The Condition of STEM 2016 jkCT? The Condition of STEM 2016 ACT has been a leader in measuring college and career readiness trends for over 55 years. Each August, ACT releases The Condition of College & Career Readiness, our annual report on the progress of the ACT-tested graduating class relative to college readiness. Nationally, a record 64% of the 2016 graduating class took the ACT® test. The continued increase in the number of ACT test takers enhances the breadth and depth of our data pool, providing a comprehensive picture of the current college readiness levels of the graduating class as well as offering a glimpse of the emerging general and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) education pipeline in the United States. This report reviews the graduating class in the context of STEM-related fields. ACT is uniquely positioned to deliver this report for two key reasons. First is our commitment to science through the inclusion of a science test in our assessments. ACT leadership is unmatched in providing a definitive assessment in the science area. Second is the research-based ACT Interest Inventory, which is completed by ACT-tested students and measures their interest in a wide range of educational and occupational fields. With answers to the ACT Interest Inventory and responses to the Student Profile Section of the ACT, we can determine interest levels (both expressed and measured) in specific STEM fields. We can then assess college readiness in math and science among STEM-interested students using ACT test scores. Students with an expressed interest are those who chose a major or occupation (out of the 294 possibilities listed) that is classified as a STEM field. Students are designated to have a measured interest when their responses to the Overall First-Term scores. STEM Any Term STEM M Graduated With STEM Major ACT Interest Inventory items result in high science and technology interest Validity evidence for this two-factor model of identifying STEM interest was provided in an ACT research study (Crouse, Harmston, & Radunzel, 2016). Figure 1 highlights some of the findings. Those students who were identified as having expressed and measured STEM interest were the most likely to pursue a STEM major, regardless of where they were in their college experience. Those students were also the most likely to graduate with a STEM major. When compared to students with an expressed and measured interest in STEM, students who were identified as having expressed-only or measured-only STEM interest had lower rates of pursuing and graduating with STEM majors while students who had no STEM interest had the lowest rates of all groups. Overall, the results suggest the ACT method for identifying STEM-interested students is valid and can be helpful for predicting whether students will pursue and graduate with STEM-related majors in college. All STEM In Exp. and M Exp. Only Meas. Only No STEM I No STEM 46 56 47 29 14 9 59 70 60 40 23 16 48 60 46 30 15 9 ***Omitting NM/UM 100 90 Exp. and Meas. 80 70 Exp. Only 60 Percentage Interest Inventory 50 59 Meas. Only 48 46 40 All STEM Interest 30 20 10 0 16 9 No STEM 9 56 47 29 70 60 40 60 46 30 First-Term STEM Major Any Term STEM Major Graduated With STEM Major The ACT Definition of STEM To create our STEM categories, we used our list of occupations and majors to define four key areas: Science, Computer Science and Mathematics, Medical and Health, and Engineering and Technology. This report will show achievement levels and trend data in each of those areas on a national level. In addition, the actual number and percentage of students interested in specific majors and occupations are provided. As the percentage of high school graduates taking the ACT continues to grow, these data present an excellent opportunity for state officials to document success of STEM initiatives within their state in an attempt to meet the goal of generating interest and more thoroughly preparing students for STEM fields. 2 THE CONDITION OF STEM 2016 MS506 Key Findings from the National Condition of STEM 2016 Report • Students with an interest in STEM continue to show higher levels of college readiness than ACT-tested students as a whole. • Approximately half of ACT-tested US graduates in the class of 2016 have expressed interest in STEM majors and careers. The level of interest has stayed steady over the last five years. • Average ACT math scores have stayed flat between 2012 and 2016 for students meeting the ACT STEM Benchmark. In contrast, the average ACT science score has gone up among those meeting the ACT STEM Benchmark over the same timeframe. The scores steadily increased from 27.9 to 28.6 since 2012 (see Table 1.6 of the 2016 national ACT profile report at: • Over 1 million ACT-tested students demonstrated an interest in STEM in the 2016 graduating class. • Only 1,258 students out of the nearly 2.1 million tested students—less than 1% of the total—had an expressed and measured interest in teaching math or science. • Students demonstrating only one type of STEM interest, either expressed or measured, fall far short in terms of benchmark attainment and preparedness for STEM majors and careers when compared to peers who have both expressed and measured interest. • Underserved learners have a high interest in STEM, but ACT STEM Benchmark attainment lags far behind their peers, especially for those students with more than one of the underserved characteristics used in this report. ACT STEM Benchmark To provide students and educators with more insight into the critical aspects of college readiness, ACT introduced a STEM score on ACT student score reports in fall 2015. This score is derived from the ACT mathematics and science scores and represents students’ overall performance in these subject areas. For the 2016–17 academic year, students, parents, and educators will also note that the ACT College Readiness Benchmark in STEM has been added to the ACT score report. The ACT STEM Benchmark is based on recent research indicating that academic readiness for students pursuing a STEM major may require higher scores than the current ACT College Readiness Benchmarks in math and science (Mattern, Radunzel, & Westrick, 2015). The ACT STEM Benchmark was developed using the same methodology as each single subject area ACT College Readiness Benchmark. Typical grades in first-year college STEM courses (calculus, general biology, general chemistry, and physics) were combined in a single course success model to determine the ACT STEM score associated with a 50% chance of earning a B or higher and about a 75% chance of earning a C or higher in those courses. The resulting ACT STEM Benchmark is 26. Based on that benchmark, only 20% of students in the 2016 ACT-tested high school graduating class were ready for first-year STEM college courses. ACT STEM scores are related not only to succeeding in individual math and science courses, but also to achieving longer-term outcomes. Mattern et al. (2015) showed that students pursuing STEM majors who met the ACT STEM Benchmark were more likely to earn a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher, persist in a STEM major, and earn a STEM-related bachelor’s degree than those who failed to meet the benchmark. Additionally, ongoing research suggests that providing STEM readiness information to prospective students may help to facilitate the transition to college by aligning students’ expectations with course demands. 