Marl 25 DE 10:4015 5 ?lm: Urchard Dri?uL:i Ohm 4-3551 1U. ?cur ?n'v'uthu: my111nuyht5inthunituchul. ll'ym: I ?I'll In ?Item In 1311}; lu?lify 1n 1hr; 11?Lz1h ?j'whnt I klmw. Sinum'u] 1 has as us 1o:4op Establishing a Pattern of Deceit for Self?gain l. Naseem Khan lied about his father being dead. and lied about his mother raising hint. Wonder why? 2. Arrival in Kentucky: One ot?the chores he was assigned early on was to rake leaves. the would pump the bag up with a hand Fut of leaves and air. and create an impressive row ot'20 such bags. a few hours later. the de?ated bags would sit testifying to the deceit. But he would walk around completely unfazed by the discovery or the betrayal. 3. Within two months ot'his arrival in Kentucky. he began colluding with two cousins in lttdianapolis to move out of my house - he didn't like the discipline. But because ofhis recent arrival. he had act gauged the physical and economic landscape accurately enough. and therefore, he was not a very suave liar yet. Upon the advice of the cousins. he called the local Social Services Agency. He sat facing me and lied brazenly to the representatives. claiming that he was living in deprived conditions and not getting enough to eat. {Needless to say. the surprise that registered on the representatives? faces as tliEy entered the house was lost on Nascent at the time, I lived in a 4-bedroom house in an upper middle? class neighborhood. But, in retrospect, some of his other questions and comments also had begun to make sense he was trying to line up evidence For his claim to the Social Services representatives. For example. one day he commented that the neighborhood appeared to be "poor"; when I asked why he thought so. he rcplied that no one had a TV antenna. I didn?t explain why no one was allowed to have one. [in another occasion. he asked why everyone had that "tower" on the side of the house. When I identi?ed it as a chimney. he said he had thought it was a grain elevator and everyone around here was a farmer} 4. Earlier. he had painted some graphic pictures ofahnse by his father, father?s relatives. and his Father?s wife after he lied brazenly to my face about my treatment of him in the present situation, i quit believing a word of what he had ever said. i realized he had taken me for a ride by evoking sympathy with these tales of abuse. He had accomplished his purpose of getting me to do the paperwork for him to come to the US. 5. While neighbors in Lodi might be surprised by his unconscionable scheming for self?gain, I find his behavior in keeping with his dishonest past. The baging of leaves in Kentucky serves as an apt metaphor: he is a hag?tl of lies, deceit. and air. He will betray and deceive any and all parties for his own gain. He can even take the FBI for a ride without their knowing it. Submitted w?