(?urui'ftji u; AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION. METROPOLIS 3 UNION SQUARE NEW YORK CITY . "'51 (r 4/18/40 Dear Thurgo 0d - the St? Louis PoStw?ispatch The attaehed is frdm' Tt was sent by one.of bur for Monday, April 15th. friends. Rbger Baldwin (?Tf?j IRECTOR ERNEST or the Illinois Insurance Department has called upon all companies writing automobile in- surance to ?create some pooling arrange- ment? that will provide insurance tor owners and drivewwhom the companies individual- Ietdiecriminate against. Discussing the situation to which Mr. Palmer refers,- til states that ?the at nice generally-Jo?th risks tor public liability and pro arty damn- As the news aper says, astounding piece o_ news 0 . *truck drivers end operators of their own cars, and it any statistics have ever been offered to sustain a charge that these Negroe tail below the general standard of competence and trustworthiness of operators, they have not been widely publicized. In?taot. there is reason to believe that alleged discrimi- nation against them is wholly unwarranted. The public as well as the Negro driveris directly concerned in the issue. iany person who is eligible for a driver's license ought to . Why the Color Line Automobile Insurance? Louie Popt-Dispatch 4W fago insurance.? this information iguana doubt, home as an From the Springfield (Mesa) Republican. be eligible for insurance. If he is a "had risk? for an insurance company, he in a "bad risk" so a licensee. One advantage at the Massachusetts automobile insurance law .?ian adaptation of which is now be- fore the New York Legislature) is that it provides against ,the anomaly or licensed drivers who can?t obtain insurance.- While insurance companies operating under the .Maasachusetts law try to limit the number 0! ?bad risks" among their insured,- some- times by arbitrary diecrlmination, there is a State board to which cases may be ap- pealed on their merits. The Illinois proposal of a pooling arrange- ment of companies to take care of the undeairahlee is included. in substance, in the New York hill. But whatever is done about it, drawing the color line ought by no means to continue. 3 NOT ON SCHEDULE. From the Memphis commercial Appeal. We protest against stories or a plan to kidnap young Judy Garland of the movies.? She is supposed to have $35,000 worth of a imitate Jewelry ?stolen tram. her first. inherited Hoppe and his mastery gage when Hughie Jennings and ee were leading tea to'the world-jg when Lerned boati- his we" Jim Jettrice was invincible. Hep: :?en his ?rst chainpionehip in 19le when.'h just 18, and they called him "the bid Wonder." He has never stopped 0111. and at an age when-hie 'dere are only names .in yellowing recorder: dazzles the sports world with perform has that not even that old master, Ho?ppo of 1910 and 1920. could ONE AND Bromine all: Oklahoman. Vii four years someone alga out? an old" ying that business will not be so good cure it is election year?. It's just one of, use things that are repeated be. cause I are repeated, even though the? facts figures show the reverse is truethe century. only two electlo: nd mzo?showed a predo trend. Four were gener ed slight down- ward and upward - ?tter part. 30 the to - - utes the old superstition. I - ?r WT.- tiff-J April 19, 1949? a Mr. Roger Baldwin American Civil Liberties Union 31 Union Samara West A York, Ya Dear Roger: Thanks for the clipp.ng Post~Dia'atoh obnoerning.th?gh 'Ugrqea;lY?qut?mobile have been wopxing on thiajp?oblh? an? that thquraotice. refusing ih??ranca to Nbgraos_1a grpwing ra?ncr than di?ini??i?g. It in agdiffioult problem ta; angle praptically impossible t0 work?out a gaggp page because the gnsurance is usually refugedio? acme technical egound, 5* ?an V1. Travulh?ybreruggd me automobila'inauranoe some time agd End?When We starte? On the case we found that the refusal was on th& basis ar tna_ruot that I live in a ?congestad araa?. meaning Harlem,?and "not" becaQSe I am a Nhgro. We have had?quite a bit with Lieutenant~60vernor charlaa Polepti and ?g past a cbnforence far acme time in the near~future with State officials and the leading Insuranoa companies on question. - I . Sincerely yours, Thurgood Marshall - Special Counsel .