APPOINTMENT, ALLOCATION OR PROMOTION APPEAL FORM City Civil Service 1340 Poydras Street -- Suite 900 New Orleans, LA 70112 ADDRES DEPARTMENT Public Works CURRENT JOB CLASS: Parkina Section SuDen/isor (formerl known as Parkinct Supervisor ll) PLEASE IDENTIFY THE APPOINTMENT, ALLOCATION 0R PROMOTION YOU WERE DENIED: 7 ParkiflgDil/ision Manaqer (formerl known as Parking Section Manager) DATE OF DENIAL December 4. 2015 LIST ANY ADDITIONAL DETAILS YOU BELIEVE ARE RELEVANT: The outcomes at these promotions were determined betore the tab was posted The 2 candidates selected, Katrina Craft and Detrsia oraytcn, are far less experienced, have a history at disciplinary actions and bad moral character (See attachment ii 1) his own admisslon, DPW's Appolnlirlg Aulhority stated that the selection of these less qualiheri candidates were based upon his own personal preterences; which makes the entire process subjectlve and tainted, have filed complaints and grievances against Mr. Jemlgan, HR Manager, Ms. Llnda Copeland and Ms oraytori that remain unresolved. (See attachment The entire selection process was discriminatory due to Mr, Jemlgan and Ms. Copeland's onqolrlq actions or harassment and retaliation aqainst me which is a Violation ot cs Rule lt: Section 10.1. In addition, the toltcwing cs Rules were violated: Rule v: Section 2.5; Section 7.1(k) and Rule Vt, Sectlon 6.1. An immediate investigation lnIO this matter mus! be Continued so tha' curredive actan can be taken \0 remedy this unlair and corrupt selection process. PLEASE ATTACH ANY LETTER 0R DOCUMENT THAT SUPPORTS YOUR APPEAL SEE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CSD: DOCKET CAD: SCHEDULED: H.E. CR, WEE Vi - APPEAES PROM APPOENTMENTS, ALEOCA EEONS AND PROMOTIONS Section 6.1 . HEARINGS ON APPEALS FROM APPOINTMENTS, ALLOCATIONS AND PROMOTIONS If any quali?ed candidate or employee, Whose name appears on a veri?ed appointment or promotional list, believes that his appointment, allocation or promotion has been improperly denied, he may protest the denial of such by presenting such forms or documents as the Director may prescribe. The Director, or any person designated by him, may hold special hearings to determine the facts of each case and the Director shall make his decision on the basis of the written statements and forms presented by the employee and on the facts brought out in the hearing. The employee shall have the right to appeal to the Commission if dissatis?ed with the action of the Director. (Section 6.1 adopted August 25, 2014, effective September 1, 20141? DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF NEW ORLEANS December4, 2015 Dear Sheriday Thank you forapplying forthe position of Parking Division Managerwith the Department afPuhli'c Works. it was a pieasura meering with you to discuss yourskills and experience and vuuraspiralions for (he Parking Division. Your interestand dedication to DPW is yery much appreciated. Although we were impressed with your sles and experience, another candidate has been selected that more clnsely marches the position. However, YOU will certaian be considered forall future promotional opportunities. Again, thank you for yuurtime and interest in the future urtne Department of Public Works. Sincerely, Mark D. Jernigan, P, ., TC (Net) Direuar 13m) PERDIDO STREET i SUITE swo: i NEW ORLEANS. LOUXSIANA i 70112 PHONE sumssexnomnx sousxvnom Sherida M. Emery smeme nola ov Abi ies/Sgecial i Communication and interpersonal skills: ability to clearly communicate with superiors. staff. colleagues, and the general public in verbal and written iorm. Proficient knowledge of computer operations and technical functions. ie Microsoft Office. back office operating systems and many other workeielated technologies. Management and Leadership Skills: time management. delegation. strategic and critical thinking. Team Building and Relational skills: good customer service/interactions with the public. outstanding intergovernmental relationships (DPW Administration Hearing Center. Mayors Office. City (Pguncil and other outside city agencies) Emgloyment Histom Parking Supervisor II I Operations Supervisor 08/2015 - Current Department of Public Works/Parking Division immediate supervision of field and otnce stall at Almonaster Auto Pound and the overall operations. otzejrsees the vehicle auctions held on the yard. Respond to complaints on subordinates or damaged vehicles. Assist NOPD with abandon vehicle sweeps Manages staffs time in ADP weekly. Parking Supervisor ii I Operations Supervisor 01/2014 - 08/2015 Department of Public Works/Parking Division immediate