ATTORNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY mama Slafe?Bar numbenland address): -ANDREW J. HALEY (SBN 202900) G. (SBN 222442) SHORELINE, A Law Corporation 1299 Ocean Avenue. Suite 400; Santa Monica. California 90401-1007 TELEPHONE N0.: (310) 451 -8001 FAX (310) 395?5951 Fl . E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optionarr FOR COURTU Superior Court of California ATTORNEY FOR (NameI Plaintiff BEIM MAPLE PROPERTIES Countv of I as Anoeles SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES STREETADDRESS: 111 Hill Street DEC 0 6 Z?i? MAILING ADDRESS: 111 Hill Street Sherri R. Ca cm AND ZIPCODE: Los Angeles CalIfornIa 90012 %O?f?cm BRANCH NAME: Central District . Enaunya Bolden 8qu PLAINTIFF: BEIM MAPLE PROPERTIES a California limited partnership DEFENDANT: FARADAY FUTURE INC., a California corporation By Flax DOES 1 TO 8 0 7' COMPLAINT El AMENDED COMPLAINT (Amendment Number): Jurisdiction (check all that apply): ACTION IS A LIMITED CIVIL CASE Amount demanded does not exceed $10,000 El exceeds $10,000 but does not exceed $25,000 ACTION IS AN UNLIMITED CIVIL CASE (amount demanded exceeds $25,000) ACTION IS RECLASSIFIED by this amended complaint or cross-complaint (check all that apply): from unlawful detainer to general unlimited civil (possession not in issue) from limited to unlimited from unlawful detainer to general limited (possession not in Issue) from unlimited to limited A 1. PLAINTIFF (name each): BEIM MAPLE PROPERTIES, a California limited partnership alleges causes of action against DEFENDANT (name each): FARADAY FUTURE INC., 3 California corporation, and DOES 1 to 10, inclusive 2. a. Plaintiff?is (1) an individual over the age Of 18 years. (4) a partnership. (2) a public agency (5) a corporation. (3) other (speciM: a limited partnership b. El Plaintiff has complied with the fictitious business name laws and is doing business under the ?ctitious name Of (specify): 3. Defendant named above is in possession of the premises located at (street address, apt. no, city, zip code, and county): 525 Maple Avenue, Torrance, California 90503 in the County of Los Angeles 4. Plaintiffs interest in the premises is as owner other (specify): 5. The true names and capacities of defendants sued as Does are unknown to plaintiffabout (date): September 29, 2015 defendant (name each): Faraday Future Inc., a CaIIfornIa corpq Eon-'1 :55 a: 5 .10.. 3 URI if?! if (1) agreed to rent the premises as a month- to- month tenancy P14 other tenancy (specig: ?g mr?iI-Ie?e, -- .33 (2) agreed to pay rent of$ 104 950. 50 payable other (speCIfy frequer?rE'?I I (3) agreed to pay rent on the (Z of the month El other day (specify). r?l?r 1- at?; b. This written El oral agreement was made with at}; 3.: .53 (1) plaintiff. (3) El plaintiffs predecessor in interestplaintiffs agent (4) other (specify): .3. rig- '4 NOTE: Do not use this form for evictions after sale (Code Civ. Proc., 1161 39%1 or: DETAINER Code of . it: rtinl?o ca gov 2190649 03 f5 3 b? 3 .2-217540 - A rich I r~-altachments? that~form?the?basus?of this complaint i5 attached . ?um. uumwr 1325Procedure sectlon 151740)) (State speCIfIc fa?Cts supporting a' clarm up to $6002" In Attachment 12:v-?uw :13: - Street address City. and zip: code id . . . YWGF .5 . :5 ~112.1113fOH?q?ml?gdocument arctrue Igs whichare stated onmformatlon -. nus- 5? nthe . documentafeWCOfmyown knowledge tatedonnformatuon andbehef andasto . :2 j; 223,1 declareunderpenalty lawsofthe Sta?t?? ofCahfomlathatthe 13 and. correct BEIMLEPROPERTIES aCahfonuanmuedpamemmp w?w- .4 . Its Bt??ldf?x?i? 2:23.: R, m} lE._ 2 I "26? :f .t l-r- I?m} ?52 EXHIBIT 1 . . .2 . . . .. .. .iaI-tsz. l. . E. nut. . . . {-11 :5 fm? 153:? Em. ,3 @137 Dated September 29; 2.01.6. .w u. 1 .71. 2mm.? 61.111111?. 11 111111111..- .11 1111111111 111111 .1. 1111.111 1211.111 . . K.11.111.11. m2. .Em . 1 ..1n1. .. .1 .11 Wind. 1311\44? 