City of Aspen Evaluation of RAW WATER AVAILABILITY OCTOBER 1994 UPDATE Prepared by ENARTECH Inc. ul?ng Engineers and Hydrologisfs ASPEN002541 (HBAOO awavaas swouoaroud owvwao GNV HLMOHE) 9 OIHVNEOS 9 OIHVNHOS Nouwnms OIHVNEOS 9 OIHVNBOS NOILWDWIS a OIUVNEIOS omvwaas Nou?rmms asn 331w ZSSL 1vn10v Nom?nws Nouwnms 8i. NOILVDIBE aawaumn H3380 EITLSVO SNOISBEIAICI 0131:! TISM WDWINIW 01 318Vl0d NI SBOVLHOHS d0 6 Ade?S Ni tr . 83.10838 SNEHOJJNOW swarm 9 mawmvuv . 9 9 1N3 WHOVLLV t? .LNEIWHOVLLV 1 .LNEWHOVLLV 9 ?17 EWQVL 8 318W. 3 318W. . NOILVCINEIWWOOEIH 6 AGDLS 8 SNOISITIONOO CINV :10 BTEVJ. SUMMARY This report summarizes the results of a raw water availability study completed for the City of Aspen. The study updates long-term water supply projections for the City that were made ten years ago. in 1984. The updated estimates of water availability differ from the 1984 projections in response to several factors, including: 0 updated water demand forecasts; - improved stream flow estimates resulting from limited on-site monitoring; and 0 revised operational policies, including a desire to maintain ?ow conditions. BACKGROUND Potable water supplies for the City of Aspen are diverted at intake facilities located on Castle Creek and Maroon Creek. in addition, a well field located adlacent to the City is used to provide potable water supplies on a periodic basis. The City also diverts untreated irrigation water through multiple ditch facilities located on Castle Creek, Maroon Creek and the Roaring Fork River. Maroon Creek water that is not diverted tor potable use is available to supply a hydroelectric facility owned and operated by the City. A detailed description of City facilities is provided in the 1984 Raw Water Supply Update prepared Sheaffer and Roland, inc. The Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) has obtained flow water rights for many local streams, including Castle Creek and Maroon Creek. Theserights are decreed for the minimum amount of stream ?ow that has been determined to be necessary to ?protect the environment to a reasonable degree?. Water rights owned by the City are typically senior to the instream ?ow water rights, and the City may legally deplete stream flow to an amount less than the instream ?ow rights. However, the City desires to protect the environment below all diversion facilities, and has adopted a policy to bypass sufficient water to maintain the junior flow rights of all City facilities. The purpose of this study is to assess long-term raw water supplies available for the City? 3 use. As a part of this updated study, a detailed computer model was developed to simulate long-term operation of the City of Aspen?s water supply facilities. Facilities simulated by the model include the Castle Creek, Maroon Creek and Hunter Creek raw water intakes, the Maroon Creek Hydroelectric Plant, and untreated irrigation diversions from Castle Creek and Maroon Creek. The model simulates daily operation of these facilities for a 23-year historic study period from 1970 through 1992. Stream ?ow upstream and of City intake facilities is also simulated on a daily basis. CONCLUSIONS Water availability typically ekceeds the combined demands of the City, instream flows and other water users on Castle Creek, Maroon Creek and the Roaring Fork River. Stream flow commonly remains greater ASPEN002543 than the CWCB instream ?ow rights following diversions by the City and other locai water users. However, during infrequent dry periods, stream flow may not be great enough to meet existing City demands, and at the same time maintain desired instream ?ow conditions below the intake facilities. Simulation results indicate that with existing municipal demands. shortages in potable water supplies may be expected in the winter months of three out of the 23 years studied. As future development results in larger municipal demands. the amount of dry year potable shortages will increase, and the frequency of shortages may also increase. Potential snowmaking demands from Maroon Creek could also significantly Increase the frequency and magnitude of water supply shortages. Shortages of untreated irrigation supplies may occur more frequently. On Castie Creek, it is estimated that shortages of irrigation water could occur in the fate summer months in 9 out of the 23?years studied. Availability of irrigation supplies could be further reduced as future development increases the amount of water diverted for potable supply. A more detailed description of study results, and the simulation model are provided below. ASPEN002544 MODEL A computer model of the City?s integrated diversion system has been developed to simulate tong-term water availability. The operation of this integrated system is complex and many factors that affect the City's diversions are not completely understood. For example, the amount of stream ?ow occurring at the primary intake facilities on Castle Creek and Maroon Creek has not been historically measured. As a result. estimates of the amount of stream flow occurring at the diversion sites have been made. Many other critical estimates and assumptions have been used in the simulation efforts, including assumptions regarding the timing and amount of the City's future water demands. These estimates and assumptions significantly influence the results and conclusions of the water availability simulation. Users of the City/s water system rely on a dependable year-round supply of water, even during critical drought periods. As a result, it is important that the amount ?of water available to the City is not overestimated or and that interruptions in water supply do not occur. Accordingly, several conservative assumptions and estimates have been applied in the simulation model, particularly for those issues that are not well understood (such as stream ?ow during drought periods). Data collection has been initiated to improve the accuracy of the estimates and assumptions used in the model. As additional data and information becomes available. the evaluation of water availability should be periodically updated in order to improve the accuracy of water supply forecasts. A partial printout of the simulation model, for one year of simulation, is presented in Attachment 1. A general description of the operation of the model, and the primary assumptions used in the model, occurs below. SIMULATION PERIOD i The model simulates daily operation of City facilities for a 23-year historic period extending from the 1970 water year through the 1992 water year. This period coincides with the historic operation of US. Geological Survey (USGS) streamgages in the upper Castle Creek and Maroon Creek watersheds. The study period is generally representative of long-term conditions and contains some of the driest as well as the wettest individual years that have occurred within the last century. However, the study period does not i contain a worst-case consecutive dry year period such as that which occurred in the 1950?s. STREAM FLOW PROJECTIONS Stream flow gaging has not occurred at the primary City diversion facilities on Castle Creek and Maroon Creek. Gaging sites are located a considerable distance upstream of the facilities and are not accurate indicators of water availability at the diversion sites. ASPEN002545 Measurements of stream ?ow at the intake facilities. and at the upstream USGS stream gages, were periodically made during the winter of 1994 in order to better define the relationship between stream tlow occurring at these sites. These measurements were made jointly for the City of Aspen and for the Aspen Highlands Ski Company. The measurements were made during an above average baseflow period. following one of the wettest years In recent history. An additional Castle Creek measurement was made during early October of 1994. A summary of the discharge measurements occurs in Table 1. The measurements reflect a large amount of variability, even during the winter base?ow period. On Castle Creek, stream flow at the City intake averaged about 270% of the tlow occurring at the upstream gage. Discharge at this location varied between 229% and 330% of stream flow at the upstream site. Given the variability of the measurements, and the wetter than average nature of the period monitored, Castle Creek stream ?ow has been conservatively estimated to be 238% of the upstream USGS gage data. TABLE 1 STREAMFLOW MONITORING RESULTS DATE CASTLE CREEK MAROON CREEK Above intake USGS Gage of uses Above intake USGS Gage of USGS 26-Jan-94 35.9 12.4 290% 27.0 06?Feb?94 38.6 11.8 327% 32.8 20.8 158% 11-Feb-94 33.5 13.9 241% 28.3 18-Feb-94 35.? 31.1 25-Feb-94 32.5 11.2 290% 24.3 04-Mar-94 35.? 13.5 264% 31.0 11-Mar-94 33.4 14.4 232% 28.5 17-Mar-94 30.6 11.7 262% 26.? 04-00184 49.5 21.6 229% Average 34.5 12.7 267% 28.7 20.8 158% Maroon Creek streamtlow was measured to closely coincide with Castle Creek discharge. One measurement determined the discharge at the intake to be 158% of ?ow at the upstream USGS gage on Maroon Creek. This measurement coincided with at Castle Creek discharge that was greater than average in relation to the USGS gage (327% of-the Castle Creek USGS gage). The watershed area at the Maroon Creek intake is about 118% of the area at the upstream gage. For purposes of this study, stream flow at . the Maroon Creek intake is estimated to be 125% of the flow at the Maroon Creek USGS Gage. Willow Creek is an important non-gaged tributary that in?uences stream flow of lower Maroon Creek. The area of the Willow Creek watershed is approximately 37% of the area at the upstream Maroon Creek gage. and the watershed is of similar aspect and elevation. Accordingly. Willow Creek inflow is estimated to be 35% of the flow at the Maroon Creek gage. An exception to this assumption is the July through October ASPEN002546 period when it is assumed that upstream irrigation diversions on Willow Creek totally deplete the flow of this tributary. Stream flow occurring during critical drought periods has not been measured at the City intake facilities on either Castle Creek or Maroon Creek. If actual dry year discharge is iess than projected above, the amount of water available for diversion by the City may have been overestimated in this study. FLOW The stream fiow that exceeds the CWCB instream ?ow rights is assumed to be available for diversion. The instream flow right for Castle Creek is t2 cubic feet per second (cfs), 14 ofs for Maroon Creek, and 32 tor the Roaring Fork River. The model can be operated to either it) maintain the instream ?ow right beiow City diversion facilities, or (2) maintain instream ?ow rights below City facilities a_nd beiow diversion facilities operated by other parties. The latter method of operation (which was used in this study) can result in an increased bypass at City facilities in order to maintain instream ?ow conditions below a diversion structure. it is assumed that the instream flow rights represent a rate of stream ?ow adequate to protect the environment to a reasonable degree at and of the intake facilities on lower Castte Creek and lower Maroon Creek. it the CWCB quantified these instream flow values at sites upstream of the City intake structures (where the stream channel and amount of natural stream flow is smaiier), the instream flow rights may underestimate the amount of water desired to maintain environmental conditions. If the instream ?ow bypass rates desired for environmental purposes are greater than those identified by the CWCB, the amount of water available for City use would be decreased. OPERATION OF FACILITIES The City facilities are operated in accordance with the following priorities. The purpose of this method of operation is to optimize water supply at the City?s