supervision of Parking Supervisor rs and the Parking Division's overall operations, Attends Special Event meetings on behalf of the Parking Division. interacts with other entities/depanments to support special requests enforcement, Also supervise the Communications Unit. Meter Operations and RPP Unit Conduct interviews for potential Pco candidates. Investigate and resolve complaints torwarded to our office from the AHC. Mayors Office. City Council otfices and other city agencies. Provides a final disposition for all complaints. tickets written in error and voids Within the Parking Division by field staff Create special event reports pertaining to productivity. Respond to complaints on subordinates or citation issues. Attend meetings and interact daily vendors contracted by the city pertaining to Curb Management. Manages staffs time in ADP weekly. Parking Supervisor 08/2009 -- 01/2014 Department Public Works/Parking Division immediate supervision of Parking Control Officers/Sr. Parking Control othcers while in the iield. Supervised a Parking Division/NOPD Task Force compiled of Dtiicers who enforced neutral grounds and problematic areas. Attended Special Event meetings on oehait oi the Parking Division, interacted With other entities/departments to support special requests enforcement. Also supervised the Communications Office. the Meter Operations and the RPP Unit. Conducted interviews tor potential PCO candidates investigated and resolved complaints forwarded to our office trom the AHC. Mayor's Office. City Council Dfiices and other city agencies. Provided a final disposihon for all complaints. tickets written in error and voids within the Parking Division by field statf. Handled complaints routed to our office from the AHC regarding mobile paysby-pliune issues. Created special event reports penaining to productivity. Responded to and resolved complaints on subordinates or citation issued. Began Supervisor li training and acted in the position Sr. Parking Control Officer 11/2000 -- 08/2009 Department of Public Works/Parking Division and/or patrol in an assigned area entorcirig illegally parked vehicles. Assisted immediate supervisor With Squad drop ott/pick-up, secured proper equipment tor feiti coworkers for field duties. assisted with Office duties papenrvork, organizing store room. and delivering mail to city Hall). worked as Receptionist, assisted Oflice Assistant with daily ticket processing, crossed trained in Booting, Abandoned, Towing and Communications Units. Supervisor 1 training in the field and acted in the position. Parking Control Officer 10/31/1999 -- 11/2000 Department of Public Works/Parking Division Patrolled an assigned area daily Within the City of New Orleans to enforce illegally parked vehicles. Educa?on Xavier University. Preparatory High School 1988 1992 High School Diploma City Of New Orleans Civil Service Courses 2003 - 2015 Certificates of Completion Also, began Grammarl ll, Business Mathematics, Basic Office Planning Organizing, Human Relations, Techniques Good Customer Service, Telephone Techniques, City Employment Orientation, Management Workplace Discipline, Prevent Sexual Harassment in Workplace introduction to Supervision, Effective People Skills, Understanding City Government Courses 2015 Certificates of Completion Leadership and Management for People, How To Supervise Peeple, Managing Emotions Under Pressure, Supervisory 101, Emergenetics Training, Con?ict Management, Giving and Receiving Feedback and How to Successfully Make the Transition to Supervisor References Available Upon Request I rm WI ATTACHMENT 1 Ur rustle wonky CITY OF NEW ORLEANS September 26' 2'0 ii Via Certified Us Mail Item Na: 7001 1940 0000 4602 0233 Re: Notice ot'rwenty Day Suspension Without Pay Dear Ms. Crafl: This letter is to give you formal notice that you are being placed on a twenty (20) calendar day suspension, without pay, beginning on September 30, 2013 and continuing through Saturday, October 19, 2013. You are to return to Work on Sunday, October 20. 