lilucShicld nf'l'exns SulWCl'lhEl' Name SAMANTHA TRIMBLL Oclnber 28, 2012 Deal SAMANTHA TRIMBLEs Tlus lerrer is In respunse ru :1 requesr ofhensfils lur senice/procedure been as rnerlreully necessary as defined by your Care Benefits bunkch nr- Summary Plan H): Member Namc: HA TRIMBLE Dale _197x Dule' Tremmclu Acme -- MILLWOUD HOSPITAL EXCEL Approved: 5 Service Prucerlure ADMISSION Dale lzxpilzllion Dale Certified man 2012 lam '2012 5 Please eunruer us al llre abuve lisled dalc rryuu require approval for addilional days/nulls ofservice'proccdulcs than approved above. Tu ensure benem coverage, you rnusr Contacl us followlng ueeurs: - The plan or level Mare 15 change-i The ls changed from that uorerl above - Tue dale erservree rs changed or ernreellerl. Appl'uval Health Care is run a ul'paymenv ofbeuefirs Paymeru ofbeuerus ls lo several l'uerurs, illcludlng, bur nol limirerl lo, at Illc rune ru' seniee, allowable for servrces, rnedrenl uueumemnurur and erlrer lelnlm and exclusions ser l'unlr ru yullr l'ollcy Certificate and/or Booklet and or Plan Deseripuen as well us llre preexiSling condition walling period, lfany, Customer at Illc phone number on llre back ul'yeur insurance In PO Box <Page 2 Ucluhel' 28V 2012 SAMANTHA TRIMBLE 8449310" card questions aboul benefits. You [brainy outeofepncket cosh, lncludlng, um um coinsurancc. cupuyuteutu deductibles and/or Please note |}1al ifyuu are scmces through a provider (a provulel whom Blue and Blue of'lexas does not have a common/agreement), you may be Iespousiblc ret uuteelipeeket cns|s fm tut: sewice, Th: provider Is not obligaled to accept Blue Cross and Blue slueld nfTems allowable xmmunt as payment lull. A paruclpuung )VI'UVidcl may also charge you for any billed ovet [he ammuu allowed for payment, lryuu need help finding a call Customer at Ihc number listed on your member idenuficullnn MM. 1 lte decision to (he proposed l'cmalns between you and your health care provide>>. Cmslagu. benefit and payment ue 'mns do not ueuuneut stueetety. Blue and Blue Shield oFTcxas ":3th Can: Department Phone Number. 7883-3984107!) Fax Number: [78777361-7646 HOSPITAL EXCFL CENTER 101] NORTH COOPER STREET ARLINGTON TX 760] [70000