If wk? 1 4:Transcript 0f the 8 Public Kearing on basal Laws 9 hei? on Menday, March 31, 19?? 10 Public ?earings Chamber, Cisy Hall 11 Bercugh a? Manhattan 23., AR-TI RECORDING COMPANY 11 John Street 142 Willis Avenue 24 Suite 8038 P.O. BOX 347 New York, N.Y. 10038 Mineola, N.Y. 11501 25 (212)349-9692 (516)741?5235 9 ORIGINAL the Chair of the State Assembly's Housing Committee; Council Member Herbert Herman; State Senator Frank Padavan; Council Member Victor Robles; and Commissioner Richard Roberts of the Department of Housing Preservation and Development. And then after that anyone else who wants to speak, if you would just some to the microphone and identify yourself, we will give yOu the ooportunity to do that. COSNCIL MEMBER MICHELS: Your list is incomplete. You have two other council members. MAYOR GIULIANI: You can all syeak. We will begin with Speaker Vallone. SPEAKER VALLONE: Thank you very much Mr. Mayor. And may I welcome my colleagues from Albany, Senators Goodman and Padavan and Senator Lopez, Commissioner, and certainly my colleagues in the council, Council Member Michele, Linares and Housing Chair archie Spigner. Mr. Mayor, there has been so much confusion. Let me just quickly summarize what the City Council did. First of all, as you know, we COuld do nothing unless there was an emergency, and there was an emergency indeed declared with census figures on February 22nd, and the Council simply econ renewed and clarified what we did three years ago, in that there was a strong consensus in the council as is, I believe in the City -- that it?s very, very important that we continue to protect those tenants in rent controlled and rent stabilized apartments throughout the City of New York, 1,100,863 teeants, because there indee? is an emergendy and the emergency has continue? new for the better part of five decadesBut? in aadition to that, tt a consensus in the council that there i no necees?t' ta protect tenants who are in luxury apartments, aad that was strictly derined and Clarified to be only two situations: One, in which a tenant earns $250,806 or more and gage $2,000 or more in rent. There certainly is no reason to protect that tenant and that apartment, or when that apartment becomes vacant and the rent is $2,000 or more, that that is considered a luxury apartment and it is no longer necessary to protect that class of apartments. And with that clarification because there had been some misinterpretation with that clarification, the council has proceeded to do what we?ve done before, and, as you know, to pass the legislation as it appears before you. That being the case, Mr. Mayor, on behalf of 48 of 51 of my colleagues in the City Council, the vote was 47 to 3; but one Council Member was undergoing surgery at the time; or prospective surgery, and he already indicated that he certainly would have voted with the majority, So, by a vote of 48 :ouecii members, we streegiy urge you ta Sign it, a3 you in?icated you have because it ie very? very important if we are to keep this city the way we know 15 and love is, in pm. which you have apartments that protect, ir eh caee really the middle claas. If it wasn?t for the protection of the rental control; there would only be two classifications of apartmente in the City: One for the very rich and the other for the poor, and the middle class are the backbone of this city and that?s what this legislation seeks to protect. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. MAYOR GIULIANI: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I welcome State Senator Roy Goodman. Senator Goodman? SENATOR GOGDMAN: Thank you very much, Mr. Mayor, Mr. Speaker, distinguished colleagues them is rent regulations, and it?s imperative that we all come together. And once again, I want to salute the City Council and Speaker Vallone and the Mayer for this particular bill, and I lack ferward te their visits to Albany. Thank you. MAYOR Senate: Leyez, you can be sure tha we will jein you, suppert yea, make certain that bath on the surface and belew the surface, the necessary pressure is on behalf 3f the City. Den?t feel alene. I think everyone here vi}: jein yen and be there with you in all the appropriate ways. Is that correct? CQUNCIL MEMBER SPIGNER: No question about it, Mayor. MAYOR GIULIANI: And now Ccuncil Member Stanley Michele. MR. MICHELE: Thank you, Mr. Mayor, and thank you for your statement. Thank you for signing the legislation in. I also want to thank the Speaker because with his cooperation, we worked out a piece of legislation, while not everybody is happy with, it's something that we can live with and has to be put in there. We met our deadline. Tomorrow is the deadline and today we are signing the legislation, so that?s important. What we have to do, because the newspapers haven?t done it, we have to assure people who are under rent control who are living in buildings built befere 194? and have been centinuously in there, they are net affected by the June 15th date. They have nothing tn werry about. In visiting in all the various places as late as yesterday, there are so many peeple who have 80 much anxiety and are so ceecerned, eenecially elder people, that they will lose their apartment. When they are rent centroiied. they den't knew that they are not threatenen by the June 15th date. So that has to be made clear and there are also a number of rent stabilized tenants who are not affected. The only ones affected are those under the Emergency Tenant Protection Act. 80 that's extremely important. What we did in the City Council is extremely important. What we did was clarify the language to do away with the incentive for irresponsible owners to empty apartments using all types of means and, thus, thrust people out in the street and also cause a spiraling of rents as a result of a whole new group of apartments being put a a . . a PUBLEC HEARIRG 0x THE LQCAL LAWS RE: 22a BILL) uu?mom a a a arc-m . aara: Marca 3a! 292% $3 2% a ., MAYQR RSDGEPE Council Member Michals Council Member Tam Ognibena Council Member Katherine Freed Council Member Tom Duane Council Member Rani Eldridge ALSO PRESENE Archie Spigner, Housing and Buildings Chair mm pA C0 ?53 C) ?53 5aProceedings vacant. intro. 220 remeves the Catcher 1: 1993 cutef? date set Ly the State Legislature to permit ?e~regulstioe 0f certain units anytime th sendision is satisfies. 1 e~spensere? with Seuecii Members Michels and Erista?f a bill that we?ld h&Ve exten?ee rent regeiefian in its surrest ferm? ?ewevex, that was de?eeted in and she City them eassed H: We biil in front a me teday by a vote 0f 28 i0 184 no use abstaining. ., if do eat sign this the (w protection 0f rent stabilization will expire at midnight, April 1, and the residents of over 1,000,000 households in this city wculd be subject to the uncertain effects of sudden de~regu1ation. I am also mindful that the direct impacts of Intro. 220 apply enly to some of the wealthiest reside?ts of New Yark City and the most expensive rental apartments. in 17 18 19 20 23 Proceedings It?s a fair compromise and one that I suppert. I will now turn te the b11133 thee to any steer eiected efizeie?e we Ling te seeak. As yea kzew, the passage 0f Katee. Kemeer 220 did net occur witheut oppesitiem. in fact, the final gate by the Council in adopting Intro. Number 220 was 28 in the affirmative, 18 in the negative. Gnly two votes above the 26 votes needed to adopt legislation. I believe the reason for such a close Vote is the public's misconceptien about who this bill affects. 