F Is Comprehensive Assessment Tool munt-MivLO BtMAVIUKAL HEALTH SYSTEM ¦rat o Previous Patient o Patient Not Admitted ,dmitted Patient 1 'i « IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION Patient Name: H I Date: ?// g'//3- Sex: Age: 2~2=z Beg. Time: 6 Male DOB: / Accompanied By: /^1 & / f, >—i ¦A- . A-— ^ r7i',nlf$Ssry , Ar «rph4et/f. #Zs ^ 7f 4^hsfty s =7- 7^/~. Aa&A To ry.r-T iCZ f&ntp/ ^^x^-Ar-crsn ^, ^ 9/p://7/^ Pulse: Pulse Ox: o Breathalyzer: t /j //\s, zrr o^=*~ <~r~ c^Airh Ov2si/-e^> gy I 2 (fcwttz. yJ-7^til- £&J-< eZzz'>r-i£> ^7^ SSJxt&s / orrJ.jrAsf<&./ / /y- ^ <2ar // &**?&&*¦A* 4**S'- ~7l~J /V nn-t-jr ^ ' ri*f 7" ^ I YV' r ' /YF Vital Signs (on walk-lns/scheduled appti): QS~JuL /j/4 , fit /y ^/^-f /fe //r^V ^ -<-r iJSb^^~^LlH^L ^r-rs/, ST-*?/ Ann jC2ccC2 ^/Trlv jA? "J? . /^F sALA A~< AA £l°L2&&=. G&roK. An At's t'A*— cr£-~j£Zs /W?, ry/. ^ A/ /tA/^irycU- cutis' . Respiration: yg- Temperature: ^ o Stable at ER: Intake steps taken to keep patient safe: Belongings Separated / p'lntake Room H ^ Patient Monitored via Camera OBS Rounds / Family, friend with patient Patient Wanded 7 T 121 Ability to parent Other FjiSV--— MANGINES, Revised 1/2013 exhibit CARSON MR# 000014338 10/24/1990 A# 01177210018 07/18/2013 DR. N. HOGAN M IPL HBHS 0024 I ; INTAKb/AUrvhaaiwiM ucrrtn nvicm i niunLMi>4UD DtinMV iuiaml n cml in o r j i civi i uvi A AS EVIDENCED BY FREQUENCY, INTENSITY, PURATI.ON DENIES ADMITS LEGAL HISTORY ww » I ' \f r vi « vi r~?(jj &n,Aj_ Does the patient have any legal Issues current/past? \ r^7\jZLs jVi Is the patient currently on probation/parole? "H A5 EVIDENCED BY FREQUENCY, INTENSITY, DURATION DENIES ADMITS MILITARY HISTORY If yes, which branch and type of discharge? Did/does the patient serve in the armed forces? SPIRITUAL/CULTURAL ADMITS DENIES AS EVIDENCED BY FREQUENCY, INTENSITY, DURAVON Cultural/Spiritual issues affecting assessment and/or treatment SUBSTANCE U5E o Denies substance use - continue to next section Have you used any psychoactive or mood altering substances within the past 12 months?1 JfNes ^Cigarettes o-Alcohol ' ! o No ^Marijuana o Pain Meds o Tranquilizers o Over the counter o Heroin o Hallucinogens ? Cocaine ^Opiates o Inhalants o Methadone o Stimulants o Other Amount/ SUBSTANCE CHECKED Tj±^- Age of 1st Use Frequency Duration of Use Method of Us* Last Use lA/jtLvl ^ 4 /fTtyT1^H', „— Does the Amount (L ^ U¦£s g-^., / ,i £ f/7 1 A cf/Xf seizures^ o iSTj/es ~~ . r vU. •«1 _ No ... 0 U*. X/cj- . r What Is the longest period of sobriety? When? Current Withdrawal Symptoms: 4/TVo symptoms reported o Nausea o Fever/Chills a Delirium o Agitation o Tremors o Cramps o Vomiting o Diarrhea o Anxiety o Aggression o Change In blood pressure Symptoms Checked Frequency Duration Most Recent Complaint 9~ MEDICATIONS/MEDICAL o Denies any medlcatlon(s) - continue to Current Medical... Current Medications Frequency Dosage o Daily o QID o AM A a BIO ^?flD ^2Vry /£2»ad£ ' oTlD oPRN 0 0)0 oHS oPRN o BID o HS 7- "SV-y? ? BID iS-EZS. a 310 0 HS oTID oPRN *fc f -Z. rj ¦ °PRN oHS oTID 0 Dally D QID o AM /y.