w pennsytvania INVESTIGATION REPORT DEPAFN,'B{T 05 ENVIFONMEiTIAL 9/15/20163:5129PM TNOIECIIIr{ Comolalnt lnfolrHton CompLln rn H(.): Relat d comphint ld: 8220 - EP DOGO SWOO DBtr Off Cornplaht ld: 25,0516 unlclpality: GrEen Township county: lndians Enrerod By: PAIRICIA A MEMUK Att r Hoor! (YIN): ER R.l.tod (Yr{): sourco: D.b Recolved: 10/312007 Abb.wi.i.d D..cripion: 153{Y04 auahiy problems $,1t! D.t ratetupdy N N Ack Dwlodgod: anBr gas dlilling V. 1. 1 Long Doacripdon: Re.pondble Pe{v lnfom.tion Homo Phom: l{rme: Pemlll: Count: Addr!.s: IoblL Phone: unlcip.llty: lndiane 523 AIRPORT INDIANA PA 15701 Re.pon!. lnfoirnadon Green TovmshiP DaLRofetald:' Prioitly: 3 Relared To: o.rE R6ohred: 03052008 Progr.m: Oil& Gas Comphlnt TyPe: Vvtrr Ert wor* Phone: Cotnprny N.msr PHOENX ENERGY SUPPIY OP EN _S OU RC E D.te R.spoGe A.sigtBd: 1061f2007 Oat Repons€ Due: 1212007 Date Flrst R.spo6e: 111062007 llBp.ctot: FREDRICK SupedLon G SRANDT EDWARD L RENWCK CommanE: lnvo.0oaton lnfonnrfi on Date A$lgned: 1oBlf2oo7 ln3pactoi: FREDRICKGBRANOT t).b lnv..iigaEd: eFACTS lnsg.ctlon ld: lnv6dgadon OetcrlPtlon: 11/o6Doo7 Typo: sit6 Vrsit Vlolatlon(YlN):N lnv6fgatjon ld: 245502 #.*r##$*'*i###ffi ffi fihdiffi#l#"ffi m''xE#it-" collected a samole on U1zU07. .-ijEfiil lJaii'di,iiiii'i eo Renwict tod( another pnor' Enardv installed a trBa[nent svsism approximatsly 1 month samplo rat6' supplv Found that Pho€nix Hoolts/of Phoeni Eneryv and rndiana c'urrtv commBsioll€r Rodnev ii 6i:H;i;; H;;&-ffi-*tt''jim lhe comnl'inr di3cuss to house Ruddod< atlll j"miir"o or a ssmpl€s taken to I * t" resurs rrom ure rao 27iro8 - Rsceiwd srmpl€ a -plo 'or rs !o te{ r$'at t," Departneflt could not-issu€ an order lor presumpton mst illtatlhoure lmHil* on tp evroence *e naw' a' ,"err as th€ ross or ;":ilE;li;; ffi.JJ-fu-iiii'ua# was rir'aie. complaint dosed afrer hts noUrc€ton l"ij"ii".itiE,tirni-fr. i..ot"ir't tuv TL 1CY1,2007 ComplaintlO#: ztoil Com, laint I nformation Fo rm t Condct Date Received: 10t3112007 Source: Etr Phone R6calv3d By Call E Lefier D Legislative Contad E Eichler Other Name: Hom6 Ph: V. 1. 1 Mobile Ph lndMdual's Home Ph: Company 72+5434793 Phoenix Energy Produclions, lnc. Mobilo Ph: Address: 109 Jefferson Street Kittanning, PA 16201 County: OP EN _S OU RC E I t Debils Description: Ouality problems with water supply after gas drilling APR 2 r__i, 3 2008 il[zsrREGiot\] ' I c.,a Location county: Municlpality: GreenTr,[p lndiana Program: Oil and Gas Program Complaint Typ6 Water Quality lnspector: Brandt / Small Sup6lvisor: Ed Renwick PnofiyCode: fllod Date Assign€d: 1013'l t2007 DL ll- E30 I Z4- r t,- 1CY1 20O7 Com laint R Complaint lO*: tt onse 250516 Firsl Response (date): 11 l6to7 Date Resolv€d 3/5/08 Dals lnspeded 11 t6l07 lnsp€dion Type: X E ! V. 1. 