FI.DERI\L BUREAUOF I\T'\"ES TICATION Dil"ectora le Qf llltel.Ligf-Bce .rJUUJ'/Y-7 Ad1 '1SOJ} Cir.mcil (U) Ba;~roi-mJ (U' 'r OUO) A confiuf.llte. o: even. tr-from tte rev1sion vf Eiteani;:e Oder l 233J tc tlrenillli~ :/: 5:pec:~ Agentsin Gbarge as DomesticD:'.'[Re:x~J.tatives of:B: A~Slstam: Directorsin C'harg t:i th forr:1at :on of Joint Regional h:te1ligence Gtou?5- has increasedthe F3I's tesponsih:li:y for strare~c1r.te1;1gence and ::k,meEtically collecte:iForeignIntell:gen:e {FI). These:are signif:crntd ar:fi::aliomofFEI .:1:.1t.boti ries andresponsil: ,1liti:!; in d:m1estic cperatiJr.s, :eq:iir ing ai: ?Xpmsmnanj ~"ilic11cen1@r e;:it!iCJr.Jfi:ief .tfal Humm:.So·.1rce(CHS~ bc.5e . ':"n~FBI:must itman:an:iinteilig liries mep1ocedure;n~ to Commmuty(USJCJpa:rtntrsoperate. mm or lUlllit:urn:.trwhichUS :ntelltge..'ll.Ce (U) Tot"Flffs ~f:e-ctin· e:>.erut!O I [ o::it~aforen."'Otionec dome;uc in:~llig:oce responsibilities tr·iJJdep:flc,:n pm, 1: on tilerr.ccess:ft.J impkmmtatior. o: the foliO'liin_g rernrooer.datians • (Ut·'fff..:-0) Adapt existing :;iolides,c.g, CHSPolky Inplement1 tion Guice, mcexpani HUMI:'ITeffortsfres-:ucesD support1.11d er.han::-FBI'-sdomesti:: -:Jl:ectiJr: t:1iision. • (UtFO t:O) Enfotu the 1:ieec.of spe.cia1izeC OJ De1.•e i-0pro·jmt Dir,~orate of I11t=1.Hgenee (DI) g;,p]>::,rt tc. t"kd-0ffice HIDII NT i!?1c.gra:ms. 1 }, l'l"'3.~ 1>lrw·.:i m;.'1l:l:: ' t tt _uc,·tt ··?p·.oo,i: ~.~f~ ~ <>M"i'!:. ",;;w;. tk~!i:';'3'13inir,r 1oCH5 Poler \l ocmtat b o; . l'lr'..l!l.1~, t~t , \.!asd'&~1<>rt;r~ in r~, 1NUr~6M. :;,g., 1 (U IOUO) TI:.tFBIrnnfrllles to recru3tC:: 'i Ss bott dor.JeSt jcaJ.lyJ.ndk.terna!fona liy, yet its go·.-:-mingpo:icies 1es'£11ct how CHSs are O?!rated o\-erS:eas. Consirleri11g the :>!>jecri,, e of HtJ..\I:NT Sqm:ls i5 to 1ncria:;e aid ~pa.110FK in.tetligen::e coUecrion, r.01 eviden:~. the policiesam:.prot::x:o 1s under wb d 1HU\UN':' Sqi.:,dsopeiate n:;a,:lto reflect this gval. 'Jl.~e:·ore,thecoun-ci l _d::: "' (U' IOU:): All:>\:ing '- G"rlStJ be operatec.oYer~ :;:iursJa -iu to 1 Type 3 or L As5essmer.. t, enablir:g UDH '5tr:ctro ab.ii5~rtc f_u:"iH the fBrs fcreisn inte1tigencc mi:;sior.._ 1 • (S Nr ) A1Jc,,;i ng HlJNII~Usquad S;:ieciaL Ageot. s co::,per.. and opet'.at~ an irn::.i\· ijua! i'iithomth~ p-tno-never hawing :hey art ari FBJ CHS:_ r.Ullncrot1sein FSJlif.l)f! NT '(.fIP,Q{}' ,'li.ttt?Smrdcaar-;•re;,A ed til'fu.(f'lli f.dl mt::.Jliga.