99t lo oLz e6ed 9 r ren OP EN _S OU RC E .sla^ol tzr00s1c suss llup-eJd,r^olaq ro le ol paurnlal s^eq ol rPaddE sJal€ue.red llv .qlnsal asaql sulUUqJ tuau-Uedao oql Iq uale] aldues dn-^\olloj V 'pepaue uaaq peq ol JeaddP leql s.JolauEJed aq] ur aseaJ9ap e sJaqloJg lep^us uJoJi sllnsal sldues dn-i olloj 'so-L pue 'acuelanpuoJ cutacads 'tunrpos ^,\oqs'appoltlc Jo sl€^al p€le^ala ,t^ol.ls sllnsel eldures ssaee Jo alrsJla,u aql uo p€lou suolelor^ oN -peoJ aldures ]alem aq] ourlel ol uolllppe ul goi 1ol80 uo uoqaadsul alsllaM iliv o l lp go/10/go JoJ aulB ourtdujps e dn las pue anssr JalP,t a$ 6urpre6el ]ueulPlduloc qlL! alods 80/90/80 uo :uo]lducsao uosE6oso^ul ^lddns zz1z9z :pl uo$E6lrsa^ul N :(N/, uo$etol^ ]rs ,/^ 3IS :adII :pl uollcodsut SNIo 9lH O AUO93Ue slcvJa ropadsul 800z/90/80 :pau6!ssv atEo goozt 1otao :paleo$sa^ul aleo mlleuuo-Flnolleqtsa-Ef :squalUuloc )c MNf u -t ouvMoS ros!ruodns sNrce rH o ,/\uo9f u0 xolrodsul 8002/90/80 :asuodsau lsJ!j aleo 8002/9ti60 :ono asuodau olEo 800490/80 :p€u6lssv asuodsau olEo eoozlozt t I ItddnS rateM :ad,(l tu!Plduo3 :po^tosau aleo :o1 paxaJou se9 ? llo :trlEJ6OJd :parJalau alEo € V. 1. 1 06 ;ssoJppv pueleioL!]s€M :Auno3 :n!uJad :auoqd al!qof, lola-grgtzl :auoqd :ApoPd uo-FE@6lu-Iasu-d5ali t0z9t vd '9NlNNVrl-l) lnluc f c\nc ArC llerJng .ra/r\o-l :A!lEdlclunll :u3 (OUMS) ONt 'SO!S UfCANS :aurPN tjoi Nvllllf sNny ocol LL6Z-V9E-,ZL :auoqd auroH :otr'rEN ^uEduroC uolt-E@6l-IEEe-l-qlsf6d54l ralel qsrp aql ur paqse,t saqslp e palou lueurelduoC- 80i gzi 1quo p"dole^ap lsru3 elrLl^ e pue 'JalE/'^ aql ol etsel lo adA peleuoqJm alqeluup 1ou sr laleaa! '51! lnoqe Jo uo ltddns rale^l aql qlr^ uetqoJd pao,tou tslg tu"u,i1duo3:,raou ^lles "",,'" - rii"a"'a Ir, drqsu/,^oI ','" rr " sr rsye6/\ erdnoc rser aur uruu,u oIrruo sEfitterut :uo[ducsao 6uo'l lle,' :uo$duasao palP!^oJqqv Ilddns]€le./'^ p€pal]e 6u lup :pa6paFroulcv aleo N :(N/, palelou Uf - N :(N/I sJnoH rouv olefng quoN :Alledltlunfl :pllulElduoo patElau lueulBtdluoC 8002/90/80 :po^lacau alEo )ttvHf l/'l V :e.rnos VlClulvd :,{8 paraluf ouoJlsuJJv :Aunoc t8gzgz :pllulqduroS gO 4sO OOMS OOOO d3 - 0ZZB 80t69 L :(s)pt uo-EE@O,IuI-IEIE-IdUOe ,,{d tL:99:e gt0zJ916 'lV-tN3l,lNOUIA,\ll lO NOulll"oSd lNShlluvdlo elue^l^suuad ruodSu Noltvglrs3^Nl FP pennsylvania INVESTIGATION REPORT DEPARTUENI OF EITVIFONIIhF^, PFqIECT'ft comoraint rito'm'don ofi 2s7s.4 Doco swDo oor conphrnr rd: co:rr; . -EnH comprarnant rd(.): 1s9408 """"" iTr,:il:i#; Noft Buniaro rownship l,nsrons MeteLrr BY: PATRlcteA Source: on,f^6^^- Date