intake and to maximize instream ?ow conditions. This priority of operation may not conform with actual historic practices of the City, but represents an increased efficiency of operation. Potable Water Supplies. Potabie water demands are first supplied by available water from Castie Creek. All stream ?ow that exceeds the instream ?ow bypass requirements Is avaiiabie for diversion. This operation maximizes water available for hydroelectric use on Maroon Creek. Maroon Creek is only used for potable purposes if insufficient supply is availabie from Castle Creek. The existing weil field is only used when potable demands cannot be supplied by combined diversions from Castle Creek and Maroon Creek. ASPEN002547 The above method of operation optimizes available water supply. but may not be possible with the design of existing diversion facilities operated by the City. The City cannot currentty ?uctuate the rate of diversion from Castle Creek and Maroon Creek in response to rapidly changing stream flow conditions. instead, the gated diversion structures are typically set to divert a constant amount of flow. The rate of diversion must be manually adjusted. With manual operation of diversion facilities, water in excess of instream requirements may be bypassed whenever stream ?ow increases or ?uctuates significantly. Accordingly, this study may significantly overestimate the amount of raw water available for diversion with existing intake facilities. untreated Irrigation Supplies. Untreated irrigation demands are supplied after water is made available for potable uses. It inadequate supplies are available for instream flow and potable uses. untreated irrigation supplies are curtailed. Irrigation demands were derived from the 3984 Flaw Water Supply Study. Hydroelectric Supply. All Maroon Creek stream flow not used for potable supply. which is excess to instream flow requirements, is delivered to the hydroelectric facility. A capacity of approximately 60 is assumed for the hydro facility. Depletions by Other Water Users. it is assumed that diversions below the City facilities will be made by private parties on Castle Creek and Maroon Creek. On Castle Creek, irrigation season diversions are estimated to be i cts. On Maroon Creek, irrigation season diversions are estimated to be t2 cis, and winter diversions are estimated to 2 cfs. Water used by Aspen Highlands is delivered via the City?s Maroon Creek pipeline, and is assumed to be a component of the City/s potable water demands in this study. POTABLE SYSTEM DEMANDS Potable water demands have been estimated for seven different development scenarios. These scenarios are intended to reflect a range in potential water demands in the near future. Appendix A contains a detailed description of the growth and demand protections. This appendix is documented in a separate volume. Water demand projections are based on an analysis of water production and diversion records, customer service data on trends in ?Equivalent Capacity Units,? and development estimates incorporated in the Aspen Area Community Plan. The analysis was prepared by the Aspen Water Department and updates a previous analysis contained in the 1984 Flaw Water Supply Update. in addition to existing conditions in 1992, the water demand projections evaluate six water use scenarios which range from providing water service for anticipated growth and development within the Aspen corporate limits to provisions of water service for the entire Aspen Metro Area as analyzed in the Aspen Area Community Pian. Water demand in each scenario is-projected through 2010, or 16 years in the future. A brief description of each demand scenario occurs below. Projected average peak weekly and peak daily demands are displayed in the simulation summary for each scenario (Attachments 2 through 8). Additional information regarding the development of the demand scenarios is available from the Aspen Water Department. ASPEN002548 1992 Actual. This demand scenario re?ects actual raw water demands thatoccurred in 1992. Scenario 1 - 1994 Development. This is the level of development existing within the City?s service area in 1994. No future growth in demand within the City?sexisting service areas or expansion ofservlce is projected. It is provided as a base condition against which existing water demands can be evaluated. Scenario 2 - Buildout in Citv and Annexed Areas. This scenario includes the water use potential from continued development of residential, lodge, and commercial development within the City and areas proposed to be annexed. it assumes no further development is connected to the system outside the City limits. Based upon expected buildout over a 16-year period, this represents an anticipated 2% growth rate in potabie water use potential. Scenario 3 - Bujidout In City And Existing Service Areas. in addition to the growth in demand anticipated within the City as described in Scenario 2, this scenario assumes buildout occurs within existing water service areas located outside the City, consistent with the terms and conditions of water service agreements. A major difference in this scenario, when compared to buildout within the City only, is the anticipated development ievei anticipated with ccmpietion of the Maroon Creek Ranch and associated agreements with Water Service Area Water Service Area 6 in located primarily outside the City in the area west of Maroon Creek. Boildout under this scenario anticipates a 2.5% annual growth rate in terms of water use potential. Scenario 4 - Service To Adioinino. Fullv Developed Areas. in addition to growth in water use potential associated with buildout within the City and existing water service areas, this scenario includes extension of water service to adjoining developed areas which have expressed a level of interest in connection to the City System as a result of existing water supply. or water quality problems. Under this scenario, service would be extended to Starwood, Whitehorse Springs, West Buttermilk and areas immediately adjoining Eagle Pines and the base of Buttermilk. This scenario anticipates an overaii growth rate of 2.7% per year in water use potential. Scenario 5 - Proposed New Water Service Agreements. in addition to growth in water use potential described in Scenario 4. this scenario assumes that existing requests for water service are approved by City Council. Significant projects included in this scenario include the Moore Property and the Hines- Highlands base development. The water use potential submitted with each application is assumed to be tuily utilized within the 16-year buildout period. This scenario anticipates a 3% per year growth rate in water use potential. Snowmaking and non-potable irrigation demands for the Hines-Highlands base deveioprnent were derived from estimates completed by Resource Engineering inc., and were added to the potable demands developed for Scenarios 5 and 6. ASPEN002549 Scenario 6 - Service For Bulldout Oi Entire Aspen Metropolitan Area. Scenario 6 assumes service to all remaining inventorled undeveioped parceis in the Aspen Metro area as described in the Aspen Area Community Plan. This scenario represents an overall growth rate in water use potential of 3.8% per year. ASPEN00255O STUDY RESULTS The simulation model has been to assess water for the seven demand scenarios previousiy described. A summary of simulation results occurs below and in Attachments 2 through 8. POTABLE WATER SUPPLY Simulation results indicate that water availability is typically greater than combined instream ?ow demands, potable demands, and irrigation demands. However, during infrequent dry periods, demands exceed water availability and shortages are projected. The shortages typically occur in the baseflow period (winter months) iciiowing dry years. when potable demand cannot be satisfied by diversions from Castle Creek, Maroon Creek and the well fieid. With the 1992 demand scenario shortages are estimated to occur in 3 out of the 23 years studied (T abie 2). As potable demand increases, the frequency and magnitude of potentiai shortages will increase. For Scenarios 5 and 6. shortages are protected for 10 out of 23 years. The maximum shortage is projected to . increase from 40 acre feet per year for the 1992 Actual Scenario. to over 850 acre feet for Scenario 6. The increase in potable demand is a significant factor contributing to increased shortages. However, the increased snowmaking demand for Aspen Highlands in Scenarios 5 and 6, also contributes to the increased deficit. TME2 snonrAees IN POTABLE WATER SUPPLY (ACRE FEET) WATER 1992 SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO YEAR ACTUAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 aonouooc OI (D 0310 01 (D A ?It 08 5?3 WHWE MAXIMUM 678 865 $33? gm 0.) 3. ASPEN002551 Timing of Deficits. Potable water supply deficits occur in the winter base?ow period. Potable shortages are not estimated to occur during the summer irrigation season. The Simulated distribution of potable shortages tor the 1978 water year is depicted in Table 3. Shortages with a 1992 demand are simulated to be 10 acre feet in February and 15 acre feet in March. As demand increases, shortages also increase. and the duration of shortages is extended to include December and January. Additional snowmaking diversions (Scenarios 5 and 6) significantly increase the simulated shortages, and cause a potable deficit in the month of November. Peak Water Use. The greatest water supply deficits are estimated to occur during days of peak demand and water use. These peak days typically occur during short duration peak occupancy periods of the ski season. However, shortages in potable supply are not confined to these peak water use periods. Shortages are also simulated to occur during periods of average demand in all of the demand scenarios that were evaluated. TABLE 3 DISTRIBUTION OF SHORTAGES IN POTABLE SUPPLY 1973 WATER YEAR (ACRE FEET) 1992 SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO MONTH ACTUAL . OCTOBER 0 0 NOVEMBER 0 0 29 39 DECEMBER 0 37 SS 76 233 290 JANUARY 0 51 79 as 107 :50 FEBRUARY 1e :3 105 129 137 145 181 MARCH 15 40 143 :77 :37 161 204 APRIL JUNE 0 0 JULY 0 0 AUGUST 0 0 SEPTEMBER 0 ANNUAL 25 58 340 452 491 673 355 WELL FIELD DIVERSIONS Well field diversions have also been simulated by the model. in the model, diversionsby the well (laid occur only when potable demand cannot be Satisfied by combined diversions from Castle Creek and Maroon Creek. The diversions represent the minimum weii field withdrawals possible. The minimum well field diversions are illustrated In Table 4. 10 ASPEN002552 With the 1992 demand scenario, well field diversions are estimated to totat a maximum of 330 acre feet in the t978 water year. if additional well field capacity was developed to satisfy the potable shortages of 25 acre feet for this year (Table 1), total well field diversions for the 1978 year would be approximately 355 acre feet. increased potable demand significantly increases potential well field withdrawals able 4). in Scenario 6, 1978 ground water diversions are simulated to be 627'acre feet (Table 4), with a remaining 865 acre foot deficit in potable supply. If ground water supplies were developed to satisfy the potable deficit, total well depletions for Scenario 6 would be about 1,500 acre feet for the 1978 water year. TABLE 4 MINIMUM WELL FIELD (ACRE WATER 1992 SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO YEAR ACTUAL ?i 2 3 4 5 6 1970 0 0 0 0 1971 0 0 0 0 0 1972 1973 1974 78 85 111 113 115 111 117 1975 1976 0 2 3 4 3 4 1977 271 294 485 513 520 498 525 1978 330 392 582 595 599 616 627 1979 189 1980 1981 1982 84 95 149 163 169 152 170 1983 1984 1985 0 0 0 0 0 0 1985 1987 0 0 0 0 0 1988 0 0 0 0 0 1989 1990 95 110 180 190 194 201 216 1991 1992 AVERAGE MAXIMUM 330 392 582 595 599 616 627 At this time, the affect of ground water withdrawals on stream flow of the Roaring Fork River is not known. It is possible that ground water withdrawals will not significantly affect discharge of the Roaring Fork River during the basefiow period. It is also possible that increased use of ground water in the future could result in a reduction of stream flow of the Roaring Fork River during baseiiow periods when stream flow is less than the desired instream flow conditions. 