Tau are here: -. I . ISBN Du: Fret: Resecne eta Letterframa F'mate Gav?en Qegartl ng tee Easter. Earn cinge (U) ODNE Out Front: DNI Reapende te Letter frem a Private Citizen Regarding the Beaten Bombings 9.13:; 2:13 53-? {Llj A recent ietter {rent a canetituent :1 heat: tie. eupp?rting the [C's peait en en ch11 themes. Elicia an the images aelar: reaa' the iettera rial thee "ihli' t: reapenae Lane from a ENE Camera J'Itn All New Digital Magazine Multimedia Features Easy-te-Ehare Steriea Open Cemment E. SUBSCRIBE TCI THE a 1- .I -. . teeubecnbe it: real?time deEl-tEE ia the EDD-HI Intercept RSS feed. . -. -. . and sub-auntie la the nee-e feed tram the specific fntercept section at the Center ef :r'stereet to you? SEARCH T. ENTERCEFT Beaten this website 3t RESOURCES I . 3? 20E 7E): Dirac-Lav 31 R. CtifF?h? '2 7043 926 [30149.7 Er"? Nwl'li??arlx 3.3.1415]! iE?ff??' 15?5- Dr: 3105:? Dilr??lvr? Ciayyur; MA: dingy/r439 It: ?95/ 76;; ??wd 744:5? 74ft.- 1? {7?1 ?5 ?T-r?irnr/ 5P m; 54) ?43m?) 731; 141;:- M?s? mf 9435a 'C/m?zz?afgw??a Lari gag sway?w; 32:; Ma! ?g pkg-H- Am am 74h fag/a4 gaff/5'5- v51? S'G?fc?. f?g?d?d??w?f (95:11:11; End Mm Em; .24: ?aws/:5. p/rr? 4% Jam a ?g {Emmy/{cl 6-174 I?'te? Sta-mt: bag as) (?713: g?w ef/t if ?r?f?wd! Wt; aim arr-+- W45. mxa?wf? #:5911111, 5pc?? Ania/? (Hg cl- ?ag/t. Mm +25 5% m?y; ?zz? max ?g 74? graf?ti-e? Sin-#11: H??y?y?s?n :31 \g?ine: a'??jrra? {mi @5191 72:: .322? Ala-5 745; 5515-! g0 rig 2495 3:54: My gray/(a. 14745:: ?mc? W?k?a. {gr ?mfg" grim 11?qu J96 3'5wa an 3:3 431:: WE SO 9009+ ?t?cu. . "If ?Ml 2/9 i3 MRECIDR 0F NATIGNAL - J. (:m?Jr Aka? JAM MW Math; \[Dw \r 52 MA he Emsig ?ag MfrWSJ N23 hill/x) era WW I Km) W?vrh MJAJ Jm if . '1 7 Clappcr?s rcspense Filed Under: ASK THE DNI, ?ght} With: gig, 137-23?? . Comments . - .lr-g . i . Wermy says: Classificatien: UNCLASSIFIED Dear? Like Directer Clapper, I tee appreciate that yeu recegniae the fact that it is impessiblc te defend against these kinds efattacks given the restrictiens placed an America?s security ferces and the freedem and range ef targets enjeycd by the attackers. That being said, denit be tee quick te release yeur freedems and ?rights? in the name ef security, Fer twe majer rcasens that 1 can think ef: First, ridding ef certain rights, such as these eutlined by the 4th amendment, wiil nbsehrt?efy net guarantee eur security er frcedem rem attack. Tcrrerists eperate with tremendeus lethality in ccuntries where pceple enj ey ne such rights and freedems. Yeuire net geing te get what yeu pay fer. Secend, always be careful abeut surrendering rights. Histery shews that denit have a great track recerd ef giying them back encc they take them. Yen may think yeur geyermnent is different, but thatis just a perceptien created by the fact that the American peeple have feught teeth and nail te see that their rights are pretected. 'I'hc Censtitutien and the Bill cf Rights have survived fer centuries, defended by ceurageus man and wemen beth in the armed ferces, in yarieus civil rights meyements, and just indiyiduai citiaens standing up fer themselves and ethers. They have made incredible sacri?ces and endured tremendeus hardships te pass these sacred rights dewn te yeu. De yeu want te be part ef the generatien that threw it all cut because because a greup eflslamic radicals is pesing a threat te yea that statistically deesnit eyen ceme clese tn the threat pesed te yeu by lightening? ?y?ery Truly Years, Wermy _sars= Classi?catien: UNCLASSIFIED Well said! ?Well, dnetnrt what have we get? a republie er a He [Ben Franklin] replied: republic ifynu can keep it." I?d kinda like tat Classi?eatien: UNCLASSIFIEDNFOUU 1 think it was far 131?? Clapper tn respond in a way that indicates he agrees with the premise at" the writer?s letter, namely that gavernment expand its {leniestie ?watehing? and the peaple must give an ?same ?rights' in the interest ef the greater gee-LL" The head at" the US I ntelli genee Community?the business of whieh is Fereign intelligenee?shnuld net be taking sides an matters ef demestie intelligenee paliey.