fJ~/ From_ AI1CA 3 AREA 366 HQA 418 5300 FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES DEFIC.ENCIES 4( PLAN OF CORRECTION U VEMENT OF P. 015 004/ PRINTED. oe122/ FOAM APP ROVED VE DEPARTMEh T OF HEALTH AND HUMAN S': RVICES NTEAS N104 C8/ 2013 22/10: 15 OMB 0391 N0. 0938- XI)PROVIDERJSUF PLIEFt^CUA MULTIPLE CONSTRUCTION 2) IDENTIFICATIOI NUMBER X3)DATE SURVEY COMPLETED A. BUILDING C B. WING 1040 r1 ry Vr.ME OF PROVIE ER OR SUPPLIER O 3130 SW 27TH A/ E OCAI.A,FL REFIX TAG SUMMARY STATEMENT OF DEFICIEI ICIES EACH DEFICIENCY MUST BE PRECEOEI)BY FULL F: EGIOLATORY OR LSC IDENTIFYING INFO RUTATION1 I II INIT AL COMMENTS 000 013 STREET ADDRESti. C17Y, STATE_ZIP CODE ANES HOSPITAL K4) ID 1 09 ID PREFIX TAG 34474 PROVIDERS PLAN OF CORRECTION EACH CORRECTIVEACTION SHOULD BE CROSS-Re FERENCEO TO THE APPROPRIATE l P COMPLE 110N DATE DEFiCIENCYi A 000 I Unannounced compliance survey was conducted 81/13 for complaints, CCA 2013) 06384, 201-. 006833 and 2013007094, at lho Vines Hospita, Ocala. There were discern ible deficiencies identified during the surrey. The CFR 492 as facil'ry was not in compliance with 4:: it pellains to this investigation. on 482.2) b)( 13(PATIENT RIGHTS: INFORMED 131 A131 CONSENT The. 3alient or his or her represenlat I Review of Palen[Rights 1. Revised admission policy to as ve ( allo% ed under State law)has the right to make informed decisions regarding his or Iper care. the revieN of or patient's rights include being notify the Nursing Director and Baker Act Liaison via email of reuse treatment. This right must not be construed as a mechanism to demaiid the provision of treatment or services deemed or unnecessary or patients who are unable to participate in admission consents and review of patient's rights. The Nursing Director and Baker inappropri;Lte. i This STANDARD is not met as evidr inced by. Based on record review and staff inl erview, the i facility failed to determine who had a determine the care samples patient The jthority to U. Responsible person: Intake/Admissions findings include: 2. 12! 13/and discharged c n 12126112. facility of 12 The )) atignt was 21 years old. The rt: ceipt of i Notice of Patient Rights/Resident Ric hts 12/ 13/was Responsibilities document dated 12 unsigned because patient ` poor jut Bement, m Act liaison will follow up to ensure [hat this information is reviewed with the patient once the patient has stabilized and treatment lot one A review of the closed clinical record for sampled patie-7t 63 revealed she was admitted to the I IATORY DIRECT OVIDE 8/ 26113 admission documents with her health status, being involved i It care and treatment, and being a Ae to request medically tD include: representative to review the informed of his planning h patient rights attempt identifya patient I The that it ensure clearly a.tdressed the process to be taken when titre patient is unable to participate in ! i i UPPLIER REPRE :ENTATNE'S SIGNATURE Director Reed educt[Intake Staff on: the Wocess to including 8128113 the patenrs designated representative in (he adrr ission process as defined by FSS. Polil:y to notify (he Nursing Director and the Baker Act Liaison when a is unable to sign the rights er Responsible F erson: Intake/Admissions Director pe F TITLE XE7 DATE denote 1 a deficiency which the Institution may be excu); ed from correcting providing pt Is datermined that ending w;th n aslerrsk ( instructions.) Except for nursing homes, the findings slated above are disclosable 90 days afeguards provide sufficient protection to the patient,.See u ng the dare of survey whether or not a plan of coned 3n is provided. For nursing homes, the above findings and plans of correction are disdosable 14 I1llowing the doe these documents are made availabl ! to the tacilily. # deficiencies are cited, an apps oved plan of correctkn is requistte to continued J )ficiency statement r ; M ri rn participation. M CM502. 