07/25/2014 17:04 8174042252 MILLWOOD QI PRII· T: . 1:1: 07/17/2014 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES F ·: ~".I\!1\PPROVEO ~C:.sE~NT E::!R~SwF:.::O:!.!:R~M!!!E;;.!;D!.!.:IC~A;l!R.!!!E~&i!!..,;M~ED!:!.!l~Co:AI~D~S~E..wR~V.!..!!!lC~E~S---""T""-----~------~--;OFMJi J: !];,.,Q_938-0391 11 STAT~MENT OF DcFICIE~ICir.s ANO Pt.AN OF CORRECTION (X3) I lii'E 131JRVEY (X2) MULTIPLF. CONSTRUCTION (X1) PROVIDF.R/SUPPLIER/CI.IA IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: : .),,I'I'L.I!T!::O A. aUILDING_~------ ,, ( ,, l---:-~~:-"""":"':'~::::-:::::--L---_:4~S~40~1~2----..J..::_:·wt=NG;::=::~:::;:::;~~====-==-::::~--..L-.•. ~::::!~!!l/2014 8 STRE.~T AQPRESS, NAME OF PROVIDER OR SUPPI,IER CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE 1011 NORTH COOPeR STREET MILI..WOOO HOSPITAl. (X4) 10 PREFIX fAG I I ARLINGTON, T:X 7G011 I SUMMARY ST/\Tr.MENT OF DF.FICIENCIES (EACH O~FICIENCY MUST BE PRF.CEDEO BY FUI,L REGULATORY Ort LSC IDENTIFYING INFORM/\TION) I I I A 000 INITIAL COMMENTS I Note: The CMS-2567 (Statement of Deficiencies) is an official, legal document All information must remain unchanged except for entering the plan of correction, correction dates, and the signature space. Any discrepancy in the original deficiency I citation (s) will be reported to the Dallas Regional . Office (RO) for referral to the Office of the Inspector General (010) for possible fraud. If information Is inadvertently changed by the 1 provider/supplier, the State Survey Agency (SA) should be notified Immediately. I - ID PREFIX TAG PROVIDF.R'S PLAN OF CORRECTION (EACH CORRECTIVE ACTION SI·IOULO BE CROSS-Rer-ERENCED TO TI-lE APPROPRIATE OEFICIENCY) I I (Xu) COMPLETION DATE . . . .T.I I AOOOI AOOO I I I I I I I i i SIJbmisslon of this plan of correction is not an admi~!;lion by the hospital that the citation~ are correct or that tM hospital violated the rules.That said, a special meeting was held with members of Administration and Leadership upon receipt of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Statement of Oefic:iencles. The report was discM~sed and a course of action was developed. I I An unannounced investigation of complaint TX · 00199217 was conducted onsita. An entrance I c:onfert~nce was held on the evening of 07/06/14 . with the House Supervisor. The hospital representative was Informed that this investigation would be conducted according to the survey protocol in the State Operations Manual, Chapter 5, section 5100 and Appendix A, and Olccording to 42 CFR 482 the Conditions of Participation for Hospitals. The applicable survey report form was applied. Survey findings were presented at an exit conference on the evening of 07/09/14 with the Chief Executive Officer and ather designated staff members. The hospital representatives were informed Complaint TX 00199217 was substantiated and deficiencies were cited. An opportunity was provided for the facility to provide evidence of compliance with those reCjuirements for which non"compliance was found. None was provided to the surveyors A 3921482.23(b) STAFFING AND DELIVERY OF CARE I The n1~rsing service must have ade(luate I I I . 1 1 A I LABORI\TORY DIRECTOR'S OR PROVIDER/SUPPLIER RF.PRESENTATIVE'S SIGNATURF- 3921 I l A392 The DON reviewed the current pi'Oeesses for determinil1g and assigning of staff to Psychiatric Intensive Cata Unit along with the 4 other units .....,_, - .......- - - ' TlflE j.>lG) OATil ---1-~~'..11!~~=---~--~--=C:.!...F0~-~--··. 