11 ASPEN002553 UNTREATED IRRIGATION WATER SUPPLIES The City diverts water from several irrigation ditches to supply irrigation water to open space areas. parks and golf courses. Estimated demands for this irrigation use have been derived from the 1984 Fiaw Water Supply study completed for the City. Model results Indicate that shortages of untreated irrigation supplies will occur on a regular basis. Shortages can be expected on Castle Creek. Maroon Creek and the Roaring Fork River. The largest irrigation supply delicits occur on Castle Creek, where the City?s demand for irrigation water ls greatest. ln critically dry years, deficits occur during the mid to late summer months (July through October). in less dry years. deficits are confined to the end of the irrigation season (September and October). As outlined in Tabie 5, Castle Creek irrigation deficits are estimated to occur in 8' out of the 23 years studied for the 1992 demand scenario. The magnitude of these potentiai shortages is Significant, and is greatest in the 1977 water year when a deficit of 975 acre feet is projected. The amount of the potential irrigation supply deficit is larger with increasing demand, although the frequency Of the deficit Is not significantly changed. In Scenario 6, an untreated irrigation deficit of 1,636 acre feet is projected for the 19?? water yeah TABLE 5 CASTLE CREEK - 01591017 OF UNTREATED WATER (ACRE FEED WATER 1992 SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO YEAR ACTUAL 1970 0 0 0 0 0 0 1971 1972 1973 0 0 0 0 0 0 1974 204 215 251 303 312 290 325 1975 194 205 252 254 255 251 259 1975 0 0 0 0 0 0 1977 975 1044 1355 1442 1473 1504 1535 1975 457 455 515 .529 535 541 554 1979 232 237 250 259 272 257 250 1950 0 0 0 0 0 0 1951 0 1 2 3 2 5 1952 1953 1954 1955 1955 1957 0 0 0 0 0 0 1955 1959 1990 55 71 105 121 125 105 127 1991 0 0 0 0 0 0 1992 AVERAGE 95 103 127 134 135 135 145 MAXIMUM 975 1044 1355 1442 1473 1504 1535 12 ASPEN002554 Untreated water demands used in the model can be significant. particularly for Castle Creek where a demand of 26 is assumed. This Is a realistic estimate for initial planning purposes. however, the City is currently evaluating irrigation water use from Castle Creek on a more detailed level. if the water demand estimates vary significantly from those used in this study, it may be desirable to update this evaluation of raw water availability. HYDHOPOWER PRODUCTION Hydropower production has been simulated for each demand scenario. All Maroon Creek stream flow not 5 required to meet flow demands. or potable demands (including snewmaking), is routed to the hydroelectric facility. Annual production averages about 2,150,000 KWH for most demand scenarios. Power output does not vary greatly between demand scenarios as the majority of the production occurs during the spring and summer months. During these months, stream ?ow often exceeds the capacity of the plant. Simulated power production for each scenario is illustrated in Attachments 2 through 8. 13 ASPEN002555 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on this updated study, and upon the simulation results, we offer the following preliminary recommendations. Stream Flow Monitorind and Diversion in order to optimize operation of diversion facilities, and reduce potable deficits, streamfiow at the Castle Creek and Maroon Creek intakes must be monitored on a continuous basis during low flow periods. Currently, the City cannot respond to ?uctuating stream flow conditions such as those encountered during the basefiow period last winter. Without monitoring, the City may at times bypass more water than the desired instream flow, increasing the magnitude of potable water supply shortages. At othertimes, the City may bypass too littie water, adversely affecting instream ?ow conditions. The City should consider redesigning the intake structures on both Castle Creek and Maroon Creek. An improved intake facility would divert the entire ?ow of the stream during low flow periods. Required instream flow bypasses would be accurately measured and returned to the stream via a controlled outiet facility immediately below the intake. All remaining water would be available for diversion by the City. This improved design would ensure continual maintenance of instream flow conditions, and would optimize water available for potable diversion. Without improvements such as those identified above, the raw water supply available to the City may be significantly less than estimated in this study, particularly during critical low flow periods. Monitoring of stream ?ow will also provide improved information regarding the amount of stream flow occurring during critical low flow periods. With additional monitoring, more accurate estimates of long- term water availability can be developed in the future. Well Field /Ground Water Withdrawals The enlargement of the City? 3 well field may be an appropriate solution to existing and future potable water supply deficits. However, the City should initiate a ground water study to evaiuate the affect of existing and future pumping on stream flow of the Roaring Fork River. Stream flow of the river adjacent to the town is currently less than the CWCB instream flow during low flow periods of many years. If ground water withdrawals are projected to further reduce stream flow of the river, the City may wish to consider alternate water sources to alleviate projected water supply shortages. Assessment of Irrigation Demands Significant irrigation deficits have been identified by this initial study. The City?s irrigation demands, particularly for Castle Creek, are currently being reviewed and updated. if irrigation demands vary i4 ASPEN002556 significantly from those used in this study, the evaluation of raw water availability should be updated. it may be possible to reduce irrigation deficits through improved irrigation efficiency and water use practices. However, changes in irrigation practices could reduce base tlow period recharge and affect stream flow of Castle Creek, Maroon Creek and the Roaring Fork Fiivers. Potential changes in recharge should be evaluated in conjunction with any assessment of irrigation use. water Quaiity it is our understanding that during certain times of the year, the City diverts potable water from Maroon Creek, instead of Castle Creek, because of water quality considerations. This issue should be evaluated. If it is possible to continue to use Castle Creek water, the amount of Maroon Creek water available for hydropower production may increase. Flow Evaluation The instream ?ow conditions associated with the CWCB water rights may not represent a minimum ?ow necessary to protect or maintain aquatic habitat to a reasonable degree. if' the instream ?ow recommendations were developed at sites significantly upstream of the City intake facilities (where the stream channel is smaller in size), the recommendations may underestimate desired stream ?ow conditions. A similar situation occurred on Snowmass Creek where the CWCB recently increased instream - ?ow recommendations for the lower segment of the stream. The City may wish to pursue independent evaluations to determine ?ow conditions that represent desired environmentai conditions. 15 ASPEN002557 ATTACHMENT 1 SIMULATION MODEL ASPEN002558 26?Sop-94 SIMULATION OF RAW WATER AVAILABILITY CITY OF ASPEN PERIOD Fncless You) MUNICIPAL DIVERSIOH CAPACITY msTnEm FLOW POTABLE SYSTEM DEMAND (UGO) ET 1 AVERAGE mommy SIMULATION OPTIONS You Can. emu4.125 Jul a 7.340 Start 1992 Maroon Oak 1 Maroon CI: 27 of: Maroon Crook 14 ch Fob 34750 Aug 4.951 End 1332 Wol 1 Maroon Ck (Hydro) 45 ch Humor Crook 15 all Mar 5 317? Sop r? 4.051 Initiate 1 Hunur Cruk 0 Wall Hold 2 ch Roaring Folk 32 ch Apr :4 2395 Oct 1: 3.164 Homing Font am a Hunter Creek 4.01 5 Nov a use Diuhugo Gallium?: 111030! Gino} Roaring Fol'k Rim! 0 oh Jun 5.068 Doc :2 4.110 Cad. Ck Moon Ck Ck HIGHLANDS PIPEIJHE DEMAND (CF81 H5160 Piarl. Ef?cioncy 05% OPERATION OF BYPASS *3 2 MUM WEEK 0a: 210% 125% 0% SENIOR JJMOH Jon I 4.033 #3 7.193 New 230% 125% 35% Jan a 1 UPSTREAM DEPLETIOM 1 a Bypnu Ingram Flow at Inuku Only Fob a 3.903 Aug -. 6.091 Doc 230% 125% 35% Fob =1 1 Hor?ak th (Ma-roan} 9.3 d: 2 Maintain Inaturn Flow bodow Mar 2: 3.766 Sop 2 416-66 Jan 230% 125% 35% Mat 1: 1 Outta Creek 0 on NI Downtuurn Ohm-Iona Apr a 3.511 04:1 2 3.992 -b 125% 35% Aw - 1 Hunt-u Ck 18 ch May a 6.1m Now a 4.066 Mu 23035 125% 35% May 1 Houdng Fk Malian) 35 all Ju'l a 6.978 Doc a: 4.441 210% 125% 3516 r. 1 0 UNTREATED WATER mamas (CF31 MAXIMLM DAY May 30% 125% 35% Jul at 1 DEPLETIOHB Jun ?so: Jul 7,835 126% 3595 Aug 1 Cacti. 1111955? 1 ch Cutie Ck Won 9: 26.0 Fob 4234 Aug a 81816 Jul 230% 125% 0% Sop n: 1 0 Cast? Crook 0 ch Maroon Ck Irrigo?on 2.0 ?or I: 4.016 30p :1 5116 Aug 230Maroon Chok Irrigation 12 ch Hunt? 01: Im'ga?on a 0.0 Apt 4.016 0d a 4.416 50;) 230% 135% 0% NW r: 1 0 Moon Crook Win? 2 cf: Roaring Fk Irriga?on 0.0 May a 728? Nov 4.416 1 Don a 1 0 Humor emk Wu 0 d- Jun a 7.5g Du: . 4.91s. l?muh?on D: 1992 ACTUAL ASPEN002559 ASPEN00256O SHEET 2 SIMULATION OF AVAILABLE SUPPLY 20~Sup~94 SIMMTIONYEAR: 1992 SIWTION ID: I992 ACTUAL CASTLE CREEK 1411110011 1:113:11 01114211 110141111111 012:4: FIIVEFI 611311: Mid: Duwnnham City?n AvalLablu Downnvuam 0111'): Available time Dim Suniar OW Domndo 111011-0010 1111111014101 3001101319 Hyao Dmhomo Umraarn Samar-do Inowarn 14140110qu 1311011 Dmharqe andu lmlmarn Avaiabla Supply 0305 Gaga .Dwmn Demand 1111mm [Man-1:111 FIv-w 9110000 1mm- Supply Suppiv 0509 0.9? hill-110110 INon-Civ} How 0mm 5011011 0505 cam Urn-mono .41 1111010 111911?011: Fm 911mm: 91.10011 (duly. 14:11!) (ch) 1:141 1:111 14:11: 11:0. {ch} {010? ich} 1:111 (ch! {ch} 1cm [c1111 Ida] tch? Ich' Ida} 10 41.0 12 14 0.0 15.0 21.0 11.0 115 15 90 1.0 30.7 12 14 011 100.0 13.? 25.7 02 16 15 00 1.0 00.5 12 14 00 12.5 24.5 7.4 16 15 9.0 1.0 31.2 l2 14 0.0 11.2 230.0 11.2 230.0 10.0 22.0 7.0 16 15 11.0 10 12 14 0.0 20.? 7.7 16 15 2.0 1.0 30.5 12 14 0.0 7.5 10.5 1.7 10 15 9.3 1.0 001.11 0210.2 72 15 15 0.0 1.0 011.0 00.0 14 0.0 251.0 370?.0 14 0.0 20.0 25.0 119 15 1.0 00.5 14 0.0 22.5 22.5 75 15 10 121.5 14 0.0 22.5 22 5 70 15 1.0 05.3 14 0.0 21.0 21.3 0.11 15 10 050 I4 00 21.0 21.0 0 15 1.0 005 14 0.0 22.5 22.5 15 1.0 33.5 141 0.0 22.5 2221.0 21 3 0.9 15 1.0 04.0 14 0.0 200 20.0 a? 15 1.0 35.3 14 00 21.3 211.0 34.0 14 0.0 20.0 20.0 15 1.0 02.0 14 0.0 100 13.0 15 '01110 01001189410 Upwum 00001001an?, B?dih31.7 3? a 8 ?3 30-0171 18 31-04:! 17 C) 8 g! 9983;99:389888 hb?'mib I2 1 h. TH 0'0 0'0 0'0 0'0 009? 0'0! 0'0 0'l 0'0 01? 0'0 0'0 0'9 0'0 I13 0'0! 639' 0?9 0'0 150-?? 90"? 1-90-53 loo?93 0'0 0'0 0'0 0'0 3319 an: 0'0 0'1 00 $13 0'0 0'0 3'9 0'0 3'99 0'03 3'9 ?'79 0'0 0'0 0'0 0'0 38? 8'0'0 0'00 0'19 3?9 3'9 130?93 100 42 vac?ac too?L: 0'0 0'0 0'0 0'0 3010'0 0'0 0'0 {'10 0'99 013 0'0 0'0 0'0 0'0 3819 9'0'13 0'33 912 0'0 0'1 0'0 9'3 0'0 0'0 0'0 0'09 9'99 9?83 0'0 0'0 9'63 0'0 0'0 8" 0'0 9'09 9'93 9'0? 0'0 0' 0'0 012 0'0 0?0 0'7 0'0 ?99 I39 1'01. 012 0'0 0' I. 0'0 0'0? 0'0 0'0 0'0 0'90 1'99 0'98 0'0 0' 0'0 0'53 0'0 0'0 6'9 0'0 0'30 1369 0'010'97.- 6'93 8' 0'9" 0'38 0118'8? 8' 6'8" 6'38 300-8 1994: PO-zl. aoo~9L zoo?9:. loo?u loo?c; 130?81. 