-Tixr. oHS frlib ? «?£»>40«PP o Daily finsfix i'/fa-rn rf" 77y 7a7e- 77> -f) MANGISES, ^10/24/1990 Revised 1/2013 MR* Oil" 21001s M07/1 0/2013 A# Z~pb DR N. HOGAN HBHS 0027 u I $ i m m PHYSICIAN'S ORDERS Dat8//Time (as indicated) RATIONALE PHYSICIAN'S ORDER A jS&dl jp /Jam kW-W -Sr/vlc it) tJi j^\ a too ¦AO i - f !, A L] 0 Vi 13 yA-SSs,Ji—Qg^_03^o4iA'-O-S0^ c> c* ~\Q 1 fvfc—U ¦IX ^A m Or- . 3, i ¦m qi ) a O/^O 1fit I IS c3H°CKr^-tOUcJc Oofco Po t A Q-Q OU^^ ?MO V IbSO * y 'VI fJeOWDvOs HIGHLANDS BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SYSTEM • 8565 South Poplar Way HEALTH SYffTUM Littleton,' CO 80130 i§ . MANGINES, CARSON A# 01177210018 07/18/2013 DR. N. HOGAN WHITE - PATIENT CHART 10/24/1990 MR# 000014338 YELLOW - PHARMACY M IPL PINK - PHARMACY HBHS 0059 I •'.SB i M/iTands BEHAVIORAL HEALTffSYSTEM Nursing Staff Shift Progress Notes III rf-SVlORAX. • ..!>«« •i* .f .;i ^SP I (Q 15 Min) ? SP II (Line of Sight) ? SP 111 (1:1 = RN note Q Shift) ? RTU (Restricted to Unit) Revels: Check all that apply: ^ Assault Suicide ? None ? Medical: Precautions: ? Fall Q Elopement ^^exually Acting Out (SAO) ^Victim ? Aggressor Ef Compliant ? Non-compliant* ? None This Shift Report of medication effectiveness in patient's own words (Required on Day and Eve. Shift only): Medication: fevVOy V G^T ^ aJcCJ Peaci^L - AAJCV1 OYu [ tU Nursing Shift Progress Notes: (All * items require a note to give details) Do Self Harm: Aggression: Thought Content: RJjL. ? Self Harm behavior/plan*-^^ ? Ideations* ? Denies 0 None ( pVCv/ 7 ? Ideations* ? Verbal Threats* zTNone eT Appropriate ? Grandiose* ? Disorganized* 0^Cooperative ? Withdrawn ? Intrusive 0(p ^ rr ? Aggressive* ? Other' ? Paranoid* ? Hallucinations* O'Restless Eflmpulsive ? sao* Alfect: ? Pushes limits* ? Manipulative ? Negative ? Depressed ? Angry/Irritable ? Happy ongruent DBIunted ? Ipcongruent ? Bright/Full Appearance: ? Neat Activity: ? Attending structured activities ?"self ADLS Behavior: Mood: EUf'Showered GEfClean zfSymptoms interfere with ability to attend to ADL or TsiSL #_J: #. Soxi Y1 £± ¦ ? Sad ? Other* ? Flat ? Other* ? Angry ? Other* ? Disheveled ? Poor hygiene ? _ Assistance needed with ADLS* groups * QOther* I Charted i ZlManic Charted Treatment Plan Problems: #_2. ? pih er* ? Labile ? Anxious 0 #. 0 0 ft .? .? # _? .? .? #. .? #. .? /IN-M1! 4as elude oatiei patient description of symptoms; staff observed behaviors, education and interventions based on the \ Si 'rogress Note to include individualized Master Treatment Plan, patient response to interventions and any significant events. A 5ioA£c/i> ¦ Lfycs An -nzsyr\($\7 ~5 i^s cr - C$1 ^(Aq-C^> - ? Evenin ng Shift Note Time: ? Night Shift Note Signature/Title: RN Signature: m ca <£s^ fr£~ T <^t (MfiCM-T Pt/Family education done regarding: N« IF -TiaiM^ OX>Tfr^vvj o-a Ss^aJ "* ~ <30fZ 'Or '& - VOitK c&A-ir "£> <(uf-T • -fucv\T - yr^ /Uurw <0 fier-vy/roy. jS-— aa j V ATl%Zf,\0 tJyK. /. MANGINES , LCARSON MR# 000014338 10/24/1990 A# 01177210018 07/18/2013 Revised 04.12 DR. N. HOGAN M IPL HBHS 0103 ; : li lj 'Highlands BEHAVIORAL HEALT® YSTEM Nursing Staff Shift Progress Notes IM.tUVIORAl. i. •! ? ^Jeyels: t (Q 1 5 Min) ? SP II (Line of Sight) ? SP III (1 :1 = RN note Q Shift) ? RTU (Restricted to Unit) : i lfP Check all that apply: ?"S uicide ? None Precautions: ? Medical: ?