{1"me l1 Murmur] LLJU Anna :2 man - ?11?!le w: '.11 MN *F'ia'in??e July 1990 I was pleased he be able to speak with yen recently abeuL the burglary 0f yeur heme. It is in?: intention is} keep they occur. In the meantime. Rm Lana-20rd FJWETTE Cemmewmmamn's ATTOHNEY M. ELM-E 1. 300 ~r any}: ?m?a [Lul-E MEL Th?rvHr-Hl ?7?33'1 Far Mn feel free to centaet me at the Felice Department, 253?3?00. Sincerely, ma?Burr Crime Victims' Adveeate .JMJ ad 'Il Ii 1r'l? 1' - Ill.. j- II . I 1 "Tel-N r" i'kl' r-J I. . ?:ll 31. II- .1.- .- ?is.i'h *3 mgr-ma Deters-H (3m: you advised of all deuelepments in your ease as if yeu fume: any questlens or concerns, please