Re{€tved: AbbEviat€d Descripfon: Lons afterHour3 (yrN): ER Roltt'd (Y'/Nl: wert N Date Acknowt.deed: Ori ing affected waEr supp! D*cdedonffi: i5;*t * nii**tr&"ffi;#"ffi carbonaH comptainant ir l*"s wash€d _______________ tn the noteo a salty dishwater ;lrlH:'"#, d;i;bped ,3fr TH type ot taste to th6 wEter, and a white crust RcsbEibt€ pa.tv tnfomation ToDD KTJ SELMAN PormiC: N Homo Phone: stryDER BRos. lNc (st4/Ro) ",",, on V. 1. 1 s22o - Ep 9/1512016 3:55:1a PU 72+35+29n 724-54A4101 Moblle Phono: County: Munlclpallty: Lower BLrnell City rcrrer rir,r-dl'ia' r azor R6looll3. tntormation Prlodtv:3 program: Oit& D.t" ftererad: cas ro: Daie R6otved: 11202008 Refi".rbd __. Assigned, oro*-o-#'' D.te R€sponle OP EN _S OU RC E comprairtrype: wat . s, D.to Relons. Due: 09/1d2oo8 Dtt FtBt R€pom6: 08()6/20c 8 InrFEcton cREGoRy qommonb: D'b Artlgned: eFACTS tn.pocfon td. D HIGGjNS Supervbor: oa/05200a GREGoRY D HIGGINS hr€3tig.ton D.lcriDfon: on oR/^^ ,^' ""' t'c ifii.-" [:J'site i Dato lnv€sflgated: vlohdon (Y,N): ltlv"dgttlon EDWARD L RENWCK 08/0712008 Typ€: srte vrsrt N ldt 252722 with complainant r€gading the water supply issue and set up a samptinE tme for 0€/07/08 at 10 "por,e hsp€ctjon on 0E/07/08 in addilion to taking the water sampte. No violalions noted on th€ w€ -site or access F:,[oJ:,F:q *.".t tel€rs of citoride. sodium, speceinc condudance, and rDS. frEm Snyder Brothers shorrr a de;teas6 in the parameterc hal appear to had b€€n affec-ted nliii*lii ^"T!9 $l,b "_.red ;';;;""9ffi10*3*"" bv th€ Depadnent confims thes€ results. Att paramerets app€;i to hav€ retum€d to at or e Page2t0 of 455 Rev 101212307 Com olaint lnform aA o n fu rm Complaint lD #: 257584 Confact DateReceived: 08/05/08 Source: I Phone Recaived By: Calt E Letter El Legislative Contacl E Greo Hiqqins Oth€rl Homs Ph: Addrsss: Mobile Ph: lndlvlduals Nam€: Home Phi - ffH:"' V. 1. 1 Name: snyder Brothers, Inc. work Phj (724) 548-8101 Mobile Phi Addressi PO Box 1022 County: OP EN _S OU RC E Kittanning, PA 16201 De''Ils Descripton: Complainant lirst noticed a problem with the water supply on or about 07/25108. Complainant noted a salty carbonated type of taste to lhe water, and a white crust developed on dishes washed in the dishwaier. R=cEi'../ED NOv rt, Oil & Gas Management lnsp€ctor: **;bsi";d- Pdority Code: E bL )l 10 days E 30 days DatEAssigned: 08-06-08 2008 rco --..",-"' ioi .. i.: Municipality: North BuffaloTownshiii Prcgram: ';5 Rev 1CV1l2007 Complaint Response Report tf 25758r'. Fhst Response (date): 08/06,/08 Oale R€sotued: 'tlDO OA Date lnspected: 08/07/08 lnsp€cton Type: I site visit Phone call fl other n eFACTS lnsp€djon ld: (f ap9licable) ! OP EN _S OU RC E Molaiions Found: (check if applicable) V. 1. 