1' ?ed Lee Clerk df Courts RULE 3.992Ea CRIMINAL PUNISHMENT CGDE 11.5EHT. DATE NAME 5A0 JUDGE f02f11f2003 lvuLI . . DATE 12. 1PETER5, ALLEN. !01f15f2003 I 1CHRIET0PHERI . PLEA 113.UNIFDRM . TPRIMARY DCNET #1 I !235990 . I. \xhhtees=eef?fif PRIMARY gua1.,ehetk A 5 (A: it.C=Censp.R=ReC1s) FELDNY DESCRIPTIDN PDIHTS DEGREE LEVEL Rdaa. GUHIDEADLY RPM 00 {Level Fg1nt5: Pr1dr Cag1ta1 fe10ny trip1es Primary foenae points - MD I. 02.0 II. ADDITIDNAL supp1ementa1 page attached a N0 FELIMM GFFENSE QUALIFY CDUNTE PDINTE DEGREE LEVEL A Priur capita1 Fe1eny trip1e5 Add. fo. paints ND Supp]. page points .0 I. 0.0 VICTIM INJURY Number Tnta1 Number Teta1 2nd Deg. Murder 240 0.0 0.0 511ght 4 I 0.0 0.0 Death 120 I 0.0 0.0 Sex Penet. 30 I 0.0 0.0 40 0.0 0.0 Sex Cent. 40 0.0 0.0 Mederate 13 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 Iv. PRIDE RECDRD: Supp1ementa1 page attached - N0 FELIMM DFFENSE DUAL DESCRIPTIDM NER PTS TDTAL DEGREE LEVEL ASCR SuppTementa1 page paints: 0.0 IV. 0.0 Page 1 subtota1: 02.0 Effective Date: For eftenses cummitted under the Crimina1 Punishment Cede effeCt1Me fer effenses committed on or after March 12, 200'00 331 0313.1 rue-m Rt 3: mange axed Lee Ceunty Clerk sf Courts Page 1 subtotal: 92.0 v. Legal Status v1elatien 4 Points v. VI. Cemmunity Sanctidn vidlatien before the ceurt for sentencing vI. n* paints each succeSSTve vidlatien GR New felony cenvictien 12 points each successive violatien DR 12 Points each successive vielatien fer a vielent feldny offender of special concern as New felen? canvictien 24 paints a each successive vidlatien fer a vie nt feleny effender ef Special cancern VII. Firearmeemi-Autumatic dr Machine Gun 13 er 25 paints Prier Serious Feleny 30 Paints n.e Suhtdtal Sentence PuintS 92.D Ix. Enhancements (enly 1f the primary effense qualifies fer enhancement) 1 Law Enferc. Pret.! Drug Traffic Grand Theft Street sang Demestic 5 Meter veh. vidlence . I I Enhanced Suhtetal sentence Paints Ix. 0.3 SENTENCE PDINTS 92.? SENTENCE CUMPUTATIUM If tetal SEHtence paints are less than er equal tn 44. the lewESt permissible sentence is a nun?state prisen sanctien If tetal sentence paints are greater than 44: SI.G minus 23 64.0 4B.D 1 tetal sentence paints ldwest permissible sentence in months 1 v? l- l_ r? .- The maximum sentence is up t0 the statutery maximum fer the ?rimary and any I additidnal effenses as previded in F.S.. unless leweSt permissible sentence under the cede. exceeds the statutdry maximum. Such I sentences may be impesed concurrently er consecutively. If tdtal sentence points are greater than or equal tn 363. a life sentence may be impesed. I I I maximum sentence in years TDTAL SENTENCE IMPDSED Years months Days State Prisun Life unty_Ja11 Time Served ammunity Central - Prebatien I Please_check if Sentenced as habitual dffender. habitual vidlent effender. v1dlent careericriminall prison releasee redffender, er a mandatory m1niMum ajjlles. mitigated Departure Plea Bargain DDP ether neasdn Junce's SIGNATURE 1 Page 2 - - ?ed Lee lCounty.r Clerk of Courts RULE 3.992(b) CRIMINAL PUNISHMENT CGDE SUPPLEMENTAL SCORESHEET NAME (LAST. FIRST. MIDDLE. SUFFIX) UNIFDRM CASE NUMBER DF PETERS. ALLEN. II. oocket# FELIMH QUALIFY CDUMTS PoInTs TDTAL DEGREE LEVEL A II. 0.0 IV. REcoRo: FELfmm oFFEmse opac DESCRIPTIDN PTS LEVEL RSER IV. . Reasons for Departure - Mitigating Circumstances (reasons may be checked here or written on the scoresheet) Legitimate. uncoerced piea bargain The defendant was an accom 1ice to the offense and was a re1ative1y minor participant in the crimina conduct. The capacity of the defendant to appreciate the criminai nature of the conduct or to cgnform that conduct to the requirements of 1aw was substantiaily impaire . The defEndant requires 5 ecia1ized treatment for a menta1 disorder that is unreiated to substance a use or addiction. or for a physicai and the defendant is amenabie to treatment. The need for payment of restitution to the victim outweighs the need for a prison sentence. The V1Ct1m was an initiator. wi11ing participant, aggressor. or prouoker of the incident. The defendant acted under extreme duress or under the domination of another person. Before the identity of the defendant was determined. the Victim was substantia1iy compensated. The defendant cooperated with the State to resoive the current offense or any other offense. The_offense was committed in an unsophisticated manner and was an iso1ated incident for which the defendant has shown remorse. At the time of the offense the defendant was too young to appreciate the consequences of the offense. The defendant is to be sentenced as a youthfui offender. Eursuant to the defendant 5 substance_abuse or addiction does not Justify a downward departure from the 1owest permissible sentence. Effective Date: For offenses committed under the Crimina1 Punishment Code effective for offenses committed on or after march 12. PAGE 3