1.11.4 . .1 ?(MavLWuzro-1. ?Cit: co?: .myvew..?.1. .1..1. wwoxmww womr>szme05 mocwH 1 1? ddressotTCnam iSectibnss 11.1, 9 I753 . (amuse?Term . .- caseCOM enmnnentlme ll?! ?2 1316.21.19 .1 . . ?1 11111 1' .. P?i?i?s?iid Galifdrini'aiaom ncmporated ?xv-.mwzu-un.? w. . ?nap-1N .w-nvwwuuz yes. 24.2; . hm". r, w. h. .- {(as re?ected in a Cemttcate of Substaohali ISectlon 06 Uses: Only for the generaL ?ofIice, research and.I ,deveIIo'pment; d??igh, testmg, lIiIgIht manufacturmg,-5 ?warehousmg, and other legally: (Size Article 1.07.1nitia?l Secunty 3$21 0 000 00 cash security deposit, p1us . ?31 259, 406. 00 lette1 of cred1t(See Sections 3 CSediIbnil?Bi TenialitT'SIGuarantor: :Nones; 1. 119.. Brokers: Article Thirteen) Landlord?s B'r?okSIf?: :10nes Long LaSalle Brokerage, Inc. 2141 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 6100 El Segundo Cahforma 90245 Tenant Broker i22-2I Rosecmns Avenue Suite 100 El Segundo, Cahfonua 90245 I Installment of- Base Rent $104350; 50: 341 99. S1 T4682 25:. SII 713 S121 ,66639 $125 316 39. I S129 075 SS $132211?1? I $136,936.60 I [We-3 I to? the. terms 61Sect1on 3 02 I 1 if LEASE TERM I :3 Sect10n2 01a. Loose of Property Landlord hereby IlI'Ieases toi :Tenant and Tenant hereby 1138563 Item? Landlord the Property :The partles hereto agree that the lease of the Property 13 upon and subject to the terms 1 3 511121111113 Lease IS rInaIdIe upon Ithe condmon oIf IsuthI' perform ?92; i 21505105 21754003 ?burr-n Lufn' - 133;!ng . ssan ?as- vv-uv? nr'wau an; kuulns dan- his.? . I?vv?hh't?? a .wy-wx "Jaw 5.7mm w) --.: .- A DJ 31:11.5; ma. aux :7 m; a, sans-11113553 mm ?Kev?.lv n~ u- .ww-wmm Aw. ?,auuvm ?um. . .u-ww. mun mun-u? -. nuttyu-(faao) Hayfg ?Fij?ib??g?tbi. hc hj? ir Market Value: :0 neg-fat pni??k?f?t?? v. ma?; 19:2!) un- - 4M. ?x ?WI-rm? w. ?harm. .. and w. . .. . .?dw'l?x'hl was5441 . . u'Jvulugm.? -: un'mw-wu'n Jun-s? vaca- #A?a ?an ?luv-V? :Aha: - 9- war; ?1 f?omg?? asagnec sh?a? . 558:1: ?44y. -w uh ?unwav- a. awa- - uh v4 - . ;ov u- Indra-u. M'xx:wv'::'n :ex .w-m-wwxzu "arller oi mug-- ?(tugvu?w a upmgiy; mum-m. It"? '713339?; a? v9.04. Wm; . ?ya; a. was?. v-r-uu a1? . Man. mwvw'awu .. - 'Aanpi- "nu-l-s-?b TX) C313 I?m? 12?3?) obligations under ?lfetlant hereby authorizes each utility company providing utilities to the Property to provide/tolerate utility consumption .or other similar data to Landlord for purposes of Landlord?s compliance with npplEnabler-legal disclosure requirements-,- including, without limitation, Section 25402.10 ol? the Public 'lles'nurces Code or any successor statute. recognizes that security services. if any, provided by Landlord at the Property are for the protection of Landlord?s property and under no circumstances shall Landlord be responsible for, and Tenant waives any rights with respect to, providing security or other protection for Tenant or its employees, invitees or property in or about the PrOperty. Section 4.04. Insurance Policies. Landlord insurance. During, the Lease. *l?ert?n, Landlord shall maintain? policies of insurance. covering or damage to the Property in the full amount of its: replacement value. such policy shall provide protection aga.irsst.._loss or dru?nagc due to tire or other casualties covered within the. clatssitication of fire standard extended coverage. vandalism; malicious miselriel?. sprinkler leakage and any other perils which Landlord, Landlord?s lender or deems reasonably necessary. Landlord shall have the ?right to obtain terrorism. wind, ?ood and earthquake insurance and other t?ornts ol? insuranceas' Landlord or any mortgagee, deed of trust beneficiary or grottnd lessor holding a security, or other interest in the Property may require. Landlord snail not obtain insurance for Tenant?s ?xturesor equipment tor-building ih?ipr?t?wernents hist'allcd by on on behalf of on the Property; During the Lease Term, Landlord shall a rental income inSUrance policy, wills-loss payable to Lariailord, insult amount equal to the annual total of Base Rent, estimated real property taxes and insurancepremiums; be liable for the; payment of any deductible amount under Landlord?s :or? 