2::2~-H Any deflcir,.ney !It em nt end " with an ~~teJ'IBk (") denotes " dNiclency which the institution m;;~y be excused from corroellng providing It Ia dotf,)rmlned that other Gafe!~Uiilrda provide suflielent protection to the patients, (See Instructions.) c:xeapt for nursing homes. tho flndlngs stated above are dl~closable 90 dayl followinQ tho dll1e of survey whether or not a plan of c~m·e<;tlon I~ provided. For nur~ing home~, the above flMinQ$ and plans of c:orreetion are dlscloseble 14 days fOifowlnQ ttle date these doeumont!:l are made eve1il!\blo to tl1e facility. If defieienciC$ are cited, an approv{d plan of correction is requisite to continued program pertJc.lpatlon. FORM CMS-2557t02-99) PIOVIOU8 Versions ObooiAln Evon! ID; EOIU11 07/25/2014 17:04 8174042262 MILLWOOD J,:.,.:c 08/11 QI PRIN' 1; r:) •)7/1712014 DEPARTMENT 01~ HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES !=•: ~! 11,1 1!•,PPROVED ~C~E.JNT.!..!E;;~.R~Su.F~O:.~.;RuMu.!E:.!!D!.!:IC~A;I.l.R.:,:,E....::&~M~E!!olD~I.:::.CA:;.::Iu.::D~S~E!l..:R~VI:.:=C~E~S---.,...---------------iO:.!..!M.!!':E,~. ::JG:~.•9936-0391 STATEMENT OF OEFICIENCIES AND PLAN OF CORRECTION (X1) PROVIDE:A/SUPPLIERICLIA IDENTIFICI\TION NUMBF.R. (X2) MULTIPLE CONSTRUCTION /1, BUILOING _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (X3) [1 • :rr• !i•liRVEV CI·I~I'Lii'reo ~----~..,....---~~=--L____:4:6:40::,:1~2----_J_:B.:_:·WI=NG:..r:~~:::::::::;;;:::::::::=::;:~------~--.J_-· ;!: :'.:9:~~1.-12...01...4..._-; NAMF. OF PROVIDER OR SUPPLIER STREET ADOAESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODIO 1011 NORTH COOPER STREET MILLWOOD HOSPITAL A~LINGTON, I I A 3921 Continued From page 1 numbers of licensed registered nurses, licensed practical (vocational) nurses, and other personnel to provide nursing care to all patients as needed. There must be supervisory end staff personnel for each department or nursing unit to ensure, when : needed, the immediate availability of a registered nurse for bedside care of any patient. J PREFIX TAG I I [ A3921 I I I I I ' This STANDARD is not met as evidenced by: Based on interview and record review the I hospital failed to ensure 1 of 5 units PICU I I ! (Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit) was adequately staffed based on patient needs from 07/03/14 . throug11 07/07/14. I I I I Findings Included: I I I I I (Patient #4's) pre-admission exam dated 06/22/14 timed at 2145 reflected, "Fiatient has been previously diagnosed with bipolar disorder and is currently In a manic episode ... auditory hallucinations and is fixated on Voodo ... homicidal ideations towards mother, paranoid and has not slept lr, three days ... " TX 76011 ID I I I I I A392 including • high ri&l< needs • level$ of observations -on going patient care as$(!$&ments. ·"Supervi~;~ory Report" Policy# 1200.117 ·Patient Care Assignment" ; Polley ff. 1200.112 ·"Nursing Assignments" ; Polley# 1200.211 -''P~;~tient Reassessment"; -"The Nursing Plan of Care for -2014"; -Texas Saf-e Staffing Act 2009; ·Policy# 1200.111 " Methods oF Determining Education Needs"; - Polley # 1200.130 "Chain of Command" The DON will be revising the l.eval of Observr~IQnr. Ob&OI&le F.v~'>~IID: EOIU11 l'~clllly ID: S1 0454 l ···-··--..__.. of 11 continu~: :ll', c;l'11let F'age 2 5 07/25/2014 17:04 8174042252 MILLWOOD QI PRINi [I); 1)7117/2014 FC 1';1/II~,PPROVED DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ~C~E;L,:N.,.wTE!::.!R~S~F!..lO.:.:R..l..l.t:M:.!!!E~D!.:::IC:.:;,A~R:.=E~&4M::!!E::.tD~IC:::::A~I~D;..:,S::::E:.:.:R~V.:.:;IC:,::E.:.1::S:........