64/24/2833 3?:52 5613758512 CLINTON PRES FOUND PAGE E33 OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE OFFICE BUSINESS REGULATION AND ENFORCEMENT DIVISION IN THE MATTER OF: WILLIAM J. CLINTON PRESIDENTIAL FOUNDATION PROCEEDING NUMBER: 03-099 - 303 President Clinton, Ave, Suite - Little Rock, AR 72203 ?5!p0ndent This agreement is . I - hereby entered into between the State of Mississippi, Secretary of State?s Of?ce, Business Regulation and Enforcement Division C?Division?), by and through James 0. Nelson, II, Assis Secxetary of State, and William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation (?Respondent?), by and ugh its agent, James L. Rutherford President. The Division, ha the power to administer and to provide for the enforcement of all provisions of the Mississi i Charitable Solicitations Act (the and Respondent do hereby enter into this Consent eement ill resolution of the following allegations by the Division of violations of certain pfovis one of the Act: 1. is a ?charitable organization" as de?ned in the Act. Miss. Code Ann.?' (Rev. 2001); 2. 14, 2002 and November 15, 2002, Respondent solicited contribu bus from individuals in Mississippi in the amount of $302.50; Betw Stateme Act; 2 . September 14, 2002?and November 15, 2002 no effective region'ation of the Respondent was on ?le with the Division as required by the r' 84124/2883 87:52 5813753512 CLINTON PRES FOUND PAGE 64 . 4. Therefo Respondent solicited contributions from Mississippi residents during period in question in violationlof the Act. II. Reapondent, under the tenns of this Consent Agreement and solely for the purpose of resolving the foregoing allegations, stipulates without a hearing to the matters set forth above in I and hereby consents to the issuance of this Consent Agreement and further consents to and agrees to the undertakings contained herein, with no formal administraiive hearing and detennina?On of wrongdoing. Furthermme, the undersigned agent for the Respondent acknowledges that he has been law?illy vested with the authority to enter into this Consent Agreement on behalf of the Respondent. THEREFORE, in consideration of a ?nal resolution of the matters siet forth above in . Paragraph 1, the Division and Respondent hereby agree and Stipulate as follows: 1. Respon ent stipulates to the jurisdiction of the Division as to all matters eon herein under the authority of the Act and solmowledges that the issuance of this Consent Agreement is solely for the pmpose of resolving the matters forth above in Paragraph I. 2. The Division shall impose a penalty upon the Respondent in the amount of 32,0000 . Resp0ndent shall remit payment to the Division, payable to the ?Mississ ppi Secretary of State? upon execution of this Agreement; 3. This Co ent Agreement is in resolution of the matters contained in Patagraph I. As a sult of this Consent Agreement the matters contained in Paragraph I cannot He used as a basis for action by the Division except as set forth in Paragraph IV below. - i In the event Re ndent fails or neglects to comply with any of the agreements, stipulations or undertakin set forth in this Consent Agreement, the Division may, without . notice to the Responder: unilaterally rescind this Agreement and institute any legal or 54/24/2663 52 5513758512 CLINTON PRES FOUND PAGE 65 ?l . administmtivc proceedings: it deems appropriate including, but not limited to, proceedings to address the matters set forth in Paragraph I above. ERIC CLARK Secretary of Stat: - I SNEESON. II of State . Date: his I William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation gig/2% 7 James L. Rutherford . President . /o 3 84/24/2663 52 52113759512 CLINTON PRES FOLND PAGE 32 STATE OF MISSISSIPPI SECRETARY OF STATE - ERIC CLARK 301 NORTH PRESIDENT mmowr (601) 35mm rosr BOX 135 FACSMLE (601) 359-1499 3920:5on March 6, 2003 . I 311 211544117554000Q0159 Mr. Jamcs L. Rutherford, HI William J. Clinton Presidon a1 Foundation 303 President Clinton Avon e, Suite Little Rock, Arkansas 72203 Dear Mr. Rutherford: registration in violation of Miss. Code Ann. ?79~i 11503 and (6) organization violating or failing to comply With any provision of Miss. . (Rev. 2001) is to a cease and desist order, denial, suspension or revocation of its most not: application for registration, and an administrative penalty of up to $25,000 for each offense. agreement ensu?ng William . 55. Code Ann. 1-509 (Rev. 2001). Code Ann. l~501 ct sc . (Rev. 2001). Upon payment of said penalty and Mum of the executor! agreement, Willi J. Clinton Presidential Foundation will he planed in good standing with this office. I Please provide your sponge no later than Friday, March 21, 2003. Ifyou do riot wish to resolve this matter on the afo 'oned terms, formal administrative proceedings will he initiatcd, of which y0u will receive no ice and be given the opportunity for an hearing. Ifyou havo any questions, please contact the at 01) 359?6367. ILKERS ON - .0 ircctor of Rogulation and