190- I. m?m I90 '60 :90 ?90 390-40 190-90 390 we ?90 - V0 loo?co :00 -ao i- 0'0 0'0 0'0 0'0 12:09 . 9 c- 0'0 0'0 0'0 0'0 Eff-?9 am 0'0 ?0'0 0'0 00 was ?.00 0'0 0'0 0'0 0'0 ?.03 ?903 (as; to?: ram uonv?ml 0?an mum MWJ ?quad ?mi oak-r punnun pcmnun ?mm WIN A tpumbm ?bmlguLm rot-N rue-nus :10 WAN $011930}ng OTWHECI W: twp) ?rap (-5 (-31 m? . pmoquuollma pumoq 10.5 mm ?1?an 2861. if]! 350! 3MA A'IddnS NOILVOOTW 8 1335-53 SHEET 4 STREAMFLOW AND DATA SUMMARY SIMULATION YEAR: 1992 SIMULATION ID: 1992 ACTUAL CASTLE CREEK DISCHARGQ MAROON CREEK DISCHARGE HUNTER CREEK DISCHAHQIROAHING FORK DISGHAHQLE SUMMARY OF SHOHTAGES Beiow Below Below Below Castle Ck Maroon Ck Hunter Ck Hoar ing Fk Date Above Beiow Above 9 elow Above Below Non City Above Below Non ~City Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated Potable Intake Intake Demand intake Intake Demand Intake Intake Demand Intake Intake Demand irrigation Irrigation Irrigation Irrigation Demands (c151 (c151 (C15) (c151 (cfs) (c191 tots) (11:15) (013} (1:13} _(915) (sis) {1313) {c131 (cts) (c191 01- 001 71.3 66.4 39.4 41.0 14.0 270.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 02-Oct 89.0 84.1 37.1 39.7 14.0 250.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 03?001 69.0 64.1 37.1 36.7 14.0 250.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 04-Oct 86.? 61.8 34.9 33.5 14.0 240.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 05?Oct 64.4 59.5 32.5 37.2 14.0 230.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 05?Oct 64.4 59.5 32.5 37.2 14.0 230.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 07?4001 62.1 57.2 30.2 36.0 14.0 220.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 06-Oct 59.3 54.9 27.9 34.7 14.0 200.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 09?Oct 57.5 52.6 25.6 33.5 14.0 19.5 0 0 7 7 7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10?Oct 57.5 52.6 25.6 33.5 14.0 190.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11?Oct 55.2 50.3 23.3 32.2 14.0 160.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12?Oct 55.2 50.3 23.3 32.2 14.0 16.2 0 0 0 .7 7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13-001 55.2 50.3 23.3 32.2 14.0 160.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14?Oct 52.9 48.0 21.0 31.0 14.0 170.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15~0ct 52.9 48.0 21.0 31.0 14.0 170.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15-Oct 50.6 45.7 45.7 39.0 14.0 390.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17?Oct 50.6 45.7 45.7 39.0 14.0 390.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18?Oct 48.3 43.4 43.4 37.9 14.0 370.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 19-Oct 46.3 43.4 43.4 37.3 14.0 370.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20-001 46.0 41.1 41.1 36.5 14.0 360.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21-Oct 46.0 41.1 41.1 36.5 14.0 360.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 22-Oct 43.? 38.6 36.6 35.3 14.0 350.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 23?Oct 43.7 36.6 36.6 35.3 14.0 3524~001 46.0 41.1 41.1 36.5 14.0 360.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25-Oct 46.0 39.6 39.6 36.5 14.0 360.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 26*061 43.7 37.5 37.5 35.3 14.0 350.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 27~Oct 41.4 35.2 35.2 34.0 14.0 340.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 28?Oct 43.7 37.5 37.5 35.3 14.0 350.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29?Oct 41.4 35.2 35.2 34.0 14.0 340.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30?Oct 41.4 35.2 35.2 34.0 14.0 340.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 31?Oct 39.1 32.3 32.3 32.6 14. 0 320.0 0.0 ASPEN002562 ATTACHMENT 2 SIMULATION SUMMARY, ACTUAL 1992 WATER USE ASPEN002563 25.3.9-? OF RAW 7' . CITY OF ASPEN ?1 I . FERIOD i FACILITIES IN USE (0 u. No, I You) MUNICIPAL DIVERSION CAPACITY INSTHEAM FLOW SYSTEM DEMAND If ET 1 AVERAGE 1-10va 5 .SIMULATIO OPTIONS I m: Coonloam Creek 12 ah: i Jan 2 4.12s Jul a: 1340? raw: 1932 Maroon Grin-k 1 Maroon Ck [Municipan 27 d: [Maroon Crack 1% d1: Fob 5.750 Aug 4.951 End 1992 We? Field 1 Maroon Ck de 45 as lHunIer Creek 15 d6 . Mar 3.474 Sop a: 4.051 . initialize 1 I Hunm Crack 0 Hold 2 cf: Hearing Fork 32 da Apr a 2.795 0d 11.164" Romng Fork ?'mr Hunbr Crook 3 cf: Well Field 0 do I Ma} 2 4.01?: Nov 2 3.799 iDlachargo (Suf?cient: (as. of uses Gag.) Floating Fork am: 0 1 Jun 5 358 Doc 4.110; I Cum Ck Maroon Ck Willow Ck HIWNDS 9JPEUNE DEMAND (OFS) Hyd?o 65?: OPERATION OF a 21 WIMUM WEEK Oct 2.10% 12.5% 0% 534108 JJNIOR i 4.033 Jul 7.1961 Nov 230% 125% 35% Jan 1 0 UPSTREAM DEPLETIONS 1 r? Elypuo lnatnam Flow Intakes Only . Feb 3.998 Aug a 6.6911 Doe 2303:: 1251a 35% Feb 1 0 Herrick {Maroon} 9.3 do 2 Maintain Inaumm Flow bolow - - 338-6 519 4.661ng 1 Jan 230% 115% 35% Mar 2 1 0 Cash Crock 0 do All Dmrmom: Apr 3.541 Oat 3992' 230% 125% 35% Apt 1: 1 0 Hunter CR 16 cf: May a: 6.833 4 065'; Mar 230% 35-7?; May 1 Romng Fk 1541mm 35311: Jun 6.9?6 Doc 4.441 Apr 230% 125% 3591': 1.1m 1 0 UNTREATED WATER DEMANDS (CFS) . MAXIMUM DAY 1 1' May name 125% 35% .141 a 1 nowns?mau UEPLETIONS 4 .hl 7.335; 1 Jul 230% 125% 3511?: Aug 2: 1 iC-uot}: Crock Imgabon 1 ch Castle Ck lmgalion :7 26.0 Feb 4234 Aug - 6 B16i obi 230% 125% 09631509 2 1 0 Caulk Crook Wlmu 0 {:15 Maroon Ck hignhon 2: 2 01' Mar 4.016 5w r: 5.116 Aug 230% 1251': 0% at 1 0 Maroon Crook Irrigauon 12 c111 Hunter Ck lmgation 0.01 Apr 4.016 0c: 4,416}: Sep 340% 125% 0% 1 0 {Maroon Cuak Win18! 2 da Floating Fk irrigation 0.0: May 7234 Nov 4.4162 I 1 0 JHunlz-r Clock Irrigation 0 d5 .Un 1.526 Dec 7? 4.31% iSImulahanJD: 1992ACTUAL SUMMAHY OF SIMULATED SHOHTAGES IN POTABLE SUPPLY (ACRE J: 5? Augunt 5301mm)? 3: 3 Want Yuri Octobort Nowmborl Deco mbor .hnuary Fobluary March 1970 I 1371 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1375 1979 1330 i 1 00000000 0001507qu .4 0 .4 0 0000000000 0 0000 1982 1983 1984 1935 1956 1961' 1938 1389 1990 1991 1992 00 3? 00 0' o' 00000000000309000000 .- 23! 00000000000000000000000 0000000009000000000000 00000000000000 :r Average 0 1mnmum ASPEN002564 SUMMARY OF WELL FIELD UIVEHSJONS (.4an FEET) i 1 Wan-mm hv-cernbor: January February: Apnl Ma? 01110! July - AuguotlSq-ptarnbo? Annua? . 1 I 1 - 197019711972197019741975 00sol 1970 1977l 94- 100 1111 2711 19700001 19791 50501 1900i 1901 1902 1990 011 1904 01905 1900 1907 1990 1909 1990 271991 1992 Awmgo Maximum 00 0; 12 07 95 1201 1 9 0 04f 100 111 000 Minimum SUMMARY OF 717090901920 PRODUCTION (KWH) WatorYw OctoborlNowmbor Documbcr January Fobruasy.? March April! May Juno July AugustSeptemb-er? Annual 1970 191070 140202 09204 55405 09740 02470 20000 259090 055999 007004 050154 019524> 2920041 1971 249154 190702 120290 04502 50095 32150 970001 200079 055909 007004 007509 201072 24195m 1972 179292 109404 101050 07000 2mm 20007 44710 245201 055909 057092 252010 172440 1900000 1970 109999j 150470 00004 40415 7900 0270 21012 210150 055909 007004 000000 240090 2000405 1974 11 3933 8-3020 5&1 41$ 21 651 1 050? 26737; 327541 355939 367304 252304 999521 1928356 1975 120019 .- 127200 97410 47957 27072 19091 4457; 11 0421 049100 007004 000052 245200 1077000 1970 100921 3 117900 72552 00490 20745 10407 50720: 250107 055909 007004 011000 100170 1945109 1977 100509 102721 07947 37791 2490 0 10115r 200902 044540 152942 70025 25900 11901 00 1970 25770i 20055 1742 0 0 0 110001 135905 055909 007004 000501 1051151 1420004. 1979 110094 07490 49197 4457 0 0 9552! 100040 055909 007004 007004 241020: 1755412: 1900 100700 101000 m0 42950 00004 40730 57700- 224050 055909 007004 007004 290400: 2090075 1901 215100' 141597 102950 50149 15200 9219 40215! 201295 055939 302009 225074 100770? 1977015 1902 144250] 114024 52550 10752 59429 24170 02250. 251501 055909 007004 007904 240000] 2100070 1990 000041; 190742 127920 94070 70957 5.1007 72074] 127004 055909 907004 007004 0200411 2494714 1904 257057E 20029 155935 110000 119750 102090 200047i 300440 055909 007004 007004 0559091 2905510 1900 0020021 259290 210941 177955 102407 110110 197550- 007004 055909 307004 007004 0094021 9250495 19001 200190: 225100 100000 111097 70719 70205 134404: 055759 055909 007004 007004 0559091 2070702 1907'] 052903; 255141 100500 90402 40400 39042 70970: 050050 055909 3573041 000400 2470291 2720649 1900. 170092E 147017 100559 101277 110504 152001 59-054i mm 055909 007004 291297 202054? 2010002} 1909] 100025] 100047 9mm 95010 92044 00079 900% 020190 055509- 007004 000009 104571_ 21244419: 1990? 101000E 90505 01700 12005 3702 197401 05509 124797 055909 007004 252025 120790; 1574940 1991 133565 I 93713 517?25 31193 248667 1.3482 8141? 201993 355939 367804 327921 246584; 1935165 1992 161513 119973 82089 48011 40744?, 20059 65399: 335526 355939 357304, 363232 245131 . @5530: . AW r090 1333?05 143714 94732 @574 45359? 437362 649951' 2471M 3551-48 35773?: M3372 2311'011 2157085 buxlmum . 362332- 259293 213941 11'7955 1324571 1 52581 2.36347 36?604 355839 3675104 1 367304: 355339 3253495' 1 Mmumi . 174,22 0 .21. A. .2 4173-. 110121 924549 1559421 706251 2599921179119! ASPEN002565 000 000 0000000000000000000 000 000 000 000 .m G00 000 000 owmo 0000000000000000000 a a 013 003 .A m. 000 000 0000000000000000000 000 .09?. 096 00000$000?$?O?m0000 (1an Hum) SEBVLUOHS aawaamn M3333 Moouvw do Aamwns 0-0IJIOIGIOIO. Olnw mlww?nw 00000 .JoqmmoN [10:10:90 . Mamqog unnum- 1. g] :1:an Km -. In A urcn? ludv Ivnuuv . (133:! H3380 FUENO :10 9611:1 069.1099 I000 3229m LSEL OBBL 686 999 996 I. 99m r??l B??l 896$ L961 .13 can L9 SLSL 52.51 0 DJ 0 8 mm 003-0! menu .1 0 0333000000 .- 901 ml .5 3 L. II) CD Cal 99L or: tel. :0 .4 52 31.6 11.6 I OLSI 9o?o000 a 004 E. qua-w mmqag nqopo mu 3 s. {wraquvI :oqtuaidns wn?ny 1 Amp a? a (133;! 33333 NOOHVW d0 am L9: :09 999 1329 1993 00: L9: 99?. 9.59 1:91: 91.: tantalum? 99;: say 969 999 I 009 um: Lat 668? ?91: 061OEHMV out LET: Lac asst 00? L38 166L L69 693 DGGL we m: w: 6961 009 {Qt ICC 9861 369 our: 9 ?09 36?- 066 81.8 BEE ?ll? 699 386 007 ?96 [3?8 :95; 389 . 368? 36!: we 593 363 355 996 9:69 am: 931.9 us 9999 999 6999 90s999 399 99%: 99:: 995 092: 99$: :99 Lac 9961. 001! ?15? 13? 9991. Slog 9105 9009 905? as: we mm 009 i 497: La 996!- w: LES 94L zeal - loot - .159 L39 9961 9939 669 9&3 999 93.: 1995 at: 009 9.51: 953 09m. 3999 [99: 669 969 99s - 92.: etc 6m as: 909 :99 608 GLSL 3199 me 663' 969 I999 i :53 [-203 we . 99?: .19: we L93 9951 L999 H13 Lee 199 I 99-; - 913 :9cc as: 2.96 out rec 568 um. 9969 .639 699 969 1'999:26; my last 959 969 . 999 5:9 etc 391: cm 19c 59?. sun 9299 w. 969 99; m- in99-; a 9st at: as: cor :91: :29 9291 9109 9m: .969 1999 c: sec 39:: cm .191: we net 9199 I999 :66? I969 {999 lim- _9 a [m as: as: 099 as: 13': mt nos .. '662'_ 15369 1'99; a .. A617: 1358 909 .39: 08': 9,16pnuuw? .uamoadoggpn?ny Apr: sounr- 'Anw tum; hamq? I Mwnw-f? ?qua-Mr; #00190 :90}.an (133:! 353% 311$?) :10 ATTACHMENT3 SIMULATION SUMMARY, SCENARI01 ASPEN002568 no? HAW CITY OF ASPEN I I I I JSIMULATION PERIOD FACIIJTIES IN USE (o No. 1 a You) MUNICIPAL CAPACITY INSTREAM FLOW POTABLE SYSTEM DEMAND . 2SH EET 1 AVERAGE i SIMULATION OPTIONS Your Cum emu 1 01:11th mm 25 9111 cm. arm 12 ch Jun 1: 4.499 .191 7.344 I 13m 1992 JMaI-oon Clock 1 Maroon Ck {Municipal} 2? ch Maroon Cu?: 14 do Fob 3.2139 Aug 5.349 iEnd 1992 Hold 1 hhrooh Ck (Hydro! 