I UNCLASSIFIED I SEC~E1WHeFeRW283~ 182~ tSSCR8M839U31) 4th SPECIAL OPERATIONS SQUADRON (4 SOS) (UNCLASSIFIED) DO (UNCLASSIFIED) SD-2040, 4 SOS, 4 SOS Mission De cription-UDM," Ca. 2014 pi ; (UNCLASSIFIED) EML (SECRET/20410310) SD-2049, l(b)(3):10 U.S.C. § 130b,(b)(6) I'(U) Question for you, the 4 SOS Comdr," 10 Mar 2016, p 1; (UNCLASSIFIED) EML (SECRET/20391130) SD-4017, -------------- -----l-olst Special Operations Command Post (I SOW/CP), "Wing Readine s Brief (NOV14),' 14 Oct 2015, p I; (UNCLASSIFIED) EML (SECRET12039123I) SD-40l8 L~L Special Operations Command Post (1 SOW/CP), "Wing Readiness Brief (DEC14)," 14 Oct 2015, pgs 1-3. No otber SORTS reports for the year were made available to me; (UNCLASSIFIED) SPRDSHT (UNCLASSIFIED) SD-4016, l(b)(3):10 U.S.C. § 130b,(b)(6) 11 SOW/JA, "Non-Judicial Pu ishments_and_Courts_Marrial_l_Jan_2014-31_Dec_2014," 15 Oct 2015, pgs 1-4. 13 I I ~ IiCRA§');.(~IQ¥QR.')1 (~g. 25 g 1g~g IUNCLASSIFIED I -----_ J (b)(3):10 tJ.S~;-§ 130b,(b)(6) (b)(3):10 U:S;C-;§ 130b,(b)(6) I UNCLASSIFIED I SECRE'¥Nt40fORWQ839 1829 (U) During CY 20] 4, the 4 SOS remained one of the largest flying squadrons in the ] SOW. During January, this squadron contained 110 officers, 170 enlisted, and three civilians. Throughout the year, the squadron's numbers ranged from a January low of 283 to a December high of 298. The 4 SOS aircrews carried out an extensive flying hour program. During the first half of the fiscal year, this squadron completed 1,118.4 hours in continuation training, another 985.1 on formal training, and 2,773.3 in combats. The second half resembled the first with 1,043.5 in continuation training, 598.5 in formal training, and 1,226.5 in combat. The 4 SOS began the year deployed in support of combat operations. In November 2013, seven AC-130U gunships supported combat operations around the world. One aircraft returned to Hurlburt Fie]d on 20 November 2013. During late May and early June 2014, the remaining aircraft also flew back to Hurlburt Field. 14 (UNCLASSIFIED) SPRDSHT (UNCLASSIFIED) SD-4014, I - _1_~~l-.~~~;1~ (b)(3):10 OW Active Duty 2014," 30 Sept 2014; (UNCLASSIFIED) SPRDSHT (UNCLASSIFIED) SD- 130b,(b)(6) U.S.C.'i~..4D2.kI- L:~,~ SOW Civilian Strength 2014," 30 Jan 2014 P I; (UNCLASSIFIED) 13Ob,(b)(6) PRDSHT (UNCLASSIFIEU)","SD=4024;t- -- "I sow Civilian Strenfth 20~10 . 28 Feb 2014 p 1; (UNCLASSIFIED) SPRDSHT (UNCLASSIFIED) SD-4025, _ _ . ... § ~~~6·.10~ d -'- I "I SOW Civilian Strength 20]4," 30 Mar 2014 p ]; (UNCLASSIFIED) SPRDSHT 130b,(b)(6) 13Ob,(b)(6) UNCLASS[ ISD~026 I I'" SOW Civilian Strength 2014," 30 pr 2014 (b)(3):10 p 1; (UNCLASSIFIED) SPRDSHT (UNCLASSlFfED) SD-4027, QW-tJ;S;€;' § (b)(3):10 Civilian Strength 20]4. 