METROSWD#1 API#: 42-251-32402 7" REMEDIAL PLUG BACK PROCEDURE Ellenburger SWD Well JOHNSON COUNTY, TX AFE #: xx-12-3456 BY: SAMANTHA HAGAN AUGUST 3, 2015 ABSTRACT/ OBJECTIVE: The Metro SWD #1 has 7" casing down to a current PBTD of 12,823' and a 4 %" tubing down to packer at 10,969' MD. The perforated interval in the Ellenburger Formation is 11 ,056' - 12,607'. Per Oil and Gas Docket No. 09-0268534, the well is permitted to inject into the Ellenburger formation from a depth of 11 ,000' - 12, 700'; the injection shall not exceed 30,000 bbls per day; and the MASIP shall not exceed 5,500 psi. A fall off test was performed on this well on May 11, 2015 per the guidelines of the UIC. Horner analysis was run and classic radial flow boundary conditions were demonstrated. The outcome of this analysis showed no other anomalous pressure response was present other than a high skin in the near well bore area. A meeting was then held in Austin between management of Metro SWD and members of the RRC (Lori Wrotenbery, David Hill, Craig Pearson and Bob Freymuller). The outcome of that meeting was that the RRC requested that Metro plug back the well in question to 12,500'. In order to mitigate the high remedial cost asso ated with 'lling ewell and pulling tubing ($250K+), the following proc ure outlines a p an to through tubing on a live well in order to administer new PBTD of 12,500'. 2 Metro SWD #1 3 August 2015 PROCEDURE: 1.0 2.0 Prep wellhead and location for Wireline unit 1.1 Shut in injection for at least 2 days to allow any crossflow to stabilize 1.2 Isolate and remove any manifold to allow MIRU of WLU 1.3 Add additional rental swab valve on top of wellhead for WLU to RU on top MIRU Workover Rig and run 7" petal basket bridge plug . 2.1 RIH w/ 3-3/4" gauge ring I CCL to verify that hole is clear down to 12,500'. 2.2 Do not go deeper than th$ next collar down below 12,500' ._ 2.3 POOH and PU eetal basket plug. / 2.4 s€ -- ~- split collars and set in the middle of the nearest plug at +/casing joint - POOH . . ~) 3.0 RIH w/ dump bailer and dump 1_Q' of sand on top plug. 4.0 RIH w/ dump bailer and dump 30' of cement on top of sand. 5.0 RDMO wireline. 6.0 Sl well and WOC min of 48 hours. 7.0 MIRU slickline (or wireline) and chisel point bailer. 8.0 Tag top of cement plug. 8.1 Verify top is correct based on set depth plus sand plus cement. 8.2 Note new PBTD in well records. 9.0 RDMO SLU 10.0 NO rental swab valve. 11.0 NU manifold for injection. 12.0 Resume injection operations. 12.1 Run injection and fall off test as needed. 12.2 Review to determine if additional perfs or acidizing is needed. 3 Metro SWD #1 3 August 2015 THRU·TUBING PETAL BASKET BRIDGE PLUG ltr\" 1\oth "'~~~ ( •"\J \hp :\ \.1<111~ II I It·~ P(Tf.~.: ( 'l111Pf0"1U11 SJ"'III~ ( .be"\1 Slip ·""1<111~ ~~~ tlapPcrt~c <·~,...,.. srnnt: ( 'omp:~rk [ 'p.andin~ s~ .,., n (~lur~ "lJ' ,\ ,.1<111~~ II) 4 Metro SWD #1 3 August 2015 PLUG OPERATING SEQUENCE I. r.;;;- n. ... ~ torMIIIne V4fi1V.I ... ft. Fl~~al Plug n. ,.~· .........•••r. 01111un , ... 1) -..... ,,.., ...... IL ,., ot Dtlfa ... lb4tNIIIIH4rd ......'" II ····- V. IV. Clo1o Vonl Ill. PriiMIJ Plug II. SoUing Runni~t~~ ) " .:.:-:.:.::r~~,· "'"'.,.' • HIPIWI 110101 (Jie _ ..............._ o~IJ ·~llldWtl .. ....... , • Well• .rt• OPH pel11 l..arae •11110111r ONIIOJ • OlfttNION A.D,C lrl ..... oo QC rtpor1o •toe n••·ttlll . _ ao.n Willi ..........,........ • ltl ···~ •-.c-odM: IS'•"CIC 20' • J'CIO WOC: )4 Hn mlo •voM o'""at root~· Dllr._ _ Tlat_:_ _ VMI hrt • woe 2• !ttl. 1111n \leot '"' 5 Metro SWD #1 3 August 2015 Existing Wellbore Diagram Metro SWD #1 Metro SWD Inc. 2828 Chamben Street Ytn.n..iX '160M --- - ... -·-· -c""' a.oc 1.174' 11414• 11-1/4"Hol• ...... .,_ 755 m .../1.... -...... . . - • • DVT_. Md TOC. o\MS' • • •• DVTMI_.TOC.I.OH' 4-l/l"12.751N-aaiEOIM11tuMnt ~AS-=ut . JO.... FonnM:IonTop~.: / Barnett Shale ' r" , r iool::::;or - " 8,55~ Ellenburpr GranlteWuh 8,684' ....... -... P'wfomlanl • ll,IIN' -1UCI7' - 7,721t Vlola/SimFJSOn U,&OO' 11,800' ,...,., ,....... .... .. .,., 6 Metro SWD #1 3 August 2015 Proposed Wellbore Diagram MetroSWD#l Metro SWD Inc. 2828 Chambors Street Venus. 1X 76014 . ··-·-·-··········· ················~··:i ~.;;;m;m:w,;;,o· ::t·t............ ·. .~.......•...~Th- ..-t· ....'"'""" ~-·t·~~~l 1~=~·j:·· ··~4··--·-~-~l···~~··· ·--~~··· li:iiV" ··-·· . ...1· - - - ··-¥·-·:t·1~ ................ ........... ....,_.. "'""" " ""-""' ....................... '"'"""'"" ~ , ~t: , 591 136' F$L A 1'!16' FEL OOOHOOOHOOOH HOOOMUO ········ ·•·•···· • ............. . "''"'''"'''. •·•··-···• •• .... ..... :::::::::::.·:::.;:::t.~~~?+.~:·.-.-.-~·.-:::·:::.-.:~:;:~· OH OO OOOOOOotO ... OooOoooo oo o "* ooo o oooo o oo o ooonooo" •....... . - ••o o uoo u o o.o ooo•ooooo.o. 00000 0000000,0000 00 00 000000000 oooo ooO o o " ' " ' n. ·•········• ·- ··--· -·-•·---·· ................ --............ .,. . ""*~:-"'nail. ~ Ml/11 . . . . . .~g;_. _________ : : :::: ::~~~~:: : : :: :~: ::~:~~:::~ : :~:::t:::~:::r~::t::~:~~:~::t::~~::::l: __. ::~~~:: ::~~~:~: : - 12·114' ... ...... ... .... sunr.. l,l'M' ..._ ,.. m DVT... IM.TOC:.4pa5' PROPOSED -- _,_ .._ +1/J• U.'IH ..... ,co ....... bMw Fomwtlan Top~: ~A,S.,UC.,o,JW ..... Shole . , -•u--...- ....... w... Gnnb....,.•nt ,._...., ..,_ ~ ...... ~ ...... .-..,10' ......... .,.... ..... 7 Metro SWD #1 3 August 2015 DRILLING AND COMPLETION AFE ESTIMATE OF COSTS AND AUTHORIZAnON FOR EXPENDITURE PROPERTY' NO [!] IMS 0 COUNTY7ST...uE DISTRICT Johnson ITX LEASE NAME OBJECTIVE Plug Back SWD Well FOCUS A R.EA Ellenburger ~ORIGINAL SUPPLEMENT 100.000000% P ROSPECT ; §EXPLORATION 0.000000% DEVELOPMENT APT I 0 E$1lMAfED I'ROJECT START DATE I 08103115 0 AMCHE'M Metro SWD Inc. XX-12-3456 IOATE IFfELO 1 lEGAl.f ZIP Kimbrough OF'ERATOR AFENO Newark East (Barnett) !WELL NO Metro SWD PROSPECTILEASE # DITS PUD IESTlMATED PHOJECT COMPLETION DATE m:.SCRIPnON Plug back the Metro SWD #1 to 12 500' per meellng with the RRC Complete well INTANGIBLE DEVELOPMENT COSTS ACCT DESCRIPTION DRILLIN"G DRY HOLE COMPLETION COMPLETION EQUIPMENT TOTAL WEU COST SUPPLEMENT 70002 AIR TRANSPORTATION 0 0 0 0 0 0 70003 BITS, COR:fJf9.0S AND REAMERS 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.0004 CASING CREWS 0 0 0 0 0 0 70005 CATERING AND GR:OCERJES 0 0 0 D 0 0 70001! CEMENT AND CEMENTING SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 70009 COMPANY U\BOR D 0 0 0 a 0 70011 COMPANY SUPERVISION 0 0 0 0 0 0 700t2 COMPANY VEHIClE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 0 70019 CONTRACT DRILLING· OAYWORK (.26 D