The doctors of the Qikiqtani Medical Association would like to share the following information with Nunavummiut . What is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome? Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, is considered a possible cause of death when a baby under the age of one year, who looks normal and well, goes to sleep and then dies. A careful investigation is done which includes examining the baby in detail as well as looking at the events leading up to the death. After this examination, if no other reason is found to explain the death of the baby, a diagnosis of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is given. If the baby was sick or injured or had any signs of being unwell before he or she was put to sleep, it is not Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). SIDS happens in families who are rich and in families who are poor. It happens in families that are well educated and in families that are not. It can happen in families that take good care of their babies. We don't know why it happens. About 3 babies die from SIDS every week in Canada. Most often it happens to babies between 2 and 4 months of age. It is very rare in babies less than a month old or in babies over one year of age. Is there anything that parents can do to try to prevent SIDS? Doctors believe that you may lower the risk of SIDS by 1. Placing your baby on their backs to sleep every time until they are 6 months old. 2. Using a firm mattress for the baby to sleep on without pillows or quilts or blankets. 3. Having your baby sleep in a baby box or crib or cradle that meets Canadian Standards. The following also help to keep babies healthy and safe at night 1. Keep your baby away from cigarette smoke and do not smoke during pregnancy. 2. Have your baby sleep in a room with a parent or caregiver. 3. Breast feed your baby. All baby deaths are difficult but they are particularly devastating for parents of SIDS babies. . In these cases apparently healthy babies went to sleep with no concern and are found dead. These parents have to endure a detailed investigation and sometimes suspicion until they are cleared. Sometimes they incorrectly feel or are made to feel that what happened was somehow their fault or that they did something wrong. These families need ongoing support and caring from their families, friends and health care providers. The Qikiqtani Medical Association encourages you to adopt safe sleeping practices in your home and to consult your health care provider if you have any questions. The Qikiqtani Medical Association The Qikiqtani Medical Association is an independent organization of committed physicians who live and work full time in Nunavut. Our goals are to present a unified voice for the advocacy and support of our patients and to offer informed perspectives on issues important to the wellness of Nunavummiut.