o5 97 ,u RENT STABILIZATION ASSOCIATION OF INC. 1500 Broadway . New York, NY 10036 John J. Gilbert, (212) 9444706 President May 25, 1993 Hon. Mario M. Cuomo Governor of New York Executive Chambers Albany, NY 12224 Dear Governor Cuomo: The rental housing industry in New York is struggling to survive. The crisis faced by the owners of rental property will affect virtually every New York State resident, directly or indirectly. Enclosed is a video featuring the real owners of New York?s; houeing and a few of the people who can save it. You have a. role to play in Saving our housing stock. I urge you to take a few minutes to View the Video and use it to guide you for the balance of this legislative session. John J. Gilbert, t/ #66322 Eiviaion of Housing aad Community Renewal Dennis J. Saffran (718) 563~5835 October 12, 1993 PRQPO ED DRAFT THE EXECUTIVE CEAMBER John J. Gilbert, President Rent Stabilization Association of N.Y.C., Inc. 1500 Broadway New York, New York 10036 Dear Mr Gilbert: H"loheekwyemw&ee your letter and videotape awappreoiate your Werewsw on 'the? subject sea? a estate Nondestry As i week sure you are aware, the recently enacted. Rent Regulation Reform.Act provides for "high rent" vacancy decontrol of units renting for $2,000.00 or more per month, and "high income" deoontrol of such units where they are occupied by households with incomes o? $250,000.00 or more. The new law also significantly reduces an owner? 8 exposure to penalties for failure to register, or; of the cost of guarantees an owner a rent increase ofao individual apartment improvements made on vacancy or with tenant consent, ensures that cooperative and condominium units outside New York City will not be regulated when rented to new tenants, and establishes a joint legislative study?group to examine many aspects of rent regulation with the View towards future reforms. While it may not be a panacea for all the perceived ills of "?tq?w rent regulation,we believe the new law addresses many of your concerns. Sincerely, wWeml Daar Gilbert: Govarnor Gnome has asked me to resgond to your letter and videotape. As we are sure you are aware, tha recently enacted Rant Regulation Reform Act provides for ?high rent" vacancy decontrol of units renting for $2,000 or more per month, and "high income" of such units whare they are occupied by householda with incomea of $250,000 or more. The new law also significantly reduces an owner?s exposure to penalties for failure to register, guarantees an owner a rent increase of 1/40 of the cost of individual apartment improvemants made on vacancy or with tenant ccnsent, engures that cocperative and con?ominium units outside ?ew York City will not be regulated when rented to new tenants,, and establishes a joint legislative study group to examine many aspecta of rent regulation with the View towards future reforms. While it may not be a panacea for all the perceived ills of rent regulatian, we believe the new law addresses many of your concerns. Sincerely, Mr. John J. Gilbert President Rent Stabilization As$aciaticn of New York City, Inc. 1500 Breadway New Yerk, New York 10036 cc: Commissioner Donald Halperin, Division of Housing Files (2) DHCR