'l?cnaut?s policies maintained pursuant-to this plop-lion 4.051,. ?l?ena?nr'shall not do or permit anything- to he done Which invalidates any such losemnce policies. Landlord, at its. sole option may also obtain non-primary comprehensive- public liability insurance in on amount and with coverage determined by Landlord, insuring lsll??llill?tl?agf?i?lil?l liability arising out of ownership, operation, use or occupancy or the: Property. The policy obtained by landlord shall not be ct?znlrib?utory nor primary as to Tenant?s liability insurance hereunder. 4.04.2 Tenant InsurancemDuring this Lease ?l?crm. nit 'lionant?s: sole cost and expense, shall maintain: (1) Statutory Wo?rk?ers?: Compensation (or state approved and Employer?s Liability insurance, with a limit of Two Million ?a?ndOO?lOO Dollars cach- accident. Two Million and 001. l-tll-l Dollars policy limihsand Two: Million and each employee for all persons cinployed by 'l?cnant who may acme-"into" or occupy the: Property: (2) Commercial Auto Liability with a limit-of TWO Million and 001100.13ollars Combined Single. Limit For Bodily hijuty. and Property Damage (such coverage shall include Owned, Non-Owned, and Auto inability For soclt velticleszdriVen on and around the Property, if Tenant does not own company vehicles, a- letter to that effect from an of?cer or principal of Tenant in addition to proof of Non?Owned and Hired Auto Liability as stated above is required); (3) ?All Risks? Personal Property insurance, covering the full replacement cost of Tenant?s personal property whether owned, leased, or rented, including but not limited to inventory. ?xtures. furniture. equipment. of?ce contents, any interior improye?mentsconstructed. within the Property and any alterations to the Property made by or on behall?oli Tenant once-Swelt- improvements and alterations: are completed (including such alterations- made by ?l?enant Which according, to the terms and conditions-of this Lease shall become "property ol? Landlord'at the termination of: this Lease); and (4) a policy ol? Commercial General Lirthili'ty insurance (sometimes known on broad Form comprehensive general liability insurance) insuring against liability for bodily injury, property damage (including, loss utilise of property) and persounlvinjur'y nif-ising'out nl'tlre operation. use or the Property, with the initial to be 'l"hreo Million Dollars per occurrence and in the aggregate (Collectively, ?Tenant Insurance?). 'l?enant limits shall he subject to periodic increase based upon int-lotion, increased liability awards, recormnernlaliou ol' Landlord's ptitilbssionni insurance advisers and other relevant Factors. Tenant Insurance shall be primary and non-ennuiinning: contain-a ?separation of insureds? clause (tar-untiiwrlent); contain contractual liability coverage respecting, indemnity obligations under ?gtinrt?? below; (iv) not have .a deducrihjlc- random in excess oi" Thirty Thousand Dollars ?(vl Containcrt?rssdinhility- endorsements; (vi) name Landlord?s lender ii? any} and any af?liate designated. by Landlord as ?Additional Named insured" and "loss layers? as its interests may appear: contain an agreed. amount endorsement in lieu of a? (to-insurance (clause. The amount and coverage of such Tenant insurance shall not limit 'l?entmt?s liability?rtorrelievc Tenant of any other obligation under this Lease. 1. S- Zl?$4 Gill law-?4 lw? .5 l-oi 1:49?) policies described 1In Sections 4 04'. 1 111111420 (whether obtainedbyr?an rafter Tenants recIeip1 of! a copy oIIf the premium statement (tr-other evidence of the'I amount due except Landlord stiall pay all premiums for non?- ptitnary comprehensive public liability. 