30 May 2014 p I' (UNCLASSlFlED) SPRDSHT (UNCLASSIFI ED) 130b,(b)(6) U.S.C. i b)-4Q.28rl~--I "I SOW Civilian Strength 2014," 30 iUD 2014 pI; (b)(3)'10 130b,(b)(6) CLASSIFIED) SPRDSHT (UNCLASSIFIED) SD-4029, I I ~~1---s()W- us£ § (b)(3):10 Civilian Strength 201 4," 30 Jut 2014 P 1; (UNCLASSIFIED) SPRDSHT (UNCLASSIFIED) 130b,(b)(6) U.S.C. §" D-4G-3G;-,I '-""1 SOW Civilian Strength 2014," 30 Aug 014 P 1; (b)(3):10 130b.(b)(6) (UNCLASSIFIED) SPRDSHT (UNCLASSIFIED) SD-403 1, - ~-~ l.. -SOW--tJ:s;e; § (b)(3):10 Civi lian Strength 2014," 30 se~t 2014 P I; (UNCLASSIFIED) SPRDSHT (UNCLASSIFIED) 130b,(b)(6) U.S.C.-§" ------SD 4032, -1-----------.-..-_ "I SOW Civilian Strength 2014," 30 Oct 2014 p 1; (b)(3):10 130b,(b)(6) (UNCLASSIFIED) SPRDSHT (UNCLASSIFIED) SD-4033, I ~ (;)W..U~,c.. § (b)(3):10 Ci ilian Strength 201 4, ' 30 Nov ,~014 P 1; (~~LASSIFIED) SPR~~HT (UNCLASSIFIED) 130b,(b)(6) U.s.C.i-,- -··'sD4034, I 1 SOW CIVIlIan Strength 201 4, 30 Dec 2014 p 1; 130b,(b)(6) (UNCLASSIFIED) SPRDSHT (UNCLASSIFIED) SD-4013, l(b)(3):10 U.S.C. § 130b,(b)(6) AFSOC/A3T, "2014 FY Exps: Monthly Flying Hour Pro m 13 Oct 2014 2; (UNCLASSIFIED) SPRDSHT (UNCLASSIFIED) SD-40]5, (b)(3):10 U.S.C. § 130b,(b)(6) AFSOC/A3T, "2014 FY Exps: Deployment Days" 14 Oct 201 pgs 1- . 14 1 I I I I ---,- 1'1 i -----,,-------- I iijC~*,,~'OFoan/28391 829 I 26 UNCLASSIFIED I I UNCLASSIFIED I ~ 1geA:l9l=1;~JQFQR:~Sli89918i9 (b)(3):10 U.S.C.·i- · _on~ 130b,(b)(6) 1S - , -o n (UNCLASSIFIED) SITREP (SECRET/20370417) SD-2029, I"CAS Integration Exercise," 30 Jun 2014, P 1. } ~~)(3) : 1 0 ----'::PJ.S:6:-§ , - I_ __ _ 16 (UNCLASSIFIED) SITREP (SECRET/20370417) SD-2029, I "CAS Integration Exercise," 30 Jun 2014, P 1. (b)(3):10 U.S.C.-§... 130b,(b)(6) (b)(3):10 U.S.C. § 130b,(b) ,....-_ _ 11.(U~N;.;,ICLASSIFIED) . I SITREP (SECRET/20370417) SD-2032, ~6""",,--_ _ _ _ _---, "Jackal Stone 2014 After Action Report," 7 O ct 20 14 pI. I SEGR.r:'f/;qeJQFO~J,QQ391 Q29 I 27 UNCLASSIFIED I 130b,(b)(6) I UNCLASSIFIED I SECREl'NNOF8R:Nl2939 1929 (b)(3):10 U.S.C.-§---130b,(b)(6) --F--- 18 (UNCLASSIFIED) SITREP (SECRET/20370417) SD-2032, f'Jackal Stone 2014 After Action Report," 7 Oct 2014, pgs 1-2. ~~~_ _----J ~ UNC LASSIFIED) (b)(3):10 u.s.c. §- I=:..........J ~"Jackal Stone 2014 130b,(b)(6) (b)(3):10 u.s.c.·-§- --· _·-E 20 SITREP (SECRET/20370417) S0-2032, After Action Report," 7 Oct 2014, pgs 1-2. (UNCLASSfFIED) SITREP (SECRETI20370417) SD-2032 1'lackal Stone 2014 After Action Report," 7 Oct 2014, pgs 1-4. 