45 ch: Hunur Crook 15 do Ma: 3.748 Sup 4.313 I tnidalizo 1 Hunm Crook 0 Well Field 2 1:19 Roaring Fork 32 d1 Ap: .1011 Oct 3.412 Roms Fork 0 Humor Cluk 3 We" Held 0 do May =r 4.287 Nov 2 4.100 Cocl?civnh of USES Gag.) Floating Fork Rm 0 ch Jun 6.2-1? Dee: :2 4.435 0.111119 Ch Mu?ocn Ck Willow Ck HIGHLANDS PIPEIJNE DEMAND (CF51 Hycro Plan! Ef?aoncy 85?; OPERATION OF BYPASS 2 MAXIMUM WEEK 01:! wee. 12519 0% SENIOR .IJNIOFI Jan 4.306 An I: 7.635 New 299% 125% 95229 Jan a 1 UPSTREAM 1 a gym. Inmam Flow at mum Onry 4.171 Aug a 9.591 0-: 230% 125% 35% Fab 1: 1 Herrick Ditch Maroon} 5.3 do 2 -- Mulnhin Imuum Flow below I Mar I: 4.064 $99 5.039 Jan 200% 135511 3.5% Mar 2 1 Curio Crack 0 d8 Alf Domatroam Dhom'ons Apr 2 3.320 4.306 "m 125% 95991.13 9 1 14191ka 19 do May a 1135 Nov a 4 339 Mar 230% 125% 35% May 1 0 Roanng Fk (Schwinn) 35 ch: 11.111 1-659 DH: 4.796 Apr 230% 12596 35% Am a 1 a WATER DEMANDS (CF31 MAXIMWI DAY ?by 230% 126% 35% a 1 ammonia 4 age a: 9.391 Jun 230% 125% 35% no 1 C9911. Crack 11119911911 1 do Caado Ck lr?gu?on 26.0 Fab Aug r- 7.3?0 91.11 230% 125% 0% up 1 0 Guam Clock Wmlor 0 d9 . Maroon Ck higa?on 2.0 Mar I: 4.335 599 5.527 Aus 230% 125% a a 1 0 Maroon CmIc 11119911911 1: Humor CII Imgnuon 0.0 Apr 4.335 01:: 4.169 Sup 2.10% 125% 0391191; -- 1 0 Maroon Gruk 2 do Roaring FR Irrigation 0.0 May 7.82.9 Nov 4,783 Doc .9 1 0 Humor Creek Imggyon 0 do . Jun .. 8.065 Doc 5.310 Srmulalion SCENARIO 1 SUMMARY OF SIMULATED SHOHTAGES IN POTABLE SUPPLY (ACRE FEET) Wat-r Your Odom Novombor 5mm January Mard'I Aprii May Jun, 991:1 Auguu: soptomb-rl Annual 1979 1971 9 1972 1973 a 1974 a 1975 0 0 0 0 0 0 1376 1977 1979 0 1a 40 53 1979 1399 9 1991 a 1992 4 52 9 56 1999 1994 a a 1365 0 0 0 0 0 0 1966 0 0 0 o. 0 0 1937 a 1938 0 0 0 . 1939 o[ 1990 24 4 9 29 1991 1992 a AveragMaximum ASPEN002569 SUMMARY OF WELL FIELD 01172111319913 FEET) 1191qu onmbq-r' ?January{ February! March: Apnii May? July! AuguatESupt-mb-or 11111191931979 1971 1972 1973 1974 951 1975 1979 1977 :19 1911 111 29.1 1979 99 9' :11292' 1979 52i 1999 1991 1992 195. 1999 1984 1995 1999 9 91 9 9 9 9 1937 1999 1999 1999 119 1991 1992 Avomgo Mmmum :19 199 111 392 Minimum SUMMARY OF HYDFIOPOWER PHODU CTION 091m Nowmbor Docombor January February Match April 111931 June My 29999119191111.1111 Annual 1970 1 908% 143232 39294 55465 33740 32476 22605 259330 355939 367004 3561 54 3135214 2320456 1971 243154 193732 120236 34532 56695 321 58 97630 230879 35533-9 397904 3187589 261 072 2419521 1972 179292 133464 101056 67033 23243 28337 44710 245281 355909 357392 25261 8 172446 1 960800 1973 189999 153470 83834 4-3415 7950 3273 21312 213150 355939 3187304 366863 24-6390 2063465 1974 177172 11 9993 33020 56146 21651 10507 26737 327541 355939 367004 231750 98078 1925270 1975 12081 8 127260 97410 47957 27372 1m 4457 110421 34-91 30 367804 363852 245203 1877833 1976 166393- 117900 72552 38496 20745 13467 50723 250107 355939 387004 311306 106939 194-3270 1977 165946 102595 67347 35701 1734 0 10115 200932 344543 151350 70825 25968 1185056 1978 25770 23367 1480 0 0 0 11993 195935 355933 367304 330561 103606 1421156 1379 110074 87499 49197 4347 0 0 9552 160340 355909 367004 3187304 241473 1754531 1900 159733 101808 59228 42950 38804 40504 57708 224050 355939 3671304 3167804 2804-35 209691 9 1981 215133 141597 102950 513149 .1 5233 9061 4021 5 2131295 3559.19 362333 225313 162750 1976067 1902 143423 114624 52410 10615 59429 24176 32253 251631 355939 1 367804 367804 345836 2134954 1903 330041 193742 127320 94573 70957 64307 72374 127804 1155939 367904 367004 320041 249471 4 1904- 257357 200229 155335 110303 113750 102090 236347 3160440 355909 367004 367804 355939 2985513 1905 3623112 259290 213941 177955 132487 116116 197556 367804 355909 367004 367504 335462 0258495- 1986 286190 225133 163660 111097 76713 76235? 134434 355758 35593-9 367604 367304 35593-9 2378762 1907 35296-3 25141 163533 96432 40406 39642 78970 353356 355939 367304 366433 247029 2720649 1900 173892 147817 100559 100987 112750 151330 59054 234904 355939 367004 291297 201289 2310421 1909 159531 155047 91537 34071 92406 30834 90929 320193 355909 357804 330005 163992 2239538 1990 130317 95535 2115-66 10569 23703 19740 35569 113-1797 355939 367604 251696 119007 1569742 1991 133565 96713 51725 30710 23970 11806 30977 201996 355939 367304 327921 2455-64 1931691 1992 16161 9 119978 82089 43011 40744 20059 65399 335526 355939 367804 363232 2-151 31 2205530 Avomga 193112 143696 94717 92993 ?15245 97217 64969 247192 955149 957704 929254 231299. 2155599 Manrnum 392332 259293 1 213941 177955 192997 191399 299947 397994 355939 357904 397994 955939 259495 2336? 7, 191 945172119121 344543 151350 .. ASPEN00257O m? m? mumU Owe 05%00 00 0 OOWWOOWOODOO . 0 m. w. .1 000 00000 00 000000000000 000 00000 00 0 000000000000 .. 000. a. .. W. 000 00000 00 000000000000 000 u; 000 00?00 00 000000000000 000 0 A m. . 000 00000 00 0 000000000000 w. 000 . 4 00? 00000 00 000000000000 1W ulrr 000 J: 3 . we. m_ 000 00000 00 000000000000 000 I. WW Bowl. 00000 00 .A 00000000000 .. .. .m .m Owe. 00000 00 0 000030000000 Oman sm0&6 OORDO 00 0000&00m0000 m. WE cum? 09600 00 (133d 380V) SEDVLH OHS GELETUNO 313380 311910 :10 1 SUMMARY OF CASTLE CREEK POTABLE DIVERSIONS (ACRE FEET) I I "w'uimr 'fw 00100411163419.1110.? 13060111047: Jammy February Mum} 16pm M614 Jam Juiy Rug-11113491416131 innudii 1' 1970 344 366 355 3651? 297 472 604 746 539 419! 1971 346 366 4ml 419 355 365! 297 472 604 746 539 419 5379 1972 . 346 366 43:1 419 355 365. 297 472 604 746 539 419 5379 1973 346 366 m! 419 355 365 297 472 604 746 539 419 5379 1974 336 366 432 419 355 365 297 472 604 746 455 65 4953 1976 260 336 432 419 355 363 297 472 60.1 746 539 419 5292 1976 339 366 432 419 355 365 297 472 604 746 539 349 5302 1977 316 360 43.1, 367 296 354; 297 472 604 614 416 306 4661 1976 206 . 363 396 954 231 200 290 472 604 746 539 256 4763 1979 :26 366 43: . 416 355 3661 297 472 604, 746 339 416 5357 1980 310 366 432 419 355 364 m7 472 604 746 539 419 5342 1991 946 366 43: 1 419 355 303 i 297 472 604 746 535 5253 1m 199 366 403 296 355 365 297 472 604 746 539 419 5066 1963 346 366 43;? 419 355 365 m7 460 604 746 539 419 5366 1994 346 336 m1 419 355 365 297 472 604 746 539 419 5379 1965 346 366 4m 1 419 355 365 297 472 604 746 539 419 5379 1906 346 366 432[ 419 355 365 297 472 604 746 539 419 5379 1967 346 396 419 355 365 297 472 504 746 539 419 5379 1960 346 366 4321 412 326 337 297 472 604 746 539 326 525 1969 246 366 423E 391 349 3165 297 472 604 746 533 394 5203 1990 292 346 420 312 329 365 297 472 604 746 516 292 5031 1991 346 366 432 412 322 306 264 472 604 746 539 419 5270 1992 346 366 432 419 355 365 297 472 604 746 539 419 5379 406129. 317 365 426 I 402 343 353 296 471 604 741 529 374 5243 Maximum 346 366 432 419 355 365 297 472 604 746 539 419 5379 Minimum 169 360 399 296 231 200 264 460 604 614 419 65 4153 SUMMARY OF MAROON CREEK POTABLE DIVERSIONS (ACRE FEET) ?1'44qu October November Doctmbor January February 11437011 April May Jun4 Juiy Augunt Septembvr Annuaj 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 252 341 1975 1976 1977 224 1979 153 166 1979 1960 1661 113 116 1962 144 161 1963 1964 1965 1966 1861966 154 19819 174 1990 209 1991 105 1992 Avorugo Maximum 144 252 341 Mmlmurn ASPEN002572 ATTACHMENT 4 SIMULATION SUMMARY, SCENARIO 2 ASPEN002573 SIWJEATIDN OF RAW .. . - ATER AVAILABILITY i1 13 Oct- 94 1 mm GITY 0F ASPEN 1. . 1 1 PERIOD FACIUTIES IN USE 10 0 No.1 1 MUNICIPAL 0111511510111 cmacm? 1 11457111211111 FLow POTABLE SYSTEM DEMAND 11-1601 1! ET 1 i AVERAGE . 1' 'rswu 1.1111011 011110113 . m: cm. (truck 1 10m. Crook 25 cm. Crook 12 0h 5.552 Jui 9096 i 1992 Maroon 1.1.41 1 IMNoon Ck Municipal] 27 1:1: [Moon End-1 10 d0 1 Feb 5.013 Aug 0.9571 End 1332 W0ll Field 1 Maroon Ck (Hydro) 45 015 [Hunter Creek 15 do 1 PM: 4,862 569 5 6831: lnl?alizt 1 Hunm Cruk 0 1w.? Fioid 2 01.1 Roaring Fork 4.419 Romng Fork River 0 {Hunm Crook 3 D10 Woll Fioid 0 do 1 May I: 5.391 NW 5.324 Diacimg. Cool?c?onta 1% 011.1565 Gag.) Homing Fork Hiwr 0 d: Jun :1 7 330 Dec 5787' Guano cx Maroon Ck 111110ka Him PIPEUNE DEMAND Hyco Pian: Ef?ciency 6591': OPERATION OF BYPASS 21 MAXIMUM WEEK . 001 230% 125% 091. SENIOR 40111108 1 .im 5141? Jul $1.664 Nov 230% 125% 35% Jain :1 1 .UPSTHEAM DEPLETIONS 1 Bypaealnzm?oam Fiow at lntakwn Only 1 Feb r: 5.233 AUG 8.5921 D0-: 210% 125% 35% Fob 1 0 Horrick Ditch (Marconi 9,3 d0 2 Maintain lnairoam Flow below MN 5.277 50p 05601 Jan 230% 121596 35% Mar =1 1 0 Castle Crook 0 01?: All D'Nomonc i Apr 4.956 01': 5.5991. Feb 230% 125% 35% Apr 1: 1 0 Hunter 5.705 1 Mar 230% 125% .1590 May 1 0 15510011119 Fk {thm?on} 35 d0 .1 Jun 9 ?124 0.2391. Apr 230% 125% 3591, Jan 1: 1 1 WATER DEMANDS (CFSJ 1' MAXIMUM DAY 1. May 200% 12511. 3591.141:? 1 1 Jan 5.916 0.11 100021 Jun 230% 125% 35% 1109 n: 1 Coon. Crock irrigation ?i d: Cauli- Ck irrigation 26.0; Fob 5.774 9 325? .hl 230% 125% 0% Sop 1 0 Cautlo Crook 0 d0 Maroon Ck higahon 2.01 Mar I: 5 834 Sop 7.2021: Aug 230% 125% 011100 a 1 0 Maroon Crook lmga?on 12 01: Humor on Irrigation a 0.0: Apr 5.534 0.2041 1 Sep 230% 125% 0% ?l 0 Maroon Crook Win10! 2 an Homng Fk 0.0: May 1: 10.051 Nov 6.204 ?90 a 1 0 Hunter Creek Irrigation 0 1 Jun a 10200, Dec -, 6.91711 . 1. Simulation ID: 3012111310 2 11! SUMMARY OF SMLATED SHOHTAGES 1N POTABLE SUPPLY (ACRE Wat? YIN Odobor Dmmba January! Fobruwy1 W311 April Mayl mini My Auguat Annual! 1970 1971 1373 0 0 01 0 1974 1975 0 1 01 0 1 1976 1977 1970 340 1379 0 0 0 0. 0 1900 0 0 o? 0 01 0 1901 1352 22 112 0 01 0 0 134 1903 1904 0 0 0- o. 0 1935 19011907 19011909 1990 1991 1992 Awragm Mmmum 0 0 :17 1121 1051 7 01 0 340 Minlmum ASPEN002574 1 SUMMARY OF WELL FIELD UNERSJONS (ACRE FEET) {11901.7 Year 00100041 Newmboti December! January ngtuary 114171571 Apnlf May 51.11101 .1211 Augu5t (September; Annuall 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 107' 111 1975 1975 1977 3 0] 0: 51 95 111. 0' 0 01 43 111 495 1979 90 1 112': 1231 115 123592 1979 1900 1991 1992 149 1993 1994 1995 1990 1997 1939 1959 1990 190 1991 1992 40.1991110191110111 117 111 532 Minimum SUMMARY OF HYDHOPOWEFI PRODUCTION (111111-11 ?1019er Octobor November Dwombu January Ftbwary March April May ?1104 .1111: Augtmt Annual 1970 190143 143332 99234 55455 33740 31510 22502 259390 355939 357004 355154 313524 2210724 1971 243154 193732 125235 94532 559315 92159 97090 230979 355939 307904 357599 201072 2419521 1972 17m 139494 1 01050 57093 23243 29317 44710 245291 355939 957392 25251 0 172445 1955990 1973 199999 153470 93994 43415 7999 7719 21312 219150 355939 357904 355953 249390 2052942 1974 174531 110933 93020 55145 21597 10507 25737 327541 355939 357904 275990 90437 1913151 1975 120910 127259 97410 47957 2737 13345 4457 110421 349130 307904 355352 245200 1977599 1970 154094 117930 72552 09490 25745 19407 50729 250107 355939 357904 311077 159752 1933502 1977 153993 102004 50597 24755 0 0 19115 200932 344543 145445 70925 25950 1104050 1973 2.1770 20435 0 0 0 0 11150 135905 355939 397904 329907 157104 1404002 1979 107952 97490 49197 2904 0 9552 100043 355939 357004 357904 239543 1749040 1990 159295 101909 59229 42950 39904 35251 55932 224050 355939 357004 357904 290405 2099352 1931 215133 141597 102950 59149 12929 2905 40215 251295 355939 302393 222790 157031 1959115 1992 141493 114524 51012 17025 50927 24015 32759 251531 355939 357004 307904 345935 2129955 1993 330041 193742 127929 94073 70957 04307 72074 127577 355939 357904 357504 320941 2434597 1994 257957 200215 155935 110993 113750 101013 235947 350440 355939 357904 357904 955909 2994440 1905 352332 259299 219941 177955 132497 115115 197559 357004 355939 357904 307904 3394527 3259495 1995 295190 25133 153500 111097 75719 75235 134434 355759 355939 357904 357504 3559091 2975702 1997 352953 255141 103533 95432 40400 39542 75970 359350 355939 357004 355439 245599 2720209 1903 17am 147517 109559 99394 105752 144307 59054 234904 355939 357304 290100 1957275 2299119 1999 155195 135047 99070 95795 99350 35315 90929 320193 355939 307904 @7592 157155 2209904 1990 129094 99535 29930 5324 20999 19740 35559 124551 355939 397904 247510 113429 15191 24 1991 133555 99713 517295 27577 13394 4725 79059 201995 355939 357904 327921 2405541 1909090 1992 15151 9 1 19979 02099 49011 40744 20059 05399 335520 355939 307904 353232 245131 2205530 - 494109. 