99t to e !I a6ed I t r.A LZIooS-LJ SSSS OP EN _S OU RC E a)irl u n s JAIEM wtglz p3 l o s au penss a pJ luauraa el dau t 0l,u lafl tz penss eq pt noq s rspJ o peeJ 6 e pu Il d n s ozH 6 urple6al p€,! arru 3lul aou6p rsaJ le lueu e lduJoc ^ldd tz uo JUEU el d utoc {lrl laeuJ o1 EU € ul 6ueJJe a)i er'l zzt a olu eu o 0! pp e paeu !EO p ue u P l{l,\^ U o IesJ uoc AU o qd lau o ssacxa u U e UAJ scl nsal scl nsaJ aldurPs p,cau 9 Itddns 0 z H pet d UESEJ a uoqdunsajd pue aql teql ^ltrqrssod s la^al l! p€Jd 6urrs lueurerduroc ro ours ssnesrp e aq ptnoM plno^ oq,v\ uev qlr^ a&ds ol ^Jpssara"rn !$?tfflr"T A:lJs"#jrffir,rr#jy".jl3i I llar se6 ol lla,n OZH io uo[ecol aq] ua^r6 sa^arlaq.p€6J:iX,LJ]:r"J:rt"t ihlti 6nl ? eC 'Jti! 'al Jo sle al raqorq palecrpur Elnsai - sllnsar eldures J;F;l:*ordd"l^["frfil?#]i!;!ft'ffiE"J#ffi:'irli]f pa^raciff"*"i: el11;ili+;ffi 1[i[#i"i ^aq*eq^\raasolror"oop.u""p"qii",r,sy;ffiffi:ll""B','#ji'r',nl:'i,ffilx:,"i:':l"T"L"l*,ilJ8 ,z€6zz :Pl uoDEo0so^ut N :(NrI uonElol^ ISIA gOOZfZl rcO aIS :ad^I )UVSSN M I :uo0dHcsao uorJeOBsa^ul :Pl uoocadsulSlSVJa otVNoO :Jolcadsul 9002/Lol60 :Pou6lssv olEO :PolE6Bsa^ul qEO r6lrE@dIEIT6[86!IB5uf :s0uaurruoS )O1y1NfU uf-tH3tf t N\flV :Josl^radns I GUVMOI uolcadsul gOOZ/f f /60 :osuodsau lsrll alEO }OOZICZIOi :ano asuod.U alEO :Pau6lssv esuodsau olEO gOOZ/t U6O V. 1. 1 Addns raPM gO0ZlSOlZl :po^losau alEo :ol :auorld :adII ulEldtuoS see ? llo :LuEJooJd paJJolau € :&PoPd :poJJelau alEo trdilEtrolu-f5aTEd65II :sseJppv :Aunoo :AIled!c!unl{ :fl!uuad :atlep rfueduog :.uoqd allqofl :lxl lloM :OTUEN :auoqd auoH al dtrles tr6rffior-IEe!-5Tq!SUddsaE l!J p-€Jd U eql JAI 6 saurll 9 la al pelsal ue6r ll nc 0€ 0-9 OG€O uoJl Jo 9002/t t/60 :p€6pa ^\oq3v alPo N N :(Nd :(NII I US u oqdU.saO 6 uo-l palEl^alqqv s le^31 p€seajcul seq Jole,t\ :uosdPtsao 900Z/90/60 :pa^lo.au alEo :acJnos parEtoA U3 NOSU3ONV't WoNVS :Ag Palalu3 6uolsuuv :Aunoc ge/zzz :PllulEldutoo sJnoH laUV drqsu,uol 6utuuegtY :A!lPdlc!unW :pl lulElduroC PolElaU ilo rlsc ooii\s oeoo 9LSvZl ;(s)pl luEulBtdruoo d3 - 0zz8 rofEEolTDu-IlIdE65 i,\d t!:9s:e 9t0zJ9l/6 lVr{:ll.rNouIAN3 NO11l3l'Oud -LNlru.avd:lo lo elue^lAsuuad IUOd3U NO[Vells3ANl ru ffi pennsylvania INVESTIGATION REPORT OEAAIMEIi'I OF EI{VIFO'{HEMA! 9/152016 3:551,i PM PAOTECTI'X{ Comohlnt lnfo.nation Otf Complaintld: 222735 County: tufisttong Ent€red By: SANDRA L ANDERSON Sosrce: Daie Receiyed: O9/062m6 8220 " EP DOGO SWIX) Dstr Abbrsvl.i.d D€cdprion: water complalmnt ld(.): 124815 Related Comphlntld: Munlclp.llty: Kittanning TowrEhip Afrer HouB (YrN): N (Yr ): Acknodcdg.d: ER Relatld m N O9/11/2(rc6 has ancreas€d levels of iron V. 1. 