4. 04'. 3' Payment 111 t?rciniitm'i *SItrhIicct toI Sect "on 4 08- Tenant snail pay all premiums for the insurapce "(hard or Tenant) within ?fteen (15) days "insurance with limits in escess of OQO 000 per occurrenceI and in the aggregate (tenant to be reSpon31ble for the: cost OF such insurance With {1 limit of tip to 000, per occurrence and in the aggregate} which Landlord elects to obtain as 1110111de in See ?1111' - 411 It" insurance policies maintained by LanlerdicoVer improvements on real. propertytother than the l?iepcity, Landlord shall deliver to [111121111 11' statement of: 111' prep?; 111 JLd?iOn?blc dcitti how Tenant?s share of the premium was Computed Elf .c ?efpre the expiration of an insurance policy maintained by Landlord "tenant shall he"? liableito -.- share of the insurance premiums "r 4.04.4: General?Insurance Frovisions. I Before. .the Lease Commencement Date, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord a: copy of any policy of insurancewhich Tenant is required to: maintain under this Section 4: 04. Any insurance which Tenant is requiredfx to maintain IIuInderI this Lease shall include a provision whiphrequires the insurance carrier to give Landlord not less than thirty (30) dayS? written notice prior to any cancellation or modi?catiOn of such coverage? including the cancellation or modi?cation of any- required endorsements if Tenant fails to carry the required insurance,- such failure shall automatically be deemed to be Ia covenant by Tenant to self-insure such required coyerage with a full waiver _of subrogation in favor of Landlord (in . "the Case of deemed self-insurance cf Tenant? s:requi1ed property insurance) If Tenant fails to delivei any policy, certi?cate or renewal to Landlord required under this Lease within the prescribed time period. or if any such pIoIlicy is canceled or modi?ed during the Lease Term without Landlord?s prior written consent; Landlord may obtain such: insurance in which case Tenant shall reimburse. Landlord for the. post be such insurance within ?fteen (l days-I after Irece'ipt of a statement that indicates the cost of such insurance (11) Tenant shall; maintain all insurance required under this Lease with companies holding a ?General Policy Rating? of l2 or better, as set; forth in the most current issue of ?Best Key Rating Guide?. Landlord and TenanIt acknowledge the insurance markets are; rapidly changing and that insurance in the form and amounts described in this Settidn 4 04 may 'not be' available _111 the II?IrtIureI. if at any time- during the Lease Tenn, Tenant is unable. to maintain the insurance required under this Lease, Tenant Shall nevertheless maintain insurance coverage which is customary and commercially reasonable in the insurance industry for Tenant? 3 type of business, as that coverage may change from time 10 time. Landlord makes no representation as to adequacy of- such insurance to protect Landlord" or enant ititpreIsII; Therefore Tenant shall obtain any such additional property or aridlord and Tenant As- an 'tltei'iintivi. Iii; prowling a liability insurance which Tenant deehngg - . . 11,111. I. icjlandlord a certi?cate of insurance by .111 policy of insurance, Tenant shall have the authorized of?cer of the insurance cornpatw this Section 4 04 is in full tome and elf requires Landlord and Tenant each herehy waives Iahy and all rights cf. recovc1y against the other, or against the officers, employees, agents- or representatives of" the olhcrI; to; loss or or' damage to its property or the. property of others under its control if such loss or damage 13 covered by In'IiIiy insurance policy in force (Whether or 1101 described in this Lease) at' the time 91 such loss or damage Landlord and Tenant shall. each require their respective insurance companies to ihclude a standard waiver of Stib'rogation provision in their respective policies Section 4.05 Intentionally omitted: Section 4.06. Late Charges. Tenant? tailu1e to pay Rent may Cause Landlord to incur unaiitictpated The exact amount _of such IIcIosts is impractical or extremely 11111111111 to ascertain Such costs {insurance Which Tenant is required Ito titanium under. an . .. h? T3. a? r:3. I I: 1 3. (jifii??vi?i?ISi?XK?E .2..