HOMF:STF.AO POLICE DEPARTMENT l wr· AAQUINO 05/2212014 16:28: 11 IA!PSD CASE REPORT IA/PSD#: 20 13020:! IAMAINIO: 70 The information contuined in this report is CONFIDENTIAL. File Cl as~ : Comp T)pc: C0\1PLAI'\ I Location: ::WOOO S\V 324 I H Sl Bl K MIA'-11 D \DF 11 DI P/\Rl\.1 EN I Al Oatl' IA/P'iD: 01 1.51201 i ~ta tu ~: Dute Occurred : 10:29 2012 Date Repo rted: 02 I~ 2013 Time lieported : 1152 T ime Orcurred : 1152 Beat: Date to C hain :02 ' 15 12013 Cbd Zone: 011tc to C hicf:02, 15:20 13 Date E:i:pircd: Status Dute: Aund To: AQUINO. A. 05/ 22'2014 ASSO<'ll,TEIJ HAMfS J\,::-.; : JE 32320 SI\' i<'.l41H AV'S Se:>:: R;:ice : AC'~ ion : NO~~E Se>: : M R.1ce : W Ni1RfU\T!VE/NO'!'ES ~'1:-IPLA~ NANT: A. B- I OF~H'ER I N'.'Ol.VE.D; "lfc.:. JI.. ~ cmdro Mt:r::iuido ~ • I 'OM?L Ai'.'!': 1.:• • -::i- ,1.1 • 'JtfL;c;: :-'.?..i.rg\,icj(, :• o:.rc,·:dwJ ".:, tT)y cl.~1.c.:<' rJnd adv~!;t!d E.::ic- M-:-Donct.qt"• .,;.,s !."C!'rondir.g to ras hc:tw "-lhi confron"ing him !:'•e (De· . Aq;.unol tr.<.1t cl Mi. o·:('r :. tnittic issue. Oi'iice:- Murgu1.:io stat"'d :nat Mi· . Mc!),1r.~·i-1~J'1 •. vtis B' ,,, ti.r.q il l'id'' no::. fcli.r: .ii h:s wlf8 was stopped by ,.no :.:a•· .s::. .... E-d ~ :..!"'kt'\. ;:,y Homc·scca'l a:.o ~e obS>=IV~d Offlc·~r ~11rr.;u1no th.ro;.;lng a p1ec:u rf paper (>U:.. c)f h.L ." (" r w.::..nu.ow . Ofc . ;.;.ir9t1ido fH_'t•t·:·d LC.at he '.•Hrn bei.nq confronLdLlor1 wh"'n he iltte;i,pted :.o t1dvise Mr . M:Dono>HJ!• that. h:> was o;,: duty and oid not ,,,pp r <'r.iate th.at he rrspon1ed to !us reside:-1,::•) '"i-:h ni.~ >:<1r.1i:.,y tH;inq ;:i• home and t:1is w!.. h() ;.."<1S , Cf i ry ar.d the i:lc.i..dent .).;:cu.rreo in laue Coun~y -lu::.isdic:...:..c:. amJ Lh~·t w :i ;.·a'i ~or;_ed on a;. em.i.ll. troro Dispil~cher: Camillie Sanchez to L::. w: ~ r:.t t n;, 'ver •• .no'°'r ~. Johnsor refere~:"' a~ a .... eaat:c.:1 th~t '1:'. Er-i:: Mc.)1mou91i wa~; ma'i.i.dr~ni: e urd cont r:,)r1ted lum for thr.01..;i·~1i pnper cut ci !us \"lh.t ·h. w ... ;,:.Jc\I.', .Jff1 .. ..,,.. M ... rga;::_ mad·.; d comp.:..i.:rn t'.::r :;•;,,lkl.ng w1+!1 HDPD and t.hey .::espor•.:Je ~·ma .. r.C'o a wr.tter. M..:..x t!;e Leqis!a·ivc:> :a•er dur.ng Lhe fl.::.»;.1tl~in:sl ~hat ~\sSi""IH::.. c·,Jtf" .f. ,. ~nvust.1gHti0n, his L.:iw E:r.fcr,·cmen: Cei·ti~:. ~at W.:h· Mr. Rric sent v~.f• emc1tl ' (l t.i:~r;or Batemfin from 1-'.r: . F..ri.n bnlly Rasd1ein 5 Office datOJ;.: Jl- ?e~!"('S0'1~a:i·:0 M~Do~ou~h feels th~t OfL~cer Murguido sho~:ct Loue hav~r.g ti:n atres·ed by Mlanu.