1 Complair lD lnsp€dion Oescripton: on 08/06/08 spoke with complainant regarding lhe water supply issue and set up a sampling time for 08/07/08 at l0 AM. Well-site inspection on 08/07/08 in addition to taking the water sample. No violations noted on the well-site or access road. Sample resulb show elevated levels of chloride, sodium' speceific conductance, and TDS. Follow-up sample results from Snyder Brothers show a dec{ease in the parameters that appear to had been affecled. A follow-up sample taken by the Department confirms these results. All parameters appearto have returned io at or below pre-drill levels. zti88 Nov ? 5 REGicN ,-,, uEr, ",.,,111"j:si "";jr &cps Bureeu of Oil and Gas Water Supply Complaint Investigation cTs corylaint # 2s7584 Type: X aualitv n Quantity f] Cas Gas Well Information: Permi/Reeist"ation # 005-29862 Drill Dates: SDud 6/3 Farm Name: Thomas A. Smith et ux 2-103 Well Record Rec'd: Water Well Inforpation: Well Depth: Unhown Supplv Age: Time in Residence: OP EN _S OU RC E Supplv Twe: Well Treatroent Type: None flousehotA Siz",l Di"taDc" to O/G V. 1. 1 I Yes nNo Pre-Drilting SurveY: I Yes nNo Presumption ofResponsibilty: W"ll,f topo. Relationshipl Date Problem Started and Effect on Water Sup'Ply: taste and a white Corqlainant contacted the Deparhent on 08i06/08 after their water dev€loped a salty deposit on rheir disbes. !ilc: v/at r Sulply Cotplahl lnBrig 94? Mv Do.uffils Bl --,.rr',,lEc z I z[qB Nr'l i -. DeP 3r:\:':a]i aFC'\ON zo, DEP lron T AlkalinitY Calcium T sPC @25c Sodlum T pH Chloida TDS @ 105c 61.23 mo/L_ 24.63 mo/L 204 umhos/cm /5 mq/L 176.05 mo/L 2157 umhovcm 156,16 mq/L 6.4 809.30 mo/L 1:Og mo/L 56.81 mo/L 1 .049 mq/L 7.51 mo/L 58.26 mq/L 679.51 mo CaCO3 Hardness T 92.43 mo CaCO3 < 0.02 mq/L Sulfute 27.4 mqlL < 0.02 mo/L 22.6 109 mo/L 1383 umhos/cm 10s.0 mo/L < 0.04 mq/L 83.91 mq/L 37.20 mo/L 548 umhos/cm 82.95 mo/L 7.2 399.5 mo/L 6.4 '107-30 mo/L I t-l 't0/08i08 1' < 0.04 mq/L .220 mElL 0.292 mq/L 1 0.590 mo/L 1.161 mq/L 34.1 mo/L 413 mq/L < 0.01 mo/L = * :i ms/L ?') 64.83 mo/L '-u 84.92 465 umho 23.4 mq/L 6.4 76-82 mo/L 339 mq/L o DEr 'rl'dl04i08 .... < 0:02 mq/L 89.2 mq/L 5315 mo/L --460 Jmhos/ff' 2110 mo/L 7.1 74.7 mql 348 mo/L fi /L 'l'441 molL o.27gn l/L 0.219 mq/L 0.390 mo/L 13.0 mo/L 187 mo/L < 0-01 mo/L '1.47O < 0.02 mq/L 15.68 n /L 226.45 nfi gaQo3 < 0.02 riq./L 22.6 228 filqlL '12.03 mq/L 142.43 mo CaCO3 PE N_ SO UR CE l 08/07/08 7.88 mo/L 143 mq/L 0-740 mo/L 0.114 mq/L SlronliumT 11 08/0r/08 < 0.