2567( 9 50 Prowous Versions ODWI-eie 0 M Q i Event ID.V48E I I Fa ,'rty IO:HL23960073 If continuation sheet Page t of 4 FrOM: A11CA AREA 3 FIOA 366 418 11104 16 08/ 2013 22/10: 5300 PRINTED: 08122/2013 FORM APPROVED C EPARTME-NT 01= HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES DEFICIENCIES VI)PLAN OF C 3R 1ECTION le TEMENT OF P. 015 005/ OMB NO, 0938-0391 X)) PnOVIDER/SUPPLIERICLL4 IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: X2)MULTIPLE CONSTRUCTION X3)DATE SURVEY COMPLETED A. BUILDING C B.WING 104071 08/ 2013 01/ N OF PRO DICER Oa SUPPLIER STREET ADDRESS. CITY, STATE. ZIP CODE C5 3130 SW 27TH AVE NES HOSPIIAL OCALA, FL X4)D ? SUMMARY STATEMENT OF DEFICIENCIES r REFIX iEACI•I DEFICIENCY MUST BE PRECEDED BY FULL FEGUTATORY OR LSG IDENTIFYING INFORMATION) TAG 4131 Conl-nued From page 1 to PElilion for I I` was 3. clinical record Notice of Right' given a " Writ of Habeas Corpus patient or Re-ed icate Liaison on I for Redress of Grievances' on 12113112. A Cerlificale orProfessional Initiating Involuntary I Exarlinalion' dated 12/ 00 PM 13112 at 3: i Indicated the patient had psychosis NOS and was B2 ke r Acled at the facility, Further review of the retold revealed the mother of patient # 3 had the patio-it brought to the facility even though the father of the patient was prepared to care for the J A admissions consents of admission Requirement physician's agitation note dated mom and ad ni iistration of patient is stable at 3: 42 PM, 12/ 14112 stated ask her to be health care Ability 15 mg or Healthcare on a ambien 10 mg. fllg I have I health care 2. Reedicate the hysicisen ' s order dated 12/ 55 PM 15112 at 9: to 20 mg po daily for mood I inc• ealsed ability U ~DI: Versions Obsolete Precious M52o67( ) M M M O CV O M Q6 Q Event to:V48E 11 r pa nursing staff on tie process I 8126/13 obtaining healthcare proxy fo1 patient's determined to be incompetent Respensible Person: Baker Act -iaison Implement a monthly audit process of to ensure involuntary admissions (30 case.,.) I 8123113 s for I 3. proxy. C1 tang ProxyProxy deemed incompetent Responsible Person: Baker Act Liaison I phan isici; s'order permitted by Proxy: current policy and proc dur dure iReviea : i~ ifkevle ed Healthcare ffor Hen who on 12114112 at 10: 00 PM for Depakote ER 1000 mg at bedtime for Mcoc stabilization. No evidence this medication Cy1 and signature/acknowledgenent Aptysician's order dated 12114/12 at8:29 PM Zyprexa 1.0 mg IM/Po, Ativan 2 mg IM1pc Benadryl 50 mg IM/po for agitation and ag!) ssic rE:n " . AF for review patient and obtain the s 1afient' was I daily on Responsible: Person: Inlake/Admissions Director ordered I to follow tip time the p client to determine wt en th admitting Physicians orders/initial i ktivan f mg IM for was a.the Peview the documents )v th the morning (mood stabilization psychosis) ambien 10 m d q hs (insomnia).No evidence was found he.ah 1 care proxy gave permission for the A 8127/13 a patient is not stable enough to the -ights and proxy and obtain permission from her for medication administration ability 15 mg q s and Baker Act rights A •e), iew of the plE ace call DATE dearly understand ple.n A treatment dated 12113112 revealed a slat order for Haldol 10 mg IM, Benadryl 50 mg 1M an Nursing Director following: the Notification process of ,When palieit. I Xs) COMPLETION A 131 in;; ig Tl, paranoid, psychotic." The resealed the 34474 PROVIDER'S PLAN of CORRECTION IFACII CORRECTIVE ACTION SHOL LO BE CROSS REFERENCED TO THE APPROPRIATE O EF ICI ENCY) ID PREFIX TAG 8129113 that healthcare proxy have been obtained for patients who are deemed incompetent Respcnsible Person: Baker Act _iaison I D_ HL2396u073 Facility ? If confh9ualion sheet Page 2 of 4 From= AHCA AREA 386 "QA 3 416 5300 11104 08/ 2013 22/1017 PRINTED: 0812V2013 FORMAPPROVED 3= PARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN:3ERVIGI S : f 1TE:RS FOR MEDICARE f:MEDICAID ;) ERVIC E.S DEFICIENCIES Jr. PLAN OF CORRECTION P FEI1ENr OF P. 015 006/ OMB NO. 093B-0391 f( t)PROVICIMSUPPLIERRA IA IDENTIFICATION NUMB 711: W)MULTIPLE CONSTRUCTION M)DATE SURVEY COMPLETED A.BUILDING C. CV o. 104071 J!Mi: OF B. WING PROVIDER OR SUPPLIER STREET ADDRESS. CITY, STATE,ZIP CODE 0 z 08/ 2013 01/ 3130 sw 27TH AVE 1INKS HOSPITAL OCALA, FL SUMMARY STATEMENT OF DEFICIENCIES EACH DEFICIENCY MUST eE PRECEDED BY FUL . REGULATORY OR LSC:IDENTIFYING INI' ORMATIOI I) 1K4) ID FgEFIX TAG I 34474 H) PROVIDERS PLAN OF CORRECTION M1 PREFIX TAG EACH CORRECTNE ACTION SHOULD BE CROSSREFERENCED TOTHE APPROPR•ATE COMPLETION OWE DEFICIENCY) Obtaining 4 13]'I; Continued From page 2 A 131 1. stabilization and psychosis. No ev dente was found this increase in medical(on eras appr(nred by a health care proxy. i Reviewed medication consent policy to ensure that the process for obtaining consent from healthcare proxy when i physician ' s order dated 12116/12 at 5:4; AM for ' ETO Zyprexa 10 mg,Ativan' mg. . Benadryl 50 mg IM now for eminent harm to others Aith CPI hold for administ•alion. 