2013, or the next scheduled workday thereafter, unless you receive written notice otherwise, prior to your soheduled return date, This suspension is being issued because of your violation of department policies and rules and City polices regarding appropriate workplace behavior, appropriate treatment of co-warkers and subordinates and appropriate use of work equipment) including phones during working hours, Specifically, you threatened a subordinate with violence, threatening to fight this subordinate and you made these inappropriate threats while you were on duty. You also posted inappropriate negative comments regarding this co--worker on social media, which comments included curse words, and showed those inappropriate postings to other coworkers while you were on duty. You also encouraged these co-workers to join you in making negative comments about this subordinate, their oo-worker, and you improperly encouraged these subordinates to violate the restrictions against accessing social media networks during working hours. Several subordinates from your orew reported additional inappropriate behavior by you and poor treatment of then-i by you, including making negative comments about these parking control officers and acting aggressively toward several subordinates during roll mils, which was witnessed by other employees. On Wednesday, August 14, 2013 a meeting was held to address these reports of your unprofessional behavior toward and treatment of the Parking Control Officers. in attendanoe were: Parking Administrator, Zepporiah A. Edmonds; Parking Section Manager, lorry L. Conner; Supervisor 11, Betty Solomon, Supervisor 1, Deiisia Crayton, Supervisor 1, Katrina Craa, and Parking Control Officers, Deishon Brown and Dominique Matthews. mu POVDRAS SUITE 3m ORLEANS, LOUISIANA 7nllz PHONE 504--650-8100] FAX O?icers Brown and Matthews requested this meeting with Ms. Edmonds because of the threats you made about ?ghting Matthews and because of your aggressive actions toward them during roll calls and derogatory statements made about them in front of witnesses. Of?cer Brown said, ?it?s very uncomfortable to work with Ms. Craft because she has those mood like one day she?s 0k and the next time she displays a snapping altitude toward you for no reason at al The most egregious behavior was a threat you made of physical violence against Of?cer Matthews. You instigated this unfortunate incident by accessing a social media network while on duty to Show other co-workers a negative statement you posted on Instagram, under a photograph Of?cer Matthews posted of herself and her son. The comment included foul language, and after showing your co?workers your comment, you began an exchange of messages with Of?cer Matthews, who was not on duty, which escalated to you making a threat to meet her to and to engage in physical violence. You denied that you instigated this exchange, or that you posted any inappropriate comments regarding Ms. Matthews, however your claims are contradicted by statements made by other co~workers who were present, who con?rmed that you initiated the conversation and pulled up the derogatory comment you posted to show them, all while you were on duty. Your threat of physical violence against a subordinate violates department polices and City policies regarding appropriate workplace behavior. These parking control of?cers reported other instances of you being aggressive toward them during roll call and making negative comments about them in ?ont of witnesses. Speci?cally, on more than one occasion during roll call, in handing out equipment, you have shoved equipment at certain of?cers or slammed the equipment on the table in front of them, almost breaking the equipment, and narrowly missing hitting their hands on the table. Of?cer Matthews stated that on one occasion you shoved the handheld computer at her and slammed the radio on the desk. Then on another occasion, you were issuing out the equipment in a calm manner until you approached the table where she and Of?cers K. Smith, K. Stephens and J. Robiho were sitting. According to Ms. Matthews, you ?slammed her radio down real. so hard that it could ?ve broken and almost smashed her and K. Smith ?ngers In addition to your violent outbursts, they also reported instances of derogatory comments made at their expense, in front of witnesses. They reported that on Friday, August 2, 2013 at approximately 5 pm. you and'some other supervisors were walking up to the elevators behind several parking control officers. According to Ms. Brown, you made a loud comment ?they smell like musty dogs,? and that you would not get on the elevator with them. At the August 14, 2013, meeting, you told Ms. Edmonds that you were commenting about a smell in the hallway and not directing your comment at the parking control of?cers. However, your claims that your comments were not directed at the parking control of?cers were contradicted by the statements provided by a number of witnesses, who con?rmed you made did make the comment, that it was a negative comment directed at the PC03 you were standing behind and that you did refuse to getgpn the elevator with ffth'ezm. These inappropriate actions