1 Long Deacripdon: SRF m-m5{30; Culligan tesled, lsvel 5limes gre€ter than prEinI sample R*pon.lbla Partv lnformadon ftc Iobile Ptonc: collnry: Xunicipality: R6pon6. lnfornalion Pdonty: 3 Date RshrEd: Progr.m: oil& Gas Rotsned To: D.te R6olYed: 1 2./612006 ConlPlairt Type: Dlt R.sporEs Assigrcd: 09112m6 10/232006 OP EN _S OU RC E Drt Reponse Ous: Drt Fir3t Rg3pon8e: 09/112006 Inspector': EDWARD L RENWCK Sup€rvbo.: ALAN J EICHLER CommentB: lnvaddrtion lnfolmauon Dare Assisn€d: 0€rc72006 lllBpecton DONALD oFACTS lispection ld: lnvellg.tlon Deacription: E WINEBARK D.ta lnv€slrgalEdi 09/1212006 Violalion (YrN): TyPe: Site VErt N hv6$gation ld: 229324 09/11 spoke to complanant and fiade eEangements lo m€€t on 912. 9/12 M;t complaina;t sampled supply prior to sofrener. sU ana Ua caled Doctor to see if what they had could b€ clused by ddnkjng wrter. Clotllels were staininq o6nqe and al tim€s would have oranoe color - this was n Aprir 2006. ero6tem nas-soten worse. cas wel is wara, wel n Ileen b;Eqallfrom (Apprd-l 10/02m6 received sample rEsults - rcsults indicated hEher le\/els of te. Mr. Ca & Mg. Spoke with Alan who wouH lik€ Moean to rsvbw inbr/siE. 1C[17 Spoke with M Morga( bolielcs gi'ren the locaton of H20 well to gas well it would be a possibilily that th6 dsvelop.n€nt of the gas well coLrld impacl H20 uiell. 1ot193bn agEed atooey @ntacl wouH b€ nec*sary to discuss rime of cornplaila .ililE andp slloEiaL..._ 1 12 resampled H20 supply 11/16 Rec'd sample results - resulb remain in excess of prBdrill levels 1 121 Anel phone conv€rsation with Alan and Gail ne€d additjonal info 112 Make arrangmenls to m66t wi$ complainant on 121 121 Met with complainant at rBsrdonce 'inlerviewed l€garding H20 supt and agr€ed ord€r should be issued. \,/ater Supply Replacement Onl€r lssued. Resoh/€d 1216/06 M oil & Gas SRF# 1s D* Complaint Coord.: ASSIGIIED TO: 06-ous- o3o Q-1r"Jr 'tataaaarraraaltjarrtrrr...raatrtrtrirrttrrttrrrttrrlriirtrrtaraaltaartttrtr t r r trr t'r' rr't tt t trt rt rttr r i a ar a a a raa a aiata l a t a r t a a t a t aa,. a t aaat " bt Received3 Receiyed By: CoEplrl.urirt Irfoaatlor aa r .-A- V. 1. 1 te aata rr HoEe Phone: lress: Work Ph one: R.rpoDrlbl .P art, Irf oiratloE le HoDe Ptrone: 1t-Y. AL; e.) llork Plione: ({ OP EN _S OU RC E lress: Countys Uunic ! corlr].ilDt D.til,1! rcriptLon: JUN ' 1 cj).r4\rJ F. T 2007 IEP,SOUTHWESTBEGIOfu ,ation: nty: rce Hunlcipallty: ( ne cal letter, leg. contact, etc. ): L-JE-r-r- c TT{D GAS IIAIIAGEIIET{T Complaint Type: Qual Assigned To: Date Investigated: l{o Yes Presunption Pre-DrlII - ity ')- of ReSpon 2-D tJ L1 sibility SurYey oone Date Effect obserYed: tlell: TreatEnt of supply: Depth of flater llel l : Len gth of 2t- a casing: flf l2- M L &FJL OP EN _S OU RC E !, o o c, LO t yYL (D J '"J Date Resolved: Resgl ution Response ;<(Z System TYPe: Coqlaint InYestigation tdL o ,: Pefmit Type 4L 6as Quantity Date Assigned: Dlstance to closest 0il/Gas Date rlulcu MTER SUPPLI COI'IPUIIIIT IIIVESTIGATIOII V. 1. 