The Commonwealth of Massachusetts William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Co!liffionwealth Public Records DiVision Shawn A. Williams Supe.misor ofRe.cords June 30, 2016 SPR16/i83 The Honorable Maura T. Healey Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts One Ashburton Place, Room 2001 Boston, MA 02108 Dear Attorney General Healey: Pursuant to G.L. c. 66, §lO(b), I am hereby notifying you of the failure of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) to comply with an administrative order. See SPR16/183 Determination ofthe Supervisor of Records (June 10, 2016). G. L. c. 66, § · 1O(b). Matthew Stout of the Boston H erald requested records related ~o a leave management consultant's recommendations to the MBTA. In my June 10 orderT found the MBTA failed to establish how the responsive repo·r t in its entirety f~s within the common law attorney-client. I ordered the MBTA to provide Mr. Stout a revised response to the request, provided in a manner consistent with the order, the Public Records Law and its Regulations and applicable case law. The MBTA informed Mr. Stout it maintains its position that the document is attorneyclient privileged in its entirety. To date the MBTA has provided no response to my office as required by my June 10 order. Accordingly, I hereby refer SPRl 6/183 to your office for enforcement. Enclosed please find my order as well as a copy of other records associated with this matter. I respectfully request that you review this matter and take whatever measures you deem necessary to ensure the MBTA complies with the June 10 order. A.;Zarns upervisor of Records cc: Mr. Matthew Stout OneAshburtonPlace, Room 1719, Boston, Massachusetts 02108 · (617) 727-2832 ·Fax (617) 727-5914 '