3 California STEM Report Attainment of College and Career Readiness Overall STEM Interest • Between 2012 and 2016, the percent of students interested in STEM increased by 4%. Student STEM Interest Trends: 2012–2016, State vs. National 2012 California Percent 49% National N Count 2013 2014 50% 2015 52% 2016 52% 53% 48% 48% 49% 49% 48% California 50,062 53,678 59,059 63,359 67,468 National 804,507 868,194 899,684 939,049 1,009,232 Overall STEM Interest Expressed and Measured Interest • 67,468 of your graduates have an interest in STEM. • 25,477 of your graduates have an expressed and measured interest in STEM, which is 38% of the overall interest. Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks 100 80 75 Percent 67 49 50 48 43 40 42 32 36 76 60 67 59 57 56 53 47 40 41 40 33 26 20 0 80 63 62 58 60 Percent 80 100 20 English Reading Mathematics California Science All Four Subjects 0 STEM English Reading Nation Mathematics California Science All Four Subjects STEM Nation Expressed Interest Only Measured Interest Only • 30,205 of your graduates have an expressed interest in STEM, which is 45% of the overall interest. • 11,786 of your graduates have a measured interest in STEM, which is 17% of the overall interest. Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks 100 60 80 73 61 55 45 44 49 38 40 40 36 28 60 53 47 52 39 40 42 37 34 26 23 20 0 70 63 62 Percent Percent 80 100 19 20 English Reading Mathematics California Science All Four Subjects STEM Nation Note: Percents in this report may not sum to 100% due to rounding. 4 THE CONDITION OF STEM 2016 0 27 English Reading Mathematics California Science Nation All Four Subjects STEM California STEM Report Attainment of College and Career Readiness Overall STEM Interest (N = 67,468) Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmark Attainment Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by Number of ACT College Readiness Benchmarks Attained 100 100 16 9 31 7 62 20 English 80 Below Benchmark by 3+ Points 14 13 75 58 0 36 51 11 60 40 31 Reading Mathematics Within 2 Points of Benchmark Percent Percent 80 Met Benchmark 50 Science 60 42 40 32 28 36 20 STEM 0 20 0 12 14 13 13 14 13 1 2 Benchmarks Met 3 California 4 Nation Expressed and Measured Interest (N = 25,477) Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmark Attainment Percent 80 12 8 100 26 26 11 7 63 67 40 English Reading Mathematics Science Within 2 Points of Benchmark Met Benchmark 56 20 0 Below Benchmark by 3+ Points 14 80 80 46 14 60 40 30 STEM Percent 100 Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by Number of ACT College Readiness Benchmarks Attained 60 47 41 40 20 0 19 15 0 11 13 12 13 14 14 1 2 Benchmarks Met 3 California 4 Nation 5 California STEM Report Attainment of College and Career Readiness Overall STEM Interest Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Race/Ethnicity 26 13 American Indian 100 36 47 36 24 Asian American Hispanic 80 56 15 Pacific Islander Mathematics Science STEM 41 28 59 44 27 White Two or More Races 44 American Indian N = 2,653 N = 188 57 60 55 Mathematics Science STEM 44 43 40 29 79 70 52 African American 69 82 67 Percent African American Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Gender 20 72 61 0 Asian American Hispanic N = 11,656 N = 25,789 Pacific Islander White Two or More Races N = 687 N = 18,041 N = 3,732 Male Female Male Female N = 31,833 N = 35,601 Expressed and Measured Interest Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Race/Ethnicity 34 19 American Indian 37 25 100 42 45 Asian American 57 Hispanic 19 Pacific Islander 35 31 N = 826 70 74 49 American Indian N = 75 Asian American N = 4,478 6 THE CONDITION OF STEM 2016 66 75 64 Mathematics Science STEM 65 48 56 Two or More Races 84 48 White African American 80 Percent African American Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Gender 82 60 60 49 Mathematics Science STEM 49 40 32 20 76 0 Hispanic N = 9,682 Pacific Islander N = 266 White N = 7,028 Male Female Two or More Races Male Female N = 1,500 N = 11,668 N = 13,805 California STEM Report Attainment of College and Career Readiness Overall STEM Interest Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Educational Aspirations Professional Degree 41 Master’s Degree Associate’s Degree Mathematics Science STEM 19 13 4 Voc-tech Degree 13 33 Bachelor’s Degree Professional Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Voc-tech Degree N = 23,329 N = 14,560 N = 22,895 N = 280 N = 208 62 44 Associate’s Degree High School Graduate or Less 73 57 73 Mathematics Science STEM 39 24 13 82 50 37 21 87 55 42 24 Certification or Some College 23 79 66 Master’s Degree 50 39 24 Professional Degree 74 61 47 Bachelor’s Degree 67 56 Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Highest Parental Education Level Professional Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Certification or Some College High School Grad or Less N = 4,931 N = 8,805 N = 14,625 N = 4,030 N = 8,511 N = 15,811 Expressed and Measured Interest Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Educational Aspirations Professional Degree 43 Master’s Degree 50 Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Voc-tech Degree 59 27 7 44 70 65 Professional Degree 69 Master’s Degree 77 Mathematics Science STEM 55 25 19 20 Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Highest Parental Education Level 61 Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree 29 Certification or Some College 39 33 High School Graduate or Less Professional Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Voc-tech Degree N = 11,809 N = 5,520 N = 7,283 N = 57 N = 46 66 49 26 17 31 48 43 80 77 89 85 77 61 Mathematics Science STEM 55 46 Professional Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Certification or Some College High School Grad or Less N = 2,280 N = 3,793 N = 6,293 N = 1,743 N = 3,467 N = 6,318 7 CALIFORNIA STEM REPORT Science Majors/Occupations Overall STEM Interest • Between 2012 and 2016, the percent of students interested in STEM stayed the same. Student STEM Interest Trends: 2012–2016, State vs. National 2012 Percent N Count California 2013 30% National 2014 31% 2015 31% 2016 30% 30% 23% 22% 22% 22% 22% California 15,151 16,492 18,103 19,226 20,139 National 183,857 195,098 200,461 208,520 223,943 Overall STEM Interest (N = 20,139) Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmark Attainment Percent 80 13 8 100 27 30 11 7 60 40 80 49 Below Benchmark by 3+ Points 14 14 79 63 63 20 0 33 Within 2 Points of Benchmark Percent 100 Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by Number of ACT College Readiness Benchmarks Attained Met Benchmark 53 37 English Reading Mathematics Science 60 45 40 20 0 STEM 17 0 12 13 14 1 2 Benchmarks Met 3 4 Expressed and Measured Interest (N = 9,803) Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmark Attainment Percent 80 11 7 100 24 26 11 7 60 40 29 14 82 67 40 English Reading Mathematics Science Within 2 Points of Benchmark Met Benchmark 57 20 0 Below Benchmark by 3+ Points 15 65 80 45 STEM Percent 100 Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by Number of ACT College Readiness Benchmarks Attained 60 48 40 20 0 14 0 11 12 1 2 Benchmarks Met 15 3 4 Note: Reporting achievement by combinations of student characteristics may give rise to small N counts. As a result, outcomes reported in this section should be interpreted with caution. 