by you toward co?workers and subordinates, while on duty, violate a number of department policies and rules regarding standard operating procedures and the Employees Code of Conduct, as well as City policies regarding appropriate workplace behavior, including but not limited to the following rules: Department of Public Works Parking Division Standard Operating Procedures, page 8 (Revised August 2001) Supervisor I"s are to fulfill their responsibility within the Parking Division by complying with the Parking Control Section ?s standard operating procedure and Section Manager?s directive, as well as all other applicable policies and procedures of the Parking Division, the Department of Public Works, and City of New Orleans. Department of Public Works Emplovees Handbook Code of Conduct, page 38 (Revised Mav 2003) are prohibited from immoral, indecent conduct and the use of foul language in clean, orderly, safe and healthy environment created within the City of New Orleans Public Works Department. Department of Public Works Parking Division Code of Conduct (Fights/Aitercations) (Revised: January 16, 2007) Disturbing the Peace. Any action, whether verbal or physical, perpetrated by a sta?? member which occurs in the worlmlace and IS disruptive and inappropriate in nature. Any action which is one with intent- to cause an abridgement of peace Loud outbursts, name calling, malicious gossip, or any other behavior which would induce con?ict Department of Public Works Parking Division Code of Conduct (Section 1) 14.0 - No employee shall engage in conduct unbecoming an employee of the Department or prejudicial to the best interest of or tending to bring into disrepute the Department or the City of New Orleans. Any violation of the following rules may be considered grounds for disciplinary action 14.] - No PCO or Supervisor Shall: 14.1:9 Permit subordinates to violate rules without reporting such violations 14.1 :20 - Fail to perform or improperly perform assigned duties. Public Works Parking Division Code of Conduct (Section 2) 15.0 Any violation of any of the provisions of this section shall constitute cause for fine, suspension or termination of employment. 15.1 :25 Create or induce any breach of peace while on duty. Ms. Craft, as Parking Control Supervisor 1, your duties include direct supervision of Parking Control Officers. As such, you are responsible for the enforcement of all parking regulations as established Within the Parking Division?s guidelines. Unfortunately, your behavior demonstrates a failure to supervise and failure to abide by the department?s policies regarding employees? code of conduct and the City?s policy on appropriate workplace behavior. You are hereby disciplined for your inappropriate actions, pursuant to Civil Service Rule 1X, Section 1.1, which provides: When an employee in the classified service is unable or unwilling to perform the duties of his/her position in a satisfactory manner, or has committed any act to the prejudice of the service, or has omitted to perform any act it was his/her duty to perform, or otherwise has become subject to corrective action, the appointing authority shall take action warranted by the circumstance to maintain the standards ofe??ective service. This suspension is not a ?nal disciplinary action, and the department reserves the right to issue further discipline, including demotion and/or termination. When you are suspended for a period of time, you must contact the CAO Hospitalization Office at 65 8?8615, to make arrangements to maintain hospitalization insurance payments as well as any other bene?ts you may have. These payments are not paid for by the City while you are on suspension without pay. You will lose those bene?ts if you do not arrange to pay for them yourself. As a Civil Service employee you may have the right to appeal this disciplinary action through the Civil Service Department, 1340 Poydras Street, Suite 900, New Orleans, 70112. However, your appeal must be. ?led within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of this correspondence. AP ROVED: . Jerry L. Obnner, Parking Section Manager PROVED: ax! EU: i3; @pdgihfl; A. Edmonds, Parkin?gAd-n?nrf strator Approved by: Mark D. Jernigan, P.E., Lt. Col. (Ret) Public Works De tor, via email Cc: Jorge A. Hernandez, arking Operations Specialist Betty Solomon, Supervisor II Public Works Human Resource Civil Service Flle i September 26, 2013 have reccived the original copy of the Sep?fe er wagon letter. I I Divisian Report 27:73:26: Iac?ezz: Siama?: 6 0 3 71/] $7173 Ended: (7 Date ofInci?ent: Empleym Invoked: ?Kinshasa (name, a?dmss <37: phage 7773:7377 077077777757 33259.? ?an of ?n who, What ,l-when, Where haw Qwv?m Loom 9370777 mm CL 72779417me 7? (2770777777 577173771 ..L 777777677 ?Pm/77m 77707777717707 774777 7D "7077/77 770775 WY: W7 07?) C77 m7/7107 711776., gnaw: 501.75 7,713 @0705 WW6 (77760 magma/7m 7. he 67a 77- a ?577??W7657r 7/1 7771777 77/72/77 6077 7767774377} 7777- 77032777747 77/77/17 777764797307 7772/7717 been" 77970 *9 (b :3 an): 1, rMMr?iq?LimHM 77474, ma?a/7 mu :7 was 607776777377 79177 747:; 73077 9737777773720777777 7717 773777779777 7? ?5 W7 a 1 - [77757777673 727772) 77/777577 7/7/77? 