0n Intro. Number 220, rent stabilizatien and rent control regulations are extended to April 1, .y y?s {?U?i Proceedings 199?. Apartments which rent for er more per month after Agril 1; l??4 will become de?reguleted even upen vacancy er upon lease renewal where the eccupeet er cancers that :ntre. Rasher 22% would negativeiv impact them. ?eweuerf assure them teat they are in no way effected by Zaire? ?nmber 220 except that their apartments shall centinue to be rent stabilized. In addition, tenants who reside in buildings which were constructed on 421A benefits have also eXpressed concerns that they, toe, will be negatively impacted. However, Intro. Number 220 clearly excludes apartments in buildings constructed under 421A. 20 21 22 23 Proceedings Tenants are more concerned that :ntra. Rumber 220 represents a slow but sure dwindling of renz regulations? Rent regulation? h?ve been araund 3% years in Jan '33 New York City, and in that time we have ?:gears age is mat xecess&riiy right :Qdaya can recali rem: raguiation wag estab?isxed ever 50 yearg ?70. Taere were emergency camaitions ia the City 9f New York that 00 net exiat teday, and during that 50 years? we have $983 a shartage and a housing preblem develcp ta the point we can clearly see over the horizan a crisis oi major proportions. As we sit here today now, 1?,000 properties, almest 159,000 units eligible to be taken into rem, and anyone that would use that would Confuse this issue as anti?housing and anti~tenant have other interests than what is good for the City of C33 Proceedings New York. There are some who say rent regulations today; rent regulations tomorrow, rent regulations forever. Well, I dieegree. ntei (E) feel that the City oi ?ew York; its hanging industry LS too imgorteet to: us to 'e teseei atom: the and about ite This think, it does even rentals of Szgaoe per month attesting people who earn quarter of a millioo dollars for a year, not ?uet for one year, but they haVe to have it two years in a row, But there are those who are narrowly focused for whatever their interests are who-would distort this as another issue entirely. What we have to do is to encourage investment in property. We have to encourage the Construction of new rental properties, We have to maintain property currently in trouble in the hands of private Proceedings ownership because the City Of New York clearly has shown that it is a lousy 13ndlord. I den?t mean this ml ?31) disrespectfeliy, But when you have ta ta ever the buileings that ewners havveal?ed gea?e ef tdle legzsiazierz and i certaznlw hone that nethlne Chet veu hear sebseeuen: A to my remarks will Change your mind, and I sincereiy, sir; urge you to Sign this bili. MAYGR Thank yea? councilman Michels? COUNCIL MEMBER MICHELS: It seems to me we were sitting here and the bill was being debated in this very place, and Mr. Spigner made some of the same points. Let me just say this, Your Honor, I believe that the original support of Intro. 215, which is the legislation that 18 19 '20 21 22 23 Proceedings would extend rent central or_rent stabilization witheut the vacancy decontrel, which is what I wanted t0 ease in any net listen :0 this siever cameuflege seyieg this 2Only applies ta the egertm ?re earning a year fer {we fears 1, are amaze ;s beekeeELWJ the basic fgoor $58 fee: enat 1L vecaas} $2,0e8 a menth 13 net lot ef rent t0 pm a 0f peep in the cityf especially when they?re jeint Livingf and peaple are gathered tegether to live in some 0f the apartments and seme of the areas we have. Let me just say this: I believe more ceuld have been done to pass Intro, 215 when it should have been done. If 220 had failed, and would have failed by three votes, we would have immediately recessed and gone back to committee and passed out 215. So it?s a shame that we weren?t able to-get the three votes that were necessary .Proceedings to stop 220, which is the first time sinee I can remember that we have had figures of decentro: passed by the City, The State tried this as an exeerimeet . . i?71 lezeh 3: we chairmen, Mr. Splgeer; Kite