8 THE CONDITION OF STEM 2016 CALIFORNIA STEM REPORT Science Majors/Occupations Overall STEM Interest Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Race/Ethnicity 31 18 American Indian 100 38 59 43 31 Asian American Hispanic White 71 52 Two or More Races N = 770 66 50 31 63 45 American Indian 79 61 60 49 40 33 Mathematics Science STEM 20 73 Hispanic N = 3,202 59 46 0 Asian American N = 58 Mathematics Science STEM 41 30 16 71 83 70 58 Pacific Islander African American 80 Percent African American Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Gender N = 7,390 Pacific Islander N = 156 White N = 5,904 Male Female Two or More Races Male Female N = 1,144 N = 7,062 N = 13,072 Expressed and Measured Interest Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Race/Ethnicity American Indian 100 41 36 23 25 54 36 Asian American 19 Pacific Islander 35 31 N = 323 74 55 46 American Indian N = 28 Mathematics Science STEM 67 47 Asian American N = 1,608 66 75 65 47 White Two or More Races 85 72 58 Hispanic African American 80 Percent African American Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Gender 81 62 60 50 52 40 35 Mathematics Science STEM 20 76 0 Hispanic N = 3,647 Pacific Islander N = 93 White N = 2,858 Male Female Two or More Races Male Female N = 563 N = 3,432 N = 6,370 Note: Reporting achievement by combinations of student characteristics may give rise to small N counts. As a result, outcomes reported in this section should be interpreted with caution. 9 CALIFORNIA STEM REPORT Science Majors/Occupations Overall STEM Interest Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Educational Aspirations Professional Degree 43 Master’s Degree Voc-tech Degree 11 4 Professional Degree Mathematics Science STEM 17 6 Bachelor’s Degree Professional Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Voc-tech Degree N = 9,181 N = 3,614 N = 5,508 N = 53 N = 31 63 45 Associate’s Degree High School Graduate or Less 74 57 13 26 81 73 Mathematics Science STEM 51 40 22 87 56 44 24 Certification or Some College 23 19 79 65 Master’s Degree 71 48 38 22 69 62 45 Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree 59 Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Highest Parental Education Level 39 Professional Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Certification or Some College High School Grad or Less N = 1,824 N = 2,737 N = 4,385 N = 1,196 N = 2,521 N = 4,394 Expressed and Measured Interest Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Educational Aspirations Professional Degree 44 Master’s Degree 47 Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Voc-tech Degree 61 24 10 10 13 42 71 65 Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Highest Parental Education Level Professional Degree 68 Master’s Degree 73 Mathematics Science STEM 52 30 27 Certification or Some College 25 25 High School Graduate or Less 68 49 Associate’s Degree 26 16 31 47 44 88 83 78 60 Bachelor’s Degree 80 76 61 Mathematics Science STEM 55 45 Professional Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Voc-tech Degree Professional Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Certification or Some College High School Grad or Less N = 5,463 N = 1,738 N = 2,286 N = 10 N=8 N = 972 N = 1,492 N = 2,357 N = 676 N = 1,335 N = 2,333 Note: Reporting achievement by combinations of student characteristics may give rise to small N counts. As a result, outcomes reported in this section should be interpreted with caution. 10 THE CONDITION OF STEM 2016 CALIFORNIA STEM REPORT Science Majors/Occupations California N Counts and Percents Science Majors/Occupations Overall STEM Interest* N Count Percent Expressed and Measured N Count Percent 84 1 33 0 Animal Sciences 448 3 209 2 Astronomy 378 2 236 2 Agronomy and Crop Science 64 0 39 0 Biochemistry and Biophysics 2,853 18 1,841 19 Biology, General 3,891 24 2,302 23 Cell/Cellular Biology 1,385 9 852 9 Chemistry 1,176 7 724 7 Ecology 240 1 151 2 Environmental Science 351 2 177 2 Food Sciences and Technology 86 1 31 0 Forestry 68 0 23 0 Genetics 663 4 423 4 Geological and Earth Sciences 218 1 122 1 Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology Horticulture Science Marine/Aquatic Biology Microbiology and Immunology Natural Resources Conservation, General 13 0 8 0 1,297 8 785 8 646 4 458 5 53 0 22 0 42 0 18 0 Physical Sciences, General 486 3 260 3 Physics 697 4 430 4 51 0 22 0 83 1 29 0 1,009 6 608 6 Natural Resources Management Science Education Wildlife and Wildlands Management Zoology Totals 16,282 9,803 * The “overall STEM interest” counts and percents do not include the “measured only interest” students, as they did not choose a STEM major or occupation. 11 CALIFORNIA STEM REPORT Computer Science and Mathematics Majors/Occupations Overall STEM Interest • Between 2012 and 2016, the percent of students interested in STEM increased by 3%. Student STEM Interest Trends: 2012–2016, State vs. National 2012 Percent N Count California 2013 9% National 2014 9% 2015 10% 2016 11% 12% 9% 9% 10% 11% 12% California 4,324 4,725 5,905 7,169 8,375 National 74,959 82,197 89,755 101,144 117,086 Overall STEM Interest (N = 8,375) Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmark Attainment Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by Number of ACT College Readiness Benchmarks Attained 100 100 Percent 80 7 25 28 6 10 60 32 Below Benchmark by 3+ Points 12 12 40 78 70 62 56 20 0 English Reading Mathematics Science 80 43 Within 2 Points of Benchmark Percent 15 Met Benchmark 44 60 48 40 20 0 STEM 17 0 11 12 13 1 2 Benchmarks Met 3 4 Expressed and Measured Interest (N = 1,891) Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmark Attainment 9 5 Percent 80 100 16 19 5 9 22 14 60 40 86 79 73 80 Below Benchmark by 3+ Points Within 2 Points of Benchmark 66 20 0 33 12 Met Benchmark Percent 100 Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by Number of ACT College Readiness Benchmarks Attained 58 60 40 53 20 English Reading Mathematics Science STEM 0 9 8 0 1 11 13 2 Benchmarks Met 3 4 Note: Reporting achievement by combinations of student characteristics may give rise to small N counts. As a result, outcomes reported in this section should be interpreted with caution. 12 THE CONDITION OF STEM 2016 CALIFORNIA STEM REPORT Computer Science and Mathematics Majors/Occupations Overall STEM Interest Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Race/Ethnicity American Indian 100 38 26 13 50 33 17 80 Asian American Hispanic 19 Pacific Islander 32 29 59 43 73 59 Two or More Races N = 286 Mathematics Science STEM 47 White African American 71 63 American Indian N = 12 49 48 40 36 Mathematics Science STEM 20 0 Asian American N = 2,057 83 62 60 60 78 63 51 74 86 Percent African American Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Gender Pacific Islander Hispanic N = 2,722 N = 76 White Male Female Two or More Races Male Female N = 413 N = 5,488 N = 2,886 N = 2,157 Expressed and Measured Interest Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Race/Ethnicity 11 American Indian 100 42 26 67 33 33 Asian American 65 Hispanic 29 46 White 68 Two or More Races N = 53 57 American Indian N=3 Asian American N = 461 Mathematics Science STEM 63 46 70 77 80 79 77 67 87 74 69 Pacific Islander African American 80 Percent African American Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Gender 88 60 63 55 47 40 Mathematics Science STEM 20 85 0 Hispanic N = 549 Pacific Islander N = 13 White N = 577 Male Female Two or More Races Male Female N = 91 N = 1,458 N = 433 Note: Reporting achievement by combinations of student characteristics may give rise to small N counts. As a result, outcomes reported in this section should be interpreted with caution. 