-Assault ? Fall ? Elopement n-Sexually Acting Out (SAO) - n-victim ? Aggressor ja^Sompliant ? Non-compliant* - il !j ? None This Shift Medication: I: Report of medication effectiveness in patient's own words (Reauired on Day and Eve. Shift only): L /»¦» aULjl : Nursino Shift Progress Notes: (All * items require a note to give details) Self Harm: Aggression: Thought Content: ? None ? Ideations" ? Denies ? Ideations* Appropriate ? Grandiose* Cooperative ? Withdrawn Manipulative ? Negative J2-Depressed Happy ? Incongruent Bright/Full ? Clean Neat ^H^None Behavior: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Verbal Threats* ^Q-Self Harm behavior/plan* ? Aggressive* ? Paranoid* J3-Sisorganized* ? Intrusive ? Pushes limits* ? Angry/Irritable ? Blunted ? Showered ? Hallucinations' ? Other' ^impulsive ^-Q-Restless ? Other* ? SAO* ? Sad ? Other* ? Manic ^Q-tTabile ? Flat ? Other* j2-Anxious ? Angry ? Other* ^OTDisheveled ? Poor hygiene ? Assistance needed with ADLS* ? Attending structured activitlep0'~3elf ADLS ?Other* jFrSymptoms interfere with ability to attend to ADL or groups * Mood: Affect: Appearance: Activity: i It. #. Sifh #. /W/qr; Charted Charted Treatment Plan Problems: J2T If. JET #. .? .? .? J3T A a*. 'i> A iHL-K^T- ¦ ijiXmL At . ytUL cx^ ftp/* AtJL bukftfaAA. t6yP rAJ vVM t tffll , U. Ail. t dOM yfWuuf nAJ Aftfaft-pA AAuA . (fay, M- /CW) -h « Ol<. nspjj ^ larUteA/ /$' Q-p^A, OMl A fVirrfa 1 ^ Ik i. .fA JJ/IIA JU^Q 4-i.S l2nr.J.dj^ A ^ . Anry^Mzu. o^-Jl M: facASJlii Jafa rufajuO. 57/d A dpyrnJl^U) • S /t-Q -J-L>a /. . fej I n\ML —> Pt/Family education done regarding: ? Day Shift Note ^"Evening Shift Note Date: 2'Uklfak. k Time: AZXZ 40 TS Night Shift Note Signature/Title: RN Signature:. Dmmigines , CARSON MR# 000014338 J°/24/1990 A# 01177210018 07/18/2013 Revised 04. 1 2 DR. N. HOGAN m xpl HBHS 0104 ! J t . 62 IS (/j, (/>Pi- D_ aXfi. a>-^Si %. ^ /fclAjL g> 4 {LtJala^J. -f tsn-y/JiMM ^ ill• fa MffviA. Sq^J JP*A . PP. 7 /Ml JUoiM. d4jMUu> r-Mf> °~&- /n^f, e . uv$, t'b , **o/^ ^-^Q/t' c /CuaMSmJ p^1 - MI \«aK >i # HBHS 0105 : I ;• 'M'igflands BEHAVIORAL HEAL' Nursing Staff Shift Progress Notes ,'Sft~f ?„ u nfrj.\yrort.Aj. SP I (Q 15 Min) ? SP II (Line of Sight) ? SP III (1:1 = RN note Q Shift) ? RTU (Restricted to Unit) \vels: Check all that apply: ts§ SYSTEM ? Elopement ^Assault ^ Suicide ? None Precautions: ? Non-compliant* ? Compliant ? None This Shift Medication: ? Fall (T^fepxually Acting Out (SAO) -ft Victim ? Aggressor ? Medical: Report of medication effectiveness in patient's own words (Required on Day and Eve. Shift only): Nursing Shift Progress Notes: (All * items require a note to give details) Self Harm: Aggression: Thought Content: ? Self Harm behavior/plan* ? Aggressive* ? Other ? Hallucinations* ? Paranoid* Appropriate ? Grandiose* ? Disorganteed* ? Restless ? Impulsive ? Intrusive Cooperative ? Withdrawn ? Other* ? Pushes limits* ? SAO' Manipulative ? Negative ? Sad ? Other' ? Manic ? Labile ? Depressed ? Angry/Irritable Happy ? Flat ? Other* ? Angry ? Anxious ? Incongruent ? Blunted Bright/Full ? Other* ? Disheveled ? Poor hygiene ? Showered ? Clean Neat ? Assistance needed with ADLS* Attending structured activities^ Self ADLS ?Other* ' Symptoms interfere with ability to attend to ADL or groups * ? None ? Denies ? None ? Ideations* ? Behavior: ? ? Mood: ? Affect: ? Appearance: ? Activity: ? ? ? Ideations* ? Verbal Threats* m. .? .? .? 7f '3 , #_ # #. .? # #. Charted Charted Treatment Plan Problems: .? .r; .? #. .? .? # .? ! lllPro9ress Note ,0 include patient description of symptoms; staff observed behaviors, education and interventions based on the Plan, PMtct response to interventions and any significant events. in< W-S , Pt A-p. 1 (L ' tw- 4"° I1 s i r> 1 *i ^-1 n g . ^-i *•? ^ SAjU; Pr-A ( t ry , fir- n : ^. L^ "¦ f ^ . . *C T-i ^ ri ^<.^1,5 *— ^ ^ "f-'T'f » r r^)_ ^4:.. n.^V> ^Ty i I Pf ~FU P t- £>l *.^>4- Lis pt- rx-vA \ 4- iX ¦^"-^7 rAj if . VU*> lrv<- t~ flaa V £s^4 a-S-Lgj^L. rs> P k.,1^ k-t . (5) IS~ a, 1 ^ a. j=ta - Ki L I-l £Jai "" O ¦ C,7r S cA- ^4^-1 Is-^£°r Ao Si/pi** //- 1 Pf 1^1 fcneSV- Pt/Family education done regarding: ? Day ShiftNoteDate: Night Shift Note ? Evening Shift Note Signature/Title: Time: RN Signature:. im 2_ WANGINES , CARSON MR# 000014338 10/24/1990 A# 01177210018 07/18/2013 Revised 04. 1 2 DR. N. HOGAN M I PL HBHS 0106 ; I !;§ % m HIGHLANDS BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SYSTEM ADULT UNIT ONE MULTI-DISCIPLINARY GROUP NOTES DATE: Ijr?^ FRIDAY i .. ... Time In:- >¦ .• • •. . : . .... ! . Time Out: &"%€> . . \wN/-v.' Objective:, identification of Patient's individual goal(s) for the day and education V '."A.-• about coping skills.'; •••; /YiY/iA Y-'-'V V.'A ' .frli V"^ Goals/Safety PlanniBS^.-^ / /: ¦; i",',. • ; : v.-; >'?¦¦¦¦¦ St . v:: Mri1Aitt''n*t Group.-;-:. L? : \I/)Ja J V Paf'er,h Attended., :. " 'C^BsIltiad^^ BTO • ; • Meeting / Inappropriate;.:: D/C,/:. Excused Y: Signatiu-eLHq^^i^OA Patient response or law ot response: tit p; Discipline:, V. ¦ Affect: Time Out: 11 30 DAnxious ^Labile DOther DBIunted DFIat bfcalm , G .,/••. ; >: -a vs y=y:: /A Time In: 1045 «?¦¦¦> V A-.W>Vw--:-: 70: W- Thought Process: ? Focused ? Insightful ^Unfocused ? Distracted ? Loose QPsychotlo Behav lor: 3f Engaged DMonopollzIng Clntrusive ?Hyperactive Dlncongruent Affect Q Distracted Adjunctive Therapy Mood: Signature: ? Anxious ? Superficial ? Withdrawn ? Cooperative DOther. pf Stable DDepressed ? Frustrated OAngry ? Guarded ? Bright DRelaxed Problem Solving oncentration Group Objectives: Fo£us/Q Team Building SagTaii^tijp Positive Coping Skills Caisure Skfii? ^erclsfey Mood Improvement Relaxation (jl) AT Discipline: OT Problem Being Addressed: Did Not Attend Patient::/4tended^> Refused RTU Meeting Inappropriate D/C Excused Patient Response - Therapist Observation n? ft. c-fiiwfasx Q fWnn /Wrw (rr^s b. •¦!