(X mo/L 64.01 mq,'L 09n2to8 V. 1. 1 Date Samplod :I 5e:-,4,1'lffil :-;EffiffiffitF.' iE=Fg''@erg**'srE#rr*}>2 .PIV'B Drle of IsBue: u/r9l20o8 oo.3o:01 DEP Burcau Of lJaborator.les _ Earrtsbulg P.O. B(o< 116? Itrt.r.tete Drlw. Eerrisbutg , PA 17105_1i5? cootact Pb@! xiDber! (717) 345-7200 2575 ADA].ytlca]. RePorl FOR Ol1 lnd Gas uglnt 1llOAl2OOe of a.4rlc Coll.Ftor: Glcgory D SlggiDs D.re gaqrtc sar cou.cErd: 1rlo{/2008 10:45:00 ax Nane cortDty: AtlnltroDg ttullcipallty: North Buf!.]'o rwl) II aaqrle ue(llurn: 8a4)1e MealLutr l{etcr Type: ctrouDd llater Stetu3: (ltlPLBl'E V. 1. 1 saq,lc ID: 2359 095 gtate! PA XOI IIDIOa@ !cas@: C(q,lal,trt OP EN _S OU RC E LcatioD: sa4rlc cl€ar no oalo! iletecE€d. ritrali (E1ov Retes) IltitleL: t aboratory saqrl. rD: r2oo8o{oo3s ttnLts: cal/lllD alulc.. C13UPI,ETBD st.trdaral AEA].Yab. 9t2 (cortbuctl) RECEIVED N()v t 5 2008 DEP,SOUTPWECT REGION Date DEP P. Eureau O. Box 25?5 PAGE oo:30:01 Of Laboratories - gartisburg 6f Issuc: 11/1912008 2 1467 Interatate Drive , PA !7tla-1467 coDtact Phofe Nunber: (71?) 346-7200 Inalytical RcPort FoR oil and GaE Mgrnt Earrisburg TeBt/codee cas* - Descriptiot! Approv€! Test Method Reported oorto3 pE EPA 9o4o ? r* codnent ** Tine Linlt For Test sEurcgrsoN gtaEus: ID: 2359 096 fL/O4/2ooa V. 1. 1 sample oo94oA cEroRrDE q.ADEK BPA 2OO. ? oo92?A lBGtrESrIlM T RWEEETJSR EPA 2OO.? Exceetleal 01055A UANSANESX RWEEELER T \tlL2l2OOg '74.7 \e/L 11-/17/2O08 13.000 l.tclr. aL/12/2oo8 <10.00 ttcll, a!/).2/2o08 2r9.O0O 53.500 RiIEEE',ER EPA 200.7 oLo{sA rRoN T RWEEELER EPA 200.7 oo93?A po5:ASSIIiM T RI{IIEELER TPA 200.7 oo929A SODTUU T OOgoO galatdess T RVIEEEIJER SM oo4o3 PE ** Conuncnt '* 2340 B sEmcErsoN sM 4500E-B "ine Liillit !o! ooo95 spc e 2s.o c oo41o ArrKArJrNrri sEmcErsol{ sll 23208 ** connenr ri Alka nity o1oa2A sTRoNTrlu r R}ISEEIER BPA 200.7 TcBts UG/r' J-t/a2/2O0A !'tclr. r1/r2/2OOA <20.O UGlt ra/r2/2oo8 1-14L Nrc/L tLlr2l2OOA rlc/l t\/12/2o0a 21.000 RWEBBLER BPA 200.7 a\/13/200a ttsl , EPA 200.7 o1oo7A BARTOU T R$SEEIJER EPA 200.7 00916A CAr,CrUlI T Datc Approved 34a. OP EN _S OU RC E , ' ReBuItE ?.1 PE units ? OOS1S TDs @tos c I.WILKINSON USGS I-1?49 CoMPITETED !87 vig/Ir \l/I2/2o08 7.1 PE uritss rt/a3/2'Oa E ceeded umho€/ch Lr/06/2ooa i EC Er!'89,,,,, o o, a9.2 vs/L 450.00 MeaBureit to Endpoilt 4.s 3e0. ooo uGlr,DEP NOV 2{J08 '5 sourii iprc?5oot !