•J:Ce 1:G.:.?:,OrtJltJt,'tt ;r ::, (S NF) In order for l'beFK b rec.chii:s .::1ax imrunpotent1aJ in ,B er..hancedrole fBI Hill.,C.JT Sq·:rad~n:ust l\'.:fC'.:mle the ct.llil.r .a.1·t> ias :;.ga iristpro-.acfr;aCHS:-ecru-it ing oatS1deof eases., ld be on de·;~;opmg 1te WL2.ffi\Ji SquadsabJity to 1espondtG FB:1USIC rec;urrrmems am: n 11:~:lsO}' incre.=B ing nsworkforceandprovidir_g training r.eceS£\ly to ennan::: iB ~ ·oning, as3essjng, re;:m itment, anc debri:ifn:gC,c.pab ili1ie,l. (S Nf ) Ht ~V::l}IT target staffing j.evels w1t:1 in FBI :"'ie1 :l.o:ficeshave nor kept paceWjth 11:.e FBI's txpan:li.ngjt:.r i;dtt1i::m.a1 mandate "·itt: r=~d io intelligence<'O l~t ion nor h,re t'1eykept pa<'e i.iithth~ f'VtJ mx .~ demandmgrr..;:..npowt1 re3.Hties on fa~ ground, wt:Ji:h requ11e th~FBI "!O t1ophasiz~ the pic,-acrtre nt11tral :zE-fion;:,fnatkiaa1 -semt1t' / thmJs o·;.~ tbe ::-.:t Hecrion ofIJ IDd recrui:n:ru :"oro-,;ers.:'H plaun-..er_trather than pro;ecutim:._ 'Jl e::r e::o:re,!he:ro1mcJ recommends: .. (S NF) A minin:un: of 5% oi the S::>:-:i~ Agent fuLI~ a:".fing 1~ -el (FSL) sboulc be a~53gne:llo li-JehlJ"]AINT,q-.:iad (s) ma:1.~h f1eJd o.:ficet-omr.dnctm-ategi~eoUection focused.on r.atiom.l ::ea:rityrnd IBUID3. 1k•nal crin-_inal tt.reat;_Ar. al[orG.tiongreater thar.5% off SL is r:-::m:uneud,jfar fielddfi ~es riitl: a .sigi:ifka.u t pres::.nceof clear¢;! -defensecor_tractors,criticc.1nat:onaJasse1s, :oreigi: ili?!omati: establis.h.:rr.en ts, e1(.4 : {5// '~' j If :re ·11 d 1~ou;,l _.a L;;te infoi n ~;:;IT'3t 1h: f i.l?S:1Pckr i>tD ~ LS Go.-=rrn·,EtL. ' {U,'/ f:l l.O• : 1np ~i El~g,:.,,~fj ;,go, ~ , m-cnr.o~H..flAINT Sp;-~ 1~_;':crtt:r ID:1"!$!1r? they ar ! 11:tV?tf cofcecfr .g ,,33.rutfa /\ 7..c r ;,qui1E1T"Etrs lD! ; :r !~ a-ry r; prtc n Fa ,u ; cr ,o1ui•mft2rd1-? ardfl , ~e-i:s.1r,.12st1c:it VPS'.fU ~J t~ tfilicn tf wt q.Je.:i,·c f:l: :n'-t.r'T..t b, ;;,w :>I11-;" c;~e; fonr btht ~,- ~·;,~ t':"" .nir.a:tl. 1o~ ~llt; . ; T"~ i ,::: , tv-. J'Ql.od o -_s;;;;·"'1r,. gL~ ~ j'fl13Jp.artmt.nt ofHomelar.c S.ecutify,1eqi.;.estin.g t!J.~ -~e.r..r::,; Dhctor of Ka 1onal ImtmgEIDce rei:lsethe rune:ntorcertc, Jlace theJi:selvts in the p-:,rition of ;,r:.r::1:1.:: ,- li.', c.mms1i.::n~cruhrJ:'ilt am:FI rnJlertfon. :1J)I uifil1ing the TI3:''s ':'X.?m.;b:i~ONT mission 1'e1ufres the participationo: alt FBI agent~ in pa..rtr.ersll.ip wil'hthfr a1:al:;1icco1lea.g.1e;;.Th! F3I ~:c, ~nrr uafriillgt:.i allfB.I'.ectmtl)'tk ;iersonnd. This tn iningwill ;n,h.m:;e :J1.eir nITall p=rfounan.ce ;;s l>Jthcase ~gents'\/Ofki ng scphistk1teOflll! i-\. invesugati{l!l),or zdd!essir.t: lligrate