K-3 Math Curriculum Edition, November 2016 THE NOODLE MARKETS REPORT Powered by SmartProcure November 2016 – K-3 Math Curriculum A recurring dive into K-12 purchasing data, exploring curriculum impacts and trends. THIS EDITION’S RUN-DOWN: For this edition, Noodle Markets and SmartProcure set out to study the landscape of K-3 math curriculum products and their impacts on student achievement. We know that, historically, socioeconomic status correlates with student achievement, but how does curriculum fit into this picture? To dive in, we analyzed thousands of lines of purchase orders, assessment data, and district demographic info. Our findings suggest that K-3 math curriculum purchasers should consider product impacts on achievement, across the socioeconomic spectrum. MOST-USED PRODUCTS: Purchase data tells us there is ebb and flow in product market share. Relative cost is not always a factor. Three companies account for 85% of market share in our data: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Pearson, and McGraw-Hill. 20 Frequently-used K-3 Math Products - Relative Cost, Market Share over Time 5BCMF 3FMBUJWF $PTU BOE .BSLFU 4IBSF PG , .BUI 5FYUCPPL 1SPEVDUT $PNCJOFE 1VCMJTIFS 1SPEVDU 3FMBUJWF $PTU .BSLFU 4IBSF 5SFOE 5PQ 4QFOEJOH %JTUSJDUT .BUI -FBSOJOH $FOUFS #SJEHFT h )PVHIUPO .JʻJO )BSDPVSU %P UIF .BUI i .BSTIBMM $BWFOEJTI &BSMZCJSE 4JOHBQPSF i 1FBSTPO &OWJTJPO .BUI h (SFBU .JOET &VSFLB .BUI i .D(SBX )JMM &WFSZEBZ .BUI h )PVHIUPO .JʻJO )BSDPVSU (0 .BUI h .D(SBX )JMM (SPXJOH XJUI .BUIFNBUJDT i )PVHIUPO .JʻJO )BSDPVSU )BSDPVSU .BUI i )PVHIUPO .JʻJO )BSDPVSU )PVHIUPO .JʻJO .BUI .D(SBX )JMM .BUI $PODFQUT i .D(SBX )JMM .BUI $POOFDUT h )PVHIUPO .JʻJO )BSDPVSU .BUI &YQSFTTJPOT $PNNPO $PSF h .BSTIBMM $BWFOEJTI .BUI JO 'PDVT 4JOHBQPSF h ,FOEBMM )VOU .BUI 5SBJMCMB[FST i .D(SBX )JMM .BUI 5SJVNQIT .D(SBX )JMM .Z .BUI h $VSSJDVMVN "TTPDJBUFT 3FBEZ .BUIFNBUJDT h )PVHIUPO .Jʻ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mFE 4DIPPM %JTUSJDU $" %PXOFZ 6OJmFE 4DIPPM %JTUSJDU $" #SPXBSE $PVOUZ 1VCMJD 4DIPPMT '- &ENPOET 4DIPPM %JTUSJDU 8" 0OUBSJP .POUDMBJS 4DIPPM %JTUSJDU $" #BMMBSE $PNNVOJUZ 4DIPPM %JTUSJDU *" &ML (SPWF 6OJmFE 4DIPPM %JTUSJDU $" 4BO #FSOBSEJOP $JUZ 6OJmFE 4DIPPM %JTUSJDU $" #FMMFWVF 4DIPPM %JTUSJDU 8" $MPWFS 1BSL 4DIPPM %JTUSJDU 8" :FMN 4DIPPM %JTUSJDU 8" $FOUSBM ,JUTBQ 4DIPPM %JTUSJDU 8" %PXOFZ 6OJmFE 4DIPPM %JTUSJDU $" "MIBNCSB 6OJm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ath Curriculum Edition, November 2016 PRODUCTS USED BY HIGH-ACHIEVING DISTRICTS: Looking at the top-scoring districts within each socioeconomic group, the following products hold the highest market share. Only one appears across all income levels. Some products may additionally be represented in low-achieving and middle-achieving districts with frequency. High-Achieving Districts - Variation in Product Usage Across Median Household Incomes Most Purchased Products Low-Income $18,000 to $50,000 Middle Income $50,001 to $70,000 High Income $70,001 to $222,000 Math Expressions Common Core; GO Math; Harcourt Math; Math in Focus, Singapore; Bridges Envision Math; Math Expressions Common Core; GO Math; Growing with Mathematics; Math Triumphs My Math; Ready Mathematics; Envision Math; Math Expressions Common Core; Harcourt Math MOST PROMISING WITHIN INCOME LEVELS: After controlling for the effect income may have on achievement, the following products are top performers. Within each income band, the top products vary considerably. Note that these correlations do not necessarily imply causation. The reason to look at this data is not to guarantee higher test scores based solely on product adoption; it should be useful, however, to see what high performing districts are doing. Products with Highest Impacts - By District Income Level 1 2 3 4 5 Low Middle High Growing with Mathematics Bridges Everyday Math Math Connects Math Triumphs Growing with Mathematics Bridges Math Expressions Common Core Everyday Math Math Connects Do the Math Take it to Your Seat Math Expressions Common Core Growing with Mathematics Bridges CLOSING: While this research cannot conclude direct causal relationships between products and student achievement for purchasing leaders, it’s worth looking at what products might best serve a particular student population, especially considering socioeconomic status. Stay tuned for more K-12 market insights. Contact: Noodle Markets Media Team, media@noodlemarkets.com SmartProcure Media Team, media@smartprocure.us Full report with citations: http://ndle.co/2fopaal