HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT November 17, 2016 Project # Owner/Applicant Design Professionals Address; Historic Name Requested Action Historic District; FMSF# Future Land Use; Zoning; Context District; SPI Existing Use HPB16-184 Furr & Wegman Development, LLC Mr. Phil Wegman and Ms. Allison Korcak, Furr & Wegman Development, LLC 619 E. Orange Street; N/A Approval for New Construction East Lake Morton; N/A Residential High; O-1; Urban Neighborhood; Garden District SPI Vacant Adjacent Properties Commercial, Residential, and Institutional Previous Approvals 11/21/96 – Sign (1996-54) REQUEST Mr. Phil Wegman and Ms. Allison Korcak request approval for the new construction of a two-story office commercial building on the subject property. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND INFORMATION The subject property is a vacant property that measures 70’ by 190’ (0.31 acres). The Applicants propose to build a new two-story building with a 2400 SF footprint on the lot. The design of the new building reflects a Craftsman Bungalow aesthetic with a side-gabled roof and gabled front and rear porches, and a second floor porch on the front façade, which wraps around the east side elevation. Details of the proposed design include knee brackets and shake siding in the large gables, tapered columns with brick bases on the ground floor and square columns on the second floor, a wide baluster handrail on the ground floor porch and a simpler style handrail on the second floor porch, corner boards, a ground floor string course, and Craftsman style windows and doors. Two steel egress stairs in a simple, functional design are proposed to be placed on the east and west elevations of the building; these stairs are required by the Life Safety Code. Materials proposed for the new building include: Scope Foundation Material Concrete stem wall; raised foundation at front of building; at-grade foundation at rear of building. Exterior Cladding, Trim, and Hardie board lap siding/shake siding Railings Porch Composite columns; face brick piers Roof Architectural asphalt shingles Windows Aluminum windows in a three-over-one, and one-over-one lite configuration Doors Composite doors in a three-lite “Craftsman” design Driveways/Sidewalks Concrete The building will be sited on the lot with the formal pedestrian entrance and porches facing East Orange Street. Vehicular access will be from the alley at the rear of the property, where a parking lot is proposed to be placed, behind the building. The rear entrance to the building will feature a smaller hipped-roof porch with similar design y:\cddo\hpb.drc\hpb-drc 2016\11.17.16\619 e. orange st (hpb16-184)\619 e. orange street staff report.docx Page 1 elements as the front porch. The site is proposed to be landscaped at the front and rear facades of the building, as well as along the rear and west sides of the property. APPLICABLE GUIDELINES: The Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and the City of Lakeland’s Design Guidelines: A Guide to the Exterior Design of Buildings in the Dixieland, Beacon Hill, East Lake Morton, South Lake Morton, Lake Hunter Terrace, and Biltmore/Cumberland Historic Districts are the basis for review per the City of Lakeland Land Development Code, Article 11: Historic Preservation Standards. The following Design Guidelines apply to this project: Chapter 4, page 4-1 to 4-9. • Proportion – the scale and massing of the new building, including its fenestration, roof height and shape, and elevation should be consistent with surrounding contributing buildings. • Orientation of new buildings should be toward the primary road and building setbacks should reflect traditional siting dimensions. • Materials should respect adjacent historic buildings. • Details and ornamentation should reflect those of surrounding buildings. • Window material, style, size, and trim should be consistent with historic windows and include dimensional mullions and exterior muntins, if applicable. • Doors should be of an appropriate design reflective of the architectural style of the building. • Roof design and details should reflect those of surrounding buildings • Colors should complement surrounding buildings. ANALYSIS: With regard to zoning considerations for this request, the subject property is located in Sub-District 1 of the Garden District SPI, which permits office uses. The request will require an Administrative Adjustment from some of the setback requirements of the Garden District SPI, including relief from the 10’ porch setback and 20’ buildto line (the Applicant requests a 20’ porch setback and 30’ build-to line), and relief from the 5’ side setback to accommodate the egress stair; the Applicants are aware of these exceptions and plan to submit an Administrative Adjustment application to Planning Division staff in the near future. The design of the building is generally consistent with the Design Guidelines in terms of scale, massing, orientation and location on the site, roof pitch and shape, full-width front porch, and raised foundation at the front of the building. The requested setbacks will require an Administrative Adjustment, but are compatible with the front yard setbacks along this block of East Orange Street. Fenestration is also consistent in terms of style, size, and trim. The materials proposed for the new building are consistent with the Design Guidelines and compatible with adjacent houses in the East Lake Morton neighborhood. The proposed decorative elements are simple in design and representative of the Bungalow style, and the building colors shown in the rendering are appropriate for this style. However, staff recommends that the same simple railing shown on the second floor porch be used also on the first floor porch for consistency and simplicity. Additionally, staff recommends that the ground floor porch feature a squared-beam entablature instead of an arched-beam entablature; this is due to the fact that the building has no other design references for the arched porch appearance. The built environment surrounding the subject property features an eclectic mix of historic, mid-century, and contemporary buildings, and the proposed building will be a compatible addition to the Garden District. y:\cddo\hpb.drc\hpb-drc 2016\11.17.16\619 e. orange st (hpb16-184)\619 e. orange street staff report.docx Page 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: As the request is consistent with the Design Guidelines, staff recommends final approval of the request, with the conditions that ground floor porch railing be changed to the same style as the second floor porch railing, and that the ground floor porch entablature be changed to a squared beam. Report prepared by: Emily M. Foster, Senior Planner, Historic Preservation Liaison to the Historic Preservation Board y:\cddo\hpb.drc\hpb-drc 2016\11.17.16\619 e. orange st (hpb16-184)\619 e. orange street staff report.docx Page 3 00 SV . OJ. J.ON JEIEIHS OJ. .LON OJ. AltlEldOtld JSVEI AltlElclOEld .LNEIOVFGV 80f D. 2 n: n. 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