the oniy epecuietiong who d0 '1 enable ?1 U2 I believe, you or my eyes teii me, and my eyes are reading the reeorts ene going around the rent centre} and rent~stebilized neighborhoede Show that they are the most stable neighborhoods. Those are the where you have your taxpayers neighborhoods of the city living and staying there. The neighborhoods which have deteriorated are those' neighborhoods where there has Speculation. been rampant Let me also remind my friend from the 10 Proceedings Department a: vaestigati 'inta this. There is a Sp Manhattan aistrict Attorn leeks to thasa partic We have to live with it?S gciaq $2?s aqmin tha? abuges Ci law i am going t0 rely on you deeg rat ease: and harassei aad unnecessary occur and we hold this 32 that we do not go down 10 Thank YGU very much. MAYOR GIULIANI: Tha COUNCIL MEMBER OGNIB Mr. Mayor. This law, has on be made to look ecial unit in the ey?s e?fice that un;t$, aw, but we h&v& t0 ?Estered fairly and ill rat 05am: an? LC :0 it that ?hat tanants are mat increases do mat limit firm, wer than thatm nk you. ENE: Thank you, ically what it does, I think, ccdifies State law with some minor changes. But you debate here how irrationa with regard to rentals in York and with regard to an tell by the sometimes it gets the City of New eal estate in the :5.4 Proceedings City of New York. I think Chairman Spigner spoke eloquently when he detailed the problems that we have with housing lo the City of New York. -Every yes: consistently we lose and fr;ouenzly By? l??gt very much intorogted it monaging zoom. They would like 2o got them out oi the maoogement ?ys?em but they stay in fox tea yearg. it works a detriment to the City in a loos of revenues for taxes to tho tenants because 8P3 h?ppems to be on the level of landlords. Probably the worst landlord in the City of New York, without denigrating the people within H90. 80 we have to find some rational system in which landlords and tenants can co~exist in the-City of New York. Now, we cannot do it when we have advocates for tenants who are adamant about Proceedings 21 to go through. I believe that we owe it ta the small property owners and to those properties whe are abeut to go in rem t0 ind same way to keep them out of the hands H) at the City, :0 come up with same kind 0f scheme where they can tentinue te be af?uatf where they can get a rational reture ?refit .4 wag?. ,7 . newever, tat: eta; nettle ta '1 is a Ems)! correct that problem. :11 this til 1 bletent ieosening of the rent regulatians in this etateg and it's the first time that this City Ceuncil has ever voted fer anything, or the City has been in favor of that, and I think that is very unfortunate. Unfortunately, as I said, there are very few properties that are abQut to go in rem where they haVe units that are paying $2,000 a month at above. And I am also unhappy that I believe that this bill strikes unequally at Manhattan because we tend to have the \Proceedings 24 anything for them, but I am particularly unhappy that we are new weakening rent controls, rent regulations and rent 2 am sorry that it came ta thia. an I will just ache Ccuacil Member Miaheis? request, that we very clasely monizar tna Situation, ana, in East, 1: at cagaaxa MEMBER Thank yam very much. woaid urge you not t0 Sign ahia legislation, Mr. Mayer, aad ta veta it because it?s flawed legislation. It will set up potentially very, very dangerous situations. A rent?central tenant, older, who moves or dies may be paying a rent at market rate when that apartment becomes vacant by whatever circumstances. The landlord can set the rent to whatever rent they want, including over $2,000, which would then de~regu1ate that apartment. {and \Proceedings Remember, the landlord does not have to charge 52,000, they only have to put it an the beaks as being rentable at and actually rent it far an anennt muse less. But