CAVALLUZZO Please refer to: Scan Direct Linc: ?(i-9646523 maul: s?tzputrick Assistant Dunn-.1 Yule:- Assislant's 1 mm! d) alcs'n File No. November 14, 2016 BY EMAIL The Honourable Kelly Regan Minister of Labour and Advanced Education 6th Floor, 5151 Terminal Road PO. Box 697 Halifax, NS 83.1 2T8 Dear Minister: RE: Urgent request pursuant to section 36 of the Trade Union Act We act as counsel for the Halifax Typographical Union, Local 30130 ("Union"), which represents employees of The Halifax Herald Ltd. ("Employer"). We write to request that pursuant to section 36 of the Trade Union Act the attached Complaint be referred forthwith to the Nova Scotia Labour Board for determination. The Union alleges that the Employer is in violation of section 35 of the Act in that the Employer is bargaining in a manner designed to end union representation of its employees and/or prevent a collective agreement from being concluded. The Union alleges among other things that despite the fact that it has agreed to all of the Employer's major demands for monetary concessions concessions that will save the Employer and take from bargaining unit employees millions of dollars over the life of the collective agreement, the Employer nevertheless continues to bargain to impasse proposed changes to the Union's jurisdiction and scope and proposed changes to employee's job security rights. CAVALLUZZO SHILTON MCINTYRE CORNISH LLP BARRISTERS SOLICITORS 474 Bathurst Street. Suite 300. Toronto. Ontario M5T 286 T. 416.964.1 1 15 F. 416.964.5895 {07523701} These proposals, if accepted by the Union, would give the Employer the right to decide what work and what employee is in the bargaining unit and what work and what employee is out of the bargaining unit, and to lay off senior employee ahead of new hires in the same job. These preposals, if accepted by the Union, would completely undermine the integrity and viability of the bargaining unit and the Union's bargaining rights, and were tailor-made to be rejected and prevent a collective agreement from being reached. We respectfully request that this matter be given urgent attention in light of the fact that the members of this bargaining unit have been on strike since January 23, 2016, and they and the Union have done everything in their power to conclude a collective agreement. Please do not hesitate to contact me if further information is required or I can be of assistance in any way. A copy of this letter and attached "Complaint" are being emailed to G. Grant Machum. counsel to the Employer, at the same time as they are being emailed to the Minister. Yours truly, CAVALLUZZO SHILTON MCINTYRE CORNISH LLP em Sean FitzPatrick Enc. cc; G. Grant Machum, Stewart McKelvey J. Baboushkin, Conciliation and Mediation Services I. Bulmer, HTU L. 30130 D. Wilson, CWA-SCA Canada {c 1752370 1}