/> •• Time In:. 1 145''VVV."v"' i'I- I ' Stiiikin Thinking (Week 1) or CBT 'forT'sycjiosis ..Affect- -DCalimL;.,-.?Angry,. . >lBlurit!xF DAnxious. DLacte . COtnor._ ... . . ... . s ,9vr- BehavioLB'ihvplved.t; ?Uhlnvolved;. DMonopollzIng .Dlntmslve;; ?Hyperactive..; Wncongment Affect. -. •' f: • ^S-Dlstraoted ... D Oriented:". ?'Disoriented;, ? DetachedD Withdravyn' f DOther-"- '• " -nspsplcioia.p-aua^^^ Y •" M?#?. R ; Grdlip objectives: Learn';..demonstrate; practice, boundaries, iimits:i: personal space.":-! . Signaturm^^^^. i (Week.1); Learn;, demonstrate, practice slaying present, breathing; grounding. • •; ! ; Discipline: Social Work " ., Problem Being. Addressed: • " Patient: Attended Did Not Attend. Refused: . •' . RTU ' :• .Meeting ' : 'Inappropriate D./C. .. Excused- Patient response or Uck of response: (If patient did not attend", pleaseexpjpjri) . . MrA m m MANGINES, CARSON 10/24/1990 MR# 000014338 A# 01177210018 07/18/2013 DR. N. HOGAN M I PL HBHS 0130 m •; JB MEDICAT QN RECONCILIATION FORM m m Date/Time: Weight (lb): _ Height (in): Age: . ALLERGY/INTOLERANCE REACTION(S) ALLERGY/INTOLERANCE Smoking Y/ N weeks gestation) Breastfeeding? Pregnan(? NO/ YES: ( 0 ji^jll / REACTION(S) REACTION(S) ALLERGY/INTOLERANCE ] IrAx^Jo) 3 5 2 4 6 MEDICATIONS PRIOR TO ADMISSION [List all medications, nutritionals, herbal supplements, and pumps or patches used to this.visit or admission.] rfSTOther; ?Pharmacy: ? Provided List Source'.fei^atient JZI Family' Obtainedby: 4//r' f /^oq^ y2- (licensed staff) and Z u RESUME MEDS ON: LAST DOSE MEDICATION DIRECTIONS INDICATION (Include strength) (Slabs, Route, Time) (Reason) (Dnte/Time) • heart 7/7/07 11:11a I tablet by month in hiti Example: Aspirin 81mg _ " Luj> I drZihj -3 v £2£iL'± Ks-S J-fr t 3- I /7^u-/r T , / Op Wc 7 , *1. v cS^* Cvi n ^ 5 TES^J^V N Y N Y N Y N ' N ¦¥ N- :7r-' Y-:v N'":;- Y N Y N - Y-'~ N 8. N Y m Y Y —; , 7. N Y " 2- J 4 IH^/ RESUME (Date/Time) NO YES YB£,NC . i -kkte+.y da/!1! 1, /JeiircK^tir! zEMd-v, > fxh i ¦ 2. b&i-A-brs> DISCHARGE ADMIT 11. Y N 12. Y ¦ N 13. Y N •. Y N Y ' N Y N Y N Y N 14. ADMISSION: MO Date/Time "Jfi&'bS ^Ljc) V.O./R.B. DISCHARGE: V.O./R.B^ (dp p MD Date/Time Based on your visits at Highlands Behavioral Health Systems, you may safely continue only the medications circled. DISCHARGE "YES" above. If you have any questions, please contact your primary care physician. PRESCRIPTIONS GIVEN AT DISCHARGE (see Physician Discharge Order) MEDICATIONS (and Strengt '¦ AJpuo r>« O t-w. tvgud* i NEXT DOSE INDICATION DOSE/ROUTE/FREQUENCY »€ 1- . AfcoM Tip t P*ZJ aid" [ a/ r7/&9/rsJ ~T&r*tyte*S Tdgf iMZL ' 4. l3 i.oS / k^J^f3 \A '> / a Dose/Times P" 6§py ©: 'V?: ¦WiWBMS Stop: 1. Xt30 Notes: pfy\jcK^l fcM l^'"CJ 7//f k6 ) VV\ -7 fe -> * 156 0 - Stop: / / ZZ£f — > •" •.$$. IP :" ' '-p * ! Notes: njt^ ~^vUc€) l/Ur fO QUO Dose/Times I ^U'V) WMPc-vj UU.VP .stws Stop: / / Notes: f Start :*? / 2JP>a at# i» (£>» Fw tOnU^s ^ ^17 0^20 •A::-.',Vv;.:Vv.