then that apartment re forever after doing necessar" repairs t0 a building and them saying that they are forced t0 apply for an MCI, farcingv?cz?s or tenants which makes the permanent increase} makes the rent increase permanent. In fact, landlords are already preparing facts sheets and seminars, et cetera, on how it is that you could get a rent up to $2,000 for apartments. I think that we need to veto this 25 Proceedings 29 and I am very sorry that it passed the Council with the vets that it did; and I am serry that it?s geing to be signed late law! but I certainly hays that yes reaily gay attention t0 these of us an we ere; ptegert? tag and ebeut the excessive ease we give tax incentives. ?hank yea very Thank yea. All these who are in Opposition, I will now call iirst Michaei McKee. MR. MCKEE: Thank yen, Mr. Mayeri my name is Michael McKee; I represent the New York State Tenant and Neighborhoad Coalition which is a statewide membership organization and advocates for affordable housing and tenant protection. Just to make my position clear, because I did sign up in opposition to the bill te testify today, I am not here to ask you to Proceedings 39 veto the bill. It?s obviously too late for that because the damage that would be done to the entire rent regulatien system weuld be semething we ceuld not take a Chance with. Hewever, 1 d0 believe that it would not have been tee late fer you ?e have veteed 1M4 ?19 U) 1 far? 3,94 {l the bill errl* we are very disappeintee tn eid net, axe we are OJ very disepyeieted that yam did not some set in eppeeitien to the bill prior to the vote 0f the Council. We believe that if you had taken a strong public peeitien against Intro. 220; the bill would not have been rought up for a vote. after all passed by only two votes. want to talk briefly about the impact of the bill. I think the bill has been misdescribed, misrepresented; I think it?s going to have a much broader impact than people are letting on t0. I frankly resent coming here and hearing the position ef the Proceedings 31 tenant described as irrational fear or that we have a narrow focus, I have worked as a tenant organizer for 24 years of my adult life. ?on?t as that simply out ef se1f~ihtereet. I de it because have a deeg eemmitmen: he the geed e? this city and have strethv held beliefs abeut the immertence of rent reaulatien t0 this city. This i3 net miner tinkering? what this .It?s geieg ta heve a very hroad imyect. It does not Only effect rich tenants. it'affects epartments by rent level, and it?s going - that is the real danger at this bill. Not the fact that the income~hased decontrol was expanded, hut the fact that the bill is going to decontrol more apartments by rent level. The October 1, 1993 window, or I should say the closing of the window on Oc?ober 1, 1993, was put in by the State Legislature for a very good reason; which was simply to stop the manipulations of rent levels in Proceedings 32 order to reach the threshold for decontrol. what the Council and you are now doing is opening that window permanently so thei whether an apartment reaches a rent 0f menth a year from new er ten veeie ?eat is eseuMing that the 1. 4mm - and 0 A. State Legislature net lower that menth thresheld in lee? there are going te he tene of 0f aeertments deceetrollee? You are geieg te see rent levels rise generally. Some of the means that landloyds have t0 manipulate rent levels up are eerfectly legal, and ?hey will do them, but landlords who simply jump the rent, whether it?s legal or illegal, they can nine times out of ten hope to get away with it because the enforcement of the system is so lax. So that we are going to see more landlords simply raising the rent. Furthermore, it was pointed out earlier - I think it was Council Member Duane pointed it out w~ if the landlord Lu). i 8? mammadg m; Kmdag .. .f .. Shi?MOd A?izd 15608:! Koslowitz Linares Cruz White, Jr. McCabe Lasher Stabile Rivera, Chair Koslowize Pagan Wdrdeh Robinson Lasher Henry Rosado Stabile I Koslowixz, Chair Spigner Dear Freed Sabinz? Watkins Weiner Lasher Millard QQEIMQLE . . Eldridge, Choir Fisher Freed Powell Warden Watkins White, Jr. Malav?