-. nu - vr-x'w -: - a'n?tvvl ?Ln-?w mum-,5, ?mu-u .IM. xx. . . .wn-qu-r-s-u us- Irh'h- w. -..- M. awhwu-uw "va. . )ll - .w?nvw-nxam mm. - sv- m? pun. .- -: - .- - .. - - - an ..-.-.- -. -.-. aw. cm- . was. a: '1 ., i I ?\101- .- nub slunit?ahon lany: . x: I medns i?ill? ?g?qxgnumgri?tra Statia?s?wgs't?i?t?es" un? .. .. Pm u-ux-xzu-urannuu arm-?- raw? \cuwsn.? .mu. aa-am-rwn-wu-s nil} num- x?w an?: . raw wrung-?w. mm, w. 111:1?- 1-3? 12w- 5? Wt'm .wmx-w-nlun mu. Mn;- -.. 13'! . mental u- W. :Iv . .-..-- . 2a.; . )val: raw nuww . . o-qya-?Q-W cause:- ep en trag?emmen 2111qu 12.37? :33? mum-u .- aw. .-..-.. .?uux-wywn . n- w. Lu?. nun-.394 - "yum. . . .. . ?1mm.? I from my and all Claims by reason of dumb. bodily or injury {including (loath or injury to. "l'umuu?s employees) or propurty damage arising out of or rotating to: the; us?b'of the by ?l'cmmi ur the ?l'ummt Group; (ii) the conduct of business or anything also dono or pcrmiltcd by 'i?c?uaut or? the ?Format liroup to he done. or: or choir: Property, any contaminationoi?tho Property. or any other property resulting frmu presence or our: oil l'ux:rrclous Material unused or permitted any breach or default in the purlhottuocc ol?Tcuaut?s ubligutimis under ibis; Loose; (iv) any or breach of warranty by under this Lease; oiling-r negligence or willful acts or misconduct of Tommi; or?thc Tenant Group; (vi) the use .of the Madroua by "l?ouum or the ?l?omnt Group (uthor ?1qu to the extent any such Claim is primarily a result of the. ricgl?igcouc or willful acts or miscmiduct oi" the {counts on the Madroua' Properly or its agents) and any or willful 'acts or misconduct of "l'cn?zu?rl or ihc ?l?rnout Group on the Much-unit Property: and (villuny pouch-(o) instituted by ?l'cnruu against any ihird party. or by any third party against ?format. or by or against ufny pbrsuu holding out) under musing, Property by iiccusc ut?or agreement Willi ?l?cnuut, rm- forcclosurc of any.- lien for luboror nurturiol to or for 'l?coant or ouch other person, (cl otherwisc pricing our; prior moltingliomooy-uct or transaction of or. such other pcruou, or (cl) necessary to protect Landlord?s interest under this Lease in bankriu?ircy proceeding, or other proceeding under Title ll of the United States Code. as amended; provided, however. the ii?ircguiug tudcumity shall not apply to any Claims arising out of or rulatcd to the moi-tors cove-rod by- Landtorrl?s indemnity under howl)? 45015;; holow. As a material part of the consideration to Lamllord "(but subject to tho terms of Scciiou 5.05.2. bolt-1w}; ?i?criunt assumes all risk or? damage to property or injury to pursons in or ,obout the Property arising, from any cause. and Tenant hereby waives all claims in rusp?cct thereof against Landlord. 5.05.2 Landlord shall indemnify, defend. and hold Throat together with its parent and af?liated companies. and/or constitute: purtucr?cntiticm its. and their otlicursr directors and employees (the ?Tenant Indemni?ed ?Miics?) Fred and harmless auditor and l'rom any and all Claims by rum-rut of (loath, bodily or pcrsouul injury to loudlord?s employees) or property damage arising out of or relating to: any breach or default in the. perm-mower: of Lairdlord?c obligations under this Loose: and the gross- willful misconduct or lu?uullor?tl; provided. however; the foregoing indemnity shall not apply Loony Claims prising out ol?or related to the matters by 't'enant?s indemnity under Section 5.05.1, above. 