1 tuY site Msit Phone call oher eFACTS lnspection ld: (ifepplicabie) (Check if applicable) Brandt. Water sample taken. lnspected gas well contacted site, Fulmer#1, 06335164. lnvestigation revealed brown in was reddish supply thatlwaler to report mid August in Phoenix Energy color and that it contained a particulate that would settle out ofthe water over tlme' '1116/07 - Site visit made by Fred thde OP EN _S OU RC E lnspection oescription Phoenix collec{ed a sample on 8l'14107. ofJwater 1l2gl08 - curtis small and Ed Renwick took another sample supply. Found that Phoenix Energy installed a treatmenl system approximately month prior. 1 211108 - Small and Renwick met with Jim Hoover of Phoenix Energy and lndiana to discuss the County Commissioner Rodney Ruddock at complaint. z27lOB - Re@ived sample results from the lab and mailed copies of the results of all request. samples taken to-,pere llrat -house D telll, that the house to 3/5/08 - Small and Renwick met water supply her Energy to replace for Phoenix order issue an could nol Department presumption of the because the loss of as well as we have, based on the evidence after this notification. closed time the complaint was made. Complaint APR 2 3 2008 (':, :::-s ---- ':Otrir-lYr?srBEcl0il . Bureau of Oil and Gas Water Supply Complaint Investigation cTs # 250516 T1,pe X auahy nauaodty trGas Presumption ofResponsibility: n Yes XNo Pre-Drilling Survey: Gas I Yes f]No Well lpformatiotr: P€rnit/Resistatiou # 063-3 Drill Dat€s: 123-30101 5 I 63 FarmNme: Fulmer #l Well Record Rec'd: WirtEr Well lpforEstion: Well Dep&: unknown SUDDIY Ase: 37+YB. TiEe in Residenc€: 37 yrs Topo. Rel,atiooship: gas well upgradieot OP EN _S OU RC E SuDDIY TYDe: shallow well Trcalment TYD€: lorc Household Size: I Distance to O/G Well: V. 1. 1 Coqlaint Date Problem Started aod Effect on Water Stpply: water supply was redish brown in contacted Phoenix Energr in mid Aug.'07 to report color & contained particulati matter that settlcd out over time. Phoenix collected a sample on 8ll4l07. +Phoenix installed treatment system apprcx. 1mon. prior to our 1/29108 visit. I II , ,- APRz3 .dTrr JZSTREI1lCN LJ ,v-;,. FilG: wc 2'OOE _. . r < sr4dy CoEpbid lnli!'tlt 907 My DooDaa rd &- ( t-/'( 2n7DNg To: Crrtis C. Small WG Qusfity Spociati$ DEP - Buean of Oil od Gas f,farg€@ed 286 lDdutsial Pa* Rood Ebcoshrg; PA 159314119 D"*II V. 1. 