Selective, dogma Doug Guiles (?Fundamental- ism isn?t Christianity; it is a religion of hate. intolerance." Opinions. Nov. 21) put into words some of my. frustrations with the fundamentalist Christian As well as apparently discouraging followers from looking for any truth outside certain translations of the Bible, the fundamentalist leaders seem to pick and choose within the Bible for these ?verses which support their world view. For instance, fundamentalists claim homosexuality is against God?s will because among the list of God?s laws in the Old Testa- ment is one against ?men lying wiih men.? But. only a few verses away. there is a law condemning the wearing of cloth made from mixed ?bers. When I see Jerry Falwell giving up his non-iron poly/cotton shins. then I will at least give him and his ilk credit for not indulg- ing in religious hypocrisy. Alice Cl Chem. stock room. Civil Service the led by 0 me ath- hiding ent of blame whole It factis. It?s versin .thietes at'they tmpete rsity of tool to test of 111. our ranked 0 other my our a trend uranium neutrinos: 1 cost of tuition: ing for an interested send i of your work to: onlst Hall Minister Farrakhan never claimed to be a Here?s what?s wrong with Johnny Haa- al?d's plea: titled ?Despite rhetoric, Louis Farrakhan is no Malcolm (Nov. 17). First. with police shooting [3-year-old Asian kids in the back. with Yuaef Hawk? ins? racially motivated murder in Benson- lturst. N.Y.. and with the mass beating of black college Students in Virginia Beach. there must be a better way of undoing racism than mstigating the Nation of Islam. Whom did the Nation ever Whose neighbode did the Nation ever redline? Against what people did the Nation ever wage genocide? Second, Hazards piece has a ?awed premise. Unlike Vice President Quayle. who attempted to garner support by asso- ciating himself with John F. Kennedy. Minister Louis Farrakhan never associated himself with til-Hajj Malik Shabazz (Mal- colm X). The Honorable Elijah Muham- mad resurrected Shabazz and Minister Farrakhan. Minister Farrakhan continues the Honorable Elijah Muhammad?s legacy; Sha- bazz abandoned it Therefore. Minister Far- rakhan might not be another Elijah Muhammad, but he de?nitely is not another Maloom X. He never claimed to be. Third. Hamrd wrote, ?Ironically. King t'was more progressive than the Nation of Islam crowd because he understood the economic nature of racism." Wrong again. The single'rnost distinguishing character-is tic of the Nation of Islam. from a black perspective. is the Nation?s message of economic self-determination. Considering - the Power Program, the bean pies and the ?sh stores. the black community knows the Nation to have a de?nite economic thrust. M.L King. by contrast. was essentially a social refonner._ . Fourth. there?s nothing trendy about the upsurge in interest among black youth concerning Sbabazz. This is a response to the upsurge in white barbarism on Ameri- can college campuses. including this one. Jews will not Editors Nata: The decision to write a rebuttal to the above piece was a dif?cult one. Normally opinions pieces from all sides are printed. then opponents are given space to respond. I break tradition here because I see Hakim?s piece as a genuine throat to the long-term safety and well-being of the Jewish people. a threat that history dictates must not be ignored. It tribunals (or cancurring views) 0! this place are received. they will be printed. By?lcthIOloniclt. Keith Hakim should name the ?certain forces? who were opposed to Dr. Muham- mad?s speech on campus. These ?forces? are Jews. myself in- cluded. The rmson Hakim didn?t mention us is becauserhe arrogantly decided that we _sho_ulti horsemen gins amusing. separate WP- .Rooent events are causing a rift in the U5. A?ican-Ama-ian?ewish population. 0n campus. Jewish people are pained, and becoming angered. at the Africana Student Cultural Collier, which repeatedly invites infamotu anti-Jewish speakers to speak at the University. It would appear to be more than a coincidence that every speaker ever these are willing to tell the world it should hate Jews. too. . It is true that these speakers originally came under the pretense thatthey were subjects drug abuse. domestic violen andradsm_? alltopicstbat mustbcaired I But their actual message was different. I 55455 ?Minister? Farrakhan as saying he would in? also said was recently quoted crush and grind the Jews. He It?s a response to Howardaeach. Virginia Beach. Smalley and Weisse. the Embassy Suites Five most recently. the savage murder of two Asian children. This upsurge indicates that young people are no longer willing to depend on white largess for material gains. It's an acknowl- edgment that power concedes nothing without a-demand. And. of course. Sha- - Fifth. Shabazz made a clear distinction between the imperialist/slave traders and the other ?white.? peoples he met in Akebu Lari (Africa) and the Middle East. It?s true that Shaban came to understand that ?whites? living in Libya. Egypt. Palestine. Algeria. Turkey and other places were not devils. but he never came to any similar understanding about the colonial masters and slavers of Western Europe. America. Australia. South Africa and Israel. Shabazz still considered these people very devilish. In fact. upon his return from Half. a young white woman asked Shabazz if he would permit any white person to join his new organization. the Organization for Afro-American Unity. Shabazz said. ?maybe John Brown.? Brown is a white man who led an armed rebellion to overthrow the slavocracy. He was hanged. Lastly. Hazard. like more and more people. uses the term ?racism? in a very loose and emneous way. Any situation in ?Hitler was a great man.? It was upsetting to have Farrakhan spouting his Nazi rhetoric. panly at our expense through monies the A?icana Stu- dent Cultural receives from the_ University. But we tolerated it. Next came Steven Cokely. This great spokesman told his University audience that Jews