5.05.3 The provisions of this Section 5.05 shall survive the expiration or sooner termination of this Lease with respect to any Claims occurring prior to such expiration or termination. Section 5.06. Landlord?s Access. Landlord resorting. 3hr: right.- ot rut ruasonobli?: timerzuduring ?l?unuot?s normal business hours and upon a minimum of twenty-Kim (?all hours prior noticc to the Tommi. if). cuter the. l?i'opurly it) inspect it; (ii) show the Property to. proupuclivu trior-tgugccs. tcnimts? (during, the hurt nine (9) mouths of the house form only). ground less-om or post polices ol? (iv) repair or maintain the Property; and (v3 place ?For Sole" ourlior ?Forbeacw (during the lust him: (9) months of the Loose "form only) signs on tho Property; prrwidcrl, however. other tho-u in on to tho Property is condirioncd on Lhrull'or'rt or it?; rigour or providing :1 government issued photo identi?cation for Landlord or its agent or representative. ty?) :uullor its agent or rcpruucutotivc shrill 'bc escorted on the Property by on cmploycc or agent; och?nzmt. provided il?l?cunut does not roominubly ruokcsuuhou employee or agent uvailublc to escort Landlorduric'lfor its; agent or representative. thou more shall h?c no such rcuuircuicut to lac escorted, and on plitilrig? 'ophs Sll?ll tic lukcu on the Property by in; upon: without the approval of such uotplo?y'ct: of ?ll-hunt.- providing an oucori to [Landlord or its upon! or rcpruaunlu?tlvu?. anything, to the contrary contained in this Suction 5.06 Landlord may color tho Property at any time to (A) perform service; required of lautdlord: Eli) who prmcuslun duo to any breach. ol this. Lemur: in tho manner providixl heroin; and pcrl?orni- rut)? cov?cnoutu ol'l'cnunt which Tumult fails to pca't'rmu. Ariyuuch out: ioze shall ho without [ho uhutcmcul ul' Rout. cud include the right to take Such reasonable steps as. required to accomplish the stated purposes in a commercially rcosonublc manncr that minimizes inconvenicoCc lo and interference with Tenant?s busincss. Tenant hercby waives any claims for damages or for any injuries or inconvenience toor interference with Tenant's business that Cumml be reasonably avoided, lost pro?ts, any loss of Geotipancy or qulct enjoyment of- .thc Property, and. any uthcr loss occasioned thereby. in an emergency, Landlord shall have-the right to? use any moons mm Landlord may deem proper to open the doors in and to the Property. Any -20- 2 505l0,3 - 21754 003 II . . Si in. pnesentatta of? . ts aw . ?mSPc rl?g?ifdl??g - -: .2, m'dv?m drawn: a uuvmunuxu-vxw ?rum. Aw- w. .wu-uwun m: "~cry-U; mum yaw. .v-ux-x ru-uvn. lultd w. a. wnmwuun.? 5" ?aaNews; ,wluvw?AN :nW - a iffy", mullet ?may. aA??A-nv-thwart-cod .42Label-My, ?war-w. .- ua-zmrn-Mh- \vncsuwu-cm ta. ,ayuM-.-.. . an?; . czar-vu- .51: its"? :342 "In. 1) ?1655h?n?v?u?df . ?wuss-xx: "aw'r'u'u. uvMW-s-g ?wax-\ry-uvaunuu -.. 9.1.2. . no?. .?vwvw 'm'wwaw. an.99? and?irzemowbkemw z. "by1-. M-uww-uxum ?mm-any; a? as" w. 541312! El 12:6? I I [me I'm) t3. tj" lstiller of. actual brokers? commissions in obtaining the Transfer, (ii) reasonable legal litres incurred the reasonable construction costs incurred by Tenant in nrepttring the Property for such 'l'mn?st?or. .l?t'cmium? shall also include, but not be limited to, key titettey money transferee tn in connection With such Transfer, and any gayment. in excess- of fair vulue tensetviees' hy ?l?e?na?iit to ?transferee or ?xtures, ingenuity; equipment, or furniture by to with such Landlord "or its authorized representatives shalt have the right at all reasonable titties to audit the books. records and papers, of Tenant relating to shall have the right to lt't'titittl? copies thereof; tl?tlte Transfer Premium respecting-titty Transfer shall he l'oti'utti understated, ?i'ent?tnt shall, within thirty (30.) days tit-tor [my the deficiency tutti Landlortl?s costs of such audit, and il? by more than ten percent (little), Landlord shall have the right to cancel this. Lease