1 Frm: Enclosed pu will find copies of all of the vmer saryle rcsults thc Depstuert bas for your rvdcr srpply. Ilere ze 5 total includiag 6c most tec€Et lhat Ed Rmwi* ,rnd I collected ou ll29l2008- . OP EN _S OU RC E Inthe DEP'Srtsults youwill sec tbd soe of tberesults ca givco inUG/L rdh€r rrrm MG/L. To oonvErt UG/L to MG/L simply move tb decimal poiut 3 places to 6e l€ft. For €xanple on 129108 the @omt of Lon reported h your qample was 1073.000 UC}/L. ConvErtcd to MG/L this would be 1.073000 MG/L. maimum cmoinant levels €stsblished und€r the Pmsylvania Sa& DriDLitrg wdEr Ac.l You ce use lhb to coq)arc lour Esults withI have also coclorcda copy of the Sincecely, cttir APB!3 too6 [:f,f,ttE?sEcroN c. sEdl Bureau of LabolatorLes Anallrtical Report EOR 01/03/2008 09:41:13 DEP Oil sarple State: Water xlrO h2o Reasoni Routl,ne samplirlg 12OO104241-S COMPI,ETED 942 - Description 01045A rRON T 00{10 ]\LKAIINTTY *{ Coment rr Alkalinity Measured to Reported Results CoEpIeted 3258.000 uc/L t1-/73/200'l tt /13 /2001 5.0 tlc/l. EDdpoint 4.5 OP EN _S OU RC E CAJ,CII'M T 00095 SPC G 25.0 C oo929A soDrrrM T 00403 pH ** Comment ** TiEe l,jlnit 00916A CI{LORIDE 00 94 0A rDs 0051s 00 937A 01007A 00921A 00900 01055A MAGNESIOI.' T llalalness I MAI{GANESE $ 2oo8 onr.rft&-r. IREOI0N -9-.--c:,-a.e\S 1{.300 MG/L 151.00 utrfios/m 2.314 MG/L 5,9 pll unj.ts tt rt 23.6 tlc/L 7! / 20 /20A1 tt / 15 /2001 7L / L3 /2001 For Test Exceeded !28. C POTASSIW T BARII'M T STRONTI(I{ T 0108 2A APR ? G105 1: PA V. 1. 1 Saflple Medlum: Watei Test/CASi CoMPIJETED PM Countyr lndiana La-boratory Saeple ID: Standald Analysis: Status: !7/0612001 ltunicipality: cleen Tflp Locatioa: well 1 ,lnd Gas Mqnt ID: 0531 463 CoLlectori Fre&ick Brandt collected: rl/06/2007 02:45:00 PAGE t{G/L 1.565 MG/L 55.000 uclr 61.000 oclL 4,860 MClr, 56 MG/r 31,000 oclr /73 /200'1 / 08 /2001 L/13/200'1 7L/13/20a7 lL/ /2001 /2001 tl/73 /2001 ta/L3/2007 13 tt/!3 l1/L3/ 2001 JAI.I-23-2OO? TI,]E 04I21 PI1 VAPCO ENGINEERINI] IIIUU IAX NU. EI4 9J! P.O,U'3U Comso/fdated L CLIENT: WELL NAME: SOURCE: 1t1512007 DATE SAMPLED: sAtIPLED BY: 168814 lnc Pheonlx En€rgy Productions' Connle D. Fulm er#1 #3 Betty ONsill -wlahil ANALYEIS TV V. 1. 1 No.: OEP Nov 2oo? HEEN SEU RelcF olsTRICf OFF OP EN _S OU RC E ALKALINITY (to PH 4'5) AclDlTY (to PH E,3) ' ' ' cALCluu.,,,...'.., iiANGANESE.'."""' .13.38 ."""' ' ,.. soDlulll POTASS uM....,.' msll .9.92 nOlL <0.'lO mgll 3.n L mslL ALUMINUM,...".... BARlUlr,.."..." g 5.72 s.u. 1,13 umhos/cm 1.1 nglL to.t ms/L LABDH@20.5"c.'"' spe6trtc coHouctAt't UAGNEslUlil 119 & 210 Pr xrnwts.