1 OlL Y{nt<<- "'z t'Dlrtdot'' ' It 0 Date Refeffed./Age $Lb i Letter v Sent: Yes t{o Date Letter Sent: COMMENTS (Cont.) op o r^J Cu o i'/ar oJ..tt- I e-cr kc-tr4 (1J, \Jh,J{ It 1- z c-o^t c.,R'_ F-.,T" 4tA OP EN _S OU RC E lro ( L-.A- fEIU r\[{ .} 1 200? ,lEE loLlTliwESTREGlOl\l o V. 1. 1 Gt-D C^-u hlr'vkf ).O/02/2006 12:30:23 DEP Bureau AU sanple ID: 9514 392 ColLecto!: Edlrard Renuick collecred: 09/t2/2006 09:30:00 County: of Laboiatorles V. 1. 1 NOT IND]CATED Reason: Conplaint 12006036652 COMPI,ETED 942 - Description 01045A rRON ? OO41O A',KALINITY ** Coriment ** Alkalinity Test/CAS* 00916A Measured to Reported Results Conpleted 1O5O0.OOO OG/L 09/14 /2006 50.8 MG/I, Endpolnt 4.5 T 47.?OO MG/r 437.00 ulohos/dtr 00929A SODIUI,T T 4.4A3 MG/L 00403 pH 6.5 pn units ** Conment *+ Tlhe Liinit For Test Exceeded 00095 CA.LCr0U € 25,0 C OP EN _S OU RC E sPC 0094 0A CHI,ORIDE 00515 00937A 01007A 01082A 00927A 00900 010 55A TDS €105 JUN ' C POTASSIUM T BARIUM T STRONTIOU T MAGNESIOM T Hardness T MANGANESE T I 2001 D6P,SO{'IHIflESIREGON otL&GA.S COMPLETEb AM NOT INDICAIED NOT INDICATED Iaboratory Sample ID: Standard Anafysis: Status: 09/12/2006 ltunicipality: Location: Paqe:001 Analytica] Report Eo! OiI And Gas l.19mt 107.0 MGIL 334. MG/L 1.88 9 MG/r465.000 uclr 315.000 oc/t 13.100 uc/r t73 UG/L 1418.000 uGlL 09/19/2006 09/14 /2006 09/t9 /2OO6 09 /L4 /2006 09/t9 /2005 /2e 09/19 09 /14 09/L4 09 /2006 /2006 /2AO6 /2006 09/t4 /2006 09/14 /2006 a9/74 /2006 a9/14,/20a6 Bureau of laboratories Anaflrtical Report For Oil Sanple And Gas ID: 9514 404 Coll.ector: Edwald Renwick Coflected: ll/02/2006 01:00:00 Mqmt Status: 11/A2/2006 State: Thp l{ater cround water Location: basenent tap - treatment systen by-passed Reason: Compfaint ight Appearance: sl cloudiness Labolatory sample ID: Standard Analysis: T2006044008 00916A 00095 00929A CATCTUM T sPc 0 25.0 SODTUM 00403 pll ** CoDuEnt *t t CITLORIDE 0515 00937A 01007A 01082A 00927A 00900 01055A TDS G105 C POTASSIUI' T B,\RISM T STRONTIUM 1 MAGNESIUM T Hardness T MANGANESE T IUN ' I 2007 DEF,6OUI}IWESTREGIOI\I CIL&GAS lleasured Conpleted 133O0.OOO uGlL 54. O },'GlL tt/74/2006 lt/08 /2006 to Endpoint 4.5 52.gOA UG/L C Time 0094 0A 0 Reported Results OP EN _S OU RC E Test/CAS+ PA COMPLETED 942 - Description 01045A rRON T OO41O AIKAL]NITY ** CoEment ** A-Ikatinity COMPLETED pu County: Armstrong Municipality: Kittanling Saep-Ie UediuE: Page:001 DEP AM V. 1. 1 LL/16/20A6 12:30:04 469.00 urDhos/@ 4-463 MG/L Lintt Eor Test 6.6 pll units Exceeded 158.9 MG/L 248. Mc/L 1.903 !,tcll, 481.000 uc/r 335.000 uGlL 14 .200 MG/L t9l w;/L 1488 .000 uGlL t7/14 /2006 7t/ 06 / 2AO6 tt/7r/2006 77/08 /2006 17/09 /20a6 17/O1/20A6 ta/t4 /2oo6 71/14 /2006 71/t4/20O6 lt/14 /2006 71/14 /2006 77/74 /2O06 03/ ts/2007 oo t3o:oa DBP Bureau oiI sanple Collectori of Laboratories Analytical DAGE 1 Repor.t rOR ADd caa uqmt' rD: 95t4 420 02/22/2007 Stsatus: COMPIETm Ealwald Rcnwick Col.fected: 02/22/2OO7 1t:OOjOO All .D Safiple Uedlluml llate! Ground State: Twp llater IJocatioE: baselleots lap - Do treatEEut ReaBoD: CorplaiDt : clear/odortess (rlow Ratc8) IDitiat: EiDaI la.boraEory Sample ID: 12OO7O05B45 AppearaEce Sta-udald TeEt/CAS+ Uaits: CFM - Description Reporteil Results IRON T OO41O I'JKALINITY Alkalinity tlteasured to 1440.000 uGlL 110-2 MclL EEdpoint 4.5 009164 CAICIUM T 48.OOO MG/IJ 0009s SpC @ 2s.O C a86.OO u0hos/cm 00929A SODTUU T 7.575 Wj/r) oo4o3 pE 7.2 pH urit6 *r comneEt r* Time Lirdt por Tcst &(ceededt 094 0a 00515 00937A 01007A 01082A 00927A 00900 01055A 0 tuN tI CEIPRIDB rDs @105 c POTASSIT'U ? BARII'I' I STRONITUM T UAGNESII)II T HaraLDcaB T I{ANGAIIBSB T 2001 DEF,SOUIHI4/ESTREGIOI{ OIL&GAS Ehtlcl COI4PI,ETED 942 OP EN _S OU RC E O1O45A Analysis: PA V. 1. 1 county: AfilatroEg UuricipaliEy: KlttalEiug s2.o ti?h) 246. MA/L 2.?39 W:/L 969.000 uc/t s63 . OOO UGlrJ r.0.1s3 MG/L 162 Ys/r, 21A -OOO Vc/L Coo{)feleal 03/09/2007 o2/26/20o? 03 / 09 /2007 02/23 /2OO7 03/09/2007 o2/26/2007 03l09/200? 02/27 /2007 03 /09/2OO? 03 / o9/2007 03/09/2OO7 03/09/2OO'l oa / 09/2007 o3/09/20o7 E+7 G and C CoalAnalysis Lab., Inc. 1341 Hoffrnan Hollow Road Summerville, PA 15864 814a49-2559 Fa:c 874-U9-ffi78 Kriebel Gas Organkation P-O. Box 785, Eart Main Streel Domenica Circle Clarion. PA 16214 Sample lD PurEhase Order Qo,l9crpd by DaG Collec-ted Data Received Date Reported G&C ID# * Parametef V. 1. 1 McCULLOUGH/ELGIN {- 60810 G&C JW 09/29105 09/29/05 09/30/05 347091 Bc!u[ Units Method gpm Temperafure deg. C (Field) 6.3 (Lab) 6.2s Conduclivity sM 25108 JB 48,66 + rytLro-8 SM 23208 KS -26.53 mg/L EPA-305.1 KS 0.97 ms/L lO.< SM 31118 KF Total Manganese o.20 ,s/L sM 31118 KF Sulphate 22.3 EPA 375.4 JB SM 2540D KS Alkalinity Acidity _ I umhos/crn Otat tron Suspended Solids - SM 4sOGH+B SM 450GH+B 6.5 OP EN _S OU RC E pH pH mgr'L {3 t{(8 SO+2 1 mg/L 183.34 ms/L lo+ EPA sO0.0 JB 9- 11 ms/L 41. + sM 31118 KF Magnesium 2.06 nsn- 13. I sM 31118 KF Total Dirsolved Solids 464 msn- 234 sM 2540C JB oil & Grease <0., mgr'L EPA 1664 MG Chlodde Calcium N.D. - Not Deteclablo Ou laboratory a,\- Anatvst used A.C.S certifed chemicets following Standant Methods and EpA Approved bla .rrrN 2 I 2oo/ DEF.6o3ruffJREoroN I F€bruary 12,2007 Atrd: Edwardl, Renwick 8205 Rodc 819 Gre€Dsburg, PA 15601 RE:IIII- McGnbugh ElgiD #l wel Dear Mr. ReN.ick, Please 6Dd eoclosed a copy February 3, :OO'1, Aorn ED€w Ifyou should have V. 1. 1 Deparbned of EnvirooEental Protection Bur.au of Oil atrd cas oftbe 6nal waler safiplc talen by c&C Coal A_ualysis Lab, lnc. on water weII near our Mccdlough ElgiD #1 gas w.ll. any questions, please fe€l iee to contact our office. OP EN _S OU RC E Sincerel, KRIEBEL MINERIS,INC. Heather M. taDdcr TurDk€y Ddlling Admidistrator EnclosEes: ,,Iml rurN II B;CE [.]E! DEP FEP 200I DEP,SOUI}IIryESTHEGION DII & GAS P0- 80x 765 . 