FIRE Records Request From: Bindu Jayne Dale Thu, Feh 4, 2015 at4. 3 PM Subiect Bias Incident Response Team - Invitation To: Susan Edwards James Brown Paui Gates Mark aachnieier Traci Royster i ames Barnes Cassie wineoarger iJhon cimmino Cc Kathy Ray Good anernoon, First, apoIogize for the Iength or this emaii. out I thought it was Important to provide you an With a IittIe context oeIorejumping into my request We are preparing to Iaunch the Bias Incident Reponse eam (BIRT) and are seeking your nlfice's (or your organizatinn's) participation. Recentiy, this in ative was approved by the Cabinet to move rorward, so I write to provide you some background about BIRT and ask Ior your vaIued participation. Understanding the ovenwheiming scheduIes you an have, pIease do Iet me know if there is a designee that you wouId preIer to serve on the BIRT in your pIace Background In the Fan 2013 semester, the LGBT Advisory Board approached the Commission on Diversity (COD) concerning oias incidents on campus The centrai mission or this Response Team is to heIp address on-campus and ofl-campus situations or oias that airect our racuIty, start and students through education, support and, ir possioie, reIerraI to existing investigative processes (The BIRT protocoI is not something unique to Appaiachian -- in fact during my research or this initiative prior to presenting the proposaI to the Cabinet, I was hard-pressed to find a schooI Without a BIRT) Bias incidents reported couId extend to any protected cIass status - age, coIor, gender identity or expression, genetic InIormation, nationaI origin, poIiticaI arriIiation, race, reIigion, sex, sexuaI orientation, or veteran status. Incidents may be reported aoout on-campus or oIr-campus happenings and reports may oe suomitted anonymoust oy victims or witnesses PIacing this initiative In a oroader context, the Department or Education recentIy reIeased a "Dear Letter" reminding coIIeges and universities to be vigiIant aoout the environment that certain students, racuIty and stair may he Iacing during this nationaI resurgence oI IsIamophooia, anti-reiugee and anti-Immigrant sentiment I have attached a copy or this Department or Education guidance for your review and inrormation Lug cs The Response Team host once a month standing meetings with potentiaIIy more scheduIed iI a particuIarIy egregious Incident is reported that needs the Immediate attention. Bias Incident Response Team members wiII convene to strategize pIans Ior IndividuaI support for non- anonymous reports, IaciIitate communication between runctionai areas to provide that support, to recommend educationaI programs that are both preventative and responsive in cases where there is no known respondent, heIp prevent oias Incidents from through the cracks, keep annuaI statistics Ior trends and pattern recognition or campus ciimate, educate the campus and community aoout newiy initiated oias reporting options, and oaIance competing interests or start and racuIty, concerning topics Iike cIassroom triggers, academic Ireedom, Iree speech rights, and more. AppState #000001 FIRE Records Request The involved parties of the Bias Incident Response Team inciude Academic Aflairs, the Dean of Students, Faculty Senate, Human Resources, the (Nice of Muiticulturai Student Deveiopment, Staff Senate, the Title IX Coordinator, and the University Ombuds Office Representatives from Athletics, the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership, Counseling for Faculty and Stafl, Counseling Services, the office o! Semices, the Office of Student Conduct, University Housing, office o! General Counsel and University Police will be called upon when necessary. ease find a Doodle link below loi- us to schedule our fi st meeting. Please complete term by Wednesday, February 10 so that we can be in touch to convene the inaugural meeting at this group. Jhon Cimmino, a graduate intern within my orrice, has graciously taken the reins in handiing the iogistics ror this initial meeti communications, so please do keep an out for ruture emails irom Please do not hesitate to reach out to me or Jhon with any questions. Thank you {or your involvement in this new in iative! Respectruny. Bindu Hindu krill: Jan i \Niumc Vim (Muslim [or Fqutn, Dutmn is ('nmniimu i 'Itllc ix \Wulr hun 5i, l2; 1 r; armiiul i ltuucht' Attachments area AppState #000002