-Datie Polic•.... M!". E'.. Mc~ ·i-i01:gh 11 P e:ge.s tr.at or:· i r:<'r Hu:rg111do ::. i1.!d a:i•i r:t'!IW•i :.ted perjury when he made his • :"'f .u.·1t aqa1nst t.im an;:! 1;: leci • "J r ls a;·ref.t . E.' ion for ~NVESTIGA~:C~: Pi1gc 2 since it happ~~ in c~e count¥ and Mr . McDonoug~ was reaching ou:.. lo re1~scate his lll:<:?g.s:..i.ons . 1 dio not 1-1an1; til~ 0;.".ficPr to make a n y s'""atemen1:s in cast? he :nay be a pctcntia• s·ibject 0ffice1 ~rid d1d no~ 1'1ant :..o violate his 0fficer bill of right:> nor the union co~trac:. i provided Officer M1.1rguido 1-1 jti". t.he nO peg•!' affid1'lvi· he war.ted to atta.::h. I asked hiw why htl die rl('t follo·.v-up or call m<'! f:::..r several 11.on;_'.1,; r.l.r Luu.e<: ~n hls C1?mplaint package? I also askr~d him wher. could he r,:spono , > m~l t'ffice so l may :.:ak~~ his SL':·,ar. Mr. t':u.1 stare0 c:-ia1· ~·'.t. McDonmigt w,1~; nm·1 m<'Jl::ing f.:i.:s>:: all'2.:gat1or: chat Lhu ~"presen:..ative .;,no :1is sta:.f ::re C(ln;;p.1ring •4ith ;.:r1f~ :'1ayo1 of liomestearl agFJinst J-.im. Page 3 er unts :;,f :rt!spciss .ir.d t r~s~ ·,..c; .... ~-~ * Bl302~r~s . i~ SfE A':'-r'AC!l::-ISN'!' ~EM,, i 1- lV;:. w"1.,; fi_fl,i •.u.-·:•·H" .'t.1;.e r·ase ii .120: .3:--l:iO..!Ot1J5vOr lX\ C.> ,1 Erir. t·:. i r, t•':. Eric Jan"•:S "1cL'ono.n::" took n F1re-T1 L;l lnL•'HVfrnt ion pr·ograr" ;;ncl t.lw '"dS<:: ·..;,1s i:losed by Ancrea Ri..:ker ::in 01-0~;-20:4 lS Nol.!.e -Pros-Col'\p ?TI . (De.:.errl'lCJ .P:r•>"H?Ct..~t,n :cdqe Wulfsor., ?ro1ran sent a ;::f'rr,..fied 1€:..ter v.:.r: US Md1: (Cen.. J.fied MaU e ?01101100Dt,0178,09.t ~ ' t ~.r . Ja;;;(~s M1..·lJonc-uq-:1. ::'~C\t'trl'-l .si·1··0 ou!'. las t. c.:rnversacion on Mardi 1fi , 2013 , he has r.ot. 1.:t..'1' aci:.ed -:n ... ,i:'d r.is .::i...11 co.;pe:--at1on .Fl ::e':'ded : c pr:oc0~d f•::i:a:11:>rd . A·.;knowl-::J 1inq chat :1c did not war.t ;;o go f,•rw.H•• l,r·i. A~ril c:i , ;_o:;_~ tmri he re·eived .::i ccmpJair:t fo?";:i ; - ~A er 1 !i ..: .d'~--ves·t!.;td.tOl r •.~ f\:·:·en .. l.~ !..hP tn--1dl\r~· ...."1. ... me·:?t1ng w1.t;1 Cni.et !1.oll8 re.::·~r.::n,,::e .;o:nplai.nU•J Ore. M... r1u1dc dr1·:u~q nis m"' · 0r unit J:y h.t.5 1esi..:icnce .:.r.d ~oundir:g tr.e police s .. ren. He th•J crct:c~t t;i~ 'h~' t;bove .:,c1G";1L aq.dn o.nd exp~ctJnml h>'." took a plea and is p::u:t1cip<.1'.l:q ::'! 