g"p::. In:re,~ munoersof ,ger.tswho h:rre :omp!etedHL~'lIN':'tn inmg ,,..i1J rev~at-"k.emifj t:1.i:>-~ agents ,riff: :1pm:ru ar acum:-nfc,r 5ouru m:n-.itrncr.rt kindle mtt.r;:Stlll~thersvrho1ac-kkn;:,, wldge abo--1: t'li~pr<:gram,and prnvide .lim :or ttt. future:icic1,vrud1me .f3I rm seie-cttb: :s0· best a cadrf':of Ht~ [ ~~T s;i-~;:-:E. Thert:''o1::,;rnunoi 1ecc'f.1.J--nends: 1 • (U) 1fa.l!lda te HL] 1!)v7 li 1i,fl.mre!liat2C~ ::.ttendancE far c3!Sp-e.d:tl Agents, regardl,ess of care~ path, ar.c.a ieqrjrem::mfo1promotion to GS-13. • (U) \.IandateAdvmrc~ HG~\.!I \il Op(J]'ctiorJ; C011..-;;p aner.dznce fJr al SpecialAgents t) HU11INTsq1ud s- 1egc:rd1e ss oftleir careei-path- ani encouragemendanc.e c.fSigned. for SpeciajAgentsin aJl 001e1c1reer:;,atl:ts . • (UJ MandateHUMT.NT lrade:.:!'aft. for Man[Jg2."! cc,l.fSc attendan ce for 2.ll Assi;1aut C.1Iatgf and o~a:tional :;:pa:iS'..lpef'/ifory SpecialAger.ts,and oµanto SpecialAg~E 111 Bek Superv15C.!yIntelligenceAl: aly;ts. • (U) fatablish trrgetia~comses--at tb~ b3.s 1c, 1ntero:di2re.ar_c.:1. jvanc:d Ievel...-:01 Jm:-]i gmce .4ll.a !y~s, -)tl:u11 · tc1ga:11gper500lllt l, and managem ent acrossthe :FBIt> ities, e.ns1.11e IDIDritt:. ;z? ra:r getin5 eap.abll ~f1kient ·.ue af 1:es01.1rr':3,an1 t:nsue ;>ro]}e.r 01rtts1ghr Jf t1rge1ing l'ffom :!c11: 1 FBJHQ. '( U/'/ f :IVJ , - n'?:rot;; . Hvt,llNT:i-JWadSUU:afY{SOC\\-1"0-:34S;Ui ; ai 5s;~iaJ~~rt ' ~rnl); , asam :a,dfar in ;!,e1nY-OJ$ ·<:om" ~rt 3 (l~1A robmt :'idd HTY.i.fl:'VT Progra,-nequires c.robust :mpportoperc. tion at fBIHQ. ':'he D: is sfl H ad:ing m th:s regar:l. msen·ra1areas. Thtlefore, the co·.m:iJreccnJ nends: • :u ':I OL'O)'J'U"getmg - Th~(Oundlhas p1e,"io~isly advocate-d. ioro ::net;.i:)l.lSt targ~ing ::apabi1ittes,E FBJHQm d in the field to mpport the Hl~.l]~T Progran6_The Dl ::um:mly?fO\'JC.esno suppc, the :"'ielliniel1igenc~compor.ent in tle Mee.ofbgh value itf1tegi:: targefo1g or lead infoi:mali:mfor sc,cre,~development. Th.isis in stark cor..trastto .~;ery :>ther:nve-stig.ative comp-:men t of the FBI 1aog~n ~ fromcrimina.l,couterterrorisrr~ ::mdcm;int:rimenigtu~ ( :I) to C'ybt'!-reiated. inv=mgaiiom,.'iJ:hicbreeekl opaat!Oll.L leads.· FL1rilimr1 01e,tle FBI' s HU:vlINl peen (i.e.., Defenselnt,e!!i gence,;efar mo.rerobu.:;rrc:rg etmg ".':Jons,to ,:r::d,dec.jefim:d:areerpa1tf01 ic.fgt:tmg ma.l:,;sts tJm r.eCOgJLj zes ibe 10_1lit.y oi:"!a!get:i:r..g to ini:>gtate 1ntemgeore ma.. iysrs mdam:arn::e :,;>~anons. The NailonaJIar_g~tir1g C:em:eis concept,fS itbi.s J:-enbii:{ei 1 to Uteffl.,,~\l.;.