upon thirty (30) days? notice to Tenant. Section 9.04. Intentionally omitted. Section 9.03. Effect hentllord consents to a Transfer, (1) the terms and conditions of this in no way he deemed to have been Waived or south fictl. (ii) such consent not ?he; deemed consent to any further either or it ?transferee,- "tenant shall deliver to Landlord, after execution. on oti tin'n'l executed copy ?rtf-ttll docuin?entaiititt pertaining to the 'l'ransl?er in form ren?sottahly acceptable to (hit shalt Tl?utzn?i'sh upon Landlord?s iretutest a complete statententt certi?ed. by no independent certi?ed public accountant,- or setting forth in detail the or any 't?rnusl?cr l-?rctniutn ?i?entmt has iteritted? derive from such and (tone relating tolliis Letter: or agreement entered into with respect thereto, whether with or without ctm?scnt. shell; rclierte Tenant-or tiny the [tense l?rom liability under this Lease, which liability shall be primary and not: secondary tie. ?l?eunnt. and hcjointly and liable under the toms ofthis- Lease). shall also remain. liable for the payment-elf all bills rendered by Landlord For the charges incurred by the ?I?ransl?ctee For services and material supplied to the Preperty. Section 9.06; oi thislsease, the term?'l?rnust?er? s?ltell?nlso include-(i) if 'l?cnttut it it partnership. the or change. involuntary tit' by oi" law, of? percent or? more nt?the' partners, or transfer: percent or more interests, within it netted; or the dissolution tut-the partnership without reconstitutitm. thereof; held cotrioratittn (he, whosestoclt is held and not traded through all eitchange or over the counter), (A) the dissolution. merger. eot'tsolidntinn or other reorganization lit"). the sale or other transfer ot? more than an aggregate of percent of the voting; share-sot? {ether than to immediate family members by tenson ot?gii?l or death), or other than in the ordinary. course of husiness, the sale. mortgage, or pledge of more than an aggregate- artery-mine percent ot? the valttezot? the onsets ttl"t'enunt within tt tweltIe (t2)month period; and ll? is it limited liability antimony. any cuntulntivc tweeter nl? morethrtu t?mtyutine percent of the membership interests. Section 9.07. No Merger. No merger shall result from Tenant?s sublease of the Property under this Article Nine, Tenant?s surrender of this Lease or the termination of this Lease in any other manner. In any such event, Landlord may terminate any or all subtenancies or succeed to the interest of?l?enant as subiandiord under any or all subteuancies. summons, iterzrtiitetl Transfers. Notwithstanding tit-wilting to the contrary contained in? the Lease. 'l'cnunt slt'ttil he permitted to assign the Muse or snhlease the Property to any entity "Permitted (it into which is merger! or {into which it? ot?l?ettant?s assets are transferred: or 1: which. directly or intli controls or. is controlled hy Tenant or is under control with provided, however, in connection with any assignment (but not a to it Permit-teat to) the successor to 'l'ettnut has tu?ng?thle net, worth (coniptitetl- in accordance with generally. accepted accounting principles) count to or greater tltt?tn worth ot? 'l"enunt (tins of the [late of Loose, untl immediately prior to such merger, consolidation or (it) to Landlord tangible not worth is delivered tit i?ust 'lClt (lit) days prior:- to?, the effective- date such thoassignee -284 ElSiJSil) - ll'iSLl 003 . . .v-wxw new-yr- Ion-:2 we. a- wa-vrxxaa? "ofhersa??ar;ge? taryefault :rv. .w-wvwn :Away. - now - a- ?Kw-wit Leagez alchemist-' -.. . . :zxJam-w upA., r'ui :uh u_ ?n "u a . M?Wk'w'nx?r? "uh. w. w. uvu "cu-.4 .v-uvx .?rhn'l an. -.. mum-w. a I tati ?aquwrn-xzu ?an? as. um.