Case 9:13-cr-80051-DMM Document 25 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/13/2013 Page 1 of 7 UN ITED STA TES D ISTRICT COU RT SOU THERN D ISTRICT OF FLO RIDA CaseNo. 13r80051rCR-M lDDLEBROOKS& M > ON IJNITED STATESOF AM ERICA RAY M OND ADAM S, Defendant. PLEA A GREEM EN T TheUnitedStatesAttorney'sOfficefortheSouthernDistrictofFlorida(dtthisOffice''land RaymondADAMS(hereinafterreferredtoastheSçdefendanf')enterintothefollowingagreement: The defendantagreesto plead guilty to Count4 ofthe lndictm ent,which chargeshim with attem pting to receive child pornography,in violation ofTitle 18,United States Code, Sections2252(a)42)and(b)(l). TheUnitedStatesagreestodismissCountsl-3and 5-7atthe tim e ofsentencing. 2. The defendantisaw arethatthe sentencew illbe imposed by theCourtafterconsidering the advisory Federal Sentencing Guidelines and Policy Statements (hereinafter ççsentencing Guidelines''). The defendantacknowledges and understands thatthe Courtwillcompute an advisory sentence under the Sentencing Guidelines and that the applicable guidelines willbe determ ined by the Courtrelying in parton theresultsofapre-sentence investigation by theCourt's probation office,which investigation w illcom m ence afterthe guilty plea hasbeen entered. The defendantisalso aw are that,undercertain circum stances,the Coul'tm ay departfrom the advisory Case 9:13-cr-80051-DMM Document 25 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/13/2013 Page 2 of 7 sentencing guideline range thatithas com puted,and m ay raise or low er that advisory sentence underthe Sentencing G uidelines. The defendantisfurtheraw are and understandsthatthe Court isrequired to consider the advisory guideline range determ ined underthe Sentencing Guidelines, butisnotbound to imposea sentence within thatadvisoryrange;theCourtisperm itted tp tailorthe ultim ate sentence in lightofotherstatutory concerns,and such sentencem ay beeitherm ore severe or less severe than the Sentencing Guidelines' advisory range. K now ing these facts, the defendantunderstands and acknow ltdgesthatthe Courthas the authority to im pose any sentence within and up to the statutory maximum authorized by law forthe offensets)identified in paragraph 1 and thatthe defendantm ay notw ithdraw the plea solely as a resultofthe sentence im posed. The defendantalso understands and acknowledges that,asto Count4,the Courtm ust imposeaminimum term ofimprisonmentoffive(5)yearsandmayimposeastatutorymaximum term ofimprisonmentofup totwenty(20)years,followedby atel' m ofsupervised releaseofat least5 yearsup to life. ln addition to a term of im prisonm entand supervised release,the Court may imposeafineofup to $250,000. 4. The defendantfurtherunderstand and acknow ledges that,in addition to any sentence imposed under paragraph 3 of this agreem ent, a special assessm ent in the am ount of $100 willbe imposed on the defendant. The defendant agrees that any special assessm ent im posed shallbe paid atthe tim e of sentencing. Ifa defendant is financially unable to pay the specialassessm ent,the defendantagreesto presentevidence to this Office and the Courtatthe time ofsentencing asto the reasonsforthe defendant'sfailure to pay. Case 9:13-cr-80051-DMM Document 25 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/13/2013 Page 3 of 7 ThisOffice reservesthe rightto inform the Courtand the probation office ofallfacts pertinent to the sentencing process, including allrelevant information concerning the offenses com m itted,whether charged or not, as well as concerning the defendant and the defendant's background. Subjectonlytotheexpresstermsofanyagreed-uponsentencingrecommendations contained in thisagreem ent,thisO ffice furtherreservesthe rightto m ake any recom m endation as to the quality and quantity ofpunishm ent. 6. ThisO ffice agreesthatitw illrecom m end atsentencing thatthe Courtreduce by tw o levels the sentencing guideline levelapplicable to the defendant's offense,pursuant