633 MIYFIEL0 DnUE 1{Gt21-,t911 . CLARIoN. pENNSYLVAI{IA 16211{765 i+ &+2ze4tm ,it 811-26-85p t 5 2C !,- a 6 *,. G and C CoalAnalYsis Lab., Inc. 1341 Hof&nan Hollow Road Summerville, PL L5864 8t+849-2559 Fax: 8748493878 Kriebel Gas Organizalion P.O. Box 765. East Main Sbeet, Domenica Ckde Cladon, PA 162'14 MCCULLOUGH ELGIN # 1 V. 1. 1 Sample ID PurctEse Order # Collected by Date Colleded Date Received Date Reporlod G&C lO# Parameter G&C DT 0z03l07 02t05tol 02107107 375't 04 Resull UdlC UeSsC spm 13 deg. C 6.7 6.65 397 sM 450GH+B KS Sltl2510B JB mg/L SM 23208 AD mg/L EPA-305.1 AD TempeBture (Field) (Leb) SM 4500-H+B OP EN _S OU RC E pH pH Conductivity Alkalinity Acidity AlElvn urnhos/cm 11'1.45 -92.E6 Total hon 0-46 mgit SM 31118 AD Total Manganese O.27 mg/L SM 31 1 I B AD Sulphate 8.1 EPA 375.4 JB Suspended Solids 1 2540D KS m9/LSO+2 1 mg/L Slt/t Chloride 47.64 mg/L EPA 300.0 Calcium 51-22 mg/L SM 31118 Magnesium 10.05- Total Dissolved Solids 278 Oil& Grease ND 1 .4 - rng/L mgil mdL - Not Detectable AD €tHYfttB SM 2540C JB EPA 1 664 KST r'ril ,I Z00l DEF, SO{IIHTIESTFEGff]N -.L& QAS Our labor-rbry used A.C S certifed chemicals tollorving Standard I April 24, 2007 TIECEIVED DFP DeparEleot of Envimnmental Prot€ction Bureau of oil aDd car Ath: Edward L. ReDwick APR 8205 Route 819 G::EN:i!NG V. 1. 1 2DI7 cFFtca GreeDshr& PA 15501 RE: Water SaDples for: Manm __ #7 l- Dear Mr. Rcnwich Please_find eDclosed hr,o (2) water saEples raken on - 25 BactEria iD tbe following waler wells: Mcculough ElgiD #l April t5, 200?, to test for Coliforxn cmup gas weu Martin #7 sas we[ OP EN _S OU RC E Both samples sho* thar the water is Dot conraminated by Colifom croup Bacteria. fyou should have ary questions, plejs€ fecl frEc ro contact ou.r offce. Sinc€rely, KRIf,BEL MINIRAI.S,INc' Heattrer M. Lander TurDley DrilliDg Adrdnisr-ator Enclosues /hml 4 ?1- - ry 6L'-- ,,:1 h-*)- ,t+o.,,- Gt$"-c\ &f**"1 t-t- Jo <- c-O-r--]\.a,.+-fc" Q4+ ,ristr^f [lL.or..-,- .tuN 2 1 r.).,.-.- 66-Jr*--yu.- . :l0rj7 OEP o,l & G4s PO, BOX 765 . 633IUAYFIETD DBIVE . CLANION, PENNSYLVAN r-80G821-{911 i:i 81+22S.41m . IA 16214,0765 81{-2fr:95S2 847 G and C CoalAnalysis Lab., Inc. 1341 Hoffrnan Hollow Road Summerville, PL 75864 a.4a49-2559 Fz.x:8L4849878 KRIEBEL GAS ORGANIZATION PO BOX 765 EAST MAIN ST, DOMENICACIRCLE Sample Number: B# 28023 Received: DateReported: l. Sample ldentificaoon Location: MCCULLOUGH - ELGINE #4 Sourca: Collected By Datei PWSID: NONE ll. Remarks: Received At Laboratory Date: 4116107 Time: lnitials: 1900 411812007 Time:1620 SB Results of Analysis OP EN _S OU RC E lll. 4116107 4116107 V. 1. 