December E4, 19?0 Miss Lisa LeNoir Dear He. LeNoir, lhank you very much For your letter of December 13, regarding Naseem Khan. Your letter has been referred to me to answer you and please note the Following: I) Naseem was brought to the U.S.A. by his mother with the hope that she would care for him. 2} He claimed, Falsely, that his mother abused him and contacted the police and the children?s services where no evidence was found. 3) Being a very respectable lady and having two other nellebehaved children, she felt that his presence may spoil his brothers as well as the family reputation. 4: with the help of the Islamic Center and the Pakistani secessy. Haseem was returned to Pakistan and his alien card +4 3. Haseem ?eturned back to the U.S.A. by some unknown means a threatening letter to his mother if she will not send him money.