are building gas chambers to kill blacks. He has also said that Jewish doctors are injecting black babies with the vims that causes AIDS. with Cokcly?s arrival. we smelled a sickenineg familiar breeze blowing across campus. a breeze of hate and intolerance toward us. But like our German ancestors, we remained quiet. Then came Muhammad. This guy gave lolly advice to Mayor Marion Barry of Washington. DC. last month. telling the mayor that if people see Barry ?bowing down to the Jews? they?ll lose respect for him. Maybe he was brought here to enlighten the 1.000 high school students and college students with similar racial epithets in his piece. Hakim sinks to the level of these foul racists by not even mentioning that he is writing about Jews. ?many ers .Africana Student Cultural Center couldn?t get away with such a vicious attack on which an individual of one racial class causes displeasure among members of another racial class is not racism. Under that de?nition. any black person who speaks of America's genocidal crimes in un?attering terms is labeled a ?racist.? In the same way. people label everyone from the Rev. Al Sharpton to the Rev. Jesse Jackson as ?racists.? Racism. however. has very definite characteristics. It means subjugation of one racial class by another. For Farrakhan to be a racist he would have to be. at least. preaching subjugation of whites. Farra- khan. however. preaches cultural pluralism and repatriation. as opposed to integration. Racism means conspiracy to subjugate and actual subjugation. That means planned social. economic. military. reli- gious and political subjugation of whites. It cannot be intelligently argued that ?the Nation of Islam is doing this. In fact, blacks have no history of harming or subjecting whites as a class. On the other hand. whites have it written into their very Constitution that blacks shall be consid? ered three?fifths of a person for purposes of taxation and representation of their white owners. Their Constitution also makes provi- sions for the return of ninaway slaves. Their constitution is the bedrock of American law; it's the best evidence of a white racist conspiracy to subjugate other peoples. decency without at least a token voice of protest. But in Minnesota. and especially at the University. they?re in good company. Remember Charles McGuiggan'? He is the former regent who was accused of making rabidly anti-Jewish remarks. lfthis man had made alleged anti-woman or anti- bla?ck remarks. there would undoubtedly have been an outrage. Instead?. there was a half-hearted investigation of which nobody i know can remember the outcome and the-case was closed The. belief that Jews are money-growing people. willing to do anything (including enslaving black people) to get ahead. is one that has been perpetuated for a long time. and is. of course. completely untrue. Nevertheless, the Jew-haters use these examples to show how Jews must be secretly manipulating things to get and stay ahead thus the comments of . Coker and Muhammad These people tell their followers that there?s a secret group of Jewsthateontrolstbeworid. thensays. in effect. ?kill the Jews and you'll get what they have n0w.? I . This theory would seem stupid if it hadn?t worked so well in the past Time and ti the words of Hakim and those like him influenced the masses We don?t want. and Ractsm' does not madly roe: imus or hatred. Before the America: War. whites and blacks lived comic according to the diaries of slave Many whites. like Thor-Iris Jeff: thought so highly of their? slaves tin granted them freedom in thetr? wills. . blacks were nevertheless victims of i_ Hatred emerges only when the 511 class attempts to alter tbe?vertiq archy racism requires. Hatred is a sign of racism in dist rium not racism itself. Simply 'Farrakhan's speech evokes feel: hatred in some people doesn't ma rakhan a racist. I would like to offer an explana why anyone who boldly asserts to cats of blacks is assailed as a r. - philanderer or a criminal. It goes those old American laws forbiddi; one from assisting a slave to gain Any person. black or white. who a to disrupt the slavocracy or white st cisl hierarchy will come under at the white supremacists and their stooges. Farrakhan. Dr. Abdul Aloem I mad. Spike Lee. the Black law Association (ELSA) and the Afric: dent Cultural Center (ASCC) have under ?re because they are all a helping slaves. Assistance of the 5' class (slaves) is only permitted wl assistance is severely limited. higli' cized and actually bolsters white lions af?rmative action). Certain forces sought to prev Muhammad from speaking last one reason: He rips slaves aw chemical dependence in Washingt Hazard attacks Farrakhan bucau: khan does what is historically ille: cunently taboo: He frees the 51: the master. Keith Hakim is a third-year law st ?stay quiet in the face at hate-promoter can?t afford. to see this happen agair The fact is that there are in twice as many African-America! United States as there are leWish the entire world. This fact. comb Jewish traditions that dictate con in the face of opposition. makes target for Many people do harbor an feelings. even if they don't I They?ve heard the either I parents. friends or literature. believe them. There are those who will at Hakim that black people can't I those same people go on to de Jews may de?ne themselves a culture or a religion wimout a Jewish people for input. People will say that blacks hav time than Jews ,sun'iving in cool America. I?m absolutely sure ti high percentage of Jews. includi: support programs to he at least curb. racism. ?metemme history oth sion is no excuse for blacks oppress Jews 7 There comes a timewhen a lit drawn. There is a word in Helm sing on the holiday ofPassover It means. ?We?ve had enough." racist drivel. of time forpooplewhomnttoprot. and uphold justice to say this i history as our teacher. there an optionsle?tousiuthcfaoeofh ers These options are stay quiet tullybekillodorspelltupandli For 'ous reasons. we