13 CALIFORNIA STEM REPORT Computer Science and Mathematics Majors/Occupations Overall STEM Interest Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Educational Aspirations Professional Degree 53 Master’s Degree 69 57 Bachelor’s Degree 47 33 Associate’s Degree 15 10 Voc-tech Degree 76 63 Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Highest Parental Education Level Professional Degree 74 Master’s Degree 83 Mathematics Science STEM 61 27 66 Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree 21 38 High School Graduate or Less Professional Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Voc-tech Degree N = 1,425 N = 2,213 N = 3,706 N = 41 N = 56 18 88 79 Mathematics Science STEM 58 44 28 77 92 59 46 31 Certification or Some College 29 66 53 82 48 30 Professional Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Certification or Some College High School Grad or Less N = 574 N = 1,200 N = 1,740 N = 411 N = 951 N = 1,875 Expressed and Measured Interest Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Educational Aspirations Professional Degree 63 Master’s Degree 75 64 Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree 70 58 42 0 85 Professional Degree 84 78 Master’s Degree 87 Mathematics Science STEM 71 25 25 Voc-tech Degree Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Highest Parental Education Level 70 Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree 39 Certification or Some College 36 50 57 High School Graduate or Less Professional Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Voc-tech Degree N = 360 N = 611 N = 827 N=4 N = 14 73 60 37 27 41 58 54 81 92 89 83 70 Mathematics Science STEM 70 64 Professional Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Certification or Some College High School Grad or Less N = 180 N = 361 N = 498 N = 106 N = 225 N = 380 Note: Reporting achievement by combinations of student characteristics may give rise to small N counts. As a result, outcomes reported in this section should be interpreted with caution. 14 THE CONDITION OF STEM 2016 CALIFORNIA STEM REPORT Computer Science and Mathematics Majors/Occupations California N Counts and Percents Computer Science and Mathematics Majors/Occupations Overall STEM Interest* N Count Percent Expressed and Measured N Count Percent 59 1 7 0 Applied Mathematics 362 5 96 5 Business/Management Quantitative Methods, General 442 7 59 3 Computer and Information Sciences, General 476 7 148 8 Computer Network/Telecommunications 153 2 35 2 3,379 50 1,124 59 669 10 167 9 Computer System Administration 64 1 15 1 Data Management Technology 62 1 15 1 Information Science 63 1 9 0 Management Information Systems 156 2 23 1 Mathematics Education 246 4 42 2 Mathematics, General 419 6 100 5 Statistics 127 2 23 1 86 1 28 1 Actuarial Science Computer Science and Programming Computer Software and Media Application Webpage Design Totals 6,763 1,891 * The “overall STEM interest” counts and percents do not include the “measured only interest” students, as they did not choose a STEM major or occupation. 15 CALIFORNIA STEM REPORT Medical and Health Majors/Occupations Overall STEM Interest • Between 2012 and 2016, the percent of students interested in STEM decreased by 4%. Student STEM Interest Trends: 2012–2016, State vs. National 2012 Percent N Count California 2013 37% National 2014 36% 2015 34% 2016 33% 33% 45% 44% 43% 42% 41% California 18,625 19,349 20,284 21,013 22,028 National 361,047 383,555 388,653 393,085 411,038 Overall STEM Interest (N = 22,028) Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmark Attainment Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by Number of ACT College Readiness Benchmarks Attained 100 100 Percent 80 35 40 10 60 80 43 61 13 8 15 40 70 52 20 52 Below Benchmark by 3+ Points Within 2 Points of Benchmark 13 Percent 19 Met Benchmark English Reading Mathematics 41 Science 40 33 25 20 25 0 60 0 STEM 0 15 14 14 1 2 Benchmarks Met 3 4 Expressed and Measured Interest (N = 7,819) Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmark Attainment Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by Number of ACT College Readiness Benchmarks Attained 100 100 16 80 10 32 36 39 80 13 60 40 8 74 Within 2 Points of Benchmark 14 55 55 20 0 Below Benchmark by 3+ Points 16 45 28 English Reading Mathematics Science STEM Met Benchmark Percent Percent 58 60 40 20 0 35 21 0 15 14 15 1 2 Benchmarks Met 3 4 Note: Reporting achievement by combinations of student characteristics may give rise to small N counts. As a result, outcomes reported in this section should be interpreted with caution. 16 THE CONDITION OF STEM 2016 CALIFORNIA STEM REPORT Medical and Health Majors/Occupations Overall STEM Interest Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Race/Ethnicity American Indian 28 100 30 25 80 21 8 11 Asian American Hispanic Pacific Islander 39 22 White N = 1,054 52 53 32 American Indian 62 51 40 Mathematics Science STEM 47 37 34 22 20 62 0 Asian American N = 63 60 70 60 39 Two or More Races African American Mathematics Science STEM 31 21 9 74 59 44 Percent African American Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Gender Hispanic N = 3,501 N = 8,938 Pacific Islander N = 292 White N = 5,516 Male Female Two or More Races Male Female N = 1,290 N = 6,674 N = 15,341 Expressed and Measured Interest Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Race/Ethnicity American Indian 100 33 29 11 32 32 20 80 Asian American Hispanic 11 Pacific Islander 25 20 N = 289 34 American Indian N = 25 66 62 Asian American N = 1,433 56 60 Mathematics Science STEM 54 34 41 Two or More Races 77 36 White African American 63 47 Percent African American Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Gender 55 40 51 36 Mathematics Science STEM 41 24 72 20 65 0 Hispanic N = 3,209 Pacific Islander N = 106 White N = 1,842 Male Female Two or More Races Male Female N = 494 N = 2,228 N = 5,590 17 CALIFORNIA STEM REPORT Medical and Health Majors/Occupations Overall STEM Interest Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Educational Aspirations Professional Degree 33 Master’s Degree Associate’s Degree 48 30 Bachelor’s Degree 13 1 Voc-tech Degree 49 60 Professional Degree Mathematics Science STEM 14 10 39 8 Bachelor’s Degree Professional Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Voc-tech Degree N = 9,392 N = 3,907 N = 6,948 N = 97 N = 36 53 32 Associate’s Degree High School Graduate or Less 65 45 17 Certification or Some College 19 74 58 Master’s Degree 61 37 29 Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Highest Parental Education Level 30 14 8 35 19 82 74 64 Mathematics Science STEM 46 40 30 Professional Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Certification or Some College High School Grad or Less N = 1,447 N = 2,575 N = 4,853 N = 1,545 N = 3,139 N = 5,567 Expressed and Measured Interest Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Educational Aspirations Professional Degree 35 Master’s Degree Voc-tech Degree 46 27 Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree 52 12 0 29 62 Professional Degree Mathematics Science STEM 38 Bachelor’s Degree 55 36 Associate’s Degree High School Graduate or Less 68 47 19 Certification or Some College 29 29 74 58 Master’s Degree 59 10 10 14 Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Highest Parental Education Level 17 10 23 40 34 83 77 67 Mathematics Science STEM 52 44 35 Professional Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Voc-tech Degree Professional Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Certification or Some College High School Grad or Less N = 4,405 N = 1,201 N = 1,988 N = 21 N=7 N = 599 N = 913 N = 1,911 N = 621 N = 1,182 N = 2,157 Note: Reporting achievement by combinations of student characteristics may give rise to small N counts. As a result, outcomes reported in this section should be interpreted with caution. 