Introduction This report is a compilation of experiences with Hope Christian Church from the past 11 years, from those who have either edited this document (listed at the end), or whom we have quoted in the body of this document. Overall, 14 people contributed to the creation of this report, and over 30 others are cited. We have elected to protect the anonymity of some of the editors who requested it, because they are fearful of Hope Christian Church finding out that they helped file this report. We have heard tell of fairly ruthless defaming and even some instances of threats (though details were not given) toward those who have spoken badly of their experience with Hope in the past. None of this should be taken as a personal attack upon Hope leadership; they very well could believe they are having positive impact at ASU. But as this report will demonstrate, this is simply not the case. Based on these compiled experiences contained in the following 123 pages, we believe that Hope Christian Church engages in practices which: I. II. III. IV. V. Create an unhealthy environment for student life, and in some cases violate the student code of conduct Create relational dynamics and a community environment which can (and do) render emotional and psychological damage to it’s members, former members, and even non-members Can be traced back to Hope Christian Church’s parent organizations on the first, second, and third levels, all of whom have been widely criticized by evangelical leaders and scholars as religious cults Involve the utilization of “brainwashing” techniques (intentionally or unintentionally) which have have been identified in sociology and social psychology research, as well as by evangelical leaders as characteristic of religious cults Provide distorted interpretation of Biblical doctrine and scriptures in order to advance the interests of the Church All told, we have identified 4 categories of code of conduct violation, 6 categories of other practices unhealthy for student life, 8 categories of emotional/psychological abuse, and 44 indicators of religious cult-activity, which Hope Christian Church has demonstrated a clear and unchanging pattern of, based on the experiences catalogued in this report. Most experiences shared are individual, but some are prefaced (or concluded) with a phrase such as “All the editors of this document affirm…”. Such phrasing indicates that all the editors of the document (excluding parents and family) can recall multiple past experiences which would fit the criteria the given category, and that therefore, in the interest of time and limiting the size of this report, we have elected to provide a “summary-form” relation of the experiences. Summaries of each category of offense are also given before the related experiences, in order to tie together the threads from all the various stories. We believe that these 62 patterns of behavior on the part of Hope Christian Church can be, and often are ultimately quite harmful to the ASU students who either engage in them, are impacted by them, or both.