-, lpf380 Starti^/V ^Stopif t-1/i)Notes: fl ikJX —^Ii05 o1V '«««• i»W . ftr~ ¦tegs® •»» M3 I 7/?r :«V : * a). / / Stop:,. I / Notes: (9S>fi7 T\T^Hy^\ • y 31 Hon adminIstratioKI RfC wffiSSEAT Dose/Times 1\ai;>1 iitA D Start: m : ®» «i Pi ¦ ivm m.m Notes: o / / Slop: / / TP P m po oUK :U2<*5 Dose/Times / las tm I Start: / / Slop: / / Notes: Dose/TimeB y//t/jy i/au.v^ KS rx D Start: / I Stop:"? /t/jNotes: A 3 / Stop: / AM/ fethinyl ffchch 100 PfPp y^p^Op i; K~_. ••fwaSKSsMWC ¦b»i sum; Dose/Times # Stop: / / " J : "-• ' $P •.; :A 0 : • L./KSi IK 3r ¦ ¦ £ ^ • gfet: / / ' • • ;v*^ • " • Dose/Times ^bti^Mr-0*yiei» *???•' W, T^JLI^ 1 a. 4-^Z ^ /*Y "=*» / cgy Po PP-AZ 0>\mU Start: / L Notes: Dose/Times / Stop: / / / ¦§?§&? : ;"-is@r • •vgifSi ¦••• Start: '-wms '• Notea: Dose/Times i'-'H.'v :!.:.C . »SwStart: I Stop: / I I >.:¦-• v ' v/.-: :;;;::':,.r • ' 'ifi SV.'- &fe": ii Notes: Medications Continued on Next Page - This Space Available for Nursing Notes Nurse Identification ilgnpfur) Init Nurse Identification Signature Init One Time Orders and Documentation Date/Time Init Med/StrengthyPose/Explanatlon o 7M E *7\ i vjmwmrmM/M&'Sk 'ms&rmmmMmm 12. Med Review Diagnosis: (ViPj^jO Date 22 j^^menls ffl PHYSICIAN PATIENT'S NAME MANGINES, PRINTED CARSON 10/24/1990 MR# 000014338 A# 01177210018 07/18/2013 DR. N. HOGAN M IPL HBHS 0148 init I J K3 DosefTimes .. . ISHLANDS BEHAVI6RAL HEALTH_^pr— {\\uJ fi i/i i^aV\ T rO W'l 0?^^) ¦9 p'iSri ? O &••¦ 40 A::-' ?. •-• :: I /-^fetop: / / Notes: 1 Dose/Times ,\f& -^oos4 - c^^OT?D m of jWJ < if irt^/ / Slop: / / Notes: £W: / /3 a. : >£ f«tes/Ort<2Us ^>^0 £y\acJts PC ~P D ^ .fi .4 WE Start: / / Stop; I I Notes: l)y JLcroo .^vL / Stop; frefi;w •= ¦ \ gy . r«S8 / Stop: / / .¦• Notes: Dose/Times JVUrftiAX I7o ¦v.. / iart: A . <•_= / Notes: yA^w-twyl 7/>) '' • •=•• \p!:s::5 •*•'•" \X::;T: (V^rt/icb>\ 600^ ?o Tip D^m6S BoQ- • ~VKX IWf / / ,v; DoserTimel v / / 1^1 A • Start: I P !*sfc l"3» ZXSOjs KS ¦ >J*3KTi Dose/Tfmes ' 5?ISf ' . \9P$$ V^0\aJ ^ rvo 0K bc\ IIIOO \ m fe^rit V / Slop: / / Notes: p Dose/Times /i j 7 ^vt»\ Start: / / ~ <2 Aoc^' 7 . Date Code lents ties: PHYSICIAN PATIENT'S NAME MANG INE S , PRINTED CARS ON 10/24/1990 MR# 000014338 A# 01177210018 07/18/2013 DR. N. HOGAN M IPL HBHS 0149 Init MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION REGQ nioi u-niiua ocnrtviuRML ntAL in ara I tM j/ fatfwy 0 Y—^ &v-—> S^7 ^ iDm y Uos^ Slop: / f Notes: [>V Start: £)CjC*> 0u^ P0 "T? O -515"" l!^ \fC\\[iA*r~ M -\ ! & Dose/Tito}/ DosefTimes Start: / / Slop: / / Noles: Dose/Times "'T!!* / I Slop: / / Noles: Dose/Times Start: / / Stop: / / Noles: Dose/Times Slart: / / Slop: / I Noles: Medications Continued on Next Page - Thl3 Space Available for Nursing Noles Nurse Identification Signature Init Nurse Identification Signature Inlt One Time Orders and Documentation Dale/Time Med/Strength/Dose/Explanatlon Init ¥ Med Review : m> ?ate Code Init Diagnosis; '"""•riments ¦TpAMpoU isiiygies: I 'IsSPnENT' LOC MANGINES, N. PHYSICIAN PRINTED CARSON 10/24/1900 07/18/2013 MR# 000014338 A# 01177210018 DR. I PATIENT# HOGAN M IPL HBHS 