2. order dated 12/ 36 ADA for an 17112 at 8: increase of Depakole ER to 1500 rig at beidtime Physician Conduct education a healthcare proxy medications when with the consent of health care prof.y. ( ' T i3 health care proxy gave consent on 1 12/17/a at determined to be 5: 20 PM . • Responsible Further review of the clinical retort reveah91t A justification compliance Director for 8! 13 29/ obtaining voluntary and including both involuntary patient records in the review. This will consist of was Nursing proper consent for medications dated 121'.4/ 12 at 11:45 to put hands aroind staff for personal restraint am for hitting and a retro review of 30 discharged charts per month. Oversight of the data will be the Performance Improvement dalc:d kicking staff Committee. with ETO of Zyprexa_10 mg IM,A• Ivan 2 Ing IM and Benadryl 50 mg IM at 5: 50 AM. A Vinnn hospital Integrated Assessment was dated Petitioning of Court for Involuntary 12/ 12• 13/ Placement: 8127113 t Further review of the Ninical record revealind that although the facility had deemed the patient was incapable to make decisions regarding her care and treatment and had Baker Acted the pall ant 13112, the facility had the involuntarily on 12/ patient sign informed consent forme for DeFakote Ambien, and Abilify cm the same c ay 12115/12, the facility signed a document stating the rmifdenl was unable to ask qul3stions and receive answers 1, M N M m M O CV O M Q Previow Versions Ohsolete CMS022567( 9 9) 8129113 incompetent Person: cocas review to monitor was 49 12/ 12 16/at 5: requirement that mus(provide consent for a patent has been Implement a monthly auditing process in which the Director of Nursing will conduct a combative toward staff " . AJustifiimtion for PM for attempting members neck. on (he 13. a 12 justification for resiralnt/seclusion c aced 1 ,JI 3/ 30 PM for a " danger to sell alid others " at 4: Restraint/Seclusion 8126113 a patient has been delennined to be incompetent Responsible Person: Nursing Director A r Medication Clinsen. 1. Reviewed Baker Act law and TVH for policy involuntary placement to ensure that the time frame is in compliance to state regulations Responsible Person: Baker Act Liaison I V46E61 Event II): 8129/13 2. Implement a monthly audit process of involuntary admissions (34 cases) to ensure fiat healthcare proxy have been obtained for patients Facility ID:161123960073 If continuation sheet Page 3 of 4 AFEA Fro+ AHCA n: 3 386 HQA 416 18 08! 2013 22/10: 5300 H104 PRINTED: OE122/2013 LEPARTMENTOF AEALTHAND HUMAN SERVICES FORMAP,' ROVED C ENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES T;. TEMEI4TOFOEFICIENCIES A-) PLAAOFCORRECTfOJ OMB NO. 0930-0391 XI) PROVIDEP4SUPPLIERCUA X2)MULTIPLE CONSTRUCTION IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 3) DATE SLRVEY COMPLETED A. BUILDING C 1X> 104071 e-WING 08101P013 N a` NWE OF PROVIDER OR:: UPPLIER STREETADDRESS, CRY, STATE, ZIP CODE O z P. 0071015 u NES 3130 SW 27TH AVE HOSPITAL OCALA, FL SUNMARY STATEMENT OF DEFICIENCIES K4)IO s REFIX I TAG I EACH DEFICIENCY MUST BE PRECEDED BY FULL AEGUtAIORY OR LSC IDENTIFYING INFORMATION) PREFIX I 34474 PROVIDER'S PLAN OF CORRECTION EACH CORRECTIVE ACTION SHOULD BE CROSSREFERENCED TO THE APPROPRIATE to TAG DEFICIENCY) Continued =rom page 3 about treallnenl state." ION OAT£ I A 131 staling "unable/agitated who mental I I revew of the clinical record revealed the resident was Baker Acted on 12/ 13112 Thursday)the facility failed to petition the courts for a continied involuntary placement within 72 hours. The 72 hours would have been up on i Further document 12/ 18112. deemed incompetent Person: Baker Act Liaison Included in (his corrective action plan evidence of implementation of the Policy I 12/ 16/however the law gives the Sunday 12 i facility the next day after a weekend to petition the courts. No evidence the facility petitioned the court before are Responsible though i( MPLETt i 1 A 131 CC I as plan are: and Procedures Staff attestations of training Audit Farms 12/ 12 18/could be found. A petitioning the court was found dated I I I i i 1 I I t i I i i 0 t 0o I ISl I m J a m m M O CV O M Q Praviou>Versions Obsolete AS022567( 9 9) Event ID:V48E It Facility ID.HL23% W73 II oontinuation sheet 4 014