9 as list-"s gig: _u wen-H] mt? r-l Filly-"nil tin UFFICE er THE. (seventeen Handle-aunts THE GIG-HE Neyemberll, EDIE TU THE HDUEE DF REPRESENTATIVES UP THE Pursuant te Artiele W, Seetien 15 ef the Censtitutien, I am returning herewith, witheut my appruyal, Heuse Bill 1533, Printer?s Number 4125. erernsnent werlts best when trust and epenness exist between eitiaens and their geyenuuent. I eannet agree tn sign this bill, beeause it will enshrine lute law a peliey te withheld impertant infermatien frum the publiet The legislatien as drafted weuld prevent the diselesure ef a peliee effieer?s name in a situatien where an ef?eer takes the life ef an unarmed pet-sen. These situatiens in partieular?m when law enfbreetnent uses deadly thine?demand utmest transpareney, etherwise a harmful mistrust will grew between peliee etiieers and the eemmunities they preteet and serve. Transpareney and are required ef all puhlie empleyees, but this bill igneres the reality that a pnliee etiieer is a puhlie empleyee. This bill ?s preyisiens will supersede any een?ieting leeal peliee department pelieies, eyen theugh lneal puliee departments are better equipped te deeide what infermatiun is apprepriate te release tn the puhlie. Finally, this legislatien wetdd allew fer the preseeutiun pf anyene whe- yielates the ban en releasing the name ef a peliee ef?eer whe uses deadly feree. This eriminaliaatien ef what sheuld he a reutine release bf puhlie infemiatien is net in the public interest. I am deeply euneerned fer the safety ef' the Cemmenweaith?s peliee efiieersj but this legislatien dees net preyide greater pretestien te law enfereetnent while it serieusly inhibits puhlie te infermatien Fer the reasens set Earth ebeye, i must withheld my signature frem Heuse Bill 1533, Printe1"s Number 4125. Sincerely, W10 TQM WDLF ?enerner