18 THE CONDITION OF STEM 2016 CALIFORNIA STEM REPORT Medical and Health Majors/Occupations California N Counts and Percents Medical and Health Majors/Occupations Overall STEM Interest* N Count Expressed and Measured Percent N Count Percent 1,398 8 394 5 82 0 26 0 Dentistry (Pre-Dentistry) 549 3 263 3 Emergency Medical Technology 240 1 113 1 Food and Nutrition 102 1 24 0 Health/Medical Technology, General 594 4 304 4 Medical Laboratory Technology 158 1 92 1 Athletic Training Chiropractic (Pre-Chiropractic) 271 2 111 1 4,729 28 2,655 34 25 0 16 0 421 3 157 2 4,220 25 1,861 24 132 1 64 1 26 0 14 0 842 5 402 5 1,525 9 533 7 413 2 213 3 26 0 14 0 Surgical Technology 397 2 241 3 Veterinarian Assisting/Technology 166 1 59 1 Veterinary Medicine (Pre-Vet) 509 3 263 3 Medical Radiologic Technology Medicine (Pre-Medicine) Nuclear Medicine Technology Nursing, Practical/Vocational (LPN) Nursing, Registered (BS/RN) Optometry (Pre-Optometry) Osteopathic Medicine Pharmacy (Pre-Pharmacy) Physical Therapy (Pre-Physical Therapy) Physician Assisting Respiratory Therapy Technology Totals 16,825 7,819 * The “overall STEM interest” counts and percents do not include the “measured only interest” students, as they did not choose a STEM major or occupation. 19 CALIFORNIA STEM REPORT Engineering and Technology Majors/Occupations Overall STEM Interest • Between 2012 and 2016, the percent of students interested in STEM increased by 1%. Student STEM Interest Trends: 2012–2016, State vs. National 2012 Percent N Count California 2013 24% National 2014 24% 2015 25% 2016 25% 25% 23% 24% 25% 25% 25% California 11,962 13,112 14,767 15,951 16,926 National 184,644 207,344 220,815 236,300 257,164 Overall STEM Interest (N = 16,926) Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmark Attainment Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by Number of ACT College Readiness Benchmarks Attained 100 100 Percent 80 8 24 31 6 11 60 32 13 13 40 75 70 58 55 20 0 English Reading Mathematics Science 80 43 Below Benchmark by 3+ Points Within 2 Points of Benchmark Percent 17 Met Benchmark 44 60 46 40 20 0 STEM 19 0 10 11 13 1 2 Benchmarks Met 3 4 Expressed and Measured Interest (N = 5,964) Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmark Attainment 80 10 7 100 16 22 5 Percent 10 23 14 83 79 68 Below Benchmark by 3+ Points Within 2 Points of Benchmark 65 20 0 80 12 60 40 34 Met Benchmark Percent 100 Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by Number of ACT College Readiness Benchmarks Attained 60 40 52 20 English Reading Mathematics Science 56 STEM 0 11 0 8 10 1 2 Benchmarks Met 14 3 4 Note: Reporting achievement by combinations of student characteristics may give rise to small N counts. As a result, outcomes reported in this section should be interpreted with caution. 20 THE CONDITION OF STEM 2016 CALIFORNIA STEM REPORT Engineering and Technology Majors/Occupations Overall STEM Interest Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Race/Ethnicity 31 17 American Indian 35 100 46 55 42 Asian American 80 63 Hispanic Pacific Islander 29 66 45 White N = 543 American Indian N = 55 Asian American N = 2,896 60 69 56 53 44 41 40 Mathematics Science STEM 20 83 71 58 88 78 64 Two or More Races African American Mathematics Science STEM 51 32 20 71 86 70 Percent African American Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Gender 0 Pacific Islander Hispanic N = 6,739 N = 163 White Male Female Two or More Races Male Female N = 885 N = 12,609 N = 4,302 N = 4,464 Expressed and Measured Interest Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Race/Ethnicity American Indian 32 47 47 Asian American 29 Pacific Islander 45 48 White 69 N = 19 Asian American N = 976 Mathematics Science STEM 85 84 80 Hispanic N = 2,277 79 78 66 63 70 American Indian 90 76 72 Two or More Races N = 161 80 68 Hispanic African American 100 60 41 25 Percent African American Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Gender 92 60 63 53 49 40 Mathematics Science STEM 20 88 0 Pacific Islander N = 54 White N = 1,751 Male Female Two or More Races Male Female N = 352 N = 4,550 N = 1,412 21 CALIFORNIA STEM REPORT Engineering and Technology Majors/Occupations Overall STEM Interest Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Educational Aspirations Professional Degree 53 Master’s Degree Associate’s Degree Voc-tech Degree 45 31 4 Professional Degree Mathematics Science STEM 60 21 15 13 22 75 Master’s Degree 83 68 57 Bachelor’s Degree 79 63 Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Highest Parental Education Level Associate’s Degree High School Graduate or Less Professional Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Voc-tech Degree N = 3,331 N = 4,826 N = 6,733 N = 89 N = 85 28 17 89 Mathematics Science STEM 68 50 35 92 83 69 55 Certification or Some College 32 78 68 Bachelor’s Degree 83 61 42 48 28 Professional Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Certification or Some College High School Grad or Less N = 1,086 N = 2,293 N = 3,647 N = 878 N = 1,900 N = 3,975 Expressed and Measured Interest Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Educational Aspirations Professional Degree 61 Master’s Degree 63 Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Voc-tech Degree 71 38 Professional Degree 24 79 Master’s Degree 87 Mathematics Science STEM 69 36 32 14 12 54 74 85 Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Highest Parental Education Level 73 Bachelor’s Degree 63 Associate’s Degree Certification or Some College 35 High School Graduate or Less Professional Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Voc-tech Degree N = 1,581 N = 1,970 N = 2,182 N = 22 N = 17 60 45 36 25 39 76 87 83 95 92 88 Mathematics Science STEM 76 70 53 59 Professional Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Associate’s Degree Certification or Some College High School Grad or Less N = 529 N = 1,027 N = 1,527 N = 340 N = 725 N = 1,448 Note: Reporting achievement by combinations of student characteristics may give rise to small N counts. As a result, outcomes reported in this section should be interpreted with caution. 