°v7 Ac.,ifx•.ry Cour..ciJ, ·,,.-mfjfikdy 1d·.-ancttrusgoal stgnillcar:t ly. 1 91 :l,1)~aiioml a:ni101 Regi:mal Le"·a CJHecHonProducts -The DIshould::on>1ste:n tly ;>ro-ri.e regiJO.aland m.tbnal pi:.trns of FBI'-sColleclionC:1.:;n.o:tities.~ :s :,NF,Llais~nwilt. IC agemfos - 1le DI should ·::>:e,iptcted to :;m.w: c.erapid, fury :orr.pren._ ->ns:veCIA urn .~ trace s-.1:?POrt on ffiTh.ITNT t.ar_se:s which rr..{.+ .t:bs all j iogtapb i:aJ information: ?rior recruitmentattempts a:>""Sociat:or_s, and prior:>:-current FISili: l1arions. • :s,N"F: :=1etaJ~es- DI detri.leesa~s.1gnedto CIA .mouk · >Viflensming U:e ~ecci?: of CIA tc,nct:...'trr ".' nce f-oririr-err.atrm1~operaionaJ.rrz,,,e.J anc.·.1:1 tasktr.g )?'=:!'a.ti om cf HH JIT..n11Dn squad 1.ntemgenceas;m . Tnis ,;:ouid help the CJA 10 rn.creBeaccJtlrlita: brility:0,1'.ll.o, se requert; t"lar m'.gltot!lerni,e not qltiek. "ly. • {U) i-LIVIV- Adv150fVQ:JUrc l\ -"1!fti'J{IlfffJ .f?,11i!Dt 111'nP:c.p.)~ lt.-m2011 " (! J/ llf } =ot,,jcll">~lt 'J;A 1~-;;d irt?J!.g; t,t;-!;;Ji! a-Ht lh~c,11i n ,;dro: b;;sb f Cli; u;~ ;~ '.l"!,feJ;, "ttr.1r.? 'ield im!lii~~ HUMl~T mffl!X'r<.:-il <,+lthi:.l:E~tp·,;µ-;r e:lto e,obk ih.sicv.11.g e-r.ce, i; n~ :J f r\8'", a«:e!Stc t'1! ZEi~ 3d; ;; t,-,;y pett, in 10t-t..1v1 NTdev~oi:ncen1, ~=pi1etJ-afar~b !! h::v nJ·~:d?>1r?~c f) J ~acr.a,:a :>UtrA S~.>of S1nte¥t1<~tn&, . ' (U// fOl'O}~.mb~ hin.; =Nalt;;n,;1-:;sE,;.'ffa'Ce,1:n,tF ;tt~ Q.\\t) .:}i a«:~'f"f1tll (1.1m ,t:.rty1in,,;a;, ilh :; 1 n l11 s~~rat:; k 1a~: :in,g bnudmT-i!i nl ~E'l '?NPuorit~;tcrt :1;rd1 i'.!11:w b, [2} •).le~ tt ;;io;; ~ntfi:atbo ff 3ty°.iq:i r:xei.s, mi (3) P·<>1mttpXlr:10fie \j t; rset·rgcff:;rt!. ~·LJl;:oLo) • Bl 170.spe.;fi:al}1 :~ fom;r ~,-,.~ hn 31ts12lr~rc!';p.s;has ,ro:'~ d ·=i >nal , rdr .s 1icm ll~vi;lco lectionproci,-:u nthe ca,t .!c• d 1h~rs-t_a, ~ ~ n r--rtk;n;!I l:--r'.11-0t>! l?tti:;, .Mti:>11 P'l!IS, 1t.lGU ~ irf~~IJ9">1;in:l ,w:b lt:l;, .mrdmin1icn =urth;.r, -..'3f; ii ,1·t1:lif ,-l~c<1fi 2:r1:'mm tr m:',a;;:tt >;ir irtMw ;!l;l'1i;,ti:1opl'!:1n m t1=efmt •t~ ;1; j iozc .:racyd:rcemlicrnl p-tv,;:n, rcrmfi~1; rt p•tires tiywh:t, -3rd ~ -.!!3r ri?ir~tt.: forrrat t 1'.hd1, fetl atft~:,J:"I t'Jli.1?3 r!l pre:: ·1tcolKlicnpN!lrr::l1rDl.k, i: :kVBbprv.rt !:f ; ru• en tl;l",W : , · ,tr.·.;11~ :ii FE!' ~=tr iee-;o.lrs;t h!?Jiam;o:,;s .rrpfat;,_ ,t,,£-='2r.r-.atr~sar~iemtl>., atr>dreri:-,,·!dl:y_t.e,i;p·<'piita,1, 1:l rt. g:llC'= r.l ~ : ntl.Pt [ =IM LI) frcrn '='.cc fbr2' p;:1$c= n