0151 I X Vital Signs: I VITAL SIGNS FLOW SHEET Q'Qday ? BID ? TID^kjID Weights: ? Qday PULSE 0^ lb PULSE OX PRESSURE W t£ °\n<* 3A IJo £ & BLOOD H2& CR 30 9^ T> lb RESPIRATIONS Oi PtTW —E TEMP ? CIWAS J?) y / y y ! y / ,y X*' HEIGHT WEIGHT paln scale %to 1-10 vJp_Ao Wrt -7 Date of Last -T / M Bowel Movement RjXf\ID Notification STAFF LMT : .. SHIFT . c'7 : — fflMWM ~daT EVE EVE i: u w • sari uvt.t— 'fTMii EVE uAl- IE Hours of Sleep B MEAL L L B ik Intake . D' . a. L. a LdO REPORT TO CHARGE NURSE 0 Saturation < »>Q Pain > 5 Bowel Movement > -18 Hours Ago Parameters of abnormal vital signs < to 1 3 years old: Parameters ot' abnormal vital signs > to 13 years old: • Systolic 0/P;e;'0 or >150 • Systolic B/P < 70 or >130 • Pulse > 1 00 or any irregular pattern to palpable pulsations • Pulse >100 or any irregular pattern to palpable pulsations Respirations < 10 or >2-1 at rest; irregular pattern, respiratory • • m Diastolic B/'P <.50 or > 100 distress • Respirations < 10 or >24 at rest, irregular pattern, respiratory distress Temperature of > 1 02.5F • Temperature of> to 100 P ACTION NOTES Date Diastolic B/P <_50 or > 100 Date STAFF RESOLUTION Time Time :7/?X e INITIALS C,T^ gTo) ~Pi- fispeyju1 b//o jQai^ AtjtVM^/Vb nAtpfxjJ J Initial^ Staffs igryature mmkI nv vs VJ.otlLim I Initials Staff Signature MANGINES, CARSON MR# 000014338 10/2 4/19 A# 01177210018 07/18/2013 DR. N. HOGAN M ipl HBHS 0161 I Patient Observation Rou >11 ll'v, lnU SI [ BEHAVIOR ccj LOCATION CODES 1 = Awake/Alert 6=Withdrawn 10= Agitated E=Exam Room S=Batfiroam OT=Activity Room H=Hall 2= Sleeping 7=Confused 11=Deflant R=Patiant Room OR=Oay Roam CT =Courtyard OU=Off unit 3=Cooperative 3=Uncooperatlve 12=Out of Control Q=Quiet Room 3B=Smoke Break C=Cafeteria L=Laundry Room 4=lsolated 9=HyperactlV8 13=Awake In Bed G=Gym 3E=Seclusion FM=Famlly Mtg. GR=Group Room 5=Tearful Date: "7 friol IS Room: 2D&lQ(Pi ' 3 intake LEVELSi^^eT SP I: (ql5 min) TIME Beh^vipr A OSPII: (Una of Sight) Location Initials'® '~T s 00:00 A TIME ? SP HI: (1:1 - arms length) Behavior 07:45 A A Location MD7TH=MD or Therapist Mtg. ? RTU: Restricted to Unit Initials* V~( TIME J 08:00 A 16:00 P 00:3Q A Ml 08:15 A 16:15 P & >- 01:00 A K 08:30 A~ 09:00 A 01:30 A X, 09:15 A 01:45 A Ax- 09:30 A 02:45 A 03:00 A K s £ ^ 04:15 A I E 04:45 A 16:45 P 1 MO c: a e . ji 17:00 P 17:15 P He 17:30 P /Of 17:45 P ta i 18:30 P Cf= T 3 M 06:30 A 06:45 A 20:15 P fi/M, fft" p4-/ & Ca2—;• 21:00 P c r 13:15 P 5E^ 13:45 P 14:00 P i 14: 1 5 P 14:30 P 07:00 A 14:45 P 07:15 A 15:00 P 07:30 A 15:15 P LJ 145 P l ^O P /V\C- 21.45 P M 22:15 P c IS JZ^OOP 22:45 P ss L± 3 I £ /¦ ^—- QZ kiHT" Q->M Jc= ^jQ=±z o2 : &— 23:00 P "23:15 P & 15:30 P (Z 1:15 P Cfr 13:30 P m I 1 2:30 P X 1 i I 19:30 P 20:00 P 12:45 P 08:15 A 05375 i t 12:00 P 13:00 P *06:00 A -WArmur.