I- ThePI'esidentl?ect Thel?cePresidentEectl News ServeAmerica Connect Energy Independence Energy Independence The Trump Aor?r?rir?ristration will make America energy ir?rdeper?ider?it. Our energy policies will make full use of our domestic energy sources. incluoihg traditional ano rer?rewaple energy sources. America will unleash an energy revolution that will trahsform us ihto a net energy exporter. leaoihg to the creation of' millions of new jobs. while protecting the country?s most valuable resources - our clean air. clean water. ahd natural haipitats. America is sittihg on a treasure trove of untapped ehergy. lh fact. America posse- 1 combined coal. oil. ahd natural gas resources thah ahy other nation on Earth. These resources represeht trilliohs of dollars in economic output ahd countless American jobs. particult?arly for the poorest Americans. Rather than the curreht path to unoermine and block America's fossil fuel prooucers. the Trump Adr?ninistratioh will encourage the production of these resources py opening onshore and offshore leasing on federal lands and waters. We will streamline the perr?nitur?ig process for all energy projects. ihcluding the pilliohs of dollars in projects held up py Presideht Opama. and rescihd thejop?oestroyihg executive actions uhder his Aor?r?rir?iistration. We will ehd the war oh coal. ahd rescind the coal r?ninihg lease r?r?roratorium. the excessive Interior Departr?neht stream rule. ano cohduct a top?down review of all ahti?coal regulations issueo py the Opama Aomihistratior?i. We will eliminate the highly ihvasive :Waters of the rule. and scrap the $5 trillioh oollar Opamt?a?Clihtoh Climate Action Plan and the Cleah Power Plah ahd prevent these uhilateral plans from ihcreasing electric pills py couple?digits without any measurable effect oh Earth's climate. Energy is the liieolood of" modern society. It is the industry that "uels all other industries. We will lift the restrictions oh Ar?r?rerican energy. ano allow this wealth to pour into our cor?r?rmunities. It's all upside. r?r?rorejops. more revehues. more wealth. higher wages. and lower energy prices. The Trump Aor?r?rir?ristration is firmly cor?nmitted to conserving our wohderlul na:.ural resources and beautiful hatural hapitats. America?s envirohmental agenda will pe guided by true specialists in cohservation. not those with raoical political agenoas. We will refocus the EPA on its core r?nission of ensuring clean air. ahd clean. sate orinking water for all Americans. It will be a future of cohservatirm. of prosperity. ano of great The Presidential Transition Act Serve America USA Transition Directory Privacy Copyright Information Meet the Future First Lady Meet the Future Second Lady MAKING AMERICA SECURE AGAIN Defense 3. National Security Immigration Reform 3. Building The Wall GETTING AMERICA BACK TO WGRK AGAIN Tax Reform Regulatory Reform Trade Reform Education Transportation 3. Infrastructure Financial Services Reform GGVERNMENT FDR THE PEOPLE AGAIN Healthcare Refom'r Veterans Administration Reform Protecting Americans' Constitutional Rights .fu News President-Elect Donald J. Trump and Vice President- Elect Mike Pence Speak With Foreign Leaders November 1-5 President?elect Donald J. Trump and Vice President?elect Mike Pence have spoken with the ?oreign leaders who it a ve Read More Readout Of President-Elect Donald J. Trump's Phone Call With Russian President Vladimir Putin November 14 President?elect Donald J. Trump today spoke with Presideht Vladimir Putin. who called to offer his congratulations on i i Read More President-Elect Donald J. Trump Announces Senior White House Leadership Team November 13 201-5 Donald Turnip today announced that Trump for President EEG Stephen Sannon will serve as Chief" Read More Making News Events Daily Schedules and Brie?ngs Press Information