607} in Actisns taken by empiaye?s): Paiice Item Ne. (if app?ca?le): ?ixit?cktk??: I agme thatm ?Eagle-Eat 13 correc a 15.8 7383? of my kanw?adge regaa'dmg the maident desc-ri ed 3% Signamre: 33272: g? Ba?geNe; chi 91353.7 Description ofsitua?on so??nnach(MA. v.11, Mid? 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Ended: Date of Incident: AU QM 6+ C9 I, @013 Employees Involved: ?73mm (name, address phane 1323.}: ch?p?on of situation (who, Whag-when, Where, how X) A) 9r I ?nguai? A): Hwt'lr?g?ifhe Signed Opt-l? JVLLAAH $5.140me) mulseH-r wage be kind ?erm th ?Hw elemhms befofxe, Making}, 3+ +0 Oil??ggoms K-CQH ma?c SW?rf?mR ?SmeHs Li k6: Mucs'kip Dogs bL?- I?m {00+ Sake o; ?1 New . of +he PC7315 Rusweged +0 thwas and. when ?H?le EXeva?rm Open) me. (210% on bcH' .CKmar. Police Item Na. (if apylica?le): I agree that my statement is correct ta the has? 0f my knav?iadge regarding the incident (kegs? above. Signature: Mm W: ?3 $33? 332m: 8&0'73 BadgeNo; 553% idBG HUUMBS 1mm . UHMEUBB farking Divisian Statement Repert Time Ignitiemf Starte?: 2 gm Inci?mi' En?ied: 31.21,? Date of Incident: . Employees Invoked: 14*? Val/ml ?/af/?Oer 553 (name, address phone. mm}: IV Mmm/mjf Bacrip?on ofsitua?on {who What, when, where, how wlizv? - (m cm aim/11mm 0mm me. Nb (:34 war Ears Ma Kari/44 mdlasy?ot m? 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L0 who '1 ..- (?Ci/On \o ewe WW9 Actions taken by SOHO FAhEi?gg??m winm 3 Po?ee Item Na; (if appximm?): I agree that my statement - erred to the has: of my hawkdge regarding the Incident ?bed Signature: F6 ?2 353?; mgz?aie: Ba ueNo; - db 3?3; ?93 5:1. 55-3 1' idEU Bascr'wn?an of situation continues: (Show - 022, - . 333m: tans I) ?23m U305 3.1 I. v. 1 .- 7: ?fnoLn?YbQ?i' ?26130-9"? 60823 i-r . i - l'-h A: ?223) ,9 53,; a mm 3 \GJoad to the best of my knowledge regarding the I agree that my statement is correct insidem: dwcribed above. Sygna' tare: Date: Badge ?3 23V 22 22:2 2222 ?22322 22.3222 22. 22:2 l?arking Division Statement Report Time Iacideut Star-tee}: Ema En?ied: Date of Incident: - Employees Involved: I (name, address 51: phone 13526;, g! ?630 0 Egg 9g Hm; 3A QM Besczip?on of sninataon who, What, when, where, haw why): 3 (3 81293 f: a 5 3414? (la/{arm Kennwid {4361.5 "nq 605$ q?f?mo an 34x5 89,54)an (and. 83h ram [Oil i?l?tt/?spflyi%r)h47 [14:43 g?f?A?M? {ff/I 911:5 cm mm. are!? mar/1&7? :ng?in We ?41% . '1 IanS?_ I 4w gcx?owpq ,0 wear I (1?3ij 1 in]: Qua/#77131) (JV {:14 - (?xx Qh bff?j?? ?40611} ?491?" {Wax-14mg .an ?Erj Actions taken- by employee?s): Police Item Na. {if applicable): kirxith?x?kac I agree that state-meet is. correct 159 the bee? ef my knawiedge regarding the SignaMmL '7 . . Badge Na: #07 9* NEH 16.30 .u {idle-E} - *Mi??kkw?? *?ki?c )5 PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF NEW July-6,2015 Delisla Craymn ATTACHMENT 1b uearuefisia; Yeu are {arme [31' days wfihunmw hegimfing WedhES'iayl wry-8,1045 tbmugh FridayJullefl'UIfi. you will report back mimork on Monday,.1uly 13, 2015 at 'Thissfispen'slm rs 'g ghefiifiEM wnduct In pmidTngau amerkevfaramplov go use whfle iaildrigthe muda'mvyemi'cs tr'iivfing. specificanynm 1'5, Pm 'La'ruva Hawiscn'wa: H'slng Mas'hefida Emery'scempureno-do her Ethics mining Upon Ms. Harrisnn'sdepar'nke', M'sx Emery ais'cmz'etey anauswer key m't'he 136nm Againrqn Ju'ne 1" aner returning from annfia'lleave, Ms. Emery iouan keynng ,to her 'on her dhsk, Thehafidwfitmgm an's'wer'key wasbefiemixo amour; Whe'nqubsfiofie'd about the argument. (sauernlgam thawou hair'szmnemhe ammrkev mmagmgloyezs to use WW5. tahqgihe'fest' Vauractlan's an: invinlafiah hfihastahdatd operating Prdnedures for the Parking bivisiexi. Code n'f comm, whichmt'e's. nfstandarflsatau times? 'lfluractfansaraalsd In mhtiamfihasxandird Qyeratlfig Divfs'lim, Poslflohzbfa normal Sammian 521:1; and state, 5.1:2 "Be Ins'mifi'goompiia'nde mm all orders ofhis superidrs." 