+gFg*tt@.i . D.te of rssue: tt/L9/ZOOA Burcau ot lOor.tori"" ,.o. Box 1467 3575 htcrsrate Drl.vc DEP ErrrLsburg -OO.3OTOL- ! --il"rrfrn g , pA CoDtact phode nUnber: {?1?} t?lOS-t{G? 3aE-Z2OO IDr\'tlc.t RePort FOR OLl IDd cas t€ut ' ID: 2359 O9E x..J-/01/2'oa gtatus: V. 1. 1 S.4rJ.c ct)ttpriErD -n,"iil'ilii:'ilili.]ii.]I.il.l]ii:.Ii; o! *. 3"_ -.1r"._ "."r-", t! tne El,ort. to the B&qrL.(s, idcnttftcd Taru t p.cth)ray, ?ecbricaL DLrcctor, Burceu hd of trsPort of leboratoricB. OP EN _S OU RC E w]f RECEIVED NOv 2 5 2008 REGION DE?, SOIJTH.'.I.EST 38oGFM-WSW 001 2a Rev.6/20!3 coraf,oNytlEAl-TH OF PEI{NSYLVAN!\--.^.. I IUN NFPAR.r Er{T OF ETMRONI{EI{TAL PROIE(; --- ;;.c^e PRoGRA ^NAGEf,Elilr on stl{GLE saf,PLEs oiCilCsr.upues sep LAB USE Oh DEP sample lnformalion sYstem Sample Submission Sheet Dare Collecbd 0rl1 collector lD nme Collectd qq o l3 l2 Residual Chtodne ge-de'. .. .-, .--:l-!-..-.....--., . -'!3Ff illl!iilll :.----L-.--;.--.-i r----' --- ^- -/ i--. oH less tlian 20 Broken Legal Seal Number back) AdditionalAnalysh: (fiom list on Fao-lity 00t29862 tr o D Narns: Tho'nas A Smih el tq 2-103 Munkjpality: NorlhBuffaloTo{tnshiD ArEtono OP EN _S OU RC E Sampling Received BY: Check i---. Pemit* County: DaG Received: V. 1. 1 *ffiffE co€t Center Code trln Lab Numbe[ Locaiion: Kndlsn fau€et Temp(c): pH: trF('rFli.rED i 2008 s"utt ttr"t oec't'* F, Qi!99]!9d-qtSgrl-_-:-.----ii:!-+r!-- " ----'- wea$er conditio.s: Stoqv -d6-'S I ' - commcn!.: -s-"*-el:lag-:l:!srt.ro-o-qsr''-o't9{- - --' -- -- --- -l - Rouired lnfomalion - Optjonal lniomaton ' -- PAGE of Issue: 06/27/200a oo'30'o2 osP-s"i""" of r,a.boratories - $arrisburg Date P.O. Box 1457 25?5 l!tsCrstsaEe Dllve Ear!isburg contact Pbone Numbcr: , PA 1?105_1457 17\71 346-7240 Anal)tica1 Repolt FOR oi1 aEd Sas ugmt Nahe of sa$pte colleclor: ;:l': ;ilil';"-;oir."'"a' Gregory D Eiggins osi ot i zoos 10 :30 : oo Alr Couty: AtEstrong iuaiciParitY, xorth Buffalo $tP- $aEer sanDle Medium= Ground water :tYPe: u"ai,* s"tfrr" status: V. 1. 1 rD: 2359 o7'7 oa/o1/2oog sanple State I coMPLEl'ED PA OP EN _S OU RC E LOCAIiON' NOT IIIDICATED Rea6oD: Corq)laint Agpeara.Ece: samPlc sater waB clear no Final: Flow Rales) Initlal: 120080295s0 Laboratory SamP Le ID: units, cai/Min E/r"/c' COMPIIETED t staldara AlalYsls 942 Test/codes cAs+ - Description Approver TeEt uetho'I Da!e Approved Repotted Reaults (contiaued) REqA\4ED NOv bEE "- .z 5 2008 iau-ii*EtittEr;roN r,ilc"9 DEP 8rljreau of Laboratories PAGB ffi"#.:r;:' Box 146? ":ia fli3"o3'il,li"*-" PA