22 THE CONDITION OF STEM 2016 CALIFORNIA STEM REPORT Engineering and Technology Majors/Occupations California N Counts and Percents Engineering and Technology Majors/Occupations Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering Technology Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineering Agricultural/Bioengineering Architectural Drafting/CAD Technology Architectural Engineering Architectural Engineering Technology Architecture, General Automotive Engineering Technology Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Overall STEM Interest* Expressed and Measured N Count Percent 185 1 N Count 78 Percent 1 1,666 11 830 14 106 1 55 1 55 0 9 0 403 3 100 2 47 0 14 0 586 4 122 2 99 1 21 0 1,159 7 679 11 915 6 503 8 1,336 8 360 6 66 0 24 0 1,750 11 584 10 Computer Engineering Technology 512 3 153 3 Construction Engineering/Management 245 2 39 1 Construction/Building Technology 37 0 9 0 Drafting/CAD Technology, General 23 0 7 0 1,058 7 402 7 219 1 61 1 Civil Engineering Technology Computer Engineering Electrical, Electronic, and Communication Engineering Electrical/Electronics Engineering Technology 52 0 24 0 1,060 7 356 6 166 1 56 1 28 0 14 0 Environmental Health Engineering 315 2 159 3 Industrial Engineering 175 1 44 1 Industrial Production Technologies 19 0 5 0 Mechanical Drafting/CAD Technology 63 0 22 0 3,124 20 1,097 18 162 1 57 1 Military Technologies 30 0 5 0 Nuclear Engineering 148 1 74 1 Quality Control and Safety Technologies 1 0 1 0 Surveying Technology 2 0 0 0 Electromechanical/Biomedical Engineering Technology Engineering (Pre-Engineering), General Engineering Technology, General Environmental Control Technologies Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Technology Totals 15,812 5,964 * The “overall STEM interest” counts and percents do not include the “measured only interest” students, as they did not choose a STEM major or occupation. 23 Understanding the Underserved Learner ACT Benchmark Attainment In 2013, ACT expanded its Condition of College & Career Readiness series to include a special report focused on students who indicated an interest in STEM-related fields. For the past three years, the Condition of STEM reports have provided a comprehensive picture of the college readiness levels of those students. To further advance STEM readiness and to honor its commitments to help underserved learners pursue their college and career goals, ACT is providing additional information on the status of underserved ACT-tested graduates in relation to STEM preparation. Historically, access to quality education and career planning opportunities and resources has been hindered for underserved learners. Identifying these students and determining their readiness in math and science could provide them with more opportunities to successfully enter STEM careers and help address the national deficit of skilled STEM workers. Definition of Underserved Learners ACT identifies underserved learners using student characteristics that are often related to a lack of access to high-quality educational and career planning opportunities and resources. Specifically, this definition encompasses students who have at least one of the following characteristics. • Minority: race/ethnicity is African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Hispanic/Latino, or Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander • Low income: combined parental income is less than or equal to $36,000 • First generation in college: highest parental education level is high school diploma or less This definition, which is consistent with that used in current research activities and state/federal intervention programs, casts a wide net. We have elected to maintain this broad definition as a means of representing most underserved students. Impact As shown in the accompanying graphs, the three characteristics used by ACT to define underserved students appear to have a cumulative suppressing effect on college readiness. In other words, the greater the number of characteristics students have, the lower their math, science, and STEM benchmark attainment rates. In isolation, embodiment of at least one underserved characteristic is associated with lower benchmark attainment rates than STEM students nationwide. Students with one underserved characteristic show STEM readiness rates 24 percentage points lower than those with no characteristics. Among students who met two characteristics, STEM readiness rates dropped another 9 percentage points to 6 percent. Among students exhibiting all three underserved characteristics, only 3 percent met the ACT STEM Benchmark. These findings suggest that in order to best help underserved students succeed in STEM-related subjects and fields, we need to better understand the relationships among the defining characteristics and remove the barriers that they create alone and in combination with each other. Working together to remove these barriers is critical to the future success of these students. 24 THE CONDITION OF STEM 2016 Understanding the Underserved Learner ACT Benchmark Attainment Overall STEM Interest Expressed and Measured Interest Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Number of Underserved Characteristics Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Number of Underserved Characteristics 100 100 80 80 71 59 60 32 22 20 0 39 37 40 None One Two Three 46 40 25 23 6 Science None One Two Three 45 42 22 17 20 15 11 Mathematics 67 60 29 18 16 Percent Percent 64 10 3 0 STEM Mathematics Science 6 STEM None One Two Three None One Two Three N = 534,401 N = 272,058 N = 139,985 N = 60,627 N = 200,876 N = 88,723 N = 43,744 N = 18,021 Expressed Interest Only Measured Interest Only Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Number of Underserved Characteristics Percent of 2016 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness and STEM Benchmarks by Number of Underserved Characteristics 100 100 80 80 40 56 None One Two Three 37 33 Percent Percent 63 60 60 20 29 0 14 13 Mathematics None One Two Three 51 40 27 19 54 9 Science 17 20 13 5 29 28 15 12 9 3 STEM 0 Mathematics Science 11 4 2 STEM None One Two Three None One Two Three N = 238,172 N = 133,952 N = 69,469 N = 30,490 N = 95,353 N = 49,383 N = 26,772 N = 12,116 Note: Reporting achievement by combinations of student characteristics may give rise to small N counts. As a result, outcomes reported in this section should be interpreted with caution. 25 STEM Interest and Achievement by State Percent of All Graduates Tested* Percent of All ACT-Tested Graduates Interested in STEM Alabama 100 Colorado Illinois State Percent of STEM Students Meeting Benchmarks English Reading Math Science STEM 52 56 38 28 29 14 100 44 69 49 49 46 29 100 41 71 50 51 45 28 Kentucky 100 48 65 45 37 37 18 Louisiana 100 52 64 40 32 33 14 Michigan 100 47 66 46 44 43 23 Minnesota 100 48 67 51 55 48 30 Mississippi 100 51 52 30 24 23 10 Missouri 100 42 66 47 44 41 22 Montana 100 48 63 47 47 41 22 Nevada 100 40 46 33 30 26 13 North Carolina 100 50 52 37 38 31 17 North Dakota 100 47 63 46 46 41 21 South Carolina 100 48 50 35 31 27 13 Tennessee 100 46 65 44 37 37 18 Utah 100 45 65 48 43 42 22 Wisconsin 100 47 68 48 51 46 26 Wyoming 100 49 64 44 41 39 17 Arkansas 96 48 65 44 39 35 17 Hawaii 94 48 53 35 38 30 16 Nebraska 88 48 73 53 51 48 27 Oklahoma 82 50 66 49 38 37 17 Florida 81 46 60 47 40 36 20 South Dakota 76 54 74 56 58 52 29 Kansas 74 49 73 56 55 49 28 Ohio 73 50 73 57 56 52 30 New Mexico 70 57 56 41 35 32 15 Iowa 68 49 79 60 56 55 31 West Virginia 67 58 70 49 37 37 16 Georgia 60 52 67 49 44 40 23 Arizona 58 48 62 46 47 39 23 Alaska 53 44 64 51 49 41 23 26 THE CONDITION OF STEM 2016 STEM Interest and Achievement by State State Percent of All Graduates Tested* Percent of All ACT-Tested Graduates Interested in STEM Percent of STEM Students Meeting Benchmarks English Reading Math Science STEM Texas 46 52 61 46 48 40 24 District of Columbia 44 38 65 55 51 48 38 Indiana 41 52 77 60 60 53 33 Idaho 39 55 80 64 61 54 33 Oregon 39 46 73 57 58 50 32 Connecticut 34 47 86 71 73 66 48 California 33 53 75 58 62 50 36 New Jersey 32 46 78 63 68 56 43 Virginia 31 54 80 65 65 59 40 New York 29 50 82 68 73 64 46 Vermont 29 49 83 66 69 61 39 Massachusetts 28 49 87 72 78 66 50 Maryland 27 52 77 63 64 57 41 Washington 25 55 78 65 69 60 43 New Hampshire 23 54 88 70 77 68 49 Pennsylvania 23 54 81 65 68 60 40 Delaware 21 57 81 67 66 57 40 Rhode Island 20 51 83 65 66 60 41 Maine 10 54 85 66 72 61 45 Nation 64 48 67 49 48 43 26 * Totals for graduating seniors were obtained from Knocking at the College Door: Projections of High School Graduates, 8th edition. © December 2012 by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. 