- ?aura-Jaw: .1: ant-u A-a- 1 urban-mun:- -: - w. mu?; 1 "1.1km" win w. 91:11 43?? an? . mu rw?nvw'?sum on." mgauvrcs-wwu-pa an.? 4: - - raw ya?! 1m ?m I'm 49 _cond1t1ons including dry-?0111 pIeriods. No express reference in this Lease to a Force Majeure event shall create any inference that the terms of this Section I14. l2 do not apply with equal force in Ithe absence of- such. an eXpiess greference. Section 14 13. Execution of Lease. This: ILIease may be executed in counterparts and, when all counterpart documents are executed, the counterparts shall constitute a- IIsiIngIle binding instrument. Landlord?s delivery of this Lease to Tenant shall not he deemed to be an ofIfei to lease and shall not. be binding upon either party until executed Section 1414 Survwal All Irept'eIIsIentatiOns and warranties oil-?Landlord and- Tenant shall sutyiye the =termination of this Lease. . at lahlerd and tenant. Section ?14: 16. No Warranty. ln exeCuting and deliVerin?g this Lease, Tenant has not relied on any representation, including, but not limited to, any representation whatsoever: as to the amount of any item comprising Additibnal Rent 01 the amount of the Additidnal. Rent in the aggregate or that is tutnishing the same services to other tenants, at all, on the same level or on the same basis, or any warranty or any statement of Landlord which is not- set forth herein or in orie 01 more of. the exhibits attached heieto. Section 14.17.? Waiver of Redemption by Tenant. Tenant hereby waives, for Tenant and for all those claiming under Tenant, all rights now or- hereafter existing to redeem Iby order 01 judgment of any court or by any? legal pro?'ess or writ, Tenant?s right of. occupancy of the Property after. any terrnination of. this Lease? I Section. 14. l8. Independent Covenants. This Lease shall be construed as though the covenants herein;E between Landlord and tenant are independent and not dependent and Tenant hereby expressly waives the benefitoItI1 any statute to. the contraiy and agrees that it Landloid fails to perform its obligations set forth herein, Tenant shall- 111111.113; entitled ti1I make any tenant 5 or perform any acts hereunder at Landlord' expense or to any setoff of the Rent Section l4. l9 Confidentiality Tenant acknowledges that the content of this Lease and any related documents are. con?dential information. "tenant shall lteep such con?dential information strictly con?dential and shall not disclose such con?dential Infmmation to any. person or entity other than Tenant' 3 ?nancial legal, and space planning consultants. ARTICLE FIFTEEN NO OPTION THE SUBMISSION OP. LEASE BY LANDLORD, AGENT OR REPRESENTATTVE FOR EXAMINATION OR EXECUTION BY TENANT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN OPTION OR OFFER TO .LEASE THE PROPERTY UPON THE TERMS ANDII- CONDITITIOINS CONTAINED HEREIN OR A RESERVATION OF PROPERTY IN FAVOR OF TENANT, BEING INTENDED HEREBY THAT THIS LEASE SHALL ONLY BECOME EFFECTIVE UPON THE EXECUTION HEREOF BY LANDLORD AND DELIVERY OF A FIUIILLY EXECUTED LEASE TO TENANT. NEITHER PARTY SHALL HAVE ANY OBLIGATION. TO CONTINUE DISCUSSIONS OIR NEGOTIATIONS OF THIS LEASE of page blank; signatureson nexrpagej 35- 21505") 5 003' rd. wad-at .u 4 1w. 2150 Igts Premdent Viv/1h?! .1-..-. we. ,"wsta-v. w. rm" 13[Attacha?? nu unnuH? If ?fz?f?f'i'?zif" R?esd?l 2 mibn: Pr": [3.9 8:33 Fm" SECRETARYCERTIFI .. If) w; u- uu w-P .1?2 tub,? ?Linn." . .., m. nu,.A yaw.?? .A w- - .T dLCb?fdlI?E?aa-uaw- 4.x" .-.-- . ..153J?l? .. . .2 .- - rum m9 r3" {4225'- IM 1 2 i M. IN WE INLSS the undersignad has executed this Written Consent be ctfuctwc as of the date first written above Bynu. :h?w?n?qu 45-. dal?v-W- -.. w-v-m mun". iff?iifi 1?53: -. ,2 3 ED [Eif5.. 5.. ..KY. . A . . 25Exam?mt . mgmau 35 (?lnM ?Draw ?a . . llb?l?) u. wavy-vi.- - a: . um .w-zww-a-x-v. are. a -.-. . ran:- har? w. m. aw. 2??:va ?my .3. '4 Ian ans. ram :w'nvv?nmni an.? rain-ovarx'x I [hr-J? GE, I753 San-12- ?n?u?v 4x9 2 3:9; 'ust?centauk poatmn?. mam." . hummw .. . . .. r4?~Ia w- m. ya?: 3-3.. :v-vvxru'uwuMun-aux. a. ?f-l expense - 1above 3% g?gwuectwely