54:6 "Ba te'spnfififile}foflhe ackivitiesand conaua o'fall PCQ's 1n his/hersquad and fortheir training an?! direct supewisi'ons" Ana, Vclir a'cfibns ate in Violafien flfCAO Na. 133(k), Standards ofgehavipr fur City. Employees, Sectk'm 1, Pumnse "ourgaaT ism maintain the highat standards uf'quality and 1300 Pmnmosmulsvm awn: [70m PHONE suwfifl-Wnurmx'smw q; nally, actions were also :3 Vlolatlon of the Mumapal was: or me City or New uneans, Sectmn 3158;. whlehzstatest "The Code, establlehed :t?oj remand each publlc taffetalend-employeethefl d'l VldUallyand collectively, [311th ofFCIals and employees shall adhere ?Ynur work pedormance will lbe momtored closely upnn yeur return. "Gill Will'h?'bfb?l?ff??ifr will ove?lme for a? pencdlof '30) daYSfrom?the raffhe Parking DNESEOTI polmmsand procedures may result lfl-your Immedla?te termination, ?Thls ec?tlim was taken patina fit to Cull Se ?fvlce has omitted to pezfarm any heels was July to macaw, 51152 has nebulae, swig/eat to: corrective Helical fhe: appmn all take actlan warranted like ?le-stand ?lefeemlee; You may have "the nghl: as C?wl Sen/lee empl ?to appeal this adlscaplmaly action lehl? BO ?aysx ?lm; the :datenf Wager "l L) CE.) [l Rene: ed by? Bellem??leylen raw :le Semce . SHVIMU if i 1300 PERDIDG STREET gf ORLEANS LOUISIANA $70112 PHONE 504-6533 :l . weaves can DEPTParking Division Statement Report 3 A ?l 2 5 Time Incident Started: Time Incident Ended: Date of Incident: Agril 1, 2014 Employees Involved: Ms. Linda Copeland, Acting Supervisor Earlette Johnson ?5 Witnesses (name, address phone Description of situation (who, what, when, where, how why): Specifically on Tuesday. April 1. 20M, 21 meeting was held with Ms. Linda. Earle'tte I was instructed by Mrs. Zennoriah Edmonds to discuss Covington?s attendance history. While sneaking with Ms. Linda, we showed her the attendance synopsis that we had recently given PCO Covington and she stated. ?Why in the hell is she still emnloved here?? We told her that we are preoaring a letter to suspend her Reading a nre~term hearing. Ms. Linda then asked that she be looped in to review any letters before we give it to the PCO to make sure it is correct. We then informed her that our process is we first converse with Jorge Hernandez to inform fliim of the situation and send him all supporting documents regarding the reason for disciplinary action on the employee. Mr. Hernandez then in turn interacts with Ms. Elizabeth Robin in Law to make sure we are doing everything according to policy. Once it has been signed by appointing authority/(s) and the employee (if present) then HR receives a copy. Ms. Linda stated to Earlette I, ?Between V011 all 8.: i. do vail like interacting with Elizabeth? Me personally. i do not.? We told her that we do not have any nroblems with interacting with her because she?s the one that has to defend us in hearings. She has been a great help to us. Ms. Linda then goes on to talk about something that happened between her, Ms. Robin Ms. Lisa Hudson when she was employed with the Library and it was not a good encounter. She also stated, really. really do not like her (Ms. Elizabeth), don?t care to interact with her at all. So if I don?t have to, the better off I will be.? Ms. Linda made many facial exnressions showing her dislike towards Ms. Robin and stated she iust do not like her at all. Earlette stated. ?Ms. Linda, that was in the past you should be able to move on from that.? Actions taken by employee(s): Police Item No. (if applicable): I agree that my atom/{at is correct to the best of my knowledge regarding the incident describ .. Signature: - Date: Badge No.: ?rstCi223 .. . This is just a followup to our verbal conversation this morning (in my office) in response to my email coi?nplaint on Ms. Linda Copeland's (LC) actions towards ne over the phone. First, i Want to thank you for coming over to see me to discuss this serious complaint. As you stated,- some matters are better discussed face-ton'lace than through a string ofemaiis agreed. Therefore, our meeting be tan. COL, you began by asking me to teli you what l?iappened on yesterday between Ms. Copeiand myself. SE: i began explaining that Ms. Copeland contacted me regarding the release of her neighbor/friend?s vehicle. i could teil from her tone that she was very upset about something. LC began saying, "Richard Boseman has authorized the release of my friend?s Vehicle and i Want to know why you all are not releasing it?? i informed her that Zep is not allowing the vehicle to be reieased because the proper protocol Was not foilo'w?ed in this process. LC stated, "i did, i taiked to Mark and he toid me to get "With Richard Boseman to have him release the Vehicle. SE, ?Ms. Linda, the proper protocoi was not