to Section 3E1.1(a)oftheSentencing Guidelines,based upon thedefendant'srecognition andaffirmative and tim ely acceptance of personal responsibility.lf at the tim e of sentencing the defendant's offense level is determ ined to be 16 or greater,this Offk e will file a m otion requesting an additionaloneleveldecreasepursuantto Section 3El.l(b)oftheSentencingGuidelines,stating thatthe defendanthas assisted authorities in the investigation or prosecution of the defendant's own m isconduct by tim ely notifying authorities of the defendant's intention to enter a plea of guilty, thereby perm itting the governm ent to avoid preparing for trial and perm itting the governm entand the Courtto allocate theirresourceseffk iently. ThisO ffice,how ever,willnot berequiredtomakethismotionandthisrecommendation ifthedefendant:(1)failsorrefusesto m ake a full, accurate and com plete disclosure to the probation office of the circum stances surrounding the relevantoffense conduct;(2) is found to have misrepresented facts to the governmentpriorto entering into thisplea agreement;or(3)commitsany misconductafter entering into thispleaagreement,including butnotlim ited to com m itting a state orfederaloffense, 3 * Case 9:13-cr-80051-DMM Document 25 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/13/2013 Page 4 of 7 violating any term of release, or m aking false statem ents or m isrepresentations to any governm entalentity orofficial. ThisO ftk e and the defendantagree that,although notbinding on the probation office orthe Court,they willjointly recommend thatthe Courtmake the following findings and conclusions asto the sentence to be im posed' . A eeofM inor:Thatthe materialdid involve a prepubescentm inororam inor who had notattained the age of 12 years. (2). Distribution: That the offense did not involve distribution of child pornography. (3). Content:Thatthe offense did involve materialthatportrays sadistic or m asochistic conductorotherdepictionsofviolence. (4). Pattern:Thatthedefendantdidengageinapattern ofactivity involvingthe sexualabuse orexploitation ofam inor. (5). Computer/lnteractive ComputerService: Thatthe offense did involve the use ofa com puteroran interactive com puter service forthe possession,transm ission,receipt,or distribution ofthe m aterial. (6). Numberoflmages: Thatthe offense involved atleastl0,butfewerthan 150,im ages. 8. The defendant is aw are thatthe sentence has not yetbeen determ ined by the Court. The defendantalso is aware thatany estim ate ofthe probable sentencing range orsentencethat thedefendantm ay receive,w hetherthatestim ate com esfrom thedefendant'sattorney,thisOffice, or the probation offke, is a prediction,not a prom ise, and is not binding on this O ffice,the Case 9:13-cr-80051-DMM Document 25 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/13/2013 Page 5 of 7 probation oftsce orthe Court. The defendantunderstands furtherthatany recom m endation that thisOfûce m akestothe Courtasto sentencing,w hetherpursuantto thisagreem entorotherwise, is notbinding on the Courtand the Courtm ay disregard the recom m endation in its entirety. The defendantunderstands and acknowledges, aspreviously acknow ledged above,thatthe defendant may not withdraw his/her plea based upon the Court's decision not to accept a sentencing recommendation madeby thedefendant,thisOftsce,orarecommendation madejointly bythe defendantand thisO ffk e. D efendantagreesto forfeittotheUnited Statesvoluntarily and im m ediately any andal1 ofhisright,titleandinteresttothefollowingitemswhicharesubjecttoforfeiturepursuanttoTitle 18,United StatesCode,Sections2253(19 and 1467: Western Digital3TB USB 3.0 My Book Essentialexternaldrive (s/n:W CAWZ0215622),25068 W estern DigitalHard drive (model WD2500BEVT;s/n:W XE908VJ1028),HPM odelG50laptop(s/n:2CE841HXJY)containinga 500 GB Hitachi Hard drive (s/n:VLG1N5RC), PNY M icrosD 4GB Card (S/n:MM 8GRO4GUBCA-M A 90450000 902), Asus Essentia desktop CM 1630 (s/n: BIPDCGOOONSR),W estern Digital500 GB hard drive(s/n:W CAYU8367011),Seagate 1TB hard drive (s/n:5VP79CDQ), Nikon D90 digital SLR camera, Barnes & Noble Nook (s/n:8NRV200),DellE1505 laptop (s/n:JLQBRBI),thecompactdisks seized on August15, 2012,and H P A ndroid Tablet. 