^ 1 18:45 P 12-15P 05:15 A s i c £- 13:15 P CB 5 2 s 18:00 P bi m 19:15 P 11:30 A 05:00 A 1:45 A Initials* i \< /Q 7 . '2&6:30A location ,U Z/W&A 1 1 1:45 A ;aT" A i 10:30 P k<~ 11:15 A §—"M 04:30 A j CPf- 1 1:00 A 332 a= 10:30 A I) 10:45 A 5 K 3 lS 10:15 A 03:30 A 04:00 A 2 10:00 A c 03:15 A 03:45 A 2 I 09:45 A 02:00 A 02:30 A 2 08:45 A E3, 01:15 A 02: 1 5 A Behavior - ¦ ¦ 15:45 P 00:15 A 00:45 A I 23:30 P 23:45 P 4 :Document lime of level status change (P~~ ; <+2 / /-"-V 'Two staff initials for staff-staff hand-offs s. Staff Signatur^Jpj, Initials: StaffSignature: O Initials: Staff Signature: Initials: Staff Signature: .AGt2fcA> gtt.1 Initials: fijforfauil UHilZSSS Staff Signatur ca p. Staff Signature: Initials: StaffSignatureK NY^- init/a/s.\f^^> StaffSignature: Initials: 62/— END OF SHIFT SIGN OUT/ Signatures: \^(VCVCL2 a j^Ll3 fern Signature of Rt^tTeaVing 0730 ^suicide ? Elopement ? Fall ? Sexual Aggression Q Seiyral Vlcllmlratlon ? Medical Risk / CL-Aasault/Homicide ? Nona ^ lignature of RN4.eaving MANGINES, I ;e of RN Leaving CARSON MR# 00001433B A# 01177210018 07/18/2013 DR. N. HOGAN M IPL 2e%k (5 z ¦sion 03.01.10 Highlands Behavioral Health System HBHS 0185 I; i 7 < . -— " I 8 dW', "3d (Z Patient Observation Rounds HI ll' >» " 'I* x H=Hall DR=Oay Room CT=Courtyard OU=Off unit SB=Smoke Break C=Cafetaria L^Laundry Room 3E-Seclusion FM=Family Mtg, GR=Group Room I = intake MD/TH=MD or Therapist Mtg, 10=Agitated E=Exam Room B=Bathroom 2= Sleeping 7=Confused 11=Pefiant R=Patient Room 3=Cooperative 3=Uncooperative I2=0ut of Control Q^Quiet Room 4=lsolaled 9=Hyperactive 13=Awake In Bed G=Gym 7/l 77' -? Date: 5=T9arful 5P It (ql5 mln) Behavior TIME Initials'* Location A lr~— 00:00 A 00: 15 A 7 08:00 A 3 2— LIZ EC 01:15 A s -45:45 P '*15 P s; 3:30 P 09.00 A A 01-45 A 09:30 A 09:45 A 10:00 A w 02:00 A 02:15 A 02:30 A % ryf 09:15 A Ufi nrv:-.'. Lii-0j ' 7? (d A 5 17-30 P 17.45 P 18:00 P 10:30 A 18:30 P ;02 10:45 A 18:45 P 03:15 A tz2 7 11 00 A 19:00 P 11:15 A 19:15 P a 03:30 A 03:45 A Ci 04.00 A ¦1^ 12). 1 1 30 A 19:30 P CX 11.45 A 19:45 P T3L GJ I 16:15 P 03:00 A p\ I 17:15 P 10:15 A 02:45 A I 12:00 P 20 00 P 04:30 A 12:15 P 20:15 P 04:45 A '2:30 P 20:30 P 05:00 A 12:45 P 20:45 P ;5:15 A 13:00 P 21:00 P 13: 15 P 21: 15 P 13:30 P 21.30 P 04:15 A € -7^_ r ; W30A- misA 08:00 A !ZZ z 06:15 A \ 13:45 P 2 1.45 P 14.00 P 22-00 P 09:30 A 14:15 P 22:15 P 08:45 A 14-30 P 22:30 P 07 00 A 14'45 P 22:45 P 07' 15 A 15:00 P 23:00 P ji t 07:30 A c&l I I 13:45 P ' 17:00 P 08:45 A 1 Location Initials* 16:00 P 08:30 A O'OOA A Behavior TIME Initials' Location A 08:15 A 00: 45 A 01:30 A Behavjqr I ? RTU; Restricted to Unit ? SP III; (lit - arm* length) 07:45 A i 00:30 A Room: '2 » n^Akk,^lrni}Af\ \\riW,f ^Circulation checked & _ gdDpes patient have a pulse? . _ — <4- "g^/% y(Ovdn/\ "Jniifjd. AfT) n ftyvh ifa3 jgc. rX}( I y i \Avt W iSljuyJk rate via nasal cannula/mask (Z^du^bUl(pdi^t{L-(We^C— ital Signs: (q3 to S minutes) Time -U o cn mm: i B£ Pulse a a Resp. a Q P. Ox% Time Pulse BP i P. Ox% Resp, 3 L n I?tr 'A- 1 5-t P Medications Given: ? Yes ja^o -- (.Vhka )/\ A-M, ft Time Medication Route Dose S ¦§ — Sr vh =-D fl M,Q Srd ! + '40 J A# DR. 'i, 6 Version 8.2.2011 >ju MANGINES , CARSON MR# 000014338 10/24/1990 01177210018 R. BERGES Sie 07/18/2013 \ M ¦s\ I PL J ' HBHS 0206 % !