192225 143332 94370 50722 44013 35027 04741 247120 355149 357491 322550 229977 2147122 111110.000. 352332 259293 213941 177955 132437 144307 230947 307504 355939 307904 357904 3559391 3250495 1M1mmum 25770 20435 01 0 0 0 4457 110421 3445431 145445 70325 259091 1154550 ASPEN002575 M. u? .m 6 66% 6666666666 A 6 5686666666 A an um mm? rl ua irl0000000000000000000000 000 m. 111.. 11a000 00000000000000000000000 .m . 000 00000000000000000000000 rm000 00000000000000000000000 .m H. 000 0000000100000000.00000000000 00000000000000000000000 new 0 000 00000000000000000000000 H. I. V. 9 ?3 we.? 09 000 00000000000000000000000 l. 000 00000000000000000000000 0 .3000000 0009400900000 In 000 00000000000000000000000 000 00000000000.0 9 0L3 00000000000000040000000 098 000000000000000 0080000 I?cum 0mg SUMMARY OF CASTLE CREEK POTABLE DIVERSIONS (ACRE FEET) 1 1, 001m mowmborinm'mber- January 545104111 March April? 1.1491 Juno mm AugustiSoptomberI 1 1970 440'- 501 "5793 523 459 7133 394 597: 759 941 7021 545'. 3315* 1971 443 501 552 523 1 45:1 473 334 5971 759 941 702 545 5394. 1972 443 501 552 523 459 473 334 I 597' 759. 941 702 545 3994 - 1973 443 501 502 523 441 459 334 597 7591 941 702 545 6377 1974 419 501 532 523 453 479 334 597; 759; 941 575 149 5341 1975 333 501 532 523 453 431 334 597 1 759 941 702 545 3795 1973 429 501 532 323 459 479 394 597 759 i 941 700 414 3735 1377 400 491 559 333 293 357 334 597 759 I 732 573 434 0000 1973 339 7 393 354 1 231 200 355 597 759; 941 393 309 5903 1979 307 501 5321 502 429 473 334 597 759 941 702 52s 3534 1930 379 501 5m 5223 453 454 370 5971 759F 941 702 545 5791 1931 443 501 532 523 434 403 334 597 759' 941 577 369 3303 1932 245 501 433 993 450 457 334 597 759i 941 702 545 3410 1933 443 501 532 523 459 473 334 539 759 - 941 702 545 3957 1934 443 501 532 523 459 435 394 597 759! 941 702 545 0393 1935 443 501 532 523 459 479 994 597 941 702 545 3394 1933 443 501 562 523 45:1 47:1 934 597 7591 941 702 545 5394 1937 443 501 552 523 459 473 334 597 759 941 702 541 3390 1933 443 501 532 503 377 333 334 597 759 941 932 405 3534 1939 901 501 530 434 414 431 334 597 759! 941 575 432 3453 1990 932 301 5a 313 339 479 334 593 759 941 347 354 3233 1991 443 :01 54:2 433 329 920 349 597 759 941 702 545 3541 1992 443 501 552 523 453 473 934 597 759' 941 702 545 0394 4441-59. 410 493 543 439 421 440 331 590 759 994 535 430 6640 Maximum 443 501 532 523 459 473 334 597 759 941 702 545 3394 Mam'rnum 245 497 993 313 231 200 943 539 759 732 573 149 5333 I SUMMARY OF MAHOON CREEK POTAHLE DIVERSIONS (ACRE I leuY-ur OdoberJNowmber Ducornbur[ January February Murch' Apr?l May Jmo' ?JulyI Annual I 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1:51 239 442 I 1975 1973 129 157 1977 933 1973 207 304 1979 115 1930 1931 150 254 1932 130 1933 1934 1935 1935 1937 1933 1939 134 423 1990 1991 1992 40.139149 Maximum $60 64 32 13'? I14 112 33 ?l D: 137 12.3 283 442ASPEN002577 ATTACHMENT 5 I SIMULATION SUMMARY, SCENARIO 3 ASPEN002578 .. "mu?T - RAW WATER AVAILABILITY .i 1.1 - Oct 91 I CITY OF ASPEN 5 - I . Ll PERIOD FACILITIES IN USE 0 No, I You} MUNICIPAL DIVERSEON CAPACITY ?5 INSTHEAM FLOW POTABLE SYSTEM DEMAND 1 5 :1 38 ET 1 AVERAGE 5 I 5 I SIMULATION OPTIONS cm. Cruk 12 :11 Jan 1: 5.1155 .111 101ml 55m 19% Maroon Oak 1 hhraon Ck Murdupan 2? do Maroon 01-1111 14 do Feb 5.281 Aug 7.396 I End 1992 Well Field 1 Moon Ck {Hydro} ?5 do Hunk-7 Crook 15 do Mar 5115? See .- 6031 I mitt-Ila. 1 Hunt-r Crook Woll Field 2 d9 'RIanng Fork Fl'nm 32 d: Apr 2 4112? 01:1 4.636: Roam-lg Fork Riwr 0 Humor Crack 3 d: Woll led 0 May =1 51534 1 5-5495l 01111111119. Coo?idonn (as of uses Gage) 110.1an Fork 1111?: a do .1111 5249 0+1 1201.! Canad- CII Muoon CI-I WIllow Ck HIGHLANDS PIPELINE DEMAND 65% OPERATION OF BYPASS 2 MAXIMUM WEEK [5 on 21091. 125% 011. SENIOR ?111011 .1111 5.712 a 10219 Nov 230% 1a% 35% 111m 2 1 - 0 UPSTREAM DEPLETIONS 1 Bypass lnob'oam Flow 11: Intaku Only Fob =4 5.592 Mg 3124 I Doc 230% 125% 35% Fob 1 Ditch (Maroon) 9.31213 2 antalnlnuh'oum Flow'bglow Mar 5.533 Sop 85963] Jan 230% 125% 35% Mu: 1: 1 0 0.11111. Crack 0 do All Omar-am Dmreione Apt 5.358 Oct 51341 Fob 230913 125% 35913 =1 1 Hunbr CR 16 d! May 91654 Nov 6.0541! Mar 230% 125% 35% May i 0 Roaring Fk 15111711110111 35 ch .1111 91345 Doc 2 6.622 I Apr 230% 125% 35% Jun 1: 1 UNTHEATED WATER DEMANDS (CFS) MAXIMUM DAY 5- May 230% 125% 35% J11 1 .1111 6242 Jul 2 11191: Jun 230% 125% 35% Aug 2 1 0 Cacti. Creek Imganon 1 I Castle Ck lnlga?on a 26.0 Fob 6.091 Aug 101224l Jul 230% 125% 0% ?ep 1 0 Castle Creek 0 chi Moan Ck iriga?on 2.0: M3: 5.973 Sup 2 Aug 230% 125% 091304 r- 0 Maroon Crook lnIga?oI-I 12 do Hunter Ck1rrigahon Apr 5.973 Oct - 6.534l 5.51 231.111. 13% seat: a 1 0 Maroon emu 111m 2 c1. Homng 1:1; Irrigatlon 0.0] May 10.640 Nov ass-Ill 1 Hummemk 111191111? 0 do 5 .1111 10.779 Doc 7.343; Slmulation ID: SCENARIO :1 SUMMARY OF SIMULATED SHORTAGES lN POTABLE SUPPLY (ACRE FEET) ?1?11:qu Daub-75 Nov-mm: January Fobnm March Aprii May June 411575 August-Sapt-mbor Annual 1 1970 05 05 1371 5 I 1972 1973 a 1974 a 1975 :1 :1 1976 a 1977 o? o. 33 24 1 53 1573 o, 66 79 129 177 1 452 1979 a oi 05 1980 a o' a 1931 2 2 1932 30 129 o! 159? 1933 0.. 0 a i a 1934 o. 05 1935 . o] 1936 o; 0 19117 02 0 191111 0 0 ol 0 1953 a 0* 0: 0 1990 1991 1992 Ammo 341 11111111111111 0' as 123 129' 177, 1l 8 0? 1' 0- 152? lMInImumASPEN002579 SUMMARY OF WELL FIELD DIVERSIONS (ACRE FEET) 11013!qu Octobqr Nowmbor Dom-mm? January} Fvbruary Mum: Apr? Mayl Juan! Jully Augmxpeptember Annual1970 1971 1312 1373 01I 1971 01109, 113 1975 1976 1971' 3 or 7 10-1 121; 1- 01 46 11s 1111 513 1 1973 so 2[ 11? 12:1 115 121 25. o? a so; 595 1579 125 19110 19111 1932 163 1933 a CI 13 o] 23! 0- 2:3 1934 1935 o- o- 1966 0 CI 0 01 a 01 1937 o. 1.1990 :190 1991 as. 1992 a 1 Amngu Maximum so 2 117 121 115 12:1 25 23 46 119 111 595 Minimum 0 0? o_ 1 SUMMARY OF HYDHOPOWEH PRODUCTJON (KWH) 111111qu Octobct Nowmbor Docornbor January Fobmry- March A9111 May June July Amud 1970 18981 8 143232 m4 55485 33740 31001 @439 259390 355339 367804 356154 313524 3217733 1971 243154 193732 128216 84532 58635 321 58 37830 210079 355909 387304 367539 261072: 2419521 1972 179292 133484 100359 67053 23243 28-337 44-710 24-528! 1155933 357332 252818 1724461 1966733 1973 439999 153470 03384 45-415 7566 6649 11212551 213150 355933 367804 368363 246332i 2061347 1974- 173706 11 0933 33020 561 44 21313 10507 2673? 327641 355500 3670-04 275353 92137 19096315 1975 120818 127268 97410 47957 27372 13142 4457 110421 349130 367004 366352 245200 1377334 1975 183132 117930 72552 38496 26745 13467 50728 250107 355939 367604 310863 157756 1930556 1977 163284 10194! 36528 21535 0 0 18115 200932 044543 145545 70825 25968 1153233 1973 25770 17538 0 0 0 0 10379 135835 3559139 367804 3294-335 154864 1393225 1979 107653 67430 43100 2207 0 0 9552 1600-43 355839 367804 3678-04 2385-33 1747020 1980 155141 101308 59130 42950 38804 37185 54-615 224-050 355939 367604 367304 230430 2035682 1981 214-949 141597 102960 58149 1105-6 885 45810 231295 355939 362383 221735 155313 195% 1982 140373 114824 50375 17216 57979 23550 32153 251631 355369 367304- 367304- 346838 2127386 1333 330041 1 93742 1 27928 94673 70357 6430'? 723-74 127677 355339 367804 367804 3208-41 2434537 1 1934 257357 200229 155335 1103-813 113737 99337 230632 360440 355939 367004 3157504 355339 29331 96 1 1935 382332 592% 21394-1 177955 132437 11 61.16 197553 367004 355539 367304- 057804 339462 3258495 1986 236190 225133 163680 111037 76716 73235 134-434 355758 355539 3187804 3678-04 3559391 2376762 I 1987 352963 2551 41 183533 96402 40406 39642 76970 35335-6 355939 357804 368433 246427 2720046 1903 178572 147617 103455 33458 104658 141653 5905-4 33-4904 355939 367304 239739 1940213 2201005 1 1983 15419:! 130047 67909 33316 35407 34299 90323 3120133 355339 307604 320630 155% 2197331 I 1000 129623 08530 23131 4021 19391 19740 35569 124450 355939 367604 240258 111718 115-12175 1991 133500 58713 51725 268-35 108-14 3332 76956 201396 355339 367304 327921 2413506 1302581 1992 16161 3 113978 82089 46011 40744 20059 65399 5.355% 35593-9 3673-04 353232 245131 2205530 i Avarago 191936 143200 94289 60298 43472 35568 64533 247111 355143 357452 322313 226763 2144124 I Mammum 362332 253293 213341 177955 132457 141858 236632' 367504 355333 367804 367804 355939 3250435 1 Minimum 25770 17593 0 0 0 0 4457 I 110421 344543 145545 70625 25968} 1153233 ASPEN002580 wnmutm OJM..WUDIANIOOIMM lit-I mi i M. 00000000000000000000000 000. [mm 000 00000000000900000000000 1mm-a 000 1 00900000000000000000000 mm Kmmqog IMnu'er Joqwomo JoquON Mm 000 00000 0000 i MN I may 00000000000000000000000 ?.?vw (133:1 339v) saswuws NOILVSIHHI asuvaumn 3132-130 Moouvw so 1 (1333 359v) nouvsnaul calvaumn H3380 ausvo do _Lo burr JAM 00? a. 9 000000000000000 000.0000 In 0L, 00000000000000010000000 .0mm Elli0000 I. 0 0? 06000000300 H- In . 9 .LL 9% SUMMARY OF CASTLE CREEK POTABLE (ACRE FEET) 111109qu 00101507 November 0444mm: . January February' EJ119011 kph-i ?011? ?um: Cuiy Augus?t Sapiomim Annuali: 1 i - 1970 494 591 594- 557 4791 491 409 990{ 607 999 745 576 727% 1971 476 591 59?, 557 479 502 407 990' 900 999 745 579 7294 i 1972 470 991 599; 557 479 502 407 830 900 993 745 579 7293! 1979 479 531 594: 557 455 499 407 9:10 900 93:1 745 57a 7259 1974 4:19 531 5961 557 475 502 407 6:10 900 99:1 509 170 0710 1975 990 591 5974 557 470 495 407 5:10 900 999 745 570 7190 1975 442 591 5961 557 479 502 407 590 900? 999 742 429 7109 1977 421 521 590' 997 299 957 406 930 900 902 014 457 9294' 1979 416 444 594 95-1 231 200 372 530 300 999 799 929 5097 i 1979 331 531 5941 512 439 502 407 630 300 993 745 551 70371 1950 395 5:11 sari 557 4711 474 393 930 1100' 99:1 745 570 7100i 1901 474 5:11 595 1157 44:1 400 404 900 900 999 712 900 69:17 1332 260 531 508 342 4:56 439 40? 5210 600 993 74-5 573 6751') 138.3 476 531 536 557 478 502 60? 538 300 953 745 578 7262 1994 476 5:11 596 557 479 490 405 990 900 999 745 579 7279 1905 475 531 596 557 476 502 407 990 900 9% 745 5711 7254 1966 476 591 596 557 479 502 407 590 000 999 745 576 7294 1997 476 531 596 557 479 502 407 630 000 .993 745 57a 1239 1909 473 591 595 590 994 997 407 530 01:0 99:1 702 425 5997 1989 316 531 5156 443 415 482 407 5.30 500 933 4TB 6782 1990 405 591 545 91 9 996 502 407 627 600 999 079 971 6577. 1991 474 591 996 506 am 220 992 6:10 900 993 745 57a 9666 1992 479 531 596 557 479 502 407 990 900 999 745 579 7294 Awrugo 434 527 590 511 499 461 402 6129 600 995 727 509 7000 Mam-um 476 591 595 557 479 502 407 630 900 999 745 57a 7294 1411111110111 290 444 999 519 291 200 952 599 900 902 909 170 E. SUMMARY OF MROON CREEK POTABLE DNEHSIONS (ACRE FEET) 11141qu 0010M Dmmbot January Fob-wary March April May June My Auguot Stptombor Annual 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 :192 900 472 1975 :11 1979 :146 199 1977 429 1979 225 951 1979 131 1990 7126 1991 175 311 1962 195 221 1909 1984 - 1935 1906 1997 1990 514 1990 190 430 1991 932 1992 P019149174 Maximum 165 144 1:12 300 514 Mlmmum ASPEN002582 ATTACHMENT 6 SIMULATION SUMMARY, SCENARIO 4 ASPEN002583 '1 14-Oct-21: SIMULATION OF RAW WATER AVAILABILITY CITY. OF ASPEN I i PERIOD FACILITIES IN USE lo a No. 1 You} J1 MUNICIPAL DIVERSION CAPACITY INSTHEAM POTABLE SYSTEM DEMAND 3 ET 1 i AVERAGE 1101mm SIMULATION OPTIONS 3 Your Caulk Crook 1 E6596. 25 ch: Outta Cruk 12 do Jan 1: 5.959 Ju! a: 10 623 {sum 1332 Mmon out 1 IMmon Ck {Munidpan 27 d1 Maroon cm?: 14 Feb a 5.374 Aug 7.544 End 1992 [Well ma 1 Mnroon cu (Hydro) 1 45 da [Hunter Crook 15 1:11 Mar 5.259 Sop 6 151 1' 111151112. 1 Humor ka [Weli Fiold 2 d: Roaring ark 32 cf: Apr 4207 0d .7. 