27 ACT Research As a nonprofit educational research organization, ACT is committed to producing research that focuses on key issues in education and workforce development. Our goal is to serve as a data resource. We strive to provide policymakers with the information they need to inform education and workforce development policy and to give educators the tools they need to lead more students toward college and career success. What follows are some recent and groundbreaking ACT research studies related to STEM. To review these studies, go to ACT National Curriculum Survey® The ACT National Curriculum Survey is a nationwide survey of educational practices and expectations. Conducted every three to five years by ACT, the survey collects data about what entering college students should know and be able to do to be ready for college-level coursework in English, math, reading, and science. Broadening the Definition of College and Career Readiness: A Holistic Approach The Condition of College & Career Readiness 2016 revealed that only 26% of 2016 ACT-tested high school graduates met all four ACT College Readiness Benchmarks. A more holistic approach to college and career readiness is in order. This report provides evidence that educators, policymakers, and employers embrace a wide variety of skills critical for success. The research also shows that we can improve prediction of college and career readiness by measuring a broader range of skills. ACT Research Report Series 2014 (5) Broadening the Definition of College and Career Readiness: A Holistic Approach By Krista Mattern, Jeremy Burrus, Wayne Camara, Ryan O’Connor, Mary Ann Hansen, James Gambrell, Alex Casillas, Becky Bobek 28 THE CONDITION OF STEM 2016 The Condition of College & Career Readiness 2016 Using ACT scores and the ACT College Readiness Benchmarks, The Condition of College & Career Readiness 2016 provides data highlighting the college and career readiness of the ACT-tested high school class of 2016. This report is updated annually. The Condition of Future Educators 2015 Data from past ACT Condition of STEM reports have shown there are few students interested in math or science education as a profession. This report provides current educators and policymakers a glimpse inside the pipeline of future educators. Development of STEM Readiness Benchmarks to Assist Educational and Career Decision Making The United States must seek ways to maintain the STEM pipeline with students who are likely to succeed in a STEM major and persist in a STEM field. The purpose of this ACT research was to develop a STEM readiness benchmark to provide prospective students more tailored information on the level of knowledge and skills needed to have a reasonable chance of success in first-year STEM courses. STEM Resources ACT has connected with state STEM councils across the country to identify valuable STEM-related resources. These are the top resources suggested by STEM experts. STEM Premier® STEM Premier is a virtual platform that connects STEM students with higher education and the workforce. Students can showcase their skills, get ranked and rated, receive guidance, and find STEM scholarships while colleges, technical schools, and corporations can identify, track, and recruit STEM Premier talent. STEMconnector® STEMconnector is the “one-stop shop” for STEM information. With several products and services, STEMconnector supports its members in the design, implementation, and measurement of their STEM strategies. Since its launch in 2011, STEMconnector has been the leader in leveraging a network of STEM stakeholders to “make things happen.” STEMconnector’s charge is to identify, inform, and connect entities working in STEM education and careers to assess smart STEM investments and results. USA Science and Engineering Festival The USA Science and Engineering Festival attracts thousands of K–12 students, parents, teachers, and STEM professionals in the largest national celebration of STEM. The conference will be held in Spring 2018 in Washington, DC. Twomentor, LLC Twomentor, LLC, is a social impact company focused on talent strategies for retaining a diverse workforce. It works with clients to build mentoring cultures and initiatives, and its people have a passion for elevating girls and women in STEM skills. It has experience working with many Fortune 500 companies and SMBs and offers facilitated and highly engaging half-day and full-day mentor training, flash mentoring interactive sessions, ongoing MentorCulture consulting, and supports an engaged and passionate workforce as an extended part of your team. Learning Blade® From the creators of ACT KeyTrain®, Learning Blade® is an interactive, web-based STEM curriculum validated by BattelleEd in increasing student interest toward STEM careers for middle schoolers. Students pursue engaging missions about real-world STEM problems in an entertaining, game-based platform while also learning about STEM careers, aligned to academic standards. An easy-to-implement, costeffective STEM tool, Learning Blade has been adopted statewide in two states and is used in over 25 states. The U.S. News STEM Solutions National Leadership Conference is focused on improving America’s science, technology, engineering, and math skills. As a digital company committed to covering STEM through in-depth reporting, research, and analysis, U.S. News & World Report will bring the sixth annual leadership conference to the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina on May 24–26, 2017. For more information, visit For ongoing STEM news and analysis, visit www. 29 ACT-Defined STEM Majors and Occupations by Area Science Majors/Occupations Agronomy and Crop Science Medical Laboratory Technology Animal Sciences Medicine (Pre-Medicine) Astronomy Nuclear Medicine Technology Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology Nursing, Practical/Vocational (LPN) Biochemistry and Biophysics Nursing, Registered (BS/RN) Biology, General Optometry (Pre-Optometry) Cell/Cellular Biology Osteopathic Medicine Chemistry Pharmacy (Pre-Pharmacy) Ecology Physical Therapy (Pre-Physical Therapy) Environmental Science Physician Assisting Food Sciences and Technology Respiratory Therapy Technology Forestry Surgical Technology Genetics Veterinarian Assisting/Technology Geological and Earth Sciences Veterinary Medicine (Pre-Vet) Horticulture Science Engineering and Technology Majors/Occupations Marine/Aquatic