130b,(b)(6) ii"~",,,qeIQfQRti/i!9391829 I 28 UNCLASSIFIED I L.:.:..::;.:,u.::;.u.:::.L_ _- . J UNCLASSIFIED SECRET//N8FeRN/28J98926 (SSCAIS'FIi9a9Ilal) 1ST SPECIAL OPERATIONS AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE SQUADRON (1 SOAMXS) (b)(3):10 VI held command of the I SOAMXS 4 A d' . . . . until took command on I3 June 201. ccor mg to lts umt mlSSlon de 'cn ptlOn, t I squa ron pe ormed maintenance on 16 AC-130U Spooky gunships and two AC-130J gunships, In addition to maintenance at Hurlburt Field, the 1 SOAMXS also performed maintenance wherever AC-130U gunships deployed too in either FY 14 or CY 14. From October 2013 through March 2014, the 1 SOAMXS maintained a mission capable rate of 80% or greater. In April 2014, this rate fell to 75.5%. It also fell to 53.4% the following month before it began climbing back into the high 70s. With regard to the deployed aircraft, the 1 SOAMXS personnel maintained mission capable rates in the 80s or 90s. 3 U.S.C. .§ _._ . _______ 130b,(b)(6) -- UNCLASS IFIED GSO UNCLASSIFIEDI/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY) SD-0004, I st Special Operations Aircraft Maintenance Squadron: GA 14-23, 13 Jun 2014, p l~ (UNCLASSIFIED) DOC (UNCLASSIFIED) SD-3008, I SOAMXS, "Unit Mission Description," 15 Nov 2015, p 1~ (UNCLASSIFIED) DOC (UNCLASSIFIED) SD-4002, 1 SOMaS Sharepoint ,"Analysis, Wing Analysis: AC-130U Data, CONUS," 07 Oct 2015, P 2; (UNCLASSIFIED) DOC (UNCLASSIFIED) SD-4002, I SOMOS Sharepoint, "Analysis, Wing Analysis: AC-130U Data, Deployed," 07 Oct 2015, p 3. (b)(3):10 U.S.C. § 130b,(b)(6) 4 (b)(3):10 (UNCLASSIFIED) SPRDSHT (UNCLASSIFIED) SD-4014, I - --~ P~i--so;---- 130b,(b)(6) Acti e Duty 2014' 30 Sept 201~;. ~UNCLASSIFIED) SPRDSHT (UNCLASSIFIED) 0-4023, ~. ;J'~L H~Q~_ Clvdlan Strength 2014," 30 Jan 2014 p 1; (UNCLASSlFIED) U.S.C.j::1ag€-==---130b,(bX6) (b)(3)'10 (b)(3):10 Jl._-S.C, § SPRDSHT (UNCLASSIFIEDf~024;t--- - -" ,"I SOW Civilian Strent:~ (b)(3):10 28 Feb 2014 p 1; (UNCLASSI FIED) SPROSHT (UNCLASSIFIED) SD-4025 - .S£,-§ U.S.C.§'=, ~+,,=,:---q--1-'~lSQ_~ _~i~ilian Strength 20 14," 30 Mar 2014 p 1; (UNCLASSlfIE D) S 130b,(b)(6) 130b,(b)(6) (UNCLASSIFIED) SD4021 " I SOW Ci ilian ftrengtb 201 4," 30 Apr 2014 (b)(3):10 p .1: ~UNCLASSIFIED~, SPRDSHT (UNCLASSIFIED) SD-4027, _ - -/;4 0 ~3~b.ib~(6) (b)(3):10 Clvlhan Strength 2014, 30 May }014 pI; (U. .~ LASSIFI EO) SPRO~HT (UNCLASSI FIED) (b)(3):10 U.S.C.--§- ___SO"-40lS-;-+ ----------- I, 1 SOW ClVlhan Strength 2014 30 JUD 201 4 P,, __ !.;._ lh&G-. § 130b,(b)(6) (UNCLASSIFIED) SPRDSHT (UNCLASSIFrEO) SD-4029 I - ow 130b,(b)(6) (b)(3):10 Civilian Strength 2014," 30 Jul 2014 P 1; (UNCLASSIFIED) SPRDSHT (UNCLASSIFIED) (b)(3):10 U.S.C. t --D-4