4.778 Flaming F0111 River 0 fHuntpr Crook 3 do Wail Fiold 0 do May 5335 Nov 5 761 Diachargo of uses Gage} fHaan?ng Fork 0 do Jun 5.394 Doe v: 6.241 Cam. Ck Maroon Ck Wl?ow Ck HIGHLANDS PIPELINE DEMAND (CFS {Hydro antEI'fIcIancy 65% OPERATION OF BYPASS 2 MAXIMUM WEEK Go: 23091. 125% '095 SENIOR .IJNIOFI . I Jan 5.513 1 Jul .. 10.4.02 . Nov 210% 125% 15% Jan a 1 . UPSTREAM DEPLETIONS 1 a Bypas- Inururn Flow ulnhku Only Fob as 6.620 Aug 9.303 I Doc 230% 12696 36% Fob 1 Hurrick Diich {Maroon} 9.3 do 2 Mamh'm Imam Flow below Mar 5.710 Sop .: 7.109 1 Jan 230% 125% 35% Mar 1 0 10mm. mm 0 do All Downutr-arn Dwotuiono Apt 5351 Oct 5.059 1' Feb 230% 12515 35% Apr a 1 iHunuer 15 db May 9337 Nov I: 6.174 1 Mar 230% 125% 35% May 1 11an n1 (Sawa?onl 35 an Jun 10.125 Doc 5.754 I Apr 125% 35% Jun 1: 1 UNTHEATED mm cams (OPS) MAXIMUM DAY May 230% 12595 35% 1 DEPLETIONS Jan 5.355 11,394 I Jun 230% 125% 35% Aug :1 1 {Oath Crook Irrigation 1 db Como Ck Irrigation 1: 26.0 Fob ?2 6.200 Aug 10 43.0 I ml 230% 125% 0% 509 1 ICdalIo Crook Win?: 0 do human Ck hignbon z: Mar 8.097 Sap 1733 1' Aug 210% 125% 01% Oct 2 1 0 Maroon Crook Irrigation 12 do Hunbur Ck Irrigation 0.0 Apr 6.06? Oct 6.716 I SOP 230% 125% 0% Nov 1 0 Maroon Crook Winn? 2 do Homng irrIgoxion .1 0.0 May a 10.346 Nov 3 6.716 I on 1 0 Hunter Cnok [ligation 0 do Am 10.9% Dec 7.489 151111 ulchon ID: SCENARIO It SUMMARY OF SIMULATED SHORTAGES IN POTABLE SUPPLY (ACRE FEET) 111'me Octobar'Novombar Doumbcr January F-bmary March April 5 a 2 35 August 55-91-1111)" Annual I 1 1 0 I 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 19?6 197? 1978 1379 1330 1981 1982 1983 1984 1365 1986 1387 1888 1989 1990 1991 1992 8000 .Average . Mnmmum Manlmum 13 9 10 10? 137'. 000 01 a (.1 .0530 Iowa loco one 1000 3 048 I I 3 I ASPEN002584 - SUMMARY OF WELL FIELD (ACRE FEET) Now tube} 011101 31111-3511771010?411: March? Apn'l May {1 04111? My Augua: 1399191711991 Annual1970 1971 1972 1979 1974 110] 1153 1975 1975 4?1 1977 119 1121 520*, 1979 1979 109 1950 1991 1992 159 1909 1994 1955 1905 1997 1999 1909 1990 194 1991 901 1992 Awraga 11% 38 0101441041 119 112 Minimum 0 0 0 0 0 SUMMARY OF PRODUCTION (KWH) ?1'94qu 00145.: 1149414041 Doccmbor 9.0101711 7.5101119 March April May Jun. Jury Auguot 5 Annual] 1979 199091 140202 99204 55455 90740 00700 22095 259090 055009 007904 055154 010524 2217209 1971 240154 190702 129215 04502 59995 02155 97990 200979 055999 057904 097509 251072 2419521 1972 179092 109494 100902 57099 21249 29007 44710 245291 055909 057092 252510 172445 1966726 1970 199999 150479 00994 40415 7442 9120 21m 219150 055909 097904 055990 245279 2050597 1974 170095 119900 90020 59145 21145 10405 25707 027541 055999 957904 275455 91991 1905449 1975 120919 127299 97410 47957 27972 19102 4457 110421 049100 357904 059052 245200 1077294 1979 152791 117900 72552 09495 25745 10457 50729 250107 055909 057904 010790 155900 1929250 1977 150019 101901 99015 20414 0 0 19115 200902 944549 145200 70925 25999 1157210 1970 25770 19910 0 0 0 0 10750 105905 955909 997904 929172 159925 1995909 1970 197509 97490 49040 2002 0 0 9952 190940 055909 057904 057904 299140 1745244 1990 154997 101909 59070 42100 05904 95720 54111 224050 055909 057904 057904 290077 2094099 1991 214049 141597 102950 59149 10505 425 45599 291295 055909 052359 221020 154951 1949799 1992 140995 114524 50929 17099 57940 22122 0&59 251501 055909 097004 057904 045095 2125407 1990 000041 190742 127929 94970 70957 54007 72974 127577 055909 957004 097004? 020041? 2494597 1994 257957 200229 155905 110990 110595 9943 25502 040440 055909 957904 957904 055909 2902459 1935 332332 25933 213941 177955 116116 197558 367304 355939 387504 367304 339462 3258495 1999 295190 225109 150550 111097 79719 79295 194424 055750 355909 057904 097004 055999 2975752 1997 959959 255141 190500 95402 40409 09542 79970 050055 055009 097504 955490 245071 2719990 1900 179999 147517 109400 90055 100902 140972 59054 294904 055909 997904 299549 190402 2790251 1959 150950 105047 07947 92429 94091 00771; 90929 020190 055909 957904 025004 154452 21999491 1990 129517 99505 29075 0957 10072 19740 95554 124051 055909 057904 245770 110990 1509529 1991 133464 93713 51 ?1?25 2681 '1 3601 76494 201996 355939 367804 327%1 248451 1900686 1991? 16161 9 119978 EZDEBI 43011 40744 20059! 65889; 335526 355939 3676041 383232 245131 2.205530 i I 494109. 191522 140155 94225 50150 40297 05900 54521 247107 055149 057407 002219 2295251 2142979 I 7414111041 052002 259290 210941 177955 102407 140972 200502 557904 055909 057004 3575041 055909i 0259495 MIDWEQL .. 9_ 9.1_ .9 TEE. 259?? ASPEN002585 0.33:! SHOW NOIIVBIHBE X3360 NOOHVW :0m0 00*003m00m00000 0 .000 0000000 000000000000000 w. 0 000 0000000 000000000000000 000 0000000 u. O- 000 00000.00 000000000000000 .m 000 0000000 000000000000000 m. #000 0000000 000000000000000 a 1 a 0 0030000 0 0000!.00000000 In o??tnn? 0 7w 0000000 0000000 0000000 In I. 0W9 0000000 0000000w0000000 ~osa 00.40000 V: .L 9 .0La 0997.000 Ml mmunmw tam-mg EGGI L681 OBSL 398: cost 9961. canal. was; CBSI 338$ 096 1L 6416!- 916 1.1.9 91.61 51.61 his I. 1 omlm.0 0000000000000: 000. 000 I000 00000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000 WM, omw 0000000000000 0000000000000 0?0 000000?00t000000000000n? 0 0 na 01?0?0?0 0?0 0 ca 00.50600000000 OWMUOMGGOIO. 1mm mm: mun-MN memo szwomq :mmqod humor I ll kw (1335 SHOW SEBVLUOHS NOILVSIHHI (131)633an 311910 :10 mum Jilrr I new old-0g .lunuuv SUMMARY OF CASTLE. CREEK POTABLE DIVERSIONS (ACRE FEET) 11161..? 0666.711 1460.165"! 0.6461661, January- Fobruary Mard1i 4661 1661,, 1.16.: 4011'- 11091111164111.6646 1110011611 . 1 1970 47:11 542 60"6[ 566 488 496i 413 642 614?; 1011'. 760I 590 7404 1971 465i 542 608? 566 466 512i 415- 642 614 1011 760 590 74:12! 1972 465] 542 607i 566 466 512] 415 642 614 1011 750 590 7431 I 197:1 4651 542 601 1 566 4 461 493- 414 642 614 1 1011 760 569 7366 1974 446 542 600 . 566 462 5121 415 64:: 614] 1011 6:0 176 66:16] 1975 6991 542 606; 566 464 450i 415 642 614. 1011 760 590 7026? 1976 4491 542 6051 566 466 512 415 642 614 1011 . 756 46:1 7215! 1977 426 5:11 600; 566 266 957? 415 642 614 615 629 476 6690; 1976 425 446 696,: 354 291 200; 377 642 6141? 1011' 746 325 5972 1979 339! 542 607- 515 441 5111 415 642 614! 1011 760 559 7156 1960 400 542 607 566 466 461 667 642 614 1011 760 569 7265 1961 460 542 604' 566 446 406 410 642 614. 1011 72:1 1 594 7046 1962 265 542 516 :145 472 495 415 642 614! 1011 760 590 6667 196:1 465 542 6611 556 466 512 415 606 614 1011 760 590 7596 - 1964 465 542 606 566 466 491 412 642 614 1011 760 590 7407 1965 4651 542 606 566 4-66 512 415 642 614 . 1011 760 590 74:12 1696 465 642 606 566 466 512 415 642 614 1011 760 590 74:12 1967 465 542 606 566 466 512 415 642 614 1011 760 564 7426 1966 461 542 607 5:17 567 400 415 642 614 1011 745 4:11 7010 1969 621 542 566 446 416 466 415 642 614 1011 719 462 6664 1990 41:1 542 555 616 :196 512 415 6:16 614 1011 690 977 6664 1991 46:1 542 666 512 529 3.20 666 642 614 1011 760 569 63765- 1902 465 542 606 566 466 512 415 642 614 1011 760 590 7402' AWIBQO 442 5:17 590 5111 44:1 406 410 640 614 1000 741 516 7123 Mmmum 465 542 606 566 466 512? 415 642 614 1011 760 590 74:12 1111111610111 265 446 396 916 221 200 :166 606 614 615 020 176 5972 SUMMARY OF MAROON CREEK POTABLE DNERSIONS (ACRE FEET) WatorYw 0060001 Docombar- January- Fabruury March April May Jum Juiy August Annual 1970 1971 1972 1971974 1:16 902 462 1975 :11 1976 :156 190 1977 444 1976 2:14 370 1979 :11 196 1960 77 0 1 0 511' 26 0 0 1 139 1961 :17 160 :129 1962 167 220 1961984 1965 1966 1967 1966 159 422 1969 145 105 546 1990 :165 450 1991 547 1992 Awrngo 201 16:1 1146111710111 167147' 166 :102 546 11111170. 1.1ASPEN002587 SIMULATION SUMMARY, SCENARIO 5 ASPEN002588 .?15?061-94 SIMULATION OF RAW WATER AVAILABILITY 1 i 11.55111 CITY OF ASPEN SIMULATION PERIOD FACILITIES IN USE (o No. 1 You} MUNICIPAL UIVEHSION CAPACITY I INSTREAM FLOW IPOTABLE SYSTEM DEMAND (MGDAVERAGE 1101111113 I SIMULATIO OPTIONS - Yur cm. Crook 1 0511. Crack 25 do Emu. Creek 12 do Jan a 11,111 .111 a 11.01.1? I Start 1992 Maroon 000k 1 Maroon Ck (Municipal) 23" d1 Maroon Ora-5k 14 d: I Feb rs 5541 Aug 1353 End 1992 Well Hold 1 Maroon Ck (Hydro: 45 at: Hunter Crank 15 65. I 5.443 So: -: 6.406 Initinl'?o 1 Hunm Crock 0 Wall Field 2 121?: Roaring Fork FIIvor 32 do Apr - 4352 041 4.94TI I Roaring Fork Him 0 Humor Crush a :16 Iqu 0 do i May 5013 Nov 5.5121 DInchargo Cur?abnl- of uses Gaga) Roaring Fork Rm3.321 I Cantl- Ck Mmon Ck Win-ow Ck HIGHLANDS PIPELINE DEMAND (CF31 Hydro Pram: 5511. OPERATION or BYPASS =1 21 MAXIMUM 1155K . 051 231111 12511 011. 5211102 JUNIOR 1 Jan a 5.951; 10.300I NW 200% 125% 35% Jan 0 0 UPSTREAM DEPLETIONS 1 .- Bypaoo inm-am Flow 11mm? 0111): I Frib 5.795 Aug 5 3.531 1 Dec 230% 1251. 3515 Feb 0 Hmick Ditch {Maroon} 9.3 d: 2 Maintain Inutoarn Flow below i Mar 5.910 Sup 1392 Jan 230% 1255': 35% Mar 0 0 Game Creek 0 do All Diversions I Apr 2 5.549 6.86-1I $.11 2009.1 1259;. 351;, Apr 0 0 Humor ca 15 do May 10.212 Nov 2 9.32m 1 Mar 220% 12696 35-31. May 0 0 Roaring F11 1551;551:111 35 d1 . Jun 10.52? 9.924I I Apr 230% 125% 3595 Jun a 0 UNTREATED DEMANDS MAXIMUM DAY May 22011 - 12511 05% .in 1: nowusmEAM DEPLEHONS - Jan 11.557 Jul 11mg I Jun 230% 125% 35% Aug 1: 0 cm. Crook lm'galion 1 d: '1 Cam Ck Irrigation :1 26.0 Fob 6.35? Aug 10ml Jul 230% 125% 0% 50p a: 0 0 Game Crook Warner 0 d3 Maroon Ck trigation 2.0 Mar 6.311 Sup 2 6134' Aug 230% 12595 01.1 b0: 5 0 Maroon omk irrigation 12 d1 Huntor Ck Irrigation n: 00 Apr 5.511 01:1 5 154? Sop 230% 125% 056N011 0 Moon Crook Winter 2 d: Roaring FR Irrigation a: 0.0 May a 11.278 Nov 9.334: co Hunter?rnk Irrigg?on 0 (in Jun r- 11.448 10.666.- Simulation ID: SCENARIO 6 - PROPOSED NEW WATER SEFMCE AGREEMENTS SUMMARY OF SHOBTAGES IN POTABLE SUPPLY (ACRE FEET) Wu? Yin October Nmmbor 00001111?! January February March April May am- July! Auguat Annual 1970 1971 1972 o? 0 0 1973 1974 0 0 0 0 0 0 1911976 0 0 0 0 0 1277 1973 613 1979 0 0 0 0 0 0 1900 1951 0 0 0 0 0 1992 95 1:17 0 0 0 0 2361 1921935 1907 1939 1990 115; 1951 19:Awrage asI Maximum 01 2a 233 137573' Minimum ASPEN002589 SUMMARY OF WELL FIELD (ACRE FEET) I Water Yur 091m! Nowmb-rf [39974-111247 .hnuuyi Februaryt? mwi Apr?: May? 4.1m: July; Anna 1979 1:11 0 9 9 OI 1971 1972 1979 1974 197 111 1975 1979 1977 49' 119 112 4951 -19? 99 29* 129 1291979 119.? 1999 1991 16' 1992 152' 1999 24i 1994 1995 1999 1997 011999 1999 1999 291 1991 1992 49.11.Maudmum 99 29 12119 112 919 Minimum SUMMARY OF 11797199917159 PRODUCTION 9111711) Octobor November January Much April May .1199 July Augunt'Soptornbor #19113 I . 1979 199792 159599 94597 99999 41125 99945 29999 299241 992975 974145 992499 919995 2299999 1971 259959 299795 195999 92991 94949 49954 195159 297919 992979 974145 379991 297544 2599599 1972 199975 149919 199992 74999 99929 99299 53:19 252279 992979 999799 259992 179994 2949959 1979 197999 199719 99954 51299 12449 1 1299 29995 225259 992979 974145 979294 252749 21491 25 1974 19921 5 129199 99524 94919 27971 19957 92:11 5 994992 992979 974145 299792 99159 1991999 1975 125292 194949 192299 55949 99494 17992 9249 117999 955279 974145 972999 251791 1947292 1979 199591 124495 99197 49999 99977 29999 59949 257995 392979 974145 917124 192999 2911519 1977 199799 199999 99257 25594 9 9 21715 299979 959999 149797 79719 92591 1299949 1979 29949 19999 9 9 9 9 19999 143129 992979 974145 995999 157997 1495199 1979 113491 94447 47499 4299 9 9 12954 197911 992979 974145 574145 249940 1794159 1999 199952 199294 91925 59727 49199 49719 99792 291175 992979 974145 974145 299594 2199999 1991 221999 149929 119999 95991 15499 9419 52749 297997 992975. 999724 227599 159999 2929121 1992 145595 121799 47919 19995 94997 29219 97592 259549 992979 974145 974145 952979 2197999 1999 999419 299729 195919 192449 79279 72199 99449 194999 992979 974145 974145 927999 377974 1994 294595 297195 199451 119999 129799 199154 242979 999791 992979 974145 974145 992979 9992949 1995 999979 295791 221979 195955 1 99599 129919 294999 974145 992979 974149 974145 945599 999971 2 1999 292999 291999 171195 119921 94919 94199 141772 392195. 