_ _-r_--~-----------~O~M~B. ~j;;~"J;1938-0391 STATEM!ONT OF DEFICII!NCIES AND PLAN OF CORRIOCTION (X1) PROVIDERISUPPI.IER/CLIA IDI>.NTIF'ICATION NUMeER: (X2) MUI.TIPLE CONSTRUCTION A, F.!UILDING _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (X3) c, ,r ' £.1.1RVIOY c: M~ll_5;!-eo 1-------------'----~_:46::,:4::0_::12:______J..:e::.:,IM:.:::.:NG:;:::=======::..------.L-•. ~;~~!~l!!r.;;;.20.:...1._4_--4 NAMF. OF PROVIDF.R OR SUPPLIF.R STREET ADDRI!SS, CITY, STATE, ZIF' COOl: 1011 NORTH COOPI!R STREET MILL.WOOD HOSPITAL (X4) 10 !"REFIX TAG I I ARLINGTON, TX 76011 SUMMARY STATEMENT 01' DEFICIF.NCI!!S lEACH DIOFICIENCY MUST BE PAECF.OEO BY F'ULL REGUI./\TOAY OR LSC IDENTIFYING INFORMATION) 10 I I A 3921 Continued From page 2 PREFIX TAG I I A3921 I 0915 reflected, "Pressured speech, disorganized The 07/05/14 nursing progress note timed at I I thoughts, hyparactive, in and out of group .. -" I 1 PR0VID5R'S PLAN OF CORRECTION (EACH CORRECTIVE ACTION SI;OULO ElF. CROSS-ReFERENCED TO TI1E APPROPRIATE OEFICIF.NCY) The PICU staffing records for 07/03/14 through 07/08/14 reflected the following: IX&) 1:0M~L~TION .. .J. . 0111'!! I I I i I 11) The staffing for 7 AM to 3 PM on 07/03/14 reflectad, 1 RN and 1 MHT for 12 patients and I one LOS (line of sight) for (Patient #4). I 12) The staffing for 7 AM to 3 PM on 07/04/14 I 1 reflect1;1d, 1 RN and 1 MHT for 14 patients, and one LOS for (Patient #4). I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I5) The staffing for 7 AM to 3 PM on 07/07/14 II I I I I I i ! I I I 3) The staffing for 7 AM to 7 PM on 07/05/14 reflected, 1 RN and 1 MHTfor 13 patients, end , one 1.0$ for (Patient #4 ). Eight of the 13 patients were an suicide precautions, 6 of the 13 were on fall precautions and three patients were on aggression precautions. 1 I 1 4) The staffing for 7 AM to 7 PM on 07/06/14 I reflected, 2 nurses and 1 MHT for 17 patients and one LOS for (Patient #4). Nine ofthe 17 patients were on suicide precautions, 6 on fall precautions, 3 on aggression precautions and three admissions. reflected, 2 nurses, 2 MHT's for 20 patients and LOS for (Patient #4). Nine of the 20 patients Ione were on suicide precautions, seven on I aggression precautions and two on fall precautions. 16) The staffing for 3 PM to 11 PM on 07108114 1 reflected, 1 RN. 1 L.VN and 1 MHT for 19 patients. FORM CM$-2557(0~-99) PreviOliS Vlor>ion~ Ob&olet" F.v~~~ ID; EDIU11 I I ~acllity I ID; 6H)454 If continue! •:• 1 :~i'l•l!el l"age 3 Of S 07/25/2014 17:04 8174042252 MILLWOOD QI PRII\I, 1;;:1: 1.17/17/2014 FCI ·;:1~1 .~II~PROVED DEPARTMENT OF 1-IEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ,......l::C:l=E~Ni.l.TEl;;,IR~S~FO,.:,:R~M:,!:::E~D.:.liiC::;;A::.,:R~E..!:&1M:.:.:E-.lD:ai:::.CA~I~D;,.::S~Eo!.R:.:.V~IC~E.:.S~--"""T"----------------TO;:,.:;M=B.I :!::~•.!~!938-0391 STATEMJONT OF DF.FICIENCIES AND PLAN OF CORRECTION (X11 PROVIDERISUPPLIERICIJA (X2) MULTIPLE CONSTRUCTION A. F.lUILOING _ _ _ _ _ _ __ IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: r; :3\JI~vev C:•:•,I'Ui'IED (X3J D' ..."• ~ ~-~--------_! NAMF. OF PI'I.OVIOER OR SUPPLIE:R _____:454~0::;12~----J..:f.\::.:,WI::.:N:G:;::========:__-----_j--! t:i!~~!!.-20.;..1;...4::_.._--1 STr:!EET ADDRESS, CITY, STATF., ZIP CODF. 1011 NORTH COOPER STRJ:ET MILL.INOOP I'IOSPITAL (X~J 10 PREFIX TA~ ARL.I!IIGTON, TX 78011 suMMARY STATEMENT or. DEFICIENCIES {IOACH DEFICIENCY MUST BE PRECEDED BY FULL FtEGULATORY OR I.SC IDE:NTIFYING INFORMATION) 1 I I I ID F'RF.i=IX TAG PROVIDEF!'S PLAN OF CORRF.CTION (EACH CORRECTIVIO ACTION SHOULD BF. CROSS·REFERF.