This letter was received and stamped on the date shown top right. The judge sending the letter just four days prior, had typed 2011 instead of 2012 in the date. 1 Racine County union Services Department MEMORANDUM . TO: - The Honorable Richard Kreul . - Juvenile Court, Branch FROM: Dan Dragic Racine County Human Services Department DATE: ?February 8, 2012 . RE: o'n Honorable Richard Kreul round delinquent for Take and party, an Credit Card Fraudulent Use. Drive Vehicle without Consent Theft Movable Pro The court placed? at Lincoln Hills School (LHS) for a, period of one year. The . current dlspositiona or er is set to expire 11/21/12. Prior to his lacement at LHS, all parties stipulated forq to be placed into the ACE Program. failed the ACE .Program, and as a resu was placed at LHS. On 1/17/12, this worker received a notification of institution conduct rule hearing and . noti?cation of institution conduct rule violation from LHS. The conduct rule violation indicated that - was transferred to security on 1/14/12 for ?disruptive behavior and property damage or alteration." The conduct rule hearing indicated that- Was found guilty of these offenses, placed in security, and would be returned to his parent cottage on 1/20/12. On 1/17/12, this worker contacted LHS social worker Doug Ponzer asking for speci?c information pertaining to this violation. Ponzer indicated that he would look into this and get back to this worker. On 1/19/12, the Department had not received any written information pertaining to this incident. Worker again centacted Doug PonZer, who indicated that he would bring this matter to his supervisor?s attention, Renee Krueger. Subsequently, Ponzer called this worker and indicated that the Department would receive written documentation regarding this matter from LHS by the end of the business day. On 1/25/ 12 ACE staff Annette Dis'ardln received a letter from It should be noted that and were both laced in ACE Program at the same time and currently at LHS. The letter from indicated that a former ACE participant was sexually assaulted at LHS. is wor er and Disjardin were able to determine that the individual that_ was alleging to have been sexually assaulted was I 71 7 Tayior A venue a Racine, WI 53403-2497 0 Tel: 262-638-6353 0 Fax: 262438-6819 209 North Main Some! 0 Burlington, WI 53105-15 76 I 79!: 262-767-2900 0 Fax: 262-767-2949 .. umu?ua- allegation is that Memorandum RE: On 1/25/12, this worker contacted Doug Ponzer once again requesting information pertaining to the violations and if LHS was aware of any Racine youth being a _victim of sexual assault. Ponzer indicated that he would forward this worker?s request to his supervisor, Renee Krueger. On 2/1/12, the Department had not received any written or verbal communication'pertalning to either incident at LHS. On 2/1/12, worker Contacted LHS Deputy Superintendent John Ourada. Deputy Superintendent Ourada indicated he would fax this worker documentation . that the De artment had requested. Deputy Superintendent Ourada. indicated he was aware that had been sexually assaulted and was very surprised that the Department was not notified of this matter. On 2/1/12, worker received a fax from LHS regarding the alie ed sexual assault. The roommate had obtained home address and The youth requested that perform oral sex on him and if that refuse the youth indicated that he wou sen is friends to? harm 5 family. The re ort indicates that did perform oral sex on the youth and that the ot er youth hit with a closed fist in the rib area and the back of the head. The report further states that stated he Was dizzy and semi~conscious as a result of the assault. The LHS report also stated that reported being unconscious for about an hour. The report indicates that this incident took place on 1/13/12 at 4 pm. The report further indicates that LHS took to the emergency room for a SANE exam. According to the report, the Lincoln County Sheriff?s Department was notified by the emergency room at 10:30 pm. was blackmailin This worker informed Division Manager Kerry Milkie and Supervisor Glenn Larson of this matter on 2/1/12. Worker did contact Deputy Superintendent Ourada expressing the Department?s grave concerns as to how LHS handled this matter. At the time, Deputy SUperi?ntendent Ourada indicated he had no explanation as to why LHS staff handled the situation in this manner. Worker further questioned why it took LHS staff 3 hours for- to obtain medical treatment. Worker further asked why LHS staff waited until the completion of an LHS basketball game to seek medical treatment for- Again, Deputy Superintendent Ourada could not provide a viable explanation. Worker also questioned why