@ MAILTO REG IST : TIO N/R EN EW A L FEE REPO RT TO ATTORNEY GENERAL OF CA LIFORNIA Registryofcharitable Trusts p n Box9:3447 - @ acramento cA 942:3-:,7c h' . 11CCR Sections311and312 y Felephone:(916)445-2021 ' . @. Sectlons 12586and 12587,California Government Code ltl- q y Failuretosubmitthisreportannuallynolaterthanfourmonthsandl ifteendaysaRer theend ofthe organization'saccounting period may resultin thelossoftaxexemption andtheassessmentofaminimum taxof$800,plusinterest,and/orfinesorfiling W EB SITE ADDRESS: hhp://aq.ca.q'ov/charities/ PenaldesasdefinedlnGovernmentCodeSection12586.1. IRS FORM 99QEXTENSIONS W ILLBE HONORED. PLEASE SUBMIT WITH RRF-IALL IRS EXTENSION REQUESTS AND,WHERE APPLICABLE,IRS EXTENSION APPROVALS. - mate charityRegistration Number CT-I10352 ' . . . a- w slw . u- rlo. ' *j ::... ù. ... ;...'' '' , =b * >.. * CheckIf: W illiam J.clintonPresidentialFoundation Z changeofaddress NameofOrm nization .303 PresidentClinton Avenue,Suite C u:wmendedreport . . Address(Numbœ andStreet) CorporateorOrganizatlon No. . Li ttle Rock,AR 72201 Ci tyorTown,StateandZ1P Cœ e FederalEmployerI.n.No.31-1580204 PART A -ACTIVI TIES Yes 1. Duringyourmostrecentfulaccountingperi od di d yourgrossrecei ptsortotalassetsequal$100, 000ormore? No : gX.q' :ë: . Note:lftheanswerisyes,youarerequired byTltle 11ofthe'California CodeofRegulations, ::311and 312,to attach acheck intheamountof $25.00tothisreport.Make checkpayableto DepartmentofJustice. ' 2. Foryourmostrecentfullaccounti ngperiod(beginning 01 / 01 / 03 ending 12 / 31 / 03 )l ist: G 44,878,985 rossrecei pts$ Totalassets$ 78,900,974 PART B -STATEMENTS REGARDING ORGANIM TION DURING THE PERIOD OF THIS REPORT ê ' ote: Ifyou answer''yes''to any ofthe questions below ,you m ustattach a separate sheetproviding an explanation and details foreach 'fyes''response. Please review RRF-I instructions forinformation requ 'ired. ! - t. (' ' 1. Duringthisrepoding period,werethere anycontracts,Ioans,Ieasesorotherfinancialtransactionsbetweentheorganizationandany 7 - Omcer,directorortrusteethereofeitherdirectlyorw'ithanentityinwhich'anysuchofficer, directorortrusteehadanyfinancialinterest? 2. ,.$i ;. #,,i ;' . Duri ngthi sreporti ng peri od,wasther:anytheft,embezzl ement,di versionormisuseoftheorganization,schari tabl e propert yorfunds? ' 3. Duringthi sreporti ng peri od,di d non-program expendi turesexceed50% ofgrossrevenues? :j @ : . j :.j :y ,(.x, . ., i' 'x,I i': . .. ..' .ë 4. During thisreporting peri od,wereanyorgani zati onfundsusedto payanypenal ty,fineorjudgme' nt? I fyoutil eda Form 4720withthe Intem alRevenue Service,attachacopy. : ..( ........ . 5. Duringthisreportingperiod.weretheservicesofa professionalfundraiserorfundraisingcounselused? lfMyesrnprovideanattachment *' Iistingthename,address,andtelephonenumberoftheserviceprovider. D.EX'1 '. ' 6,. Duringthisreportingperiod,didtheorganizationreceiveanygovemmentalfunding? Ifso,provideanattachm entlistingthenameof : . Q the agency,maili ngaddress,contactperson,andtel ephone number. '7. Duringthisreportingperiod,didthe organizationholda raffleforcharitablepurposes? lf*yesv'providean attachm entindiceatingthe 8. . 1 . 7 ' . 't ' ''X''1 ' numberofraffl esandthedatets)theyoccurred. . ' :'X' ' C ' Doestheorganizationconductavehicledonationprogram? lfuyes,/provideanattachmentindicating whetherthe program isoperated bythe charityorwhethertheorganizationcontractswith acommercialfundraiser. r.l' . (. osani zation'sareacodeandtel ephonenumber( 501 ) 9Z5 -':; '' .... 7266 - Organization'se-m ailaddress .-- Ideclare underpenal tyofperjurythatIhaveexaminedthls report,includlngaccompanying documents,and to the bestofmyknowledgeandbelief, itIstrue, ctand c plete. .. . .t ; ,.q ..; Signatureofa orizedofflcer a . PrintedName X zeyzwa z Title Date RRF-I(5-2004) @ @ * @ ' ' tm1 ::a 'j :e.k, : a c : : a k t x v .) ,. ! 1 K - 4 f7 . . . if' w - . q) c = , = D t$k & -4* > C Y Q ># < . *1 * > @