Biology Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering Technology Microbiology and Immunology Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineering Natural Resources Conservation, General Agricultural/Bioengineering Natural Resources Management Architectural Drafting/CAD Technology Physical Sciences, General Architectural Engineering Physics Architectural Engineering Technology Science Education Architecture, General Wildlife and Wildlands Management Automotive Engineering Technology Zoology Biomedical Engineering Computer Science and Mathematics Majors/Occupations Chemical Engineering Actuarial Science Civil Engineering Technology Applied Mathematics Computer Engineering Business/Management Quantitative Methods, General Computer Engineering Technology Computer and Information Sciences, General Construction Engineering/Management Computer Network/Telecommunications Construction/Building Technology Computer Science and Programming Drafting/CAD Technology, General Computer Software and Media Application Electrical, Electronic, and Communication Engineering Computer System Administration Electrical/Electronics Engineering Technology Data Management Technology Electromechanical/Biomedical Engineering Technology Information Science Engineering (Pre-Engineering), General Management Information Systems Engineering Technology, General Mathematics Education Environmental Control Technologies Mathematics, General Environmental Health Engineering Statistics Industrial Engineering Webpage Design Industrial Production Technologies Medical and Health Majors/Occupations Mechanical Drafting/CAD Technology Athletic Training Mechanical Engineering Chiropractic (Pre-Chiropractic) Mechanical Engineering Technology Dentistry (Pre-Dentistry) Military Technologies Emergency Medical Technology Nuclear Engineering Food and Nutrition Quality Control and Safety Technologies Health/Medical Technology, General Surveying Technology 30 THE CONDITION OF STEM 2016 Medical Radiologic Technology Civil Engineering California STEM Report ACT’s Commitment to STEM Everyone must work together to get more students prepared to succeed in STEM careers. This is a critical step if the United States is to remain a world leader. ACT is committed to research and assessment practices that make enhanced STEM opportunities for students a reality. Although gains have been made in STEM readiness, the data show that far too many STEM-interested students are still not well prepared to succeed in the type of rigorous college math and science coursework required of STEM majors. ACT research indicates that students who meet or surpass the ACT STEM Benchmark are much more likely than those who don’t to persevere in college and earn a STEM degree within six years. ACT recently developed the ACT Aspire® assessment system, focused on grades 3–10. ACT Aspire covers the same subjects as the ACT: English, reading, math, science, and writing. To complement the information in the STEM report, an ACT Aspire STEM score has been developed. This score gives educators and STEM leaders an early and ongoing view of the STEM pipeline within their states. ACT WorkKeys® and the ACT National Career Readiness Certificate™ are additional assessment tools available to students, individuals, and companies to assist in determining work readiness for STEM-related jobs. Notes 1. When individuals register for the ACT, they are asked to choose a college major they plan to enter as well as an occupational choice from a list of 294 major and occupational titles. Of these 294 titles, 93 have been identified as STEM related. Assignment of ACT titles to STEM titles was conducted by an expert panel of ACT staff members with knowledge of labor market trends and postsecondary academic programs. Panel decisions were informed by three sources of information: (1) STEM-designated occupations from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), (2) STEM-designated degree programs from US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and (3) ACT Interest Inventory score profiles for students planning to enter the major/ occupation. ACT titles were assigned to STEM when both the corresponding BLS and ICE titles were included in STEM or when the corresponding BLS title was included in STEM and the profile of measured interests of students planning to enter this occupation peaked on the Science and Technology scale. These two guidelines accounted for 89 of the 93 ACT titles assigned to STEM. The remaining four titles were assigned to STEM based on the judged intensiveness of their math and science coursework (major) or work tasks (occupation). ACT titles in the Social Sciences were excluded from this STEM list because many STEM taxonomies do not include majors and occupations in this field. 2. Students were assigned to one of three STEM cohorts: Expressed and Measured, Expressed Only, or Measured Only. These cohorts were based on the pairing of Expressed and Measured STEM interest types, where: • Students with expressed STEM interest planned on a STEM major or occupation following high school. • Students with measured STEM interest had a highest ACT Interest Inventory score in Science or had a highest ACT Interest Inventory score in Technology and a second-highest score in Science. Within each STEM cohort, students were also assigned to one of four STEM areas: Science, Computer Science and Mathematics, Medical and Health, or Engineering and Technology. STEM areas for students in the Expressed and Measured Interest cohort and the Expressed Interest Only cohort were based on the STEM area of students’ planned major. If planned major was not STEM, then the STEM area of their planned occupation was used. For students in the Measured Interest Only cohort, STEM area was based on the correlation of ACT Interest Inventory scores and the interest profile of the planned major. Using a national sample of 2-year students in their second year and 4-year students in their third year who have a declared major and a grade point average of at least 2.0 (N=62,494), each major’s profile was estimated as the mean ACT Interest Inventory scores for students in that major. 3. Mattern, K., Radunzel, J., & Westrick P. (2015). Development of STEM readiness benchmarks to assist career and educational decision making. (ACT Research Report 2015-3). Iowa City, IA: ACT, Inc. 4. Crouse, J., Harmston, M., & Radunzel, J. (2016). Validity evidence for STEM interest identification. (ACT Research Technical Brief). Iowa City, IA: ACT, Inc. © 2016 by ACT, Inc. All rights reserved. The ACT® test is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc., in the USA and other countries. The ACT National Curriculum Survey®, ACT Aspire®, ACT KeyTrain®, and ACT WorkKeys® are registered trademarks of ACT, Inc. The ACT National Career Readiness Certificate™ is a trademark of ACT, Inc. 31 ACT is an independent, nonprofit organization that provides assessment, research, information, and program management services in the broad areas of education and workforce development. Each year, we serve millions of people in high schools, colleges, professional associations, businesses, and government agencies, nationally and internationally. Though designed to meet a wide array of needs, all ACT programs and services have one guiding purpose—helping people achieve education and workplace success. This report can be found at *070809160* Rev 2