1 Dato CLARION, PA 16214 Analvsis Results Method Count SM 92228 Total Fecal Coliform Count SM 9222D E. coti EpA 1103 Modified 134 Background Non-Coliform Total Coliform These results indicate that the above sample lS NOT 14 /100 ml /100 ml /100 ml mntaminated by Coliform Group Bacteria as defined by the pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act. * Refers to Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water 18th Edition I 2007 ""'*,T,r:r:Ir*.* .rriN 2 Authorized Signature I May 2l,2001 8205 Route 819 Greensburg PA 15601 RE-L Dear l{r. Mccullough Elgin #t gas V. 1. 1 D€partuetrt of EovirooEeDral Protectioo Bureau of Oil and Gas Ath: Edward L. Renwick wel ReDwiclq Please fiDd enclosed the final water sanDle tak€D by C and C Coal Analysis lEater L Ilb., Inc. iomlil supply ncar rle Mccullougb Elgin # I wel. this tual sanpte shows a Total Colifonn Count of 0 showiDg that the water supply is not coDtaminated by bacteia" Ifyou should have any questiotrs, please feel fiee to cotrtact our offce. OP EN _S OU RC E Si!cerely, KRIEBEL MINERALS, trYC. H.ather M. I-ander TurDtey DrjlliDg A&rinis!-ator Enclosues: Anl luN 2 1 2ool DEF,SOUIHWESTREGION U'I A GqS PO. BOX 765 . 633 I,IAYEIELO 1-€0G821-{911 DNrc . CLARION, PENNSYLVANIA 1621,4-0765 .+ 81+ -41m € 814-226-9582 8d,6 G and C CoalAnalysis Lab., Inc. 1341 Hoffman Hollow Road Summewille, PA 1,5864 81.4-819-2559 Rax:87484938-78 KRIEBEL GAS ORGANIZATION PO BOX 765 EAST MAIN ST, DOMENICA CIRCLE CLARION, PA 16214 ELGIN #1, Collected By PWSID: ll. NONE 5t1to7 5l1lo7 Time: Time: lnitials: '1830 1125 DT Results of Analysis OP EN _S OU RC E l. Date: Remarks: Received At Laboratory Date: 5t1to7 5t3D007 Dats Reported: Sample ldentification Location: MCCULLOUGH Source: WELL ll Date Received: V. 1. 1 l. Sample Number: B# 28087 Analvsis Results Method Total Coliform Count sM 92228 Total Fecal Coliform Count sM E- Coli EPA 1103 Modified 27 0 9222D /100 ml /100 ml /100 ml Background Non-Coliform These results indicate that the above sample IS NOT contaminaled by Coliform Group Bacteria as defined by the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act. " Refers to Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water 18th Edition ruN I Authorized Signature 1 200? DEP,SOUI}IWES'TBEGION c[-& Gq'q rrrof visit: Date April 10, 200 6 MEDS r None. S: :":T:li.:i::,;:" not_ had a ;1.:l=di:*":i::,::"til::- without problens. o: =::::::i,.n1:': V. 1. 1 fevet at home, has been active and playful. eating-Fetl Agitated but this is baseline f_o. f i" the doctor,s office. l woulal not allor me to look in ll ears . tD t as - tIlph node th:? is about I cm. across and freely moveable In right plsterior cervical tliangle a'ith a couple shoddy nodes that are trianole but potentially in the upper supracfavicular areainasthe weII. also has shoddy LAD of right groin. Nothing iIl the axilla. f A/P: 1. Generalized LAD. For CBC, monospot, EBV anal CMV titers. tris also due for leaal screening as to do that in the past but i'il-l go ahead and