Sheriff Urquhart conversations: On 621116 at 1030hr3 Sgt. Mike and I met with Sheriff Urquhart to share with him the Information ax received from the FBI last week. hiullinax shared with the tensile that told them he raped her back In 2003. The Agent who received this infon?nation believed her motivations and credibility should be caliod into question. Contouring wasn't right about her accusation. They don?t plan on any .addidonai folow up Mullaax received permission from the Agents to share this inionnation with the Sheriff. We told Iih Sheriff thatwe think he needed to know. The us than whondgfonneriy marked for him when he was a sergeant one unopened hie supervision. He doesn?t know why she would nukethese eccueu?one. Hold hit! that i thlnit maybe someone put her up to it. He said he doesn't think no. Muilinax told the She hat the FBI said they would iikeiy need to inyesdgaoe ith were to contact we aharedthie information with him. I asked the Shelli! lfiie would fire this documented in BlueTeam and he saidno. ,suggesled that a would be appropriate as this is what we would do ifwe received a -oompiahit like this on other department members. He said he didn?t think itwee i 'followed hie direction. $29116 1550hrs: Sheriff Urquhart asked me about documents Sgt. Flohr provided us that were found in Tiffany Atwoode desk tie wanted to know about the timeline she did reference Chris Barringei?e background lnv. toid bin that] did receive the documents (M8116) and that i briefly reviewed the timeline. I handed the timeline and other documents over to Sgt. Mike for his review reference liU201ti-134. I told the Sheriff that the timeline may be helpful reference her credibility and honesty that is centrai to the allegationa in The Sheriff had previousty told me that Chris Barringer successfully passed the background investigation including the polygraph. when he was hired as the Chief of Sta? He also said that Barringer pass-ed a 2?d polygraph prior to entering the CJTC. lfigured this would be good evidence to demonstrate Tiffany Aiwood?s conduct. The Sheriff said it was a good idea to keep it for evidence but he doesn?t want the timeline put Into the lAPro ?le. He said he is ccncemed that it would be inadvertently released on PDR. and that can't happen because it?s protected information. He directed me not to include it in the ?le. I told him I endowed. On 6/30116 at about 0815MB passed this information along to Sgt. Mullinex. Mullinax said he understands. I directed Mullinax to keeps it as a hard copy. We also discussed the fact that Det. Witl Merit: is imaging Anacod?s laptop hard critic and that the timeline will likely be captured in the imaging if it was stored on the hard drive. Highlight designates CONFIDENTIAL content. Conversations with Sheriff Urquhart: arms 1045hrs: 1 spoke with Sheriff Urquhart after he directed me to BT Dep. Brian Barnes for AWOL. I explained the timeiins of events to him letting him know 1 approved Barnes sick leave. so he is not AWOL. The Sheriff believed he ls AWOL for being in Boston. I toid the Sheriff that he asked for sick leave before leaving for Boston. The Sheriff became me and said that's not what you told Chris and yesterday. He said ltaid them that i found out Barnes is in Boston asking for sick leave. What I told them is Bames asked for sick leave via mail and then I later found out he is in Boston when Barnes called me. The adamant that?s not what I told Chris and him. i had speci?cally told Chris the day prior before the Sheriff entered the room that I had received the email from Barnes. I provided the Sheriff with a timeline of events. .