it could be delayed until sooetime afoer the work.is completed an the maroon Creek project. lb For the purpose of a Capital improvement Program, we would recommend that $22,500-be set up For l97l and $22,500 in 1932 to cover pro-design informatiOn on the two dams. This can always be def?ne?d if financially necessary, provided the attorney feels that the criteria of '?oa diligence? has been met. Actually you will not need both dams within the some 10 year period unless provisions are made to lease the water and save on continually escalating coostruction costs. Ell. water consumption Total water connections in December l958 l,l14 using 3,520,000 gal/day in Dec. l968. ibis amounts to 3,l60 gallons per' connection. The l968 building report shows that there were 156 buildings connected to the water system. This would amount to 156 3,160 a #93,000 gallons. Therefore, we can assume that water consumption in Aspen is increasing at the rate of 500,000 gallons per year during the Winter. Therefore by December, l959,'Aspen shoold be using 4,020,000 gallons per day during December. 5 could not reach you by phone on two attempts as you were apparently. too busy. I called to find out what your ration of Summer to Winter? use was in l968. However, you can arrive at this and multiply it by the 500,000 gallons and get the estimated summer use. rv. Capital improvements Program to Present water System. I. Additional clarifier f0r_present plant. The present clarifier was designed for 0 H00. The Filter plant was designed for 8 M60. The bid price by Nielsen Construction Coopany for 75"oia. .clarifier was $88,000 in March, 1956. This did not include any yard piping. _ln checking with the equipment manufacturer; their cost has risen an estimated 10%; labor has risen an equal em0unt. . i The following is odr estimate for 4 HBO Clarifier similar in design t0 vo?r present clarifier and situated just north thereof. 75' Die Clarifier. . 97,000.00 18? Overflow Pipe 800.00 20" lnfluent Pipe 1,000.00 20? Effluent - 1,600.00 1 Remodel inlet Structure Piping 3,500.00 ?larifier Influent Controller 2,000.00 Chemical Electrical 1,000.00 $l07,700.00' 'Contingencies 5% Sub Total $l13,120.00 'Engineering 10% l0,880.00 . Grant Total $120,000.00 We recommend you budget the cl?rifier for 1969 and not later than 1970 depending upon ratio of Summer use to Winter use. V. Additional Filter Capacity for Existing Plant. Preliminary planning for additonal filter capacity for Castle Creek calls for the construction of a raw water earth reservoir similar to the existing reservoir. it would be located in. the area used by the Contractor as a construction yard and on which' the old Penstook steel pipe is stored. This earth reservoir would be connected to the 30? raw water line. Water would then be?drawn From this earth reservoir to two clerifiers and a filter plant located East of the existing filter plant and north of the 2 H0. Concrete Reservoir. From the filter.plent, the water would then go to the existing 2 H0 Concrete Reservoir. The effluent from the 2 H0 Concrete Reservoir is a 24? main and it would be adequate to carry.the water around the hill to its terminus in 20? high pressure main to.Town. At that point, a new main would have to be constructed Northwesterly down the Roaring Fork Valley. This main would be several yeare in the future, and siZe, location and cost should await further developments. Preliminary cost estimates for added filter capacity are as follow: - 0 M00 Plant Eerth Reservoir Stnuctures 25,000.00 0 M00 Clarifier . 130,000.00 0 H00 Filter-Plant . 180,000.00 Yard Piping - . 25,000.00 Grading and Fencing 6,000.00 . 366,000.00 - Contingencies 5% 18,300.00 Sub Total 384,300.00 Engineering 10% i Grand Total 423,000.00 .. :01: - .W?dl?lpln? n13MIhOI?mI-ud??--I?u? 39"" hu- . . mun-.4 . H00 Plant'Addition . 0 M80 Ciatifier . 135,000.00 0 H00 Filter Plant l60,000.00 Yard Piping - 10,000.00 Grading and Filling 52000.00 . - 3l0,000.00 Contingencies 5% l5,500.00 Sub Total 325,500-00 Engineering l0% 32,500.00 Grand Tbtal . 5 353,000.00 We wooid estimate that Fiitor Plant should be constructed in l973?197h. The additional 000 plant would be needed in aboot . 4 more years. if the two are built at once, it is estimated a savings of $50, 000 would be made. Vi. Divdrsion 0am on Maroon Creek The cost of the diversion dam on Castle Creek in l965 was $22,100. The construction of the Haroon Creek would cost considerably more because the crest would be wider and the construction in a mora? difficolt locatiOns. Costs are escalating so we recommend you use $40,000 for the cost of the diversion dam. We wodld estimate this construction would be required in 8 years assuming the earth dam has been constructed on CaStlc Crock or that the low flow on Castle Creek or that the low flow on Castle Creek does not drop below 16 MED Flow measurements in the future will help decide the timing. .- Vil. Filter Plant 0n Haroon.Creek This new filter plant should be in two phases of 6 H00 each. The first phase should be constructed ta the same time as the diversion dam or l977 and is estimated to cost, at that time, about $600,000 for each 6 M00 plant. Vill.' The Estimated Cost of the Castle Creek dam in l965 was $790,000. The estimated cost of the Creek dam in l965 was $7?0,000. The Maroon Creek pipeline was estimated at $230,000. This runs from the Diversion dam to the_site of the filter plant as shown on our master plan drawing. The construction timing will deoedd upon how you out the mastor plan together. 'We estimate the cost figures will indrease from 3% to 0% per year.- 1x. Clearwell Storage at Castle Creek Filter ?lant. We recommend that the Cloarwell not be enlarged at Castle Crook because of lack of Space. Instead, we recommend that a 2 MG Concrete tank be constructcd on Rod Mountain with a l0? connecting water main from the power plant. 'This should be done in 1969wl970 or l97l depending upon the development of Rod mountain and other developments below the city. The reservoir is estimated to cost $175,000 and would delay the need for enlarging the filter plant. The 10? main is estimated O<~qnaubhm vanqu- uu- Pu-r? I-v? I whi? Maintain-Inwhim-u- aha-.1- wni?ho? I [Irv-trim. I .I f: an additiondi I -Fron the standpoint of water rights, we recommend the ?aroon Creek Earth Dam be coostructed eariy and tho water leased or exchanged From the standpoint of oniarging your treated water needs, we recommend that one ciarifier be added and than the main and 2 MG reservoir constructed on Red Mountain. Picase keep in mind that cost figures in this letter are only approximate and without the benefit of tieid work The shooid b5 reviewed every two to three years and also the plan of construction shouid be reviewed at the same time. i trust this is the information you require. Sincerely yours, Dale H. Rea, Consulting Engineer DHRferc