10. The defendant isaw are thatTitle 18,U nited StatesCode,Section 3742 and Title 28, United StatesCode,Section 1291 afford the defendantthe rightto appealthe sentence im posed in thiscase. Acknow ledging this,in exchange forthe undertakingsm adeby theU nited Statesin this plea agreem ent,the defendanthereby w aives allrights conferred by Sections 3742 and 1291 to Case 9:13-cr-80051-DMM Document 25 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/13/2013 Page 6 of 7 appealany sentence im posed,including any restitution order, orto appealthe m annerin which the sentence w as im posed,unless the sentence exceeds the m axim um perm itted by statute or isthe resultofan upw ard departureand/oran upward variance from theadvisory guideline rangethatthe Courtestablishesatsentencing. The defendantfurtherunderstandsthatnothing in thisagreem ent shallaffectthe governm ent's right and/or duty to appealas setforth in Title 18, United States Code,Section3742*)andTitle28,United StatesCode,Section 1291. However,iftheUnited Statesappealsthedefendant'ssentencepursuanttoSections37424b)and 1291,thedefendantshall be released from the above w aiverofappellatt rights. By signing this agreem ent, the defendant acknow ledgesthatthe defendanthasdiscussed the appealwaiversetforth in thisagreem entw ith the defendant's attorney. D efendantunderstandsthatby pleading guilty,he w illbe required to registerasa sex offenderupon hisrelease from prison asa condition ofsupervised release pursuantto 18 U .S. C.j 3583(d). Defendantalsounderstandsthatindependentofsupervisedrelease,hewillbesubjectto federaland state sex offender registration requirem ents,and thatthose requirem ents m ay apply throughoutdefendant's life. D efendantunderstands thathe shallkeep his registration current, shallnotify the state sex offenderregistration agency or agencies of any changes to defendant's nam e, place of residence, em ploym ent, or student status, or other relevant inform ation. Defendant shall comply w ith requirem ents to periodically verify in person defendant's sex offenderregistration information. Defendantunderstandsthathe willbe subjectto possible federal and state penalties for failure to com ply with any such sex offender registration requirem ents. If defendant resides in Florida follow ing release from prison, defendantw illbe subject to the registration requirements of Florida Statute 943.0435. Defendant further Case 9:13-cr-80051-DMM Document 25 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/13/2013 Page 7 of 7 understandsthat,underl8U.S.C.j4042(c),noticewillbeprovidedtocertain law enforcement agenciesupon defendant'srelease from confinem entfollowing conviction. A s a condition ofsupervised release,defendantshallinitially registerw ith the state sex offenderregistration in Florida,and shallalso registerw ith the state sex offenderregistration agency in any statew here defendantresides,isemployed,w orks,orisa student,asdirected by the Probation O fficer. D efendantshallcom ply w ith allrequirem entsoffederaland state sex offender registration laws, including the requirem ent to update defendant's registration inform ation. Defendantshallprovide proofofregistration to the Probation O fficerw ithin 72 hours ofrelease from im prisonm ent. l3. Thisisthe entire agreem entand understanding between thisOfficeand the defendant. There are no otheragreem ents,prom ises,representations,orunderstandings. W IFREDO A .FERRER UNITED STATES A TTORN EY Date: 5-/10 /fx :s By: *7 ' ,. j t g k y jjq ., . ...j ., j. BR AN DY BREN TA RI A LER A SSISTAN T UN ITED S ES A TTORN EY # Ilate: X # By: LOm BA RM ST,A FPD ATTORN EY FO R D EFEN DA N T Date:r F /@ F By: --A RAYM OND ADA M S DEFEN DAN T