~D?ldrz Millard 513273-3134 0.335119% 0 ?Dorzo van DiBrz?enza Eldridge isher Powell 7 Ruiz, Jr. White, Jr. . Mala v?-Dildn Abel Wm Wooten, Chair Pinker: Foster . A Albanese - Harrison Linares Cm Mam/tall Smolle ?aw Bemzan, Chair Pinkett Spigner Foster Le?ler Michele: Eivlarzd Dear - 0 ?Dorzo var: fr: 9! We Dz?Brienza, ?Clzaz?r Rivera Eldredge Koslowilz Duane - Linares Clarke . Hem anilzerze . (Evg?mmemgl Qgerg?gmg Pt'rzkem Cm; . Harrison .. ?Rieera Pager: R2223, ~.1392. O. Salem ??22:th Robiesorz Erzktog?" William, .Povman? :Wooterz Robles Handsets Rivera. Fields Clarke . FMSCO . I A - . WWM Spigner, Chair? . Micliels Williams .. . Lirzares Pagan . 7? Marshal; HMalav?fDildn .Roszzdo 033.51.76er Ila/L Tom: fm: 3? 3 fut g/er?y? fax?!? 737.4%- Alli-2517? ?rm/U mam/z, 3? Wm. ., Fla/a: 1/5 (Fill/i ,m?i?iw (11:41me 23: A A 9 I n; . . . .4. .\pt intw AL. l?v .IC ni 121?}? 9 v1 i. . Ef?i? . I: .. ??Avri; 2&3 \Ip Islirllil ll ?$435.11. 7, .u 222: qumww 9% 3.. ?Absra?om zip, DU Q3535: 73 st. 5:2. 3 EL. 4,31. . 4 3.1.. . a g. . .sJWuud?qhmiJ but?l?nwmw?xj~?mgg?t?av?mmj a: L, a I. 1 x314; f. nundi?wiw salamth .51.. :5 1 ,Afl qty, urkxl . a. . 5m: 53 media ?we . it?ll v: .53. 5s 3:1: 5 @x $99?wa R?x \fm?w WKSAJJ an)? 4 knan?wmu?xx \h?mxa as?. t. 1.23119 ?a I lgu.em.m(? A . a ?Fair: '1521:32.; it"?ixl Vig?h)?; ?In. 1 Uuwhwvat\vv p-ixd?iw?? iv? A, I I wag.47: . .. . ?i r, af?rugwl ?If? '5 M- .. .. um 4.33awn?. "av -..1wan1.34%, Mum'57 5'3, w? 3 rs.? a ,?z-fggjii?f? 311,; . .V {19, ., m3 {333.334 is 1334'5 Wimw ?i 'w ?my Wan-pr we ?as - mi) . (wrmu? x; m_ a gligagia?' _g Qt Mgregav ?yam: 13? ??wzam Avtwux :?mt?wa Gk?'rin may Ban? 51%? FAR . 4g?ga?? I. 3* QMQQIK as {may 31f?. FM an cur utwawn Wu?? ?v.5 13mm 9. ?5 um}! .WERFD WA mx AM.) 31? RAMQ I it; ?rst? mm on? Yak, Vim-k Mt, Pamwgswas? ?gmmb an @595 my. gm As 3m aim-21mm may Cmm? is 1mm am ?magma ptm?ig?im ?an mm ?emgzma has wevas?m is immiubm wwmkablc w? Maya {mam has obiccacd to 121:3 ewe (sf wavis?m aim mum was, in Albany; and mm again}; appazm (bat cxwmim as!? gamma by my City Cemwca? ??rst: Maw-cm is" mummy sham s?nc? the Cmm?i? ?ant ?is ma?a-r mxzm?iw ram Rm?? Ma?h 18m and win on Momma March ?ll-m The. ?ame-:2; Rm: (Imam i?d Rm: Regisaatim ?pins Math 315: For this reason. time is; Mamie: When :his pay; Kent Suhaiizatiam and Rem Comm! iaws were exsende? For a period of 4 gun by ?aw: state ?cgisiamte, sweat which ?34;on Giuliani ob?wtd to was adopted. Linda: that cavcag wh?ch bad rent sasxhi??izwqm or tea! contro?ed mommy rsntals in ??533 0f PM naanahQMM: bec?f?t vacancy deconlm?cd In addition, if the aggregate 363;:st ?rms lnmme of an af?x: ectupams 0f such apartments for two successive years is ?at morn; the-.1 the apanmcm becomes at we end 01? the current {33min the case of Kent stabitized tenants, and after a ?xed number aid-(139' in the case 91? ma: cank?lled tenants 1? ?Wm We" Va?ane?s Chief of Stan?. :oseph Sax-35mg. Ra? the (Tin Cmmvil tor?becomc President of the. Rent Saabi?iza?ma Aschiation. He immediately *Md??fds ?0 both, Peter Valiant: and Archie SPi-g?ef. me Chairman of the Housing and Buildings. committee 0f CW Cox-inc? (See. Daiiy? Nevis article cf March 151% anacbed) 5 1M mum: haw prwisim with}: gammy. swag; 3? Wm?i'??m 1- 9 9f in 11%; a5 1 ?m?ixz? r. in mind? it: Cit} I at?amd lg '31 ?id of mg (?was des?m ?qu cm in: M4531: aha: this; .apanama muted. a; by . a! Emmy?3:1? sq aw.? - an? mm? ctr/"Mm cam Mat?zih 331% anti 911m tars. mils: mama-:1: imam! kw {mam Maw 3 a! ?12 as swim a: 29m: amnmp?iwhed pmmg?that Mmm?ng a mummy: arm he M?s; wit?! its. 43m Mamin In 522%; mm