do it-a-declined today. M.D OP EN _S OU RC E S. Hach, juN tI 2007 DEP,SOIJTH}YESTCEGOi{ o[ & Gqs u MCFADDEN FAMILY PRACTICE 62 Greenbriar Dr. Suite 'l Leechburg, Pennsylvania 15656 Phone: (724) A45-7765 DESCRIPTION FEE DArE NEW Pr: PBOBLEM FOCUS 99202 99203 NEW Pf: DEIAILED LOW 99204 DATE OF BIRTH ro CODE DESCRIPTION OFFICE SERVICES 99201 q ir,;''6t FEE 20500 ABTHBOCENTESIS SMALL 90554 2060s ABTHROCENTESIS INTEH 907m 20610 AATHBOCENTESIS MAJOR 90702 DTVACCINE <7 YEABS 10060 I&D ABSCESS SIMPLE 9076 TEIANUS VACCINE 90706 RUBELLAVACCINE 90713 POLTOVTFUS (tPV) FLIJ VACCINE 6-35 MO 10120 BEI\,!OVAL FOFElGN 99211 EST PT: MINIMAL 111@ BIOPSY SKIN LESION 99212 EST PT: PFOBLEM FOCIJSED 11101 esfPi oererrrd ioyr BIOPSY SKIN LESION ADD ON 99213 11730 REMOVAL OF NAIL PLATE 99214 EST PT: COI\,IP MOD 11200 R 99215 EST PT: COMP HIGH 11201 SKIN TAGS EACHADOLlO BEPATB (SrM) 1CM -2.scr\,i 12001 NEW PT: UNDER I YEAB aooY EMOVAL OF SKIN TAGS 1.15 12004 FEPA]R 2,6CM.7 6CM BEPAIR 7,6CM N2,5CM 17000 DEST. LESION 1ST 12Cn2 99332 FLU VACCINE 36 MO, + 90716 CHICKEN POX 90718 Td 7+ YEABS *720 OTP/HIB VACCINE PNEUMOCGALVACCINF DEST. LESION 2.14 907ss MENINGIT]S 90746 95115 HEPATITIS ON9 YBS HEPATITISADULI ALLEBGY:(1) INJECTTON 95117 ALTEFGY: MULTIPLE *7a2 IM'ECTION ADMIN 99333 NEW PT 993A4 '11 YEABS NEW PT:12n7 99385 NEW PT:18-39 YEARS 57511 9ma5 NEW PT: 40.64 YEARS 58100 ENDOMETRIAL BIOPSY J3420 B-12 99347 NEW PT: 65 YEARS ANO OVEB 57454 COLPOSCOPY wlTH BIOPSY REI'IOVAL IMPACT CEFUMEN J1200 EENAOBYL JO690 CEPHAZOLIN (ANCED UPTO 5OO MG COMPAZINE UP TO 1OO MO DECADFON UP TO 4 MG/ML 17110 EXC, BENIGN LESION CM CFYOCAUTEFYOFCEFVIX INJECTIONS OP EN _S OU RC E YEARS 69210 EST PT UNDER 1 YEAF 9lo10 PULMONAFIY FUNCTION TEST J0730 99392 EST PT: 1-4 YEARS 946e,4 NEBULIZER J1100 99s93 EST PT 5.11 YEABS 99394 ESTPI:12-17 YEARS EST PT: I8.39YEAFS EST PT: 4O{4 YEARS ESI PTr6s YEAFS ANO OVER 99395 99396 093S7 PULSEOX J2175 Jl o30 LABORATORY 3&t15 J12,10 VENIPUNCTUFE TO 1000MCC UP TO 5OMG DEMEROL PEF lM MG DEPOMEDROL 40 MG DBAMAMINE UPTO 50 MG EPINEPHBINE IML J3030 IMITFEX 6MG MANTOUX TEST J301 KENALOG 1OMG LASIX 2OMG 41002 ol IJP J0170 87880 46580 42947 GTUCOSE.OUANT BLOOD OCCULT J2550 J0696 PHENENGAN sOMG 42270 47220 KOH JA2O SOLIJ.MEDFOL 4OMG 00091 MCR /OBTAINING SMEAF J1070 SUSPHRINE lOOMG TEIANIJS l[,lGL UP TO 250UNITS IMi/lUNIZATIONS J1670 J1aas K PEB lMG VISTAFIL 25MG OB LESS 90471 IMMUNIZATION ADMIN J3r1.lo 90472 JM ADI\,IIN EIACH ADDL J3410 90646 ROCEPH'N 25OMG TORADOL 15MG VITAMIN HE BOOSTEF ONLY Hra GDOSE) DtAGilosts FEE IMMUNIZATIONS Icont-l PROCEDURES EKG NEw PT:COMP HIGH 99341 DESCRIPTION 93000 99205 OFFICE SERVICES PREVENTATIVE cooE V. 1. 1 CODE PATIEttI'S NAME: TOTAL CHAFGES n _) i PAYIIIENT BECDi D DEBAA N. MCFADOEN, U.O. flcaYLE a" wlLuat$s, M.D. Ebraurol rlcr, Bc/89 DHMo gorxen rD , u.o. >-c -lt. Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Ofiice of ChiefCounsel 400 Waterfrotrt Drive Pittsburgh, PA 75222-47 45 De.ember 5, 2006 4t24424262 Fa* Re: -rl/ater Kittanning 412-4424274 V. 1. 1 Southwest Regional Coutrsel Supply To*rship ArEstrong Coutty DearJJ OP EN _S OU RC E Enclosed please frnd the Culligan repolt thal you gave Ee last week and that I am retuming to you. I appreciate the tiDe you took to meet with me and the Bueau of Matragement staff Oil and Gas Siacerely, a}-t 6 A. Myers Assista.dt Counsel Enclosure cc: . A.lan Eichler, BOGM, PGH ( enc.) Ed Renwic( BOGM, cBG (\i/enc.) JUN 2 I RECEIVED DEP DEC 0 8 2006 ts U RG IC t OF f tcE 2OO7 oep,sorrmw-Esi-ntc t0rv An Equal Opponunity Enploy€r l^.1,M/.dep.slate.pa.us & d 1749 Wilson Ave. fndiono, PA 15701 724465-5611 Industfi al Water Treafu ent aud servlces '\ 0 Culligan Representative; JaEie Kutsch 0 Water Sulftr lron: telrt* tast! ad Red hon 7 ppra, Red hon ? ppor, pH!-.-e Cblorine'3l_-pprq TDSfl!1pm, Other fldrdness: Catcitn.& IrarheS Clear Ctear V. 1. 1 G /'U/L /olqt Jron bon: Fffi,.ciII,L rods. Reduces soap suds, treates soap som ed forms *ihite liEe scale deposits. is soft, l-3.J is sligHy ha4 3.tJ is Eodee, 7-l0J is bn4 over b vqy hsd- loj WalEr is cle3r when &aw4 but &@ tums orege onc€ it becoEes oxidizod Cals€s a mehUic odor md DakEs rust stabs olr laEdry, toilea! siDts, erc. EpA limit is 0.3 ppm- OP EN _S OU RC E water i! yerow, oregq or red when dtawr- oxidatioa offerrou! iroL carrses aDetarlic taste atrd odc ed makcs ro$ shins oa larEd4r, toilEts, sitrks, etc EpA linit is 0.3 ppD" PfL The acid strogth ofv?ter @ a scsle ofo to 14 (uefial 7.0). values bclow 7 6re inceasiryly mors acidic. valu€s owr 7 EE Dore alkaline. Acidic ae und€r 65 is cGosive aough to cE a*Ey copp€r pip6 (Cfte s6iDs), wEter r}a furcets, applhccs, .tc. EPA !€corlEcEdld Inrye is 6.5-8.J. ,92fi4': Ily&oga snfidc gas. A toxic, noxious, corosivc gas Sdmclls like rotta eggs. Bacte a: Mifiobilo€xcal co ardirEliotr tcsted as Total coliforns ed E{oli. Reslrlts of a coullt oflnore thaE 0 js usafe ro driDlc Subjcrt to chzngr aEytiEa d ray moDeill, Fithort Doticc. ClrJorire.-Add€dtoEtdticipals,-ders{rplicstokillbactlrir C$rscs objectioDabt€ tasre md odor. rDs.' rotal Dirsolvedlolids is usedro d'5rc 6e emowt oflu ee dissolved,ira-als iD tbe w6er- c&s.s bad Esre ad spotting Thc lowcrrtc TDg lte highs lhc p'dty oftc w"dcr. Uscd mainly to Ecaslllc &iokiDg waJ€r qoility. RecoEDrnded Water Treatuent: Conleminates Removed: SysteE Cost $ Salt/Chenr, Installation Sales Tar Totalcost l. Palmeot in firll 3 irstallmeuts of $ No iEtsEs! first palBert duc @ iEstallatiou 30 days bctw€€a payo€6. 3. Finaac.etl at $_-___-n64. Crcdit Card 2, $ $ $ $ AI Notes: Palm€nt Optious: pri€ 8e@d tu I sEL Subj.d to !.r6rid pdc. chee.$ ffn 2,," -- fulL lt:ttirant /?r ljl(r 6GA( t, N 21 2007 nu"'"osry5;3tu,o*