was placed in security on 1/14/12 due to disru tlve behavior. Deputy Superinten ent Ourada indicated this was most likely for is own safety or the safety of LHS staff. Worker indicated that a person who has been a victim of sexual assault typically either withdraws or acts out in an aggressive manner. Accordin to the 2/1/12 fax the Department received from Deputy Superintendent Ourada was told by Deputy Superintendent Ourada that if he needed anything, that should ask to speak to the Deputy Superintendent or the Superintendent. According to report on 1/ 14/ 12, did request to speak to the Sliperintendent. His request was denied by LHS staff and was placed into security. Deputy Superintendent Ourada had no response to this information. On 2/1/12, worker spoke with LHS isicholoiist Dr. Paul Hesse regarding a evaluation he had completed on for treatment purposes. Worker questioned Dr. Hesse as to when the evaluation was con ucted. Dr. Hesse indicated that it had taken place before was physically/sexually assauited. Dr. Hesse stated he had something to tell this worker off the record." Dr. Hesse informed this worker that he had spoken with a female staff of LHS shortl after was assaulted. The female staff, according to Dr. Hesse, indicated that# was ?a willing participant who became an unwilling participant.? Dr. Hesse stated at it was highly unusual for any sexual assault to occur of youth placed at LHS. Worker asked Dr. Hesse why LHS waited 3 hours to obtain medical treatment for Dr. Hesse stated that there was a basketball game taking place at LHS. Dr. Hesse stated at . Memorandum RE: basketball is a ?big deal? at LHS. Dr. Hesse also stated, ?Dan, what did you want us to do, stop the game?? At that point worker ended the conversation With Dr. Hess and then left a . message for Deputy Superintendent Ourada expressing the Department's grave concerns regarding Dr. Hesse?s comments. - On 2/2/12, this worker obtained the Lincoln County Sheriff?s" Department report case number 12?755. In this report, Deputy Joshua Warren states that the incident was reported . to LHS staff at 4 pm on 1/13/12 and that their sheriff's department was not notified until almost 10:30 pm when the hospital called to notify the?sheriff?s department of the alleged assault. Deputy Warren's reports further states that LHS nevervdirectly notified the LCSD. . On 2/2/12, this worker had a conference call with Deputy Superintendent 'John Ourada and LHS Deputy Paul Westerhaus. Again, this worker expressed the Department?s concerns and -, frustration as to. how. this incident was handled. The Department further questioned how LHS was o-ing. to adequately supervise, provide services, and address sa?ety not only of t! but all Racine County youth? Worker indicated to bath parties that if an allegation ike is arose in a group home or a residential treatment facility, the Racine County Human Services Department would have immediately removed all of the children due to safety reasons. Worker also expressed dismay that according to LHS staff never made a report to the Lincoln?County CPS Department as mandated by law. Worker further expressed the De artment?s concerns with Dr. Hesse's comments and his minimizing the seriousness of this incident. Both Ourada and Westerhaus indicated that they would be looking into this matter and get back to this worker. - On 2/2/12, this worker received a phone call from Margaret C. Carpenter State of Wisconsin Department of Corrections Division of Juvenile Corrections Administrator. Ms. Carpenter stated that she was appalled as "to how this matter was handled by LHS. Ms. Carpenter stated that she was taking full responsibility and would be conducting an independent investigation regarding this matter. Worker informed Ms. Carpenter of the Department's concerns with LHS and the safety of Racine?s youth in placement. This worker also stated had this incident taken place at a group home or CCI, the Department would have removed all Racine youth immediately from that facility. Worker also informed Ms. Carpenter that the Department was never notified of this incident and that LHS never contacted Lincoln County CPS. WOrker also expressed the Department?s dismay over Dr. Hesse's comments. Ms. Carpenter indicated that her office would look into this matter and keep the Department informed. Kerry Milkie, Manager of the Youth and Family Division also had a conversation with Ms. Carpenter and reiterated the department's concerns. If you have further questions or concerns please contact me at 638-6490. Cc: District Attorney?sOfflce Jonathan Delagrave, Director, Kerry Milkie, Manager, Glenn Larson, Supervisor, Margaret Carpenter, Administrator, DJOC