{,l^ 15767 rtdl! (tl+) ,3lj95o r,I €l+) s*7@ Penn LAB rlt' R fi o,w 6\ 2s-66 mgt-l:) 1.b3 nwL o.23 mgL ' '...,.., cHLoRlDE...,' rRoN SULFATES ' olL & GREASE...." D8 TOTAL EUgP ENDED SOLI souDs TOTAL DlssoLvEo HARDNESS os' @L 29.9 <1 n L rg/L <2 mg/L a mglL 48,88 mgll. : " '" " " " " ' iffiiil';il;'rffi'count '' ' ' ' ''.'.'.','- '. .'.'. . . , .'. .'.'. .'."'..''.'.'. rNrc Baokground Non4oliform " ' T6trl Collfom Count. APRI32008 t-' i€s:rFEGlilN #-M , P,i ie, ?4101{8'litlglw ,ffi Its r.u. Consolidated Penn =tw iffit -:# Frx CLIENT: Phocdt EnerEr Productiou' Itrc. WELL NA.UIE: Connie D. f,uLmcr #1 ' Post DATE SAMPLED: SAMPLED BY: soURcE:JA) FIEI,D TEMP: FLOW: FIEI,D PE: 8n4no07 TV zt.so 5.5 191191 ALUMTNUM.,,.,.,,,,.. <$,10 ngn BABTUM E9lS 63 EE E rQr'eEsigul,ri]ros'.,'r ii -d ;a EE63 oo x i:!< .9a 9E oE u.l F E: -- EI' a E EBE 'i; o E i *6 3E E ) Es e !g E llldtI o =6ea IL . -5 E3E 5 k3 o{ IC z uav OP EN _S OU RC E 9z ai o= od >J o !lll I V. 1. 1 8002 <3 jt aLE lll *l I zl F rt -t I EE 91 = I I I d E ii- i3 ,8. S!u t!E! ia .95: t !6 P* o.5 EE E d 6 :E g !ci 'e .9 g ?5 tLo ta -!! t ! E i= EE 63 .E ;[ I 6gg R> >F : E =E3, I E9 ii E Er. qa! a" ;r, ta ou, .9 U' ts3t fEE E ! oriE ll,l E E I t- Eg 9< 4Z d.< 9= KB o< fE ai o= odl E z E c >a 800e E I : g J.l (o qj G og, .!t E .l c clll I B E t I I E a iE I I s di E E^o E E E !6 P* o.b hE !ci PT E() E !z 6- 5 a 9 6 , ; a ! ? ! I E ! it .6 r: j 6 Bdy OP EN _S OU RC E 3Bi a z6ea sor 1 E3E ! lt o E !t r,iors;u:a:,':r.l?'lo3, V. 1. 1 o 1 tn e Bureau of laboletories Ana.Lt'ttcaL Repolt EOR Otl And Gas MqEt O2/27/20OA OO:3a tO2 PAGE DEP sample Collecto!: Curtii.s ID: 0460 002 Status: 0L/29/2008 1 COMPIETED C Soal1 Coflected: A7/29/2008 10:00:00 IM State: County: Indiana PA Green Twp V. 1. 1 Municipality: Sarple Medium: water Water WATER IIXI,L conplaint PRT-TREATMENT IN OPSTAIRS IAI'NDRY ROOM 35 DEGREES, RATNING WITH SNOW COVER. SAMPIE I\PPEARED BND CLEAR ODORLESS. E.. J,aboratoly Sample ID: standard Analysis: COMPLETED 12 0 08 0034 34 942 - Description 01045A rRON T OO41O ATKALINITY ** CoErtent ** ALkafinity Reported Results completed 1073.000 UG/l 01/3r/2008 OP EN _S OU RC E Test/CAS* 00915A 00095 00929A CArCrUu T SPc I 25.0 SODToM 00403 pE ** coEment ** T Measured C MG/L EndPoint 4.5 CIILORfDE 00515 00937A 0100?A 01082A 00921A 00 900 01055A TDS 0105 C POTASSIW T BARIUM T STRONIII]M T T t2.3 02 / 19 02 /o4 tlG/L 105.000 uc/r MANGANESE T APR 2 3 2008 r-i,t0ty*:-sBEcl0lv /0a/ 2008 ol/ 3r / 2008 ot/31/ 2008 ot/3!/2008 102. t.!G/L 1,285 MG/r, 40.000 ucll51.000 uc/r 4.230 W;/L 47 t4G/L MAGNESII]M T 02 11.700 MG/L 135.60 umhos/qn 3.424 lrG/L 5.8 pH units Tlne limit For Test Exceeded 00 9{ 0A Eardness to 3.6 02/04/2008 /2008 /2008 01- / 37 /2008 ot /3!/ 2a08 01/3L/2AA8 ot/3L/20a8 o t- /3L/2008 0L/3r/2008 "'