~~;~~~~~6~E APPROPRIATE I I (XS) :;oMP~eTION OATE ~---~---~--~-----+---!-------~ . . )..- - - - 1 I A 3921 Continued From page :j I The unit had two discharges and two admissions. Thirteen of the 19 patients were medically I compromised, seven falls and four on aggression I precautions. On 07108/14 at 2225 Personnel #7 stated the staffing on the PICU Unit was not adequate for ' the acuity of tl1e patients and the number of nurses and technicians. Personnel #7 stated the current unit census was 19 patients with one LVN (Licensed Vocational Nurse), one RN (Registered • Nurse) and one MHT (mental health technician). I I I I I i i I I I I j I I I I IOn 07/08/14 at 2245 Personnel #11 was I · interviewed. Personnel #11 stated he makes rounds on 19 patients. Personnel #11 stated the nursing staff are busy passing medications, charting, answering the phone, discharging and admitting patients. Personnel #11 indicated tile staffing on the PICU Unit was not adequate for the acuity of the patients. Personnel #11 stated at times one technician was responsible for 15 minute rounds and LOS observation at the same time. I I I I / I I I On 07/09/14 at 1330 (Patient #8) was interviewed on the PlCU Unit (Patient #8) stated there wa:s not enough staff on the unit (Patient #8) stated patients have to wait for the staff and there are tim!!:S the staff do not check on the patients every fifteen minutes. (Patient #8) stated the nurses are so busy in the office doing paperwork and medications t~ey spend minimal time with the patients. (Pattent #8) stated there are times :she did not feel safe. I 1 A392i I I I I I I I Tho """'"" Plan of Care for 2014 "'fteoted, "Scheduling and program assignment ot nursing 1 personnel is anticipated and based on the =~=-~--~---~----'---.L.....------~--·-· fORM CMS.25B7(02·911) .. r <:711712014 F(, ~ 111l,ii'PROVED DEPARTMENT 01~ HEALTH AND I-lUMAN SERVICES ,.......:.C:,!!oE!.l'.l'.fT.:..::E..:.R~S:.:.F..;:;O:,:.;Rw.M:.:.lE-::D"-"IC""'A~R.:.:E,__:,&~M;.:.:E=.lDo!.!I~CA..:.:I:::ROVIDEF\'S PLAN OF cORRECTION (EACH CORRECTIVE ACTION SHDULO ElF.' CF\OSS·REFERr.NCED TO THE APPROPRIATE DEFICIF.NCY) I ~---~~~~--~----------1-i----~---~---------A 3921 Continued From page 4 I identified n®eds ofthe patient population ... mal<.e appropriate adjustment in the number and blend of nur!ling care personnel to ensure delivery of care ... variables considered in staffing .. level of patient assessment, level of assessment 1 required, census. input from nursing staff members ... patient responses to treatment.." 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 I I I The policy and procedure entitled, "Level of I 1 Observation/Hand"off 1 . 1 I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. '--~-......._-----~--------------!..------------··· FORM CMS-~567(02·M) Provlousl/ar.;)O~~ Dbeolat~ ....!-···----1 A 3921 I I Communication" with a revision date of 05/13 reflected, "Any patient I placed on an advanced level of observation ... line of sight... patient remains within visual eyesight of staff... patient's bedroom door will remain locked, I when not in use, when patient changes, showers, I uses bathroom, the staff will keep the patient within line of sight at all times ... the safety of the I patient must be the main consideration ... " ()(5) ·::oMPLETION 01\'TI! Event ID: EDIU11 FBclllty 10, 81Cl'154 .· If contlnu 1 '; .,, !iti~1~et Page 5 ot 5