AFRICAN INBOUND DVB-SZ CARRIER Report No: 007 Date: 20 January 2009 Case Notation: Polarity/Freq: Summary: This African inbound DVB-SZ pidless C2C target was surveyed using the TERRAIN collection suite between the 13th-14th January 2009. It was tasked yesterday 19 January on for SD purposes and ?les may be viewed under ?lename: The target employed TCP IP RFC1490 protocols, including SMTP, and POP3. The following DLCIs were noted active:- DLCI 160 - ODUA TELECOMS LTD NIGERIA DLCI 184 - KDN POP MYISP KENYA DLCI 185 - TAIDE BACKBONE KENYA DLCI 230 - ZAMNET ZAMBIA DLCI 250 - ZAMNET ZAMBIA TERRAIN sampling produced the following hit terms, including Priority 1 hits from the TERRAIN tacho dictionary. Files may be viewed at the CARBOY FARNDALE Survey Partition. Filename:- FRAM 160 230 250 184 185 mi} 49ml: LE we, {wave-?fr ?1.10.9? 42:: and 95.11.1225? Ilf?zr?k? AM: ?41-?11 mm mi"; ?Q'e?iw? xiiwn." Li'i?ffiv?ht i! f; 7?1? EMSAss'y'm SECDH ar we: HO: FFJMEMU 59mm 5E :w 4 o; HAW av ECRET Technical Details: GZUNTELSAT 9F2) Polarlti Rliht Hand ercular Modulauon 8P Symbol Rate' 11 0 FEC Rate 3/4 LDPC FEC LDPC34ROO3 Phase Encoding, Absolute Can Ihis carrier be (asked on the Collection System? YES Com. mm: -- Email: OPAVBUDE 4 of 4