1 u:ve~sLcn ~rogra~. ncwe~er he did sc becduse :~3 lawyers are noL as smdrt ~~ ne is a~d s:..i .... belteves tha: O!'r. t·1'.:rau-d.:i shou.d lose his pol:ice ce:::t1fi.cate bec he re .... eves he ·~rn..,,lt pet"j.,:-~ . t•vr-; .. ver , h< w l:r:·.: beca;;se of ;;he .nciaent. it. >-35 1nsi;-1rec l.1r ·o ; :pla1ned t~.at r1s ~'"'rr;plainr ref~ r· ~"'tC"e C>r.; . M 11.·g,,, _ i..lO d:_1v.i....1r3 by h .i.!3 rt~~1ch::n-:e ·..Jil1 bt..,. t1,~n.d~ed :i-s a cittzer. oy !.i~ residl~~e .r:.::.'JE':.t ;,rnd th~:: 1 .'.o:-:p.LaH•';. ar.d !us s..,µc.;rvi=ur w1l l M.:ai es·; it ac~~: 1L: 1 jl)'. ''1.r. M:donoug!i proviriewrLd.:"lt ~..~as t,ar..:::F-d u~tlC!" <.:it~zen Corripln.!nt. ~ !lR iy Sqt ..... rr.">t 1 :nves~ir;a ~ ·ir;n .i.;h ~,ostec c;oromFmts and ooc...:mer.~s on l.EO AFFAIRS HOMESTE;..r Page4 OE FICIAL :JOC'UMEil"!'S I l:. -.'OVi'11s of.C duty, Lhe incioent ccr..:•.1rreu j<...ris ii ·tio:i . "· M.::. ,Tar.es f ..i.i-· Mcdono·1q!. was utrestcd by :-1lam::.. Dar:!<.J p,,u.ce refeter.ce Ml on.,io1ng ccnt..ct w~-:n Ofc . Murg .. i...:c a'.1d ,.;;;is 'nv1~sti111te1.1 and nandled oy Mi<.un1-i:>itde ?o:ice . ... .,, ' • h• Ct-i1ef.s Rvl>.." ."> responsc>s a!:··€'r mi.t•tinq .::cview of. Mr . :a'.'"'es E::i:: M ;d:moi.;;;r. ~h ... ~~ •.-:ti.t~e:1 tr ,,, , 1nw•s1 • qator ( Det . A. Aqu1no) n.,.r , m~i?t.i r.·g that he .requested . After care tul t.if:.er that rneedn9 i>y C'h .. ef Ro! le. tt.e 1·eDt c-onc: ... r.::-;: c:l:la a:ter SL'eakir.q i"1th Lil•• city ;:..tt.orney::: :.tiat thn invesi:igAtion shou .. J .:cntinu~'. CHli::f Rc 1 lE' d,..re.;te: nas i:.v<>st:.11,tor Dcpr.r .. ·rFJr~t:l.: b. wu:~1 .-il:er. "'1.r. 0 invest.i.g.:. . ti0r11 J.lf"<::i:; At.t t~¥ . •ht! ,Dt!t . A . l-.cr··--· comrJ!i..! ~on of tr~~ to cont:ir.1e with t.his.•. ;~t<-ltca hl) )l) ... lC Jny :rr.irt::11.>nt v .. c,. l• ic.:·.s, .,. Cni.e: Erl· ;-1cdon-'1qh 1ret. w.;:.h Miam .. -OrH.ie P.C . S . he was r.ot coate:it wit!" the mEe·_ in~ . Mr . h·s ~a·~ J .:ries Eric Meder. .>'10,:·rn. was sent a '"'-·r<. ir J.Cd lC"t cer fr:ow :nt:ernal Affo irs referen.;e of coopergr1nn. !'-.-7· s\!t1st.in · •'•• •-Vloew.:>~ thl!t hcu .. _·i ['t()V~ ·.h.,•~ O:c . Mur~iuido violaLen uny luw(s) or :er-.'l.rtl!.Ef'dl ['rc·ed'°'r•• 5, t'.~C ~).;, •. . b!.''l!n•·i.:1:.i:-d <>t. this l.l.1!.e . • , the' 1:n:::iers1gned, cio hereby s1vear , •.ir.j,!r p8::a.r y •H f 1•~r ~ury, ~L<1L , to tr1f' b,:.~st of :ny personal Y.:1Cl·de·i·re, irform,1tio:1 u1d b·>~ic•,: nive no;; knowtnqly ur wil~f11:ly c:iepr.ver., o:.:1:lC'wcd anl)Lher tu dt:£.'!:1VC , "he ~un1Pc: r-,J t,..e " ; . nt/~!,:..iqa\:ic.>n ").t any ()1 thl'J !.lqtl;.s l:i ~ ), H Je.t e Page 5