mam Mi? wm?y on, (?Ely Cmmril, and Era (Bank; micm?m it: 113', ?cg?smi?m .511? am which mm mac-?c?' glue mac Wm?: ~31; wading a at {baa law and mm Wm and Paul A 3s ?ve may; pmb?m? Whig}: mg: adapting: ?afthis kgi?a?igm by the: City (Smack this; letter the mama {mm which i have r?cfc?td wig! gravid: ant Mayor w?th Mmimt amnmn?t?im {0 25109 a ?data? being in?icted 11an the peupf: this Chg; Thanking yam a??muce fax any 14st that 3m: can grand: in. th?s area, I remain 37:73 STANLEY DIAMOND Schf'i?? Wiisoh,? chxa?r?C'nt' 'X;n?;cstigat?ion Crazy, C?mpration Counsel emu, Musk; ?12 3533f TO new?. 2L Housing Cammimc win new 311% a 135;: mama of fax Wham (Emmi? 3: Cm- Hm at of mmhem m? in City; Come? an. mman was mm W?s! Md mm ?aws): mmn?a; ammdmems. emamzm a! a . Talk a Rm a! mm was. ah: Cwm? am. (Imam an V?fmm?m pWR?hiy him swam! IN FRO 2213.. but is 12mm 5709 - by Ewing Cemmigm chaimm Azchi: 35mm (managing mes) {waaiwxzommw 9! Guam). amends 221: Ram Um ywx, Biz: bi?a?so capmds {he ??iuxmy deg-Lama; by {Ba?m mm?: 31%; sm??y remixed 1 mm of SAW 0-: higher befcre 1993 ?Isubfmma Emmy amm?u Spigm?gn?hcm mu sepals this a? 1993 Bimim?s?nn my that ruckus} :7 mama rem a: m: the Image! Thus mm ma?me will sub?:c& to vacancy decanaml. and me amass 05"? will have 10 m: ?can 13 annual ceni?cmon and men face waxing! if 1M3: is about: the foz'decomml. addition to the maxim- ?lt??d?i?t 9f the bin, it set: another damag?ng politica! madcap-aha: ?n to get the rm: EMS ?for another kw yws. have to give somcahing up Tm March 10 public begin of the. Ciay COunzii?s Reusing awe mamas Committee was domimmd by sum-ems about man i9; law imam: icsing their ,bui?dixags. Wh?i is Va?om?s soiutvi?m'? A bin which hcips 0:113 land?erds of Emu: buildings! This is ind)? the ?Luxury Assinance Ad of 1994.? Your; COUNCIL 3mm) urmamxm'rs BY STANDING it?s up to ynu to make sure that your representative. does no: sell? cm tenants! What You can) Tue-gm?: a; FAX or Councilimman. Insis: (ha! ycut I . wegkcning of 'rcm?rcgufations. nomau?er how much. i f, 66? your {Tic?nd? and ncigth-rs to 4233113150. . 1!?hphS?; off-289639 ,Del?abd :83: he. make a" whim; in {him ?Vtc; mix Tcitphonc; (2 12 7138. 3000? i99~17~9a THU 12:3? castLE co. xzaa$zsae2a ??sw?my,? g; x! Seth?s ling? '31 {4"99?3; ?Mm fay-1.. (?41:43 i i532 gm 2 wig-2mg: iiuf'??fg?? 3 ?1393: ?1.91m? 'fo'?d agitafi?s?; fax This, f! auf?zmg {Mm Us 2m; mm. spar?! E) 8.09mi?? "frfgumi bu? aw;- m: "was ?mi . ??ns ?ding?! treat". A Eng hardship {we ?rst of fonts wonkzn'x be my?; 6 {Mme H: 5 (in, able :0 affng fak- market rents mil! =3 mm me'?rm 9mg?? ?n??gv rm. MW ?we; wait r-egmamm Exthen; in if)? 59m! 5955? ?ip ?3 M3 r1 4mm ?aming We? mam? .14?15311 9' 31?? [wank d?h ?1 4 'uilv 1, f? z? (V n~ L'g'v . s? 3515 n31; kn Mega! Km :23 mask (5 u" 9? mm- Wnsi? ?9px;. t' $1339 haw U) {him ?1 1; n?iuhawmum: ?mama: is to in dam: to 901' a. UHF Us. er hm ??35 15?? da?959n? in? an"? Hmm?mg h: gm 1 Hum; ,d ?ght midi}; dinerent?. him. Counruxrmn i! a? Archie Housing and Buudmgs Con? (my. em?? udnfu Intro. 220 would the city's rent n, m: ?ow Mi muoniawsumu Arm: 1, 1997 tut orautd bogus my? a mine (w a to move luxury apartments out {tom under mm 8'1? the city?s rentstab?izauon regs Eg? - ?m The Queens bi}! wnul?d work in ex ?.531 rm}. nubihuw ?mum dumb-TI. pen wWyaM 24 waewx ?2 an? mm mm nun. door on city rent-r my expat Ssmamng The hm is eminently reasonabie. No one . f" should be subsidizing wen-heeled-tenama a? ., w? .. m: c? :22? a one of two ways; After April 2. apartments 5 1 gm he (him go renting [at $2.000 or mere would be domw a 5 3m var} arm ma: trailed Once the currmt tenant 1m But ?the ?me um. iahmm?. an; mom? tenants earned more than $250,000 a year . gs hm on 1110 Sum of mm (rm- earth, of the last two years, the apartments a. can: Va?iwould be decontroned after the iease divs? win-Mick pan. as I As taxi-rent [swam