Earlisbulg sample r?105-1467 }lalyttcal Re!'oru EOR Oil And Ga-s Ugllt rDf 2359 o11 o8lo7/2o0a 00515 ms @105 ?.2 1184. C oo92?A EPA 2OO'7 tlAclrBsnlt T O1O55A MANGANESE PH For aes! Bxceeded ]JWIItKINSON usgs I_1?49 OO94OA CEI,oRIDE D}TBUIN EP.A 2OO '? EPA 200.7 T BARfl]U OIOO?A 2OO'7 EPA DNEOIN 009164 cAI,croll T EPA 2OO'? DIIEUIN o1o45A DNEUIN OO937A DIIBUIN 00929A DNEUIN 0o9oo DI{EUIN 00403 raoN T EPA ?OO'7 POTASSIUM T aPA 200-? I soDrrrM EPA 200,7 Barthess T S!,1 pB tTT:m"" ll 2340 oa 34.100 uc/i, oa/22l20oa oo0l,5 sPc@25'0 9 sEurcErsoN sll 2s108OO41O A]JKAJIIIIITY "4*:*:* o1o82A DNEUIN lT "'o" I,init oa ' - sTRONTrsu EPA 2OO'7 l22l2oos 59o.ooo uc/r, oal22l2oos 109. ooo MG/r, o8/22l20oa .20.0 uc/L oal22l20oa 2-469 v,E/t' oB/221200a 109. OOO !{G/1, oB /22l2ooa os/22l2ooa 13 r.rsl! oB/),s/2oos For resE Bxceeded -- or""tr,,r.v t ucl]. '7.2 PE ulitE nuoo"-il.. l2s l2ooa 399.5 t&/!' 4 B oa/ t5 2ooa MG/r. <1O.oo DNESIN oalLsl2ooa utits OP EN _S OU RC E CRADEK Date Approved Reporgeal RqBul'ts Test CodcE/cAs* - DescriPtioa Approver Test itetsboa 00403 PE 9OIIO?? EEETCHTSON --i- Eo*n""t BPA ** TiEe lJlnit COMPI,ETED V. 1. 1 D.O2575 rdtetstace Drive Measuled urho!/cm 13s3 ' oo .t5.o w/i, to E!'tPoint 4'5 o8/13/2oo8 HhL''-r \b-8y).s/2 0o I NOv ? 5 zfi08 1]-61'000 UG/rtEP sou]'iliEdEFSi]cz"bos **1ilF8ffiSffi**sffi:"" oRGAI C 3 ?rES OR SNGLE srrr?E! r.AB tJSE O DEP SamPle lnformation Syst€m SamPle Submission Sheot Lab Number Date Received: Tlrna Collecieq c.t0e.toi lD coEt @iter Codc de Ef,l o l3 l2 *ffiffn ffitrTil V. 1. 1 Raason Received BY: Irc.dud ClddilE ir:-ir.l Ch€cl Broka Legat S€al Nunber Sampling F.clllty mt29862 Thomas A Smih sl ut Nsms MuniciDalltY Norh Bufbo 2103 rdchio Am.trono OP EN _S OU RC E P€rnil* Csmtr Locdjon: Klchdr ftucet I Fleld : Tdnp IBt3 trEr-.i,iF Fl qEC=i"ED (C): Z0!t u\/ pr' =-,---J9l!4 oec'tt' OescjhU!.t: i I I Zb i.o*."* rc" "-tt"';'':'. iqlldgafrsq werlhor ConditioG: com'retrts: -E:W!"-I3t'.r-'n'-:E$-ol-€-'-"'tq:{ Sis.tlfc: Itrt.: 0810m8 ! tr tr f galT1l?OgA lgi34 a'6 ...-.. 724-543-BA\3 G Pn -D"itt andC CoalAndYsis Lab', Inc' 1341 Hoffrnan Hollow Road SummerviLle. PA f 5864 8t+M9-2559 Fa* 814349-8878 KTTAT{NING. PA 16201 Ssmple lD coil€cd c&c lD# bY Pallme{sl AciditY G&C MS 403a46 Rbsult Units 15.0 gpm deg. C Total llon Total MarEanes€ Sulphate Suspended Solids Chlo.ide Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium Total Oissolved Solids Barium Turbidity Melhane/Elihane oil & Grease MBAS Hardness bY Calculaton umhos,lctn 61.23 -33.49 <0.o4