foiloWed. On Sunday morning, you went to the Auto Pound and spoke with Auto Facility Supervisor Feast asking her to RTO your neighbor/friend?s vehicle. Those sopervisors do not have the authorization to release towed vehicles. The location Was properly signed and permitted and We were also responding to a compiaint that was made to our Commonications Unit for that iocation.? LC then stated, ?You neither Zep has the authorization to say the vehicle cannot be reieased.? interjected stating, ?Ms. Linda, 1 do not have that type of authority, but Zep does. i am Following a directive from my direct report, Mrs. Edmonds.? LC, ?You ali keep saying that, that?s wrong anyway, that is not true.? SE, ?Ms. Linda, what do you mean, i?m saying that wrong? Zep is my sopervisor, i report directly to her.? LC, ?Whatever! You all are going to release that vehicie today!? SE, ?Ms. Linda, once i get that information from the Coi. or Zep, then can contact cashiering to release the vehicle on their behalf. Until then, i cannot do anything.? LC, ?who do i need to email because Mark is in a meeting? SE, ?you can email them both.? LC, ?i don?t think i should have to do this because i am 2?d in command to Mark and when i call to have something done, it shouid be done. This is very absurd, you and Zep wili here from me about this iater, you ali wiil not get away with SE, ?Ms. Linda, is that a threat because that?s what it sounds like? You have gotten upset with me because your friend?s vehicle has not been reieased and you are taking it out on me. cannot contact cashiering to release a vehicle uniess it?s on Zep?s or the Col.?s behaif. i do not appreciate how you are taiking to me." LC, ?l?m going to send the email and you ali will here from me about this later.? The phone cail ended and contacted Zep informing her of my disturbing verbal encounter with Ms. Linda. Col., you began informing me that you do not have a Deputy Director. You said that you have requested to hire one. Shouid you have to take a leave for some reason, you would have one of the division chiefs to stand in your place until your return. Most likely, it would be someone like Nguyen Phan if anyone, but Linda is your 2?d in command. You also stated, you would also want to know if anyone and you do mean anyone (it does not matter who it is) should act in that manner that you want me to report it to you. We should not be reieasing vehicles because they?re our friend, family member or someone. Therefore, you want me to know that her actions wiil not be tolerated. You then stated that you could not tell me what type of disciplinary action will be imposed on Ms. Linda, but just know that it will be addressed by you. i began to express to you Col. that i am concerned that Ms. Linda will retaliate against me because she was very irate on the phone and in her statement towards me. She gets mad and retaliates all the time when people around here do not agree with her. To be honest COL, i feel that my remainder retro pay As you are aware, we have been working for most of the year to get my promotion to Supervisor ll processed. To my knowledge, it was mid-January 2014 :5th to Civil Service and clocked. However, in April 2014, I began inquiring about it again and was told that job description clarifications were needed to determine if i, in fact, qualified for the position. Therefore, you submitted to the Director, an Org. Chart as he requested. Specifically, the week of May 12th?16th, 2014, a meeting was held in our of?ce between you, Ms. Linda Copeland and Ms. Shelly Sholp of Civil Service to give them some clarity of what my job duties are opposed to a Supervisor (Field Enforcement). Directly after the meeting, Ms. Linda stated to two of my co?workers and me that now they have an understanding and the promotion(s) will be processed. Therefore, I expected to at least see my pay increase on my May 30th orJune 13?? check. Unfortunately, that did not happen. At this point, I became frustrated because every time asked Ms. Deidre or Ms. Linda about it, I was told that Ms. Shelly was waiting on Ms. Lisa Hudson to return to work for her signature. I also requested to meet with the Col. through you. Weeks passed and I heard nothing about my promotion nor my meeting request. Therefore, on July 29, 2014, i sent a meeting request in an email to the Col. regarding my promotion and some sudden changes since Ms. Linda came aboard. The Col. responded with a date of August 1, 2014. The meeting was held and Ms. Linda emailed meeting notes (See Attached). A follow-up meeting was held with us including . Ms. Deidre. The Col. stated he