992979 974145 974145 992979 2959999 1997 959994 291599 179992 194199 47799 47529 94492 994799 992979 974145 972775 252929 2992949 1999 195499 154995 197594 194991 199797 149992 99951 241929 992979 974145 299994 199959 2949992 1999 1 5947? 142999 97519 99999 99795 49457 99229 929772 992979 . 974145 991992 159794 2299999 1999 194947 195749 99927 9599 29545 27999 49999 1.11929 992979 974145 251997 115997; 1995979 1991 140924 105030 554337 32553 14505 4346 83113 209154 - 3320764 374745? 334363 252547] 1963096 . 1992 199199} 127992 99419; 55999 49199 27955 72972 942911 992979! 974145 999579 2517921 399409. 444mg. 199197I 149775 99229! 99994 49979 41979 71959 259975! 991295, 999955 929491 294299\ 2155921: Mmmumi 9999791 295791 I @1979} 195955? 199999 149992 242979 974145 993794: 974145 974145 9929791 9999712 31119111191111 299491 19999 oI 9 9 9 9249 1179991l 959999i 149797 797191 92591 - 12999491 ASPEN002590 nwgqu c?muw BBGI. L6H. 0661 GEGI. 996: ml. Ml LEGI. SLBI QLSI. S151 VLGI 6216!. 316 1.161. OLSI. us ?7 (mm 5:9qu ail-mm Joqoaoo mama,? LPN H. 5M (1.33:5 SHOW NOILVBIHHI 33380 NOOHVW do ounr a: 3 LC ?lm at 9 uquuxd?s 19::6.13 mu"? mm0mm 000 00000000000000000000 00? 00000000000000000000000 000 00000000000000000000.000 lmono MANFMI .mw MNQ95 000 000.00000000000000000000 000 00000000000000000000000 0:0 00 00 00? mm I Iudv Mm (133:1 363v} SEISHHOHS Nouvmuat aawaumn Maauo ausvo do .1. ONE 00000000000000060000000 9 1mm?: .Joqtualdasnen?nv ?lhl" SUMMARY OF CASTLE. CREEK OTABLE DIVERSIONS ( I Wait! Your Odom-1'1 New mb-I' 00cc mbcr' January Fobruary] [Mien-hI 7'4er May Juno: Julyi August Annuni] 7??1'975' 500 507?" 56?" 57:2? "#3427 ""997 917 1 79691 1371 515 683 330 534 501 530 429 667 847 1050 791 614 3022 1 1972 515 663 790 534 501 530 429 687 347 1050 791 614 7962 1973 519 660 920 594 470 500 429 667 947 1050 791 612 7950 1974 471 663 820 564 433 528 429 637 E47 1050 640 156 7348 1975 404 999 907 594 499 509 429 997 947 1090 791 914 7004. 1979 473 990 929 594 501 590 429 507 047 1050 799 442 7799i 1977 ?53 600 7311 338 298 357 425 6-67 94? 024 845 502 1 6775' 1973 $55 456 398 354 231 200 335 687 Ba? 1050 7'74 . 325 61M 1979 assl 050 754 519 445 525 429 007 947 1050 791 575 79191 1mm 7&01 1991 911. 009 990 594 452 400 021 667 9471 1050 747 402 7590i 1982 2'37 851 5810 349 480 506 429 667 347 1050 791 614 7270 1933 515 663 3:5 534 501 530 429 B23 B47 1050 791 614 7981 1934 515 633 330 534 500 $01 424 667 647 1050 791 614 7988 1905 515 06:1 990 504 501 5:10 429 967 047 1050 791 914 00a 1999 515 663 990 504 501 590 429 657 947 1050 791 914 9022 1337 515 683 331.1 5154 501 530 429 667 347 1050 791 505 8-015 1908 5011 660 761 548 391 405 429 68? 541' 1050 772 444 7484 1989 343 652 727 450 416 499 43 687 1050 743 492 7316 1990 420 861 6?1050 71 3 375 7036 1991 511 654 794 522 329 320 374 667 847 1050 731 612 7470 1992 515 563 826 534 501 530 429 6-67 647 1050 791 614 9015 Awmg- 499 051 7-71 931 49: 490 429 665 047 1040 799 595 7931 Maximum 515 099 990 534 501 990 429 967 947 1050 791 614 0022 Minimum 287 456 398 319 231 200 374 628 847 324 640 15-6 6144 SUMMARY OF MABOON CREEK POTABLE DNEBSIONS (ACRE FEET) Warn Yoar Octobo-r 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1 976 1 976 August '3?719pt9rnt10rE Annual 9 1: 3 J4 ?own-11701000011100! Jmucu?y February March April 19 I 00000 A 3' 9 9c, 4080000000 9% 140013003798 406 .- .4 171 537 .4 .4 1990 1991 1 1992 9 00363000000t0033?10 0388300000910-4 .4 .4 Avorago anmum 179 147 351 695! 0383s .- .- .. 1:1 3? 03:00 a: 9 . ASPEN002592 ATTACHMENT 8 SIMULATION SUMMARY, SCENARIO 6 ASPEN002593 I SIMULATION 01: RAW WATER AVAILABILITY . I - CITY OF ASPEN I. i I ISIMULATION PERIOD IN USE {o No, 1 Yo.) MUNICIPAL DIVERSION GAPACJTY I INSTREAM FLow SYSTEM DEMAND I ET 1 I . . AVERAGE I OPTIONS Y-ar Candi Crack 1 Cacao Crook 25 as ICaotI- Crook 12 at: i Jan 6.602 an a 11.5511L Start 1992 Maroon Chuck 1 Moon Ck {Municipal} d: IMaroon Crack 14 do ?1 lab 5 .944 Aug End 1992 111.11 Hold 1 Maroon Ck IHytiro) 45 d: IHunterCrodI 15 d1: Mar 5.538 5m 6327? 1111571qu 1 IHumr Wofl Fiold 2 cm 1.9an Fork River :12 an Apr 1.703 5.343]. Roaring Fork River 0 Hunlpr Crack 3 ch Fiold '0 do I May 8.452 Nov 7.000 ?incha 19. Cool?aionta (91. of uses Gaga) Roaring Fork RM: 0 do I .Mn 2 9.353 3.3501: Cacao Ck Muoon Ck mum Ck PIPEUNE DEMAND (CFSI HycI-o Phi-It Ef?cioncy 659.; OPERATION OF awass 2. MAXIMUM WEEK I 1251.; ceaIJm SENIOR .UMOR Jan an arm 11 .596? Nov 230% 125% 35% a UPSTREAM DEPLETIONS 1 Emu Ingram Flow a! Inmku Only Fob :1 3.9m Aug a 10.479 Doc 2m. 1251.; 35%[Fab HmIou Ditch women) 9.3 do a 1.1mm Imlnam Flow bolow . Mar 6.392 Sop - 1997 Jon 23MB 125% 35% I Mar 0 Cash Crook 0 d'o AH Dwuuivnu I Apr 2: 6.001 =1 7.373 I Feb 230% 12595 35% IApr 1: Hunhr Ck 16 Ch I I May "-008 9.846, I Mar 230% 125% 311%le 7: Roaring Fk 157117115011) 35 d! Jun 11.303 Dot: 2 10499.1 Apr acres 125% 35% Iim a: i UNTHEATED WATER DEMANDS tors) I WIMUM DAY May 125% 359.._ I - Jan 7.047 Jul 12.746 Jun 250% 125% 3596 Bug Cautlo ka Irrigation 1d: Gaelic Ck Irrigation 26.0; Fob a: 6.373 Aug I: 11.762 Jul 125% 0% I519 Cans. ka Winter 0 dz. Maroon Ck higntion 2.0; Mo: 6.327 39p an; Aug 230% 125% 015m 0 0 Moon God-1 lmgau'on 2 d: I Huntnr Ck ln-igation 0.0 Apr 6.32? Oct 8.118 . Sop 13% 093 Nov 0 0 Maroon Creek Winks- - 2 cf: Homg Fk [?igmjon 0.0I May 12.162 Nov 10.455 p? ?3 I IL SmuImn ID: SCENARIO a - SERVICE FOR 0F ENTIRE ASPEN MEmopou-rm AREA I SUMMARY OF SIMULATED SHOHTAGES iN POTABLE SUPPLY FEET) wan January Fobruoxy MurchI AerI MuyT .JumI .IuIy I August Saptornbar Annual 1970 0 or o; 1971 a a I o? I 1972 I 1973 3 a 1974 o] a 1975 0' 3 0 1973 1977 0 0I 1 49 93 2 145 1373 as 230 150 131 204 1 565 1573 0 (II 1 1 o? 2 1980 I 0 CI 0 1931 3 0. a 1932 115 162 0! 0 CI 0 277 193:1 a 15 15_ 1934 0 0' a 10135 1937 0' 1933 a I o! a 1989 0 0 OI OI 1990 157 1991 1992 (Average :55} MaxIrnuI-n og SSI 290 162 204' 1 15, 0.- 2' o. 535! MIn.mumI ASPEN002594 SUMMARY OF WELL FIELD DIVEHSIONS 10106qu 0010136: January Fobmary Much April' MayL ?unoil My: August!34p10rnb?r Annual I 1 I 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 111 117 1975 1976 1977 53; 119 114 525 1976 60 29? 123627 1979 169 1900 1961 1962 170 1933 1934 1965 1966 1967 1666 1936 1990 216 1991 113 1992 Amman Mmmum 119 114 627 Minimum SUMMARY OF HYDROPOWEH PRODUCTION (KWH) Wain-Ya: 00t0b? Nowmr' Doc-0111b" January March April May Jun. .1le Augunt Sopumbor Annual 1970 196135 150530 92346 63330 41125 36756 29122 266241 362076 374145 362496 319605 2294605 1971 250053 200765 135609 92331 64049 39946 105159 33791 6 362076 374145 373931 267544 2503326 1972 166675 146619 101657 74933 30629 36233 52333 252279 362076 363733 259392 179604 2046563 1973 197306 16071 3 80436 51259 11340 7304 28666 $5253 362076 34145 373204 252510 2134745 1974 179368 126369 63003 64016 25704 15960 32115 334032 362076 374145 276903 91626 19721 02 1975 195202 134496 100639 55640 33996 17371 8240 117699 355273 374146 372693 251781 1944635 1 976 167672 124253 73862 46366 33677 28363 56346 257065 362076 374145 31 6602 156249 2004304 1977 169497 1m 53026 20464 0 0 2371 5 206076 350669 146941 76710 32591 1192947 1973 29343 13266 0 0 0 0 15406 143126 362076 374145 333932 153239 1425034 1979 112676 9366:! 4426-4 2705 0 0 12354 167911 362076 374145 374145 241912 1766292 1990 156903 105140 56654 50315 46093 41059 56297 231176 362076 374145 374145 206362 2150365 1961 221366 14392! 110050 65736 13430 455 51631 237997 362076 366724 225701 156661 2013662 1962 144654 121414 43965 16615 61305 26043 - 37562 256543 362076 374145 374145 352973 2177661 1936 366410 200739 134366 102449 76249 72166 60440 134456 362076 374145 374145 327006 2576669 1964 264595 207165 162677 116600 120612 1032.36 242042 356656 362076 374145 374145 362076 3056243 1965 366673 265701 221079 165355 139590 125916 204395 374145 362076 374145 374145 345599 3336712 1986 292630 231660 171135 116621 04016 64106 141772 362135 362076 374145 374145 362076 2950936 1097 359304 261590 170992 104190 47769 47323 64432 364700 362076 374145 372775 251465 2600965 1936 104705 154395 104649 102660 106260 142519 66651 241923 362076 374145 294612 193693 2331403 1969 1 57946 14121 3 63730 62949 65207 63196 93229 326772 362076 374145 330276 1 56313 2237054 1990 134464 105363 26713 3661 20611 27529 42697 130764 362076 374145 249555 1 11996 159161 5 1991 140769 104670 53756 30174 10604 3651 00909 209154 362076 374145 334363 252425 1956696 1992 169103 127392 59205 55699 47999 27955 72972 342011 362076 374145? 369573 351732 2290063 1 Avomgo 197693 149156 96764 65704 47906 40030 70691 253917 361265 363579' 326006 233102 2206154 Mazumum 1 366673 265701 221079 195355 139590 142519 242042 374145 362076 374145 374145 362076 3336712' Minlmum 1 29643 13266 0 01 0 0 6240 117699 350669 146941 76710_ 32591 1192147, ASPEN002595 dim-AV mnwomw 1. wmupum 9?36 996 ?861. East 096 GLGI. ELBI. 1.1.6 SLGL $161. 91.6!? 8&6 31.61 0416!. 366 166]. 0661. 8961. 9961. ?961. ML 9851. ml mt (ESL GLGL 01.61 #6 I. $161 $4561. hit-3 . ?458 BLGL LLBL OLGL 3361 LGGL 0661 695 996? IHGL 996E CL 0mm 000 Gon- 00000000000000000000000 000 00000000000000000000000 q-anw .41:qu Inqunnoa nqLquoN Joqopo 52"?an 00? 00000000000000000000000 [acquaint-no .quwuou nqono human; hanuvr' i 1udv ?aw U333 SHOW NOOHVW (133:! SEISVLHOHS NOILVBIHUI 33389 TEENS :$0000 SUMMARY OF CASTLE CREEK POTABLE DIVERSIONS (ACRE warorvw' 00105.1- Nov-r0097 04941111141 January 741111111111 11111191 119111 May .nm'i July: 7109011 7 91110111 1970 599 709 1150 929 I 59.1 545 455 717 909 1 1127 959 904 959.1 1971 959 709 991 929 5:19 572 494 717 909\ 1127 959 994 9921 1972 556 709 82? 629 5:19 573 494 717 909 1127 056 934 9597 197:1 559 709 972 929 497 509 492 717 909 1127 959 990 9491 - 1974 501 709 990 929 512 594 494 717 909 1127 997 190 79415 1975 444 709 946 929 594 5:19 494 717 909 1127 959 994 9495 1975 500 700 970 929 5:19 57:1 494 717 909 1127 949 459 9992 1977 492 97:1 755 999 299 957 454 717 909 979 710 590 7172 1979 499 451 390 :15: 231 200 409 717 909 1127 929 995 5494 1979 991 700 772 5:12 450 540 494 717 909 1127 950 009 9090 1990 444 709 919 922 5:17 514 1 410 717 909 1127 959 990 9:121 1991 549 709 991 929 499 409 447 717 909 1127 797 429 9090 1992 309 704 595 059 495 502 494 717 009 1127 951; 994 7790 199:1 559 709 972 029 539 57:1 494 099 909 1127 959 994 9595 1994 559 709 977 929 505 521 452 715 909 1127 959 994 9549 1995 5.59 709 991 929 51:19 57.1 494 717 909 1127 955 994 9922 196-0 656 709 M1 825 52-8 464 71? 905 1127 856 664 86:22 1997 955 709 991 9211 5:19 579 494 717 909 1127 959 949 9904 1900 01823 466 7340 19119 999 991 749 450 . 419 524 494 717 909 1127 790 511 7717 1990 49:1 704 1197 :119 409 572 492 704 909 1127 761 099 7524 1991 549 997 920 599 999 920 991 717 900 1127 950 959 7919 1992 559 709 979 929 5:17 57:1 494 717 909 . 1127 959 994 9919 1111.111194- 900 994 907 591 479 509 454 714 909 1117 900 57s 9145 1149101110111 559 709 1191 991 5:19 579 494 717 909 1127 959 994 11922 91111111111111 909 461 :190 919 m1 200 091 999 9011 1179 947 190 0494 SUMMARY OF MAFIOOH CREEK POTABLE DNEHSIONS (ACRE 117944er 04109.: 1191411111.: 0141111941 4111119117 5111171111111 M11191 April May Jun. 00117 August-Sopumbor Annual 19701111 1971 1972 197109 1974 183 3-84 639 1975 102 1979 201 299 1977 790 1979 179 290 593 19791 105 971 1990299 1991 9 0 2 72 1:10 17 0 0 59 221 509 1992 195 9 1:444 1901984 3'3 1995 19911 19117 1999 1:1 0 91 59 1:199 992 1999 17:1 17 1:150 995 1990 217 720 1991 574 1992 Awmgo 318 Manmum 195 173 136 232 193 178 7:1 12 0 195 163 364 885 11111111110111 ASPEN002597