had a better understanding of our positions and will move forward with the promotions on August 8, 2014. On August 11, 2014, Ms. Linda sent an email stating, ?Civil Service has agreed to release the promotions.? However, this went on for a week and a half with no progress. On August 27, 2014, Ms. Linda emailed Ms. Shelly informing her to go ahead with the promotion. Then ?nally on September 4, 2014 Ms. Hudson emailed Ms. Dani Galloway informing that the promotions will be released immediately. At that time, I started to feel a little bit of relief. Ms. Linda then informed us on September 10, 2014 that we will not see our pay increase until October 3, 2014 check and that my retro pay will be on the October 17, 2014 check. I then contacted Ms. Linda to get my accurate hourly pay rate. She responded that she did not know at that time but informed me that she should know by Friday once it was in ADP. She also stated verbally in person and by email that my retro pay will be from February 18, 2014. I again contacted Ms. Linda on September 18, 2014 for my accurate hourly pay rate (See Attached). Ms. Linda?s response upset me, has me very discouraged and stressed. l?m also bothered by the fact that the Col. is not doing anything about this. i feel that my Director of Public Works does not appreciate the hard work that i am doing. i wear many hats and I must say that i am doing a GREAT job. i have been patient with this back and forth for some time now. This is truly affecting me. i feel this was all done intentionally. i can?t sleep at night, my head is constantly hurting and my pressure is up. It is hard to come to work every day and give the department your all, but not be appreciated. This is a morale buster for me and lam just not pleased. . On another note, it seems no matter what type of discipline we try to impose on an employee that has violated policy, Ms. Linda chops it down. in my 15 years with the department, have never experienced any of this-before. We can?t suspend or terminate without Ms. Linda questioning everything. Even if you have spoken with the Col. about it and he agrees to the action, once Ms. Linda gets it, she?s against it. it just seems like she has a personal problem with us disciplining our staff. These are policy?s that have been in place since before I started with the City in October 1999. This makes it hard for the supervisors because the perception is, ?if you try to discipline me, I will go to/call Ms. Linda and she will put a stop to it." This all started when Ms. Linda tried to get us to dislike Ms. Elizabeth Robbins in Law because of her past with experiences. Ms. Linda, in a meeting with me, had expressed her strong dislike for Ms. Robbins and even went as far as to say, ?if she didn?t have to interact with her she wouldn?t because she hates the woman.? I let Ms. Linda know, that Ms. Robbins helps us out a lot with disciplinary actions and that I did not have a problem with Ms. Robbins. With that being said, it seems as if you are not on board with anything Ms. Linda is trying to do, she will attempt to make your job as hard as possible. This is very frustrating. Another concern, Ms. Linda also sends emails to people acting as if we are problematic. It?s as if giving them a heads up on us but she is ALI. wrong. This is going out to people that does not even work in City Government. Actually, I feel it?s slander. i also believe that Ms. Linda?s response to my promotion pay update on Thursday, September 18th, 2014 was in retaliation to me stating to her that our office does not want to rehire Eriel Howard. This ex-employee resigned without notice. Ms. Howard came into our of?ce on her off day and said she quit, this is not the job for her. Therefore, that is our reason to not hire her back. Additionally, I do not understand why Ms. Linda needs an office in the Parking Division. HR does not have an of?ce in any of the other units in Public Works. I am not sure what is going on but this is not good. knew about this before Mrs. Edmonds did. i will again say this is very stressful and unhealthy. It has affected my pressure which is up more than usual, sleepless nights and more headaches. I am trying not to let it affect me at work but with the headaches and not getting enough rest, are not helping while I?m here at work. What Should Be Done To Remedy This Matter: 1 would like accurate honest responses regarding my promotion pay. Allow us to discipline our staff according to policies as we have always done 50. Stop the name slandering. Stop working against us and work with us. {Elli . 38 llf?xi Oi" ll ?l?iil'l?d 31nd si